Story So that your love may be complete.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
"I would like Joy to contact me please, have her call this number;" and Warren passed Lemmie his business card with his private cell number on the back. His dignity was a front, and when Lemmie hesitated, Warren tried to smile to reassure the cook.

Two month's later, Joy didn't call; she showed up at the house with a broken left hand and scrapes and bruises and a bandaged cut over her left eye. She was friendly, polite and decidedly cool to Warren.

It is good that the Linderman clan is progressing....
And Mark and Wayne are off to explore....

Now, Joy and Warren need to be the very mature adults that they are and realize that the little things really do not matter and become one together....

Thanks Pac for the stories within the story that you weave....



Veteran Member

Joy stared at Warren for a long considering time. her blue eyes dark and unreadable.

"Please come take a drive with me, the family will be home soon and I would like to have you all to myself for a while. I'm not good at saying what I need to say, and the kids frustrate me with their interruptions."

Joy nodded and reached out to turn off the burner.

Warren drove around the back side of the lake, to a turnout he had noticed while fishing. Because the temperature was dropping and it had started to rain, he left the Rover on to provide heat.

With his hands draped loosely over the steering wheel, Warren started. "It has been so long since I have shared any of my emotions with a woman,".....................and they were still talking two hours later.

If Warren had thought Joy would throw up her hands and go mushy, moony eyed just because he wanted to claim he needed what she had said she needed; he was very much mistaken. Joy might have been the owner of a lonely heart, but that heart had been stomped on and left bruised; and she wasn't inclined to get it out from it's protective coating without a darn good reason.

"Did Lemmie tell you I wanted you to call?"

"Yes, I was out of the country on assignment. She wasn't very happy when she gave me the message; does she know something , that I should know?" Joy was direct as she asked the hard questions.

"Other than I've had a hard time coming to grips with my retirement. I worked because I didn't have anything else to do." Warren was trying hard to be fair and honest.

"I can understand that. It's the same reason I went back out. I am having to rethink my last mission, as you can see it didn't go well and I am going to retire...again." Joy gave a small laugh.

Warren picked up the casted hand and said knowingly, "what did you do?"

"I hit a little twerp that had a lot harder face than my hand." Joy could laugh about it now, but she was having trouble concentrating as Warren brushed his thumb across her fingers. For some reason, they were tingling.

They stayed and talked another hour. "I don't want to go back," Warren said with a smile, "but I'm afraid I must. Miss Joy lean over here so I may kiss you." Warren put two of his fingers on her cheekbone and kissed Miss Joy with a lot of pent up emotion. Miss Joy kissed him back, she liked trades to be fair.

The entire Linderman household heaved a big sigh of relief when Warren and Joy weren't constantly bickering and sniping at one another. It didn't ease Warren and Joy's other tensions, but they were being nice.

Clora decided it must be the water, or the time of the year with Christmas approaching; but a good many of the Lindermen men were having bad cases of 'girl-itis'.

Benny was over the moon, the little dark haired girl moved into his school and said "hi."

Milo, Teddy and Robert had dates for the Winter dance, and Clora was almost wishing they were ten again. Fussy about their clothes, their hair, their dance ability and worried about bad breath; she threw up her hands and went to bother their father.

"You need to do something about those boys," Clora leaned over and put her arms around Mark's shoulders. He was seated at his desk making out the December bills. She resorted to several tricks to keep his attention away from the check writing.

"They probably get it from their mother," Mark said dryly. "They'll settle down, but I may not," he warned.

The entire household was acting goofy. Lemmie and Hank weren't immune, they had come back from a Thanksgiving visit with Hank's daughter, and were planning a Christmas visit with Lemmie's son Emanuel.
"Christmas is Em's birthday and he's never met Hank," she explained.

Clora thought it was another case of 'indecent haste," and smiled to herself.

Warren and Joy bundled up and went for long walks, the fresh air and exercise good for the both of them.

Life was fine until the day after Christmas, when a severe blizzard kept all the Lindermen men homebound with a couple of feet of snow. Young and old men alike snorted and kicked at the barn door. All of them had made plans that had been interrupted and were feeling terribly inconvenienced.

Mark had made plans for another trip to the valley. The roads into the area had been impassible during the first trip, and he was going in by helicopter this time. It got so bad, Clora wished he'd just go. Wayne couldn't go this time, and Mark was going alone; not what Clora wanted.

Warren was cranky and crabby. There was a ring waiting at his favorite jewelers in New York, and the weather was holding up the parade.

"See, I told you a long time ago that this many boys was a mistake," Tess was as moody and touchy as all the rest of the kids, but she felt it was necessary to remind her mother that the overwhelming suffocation of boys wasn't to her liking.

The day the snowplow came by, nobody cheered louder than Clora, and she sent a sack of cookies out to the driver as a thank you.


Veteran Member
Thanks Pac, now they won't have to wait so long next time. Their road will get plowed first thing just for cookies.


Veteran Member

Warren and Joy left. Mark left. The boys got out to school, Lemmie and Hank were snow bound in West Virginia. and Luke and Liz and Tess had colds. The power went out and the phone lines went down with it.

Clora sat in her Home Comfort heated house drinking Vit. C tea and luxuriating in the silence. She could hear the bus clanking along, the driver had to chain all six wheels for safety and the way it was snowing again, she wouldn't be surprised to hear school was shut down.

It was and glum kids complained about the unfairness. Clora had to smile. It really depended on the age of the child, From Gary on down they were happy to be out. From Tess on up, they were unhappy to be missing their friends.

It continued to snow and they were home bound for two weeks. Communications with the outside world ceased. No radio, no cell, no road plowing snowplow, no paper. Nothing electrical worked, and Clora started to get a bad feeling.

It couldn't have come at a worse time. Warren and Joy in New York; and that was a scenario Clora didn't even want to contemplate, the kind of nightmare it probably was. Mark on the West Coast, and Clora could feel he was alright but that was all. Lemmie and Hank at her son's; so Clora didn't worry about them.

On clear winter days, it was possible to see there were no planes flying, so there were two choices. Solar EMP, or Nuclear. The results were the same.

Warren and Joy had gone from New York to Chicago, and were closing her apartment when the news started screaming about a solar flare destined to hit earth in 20 hours. They headed for Cloras and made it past Washington DC before the car stopped running.

"We did good," they congratulated themselves, but they still had a heck of a long walk for two old people.

In the primitive conditions of the valley, Mark didn't know the world had practically stopped. He dug around in the mud and muck and found what he had suspected was there. The upper cave held Pete's share of the Rhodium. The day passed that the helicopter was due to pick him up, it was low overcast so Mark figured they'd be there the next day. The low weather ceiling held on for a week, and the next clear day didn't bring his flight.

Seriously low on food, Mark walked out of the valley with a heavy stash of Rhodium coins and went up and over the hill in Evergreen to Camus. There were no people and Mark was beginning to hear music from the Twilight Zone.

He finally got close enough to where Portland used to be, to figure out something earth shattering had happened. Mark headed home.

I am going to end, So that your love may be complete at this point.

There is one more story, and as soon as I get my thoughts together, I will begin posting.
Thank you everyone for reading. Mrs. Pac.


Veteran Member
What a story it is...I may have to re read it. Will be praying you get your thoughts together soon. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.


Wait! What?
Thank you Pac. This story is incredible. A work of Art.
I appreciate how you share your gift with us, and I look forward to your next story.



Brown Coat
Thank you Mrs. PAC

Both for your earlier stories , this one, and the promise of moar.

Your avid reader and friend



Veteran Member
Thank you for the amazing story and saga. I have learned so much from the clan, and can't wait to learn more. Thank you for the glorious chapters we have had over the past days (though I sure was crying over John!) and I am excited to see where they head next.

Lake Lili

Veteran Member
Thank you again Pac for yet another incredible adventure with the Hanson/Linderman clan! We are blessed by your talent and look forward to the next story with bated breath.

Lake Lili


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thank-You, and God Bless You, Mrs. Pac, for all the joy that you share with us... Please take a well deserved rest, and when you're ready to come back, your fans will be here, awaiting your pleasure...





Thank You Pac. for sharing the gift of your story with us. I am going to miss setting down and reading the next and the next chapter, I think you have brought knowledge and joy to more people than you can ever imagine. May God Bless you and watch after you and yours always.


Contributing Member
Thank you for another wonderful story. Now I shall go back an begin with the first one again while waiting for the next chapter of the clans life.


Veteran Member
Please post here and tell us where to go for the next 'book' in the saga. Otherwise I will probably miss it. Not too bright sometimes :(

Mr Bill

Veteran Member
I am sure that there will be a lot of nervous people waiting to see the continuation of the saga. Thanks for all your great work PAC


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
Thank you Pac for all of the hours of reading the saga of the Linderman Clan....

Now this part of the saga ends with a cliff that we all will be waiting for the next Linderman Clan saga....



Thank-You, and God Bless You, Mrs. Pac, for all the joy that you share with us... Please take a well deserved rest, and when you're ready to come back, your fans will be here, awaiting your pleasure...

Yes, Thank You Der Pac. Have a good rest - -we will be waiting.


Veteran Member
Thanks so much for another great story! I look forward to the continuing saga of the Linderman/Hanson clan.


Veteran Member
Thank you dear lady for all of the hours of enjoyment that you have given me (us). I will look forward to the next story when ever it starts.


Sorry to come to the end of this wonderful story.
Will be checking for the new advantures of the clan.
Thanks for all your work and time.

Get a nice rest before U start the next story.
Be here waiting for U.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This entire series has been wonderful and I'm so glad you are not ending it (hopefully ever). Looking forward to the next one. Thank you Pac.


Thank yoy Pac. I can't wait for the next story!
You are such a great Storyteller/Author and I've loved every minute of reading about the Clan!!!



Veteran Member
Thank You Pac for the wonderful stories. Now we get to really set and wonder whats going to befall this family. Take you time and when your ready we will be waiting.


Senior Member
Thank you Mrs Pac for the many thousands of words that have made up this story and the ones that have preceded it. Looking forward to final chapter in the story of Clora.


Veteran Member
Thank-You, and God Bless You, Mrs. Pac, for all the joy that you share with us... Please take a well deserved rest, and when you're ready to come back, your fans will be here, awaiting your pleasure...




Half of me agrees wholeheartedly with OA.

The other half is screaming, "Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! It can't be over with!!!!"

Both my dh and I thank you for your stories! And we wait (with bated breath and a small degree of impatience) for your next book. Take a rest (not too long, I hope!) and we'll keep watching for when you take up the clan's story again. You have a talent that we will intensely miss in the meantime!


Thank you very much for this, and all your stories Pac. It has been wonderful, and we will be anxiously awaiting the next part of the clan's saga.


One generation behind...
Thank You PAC!

This has been a long and amazing ride!

Now we all will be nervously awaiting to hear about Marks, Warrens and Joys 'long walks Home'!


Veteran Member
I have read each of your fine stories, first out of order, then in order.

Your talent is amazing and I am selfish in that I am glad that I can read them here.

But I seriously think you should consider finding someway to publish them for pay!

The strength of family, of honor and character ring true in each of your tales.

And yes, I look forward to your final installment in this series of life.

So thank you once again.


Veteran Member

Thank you all for reading and all the encouragement and prayers on both Mr. Pac and my behalf. I have some work to do and I have been procrastinating. LOL., No Kidding! The humidity has kept me inside, and I think the story suffered as I wrote too fast, without plotting it more carefully.

I need to start a new computer with Windows 10, ugh, and I'm not looking forward to that. I did buy Office, and people smarter than me tell me it is better to write in there, and then send it to the thread, so it's not lost.

The lap top I'm using now has unrepairable internal issues, and I have babied it along, and hopefully life will be happier with a new one. That's why some of the chapters are short, I get notice it's going to freeze and I have to hit post, or loose it.

For those that have asked, the new story will post right here to this thread, It will be titled; __Over the River and Through the Woods.__.

Dear sweet Miss Clora is going to have more trouble than Mark, as he struggles to get home. Suitors are going to be coming out of the woodwork, asking to marry our heroine.... to provide a 'father' for all those children. Motives; hum, who knows?

Clora 'knows' Mark is alive, and she is a true hearted woman dedicated to her love and vows. It's the struggle that has to bring in the unthinkable fun. It's a good thing that Clora carries her gun.

We all need to think what might happen if we have a EMP. Our infrastructure is a tribute to ingenuity, and at the same time so fragile. I urge all to ponder a bit on what it might be like without electricity available at the flip of a switch. When your mind has accepted the premise it could happen, you're cleared the first hurdle.

It's time to bring in the garden bounty and commit it to jars, there are a couple of projects that need finished, and I'm working on more range time to improve my abilities. I have given myself timetables, and right now I have been acting like the 'grasshopper' because it's way more fun to write than sweat outside.

I have had to discipline myself. So it will be at least Monday, before I can start the story. If I don't get the withdrawal shakes and tremors.

Remember to thank God for the bounty he has blessed us with. Forget what you don't have, and perhaps yearn for. Learn to accept and work with what you've got.

Thank you everyone for reading and interacting with me. It has been a blessing to know you have cared. Mrs. Pac.


Brown Coat
Thanks Mrs. PAC

I have become addicted to the Clan, without their story I would find life diminished.

God Bless You n Yours as others are wont to say.

Looking forward to things to come.


Sneaker 11

Mrs Pac,
Thanks so much for your outstanding writing. It is such a blessing to be able to spend the early morning with you reading your stories. I have attempted some writing and while it is cathartic, it requires a lot of energy. Thanks again and am looking forward to reading your next yarn.

Sneaker 11


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well I am glad to know that I am not the only one who "gets withdrawal shakes and tremors" over this story. You writing it and me, and everybody else here, waiting for it. It is such an uplifting, against all odds story that has been putting a bright spot in my days for awhile now.
You are truly a blessing to many. Now get out there and pick that garden. lol


Veteran Member
I did get the tomatoes, 6 five gallon buckets full. The jars and lids are ready, the tomatoes washed, and their only waiting for the old gal to get to the kitchen. Thanks be to God for his abundance. Pac.