So Is Everyone On The Board Voting For McCain?

fruit loop

I supported Paul in the primaries. I would vote for him again if he ran as an independent - although not if it was on the Constitution Party ticket with Baldwin, because I oppose the (so-called) Constitution Party.

Now, though, I'm voting for Obama, not because I particularly like him, but because I dislike McCain a lot more.


Veteran Member
Eek. Reading this thread I believe we are close to a civil war! Yikes! You constitutionalists kinda scare me. :D

I'm voting McCain (as a vote against Obama, and because I respect his service to the country, among other reasons). I hope McCain picks a good VP.


The one and only...
I still really want to write in Ron Paul. I will..probably.. end up voting for Obama though. I really dislike McCain.

American Rage

Yes, it is indeed a shame that some of us simply opened our eyes and realized that we can no longer vote for one of the dem/rep traitors ever again. It's a shame that we felt there was ONE LAST HOPE in Ron Paul. It's a shame that the MSM blanked him out as if he never existed. It's a shame that we still support the ONLY Constitutionalist in the entire bunch.

And it's a shame indeed that we're going to vote for a person who has America's survival and our citizens' best interests at heart rather than a globalist agenda.....

And how many years did you serve your country while being a POW?

Calling McCain a traitor is outrageous!

Misguided in certain situations I'll agree with that, but a traitor?

Really, I expected more from you, Dennis.


PS: I don't take meds. And folks that insist on making a point by voting for a candidate that has no chance of winning reminds me a bit of Nero rozining his bow.
Getting REALLY tired of having to hold the nose when approaching the voting booth...the stench of the candidates being seriously offensive.

OTOH, there's simply no way to even consider voting for a prevaricating Marxist Redistributionist, who's not 'clean' nor terribly articulate when separated from his teleprompter.

As for JM....grrrrrrrr.


Computer Hacking Pirate
And how many years did you serve your country while being a POW?

Calling McCain a traitor is outrageous!

Misguided in certain situations I'll agree with that, but a traitor?

Really, I expected more from you, Dennis.


PS: I don't take meds. And folks that insist on making a point by voting for a candidate that has no chance of winning reminds me a bit of Nero rozining his bow.

McCain is a traitor. His support for the illegals' invasion of this country is enough to convict him.

However, add his violations against his oath of office, his support for the (not really) federal (with no) reserve(s), his desire to restrict free speech rights, his support for the patriot act, etc - and you have a man who would sell out this country to please his puppet masters.

American Rage

McCain is a traitor. His support for the illegals' invasion of this country is enough to convict him.

However, add his violations against his oath of office, his support for the (not really) federal (with no) reserve(s), his desire to restrict free speech rights, his support for the patriot act, etc - and you have a man who would sell out this country to please his puppet masters.

It's called political reality. Many of those illegal aliens have "anchor babies" that have grown up here to become adults and they now have full rights with you and I. They'll be voting in November. Before the deport them all chant began, many were Republican. Since then, many of them have switched allegiance to the dims, despite their overall hatred of blacks.

Tell me, would you vote to deport your own mother and father?


And if we're going to deport them all, I suspect many full bloodied American Indians would just as soon start with you and I.

I know, I know, "just let'em try" is what you're thinkin'. Well, a lot of hispanics with full citizenship are saying the same.

And note, the first thing McCain told 'La Raza' was that the southern border had to be secured!

Let's plug the hole in the boat before we start bailing water! As opposed to reversing engines and ramming the iceberg a second, third, and final time.



Membership Revoked
This is what led us down this road in the first place.
There is not one reply in this thread that says what and outstanding candidate one is over the other. Not one reply that say this candidate will be great for this country.
All that is stated is that this one is less evil than that one.
One person even call the person he's going to vote for a "Traitor" but yet he's still going to vote for him.
If you are continue to vote for the lesser of 2 evils.... its still evil!!!!
Another person state that he was going to vote his party....reminding us it is not American Idol. So no matter how corrupt the candidate is... just because he shares the same party designation as you, he votes for him......

Let me tell you.... I rather have an American Idol at least they are voting for who they think is the best, not because they wear the same jeans.

Listening to some of this BS, it is evident how we got to where we are.


I would love to be idealistic about who I vote for, but the reality is is that McCain or Obama will be the next president. I will be voting strategically based on that reality.


Justine Case
Ron Paul and that's only IF I decide to drag my typical white a** outta bed on erection day.
I am in total agrrement with Walker10 on this. And the rest of you.
We are not what even our parents used to be. OUR kids ain't gonna have a 'time in the sun' in this country. They won't get an American Dream come true. They will probably be the next Revolutionary troops if anything we taught them sticks in their little patriotic souls, and if they are then they will end up having more balls and guts and glory then we did as a whole.
Sometimes I feel like we are just rolling over and dying. Why fight the 'machine' huh?
And please save don't tell me how great this country is. Don't flame me for what I see as truth. Sure, the IDEAS and the Constitution and the things this nation were founded on are all great but they are like a long passing friend now. A fog has settled in over everything she stood for.
I truly believe YAH has sent an angel to cut the hedges of protection down around this nation. And we are (as Tras told us in another thread) walking strictly by faith now. There is no man a 'saviour'. Only One.
Hold on tight. Pray for our children to be stronger than we were.
Peace out.

VP. Was that just a misspelling in your first sentence of your post or were you serious? :lol: If your serious Then I am in agreement with you. It's called priorities.:p


The one and only...
There is not one reply in this thread that says what and outstanding candidate one is over the other. Not one reply that say this candidate will be great for this country.

That is because..this forum..has a lot of people on it with the impression that America is headed for disaster. (pretty much it's theme, let's be honest).

HOWEVER, that belief, NOT shared by the average Joe or the 'mainstream', and so you can't go by US saying 'lesser of two evils'..because WE all have the impression that neither can really head us away from the inevitable road we are on.

Putting the human 'ego' aside for a second though, you have to accept that most people actually DO like one of these candidates over the other and think they will do a swell job. We are the minorty here.

Go to a political rally for either of these men anywhere across our fine nation and you'll find thousands of folk who will say "this candidate will be great for our country!". Hundreds of thousands. Millions.

It doesn't make us wrong. It doesn't make them wrong. Completely depends on what any given persons personal views are and how well a candidate fits them.

It's rare any candidate agrees with anyone on EVERY issue.. but if the term 'majority rules' is to apply in America..those guys..the ones that don't agree with us.. are the majority.. and they think everything is fine..and their guy is great.

And we'll probably always be the minority.. and our guy (enter your ideal candidates name here) will never even be considered because..for whatever reason..he has not appealed to the majority.

They..the a whole..will choose someone we don't care for time and time again.. it's part of what makes us the minority we are.. but it is still actually American running as it should. Even though I don't like the results all the time (most of the time).. the majority still should come first here.

Over time though.. we have seen many examples in history where the majority suddenly decides things aren't so great, and they get fed up, and opinions swing.. so.. there's hope..maybe..someday..down the road. :)


It's a shame that the MSM blanked him out as if he never existed.

C'mon can blame it on whoever you want, but it just sounds like sour grapes that your guy didn't do very well.

you may not agree, but the vast majority of people saw him as a whacko who blames his own country for 911 and his cowardly

stance on a war we must win.and like was posted above, either mccain or the moslem will be the next president. you really
get over the past.


Contributing Member
Can't vote for McCain or B_HO

both are bad for America. Your choice who is the worse of the two.

Same for the Libertarians

Will go with the Constitution Party

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Buff, I remember the CNN pie chart after one of the primary elections was over. A dem candidate who got 2% of the vote was on the dem pie chart BY NAME. But the space on the repub chart that SHOULD have been NAMED for Ron Paul (who in that particular race got 6% of the vote) was left blank. That's just one instance of the blatant MSM manipulation. All of the egregious instances of manipulation have been posted here on TB, and I'm pretty sure you read most of them. The fact that you now make the statements you do, shows how either deliberately obtuse or just plain stupid you are in regards to what's been happening.

And, since stupid is as stupid does, I know that McPain or Osama will be the next president. because from what I've seen on this (and every simmilar) thread proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt, how completely brainwashed and plain dirt-stupid most of the electorate is in this country. And TPTB depend on those traits to bleed us dry and line their own pockets, and destroy the fabric of this once-great Republic.

If enough of you "mainstream candidate" voters would pull your collective heads outta your asses, we might stand a CHANCE of reclaiming our heritage and freedom. But alas, I'm QUITE sure that will never happen....


Maybe the Ron Paul supporters don't know it but he suspended his campaign back in June. Here is the reference for it.

On June 12, 2008 Paul announced that he was suspending his presidential campaign, investing the more than USD 4.7 million of remaining campaign contributions to build up the new advocacy group Campaign for Liberty.




Emergency Essentials Store

As always, in November, the US Presidential election will come down to an either/or decision.

The race to victory will be between the two front-runners, no matter how many others are on the ballot. The impact the "others" will have is purely negative in a mathematical sense, drawing potentially impactful votes away from the contenders.

Of course there is the idealistic path for folks who want to make symbolic statements. The way I see that is, every day of our lives as Americans we have myriad opportunities to make statements--symbolic AND even more meaningful, such as with our expenditures and financial support. But the chance to have political input that counts equitably per each voting citizen is relatively rare.

In challenging days such as these, I want my once-in-four-years vote to count. We are blessed to have a say in the most meaningful contest in the world. One winner. One "also ran." Several other losers.

Pragmatic ... idealistic. Either ... or.

There are very rarely candidates for office who are fully agreeable in substance for most thinking voters. But such is living in a land of representative government.

Even Dr. James Dobson is coming to the conclusion that McCain has to be the choice in this election.


Molon Labe!
Maybe the Ron Paul supporters don't know it but he suspended his campaign back in June. Here is the reference for it.

On June 12, 2008 Paul announced that he was suspending his presidential campaign, investing the more than USD 4.7 million of remaining campaign contributions to build up the new advocacy group Campaign for Liberty.


[144] a quick search kinda leads me to think that he's NOT running anymore......?

Anybody else confirm this?

Even his page indicates that he's just promoting ticket sales to an event to which he's putting on....but nothing about the presidency?



fruit loop

Before you go with the Constitution Party....

Check out their very own website.

They don't think you're smart enough to vote. What they want to do is do away with national elections altogether.

You would vote for your state representatives....who would then in turn cast their vote (supposedly on your behalf, following the will of their constituents) for Senators and Presidents.

Go read their website. The whole thing. Every page.

You may be shocked.

fruit loop

Never mind....I'll post the links BEFORE somebody sneers "prove it".....

Electoral College Reform

Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution states, in part: "Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress: but no senator or representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector."

This established our Electoral College.

Although the Constitution does not require the states to adhere to any specific manner in electing these electors or how they cast their votes, it suggests, by its wording, that prominent individuals from each congressional district, and from the state at large, would be elected or appointed as electors that represent that district. Under this arrangement, a voter would vote for three individuals, one to represent his district and two "at large" representatives to represent his state. These electors, in turn, would then carefully and deliberately select the candidate for president. Under this system each congressional district could, in essence, select a different candidate. The candidate with the most electors nationwide would become the next president.

This was the general procedure used until the 1830's, at which time all the states, except for South Carolina, changed to a "general ticket."

The "general ticket" system is still in use today. Inherently, it causes corruption by the inequitable transfer of power from congressional districts to the states and large cities at the expense of rural communities.

The Constitution Party encourages states to eliminate the "general ticket" system and return to the procedure intended by the Framers.[/I

Constitutional government? They want religious-based government.

Mission Statement
Constitution Party Mission Statement

The mission of the Constitution Party is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity through the election, at all levels of government, of Constitution Party candidates who will uphold the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. It is our goal to limit the federal government to its delegated, enumerated, Constitutional functions and to restore American jurisprudence to its original Biblical common-law foundations.


Heart of Dixie
Before you go with the Constitution Party....

Check out their very own website.

They don't think you're smart enough to vote. What they want to do is do away with national elections altogether.

You would vote for your state representatives....who would then in turn cast their vote (supposedly on your behalf, following the will of their constituents) for Senators and Presidents.

Go read their website. The whole thing. Every page.

You may be shocked.

We don't elect by popular vote now.

Wouldn't that be better representation than the electoral college. We don't even know whose these people are that vote for us.

The purpose of the electoral college is to keep out rouge candidates and as far as I'm concerned, we are screwed.


Has No Life - Lives on TB a quick search kinda leads me to think that he's NOT running anymore......?

Anybody else confirm this?

Even his page indicates that he's just promoting ticket sales to an event to which he's putting on....but nothing about the presidency?




Thats correct.

I voted for Ron Paul in our Alaska straw poll.

Now were down to the lessor of two evils so I am voting for McCain.


Obama Does Offer Hope — to America’s Foes
You may not like it but you can't deny it — enemies of the U.S. would vote Obama.—-to-americas-foes/


From the Photo Gallery: Obama in Berlin


Lonely voice: A man carries an umbrella decorated with McCain posters at the Brandenburg Gate.


Membership Revoked
I would love to be idealistic about who I vote for, but the reality is is that McCain or Obama will be the next president. I will be voting strategically based on that reality.

Then I will be happy to do my part to make sure that the winner wins with the lowest number of popular votes ever collected by a US president in recent history. That will be my message and I will consider that a victory.

Those who will vote for one of the two candidates are affirmatively supporting them. If you can do that and still sleep at night, you are a different type of person than I.


Emergency Essentials Store
Personally, I don't see this election year YET being as contentious as the last two presidential elections.

That may be because McCain's supporters are not as enthused about him as they would be for a more conservative candidate. He's a moderate, but compared to Obama, he is decidedly "right wing." Those of us on his right have no choice but to embrace him in this thing.

Side by side, McCain/Obama--there are a few issues that are my hot button issues:

1. Abortion ... the contrast there is almost black and white.

2. Military, Defense, and Homeland Security ... McCain's been there and done that like few ever have (read about the amazing things he did for others while a POW, while himself suffering real torture). And he's flexible enough to change his mind when warranted and admit he was wrong (i.e. on illegal immigration and border security in the past year)

3. Guns ... I can trust McCain's proven defense of gun rights far more than I can trust Obama's recent lip synching on the topic.

4. A few other items on my radar include taxes, values, government reform/pork barrel spending/earmarks, crime and the death penalty, where I can see eye to eye with the elder statesman.

5. And maybe the most promising ... he actually can and does work with those on the other side of the aisle to get things done, which will be neccessary with a Democratic Congress.

Here's an independent tally of the issues for McCain ...

All this stuff about him being "evil" is strange to me. He's a genuine American hero who has devoted his life to defending it and improving it. I certainly can find issues I disagree with him on, but he still pitches a shutout against Obama.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Personally, I don't see this election year YET being as contentious as the last two presidential elections.

That may be because McCain's supporters are not as enthused about him as they would be for a more conservative candidate. He's a moderate, but compared to Obama, he is decidedly "right wing." Those of us on his right have no choice but to embrace him in this thing.

Side by side, McCain/Obama--there are a few issues that are my hot button issues:

1. Abortion ... the contrast there is almost black and white.

2. Military, Defense, and Homeland Security ... McCain's been there and done that like few ever have (read about the amazing things he did for others while a POW, while himself suffering real torture). And he's flexible enough to change his mind when warranted and admit he was wrong (i.e. on illegal immigration and border security in the past year)

3. Guns ... I can trust McCain's proven defense of gun rights far more than I can trust Obama's recent lip synching on the topic.

4. A few other items on my radar include taxes, values, government reform/pork barrel spending/earmarks, crime and the death penalty,

5. And maybe the most promising ... he actually can and does work with those on the other side of the aisle to get things done, which will be neccessary with a Democratic Congress.

Here's an independent tally of the issues for McCain ...

All this stuff about him being "evil" is strange to me. He's a genuine American hero who has devoted his life to defending it and improving it. I certainly can find issues I disagree with him on, but he still pitches a shutout against Obama.

Great Post JC!!!


Then I will be happy to do my part to make sure that the winner wins with the lowest number of popular votes ever collected by a US president in recent history. That will be my message and I will consider that a victory.

Those who will vote for one of the two candidates are affirmatively supporting them. If you can do that and still sleep at night, you are a different type of person than I.

Just as an FYI, I haven't voted for a Republican or Democrat for president since the 1970s so I don't think I'm any kind of party man.

The problem with this election is one candidate is considered a messiah. He has a fawning media supporting him and he is delusional thinking he is going to solve all of the world's problems including healing the Earth. His critics are accused of being racists and Congress may be very afraid to oppose him or his massive socialist agenda. I think we will all be glad later when he is not president and savior of the world even though the only opponent who can beat him is a loser.

If you are unable to understand this and see the bigger picture then I agree we are are different types of people. I sleep fine by the way. Oh, and I'll let you figure out which candidate is which.


Molon Labe!

Thats correct.

I voted for Ron Paul in our Alaska straw poll.

Now were down to the lessor of two evils so I am voting for McCain.


Obama Does Offer Hope — to America’s Foes
You may not like it but you can't deny it — enemies of the U.S. would vote Obama.—-to-americas-foes/

Thank you.

Now, *If* Ron Paul is NO LONGER running for Presidency......then why bother voting for him?

If you're looking for 'other than', why not Bob Barr?

I'm sitting on the fence still. I'll probably get really interested in politics in the last 3-4 weeks or so.

BTW, in Oryguns last mail-in vote, I checked "Ron Paul". Darn him for bowing out.



Eyes WIDE Open
I'm not sure how others are doing the math that compares the Obamination with McCain.

With me it's how are left do we want to go?


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Anyone who thnks there is more than a whisker's difference between Osama and McPain needs their meds adjusted. Further, I find the innuendo associated with the statement about there being a faction whose sole purpose is to get one democRAT or REPUGlican elected to be hugely insulting. You people who vote for THOSE PEOPLE (and denigrate those of us who want to break free of the dem/rep meme) are the ones who working dilligently for the destruction of the Republic.

Spin it however you want, but the reps/dems are absolutely equal these days, in actual operation. One group wears the disguise of "family values" while the other wears the disguise of "working for the common man." But under those costumes beats the EXACT SAME SATANICAL HEART.

So go ahead and vote for "your guy" (regardless of which one it is). But when America starts its final slide down the chute, I'd better not hear a peep outta you if "your guy" is the one at the helm as the ship sinks.....

Dennis "that ship" is going to sink anyway - no matter who gets in.

If you could follow the news that JohnG and Doc Funky are finding; you'd soon know that we have "gone to far" to turn back now.


Maybe the Ron Paul supporters don't know it but he suspended his campaign back in June. Here is the reference for it.

On June 12, 2008 Paul announced that he was suspending his presidential campaign, investing the more than USD 4.7 million of remaining campaign contributions to build up the new advocacy group Campaign for Liberty.



He will be at the RNC in sept. With his delegates. He dropped his Republican campaign because it is corrupt. And like you said, he started the Campaign for Liberty group and hasn't gone anywhere. He knows they, his old party and the MSM, screwed him over. So he doesn't want to play their game anymore. He has a few million supporters who he can't let down.

Thats what I got out of that speech in june which I could only watch on the internet.

I would most likely write him in if i wasn't a canadian.

Good luck TB2K'ers

Jubilation T. Cornpone

Veteran Member
From the Photo Gallery: Obama in Berlin
Lonely voice: A man carries an umbrella decorated with McCain posters at the Brandenburg Gate.

If the Eurotrash love Obama, that alone is enough reason for
me to vote against him.
McLame or Osama will be the next POTUS.

I do not think the Republic will survive four years of Marxist
rule without economic collapse and a bloody revolution.

My wife and I will hold our noses and vote for McLame,
for the sake of our kids and grandkids.

God help us,
but but we've turned our backs on Him so why should He?


Computer Hacking Pirate
Maybe the Ron Paul supporters don't know it but he suspended his campaign back in June. Here is the reference for it.

On June 12, 2008 Paul announced that he was suspending his presidential campaign, investing the more than USD 4.7 million of remaining campaign contributions to build up the new advocacy group Campaign for Liberty.



I think you don't get it . . . .

A vote for either McCain or Obama is a vote for the destruction of our country. It doesn't matter which one is elected - the results are the same.


Bomb & Bullet Technician
The day I vote for McJowels, is the same day I will announce that I am gay. Not that there's anything wrong with it.