Scott Adams: Derailing the Trump Train


Veteran Member
Posted April 4th, 2016 @ 10:35am

Donald Trump has made some big mistakes lately. On top of that, his opponents improved their game. As a result, he finds himself in an enormous hole of disapproval, especially with women. If you have been reading my Master Persuader series, you might be interested in why Trump’s persuasion suddenly stopped working.

It’s more interesting than you think.

I’ll ignore politics and policies as usual and focus on Trump’s persuasion game. I think we all agree that Trump says plenty of untrue things about reality. Even his supporters agree on that. (They just don’t care.)

So here are Trump’s big persuasion errors so far:

1. The Nazi salute.

2. The David Duke disavowal that wasn’t fast enough.

3. Saying women who break future abortion laws should be punished.

You might want me to include on his list of errors his unflattering tweet of Cruz’ wife compared to his wife. But that ploy was more of a mixed result than a complete fail. As obnoxious as it was, it was strong persuasion technique to showcase his mating prowess. You don’t want to believe that works, but it does.

Trump’s aggressive – and personal – attack also sent a signal to stay away from his family, which could pay dividends later. And more generally, he showed a willingness to strike back harder than he is struck, as has been his pattern. That gives pause to the enemy. And of course he sucked all the energy out of the room for another two weeks, consistent with his strategy. I bet most of his supporters found the tweet funny, which is a bonding emotion.

The downside to the wife tweet is that it was one more drip in what was starting to look like a rainstorm of sexist behavior. So on that level, it was a bad idea. Viewed in isolation, the wife tweet was more persuasion than mistake. But viewed in the context of Trump’s problem with women voters, it was a net mistake. But not a big one.

Let’s talk about the big ones.

The Nazi Salute

When Trump asked his rally audience to raise their arms and promise to vote for him, critics compared it to the Nazi salute. On the level of reason and logic, this comparison is ridiculous. People also raise their hands to take the pledge to be citizens of this country.

But logic and reason don’t matter. Here again, confirmation bias is what counts. Trump’s policies on immigration had already created an irrational analogy in people’s heads that he was the next Hitler. Literally. So in that context, asking supporters to raise their hands was a persuasion mistake.

How did the Master Persuader make such a simple mistake? Easily. Trump is the only person on earth who is 100% positive he is not the next Hitler. The thought probably never occurred to him. All he was doing was using a standard influencer technique. The technique involves asking people to do simple things (such as raising a hand) to prime them for doing something bigger, such as showing up to vote. The technique is A+. But the context made it poison. And Trump had a blind spot to it because – I presume – he doesn’t see himself as Adolph Hitler.

The key learning here is that Trump was not bested in this situation by reason and logic, which had been the weapons of choice for his opposition until now. And by opposition, I mean all the people he obliterated earlier in the election cycle.

Reason and logic are bad weapons. I might have mentioned that before. But an irrational analogy to Hitler, mostly fueled by social media, got real traction.

The David Duke Disavowal That Wasn’t Fast Enough

By now you all know that Trump was slow to answer a question about disavowing David Duke’s endorsement. Trump said he had trouble hearing the question. Pundits and opponents said he was trying to avoid offending racists because there are plenty of them in his base. Therefore, Trump is a racist too, they conclude.

Trump had disavowed David Duke before and after that interview, and every time he has been asked the questions since then. That should end all doubts. But facts and reason never matter. What did matter is that this too-slow disavowal coupled with confirmation bias fit the narrative of Trump as Hitler.

I don’t have a hypothesis on why Trump was slow to disavow. But I can tell you from experience, having done hundreds of satellite interviews, that sometimes you do not hear the question. And sometimes you’re just tired and you say dumb things. Or he could have been trying to avoid offending racists because they vote. In any event, it was an error.

Saying women who break future abortion laws should be punished

Trump is running as a non-politician. That’s part of his appeal. He says he’ll get good advisors and figure out “common sense” solutions when he gets in office. This is similar to how any CEO would operate when jumping to an unfamiliar industry, which happens all the time.

Here’s a little thought experiment. Think of any unusually successful person in any field other than politics. Now ask yourself if that person was experienced in the field before succeeding.

Zuckerberg? Nope.

Gates? Nope.

Jobs? Nope.

Me? Nope.

Entrepreneurs learn as they go, and Trump is an entrepreneur. He’s transparent about that. Trump also says he gets his information on the big topics from watching the experts on the news. That’s how a lot of voters get their information too, and it doesn’t stop any of us from being sure we know what is best for the country.

So it should be no big surprise to anyone that Trump is light on policy knowledge. And when Chris Matthews asked Trump the ultimate gottcha question of all time, Trump stumbled.

And by stumbled, I mean Matthews badgered Trump out of the third dimension of persuasion – where Trump was using misdirection and ambiguity – to the second dimension of policy details. And then Trump made the biggest mistake I have ever seen on live television.

He tried to use common sense.

In case you missed it, the gottcha question involved a hypothetical future in which abortion is illegal and a woman chooses to get one anyway. Matthews asked Trump if that woman should be “punished.”

Trump tried to avoid the question until it got too awkward to do so. Then he applied common sense to fill in the hole that experienced politicians would have filled with knowledge. Trump reasoned that anyone who violates a law must be punished. That reasoning probably works in every situation except abortion.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but under current state laws about abortion, a woman can abort a perfectly healthy baby a week before it would be due and only the doctor performing the crime would be punished. Trump didn’t know that. Neither did I until this topic arose. Among my friends, I can’t find anyone else who knew it either, male or female. So we shouldn’t be surprised that a citizen-politician didn’t know that non-punishment of the woman is the standard. And as soon as Trump was informed, he immediately adjusted to fit the standard.

In a world of reason and logic, Trump got new information and immediately adjusted. That’s exactly what you’d want from a citizen-politician who is learning as he goes. But reason and logic don’t count.

What does count is that that Trump’s knowledge gap about abortion was seen as one more bit of evidence (confirmation bias) that Trump is anti-woman.


Trump’s tweet about Cruz’ wife compared to his own was viewed as sexist because it reduced women to their looks. But that’s also what made the tweet funny. There is nothing funny about comparing two people with different levels of attractiveness until you factor in the galactic inappropriateness of a presidential candidate bringing up the topic in the first place. The shock is the engineered part of the joke.

I’ll say that again because I’m a professional humorist. The intended joke of Trump’s tweet about Cruz’s wife compared to his own was its inappropriateness. If you remove that one element it loses its humor. And obviously it was designed for a laugh. It wasn’t a policy proposal.

And the tweet makes even more sense when you consider it was a response to the pro-Cruz commercial showing Melania scantily clad. Trump didn’t start that fight, but he certainly ended it. Don’t expect any more Melania attacks from the Cruz camp.

We know from Trump’s many statements about Melania that he respects her intelligence. Trump also has a long history of promoting women to executive positions. So we know Trump does not have a one-dimensional view of women. He does, however, consider physical appearance to be an important feature of the real world, because it is. He has always been transparent about that.

The big test of sexism is whether you can reverse the genders of the people involved and get the same outcome. If you can, sexism probably isn’t the issue. And Trump’s tweet about Cruz’ wife is totally reversible. Imagine your favorite female comedian running for office. If she’s married to George Clooney, and someone mocks her husband’s shirtless movie roles, you can certainly imagine a response like Trump’s tweet in which she humorously showcases her mating success compared to her rival. People would think it was hilarious if men were the target.

In Trump’s case, confirmation bias caused folks to see this as one more drip in the rainstorm of his sexist behavior. If logic and reason mattered, people would have seen Trump’s tweet as an attempt at humor that is inappropriate by design. That’s why it is funny to some. But on the field of persuasion, it was one more piece of confirmation bias that Trump has a woman problem.

If you are keeping score, Trump wins when he plays 3D chess (using persuasion) against his 2D opponents who are trying to showcase their judgment, knowledge, and experience. But Trump has trouble when his opponents bring their irrational game to his 3D playing field. The public’s response to the “wives tweet” happened entirely on the 3D playing field of emotion and confirmation bias, and Trump was outnumbered. He recently admitted it was a mistake.

Likewise, Trump’s association with the Nazi salute makes no sense in the 2D world where people raise their hands for all sorts of reasons. But the public took that fight to Trump’s irrational 3D domain and had a field day with it. When the fight is Trump versus one 2D opponent, Trump wins. When the contest is the public (via social media) versus Trump it is a 3D battle all the way, and Trump is badly outnumbered.

As I explained above, Trump failed on the abortion penalty question because he was forced out of his 3D world of persuasion and into the 2D world of common sense. In the world of common sense, people involved in any kind of crime are subject to punishment. But American society has decided that abortion is an exception (which I do not debate) and so Trump failed.

Now here’s where I failed in my analysis of Trump. My analogy of Trump’s campaign is that he was bringing a flamethrower to a stick fight. I predicted he would torch all of his opponents because he had better tools for the fight.

That part was right. One-on-one, Trump will win every time.

Where I was wrong was forgetting that social media runs the world now. And social media has no 2D game at all. It is pure emotion. And it is not on Trump’s side.

So I will update my description of Trump bringing a flamethrower to a stick fight by saying I forgot the audience have their own torches. Collectively, those torches are bigger than Trump’s flamethrower. And the audience left their seats and attacked, using pure emotion, persuasion, and repetition. Trump is surrounded and outnumbered.

Let’s call it his third act. In movie terms, this is the hero’s deepest hole. It looks to the audience that he can’t climb out. Trump has been branded a sexist Hitler and left to die at the bottom of the hole. There is no solution, we think.

But Trump already started climbing. You don’t see it yet because he is operating entirely in the third dimension. I’ll help you see it. Notice that each of these examples have big problems on the 2D playing field but play well as persuasion.

1. Trump says we should pull U.S. military out of Japan and let them take care of defense themselves. Was Hitler known for removing troops from occupied countries?

2. Trump says we should pull our military out of South Korea and let the South Koreans and China handle North Korea. I don’t believe Hitler was in favor of removing troops from occupied countries.

3. Trump says we should do less with Nato. I don’t even understand that position, but I’m sure Hitler was never in favor of less military.

4. Trump is opposed to abortion. Supporters of abortion dehumanize fetuses under a certain age so the public supports abortion laws. That’s similar to how Hitler dehumanized groups of people so the public would support genocide. Trump is the anti-Hitler in this case, supporting life for people of all ethnicities, and even potential life.

5. Trump admitted he was wrong to tweet about Cruz’ wife. This is the first time we have seen him admit wrong. Trump’s opponents are afraid (in the third dimension) that he can’t be shamed into acting appropriately. He just showed that he can.

6. Trump reversed his position on punishing women for illegal abortions within hours. People worried that no amount of public shame or condemnation could control Trump, which is a dangerous situation. Trump showed he can be shamed into changing his position in real time. It happened right before our eyes.

But all of these things are minor compared to what Trump needs to get out of the hole. To get all the way out, he needs one thing. And he already set the table for that one thing to happen.

Trump needs Megyn Kelly to interview him.


Veteran Member
"Saying women who break future abortion laws should be punished."
In the interview that the reporter asked that question, He asked that "If abortion WAS ILLEGAL" So, when Trump answered that LOADED question, what was he supposed to say? If someone is breaking the law, should they be punished or not? Would we live in a country run by the rule of law or not? You cannot have it both ways. We already live in a country where the President does not enforce the law of the land, and we are fighting against that right now.

Wise Owl

Total BS. I am a woman and I love Trump and want him as our president.

These dirt bags are just looking for anything to diss on Trump with.....And with 17,000 people at his rally on Long Island, I think they are wrong. Especially in NY. The other candidates can't hold a candle to Trump.

Last Resort

Veteran Member
Well with Megyn Kelly angling for a bigger paycheck, or even becoming a free agent outside of Fox, if she DID do an interview with Trump and did it well, there would be a number of pluses:
- The interview would be done in New York City hopefully before the primary;
- Trump and Kelly could acknowledge past rancor and move past it;
- A one on one would give Trump the opportunity to give thoughtful answers without the Chris Matthews type of badgering;
- It would give Trump an opportunity to hit both the 2-D and 3-D campaign spaces;
- It would give Kelly a yuuuge jump in her personal brand and marketability, again if she conducts a good interview;
- It would be a classic Art of the Deal with both involved parties winning big.

I find that I agree with Mr. Adams.

ETA: This is what playing for all the marbles looks like.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
At this point the only way I would not vote for trump would be if he changed his mind on building the wall, and stopping the muslim invasion.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
Total BS. I am a woman and I love Trump and want him as our president.

These dirt bags are just looking for anything to diss on Trump with.....And with 17,000 people at his rally on Long Island, I think they are wrong. Especially in NY. The other candidates can't hold a candle to Trump.

I do not see that article as being anti-Trump at all. On a number of levels I found it quite accurate and insightful and it surprised me that it was on the whole pro- Trump.


Veteran Member
Gee, I see all of Lyin' Ted Cruz's twisted talking points right there in living color in the OP. Glad the author told the rest of the story.....the part Cruz leaves out.


He does not have to do great, he just has to do better than Hitlery. which is not that hard apparently.


Membership Revoked
re; the O.P. Article,,,

those are not trumps REAL problem points
these are.

1 Federalization of State Land ( Trump is for )

2 Mandated Health Care. ( Trump is for )

3 Same Sex Marriage ( Trump is for )

4 D.O.E ( Trump wont abolish, Cruz would)

5 Common Core ( Flip flopped )

6 I.R.S. ( Trump wont abolish, Cruz would)

7 Increasing Taxation ( 45% tarrifs,,Trump is for )

8 Weakening National Defense (get rid of NATO )

9 Federalization of State Land ( Trump is for )

10 Excessive Eminent Domain Seizures
of Private Property ( Trump is for )

11 Federal Mandated Ethanol ( Trump is for )

12 Federal Subsidies of Ethanol ( Trump is for )

13 Big Government ( Trump is for )

14 Touch Back Amnesty ( Flip flopped )

15 Corps taking jobs out of the country (Trump has done )

16 Replacing
American workers with H1b visa workers (Trump has done )

17 Employing Illegal Aliens (Trump has done )

18 Federal Subsidies of Private Corps. such as Planned Parenthood ( Trump is for )

19 Sexualization of Young Children via Planned Parenthood supported Organizations (see 18)

20 Efforts to Litigate against Free Speech ( Trump is for )

21 Sue Happy Culture (Trump has done )

22 Buying and Selling of Politicians (Trump has done )

23 Deal Making with Liberals and Democrats ( Trump is for )

24 Clinton Supporters and donaters (Trump has done )

25 Self Confessed Adulterers (Trump has done )

26 Non repentant Christians (Trump has admitted )

Trump is for a bunch of things i thought most TB2Kers were against.


How many times do i have to point out that trump never promised a whole wall

read the fine print

he promised a HALF WALL

"Trump said, noting that he would need to erect about


miles of border wall along the


-mile long border because of natural barriers along certain parts."

( natural barriers aren't stopping many so far )

1000/2000= .5 = 1/2 = HALF WALL


Trump Wises Up, Abandons His Improbably Large Wall

Donald Trump gave up on building his border wall. The candidate’s boldest policy proposal, a 2,000-mile-long barrier separating the United States and Mexico, was shortened to a mere 1,000 miles:


on another note,,

how do i get a hold someone to find out where my cruz operative check is ? should i just call or write sunbaked,, er,,, sundance ?
i would like to ask him if he has a super secret decoder ring that will
let me know,,,,
or maybe a roger stone hot line number to call ,

to get a number to the office that is supposed to be sending my paid cruz
operative check ,

,, mine still hasn't come !!!!!!!!

(hope im getting .25 cents a word also ! /-)

bwa ha ha ha.


Veteran Member
re; the O.P. Article,,,

those are not trumps REAL problem points
these are.

1 Federalization of State Land ( Trump is for )

2 Mandated Health Care. ( Trump is for )

3 Same Sex Marriage ( Trump is for )

4 D.O.E ( Trump wont abolish, Cruz would)

5 Common Core ( Flip flopped )

6 I.R.S. ( Trump wont abolish, Cruz would)

7 Increasing Taxation ( 45% tarrifs,,Trump is for )

8 Weakening National Defense (get rid of NATO )

9 Federalization of State Land ( Trump is for )

10 Excessive Eminent Domain Seizures
of Private Property ( Trump is for )

11 Federal Mandated Ethanol ( Trump is for )

12 Federal Subsidies of Ethanol ( Trump is for )

13 Big Government ( Trump is for )

14 Touch Back Amnesty ( Flip flopped )

15 Corps taking jobs out of the country (Trump has done )

16 Replacing
American workers with H1b visa workers (Trump has done )

17 Employing Illegal Aliens (Trump has done )

18 Federal Subsidies of Private Corps. such as Planned Parenthood ( Trump is for )

19 Sexualization of Young Children via Planned Parenthood supported Organizations (see 18)

20 Efforts to Litigate against Free Speech ( Trump is for )

21 Sue Happy Culture (Trump has done )

22 Buying and Selling of Politicians (Trump has done )

23 Deal Making with Liberals and Democrats ( Trump is for )

24 Clinton Supporters and donaters (Trump has done )

25 Self Confessed Adulterers (Trump has done )

26 Non repentant Christians (Trump has admitted )

Trump is for a bunch of things i thought most TB2Kers were against.


How many times do i have to point out that trump never promised a whole wall

read the fine print

he promised a HALF WALL

"Trump said, noting that he would need to erect about


miles of border wall along the


-mile long border because of natural barriers along certain parts."

( natural barriers aren't stopping many so far )

1000/2000= .5 = 1/2 = HALF WALL


Trump Wises Up, Abandons His Improbably Large Wall

Donald Trump gave up on building his border wall. The candidate’s boldest policy proposal, a 2,000-mile-long barrier separating the United States and Mexico, was shortened to a mere 1,000 miles:


on another note,,

how do i get a hold someone to find out where my cruz operative check is ? should i just call or write sunbaked,, er,,, sundance ?
i would like to ask him if he has a super secret decoder ring that will
let me know,,,,
or maybe a roger stone hot line number to call ,

to get a number to the office that is supposed to be sending my paid cruz
operative check ,

,, mine still hasn't come !!!!!!!!

(hope im getting .25 cents a word also ! /-)

bwa ha ha ha.
If that were all fact, I would not be supporting Trump.


Veteran Lurker
Trump should have turned the table on Matthews and asked, "If Christianity is made illegal in the future, should Christians be punished?"

Scott Adams has been doing an excellent job analyzing Trump from the position of social dynamics and persuasion. These aren't hit pieces. On the contrary, Adams seems to be a bit of a fan. But, his articles aren't written from the standpoint of a cheerleader but from that of a rational and curious observer of human nature and the art of persuasion.


Veteran Member
Trump should have turned the table on Matthews and asked, "If Christianity is made illegal in the future, should Christians be punished?"

Scott Adams has been doing an excellent job analyzing Trump from the position of social dynamics and persuasion. These aren't hit pieces. On the contrary, Adams seems to be a bit of a fan. But, his articles aren't written from the standpoint of a cheerleader but from that of a rational and curious observer of human nature and the art of persuasion.

But..but...analysis and rational observation are not acceptable! ;)


Trump is by far the only candidate who even remotely wants to restore some sanity to this country. I can't understand why anyone on prepper forum would favor any of these other losers over him.

And I would ignore or fire back at Megyn Kelly and the rest of the media who are always setting these PC traps to try and destroy him.


Certa Bonum Certamen
Scott Adams has been doing an excellent job analyzing Trump from the position of social dynamics and persuasion. These aren't hit pieces. On the contrary, Adams seems to be a bit of a fan. But, his articles aren't written from the standpoint of a cheerleader but from that of a rational and curious observer of human nature and the art of persuasion.

Couldn't agree more.

Scott Adams himself is a Master Persuader and has been doing a masterful job of 'explaining' Donald Trump.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Adams did a FABULOUS JOB of dissecting Trump's problems, comparing Trump's 3-D mode of operation to the other opponents' 2-D mode of operation. Adams also nailed the the MSM and social media's weapon of 'emotion' to try and bring Trump down.

Was just fascinated by this article. Some of my favorite quotes:

You might want me to include on his list of errors his unflattering tweet of Cruz’ wife compared to his wife. But that ploy was more of a mixed result than a complete fail. As obnoxious as it was, it was strong persuasion technique to showcase his mating prowess. You don’t want to believe that works, but it does.

On the level of reason and logic, this comparison is ridiculous. People also raise their hands to take the pledge to be citizens of this country.

But logic and reason don’t matter.

Reason and logic are bad weapons.

But facts and reason never matter.

Entrepreneurs learn as they go, and Trump is an entrepreneur. He’s transparent about that.

And then Trump made the biggest mistake I have ever seen on live television.

He tried to use common sense.

In a world of reason and logic, Trump got new information and immediately adjusted. That’s exactly what you’d want from a citizen-politician who is learning as he goes. But reason and logic don’t count.

And the tweet makes even more sense when you consider it was a response to the pro-Cruz commercial showing Melania scantily clad. Trump didn’t start that fight, but he certainly ended it. Don’t expect any more Melania attacks from the Cruz camp.

So we know Trump does not have a one-dimensional view of women. He does, however, consider physical appearance to be an important feature of the real world, because it is. He has always been transparent about that.

If you are keeping score, Trump wins when he plays 3D chess (using persuasion) against his 2D opponents who are trying to showcase their judgment, knowledge, and experience. But Trump has trouble when his opponents bring their irrational game to his 3D playing field. The public’s response to the “wives tweet” happened entirely on the 3D playing field of emotion and confirmation bias, and Trump was outnumbered. He recently admitted it was a mistake.

When the contest is the public (via social media) versus Trump it is a 3D battle all the way, and Trump is badly outnumbered.

In the world of common sense, people involved in any kind of crime are subject to punishment. But American society has decided that abortion is an exception (which I do not debate) and so Trump failed.

Where I was wrong was forgetting that social media runs the world now. And social media has no 2D game at all. It is pure emotion. And it is not on Trump’s side. [...] Collectively, those torches are bigger than Trump’s flamethrower. And the audience left their seats and attacked, using pure emotion, persuasion, and repetition. Trump is surrounded and outnumbered.


Canadian Loonie - Same sex marriage, human rights, other stuff......

Some of Trump's positions which contradict old "you-know-who" above (otherwise know today as Saturday Sunshine)........who gets everything from Cruz's mouth and does no research of his/her own.

We already covered the "Half Wall" yesterday - if you have ever been down on the border between Mexico and TX,AZ you will know that there are so many areas which are just not able to be crossed by the average Illegal - you would need special climbing equipment, and be in good shape. There is no water available for many miles, and this is why they only cross in certain places near road could not carry enough water to sustain you. So 1/2 of the border distance does not need a Wall. Maybe a few drones, but nothing built.
That is why the words half a Wall have been twisted by Lyin' Ted etal.

Trump said this about federal lands:

"In a new op-ed for the Reno Gazette-Journal, the Republican presidential front-runner rails against the "draconian rule" of the Bureau of Land Management and the Obama administration's "land grab" in the western United States.

"The BLM controls over 85 percent of the land in Nevada," Trump explains. "In the rural areas, those who for decades have had access to public lands for ranching, mining, logging and energy development are forced to deal with arbitrary and capricious rules that are influenced by special interests that profit from the D.C. rule-making and who fill the campaign coffers of Washington politicians." (Harry Reid for instance)

On Thursday, Trump told the New York Times he would end an ongoing dispute between Oregon ranchers and federal officials, that's culminated with a group of armed protesters staging an ongoing occupation of a federal wildlife refuge, with a "phone call."


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Mainstream media rely on attractive people can convey the emotion because it's so much easier for them that way. Research is expensive, it's a lot simpler to wave the flags that they know that the viewers will respond to.

Trumps fluidity of position makes him a harder target. You can't pin him down easily. So the wall has shrunk. Abortion should be outlawed and punished. The Affordable Care Act should be abolished but everyone should have access to health care. We should have a strong military but are going to pay off our debt in eight years. If Trump is able to secure the nomination and look like he has a chance to land the presidency, I'm investing in Mexican ladder companies.

In general, Trump'c candidacy seems a repudiation of Reaganomics. The country is ready for that; Trump is a natural phenomenon.

Ice Guy

I think we all agree that Trump says plenty of untrue things about reality. Even his supporters agree on that.

Sorry, I can not take seriously any opinion piece that begins with gratuitous statements like this. What follows that statement is opinion based on a false unprovable premise. Nice try ....but Fail


On TB every waking moment
In the past, I worked with many committees where women ran the show: Children and Families; First Five; Child abuse prevention; parenting education; senior services; after school councils; family resource centers; childcare; community health; community services; behavioral health; etc. These are what is considered "women's issues."

Beyond the abortion fiasco, the only thing I have seen from Trump on this is that a primary function of federal government is education and universal health care. I say, "hell no." Education is a federal department that should be one of the first to go and I strongly oppose nationalized health care.

These women were all about the close intimate work of nurturing and raising children, taking care of aging parents and creating a nice community. For example, the mission statement of one of these groups was: "The Community Services Council works to coordinate social, educational, economic and health resources to strengthen families and build more cohesive communities." Their vision was: "an inclusive, tolerant, safe, prosperous community where our citizens are our most important asset and everyone…

lives in a nurturing environment
is healthy, educated, financially secure and drug-free
has a positive outlook toward their future
pursues educational and employment opportunities
has access to affordable housing, child care, health care and transportation
is a well-respected and involved member of our community

Many of these women were conservatives who embraced the goals but looked to coordination with regional non-profits and churches, helped by private foundations and some government grants to shoulder much of the fiscal burden. This was a county system that relied heavily on volunteer efforts.

Women like these are a huge group. If you want to get their vote, you have to go where they "live" in interest. I can't see Trump doing that in any way. In fact his winner take all, grind them into the ground, sue everyone, sexual braggadocio, insult-your-opponent style are values and behaviors they are trying to raise their kids not to have. This may be why he can't get to 50% of the Republican vote and does poorly on the national level among women. He could at least acknowledge the importance of these issues, pledge focus and support for local control.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
At this point, I'm voting for Trump.

Yes, I agree that he's a potential dirt bag when it comes to women's issues, but those take a back seat to the larger problems of the economy and our enemies building nukes.

Adams has been highly accurate in his observations over the years. Great article!


Canadian Loonie
Trump says that the Education Dept will be one of the first to go and education will be returned to the States.......that is a basic at every Rally and gets loud cheers. Common Core must go and a REAL education must be offered, with parental input.

He also says that he will not "let anyone die in the street"....... meaning those who cannot afford health insurance, will get basic care. With the cost cutting of pharmaceuticals and the custom fit of all insurance plans where customers can pick and choose, people will save a lot of money personally on plans.

There will always be those who cannot care for themselves and he will make sure they are given health care. People who don't want to buy insurance won't have to, but insurance companies will have to offer it in all States, not just the areas they are dealing in now. If people don't have insurance, but can afford it, they will be billed as normal. This is not mandated insurance.

I hope everyone who has questions on these policies will go to and read his POLICIES, rather than just taking Ted Cruz' word for it.......or his supporters.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Trump is just beyond all of this now. The people that hate Trump will still hate him. The people that love Trump will still love him. Adams forgets what I will call the final defeat moment. All of Trump's detractors, individuals, elite scum, media shills etc can do whatever they want to until the moment it no longer matters. What was a Nazi flag worth in July of 1945? NOTHING. What will all this fecal material from our scum elite, their media whores, their RINO whores et al going to be worth in January of 2107. What everybody doesn't get, even some of the Trump supporters, is THIS IS A REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT. If Trump is denied the nomination, or isn't elected, we will have chaos.

Yep, does Mr. Adams seriously think when he is talking about emotion HE ISN'T REALLY TALKING ABOUT VIOLENCE? This is going to end in blood and fire, gang, so all this analysis isn't factoring in the fact the Cruz people and the Trump people really hate each other, and all the leftist trash wants to kill us too. GOT AMMO? This will not end well at all.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I think we all agree that Trump says plenty of untrue things about reality. Even his supporters agree on that.

Sorry, I can not take seriously any opinion piece that begins with gratuitous statements like this. What follows that statement is opinion based on a false unprovable premise. Nice try ....but Fail

You can browse Politifact yourself to see how Trump's statements stack up:


Veteran Member
Sorry all, this reply took a long time and it is long so I am going to split it into 3 posts.

these are.
1 Federalization of State Land ( Trump is for )

you must be thinking of obama

President Barack Obama has seized more land for the federal government than any other president in American history. To date, he has unilaterally taken over 260 million acres of land and water, giving control and ownership over to the feds.

2 Mandated Health Care. ( Trump is for ) (seems they have similar views on some things, but check out the bolded parts)

Completely repeal Obamacare. Our elected representatives must eliminate the individual mandate. No person should be required to buy insurance unless he or she wants to.

Modify existing law that inhibits the sale of health insurance across state lines
Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system

Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).
Require price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals
Block-grant Medicaid to the states.
Remove barriers to entry into free markets for drug providers that offer safe, reliable and cheaper products.

The first component of Cruz's plan involves the creation of a nationwide marketplace that consumers in all 50 states would use to shop for health insurance, instead of each state having their own exchange.

Second, Cruz wants to expand the use of health savings accounts, or HSAs, so people can pay for routine healthcare needs in a tax-advantaged way.

Last, Cruz wants to remove the current ties most Americans have between their health insurance and their job. A majority of Americans sign up for health insurance in the workplace, meaning if they change jobs or are laid off, they'll lose their coverage.

If this point sounds familiar, it's because Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders echoed the same mantra when he unveiled "Medicare for All."

3 Same Sex Marriage ( Trump is for ) (Trump says he is against gay marriage over and over, Cruz says he is against gay marriage until he says it won't be top priority.

In a June 28, 2015, interview on CNN's "State of the Union," Donald Trump was asked by anchor Jake Tapper how Trump's three marriages fit into the definition of "traditional marriage." Trump responded that someone asking the question has "a very good point" and suggested he was at fault for his divorces. Tapper said he wasn't asking for an explanation for Trump's divorces, but rather what he would say to a gay person on this question. Trump answered, "I don't say anything. I'm just for traditional marriage."

On June 26, 2015, following the Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, Trump tweeted, "Once again the Bush appointed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has let us down. Jeb pushed him hard! Remember!"

On the issue of gay marriage, Donald Trump said during a November 2013 interview on MSNBC, "I think I’m evolving, and I think I’m a very fair person, but I have been for traditional marriage. I am for traditional marriage, I am for a marriage between a man and a woman.”

In a March 2011 interview with The Des Moines Register, Trump said gay couples should not be allowed to marry or receive the same benefits as married heterosexual couple

In June, Ted Cruz promised on NPR that opposition to gay marriage would be “front and center” in his 2016 campaign.

In July, he said the Supreme Court’s decision allowing same-sex marriage was the “very definition of tyranny” and urged states to ignore the ruling.

But in December, behind closed doors at a big-dollar Manhattan fundraiser, the quickly ascending presidential candidate assured a Republican gay-rights supporter that a Cruz administration would not make fighting same-sex marriage a top priority.

4 D.O.E ( Trump wont abolish, Cruz would)

I can't find anything to support or deny this, source please.
"Five major agencies that I would eliminate: the IRS, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Energy, the Department of Commerce and HUD," Cruz said.
A document on Cruz's Web site lists five major agencies (the fifth is actually the Department of Education) along with 25 smaller programs that he'd abolish. Yet the document does not itemize specifically how much the government would save on those programs under a President Cruz.
The independent Tax Foundation puts the cost of Cruz's plan at $768 billion over the next decade. Even if Cruz's plan would reduce spending by $500 billion over the same period, the federal debt would still increase.

The Tax Foundation analyzes tax proposals using a methodology that even many conservative economists say is too favorable to politicians who want to reduce taxes. If the group's assumptions are overly optimistic, Cruz's plan could cost even more.

5 Common Core ( Flip flopped )

Would you cut departments?
TRUMP: We're going to be cutting tremendous amounts of money and waste and fraud and abuse. But, no, I'm not cutting services, but I am cutting spending. But I may cut Department of Education-- Common Core is a very bad thing. I think that it should be local education. If you look at a Jeb Bush and some of these others, they want children to be educated by Washington, D.C. bureaucrats.

Cruz apparently thinks that the Common Core is embedded in a federal law that can be repealed. It isn’t. Besides, the federal government doesn’t dictate school curriculum and is barred by federal law from doing so.

That isn’t to say, though, that the Obama administration didn’t help push the Core initiative into being. It did.

The Common Core State Standards initiative is a series of K-12 standards in math and English Language Arts and aligned standardized testing. It is not a curriculum; school districts are supposed to develop their own, though in the rush to adopt the Core, many bought programs developed by education companies.
Even with that level of federal involvement, there isn’t a federal law that could be repealed to get rid of the Common Core. Each state has to do that on their own.

6 I.R.S. ( Trump wont abolish, Cruz would)

If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.

All other Americans will get a simpler tax code with four brackets – 0%, 10%, 20% and 25% – instead of the current seven. This new tax code eliminates the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II.

No business of any size, from a Fortune 500 to a mom and pop shop to a freelancer living job to job, will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. This lower rate makes corporate inversions unnecessary by making America’s tax rate one of the best in the world.

No family will have to pay the death tax. You earned and saved that money for your family, not the government. You paid taxes on it when you earned it.

Under the Simple Flat Tax, the current seven rates of personal income tax will collapse into a single low rate of 10 percent. For a family of four, the first $36,000 will be tax-free. The Child Tax Credit will remain in place, and the Simple Flat Tax Plan expands and modernizes the Earned Income Tax Credit with greater anti-fraud and pro-marriage reforms. As a result, the Simple Flat Tax will ensure that low- and middle-income Americans have greater opportunities – not only through minimal taxes, but also through better, high-paying jobs that the Simple Flat Tax will generate. Under the plan, deductions for charitable contributions and mortgage interest payments are preserved.

For businesses, the corporate income tax will be eliminated. It will be replaced by a simple Business Flat Tax at a single 16 percent rate. The current payroll tax system will be abolished, while maintaining full funding for Social Security and Medicare.

The Death Tax will be eliminated. The Alternative Minimum Tax will be eliminated. The tax on profits earned abroad will be eliminated. And of course, the Obamacare taxes will be eliminated. Also gone will be the unending loopholes in the current code, the stacks of depreciation schedules for businesses, and the multi-tiered rates on income and investments. Under the Simple Flat Tax, the Internet remains free from taxes.

7 Increasing Taxation ( 45% tarrifs,,Trump is for ) (gee, guess the choice is maybe a tariff or definitely VAT) (BTW, look at this, the Founders thought tariff were a good thing: From the Constitution Article I, Section 8

Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;)

Sen. Ted CRUZ: Donald is right about international trade. He's right about the problems. But his solutions don't work: he proposed a 45% tariff on foreign goods. The effect of a 45% tariff would be when you go to Walmart, the prices you pay go up 45%. A tariff is a tax on you, the American people.

TRUMP: The 45% tariff is a threat. It was not a tax, it was a threat. It will be a tax if they don't behave. Take China as an example. I have many friends, great manufacturers, they want to go into China. They can't. China won't let them. We talk about free trade. It's not tree free trade; it's stupid trade. China dumps everything that they have over here. No tax, no anything. We can't get into China. The best manufacturers, when they get in, they have to pay a tremendous tax. The 45% is a threat that if they don't behave, we will tax you. It doesn't have to be 45, it could be less. But it has to be something because our country and our trade and our deals and most importantly our jobs are going to hell.?

Thursday's Republican presidential debate was a tad light on policy discussion. But when he wasn't busy telling Donald Trump to take a deep, yogic breath, Ted Cruz did manage to plug his controversial tax plan by claiming it would supercharge U.S. exports. This is a pitch he's been making for months, despite the fact that economists widely agree that it's simply not true.
Here were Cruz's comments:
And my tax plan, which is a very, very detailed plan on the website,, is what's called border-adjustable. We get rid of all the taxes. We get rid of the corporate income tax and the death tax and the Obamacare taxes and the payroll tax. And we replace it with a 16 percent business flat tax that is border-adjustable, which means all exports are entirely tax-free and all imports pay the 16 percent business flat tax. That's a 32 percent differential.
What that will do, Chris, is bring millions of manufacturing jobs back to this country, bring the steel industry back to this country, create an environment where when we compete on a fair and level playing field, American ingenuity can beat anyone. But right now, the federal government isn't giving us a level playing field.
Cruz's “business flat tax” is what's known to human beings around the globe as a value-added tax, or VAT. It's essentially a national sales tax with an administrative twist: Instead of collecting it only from retailers, like the state sales taxes we all know and resent, the government levies the VAT at every stage of the economic supply chain (this makes it harder for businesses to cheat on it). The U.S. is the only major developed country that doesn't have a VAT, and there's a lively debate to be had about whether passing one would be a worthwhile American initiative.

8 Weakening National Defense (get rid of NATO )

“I want to build up the military so nobody messes with us,” Trump said when asked what he would do first, if elected. “I would bring it (military levels) back to where it was at the height because we’re in such trouble.

Mr. Trump is right to call for a fresh look at America’s relationships in terms of costs and returns, especially with respect to NATO. In 1949, Senator Robert Taft voted for ratification of the NATO treaty on the condition that the U.S. withdraw from it the moment Europe was sufficiently recovered from World War II to afford its own defense. Taft’s rival, Dwight D. Eisenhower, concurred, saying that, if, by 1961, U.S. forces in Europe had not come home, the NATO experiment would have failed. These two giants of mid-century Republican politics were united in their opposition to NATO’s becoming a permanent, costly commitment. Mr. Trump’s call for reassessing our enormously expensive one-way guarantees to South Korea and Japan is likewise long overdue. Both are very wealthy countries, as are Germany, Britain and most other NATO nations.

While in the Senate, Cruz has voted for only one budget — a budget that contained less money for our military than President Obama’s left-wing plan to emaciate the military.

Every year, Congress passes an important bill — the National Defense Authorization Act — that provides for the American military. Senator Cruz has never voted for that law. Cruz joined none other than socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders in opposing this same bill — and joined Bernie three years in a row.


Veteran Member
9 Federalization of State Land ( Trump is for )

An on-screen graphic refers to a January interview with Field & Stream magazine, where Trump said he would be hesitant to give federal land over to state and local governments.

BUT later in the article it states this:

It’s worth noting that Nevada’s state constitution expressly gives up the state’s rights to all "unappropriated public lands" to the federal government, which is why it’s worth quibbling with candidates like Cruz and Rubio promise to "return" control to its citizens — who have never held a claim to the federally owned land in the past 151 years of Nevada statehood.

10 Excessive Eminent Domain Seizures of Private Property ( Trump is for )

Trump stated, “I think eminent domain is wonderful, if you’re building a highway, and you need to build, as an example, a highway, and you’re going to be blocked by a hold-out,

The property may be taken either for government use or by delegation to third parties, who will devote it to public or civic use or, in some cases, to economic development. The most common uses of property taken by eminent domain are for government buildings and other facilities, public utilities, highways, and railroads. However, it may also be taken for reasons of public safety, as in the case of Centralia, Pennsylvania.

11 Federal Mandated Ethanol ( Trump is for )

Speaking at an event hosted by the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, Trump, a real estate mogul and the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, said the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ought to follow the ethanol volumes Congress set in 2007.

“The EPA should ensure that biofuel ... blend levels match the statutory level set by Congress under the [renewable fuel standard],” Trump said.

Not gonna Google this as Cruz has been noted to oppose ethanol

12 Federal Subsidies of Ethanol ( Trump is for )

I can't find where he says he is in favor of subsidies, source please.

Not gonna Google this as Cruz has been noted to oppose ethanol

13 Big Government ( Trump is for )

Cannot find anything to support or deny, source please

Cruz told Beck that he “strongly supports” the legislation, which would require an audit on the Federal Reserve <snip>
“If my vote would have made a difference in it passing, I would have cancelled my campaign events to be there,” Cruz reassured Beck. “Because the vote was not going to succeed, I honored my commitments to be with the men and women of New Hampshire.”

It’s true that Paul’s audit legislation appeared doomed to be blocked by Democrats — but every vote counts, even if just toward giving the bill more steam for the next go-around. Cruz knows that. As does Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who took time away from his campaign for the Democratic nomination to vote in favor of Paul’s legislation for that very reason.


Cruz’s affiliation to big money on Wall Street and its intersection with big government doesn’t end with his wife. Just check out his campaign chairman, Chad Sweet’s, career profile from LinkedIn:

Chad Sweet is the Co-Founder and CEO of The Chertoff Group, a global advisory firm and investment bank exclusively focused on the security sector. Mr. Sweet formerly served as the Chief of Staff of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Prior to DHS, Chad was an investment banker at the firms of Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs. He served in the CIA.

It’s not exactly the profile of a small government advocate.

As a leader of the Chertoff Group, Sweet “advocated for expanding NSA metadata collection.” Again, this belies Ted Cruz’s public position on the NSA’s unconstitutional surveillance of Americans.

Other big government names on team Cruz, including:
Bill Clinton-era CIA Director James Woolsey as his foreign policy adviser
Elliot Abrams, former George W. Bush adviser and senior fellow for Middle East studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, also helping out with foreign policy
Victoria Coates, a well-known neocon and former Donald Rumsfeld lackey, as national security adviser

Maybe none of this matters. Maybe Cruz does want to audit the Fed but was just too busy to vote. Maybe Cruz doesn’t want government spying on Americans but just couldn’t find a better chairman than one of government spying’s biggest advocates.

Voters will only know for sure if he’s elected. And maybe he will be. After all, he’s working so hard at it he can’t make time to show tangible support for legislation he claims to back.

14 Touch Back Amnesty ( Flip flopped )

Triple the number of ICE officers, Nationwide e-verify, Mandatory return of all criminal aliens, Detention—not catch-and-release, Defund sanctuary cities, Enhanced penalties for overstaying a visa, Cooperate with local gang task forces, End birthright citizenship

Back in 2013, Cruz offered an amendment to a Senate immigration bill that would have stripped out a proposal for a path to citizenship for those currently in the country illegally. But Cruz’s amendment would have purposefully left intact the bill’s provisions to provide legal status for them. Numerous media outlets described Cruz’s plan as a compromise “middle road” in the immigration debate that he hoped might be palatable to enough legislators in both houses of Congress to actually pass.

15 Corps taking jobs out of the country (Trump has done )This article presents 2 different views and is worth reading in full

Several people engaged in the negotiations said that Trump was personally involved. None could remember him specifically mentioning the U.S.-worker issue.
“He had a clear preference to support American values and what was good for America,” Weber said.

Asked whether Trump ever specifically expressed a preference for items bearing his name to be made in America, Weber said, “You’re asking me for specifics that are very hard to recollect.”
He also said that Trump never attempted to require that products be made in the United States as part of the contract between the two companies.

“No one can tell us where to make our products,” said Weber, who left the company in 2006. “I have never signed a contract in my 40 years of experience where someone could tell me where to make my goods.”

Cruz has always worked in government and has therefore never created a job to worry about taking a job out of the country but here is his government position:

Of particular importance to this fact-check, the opening lines of the op-ed the two published in the Wall Street Journal spoke of the promise of trade and described the TPP, while not actually using the name of the treaty itself.

"The United States is making headway on two historic trade agreements, one with 11 countries on the Pacific Rim and another with America’s friends in Europe," Cruz and Ryan wrote. "These two agreements alone would mean greater access to a billion customers for American manufacturers, farmers and ranchers."

The op-ed urged passage of Trade Promotion Authority, but the linkage to the TPP was the starting point. Trade promotion passed in the Senate.

Cruz said he has always opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The record shows that he took no position on the treaty itself until the full text became public. Then he said he opposed it.

However, when Cruz first supported granting the president the key authority to finalize the TPP, he spoke positively about the concept of the trade deal. He described how it could bring millions of customers to American business owners.
When the treaty moved from being a concept to actual text, Cruz opposed it. His statement glosses over his initial backing of the idea of the trade treaty.

16 Replacing
American workers with H1b visa workers (Trump has done )

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that he was “changing” and “softening” the visa position in his immigration platform because “We need highly skilled people in this country” including “in Silicon Valley” during Thursday’s GOP presidential debate on the Fox News Channel on Thursday.

Here's what his website says today:
Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.

Requirement to hire American workers first. Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement. In the year 2015, with 92 million Americans outside the workforce and incomes collapsing, we need companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.

Immigration moderation. Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers. This will help reverse women's plummeting workplace participation rate, grow wages, and allow record immigration levels to subside to more moderate historical averages.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in an interview with CNN Wednesday admitted his position on H1B immigration visas has changed, but denied that the shift was politically motivated.

Cruz released an immigration platform that placed new restrictions on legal immigration, including a suspension of the H1B visa program -- which Cruz at one time favored expanding.

17 Employing Illegal Aliens (Trump has done )

Rubio said Trump "hired from Poland and he had to pay a million dollars or so in a judgment."

It was Trump’s contractor, not Trump himself, who hired 200 undocumented Polish workers to demolish a building to make room for Trump Tower in Manhattan. Trump said he didn’t know. The lawsuit sought $1 million in damages, and a judge ruled that Trump had to pay $325,000 plus interest

Cruz has always worked in government and has therefore never created jobs.


Veteran Member
18 Federal Subsidies of Private Corps. such as Planned Parenthood ( Trump is for )

This has nothing to do with Trump, but I wanted everyone to see the bolded part:

Fox News created a calculator that determines how much each taxpayer pays for Planned Parenthood. Using the most recent median income figure of $55,218 for the average household, the average taxpayer pays approximately $15.51 to supply lower-income Americans with contraceptives, STD tests and treatment, and breast cancer screenings. Federal law prohibits taxpayer funding of abortions, so Planned Parenthood funds those services with other donations. The annual subsidy to Planned Parenthood is $31, assuming 141 million federal tax returns were filed.

The billionaire told Chris Cuomo on CNN’s New Day that he opposes federal funding going to Planned Parenthood to pay for abortions, but that he’s OK with tax dollars going to the group to pay for other services that it provides.

In 2013, Cruz voted in favor of federal subsidies for tobacco.

Cruz was specifically asked about the Intangible Drilling Cost deduction that allows the oil and gas industry to immediately deduct the cost of preparing and drilling a new well. This special tax deduction includes eve. Non-oil and gas companies are also capped on how much they can deduct, which is not the case for the oil and gas industry that has no limit on how much it can immediately deduct everything from wages, supplies, and fuel, to site preparation. In total, it can account for over two-thirds of the cost of a new oil or gas well.

The ability to immediately deduct those expenses is a huge tax advantage that other non-oil and gas companies don’t receive. Non-oil and gas companies are only allowed depreciate capital expenses over a period of time based on the type of asset

David Bozell tells Breitbart News that Cruz’s outreach to evangelicals and focus on Planned Parenthood is a “smart play.”

“It enables him to gain some traction and chip away at the Mike Huckabee vote, the Rick Santorum vote, and some of your other cultural conservative candidates in the race who are speaking largely about the same things and promising the same things,” Bozell said during a phone interview. “The advantage for Ted Cruz is that in just a couple of weeks, this is going to be front and center news, they’ll consider funding Planned Parenthood in the 2016 fiscal budget.”

19 Sexualization of Young Children via Planned Parenthood supported Organizations (see 18)

You never answered by question on the other thread about this, so I will wait for that answer, but if you have any proof that Trump supports this specific I'd like to see it.

20 Efforts to Litigate against Free Speech ( Trump is for )

not finding anything on this either, accept sites wanting to limit Trump's free speech, source please.

21 Sue Happy Culture (Trump has done )-I'm not even gonna google this one, Trump hits back at people who hit him first, and yes that includes suing.

22 Buying and Selling of Politicians (Trump has done )-Not gonna google this one either, I'd wager there is a large portion of businesses and businesspersons who donate to politicians, especially in New York.

23 Deal Making with Liberals and Democrats ( Trump is for )-No need to google this one either, he's said he will deal with everyone, but they will be good deals and as he has shown in the past his ability to make good deals, I'll withhold judgement.

24 Clinton Supporters and donaters (Trump has done )

Here's a list of Clinton Supporters Trump didn't make enough of a donation to matter I suppose.

Emily's List, Citigroup Inc, DLA Piper, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Morgan Stanley University of California, Time Warner, Skadden, Arps et al, Corning Inc, Kirkland & Ellis, Paul, Weiss et al, Greenberg Traurig LLP, Akin, Gump et al, Sullivan & Cromwell, National Amusements Inc, Harvard University, Ernst & Young, 21st Century Fox, Lehman Brothers
This lists the top donors to this candidate in 1999-2016
Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw, George Soros, Frank Giustra, Haim and Cheryl Saban, S. David Sussman, David E. Shaw, the AFSCME, Marc and Denise Rich, Elaine and Gerard Schuster, Susie Tompkins Buell and her husband Mark, Sam M. Walton, the NEA and the AFT, James B. Blair, Alice Walton, Harry Thomason, Mary Steenburgen, Marc Benioff,, thePublic, Inc., Let's Talk Entertainment, Xerox Corp, Deutsche Bank, Jewish United Fund, Biotechnology Industry Org., Qualcomm, Cisco, Ebay, Beaumont Health System, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Clinton Guistra Enterprise (Canada), Frank Guistra, the Radcliff Foundation, Fred Eychaner and Applewood Foundation, Nationale Postcode Loterij(Dutch charity), The Children's Investment Fund Foundation, UNITAID, Plumbers and Pipefitters Union, Barbara F. Lee, Jeffery and Marilyn Katzenberg,

Well, would you look at this fro 2014:

Hotel magnate Donald Trump donated $5,000 to Sen. Ted Cruz’s leadership PAC in January, according to new campaign records.

Oh, and Lyin' Ted does it again, btw, Trump donated less to clinton than he did to ol' Lyin' Ted:

Cruz said Donald Trump has written 10 checks to Hillary Clinton "and four of those checks were not to her Senate campaign. … It was to her presidential campaign."

He has a point that Trump has made multiple campaign donations to Clinton, but he overstated the amounts. Trump ended up making five donations worth $4,100 to Clinton’s Senate campaign, and two donations worth $2,300 to her presidential campaign. The presidential donations were eventually refunded in their entirety.

25 Self Confessed Adulterers (Trump has done )

not gonna bother with this one either, he's admitted it.

Cruz has been accussed of at least 5 affairs by the Rubio campaign, but it is not being reported on.

26 Non repentant Christians (Trump has admitted )

Source where he has admitted to being nonrepentant please.

We've already addressed the wall issue on other threads so I'll not bother to do it again.


Cuz, please judge for yourself what the facts are, don't rely on Cruz's campaign propaganda or my ability to google your talking points. I would like to thank you for this list though, I learned somethings I never knew; like I told my dh yesterday, I was on the fence about who to support, but since I spent a lot of time googling to refute your assumptions in this and other threads, I am now firmly in the #OnlyTrump camp as my eyes have been opened to the lies and propraganda and as he has read over my shoulder or listened to my outraged exclamations so is he and HE voted undecided in our primary.