WAR Russian Government Officials Told To Immediately Bring Back Children Studying Abroad

Possible Impact.....thanks for the Bugs Bunny cartoon......loved it!

Who the heck do the Brits and us think we are......everyone seems to forget that Syria is a sovereign country, its President, Assad, invited Russia in there to help him fight ISIS and the rebels. We were NOT invited....in fact, as of lately, we most definitely are not wanted in there, as those countries can't trust us, knowing we support and defend ISIS, the very group Syria needs to dispose of!!!!!

Our propaganda mills (media) tells us lies about what is going on, in Syria. Unfortunately, more Americans listen to that, than learn what's really going on, thanks to alternative news.

Furthermore, Russia has told us one false move and Sayonara! I hope we don't aggravate him, any farther....if Trump wins the election, we might have a chance, since he would talk to Putin and Hillary will NOT! I kind of think Putin is holding off doing anything, before the election results are in.


Veteran Member
Good points, Colonel...

Folks, you need to get right with God, RIGHT NOW!!! Don't wait until it's too late... If you wait too long, Heaven won't be your residence, but the Lake of Fire...

Those are the ONLY two choices...




`so true


Veteran Member
well for one they need the children ..they have always had a better civil defence system..we dont have one sept for gov people .....ok here on this board most of you are a bit older then 50..im 48 ..see why they need the kids ... they just put 40.000.000 in bunkers ..we would be lucky to have 40.000 ..this shit storm was started by hilliary and friends we as the obama admid ..tried to play chess .with a an ex kgb col....the very same people that showed them the game with their agent provateres ....i dont care how it spelled ..all i know is i will have to fight people i know


Live free and survive
Pastor Joe's take...
I have been thinking of posting my own op-ed on this situation.
I'm a 48 yo man who has dealt with many bad and well, gory situations in my life. I have to admit, i'm worried, I mean REALLY worried. I can handle an economic collapse and natural disasters. However, A war with Russia, China, World war is all the horrors rolled up in one. I feel good in a certain amount of being prepared. And i have a good amount of knowledge about levels of a Nuclear strike in the US. But really, how do you really prepare for this? If a first strike occurs, we would never know, and you have a limited time to shelter after a strike. Now toss in a EMP with a strike.
I'm not panicking, but i'm worried this is going down SOON. Now that Russia is recalling all it's citizens. This is VERY real. It's no joke or political bluster when these type of orders go down.
The elite have been buying bunkers for years for what many of us think is an economic collapse. I'm thinking, the "Elite" of the elite are doing this for reasons of war.


Thomas Paine

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I watched a 45 minute video of Russian military training on you tube today, interesting thing the last part showed Russian and Chinese doing amphibious assaults and other training/cooperative type military ops. I will have to hunt it up and put the address in this post as I was watching on a smart TV not my puter.


Veteran Member
Hitlary would be overjoyed to see all the deplorables and ordinary citizens nuked! She would throw Trump in there for a little seasoning!


Veteran Member
M.E. air traffic has thinned down to mainly local traffic and Russia's fleet is mainly in country. Then Europe area is still a mess.


Would *I* Lie???
I think russia is putting the nuts on america. Trying to "get out the vote" With Russia likely behind all of these damaging leaks about Clinton, I wouldn't doubt they are trying to weaken Hillary and Obama to get a SERIOUS business man, and not somebody OWNED by corps. Donald is not owned. He owns. He would be good for the worldstage. I hope Russia dumps info about Obams real info, citizenship, et al..

But Russia making mean face and embarrassing the shit out of Obam and Hillary, making it look like it might be war real soon... tht will get out the Trup vote. That will scare some fence iters in to getting the job DONE RIGHT. Putin totally wants Trump.


Could be meat on this bone

I had an interesting conversation today with someone who talks all the time to a group of Russians at some time of consulate or gov office.

I told her I was concerned about the tensions between America and Russia. She said she thought it was all just posturing because ...

"Russians love their children more than anything else. They won't put them at risk since they are all over the globe now".

THEN, get home and read this headline about them calling their children AND extended families who still have Russian citizenship home. Seriously creeped out now.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
The Independent: Generals of the US Army considered war with Russia and China is inevitable


In the US Army Association conference in Washington, held these days, the Chief of Staff of the United States Army General Mark Milli said that a large-scale war with Russia and China "almost inevitable". This writes the British newspaper of The The Independent .

"I want to be very clear for those who want to harm us ... In spite of all our problems, in spite of all that we do, we will stop you, and we will beat you as you were not bits never before", - said Milly.
Moscow made it clear that it is ready to shoot down US aircraft in case of attack on the UAR Army

His counterpart, Major General William Hicks, in turn, suggested that "any conflict with the use of conventional weapons in the near future will take place very quickly and lead to enormous sacrifices"

According to the American generals, Russian and Chinese advances in military construction and the creation of new technologies have forced the White House to begin preparations for a war of such magnitude that the US military has not seen since the days of the Korean War.



Veteran Member
The British are stupid fools to think that they could impose any type of no fly zone in Syria by themselves OR with the help of any coalition to help them. Instead of crying about Russia committing war crimes because they are bombing terrorists, they should be screaming at their Allies to stop supplying arms and training to the terrorists in the first place so the civil war can be brought to a close and their "coalition' can get the hell out of a country that they have no rights at all to be in.
There is a lot of talk of war crimes bantered around, yet the US bombs government troops, aid convoys end up mysteriously get "bombed" yet the damage clearly shows no bomb damage but eye witnesses swear up hill and down they saw it happen, and so on. So yes, war crimes just may end up being handed out, but just against who, and what country and what "actors" is yet to be seen. But if these idiots think supporting the same people that kill them in Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen, or for that matter Paris, London or Brussels, just under a different name or banner is worth going to war and starting world war three with Russia, who actually has a vested interest in Syria, and was invited into the country by the President of the sovereign nation, than by all means full speed ahead. But I sincerely hope that you get to see that blinding flash first overhead over your nation and get to look out over the smoldering ruins before you get the full blast effect and the heat wave melts your skin off your face.


TB Fanatic
If one was to suppose an attack was imminent, what better time than now to do it. You have a weak and effeminate POTUS who draws lines in the sand and then ignores them when they are crossed, who sacks the Generals who dare to have an opinion different than his and surrounds himself with Yes men, who loads the military with LGBT's while stripping Christianity from the model, loads up his administration with muslim devotees who would like nothing better than to see America destroyed, who cares NOTHING for the people he is supposed to represent, who bows down to world leaders and makes apologies for America, who wants to sublimate this country to global UN authority, disarm the people, I ask again......What better time to attack?
If one was to suppose an attack was imminent, what better time than now to do it. You have a weak and effeminate POTUS who draws lines in the sand and then ignores them when they are crossed, who sacks the Generals who dare to have an opinion different than his and surrounds himself with Yes men, who loads the military with LGBT's while stripping Christianity from the model, loads up his administration with muslim devotees who would like nothing better than to see America destroyed, who cares NOTHING for the people he is supposed to represent, who bows down to world leaders and makes apologies for America, who wants to sublimate this country to global UN authority, disarm the people, I ask again......What better time to attack?

I started worrying about this very aspect over two years ago. And it is coming closer to fruition.


If one was to suppose an attack was imminent, what better time than now to do it. You have a weak and effeminate POTUS who draws lines in the sand and then ignores them when they are crossed, who sacks the Generals who dare to have an opinion different than his and surrounds himself with Yes men, who loads the military with LGBT's while stripping Christianity from the model, loads up his administration with muslim devotees who would like nothing better than to see America destroyed, who cares NOTHING for the people he is supposed to represent, who bows down to world leaders and makes apologies for America, who wants to sublimate this country to global UN authority, disarm the people, I ask again......What better time to attack?

I started worrying about this very aspect over two years ago. And it is coming closer to fruition.

Y'all are not by yourselves.

Do not forget the growing relationship between the Russkies and the Chinese.

The Chinese are a factor in so many ways.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
The plans of the Elite for the whole world are not good. For the U.S. they are as below.

This upcoming world war is just a planned part of depopulation and world government.


We get an excellent breakdown of Agenda 21 in 3 paragraphs from Liberty Sentinel.:

A decades-old scheme to eliminate private ownership of land has been working quietly to snatch up thousands of acres in North-Central Florida and across the nation under the guise of environmental protection. The plan, formally known as “Agenda 21,” was originally outlined in a 1976 United Nations report called ‘Habitat I.’

United States and Florida law enshrine the protection of life, liberty, and property, but the U.N. condemns private property and goes on to state that “public control of land use” is “indispensable.” Private land ownership, according to Habitat I, contributes to “social injustice.”

The two ideologies are irreconcilable, but Agenda 21 marches on with the support of the U.S. government and even state and local governments. “Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment,” the U.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs explains on its Web site.



Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
One of my reasons for being back home in Australia is that I expect war, to start and China etc to be involved.

Being in Australia will not insulate you from the nukes or a several million man invasion by China....
Just what will the Australians use to fight the invasion since so many Australians turned their firearms into the Australian government....
Feel safer with out firearms to protect you, yours and your nation????


Cut through the dross and this is purely a war prep IMHO. Everything else is deflection and disinformation. The Russian elites could care less if their children are being exposed to foreign propaganda or ridicule. They are more than sophisticated enough to understand that all other countries are going to have different perspectives and different controls of the media. Any international diplomat or functionary is trained to expect this. What NO government wants is for the families of key personnel to effectively be held hostage in other lands when the bombs start to fall. This is likely as not to represent "hostage" in figurative, rather than literal terms. No government wants their key people to be more worried about their families than doing their job or in purely military terms to have personnel reluctant to carry out targeting orders because a loved one lives in the affected area. Again, this is simple: It's a war prep and any other consideration is subordinate to that.

Best regards


I agreed with this ^^^ yesterday when I first read it.

I have been hammering the h*** out of my contacts to verify this (Russian children going home) and since most of my contacts have retired or died it was difficult.

Today I verified that fact that the Russkies are indeed bringing their children home.

Some might think this needs to be BS material but it is not necessary in my opinion. (No one is at risk)

I talked with a friend today regarding other matters and he told me off the cuff that he just spoke with a customer (and friend) who is an Asst. Professor at the University of Kentucky.

The professor told him that all the Russian students were leaving for home..... ASAP.

I don't know how many are involved but the comment verified the thread subject.

Readers should check with university contacts in their AO to further verify but as far as I know it the Russian students are leaving UK as soon as possible.


Country exile in the city
I've been doing a massive amount of reading both on markets......and the possibility of a major war enveloping the globe. In all my days I have never seen the world so unstable....

This article is more than a year old....however, it has some really interesting scenarios concerning WWIII........If you get cold chills running up and down your spin while reading it....join the club!

NOTE: If what I think will happen... happens, I'll meet you on the other side.

OH..........by the way....I'M ISSUING A FUNG WWIII RED ALERT for the next 60 days...


Anybody know if Cappy has shaved yet?


Veteran Member
The overseas Chinese nationals seem to be staying where they are, with no inclination to return to mainland China or to move to the southern hemisphere. Wouldn't they be making moves of that type if they were tipped off that Russia was getting ready to send nukes in the direction of North America and Europe? I've heard nothing to suggest that the overseas Chinese students are returning to China.

The Russian repatriation may be a simple and straightforward move to prevent hostage-taking rather than a preparation for nuclear war (although it could certainly be both). The Russians abroad may be more likely to be targeted than the Chinese.

What about the Russian oligarchs living in London and elsewhere in Europe? Are they also returning to the homeland? I thought that they strongly preferred to be elsewhere.

Putin has proven himself to be someone who makes swift moves when necessary (as in Crimea), but who also knows very well how to wait and watch. The swiftness of this move reminds me of the Russian actions two years ago to reclaim Crimea after the Ukrainian coup. Clear thought, well-calculated, and swift.

Does anyone know how to find out if the Russian oligarchs are also returning to Russia?

And has there been any move by overseas Chinese to get out of North America and Europe?


Veteran Member
Just came across this posted from Jim Sinclair's website from one of his readers. Seems interesting!

Posted for fair use and discussion.


Bill and Jim,

Many parties have missed the significance of the Russians advice to return the students studying abroad.

I recall a story my grandfather told me about when at age 17 in 1917, him being in a Boys Finishing Academy in Moscow and being summoned by his uncle who was Postmaster General of Russia and being told that war was coming and instructed to return to the Academy that afternoon, pack his belongings and get on his horse and return to the Ukraine to warn the family to disburse into the countryside because they would be hunted for being wealthy landowners.

The Russian culture is such that family is always brought close to home in times of pending conflict.

Think about safety of children who maybe held as hostages or be subject to retribution at the hands of a country at war, or one that is subject to attack.

A parent will want their children closer at hand at home.

War is coming, Tom to Europe and the Levant. Note the 3 hour emergency meeting in London today. Events are cascading behind the curtains far faster than people know. Whether the war beaters succeed remains to be seen but should be subject to public debate and knowledge. Instead we get balderdash and deceit.

We do not know all the NATO moves but clearly by the Russian moves we can see and ascertain they are preparing for war on 3 fronts shortly. I knew sometime ago now that that was part of their preparation for what they thought might occur. And a reason they have not committed more to Syria. If they wanted to they could intensify the air program but that would leave them weak elsewhere so they are fighting on that front while maintaining their defensive capability. While it is in my opinion, suicide to strike at Syria given the defensive systems in place it does not mean that such an attempt will not be made. It would not be the first time troops are sent to death. While in the Ukraine NATO or perhaps more pointedly US snipers are positioned along with certain Polish troops ( regular or volunteer, likely mixed) for a move on the Donbass with the intent to draw Russia in to what is seen by the planners as contained conflicts. It is why Russia moved the Iskander missiles into Kallingrad which from there will be able to reach as far as Berlin. ( 450 mile radius). Think about why 3 new vessels were dispatched to the Med equipped with Kalibir missiles and having the most deadly anti ship missiles that jointly were developed with India, to why in the case of an outbreak of hostilities the command has been given for local decentralized response.

Hollande being the weak foolish leader he is is, toeing the flawed US line in foreign policy ( it will continue to cost him in the up coming elections) and it is why Putin cancelled his visit of October 19th. In fact, rumor has it that Lavrov will be told to stop talking to Kerry, in the not too distant future ( a terrible signpost when it occurs). A Russian tradition is to always talk and keep the lines of communication open until the advent of hostilities, so one gleams from this when this action happens, an outbreak of “hot” hostilities is very near.

There is so much, we are not being told that it is truly saddening and the media if it had character would have shame. Apart from the alternative media and various bloggers the rest is not worth spending time on. And if when looking at alternative media, ask for who is paying the bills in the background as that too is heavily influenced.

With the cabal in the process of losing control on many fronts it seems war is their preferred reaction. To what gain remains to be seen or even what logic applies to conflict that can go horribly wrong with dire consequences for regions, people and perhaps even the planet. There are simply NO winners in a nuclear fight between nations like America, Russia and China. And the likelihood that peace will be given a chance to bring prosperity to the world is fading fast.


CIGA Robert


Country exile in the city
Hollande being the weak foolish leader he is is, toeing the flawed US line in foreign policy ( it will continue to cost him in the up coming elections) and it is why Putin cancelled his visit of October 19th. In fact, rumor has it that Lavrov will be told to stop talking to Kerry, in the not too distant future ( a terrible signpost when it occurs). A Russian tradition is to always talk and keep the lines of communication open until the advent of hostilities, so one gleams from this when this action happens, an outbreak of “hot” hostilities is very near.

For those who watch prophecy and the Feasts (significant to prophecy, for those who know)---

(Feast of Tabernacles) – (first day) sundown October 16 to sundown October 17, 2016

(Feast of Tabernacles) – (eighth day) sundown October 23 to sundown October 24, 2016

During the feast of Sukkot we remember when the Almighty led the Israelites out of Egypt, and they lived in shelters in the wilderness for 40 years. During this time, the Almighty also dwelt in a sukkah (sue-KAH), the singular form of the Hebrew word sukkot, among the people (i.e. in the “tabernacle”).

For Sukkot, each family is commanded to build a temporary shelter a sukkah and dwell in it for the length of the 8-day feast. Some people set up a tent to dwell in during this time, while others build more elaborate, yet temporary structures with PVC pipe, bamboo, or wooden boards. It can be as simple as a square or rectangle top and four legs. The walls of the sukkah are usually some kind of fabric.

Most people eat their meals in the sukkah and some even camp out in it each night. The sukkah is intended to remind us of our need for the Almighty’s provision and of the fact that our life on Earth is temporary, like the sukkah itself.
Has Sukkot Been Fulfilled?

Sukkot has been intermediately fulfilled — that is, it has been fulfilled in a physical sense (the Messiah’s birth and earthly ministry), but the spiritual sense (his return) is yet to come.
What Does It Mean?

Physically speaking, the Feast of Sukkot commemorates when, over 2,000 years ago on the first day of Sukkot (a High Sabbath), the Messiah was born. He was the very Word of the Almighty made flesh, and literally “dwelt” or “tabernacled” with us.

In a spiritual sense, the Feast of Sukkot is all about finally dwelling with the Almighty after the end times. When we are gathered to the Messiah, there will be a great feast (during the feast of Sukkot, of course). The Bible likens it to a wedding feast and calls it the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:6) . The groom is Messiah and we are like a bride that has waited for him.

Then, on the Last Great Day, the eighth day of the feast, Yeshua returns to the earth on a white horse to rule with his people for 1,000 years. In the final fulfillment of this feast, there will be a new Heaven and new Earth, and we will finally dwell with the Almighty forever — the eternal Sukkot!


China Connection

TB Fanatic
Putin ramps up WW3 fears as he launches NUCLEAR MISSILES in terrifying show of power
RUSSIA has carried out a series of ballistic missile tests today as tensions with the US continue to rise over the conflict in Syria.

By Vickiie Oliphant
PUBLISHED: 21:59, Wed, Oct 12, 2016 | UPDATED: 08:22, Thu, Oct 13, 2016

Video etc, on link:


The Topol missile, the fastest in the world, was launched from a submarine in the Barents Sea off the Russian coast today as part of a series of ballistic tests.

Another was later shot from an island in the north-west of the country with its warhead hitting a simulated target, and a third missile - a nuclear-capable rocket - shot from a Pacific Fleet submarine in the Sea of Okhotsk, north of Japan.

Vladimir Putin's army fired the nuclear missileGETTY
The Topol missile, the fastest in the world, was launched from a submarine
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The country’s Defence Ministry said in a statement the training warhead “struck a simulated target on the firing range on the Kamchatka peninsula”.

The RS-12M Topol is a single-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile, which entered service in 1985.

The Topol missile in a military paradeGETTY
The RS-12M Topol is a single-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile
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It has a maximum range of 10,000 km or 6,125 miles and can carry a nuclear warhead with a yield of up to 550 kilotons.

The launch comes as a time when relations between the US and Russia are at its lowest point in years following the collapse of a ceasefire in Syria.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu accused the West of trying to portray his government's military exercises as threats - claiming they are merely normal combat training manoeuvres.

Destroyed buildings in SyriaGETTY
Relations between Russia and the US were tarred after the collapse of the Syria ceasefire
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Thu, June 16, 2016
Devastating images of Syrian refugees seeking peace on their journey to Europe.

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Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing violence from forces loyal to the Islamic State
1 of 53

Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing violence from forces loyal to the Islamic State

Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing violence from forces loyal to the Islamic State
Kurdish peshmerga forces look at bones in a mass grave on the outskirts of the town of Sinjar
A fighter from Syria's Manbij military council keeps watch
Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing violence from forces loyal to the Islamic State
A girl from the minority Yazidi sect flees the violence
Syrian kids and activists plant olive trees to show their wishes for peace on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Syrian civil war in Jobar neighborhood in Damascus, Syria
Syrian kids and activists plant olive trees to show their wishes for peace on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the Syrian civil war in Jobar neighborhood in Damascus, Syria

Scheduled activities of our operational and combat training are misrepresented as 'alarming signals'.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu

He said: "Scheduled activities of our operational and combat training are misrepresented as 'alarming signals'.

"The ideas of a military threat, a new cold war or an arms race are being circulated. Of course, it is not true."

In recent months, Russia has conducted a series of drills and inspections of its armed forces - along with testing weapons off the coast.

Last week, a nuclear preparation drill involving more than 40million people was ordered, preparing Russia for a nuclear war.

Vladimir Putin giving a speechGETTY
Vladimir Putin himself was accused of "war crimes" in war-ravaged Syria

State officials and the media have warned people the US is about to launch an all-out attack.

Yesterday, Vladimir Putin himself was accused of "war crimes" in war-ravaged Syria over his continued support of controversial President Bashar al-Assad.

The Russian leader has approved the movement of air defence missile systems as it beefs up its forces in Syria following the collapse of the ceasefire.

Russia army marchingGETTY
Putin ordered a nuclear preparation drill last week involving more than 40 million people

He also told diplomats of all ranks to “bring relatives home to the Motherland”.

Administration staff, politicians and public sector workers have been ordered to take their children out of foreign schools immediately.

Russian political analyst Stanislav Belkovsky said: “This is all part of the package of measures to prepare elites to some 'big war’


Chair Warmer

Membership Revoked
My husband went to a "party" held by a russian student.

Excuse me, but in my experience, most russian girls are only here to whore themselves out.

Thankyou for taking them back home to mother russia!!! hope the mother country beats their arses purple and blue. hehehe!!!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
SageRock - my first thought was to keep the children from being held hostage too. Pretty sad a world leader thinks Obama capable of this isn't it? Of course, we know he IS capable... and so does Putin.

In 2015, there were a little over 5000 Russian students enrolled in US higher ed institutions; that's down from 2014. Russia doesn't make the top 10. China has almost 275,000. It would be a huge mass migration to recall the Chinese students. Africa is also well represented.
