TERRORISM Riots in Minneapolis (now the main riot thread)


Veteran Member
And I never made any statement in support of police brutality as you imply. I will take your word that you did not intend to imply any support for the animalistic behavior of the rioters. And I am sorry that I misunderstood.

We all good...not expecting an apology just clarification how you got what you got out of it. Thank you and if I worded it wrong, then I owe everyone an apology...so this is me apologizing...to everyone.
Me? I'm more of a "stack 'em like cord wood" with actions like that...add that cop at the top of the heap!


when we start coming to the suburbs, when we come to the government center, then what y’all gonna do?

Shoot y'all in the face ..... and not worry about a failure drill.

I have to say this has all turned into the biggest case of 'not my circus, not my monkeys' I have seen in my life so far. Thank you, Louis ….


Veteran Member
Oh dude, if they make it here (which they won't) God help them. I'd believe aliens from Uranus would get here before they do. Just not going to happen (well, 99.9999% it won't, never say never, right?). Even if one or two made the several hour trip to get 'here', the locals would have zero tolerance for that crap. Just as many Stars and Bars waving here as Old Glory's, if not more some days.

As for myself....I will stand my ground.

i do love you

i believe i always have :lol:


Has No Life - Lives on TB
yup. he and his family do not dispute this. he had made a change and said what he had done in the past was wrong and he was trying to help young people to change. this is by the accounts by family and friends that have denounced this all going on.

Its a broken record with this culture.....................he has a felony record....... but he's turning his life around........he's a gentle giant...........he's helping the community..............he's an aspiring rapper.............

like a 9 year old child claiming they can ride a 10 speed bike only to fall off while the parent says I told you so...........


Veteran Member
Its a broken record with this culture.....................he has a felony record....... but he's turning his life around........he's a gentle giant...........he's helping the community..............he's an aspiring rapper.............

like a 9 year old child claiming they can ride a 10 speed bike only to fall off while the parent says I told you so...........

i agree. i absolutely do. that does not mean it isn't a real thing that people try to change. it also does not mean that he deserved to die because over maybe giving a fake $20 perhaps knowing it was or not knowing it was (still very up for grabs on that), especially when he was not resisting by every account so far, including video.


On TB every waking moment
lets see . . . somewhere there's a well known quote . . . I can't QUITE remember all of it . . . but the last part of it goes like this:


Attributed to Abbot, papal legate and inquisitor Arnaud Amaury in his encouragement of Catholic troops against the Cathars during the Albigensian Crusade of the 13th Century.


On TB every waking moment


Attributed to Abbot, papal legate and inquisitor Arnaud Amaury in his encouragement of Catholic troops against the Cathars during the Albigensian Crusade of the 13th Century.

IIRC the quote was "Kill them all, for God will know his own."


Has No Life - Lives on TB
i agree. i absolutely do. that does not mean it isn't a real thing that people try to change. it also does not mean that he deserved to die because over maybe giving a fake $20 perhaps knowing it was or not knowing it was (still very up for grabs on that), especially when he was not resisting by every account so far, including video.

I don't disagree with you but what I'm trying to say is the majority of them don't learn................did you see this guys rap sheet?....................how many times do you have to break the law to learn you lesson.........or is that the same plea you use after every felony?

There is more to this story that we are led to believe..........the fact that the cop who killed him knew him makes me wonder what is really going on here.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
As usual the game is rigged. Door # One gives you police thugs brazenly ENGAGED, BEING CHARITABLE IN MANSLAUGHTER. Behind door number Two we got Legitimate, peaceful demonstrators engaged in seeking redress of grievances. And behind door number three we got Antifa, Soros funded TERRORISTS, ASSORTED CRIMINALS AND AMORAL OPPORTUNISTS ENGAGED IN MASS VIOLENCE AND TERRORISM.
Did I mention I am now in full armed militia mode with AR-15, mags, 5.56mm,?


Veteran Member
I don't disagree with you but what I'm trying to say is the majority of them don't learn................did you see this guys rap sheet?....................how many times do you have to break the law to learn you lesson.........or is that the same plea you use after every felony?

There is more to this story that we are led to believe..........the fact that the cop who killed him knew him makes me wonder what is really going on here.
He had 2 DL convictions in MN; this was his last one in 2018. The fact that he either didn't have it in his possession or wouldn't show it, in both cases, to the officers makes me suspicious. The 911 call made it sound like he was either drunk or high, which may be the reason everything went south. At some point in time, he also went by another name = Floyd Perry.

Drivers' Licenses - No Drivers License in Possession or Fail to Display Upon RequestConvicted
Convicted of a Misdemeanor
Traffic Regulation-Uninsured Vehicle-Driver Violation



I give up.
Rioter: ‘We’re Gonna Start Coming to the Suburbs’
“Ain’t nothing left here.”
View: https://twitter.com/CorvetteToys/status/1266264963590455298

EDIT: Twitter pulled that original tweet down from the article below.

Here is another user that posted it...

View: https://twitter.com/Mrtdogg/status/1266269341974016000

The story's below...

Rioter: ‘We’re Gonna Start Coming to the Suburbs’

“Ain’t nothing left here.”

Published 1 min ago on 29 May, 2020

Paul Joseph Watson


A man interviewed on camera during last night’s chaos in Minneapolis warned that rioters are planning on “coming to the suburbs” if they don’t get what they want.

The twin cities were once again rocked by a night of absolute bedlam as more stores were looted and rioters set fire to the 3rd police precinct building, prompting cops to flee the scene.

“It’s real bogus, they gotta hit it right, otherwise this is what’s gonna happen, ain’t nothing left here so when we start coming to the suburbs, when we come to the government center, then what y’all gonna do?” the mask-wearing African American asks.

View: https://twitter.com/GroyperCath/status/1266258390101049344?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1266258390101049344&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fsummit.news%2F2020%2F05%2F29%2Frioter-were-gonna-start-coming-to-the-suburbs%2F

A man interviewed on camera during last night’s chaos in Minneapolis warned that rioters are planning on “coming to the suburbs” if they don’t get what they want.

The twin cities were once again rocked by a night of absolute bedlam as more stores were looted and rioters set fire to the 3rd police precinct building, prompting cops to flee the scene.

“It’s real bogus, they gotta hit it right, otherwise this is what’s gonna happen, ain’t nothing left here so when we start coming to the suburbs, when we come to the government center, then what y’all gonna do?” the mask-wearing African American asks.

“You see what I’m saying, so eh that’s just what’s gonna happen, you know – f**k the police,” he adds.
President Trump has promised to bring in the National Guard if local authorities are incapable of handling the violence, something that is pretty much self-evident at this point.

As we highlighted earlier, despite the riots spreading across the country and becoming more violent, the media is still describing the carnage as a legitimate “protest.”

Rioter: ‘We’re Gonna Start Coming to the Suburbs’

Mow 'em down in the street, that's what "y'all" will do.


Veteran Member
Dick Morris Reveals Info: Janet Reno Told President Clinton

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Janet Reno: "If You Don't Appoint Me, I'm Gonna Tell The Truth About Waco"

Dick Morris on Foxnews Hannity: "It's never been said before"

Dick Morris Reveals Bombshell on Waco and Janet Reno

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyMi14ffHH4

Then President Bill Clinton was not going to appoint Attorney General Janet Reno to another 4 year term, Reno responded...

Morris: "You must understand what was Timothy McVeigh's motivation, God knows what's going on in that crazy head of his but there is some speculation, and he himself had said. that it was the reaction of the Waco takeover and Bill Clinton orchestrated that takeover and in fact was so ashamed of what he did in Waco that he not gonna appoint Janet Reno to a second 4 year term and she told him in a meeting right before the inauguration day for his new term, that if you don't appoint me, I'm gonna tell the truth about Waco and that forced Clinton's hand in reappointing her"​
Hannity: "I don't remember you telling this story before"​
Morris: "No, it's never been said before. I think that President Clinton might want to examine his own connection with the Oklahoma City bombing in terms of Waco, before he starts accusing people in walkers and wheelchairs who are trying to keep their medicare of being provocateurs"​
Hannity: "Wait a minute, so what was the truth about Waco that Reno threatened to use against him?​
Morris: "I have no idea, but I know that he told me, Clinton told me that I couldn't not appoint Reno because she would have turned on me over Waco".

Did Hillary Clinton Order Waco Assault?

News Commentary – Winter/Spring 2001


According to Linda Tripp it was Hillary and not Bill Clinton who directed the final assault on Waco.

During an interview in early February 2001 the former White House aide alleged that Hillary Clinton pressured the late Vincent Foster to resolve the Waco standoff. As a result more than eighty men, women and children were killed. Appearing on CNN’s “Larry King Live” Tripp suggested that Foster, at Mrs Clinton’s direction, transmitted the order to move on the Branch Davidian’s Waco compound, which culminated in a military style attack on the wooden building.

Her accusations lend weight to charges made previously by Special Forces expert and Waco investigator, Steve Barry. According to the former Special Forces member, Hillary set up a special “crises centre” in the White House to deal with Waco. Serving with her in the centre was Vincent Foster who, according to his widow was subsequently: “fuelled by horror at the carnage at Waco for which the White House had ultimately been responsible.”

Foster himself was found dead, from a gun-shot wound to the head, in a Virginia park three months later. Could he have known too much about Waco?

Journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard maintains that Foster had been “drafting a letter involving Waco” on the very day of his death. Moreover Evans-Pritchard says that Foster kept a Waco file in a locked cabinet that was off limits to everyone, including his secretary.

Prior to Waco, Foster was “dignified, decent, caring, smart” says Linda Tripp; in its aftermath though, she said: “…Vince was falling apart.”

She was with the former White House deputy counsel when the news about Waco broke on television. “A special bulletin came on showing the atrocity at Waco and the children. And his face, his whole body slumped, and his face turned white, and he was absolutely crushed – knowing the part he had played.”

“And he had played the part at Mrs Clinton direction,” said Tripp.

Moreover there was a marked contrast between Foster’s heartfelt emotion at the Waco tragedy and Hillary Clinton’s, Tripp insists: “Her reaction was heartless”.

Her accusations give further weight to allegations first levelled in the 1999 documentary on the deadly confrontation, “Waco: A New Revelation.” The film featured the account of former House Waco investigator T. March Bell. “One of the interesting things that happens in an investigation is that you get anonymous phone calls,” Bell explained in the film. “And we in fact received anonymous phone calls from Justice Department managers and attorneys who believe that pressure was placed on Janet Reno by Webb Hubbel, pressure that came from the first lady of the United States.”

Mrs Clinton grew more and more impatient as the Waco stand-off came to dominate the headlines during the early months of the Clinton administration, said Bell. It was she, according to Bell’s sources, who pressured a reluctant Janet Reno to act.

“Give me a reason not to do this,” Reno is said to have begged aides shortly before orders were issued for the final assault.

Sources include: The SPOTLIGHT Oct 30 1999 and NewsMax.com, Tripp: Hillary Directed Waco. Saturday, Feb. 10, 2001

i've said it before. i'll say it again. vector7, you are awesome.


Veteran Member
As usual the game is rigged. Door # One gives you police thugs brazenly ENGAGED, BEING CHARITABLE IN MANSLAUGHTER. Behind door number Two we got Legitimate, peaceful demonstrators engaged in seeking redress of grievances. And behind door number three we got Antifa, Soros funded TERRORISTS, ASSORTED CRIMINALS AND AMORAL OPPORTUNISTS ENGAGED IN MASS VIOLENCE AND TERRORISM.
Did I mention I am now in full armed militia mode with AR-15, mags, 5.56mm,?
Best get it sighted in and some rounds down the barrel to break it in.


Veteran Member
Just random thoughts...

In all the crime cases I've followed, I'm amazed at how many begin and end with traffic violations. I have 2 "if's"

If I had a daughter or granddaughter of dating age, the first question I'd ask her: How is his driving record?
If I was going to commit crimes, I would absolutely become the best driver I could possibly be and always check my lights and turn signals.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Let's see if arresting the cop does anything.

Assuming it's not a wink-wink "arrest" for public consumption.

I think that critical mass has been achieved and we will be entertained for yet another night. New cities are coming onboard and it is expensive to protest.

This will tell the tale as to whether this is an organic protest or a paid for and orchestrated one. If it is the latter, drawing and quartering the murderous cop live on twatter won't make a whit of difference. They want what they paid for and they will by gawd get it. We will know by suppertime.


Dot Collector
Pawn shop owner has been arrested for murder:

View: https://twitter.com/MikeMerhi2/status/1266257186138624002

All Part of their Revolutionary Plan...
Soros: "His problem is that the elections are still 10 months away, and in a [revolutionary situation], that's a lifetime" - January 2020 ...then we had the virus and now obviously organized riots.


Has No Life - Lives on TB