Solar Rev 16:8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
Well we are all recouping from that last round of heat from the solar storms. Hydrate some more. The news went bonkers from the weather stories that spun off from events. The destruction is still unfolding. Worse, peoples' filters wear down and emotions become raw. Evil took advantage of the situation and the rest is history. amen

The sun now is going back to flat lining. The comet caused the sun to kick out some mean x-flares. With the exit of Atlas comet, it's falling back to a subdued state. The baseline is creeping down. This is good for now, kind of.

Now the bad news is we are still being hit with c0smic rays which are a different beast than the solar flares, cme or coronal hole wind stream. We took a hit from a bad one on the 10th. The results showed up on the 13th with higher ground temperatures. Think m@gm@ flows.

Take the time to heal the wounds and anoint yourselves because that is just a prelude to what is coming. They cannot hide this story anymore so they are packaging it as carefully as they can. This is the October surprise for the star watchers. This is what the Shofar Guy found in his video about the stars in all the heavens lining up for the 9th of October in the Bible. The one star all the clues danced around is B3t3lg3us3 (c0de name Beetle juice). It sits in the Orion constellation. The Bible constantly refers to this constellation. This star has gone nov@. (Those who have connection to the Shofar Guy please inform him of this, He was hoping for a big bang, It will play out in time.) amen

The Atlas comet is in reference to the star Atlas in the Seven Sisters constellation. He is the father of the Seven Sisters, whose daughters are running from Orion. A sign of things to come.

We will see the star start to expand bigly in a week or two. The problem is that it is one of those things that when you see it, it is hitting you. That is when they inform the public. God knows what is going on and has this one in the palm of His Hand. amen

Watch the video carefully. The terminology is very, very subtle.
rt 20 min
How many will survive?


Veteran Member
How many will survive?
So Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS named from (Tsuchinshan Chinese Observatory) and the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) is making rounds every 80,000 years. I doubt they know the true origins of it. It is the harbinger of things to come. Comet Atlas brought earth 3 nasty x flares with deadly effects from the hurricanes and floods. This is the beginning.

This is what I believe the Bible is saying: One of the bad omens the comet brings are the fallout from the nova of Betelgeuse.


"Betelgeuse is approximately 724 light-years away from Earth, although some estimates suggest it could be around 548 light-years away. This means that the light we see from Betelgeuse today actually left the star about 724 to 548 years ago."

To say this in my words; we are watching in the real-time night skies what happened 600 years ago. Betelgeuse blew 600 years ago and the light of that event is just now hitting our solar system. Along with the light there are debris fields that the nova sent out. The debris, bits and pieces of Betelgeuse are here, coming in; and there are years of hell fire and brimstone that are going to continue to rain down on Earth.

This is God's work. He really is going to unleash his wrath. He has given every warning he can and now that the harbinger has passed, he is going to start to close the doors. The Bible scholars know the rest of the story.

So how many lives? It has already started, and I can't fix a real number to this. A lot.

If you can wrap your mind around to what is really going on and put God and Christ front and center, you have a fighting chance. The rest of the folk, not so much. God bless their souls. amen

The Satanist already know this information. That is why they have released it to the public now when the threat is at our front door. They see it as Baal fodder season and intend to follow Lucifer with every human sacrifice they can find. Evil is everywhere. Do not be misled. amen


Veteran Member
MFAW starts at 1hr and 20min hosted by Heidi Begley who is a fellow nurse.
"Canada will possibly see a hurricane this year.
Hurricane Milton went from 0 to a Cat 5 in 10 hours. Never seen before.
When Hurricane Milton formed, it sucked down cold air -300 degrees from space detected by ISS. It instantly froze surface water where it was, 5 feet."

rt 2h 42min
Post pulled from the Q thread, I don't know how to pull from one thread to another. Witness thinks they see dry ice for hail during Milton.


Resident Spook
Sigh.... I remember the ORIGINAL X post of that video during the storm. It was a lightning strike, and he foolishly walked out there with an umbrella to check it out.


Veteran Member
Orionid meteor showers peaking on the 20 and 21. Beetle juice country.
Quick sun update. Sun appears to be calming down after the comet swooped by. This is not a correct assumption. It is starting to flatline again. The burn will be intense on earth. The earth's shields are not holding well gauged from the low lattitude's colored skies. The comet and meteor showers do not travel alone, they bring baggage, more red dust. For now here is a link to watch


Veteran Member
The sun is going to get upset when another comet; C 2024 S Atlas goes perihelium, if not crash into the sun. Expect more flares on the 27 and 28th. This one is going even closer to the sun and may do the sundiving thing. amen

So more solar storm potential, just in time for Halloween. Devil be shakin' his tail....
ETA; punct.
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Veteran Member
The sun is going to get upset when another comet; C 2024 S Atlas goes perihelium, if not crash into the sun. Expect more flares on the 27 and 28th. This one is going even closer to the sun and may do the sundiving thing. amen

So more solar storm potential, just in time for Halloween. Devil be shakin' his tail....
We learned what happened with solar storms and the weather after Hurricanes' Milton and Helene. So whatever your weather scenario in your neck of the woods, it will be amplified. What is coming will be bad. The atmosphere is super charged from the last solar storms leftovers. Lightning and Tornados are fixing to swarm like in the destruction movies. Cuba's blackout is an indicator for this. PNW has atmospheric rivers setting up, tornado alley, quakes (west coast and Cascadia) etc you get the idea.

BP earthwatch's latest video is showing things coming 'round. We are close to 10-12 days out from whatever this event will be, I can guarantee it will be worse than Milton and Helene. One of the angels? spent all last night pushing his concerns into my awareness. He wasn't gloating, just impressing my awareness with how bad this sacrifice into the spiritual world will be, Halloween and all. God knows that the world is in play but the US will take another big hit; probably west coast. amen

Tighten down the hatches for you and yours and pray. amen


ETA rt18 min
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Veteran Member
Ace satellite picking up protons from the M flares 3854. I'd be surprised if it goes to storm level.. but we did have 5 m-flares.
ace-sis-24-hour (3).gif


Veteran Member
As fate would have it, 5 years post Katrina I flew into New Orleans. That was April 20th 2010. The local news was lit up with a disaster going on one of the oil rigs, the story had not made national news yet. Yes, Macondo well was mentioned. The national story evolved over to the Deep Water Horizon rig. Things were being handled from the beginning. Those of you who remember the event know the CT that I'm alluding to. But that is only one angle.

Another piece of the puzzle that was squashed quickly was the Clathrate Gun hypothesis. Here it is on Wiki

The clathrate gun hypothesis is a proposed explanation for the periods of rapid warming during the Quaternary. The hypothesis is that changes in fluxes in upper intermediate waters in the ocean caused temperature fluctuations that alternately accumulated and occasionally released methane clathrate on upper continental slopes. This would have had an immediate impact on the global temperature, as methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Despite its atmospheric lifetime of around 12 years, methane's global warming potential is 72 times greater than that of carbon dioxide over 20 years, and 25 times over 100 years (33 when accounting for aerosol interactions).[1] It is further proposed that these warming events caused the Bond Cycles and individual interstadial events, such as the Dansgaard–Oeschger interstadials.[2]

The hypothesis was supported for the Bølling–Allerød warming and Preboreal periods, but not for Dansgaard–Oeschger interstadials,[3] although there are still debates on the topic.[4] While it may be important on the millennial timescales,[5][6] it is no longer considered relevant for the near future climate change: the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report states "It is very unlikely that gas clathrates (mostly methane) in deeper terrestrial permafrost and subsea clathrates will lead to a detectable departure from the emissions trajectory during this century".

Methane clathrate, also known commonly as methane hydrate, is a form of water ice that contains a large amount of methane within its crystal structure. Potentially large deposits of methane clathrate have been found under sediments on the ocean floors of the Earth, although the estimates of total resource size given by various experts differ by many orders of magnitude, leaving doubt as to the size of methane clathrate deposits (particularly in the viability of extracting them as a fuel resource). Indeed, cores of greater than 10 centimeters' contiguous depth had only been found in three sites as of 2000, and some resource reserve size estimates for specific deposits/locations have been based primarily on seismology.[8][9] The sudden release of large amounts of natural gas from methane clathrate deposits in runaway climate change could be a cause of past, future, and present climate changes.

So in a nutshell, methane clathrate is a little ice crystal of methane found on the ocean floor. Once it warms up to 33 degrees Fahrenheit it explodes instantly to ~100% it's size. Since 2013 the Japanese have been mining it for the Natural Gas content.

The clathrate gun hypothesis basically states once the explosion of the crystals start, methane gas is so volatile that the explosions keep going till the soil/water runs out. This heats up earth.

The Deep Water Horizon Well some say hit a pocket of the clathrate crystal, and the methane gas ignited everything in it's area all at once. Luckily the waters were cold enough to contain it to the single well. This is no longer the case.

Now for some reason God has kicked this information up for me to process in light with what is coming up. The Gulf of Mexico is riddled with the methane crystals. Since the GOM is warming up, potential for the water to burn is there. The same thing can happen on land, Siberia's pot holes are an example of this.

We are going into unchartered territory. amen


Veteran Member
So we have a meteor shower Orionids peaking now. There is an Atlas Comet, actually two comets from Atlas (the media is grouping the two but they are separate according to Stephan Burns). The second comet is due to perihelium on the 27 & 28; earthquake time. What I want to point out is the source of the meteor shower and the comets. Keep track of what Betelguese Beetle Juice (notice that this is Holloween's latest media blitz? it is everywhere) is doing. I am saying that the source of all the activity are the fastest runners from the supernova of Betelguese soon to be visible. When it is visible you will be looking into the blast from your front door.

eta yt short 30s

Shut the door. All this activity is only going to become more complicated. God has this in his pocket, but he really is doing the judgement thing. He is brutally honest and fair. Keep the faith. Believe in Christ.

You folks need to reevaluate the relationship between Obumma and Elon Musk; both African, not American. God knows and you should too. amen


Veteran Member
pagans be paganing;

Headless Halloween comet might be a sight to see next week while trick-or-treating​

Story by Terry Eliasen, Exec. Weather Producer
• 2 min read

Boston- In a year filled with comets and other amazing astronomical events in Massachusetts, this has the chance to grab the most attention purely based on the headline.

Headless Halloween Comet​

It isn't just hype, there is an actual chance of seeing another comet this month and the timing may line up perfectly with Halloween night.

Comet ATLAS (C/2024 S1) is currently streaking towards our sun. The name may sound somewhat familiar. The comet that was visible last week had the name ATLAS (C/2023 A3). This naming convention is based on who found it, when and using what kind of telescope. ATLAS stands for Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System.

The main difference between this comet and the prior one is their distance from the sun. Last week's comet passed about halfway between Earth and the sun, more than 40 million miles away from the sun's searing heat.

This new comet is about to make a much closer pass, just over 700,000 miles from the sun.

Given this relatively close interaction, there is a good chance that much, if not all, of the comet may be completely disintegrated. In fact, many astronomers believe that this may already have happened to much of the comet's head. Hence, the "headless" headline.

October 26​

The first critical date is Saturday, October 26. This is when the comet will enter the view of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft. SOHO orbits the Earth and sun and is about one million miles from our planet. Its sole purpose is to monitor the sun 24 hours a day.

On October 26th, Comet C/2024 S1 will enter the field of view of SOHO's coronagraphs. This is what Comet C/2023 A3 looked like when it did the same a few weeks ago.

Comet C/2023 A3 as seen on October 10, 2024 from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. SOHO (ESA and NASA)

Comet C/2023 A3 as seen on October 10, 2024 from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. SOHO (ESA and NASA)
You can clearly see the Comet's head and tail.

Comet C/2023 A3 as seen from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. SOHO (ESA and NASA)

Comet C/2023 A3 as seen from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. SOHO (ESA and NASA)

October 28​

The next big date is October 28th. This is when the comet will enter perihelion, its closest approach to the sun.

Nobody knows exactly what will happen during this interaction. Again, the comet could completely disintegrate or it could emerge without a head and still contain a bright and visible tail.

We shall see! The best viewing in the northern hemisphere would occur between October 29 and November 6, again, if there is anything left to see.

We will keep you updated!

My words: 3 days from the 28th is the 31st. So whatever the sun does in response to the 28th, earth will feel it on the 31st. amen


Veteran Member
A filament collapsing?? Filaments are not strongly picked up on the x-ray flux C5.1 they can hit earth hard because they are big. The area is darkened after the collapse.
c3 caught a halo developing, full vs partial? more pics to follow...
download (2).png


Veteran Member
X 3.3 AR 13869 east rim shot asymmetrical halo not earth facing
Now here is the thing; AR 13869 will be directly earth facing when the Halloween comet goes perihelion. God's timing amen


Veteran Member
Some reports that the Halloween Comet is disintegrating. We will see in a couple of days.

Stuff is incoming and building a good foundation for more troubles. amen
goes-proton-flux-5-minut (9).png


Veteran Member
Another X 1.86 AR 13872 long duration, big blaster not directly at earth but more glancing blow like. Protons still climbing. R3 noted.
Looks like the cme from the xflare a couple of days ago is now hitting earths fields. BBL


Veteran Member
Solar ham says it is earth directed also 2 sunspot groups and possibly a filament involved. If the filament is part of this than the hit will be harder felt on earth. amen


Veteran Member
S2 solar radiation storm and still waiting another cme arrivalgoes-proton-flux-5-minut (11).png
S 2ModerateBiological: Passengers and crew in high-flying aircraft at high latitudes may be exposed to elevated radiation risk.
Satellite operations: Infrequent single-event upsets possible.
Other systems: Small effects on HF propagation through the polar regions and navigation at polar cap locations possibly affected.


Veteran Member
We are now a couple of hours away from when the X1.8 will hit earth, about 2 to be exact. This will probably bump the storm levels up more. Also we have the Halloween comet that is supposed to perihelion on the 28 th UT which is in an hour or so. We have planetary oppositions from now until the 4th. Also, that second moon is straggling along somewhere. Also the pole reversal event is swinging the magnetometers to a concern. It is settling down a bit but when this swings, things go down hill from there. amen
goes-magnetometers-1-min (4).png
This just in;
Attention: The coming #solarstorm is going to be much stronger than predicted! It has hit Solar Orbiter, which is currently serving as a long-range upstream monitor ahead of Earth. From the magnetic field observations (see red boxed area in the magnetic field plot), the magnetic…

— Dr. Tamitha Skov (@TamithaSkov) October 27, 2024


Veteran Member
As fate would have it, 5 years post Katrina I flew into New Orleans. That was April 20th 2010. The local news was lit up with a disaster going on one of the oil rigs, the story had not made national news yet. Yes, Macondo well was mentioned. The national story evolved over to the Deep Water Horizon rig. Things were being handled from the beginning. Those of you who remember the event know the CT that I'm alluding to. But that is only one angle.

Another piece of the puzzle that was squashed quickly was the Clathrate Gun hypothesis. Here it is on Wiki

The clathrate gun hypothesis is a proposed explanation for the periods of rapid warming during the Quaternary. The hypothesis is that changes in fluxes in upper intermediate waters in the ocean caused temperature fluctuations that alternately accumulated and occasionally released methane clathrate on upper continental slopes. This would have had an immediate impact on the global temperature, as methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Despite its atmospheric lifetime of around 12 years, methane's global warming potential is 72 times greater than that of carbon dioxide over 20 years, and 25 times over 100 years (33 when accounting for aerosol interactions).[1] It is further proposed that these warming events caused the Bond Cycles and individual interstadial events, such as the Dansgaard–Oeschger interstadials.[2]

The hypothesis was supported for the Bølling–Allerød warming and Preboreal periods, but not for Dansgaard–Oeschger interstadials,[3] although there are still debates on the topic.[4] While it may be important on the millennial timescales,[5][6] it is no longer considered relevant for the near future climate change: the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report states "It is very unlikely that gas clathrates (mostly methane) in deeper terrestrial permafrost and subsea clathrates will lead to a detectable departure from the emissions trajectory during this century".

Methane clathrate, also known commonly as methane hydrate, is a form of water ice that contains a large amount of methane within its crystal structure. Potentially large deposits of methane clathrate have been found under sediments on the ocean floors of the Earth, although the estimates of total resource size given by various experts differ by many orders of magnitude, leaving doubt as to the size of methane clathrate deposits (particularly in the viability of extracting them as a fuel resource). Indeed, cores of greater than 10 centimeters' contiguous depth had only been found in three sites as of 2000, and some resource reserve size estimates for specific deposits/locations have been based primarily on seismology.[8][9] The sudden release of large amounts of natural gas from methane clathrate deposits in runaway climate change could be a cause of past, future, and present climate changes.

So in a nutshell, methane clathrate is a little ice crystal of methane found on the ocean floor. Once it warms up to 33 degrees Fahrenheit it explodes instantly to ~100% it's size. Since 2013 the Japanese have been mining it for the Natural Gas content.

The clathrate gun hypothesis basically states once the explosion of the crystals start, methane gas is so volatile that the explosions keep going till the soil/water runs out. This heats up earth.

The Deep Water Horizon Well some say hit a pocket of the clathrate crystal, and the methane gas ignited everything in it's area all at once. Luckily the waters were cold enough to contain it to the single well. This is no longer the case.

Now for some reason God has kicked this information up for me to process in light with what is coming up. The Gulf of Mexico is riddled with the methane crystals. Since the GOM is warming up, potential for the water to burn is there. The same thing can happen on land, Siberia's pot holes are an example of this.

We are going into unchartered territory. amen


Veteran Member
S2 solar radiation storm continues. The storm has been going on for over 48 hours at the S2 levels. It has physiological effects. Hydrate. Yesterday's long duration m-flare has a strange configuration to it. It also looks to be earth facing. The cme should be here in another 48 hours give or take. The X-flare 1.8 had little to show but enough protons to keep the radiation storm in effect. amen
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Veteran Member
S1 solar radiation storm levels today, 4 going on the 5th day of storm levels. I don't know if studies have been done about the long term low level effects of the radiation storms but I personally find them draining. It was a filament that made the m flare in se lower quad, more protons. It should be here in 36 to 48 hrs. with a glancing blow.
goes-proton-flux-5-minut (12).png

The x ray flux is starting to flatline again, so not a lot of flares expected for a couple of days. This is to make sure everyone gets out to vote. amen


Veteran Member
X 2. coming in on Ar 3878. Long Duration bouncing back up the protons, keeping us at solar radiation storm level 1 longer than 5 days in a row. Looks like the CME from the filament a couple of days ago is coming in, bz south for the last 3 hours. Halloween settin' up for the troubles. amen
goes-proton-flux-5-minut (13).png


Veteran Member
look at this thing, it is out in the open I'm thinking earth facing. Waiting for verification. Almost an hour in X and high M territory.
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Veteran Member
Still no word on cme from the x2.02 flare on ar 3878. Terms being used magnetically caged, meaning it has fallen back in on itself and there is only minor cme but new areas of magnetics are forming; could do another big flare. Satellites are on delay times so no images yet.


Veteran Member
M 7.3 on the sun
6. mag in Oregon
Those two events happened at the same time. That is why I didn't post the times. 14:30 pst on 10/30. That earthquake 6mag OR was too close to home, so I really checked the timestamps. I'll post when I find them again. They happened with in 15-30 min. of each other. Then the X flare on the 31st produced 6. mags . in different locations.

My point is the next x-flare is going to increase the magnitudes up on earthquakes, with or without cme's. Where they land is anyplace that was close to a 6mag. Dutch is calling for Pacific Coast Watch for EQ hits, last I saw. amen


Veteran Member
Today's electoral sun report. Get out and vote. Your candidate needs every person and their vote today. Grab a latte and treat yourself for the adventure of partaking in Freedom. amen.

The sun needs decaf. Tad bit too jumpy, if you know what I mean. 10+ m-flares with climbing baseline yesterday with more on the way today. The flares are like the rolling boil of water. The more the sun boils, the more intense the flares; thus earth starts to bake with 5mag eqs in Tonga, Russia and Columbia. I have to add that the ME is one of the hotspots in the oven, like the ring of fire, San Andres and Cascadia.

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Veteran Member
I'm feeling pulled back to keep an eye on the sun. I want to go play and be happy with the elections and all. Thank you Lord, although God says to get to work and move quickly now; time is short. amen

So the sun had an x-flare early this morning X-2.3. Not much of a cme to worry about from region 3883. Then an m-5.8 from active region 3887. The newer groups of sunspots rotating in are large and polarized.

The magnetometers are anything but smooth. This shows that our shields are shifting around and the solar radiation is seeping through. Drink plenty of fluids, keep out of the direct sunlight at high noon hours, watch out for people who have had too much sun and are losing their filters (they may not only be upset demonrats). Notice the first day or two how quiet the waves are compared to how they become more angular and scratchy.
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