Solar Rev 16:8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.


Veteran Member
A reminder that the last couple of solar storms have arrived late and hit harder than anticipated. September 16th case in point, and of course the May storm.

This flare's impact has a bz of -12 and a wind speed at 500km/s real time Ace. So the next xflare should hit at 8ut 10/7/24. Again depending on how much sludge is left behind to muddle through. The two x and 6 m flares along with the constant C8/M1 baseline effects and impact will determine the radio, radiation and/or geomagnetic storm levels on earth. EQ are starting in. BPearthwatch connected those dots.

The sun is appearing to quiet down for the mean time. I'm going to add that the baseline on Goes x-ray flux is still holding high and is coming down slowly out of the C7's down into the C5s. This down slide will continue for the next 4-5 days, flatline if you will. One could think this is an improvement but it is caused from a chemical reaction and is pathological. The burn is going deeper. After the down time it will pop off more flares. More badda boom.

Five years ago, a single high C flare or a low M flare was watched with great anticipation. Now the whole sun is burning at that level, that puts a lot of sun sludge out there. amen


Veteran Member


Veteran Member
I'm feeling a bad feeling. Big Hurricanes and Solar Storms don't mix. If we have only taken the hit from the first x flare from Oct 1 and will take the second x flare tomorrow morning, the energy from the solar storm will blow Hurricane Milten up. I've seen what solar storms do to cloud coverage, it's rare but I have caught it a couple of times. If you watch how the hurricane subsides when the sun leaves, it is the exact opposite when the sun rises. You will see the size increase just from the sun. Add a solar storm to that and the hurricane will explode bigly. I'm just stating a set of possible events. The devil is shaking his tail so anything is possible. amen


Veteran Member
Right now we are in a R2 radio blackout and a G2 geomagnetic storm. The geomagnetic storm we have been in G1 off and on for the last 24 hours or so and have stayed in the G2 range within the last couple of hours. The satellite data is coming in choppy and NOAA is, well NOAA. Hurricane Milton has goe from a cat 1 to a cat 4/5 in the last 20 hours. This is not a coincidence. The solar storms affect the weather.

Here is a recent shot of Milton the monster.



Veteran Member
the x flare is still going...
now here is the x ray flux rhythm
the flare is not earth facing but the proton potential is.... being a long duration double peaked x flare
goes-x-ray-flux-1-minute (36).png


Veteran Member
The power of a solar storm on a hurricane; Milton went from a Cat 2 - Cat 5 in three hours. Those 3 hours the solar storm was a G2. amen


Veteran Member
Comet coming around... x flare, G1 storm, protons on the rise, Bz -14
Milton is going to be a monster....amen
download (1).png


Veteran Member
Another x 1.84 Ar 3848, looking earth facing. Waiting for confirmation.

For the record the second bump on yesterday's x flare was a filament release, possibly 2. The flare may be glancing but the filament is looking earth facing according to ENLIL. amen


Veteran Member
So another round of geostorm activity is starting on or about 10/9 when Milton makes landfall. The storm will be intensifying from the geostorms. This person is saying what I see happening. amen
rt 5min
The solar radiation storms have started already at an S2, almost S3 for the last 4 hours. Milton is tight and bad ass. Gonna buzz saw right on threw. We are never going to know the real numbers. May God have mercy on our souls.
goes-proton-flux-5-minut (7).png


Veteran Member
I am sinking as I type this. Last Night's x-flare is traveling so fast because the space debris has been swept up from the previous storms.
1) Last nights x2.1 flare will hit between 9pm tonight and 4am tomorrow.
2)That is the projected time frame for the previous double bumped x-flare that included the filament.
3)This is the time of Milton's expected landfall.
All 3 within hours if not minutes of each other.

Unbelievable. I don't believe it.

I have heard weathermen using these terms when describing Milton. "Expected to double in size when it makes landfall" "NorEaster next" "power of 10 nuclear bombs".

Repent now and beat the rush. amen

SOHO: LASCO/C2SOHO: LASCO/C3STEREO A: SECCHI/COR2Image Type: running difference
Speed (km/s): 1509.0Speed measured at height (Rs): None Entered
Type: O
Direction (LON/LAT in HEEQ): 8.0/ 13.0
Half Angular Width (degree): 45.0
Minor Half-width (degree): None Entered
Tilt (degree): None Entered
Time@21.5: 2024-10-09T04:16Z


Veteran Member
Another X1.4; Solar Radiation 3 storm continues
10/10 at 15:00 is when the strength of the X1.8 will hit.


Veteran Member
As the eyewall is moving into Tampa Bay some of the largest density particles I have ever seen are coming in with a decrease in speed, which means more solar storming coming in. Gonna give Milton some fuel. amen
plot_image_ (6).png
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Veteran Member
Milton hitting Tampa and the incoming solar storms have remained separate. The morning has not broken yet so we don't know the damages. Milton has gone on the Atlantic side and has cleared out for now.

Now we wait for the incoming solar storms. We are still at a solar radiation storm 2/3 that has sustained for the last 18 hrs going on 24 hrs. Because of the existing level of 2/3 solar radiation storm level and the incoming solar winds with plasma NOAA has a "SEVERE" geomagnetic storm warning for today and maybe tomorrow.

G4 (Severe) Geomagnetic Storm Impacts
Power systems: Possible widespread voltage control problems and some protective systems will mistakenly trip out key assets from the grid.
Spacecraft operations: May experience surface charging and tracking problems, corrections may be needed for orientation problems.
Other systems: Induced pipeline currents affect preventive measures, HF radio propagation sporadic, satellite navigation degraded for hours, low-frequency radio navigation disrupted, and aurora has been seen as low as Alabama and northern California (typically 45° geomagnetic lat.).
Other systems: Migratory animals are affected at this and higher levels.

Again, there is the solar radiation storm ongoing between level S2/3. This too is expected to rise.

Radiation hazard avoidance recommended for astronauts on EVA; passengers and crew in high-flying aircraft at high latitudes may be exposed to radiation risk.

Satellite operations: Single-event upsets, noise in imaging systems, and slight reduction of efficiency in solar panel are likely.

Other systems: Degraded HF radio propagation through the polar regions and navigation position errors likely.

Wild times. The solar radiation storm is starting to wear people down. Stay hydrated and then drink some more with electrolytes. Milk is very good for electrolyte replacement. Grounding is good.

Blessings all


Veteran Member
The glancing blow filament: Predicted Arrival Time: 2024-10-11T04:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h)

Estimated speed: ~1124 km/s.
and yes, it is "still arriving" according to these fellas:

Show Prediction Detail (

Great debates as to whether this is yesterday's cme or not. If so the lesser ones are on their way, making this a stormy couple of days with the filament still to make an appearance.

Also the comet, ATLAS. Talk was that the comet could possibly loose it's tail by the cme's because of flying between the sun and earth. C3's last shot is posted. Some sort of interference so hard to tell. amen
c3 comet.png
Comets are bad medicine as it is but for one to loose it's tail, uh oh....


Veteran Member
How many x-flares have there been? This is the 21st anniversary of the 11 x-flares in 2003, with the 11th on 11/4/03 saturating the instruments for 11 minutes.
Duck assistant says at least 25 for 2024. Four for the month of October so far. They are now lasting up to 4-6 hours.
goes-x-ray-flux-1-minute (37).png


Veteran Member
MFAW starts at 1hr and 20min hosted by Heidi Begley who is a fellow nurse.
"Canada will possibly see a hurricane this year.
Hurricane Milton went from 0 to a Cat 5 in 10 hours. Never seen before.
When Hurricane Milton formed, it sucked down cold air -300 degrees from space detected by ISS. It instantly froze surface water where it was, 5 feet."

rt 2h 42min


Veteran Member
Well we are all recouping from that last round of heat from the solar storms. Hydrate some more. The news went bonkers from the weather stories that spun off from events. The destruction is still unfolding. Worse, peoples' filters wear down and emotions become raw. Evil took advantage of the situation and the rest is history. amen

The sun now is going back to flat lining. The comet caused the sun to kick out some mean x-flares. With the exit of Atlas comet, it's falling back to a subdued state. The baseline is creeping down. This is good for now, kind of.

Now the bad news is we are still being hit with c0smic rays which are a different beast than the solar flares, cme or coronal hole wind stream. We took a hit from a bad one on the 10th. The results showed up on the 13th with higher ground temperatures. Think m@gm@ flows.

Take the time to heal the wounds and anoint yourselves because that is just a prelude to what is coming. They cannot hide this story anymore so they are packaging it as carefully as they can. This is the October surprise for the star watchers. This is what the Shofar Guy found in his video about the stars in all the heavens lining up for the 9th of October in the Bible. The one star all the clues danced around is B3t3lg3us3 (c0de name Beetle juice). It sits in the Orion constellation. The Bible constantly refers to this constellation. This star has gone nov@. (Those who have connection to the Shofar Guy please inform him of this, He was hoping for a big bang, It will play out in time.) amen

The Atlas comet is in reference to the star Atlas in the Seven Sisters constellation. He is the father of the Seven Sisters, whose daughters are running from Orion. A sign of things to come.

We will see the star start to expand bigly in a week or two. The problem is that it is one of those things that when you see it, it is hitting you. That is when they inform the public. God knows what is going on and has this one in the palm of His Hand. amen

Watch the video carefully. The terminology is very, very subtle.
rt 20 min