GOV/MIL Republicans Signal Cuts To Social Security, Medicare With New House Majority


On TB every waking moment
Do not fail to factor unknowable levels of INFLATION into your calculations. When all is said and done, the levels of inflation are likely to be unthinkable.

That was a major factor in my decision to opt out of SS when I could.


Why is a program that you spent your entire working life "contributing to" called an entitlement?
Oh...OK. You're going there.

Well then I'll gladly take what I've paid in without interest now so I can I invest that money the way I choose.

Cuz I don't recall ever getting a choice whether to contribute or not.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
  • NO FOREIGN AID until we get our own people taken care of....AMERICAN FIRST!!
  • Require a BALANCED BUDGET, no more borrowing!!
  • NO Stupid Pork programs and dumbarse studies. I don't give a rats arse about the sex habits of the South American Swamp Rat or any other rat for that matter.
  • Single subject laws.....i.e. outlaw all riders on bills and require them to be in common language and limit the length of pages they can submit. None of this 1,000 plus page B.S.
  • REQUIRE all states to abide by the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES with no exceptions....i.e. "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"!! If the Federal Government is limited then so are the states. A perfect example is the 2nd Amendment.
  • FLAT TAX for EVERYONE, and no work around, exclusions or exemptions for corporations. Foreign corporations pay 10% higher. Just to keep American corps from playing games and leaving the country.
  • Get rid of all worthless bureaucratic tax the: IRS, ATF, DOEd, and the multitude of other worthless organizations riding on the backs of taxpayers.
  • Forbid "insider trading" to all government officials....ESPECIALLY members and staff of congress!
  • Term limits on all elected and appointed positions in the government.
  • Border security, build the damn wall and defend it.
  • Link Congress' salaries to the GDP......they don't get paid if the GDP is negative.
  • REALISTIC social security and Medicare for retirees. Something you can actually survive on. You don't don't get paid - period!
  • Certification/qualification tests for all politicians. We can't afford any more STUPID people in congress, i.e. bar maids, etc.
  • All politicians MUST PASS a FULL background investigation security clearance and maintain that clearance while serving.
  • Any violation of an oath of office is subject to immediate termination, legal action and is required to payback all salaries, etc., earned while in office.
  • There are 193 member states in the United Nations....thus the US should only provide 1/193% of the funding to keep it running. NOT THE 20% WE NOW PROVIDE. Let everyone pay their fair share.
More to come later, after my second cup of coffee.

Reasonable Rascal

Veteran Member
This will get "nasty".

One tangent, while I despise illegal-immigration (and most of the "refugee" immigration), it can arguably be said that adding younger workers helps somewhat with the entitlements insolvency issue.
Only if they are honestly paid, i.e. above the table, etc. Too many of these will take cash-only jobs, or not engage in mainstream employment in any form. In that regard they will further drain public resources.


Reasonable Rascal

Veteran Member
This is a hit piece. Headline makes it sound like current recipients are going to be cut. Not.

There have always been a few tweaks that would make those programs solvent - adjust full retirement age (again), raise contributions across the board, and adjust/eliminate cap on high earner contributions - but the politicians have no guts to do it. Neither party.
It also originated from Yahoo News, which is mainstream liberal.

If they live streamed alien spaceships hitting the WH with massive energy beams and burning it down inch by inch I would first check to make sure there wasn't a science fiction movie marathon on the SciFi channel. They spin everything and then some.


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Cuz I don't recall ever getting a choice whether to contribute or not.
Until about 10-15 years ago, you COULD opt out. There was a form you could fill out removing yourself from the SS benefit program. However, that was everything SS related including disability. Once the form was sent in and approved, your employer could stop withholding for all SS taxes.

However, more and more people found out and sent in the form, so the gov discontinued it. The whole thing was discussed on TB at the time.


Veteran Member
Since I started this mess....

Kevin McCarthy reportedly agrees to leave cuts to Social Security and Medicare off the table in debt ceiling negotiations​

Story by (Ayelet Sheffey,Juliana Kaplan)

  • Kevin McCarthy agreed not to cut Social Security and Medicare in debt ceiling negotiations, Sen. Joe Manchin told reporters.
  • Previously, cuts to those programs were on the table as the GOP negotiated terms to raise the debt limit.
  • Manchin, and even former President Trump, urged the GOP to leave those programs alone.
On Wednesday, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin told reporters that Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has agreed to leave cuts to Medicare and Social Security off the table in debt ceiling negotiations.
This came after the two lawmakers met earlier today on raising the debt limit — an issue Democratic and Republican lawmakers have been clashing over recently as they negotiate how to keep the US on top of paying its bills.

A source familiar said that the meeting between Manchin and McCarthy was good, albeit with no commitments; Manchin encouraged McCarthy to negotiate and try a find path forward that would avoid harming Americans.

The US officially reached the debt limit last week, and President Joe Biden's administration has urged House Republicans to work in a bipartisan way to keep the country from defaulting on its obligations and potentially triggering a global financial crisis and recession. But Republicans have expressed their intent to use raising the debt limit as a bargaining chip to achieve their own priorities, and previous reports indicated they were considering cutting Medicare and Social Security benefits.
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Veteran Member

Republicans Signal Cuts To Social Security, Medicare With New House Majority​

Well that won't help them pick up seats in 24

Nevermind the fact it can't be done, so why piss away seats?


TB Fanatic
I would rather see them cut off illegal aliens from getting a free roof over their head, free food and free health care and all of coming from our SS system. They are not citizens and being here illegally they not entitled to anything but a quick deportation.
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Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....

Yale, MIT study: 22 million, not 11 million, undocumented immigrants in US​

by Rafael Bernal - 09/21/18 4:38 PM ET​

The undocumented population in the United States could be twice as large as the most commonly-used estimate, according to a research study published Friday in the scientific journal Plos One.
The paper, led by Mohammad M. Fazel-Zarandi, a researcher at Yale and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, estimates there are 22.1 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.
Fazel-Zarandi’s study compared inflows and outflows of immigrants as well as demographic data. According to the report, the number of undocumented immigrants could be as low as 16.5 million, or as high as 29.1 million.

This is from 2018. The real number of illegals is probably closer to 30 million now.

Stop all support to the illegalsa and sen them back to the home country.

Just like what President Eisenhower did in 1955.

From the History Channel:

The Largest Mass Deportation in American History​

As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign.
As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign with a racist name, which was designed to root out undocumented Mexicans from American society.



Veteran Member
I would rather see them cut off illegal aliens from getting for roof over their head, free food and free health care and all of coming from our SS system. They are not citizens and being here illegally they not entitled to anything but a quick deportation.
It should go on the backs of the businesses to give them all that. BUT, they don't want to pay it and they would rather citizens pay for their mansions and cars than themselves. Make them pay all that and see how fast they ditch illegals.

Chicken Mama

Veteran Member
Log in to and look at your projected benefits. It clearly states that by 2035 only $780 will be paid for every $1000 projected benefits. Prepare accordingly. Between now and then I suspect it'll drop precipitously.


Stone Cold Crazy
Same Coin, different Side. Drop it in the Gumball Machine, twiat the knob and you still get a Feces Filled Gumball out of it.

As far as SS cuts? Yeah, they drag that out ever few years. Sort of like when Pro[ish] 2A people get into office the 'Mass Shootings' always kick off like this past week.

Truth is-and it is nothing personal to anyone but my original life plan was to amass enough wealth, own my own home and land to never Need SS. I figured it was a fools game hoping and waiting to get to the point I would get it-it Never paid what one got just working a J-O-B even at Mickey D's. Figured I better have something else in place just in case.

The health thing ended that even tho I am working on getting several things off the ground. The move here was supposed to be a start to that but, at this point, I am sitting dead in the water.


TB Fanatic
It should go on the backs of the businesses to give them all that. BUT, they don't want to pay it and they would rather citizens pay for their mansions and cars than themselves. Make them pay all that and see how fast they ditch illegals.

I'm thinking of getting rid of the incentive to come to our country as it is right now they make it over our border they think they are entitled to get everything in life handed to them free as long as they live, cut it off and word will spread fast don't bother they cut off all the free stuff and you end up getting deported.
This is all coming from our Social Security system and they are bleeding it dry.


Saved, to glorify God.
At 78, ever since 75, I could work full time and collect full SS benefits IF I could find a job that I could work from home, at my own pace, due to my health problems. (PIece work?)


TB Fanatic
Don't forget you have a MEEDIA which is quick to throw agricultural amendment on any Republican.

It is ALWAYS the Democratic hue and cry that Republicans are going to CUT BENEFITS.

And frequently they do - but NOT to Medicare and SS. These would be a "third rail" sort of proposal - Repubs don't go there under the possibility of "pissing off their base." Third rail (politics) - Wikipedia

But Democrats claim otherwise - and the MEEDIA backs them up - ALWAYS.


Well it was a RINO who brought this up. Soc Sec ”fixes”


TB Fanatic
"Republicans don’t plan to alter benefits for current Social Security and Medicare recipients, according to Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas)." So, they'll screw over the ones who are getting close. THIS is why I will take SS at 62 and not wait.
Well I’m shooting for 2 mores years 65 ( and Medicare kicks in). They changed that when I was a young man pushing full retirement out further. It didn’t benefit me.

Now the Covid is there Ace in the hole for us old people.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This will get "nasty".

One tangent, while I despise illegal-immigration (and most of the "refugee" immigration), it can arguably be said that adding younger workers helps somewhat with the entitlements insolvency issue.
How? Any idea what illegals get for housing, food, spending money, medical benefits, etc? And if they are working under the table with no Social Security number, they pay no taxes into the system. btw- I am not arguing the system is good. It is corrupt and stupid as hell.


Veteran Member
  • NO FOREIGN AID until we get our own people taken care of....AMERICAN FIRST!!
  • Require a BALANCED BUDGET, no more borrowing!!
  • NO Stupid Pork programs and dumbarse studies. I don't give a rats arse about the sex habits of the South American Swamp Rat or any other rat for that matter.
  • Single subject laws.....i.e. outlaw all riders on bills and require them to be in common language and limit the length of pages they can submit. None of this 1,000 plus page B.S.
  • REQUIRE all states to abide by the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES with no exceptions....i.e. "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"!! If the Federal Government is limited then so are the states. A perfect example is the 2nd Amendment.
  • FLAT TAX for EVERYONE, and no work around, exclusions or exemptions for corporations. Foreign corporations pay 10% higher. Just to keep American corps from playing games and leaving the country.
  • Get rid of all worthless bureaucratic tax the: IRS, ATF, DOEd, and the multitude of other worthless organizations riding on the backs of taxpayers.
  • Forbid "insider trading" to all government officials....ESPECIALLY members and staff of congress!
  • Term limits on all elected and appointed positions in the government.
  • Border security, build the damn wall and defend it.
  • Link Congress' salaries to the GDP......they don't get paid if the GDP is negative.
  • REALISTIC social security and Medicare for retirees. Something you can actually survive on. You don't don't get paid - period!
  • Certification/qualification tests for all politicians. We can't afford any more STUPID people in congress, i.e. bar maids, etc.
  • All politicians MUST PASS a FULL background investigation security clearance and maintain that clearance while serving.
  • Any violation of an oath of office is subject to immediate termination, legal action and is required to payback all salaries, etc., earned while in office.
  • There are 193 member states in the United Nations....thus the US should only provide 1/193% of the funding to keep it running. NOT THE 20% WE NOW PROVIDE. Let everyone pay their fair share.
More to come later, after my second cup of coffee.

Okay, when are you going to run for President? You have my vote...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well, let's hand it to Mike Waltz for kicking a hornet's nest. He just handed the leftists an election or three. Any mention of cutting SS brings out the screamers by the millions. I wonder how much he got paid for this stupid move.

BTW, if the military can afford to give away thousands of Javelins and 31 Abrams tanks plus very expensive Patriot missle batteries, they're getting too much money. Chop the Pentagon 30%, cut the EPA and dept of ed. 90% . No money to illegal aliens, and cut our 17+ spy agencies by 10 agencies. Oh, eff the IRS.


Veteran Member
"Republicans don’t plan to alter benefits for current Social Security and Medicare recipients, according to Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas)." So, they'll screw over the ones who are getting close. THIS is why I will take SS at 62 and not wait.
i just turned 62 on sunday.
you can not get SS at 62 years of age.gotta wait till 65.

Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon
i just turned 62 on sunday.
you can not get SS at 62 years of age.gotta wait till 65.

You might be thinking of Medicare. You have to wait until 65 for it UNLESS you have a qualifying disability and then you can be eligible for Medicare at any age.

But you can definitely sign up for SS at 62.

Your full retirement age is 67 but…

You can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, you are entitled to full benefits when you reach your full retirement age. If you delay taking your benefits from your full retirement age up to age 70, your benefit amount will increase.

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Faithful Steed
Well it was a RINO who brought this up. Soc Sec ”fixes”
Like a RINO who suddenly found "Classified Documents" - and fault was (of course) "Easy to do and difficult to avoid."

(As in Biden can be excused for similar fault - but not Trump because he was cooperative before it became an issue? Like issues are the raison-d'etre?)



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Since I started this mess....

Kevin McCarthy reportedly agrees to leave cuts to Social Security and Medicare off the table in debt ceiling negotiations​

Story by (Ayelet Sheffey,Juliana Kaplan)

  • Kevin McCarthy agreed not to cut Social Security and Medicare in debt ceiling negotiations, Sen. Joe Manchin told reporters.
  • Previously, cuts to those programs were on the table as the GOP negotiated terms to raise the debt limit.
  • Manchin, and even former President Trump, urged the GOP to leave those programs alone.
On Wednesday, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin told reporters that Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has agreed to leave cuts to Medicare and Social Security off the table in debt ceiling negotiations.
This came after the two lawmakers met earlier today on raising the debt limit — an issue Democratic and Republican lawmakers have been clashing over recently as they negotiate how to keep the US on top of paying its bills.

A source familiar said that the meeting between Manchin and McCarthy was good, albeit with no commitments; Manchin encouraged McCarthy to negotiate and try a find path forward that would avoid harming Americans.

The US officially reached the debt limit last week, and President Joe Biden's administration has urged House Republicans to work in a bipartisan way to keep the country from defaulting on its obligations and potentially triggering a global financial crisis and recession. But Republicans have expressed their intent to use raising the debt limit as a bargaining chip to achieve their own priorities, and previous reports indicated they were considering cutting Medicare and Social Security benefits.
Continue reading

Kudlow: Democrats are playing the 'big lie' game​

Rt 5:39

FOX Business host Larry Kudlow reacts to claims Republicans want to cut social security and Medicare on 'Kudlow.' #FoxBusiness #kudlow
