ECON Report food and grocery price increases/shortages here - UPDATE, new runs on the stores

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Gotta say...if anybody is half-way interested, I wouldn't start them out on Mylar and 5 gallon buckets of rice. If you can get them to keep some dry pasta, beans, peas and rice (stored well...say in big glass jars), a dozen cans/jars of spaghetti/pasta sauce, shelf-stable meals like Knorr Sides and canned vegetables, some store-canned meat, a few jars of peanut butter, oatmeal packets, instant coffee and good canned soup its a MAJOR victory. Stuff they can vaguely imagine eating and will eat.

Gotta start with a trickle, not the fire-hose.



Veteran Member
All, I'm posting a link to the Grand Solar Minimum thread because of a podcast I posted there this morning on the food situation.

It's post #980, and the podcast is by Ice Age Farmer titled States Secretly Stockpiling Food for Need Ahead - "To the Roof!" and the run time is 8:34. It's important, and I believe helps explain much of what we've been seeing at the grocery stores:

Thank you for introducing me to ice age farmer. Now I dont feel half as crazy for prepping like mad.


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Coca Cola from Mexico is made with real sugar and comes in a glass bottle. The imported cokes here are very popular. If I remember correctly the Mexican cokes are actually cheaper than the US cokes.

FYI, the real sugar Coca Cola made in Mexico is now made for the US market (maybe exclusively) when they switched to HFCS Coca Cola for those who live in Mexico not all that long ago. Since then, the price has started to increase, I’ve noticed.
Just a little OT but I'm curious.... One thing at the grocery store, at least at mine, that isn't disappearing is the plant based fake meat. Has anyone tried it? Is it good? passable?

abby normal

insert appropriate adjective here
Just a little OT but I'm curious.... One thing at the grocery store, at least at mine, that isn't disappearing is the plant based fake meat. Has anyone tried it? Is it good? passable?
I tried it last year when I was on a vegetarian kick. It was surprisingly good. Be sure to check ingredients if you want to avoid soy.

Went hunting for rubbing alcohol yesterday at the dollar general in my nearby village... nada. Two strikes this week.

I am so thankful I had a couple extra bottles stashed away, otherwise we would be out. Thank you preppers- for getting me in the proper mindset years ago. :chg:


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I had an appointment on Tuesday so I stopped at the Harps in our little town, Dover AR. I got the last 2 bottle 6 packs of Dr Pepper. I like one on occasion. I was cooking salmon patties for supper, so I wanted another can. The store had only the foil packets. Wednesday I had another appointment. We ran in Harps again. They had cans of salmon again, but the price was over $7.50 a can!

Still no more bottled Dr Pepper. But there were cans in 12 packs. Sodas overall were getting lower in stock.


Veteran Member
I've tried a bunch of the "Morningstar Farms" stuff, like the "Chick'n" patties, nuggets, "sausage" patties, etc. As a diehard meat-eater they were surprisingly good. My girlfriend at the time would make chinese-style orange chicken out of some of the vegetarian brand stuff and I would bet if you did a blind taste test, half of the people wouldn't know it wasn't real meat.

That being said - there are a TON of weird ingredients in some of the stuff, chemicals, etc. So just being labeled vegetarian doesn't necessarily make it better for you. I think the "Amy's Organic" brand stuff was the "cleanest" in that regard. And it also did some weird things to my digestive tract... nothing catastrophic... but ummm noticeable.


Just a little OT but I'm curious.... One thing at the grocery store, at least at mine, that isn't disappearing is the plant based fake meat. Has anyone tried it? Is it good? passable?

I am a well-known carnivore. I'd be happy with meat three times a day (my DW however wouldn't be). I actually like the Beyond Burgers that they have in the store. I wouldn't mistake them for meat - slightly different taste, definitely a different smell to them - but they seem substantial and doesn't make you think of salad or green stuff. I've also found the best way is on the grill - 5 minutes on each side, starting frozen.

Did notice back in May that the vege burger type stuff was in short supply along with the regular beef.


Veteran Member
I simply see no purpose to the "fake meat" unless you are a "true believer". It's usually more expensive than the real thing, no healthier or lower in calories, and we produce lots of real meat in this country. Keep in mind that the recent retail shortages were wholly a result of a processing slowdown...not a shortage of raw product.

Goodness... I did a huge, but simple arm roast with all of the vegetable trimmings from my neighbor's Angus farm over the weekend as I still had house-guests and the temps were cooler. It was probably from an aged broody cow...not a prime young-stock situation. Turned out so perfectly delicious, and that is certainly not an expensive cut at all. Just see no reason for the fake meat for normal people.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
I simply see no purpose to the "fake meat" unless you are a "true believer". It's usually more expensive than the real thing, no healthier or lower in calories, and we produce lots of real meat in this country.

Some people have a problem digesting meat. Others have problems with the antibiotics or hormones in the cattle feed and may live where organic meat is expensive or unavailable.

I eat a lot pork because it's fresh and inexpensive in my area of Iowa, but this area can be a nightmare for someone who can't eat a lot of traditional Midwestern fare.


Veteran Member
I've tried a bunch of the "Morningstar Farms" stuff, like the "Chick'n" patties, nuggets, "sausage" patties, etc. As a diehard meat-eater they were surprisingly good. My girlfriend at the time would make chinese-style orange chicken out of some of the vegetarian brand stuff and I would bet if you did a blind taste test, half of the people wouldn't know it wasn't real meat.

That being said - there are a TON of weird ingredients in some of the stuff, chemicals, etc. So just being labeled vegetarian doesn't necessarily make it better for you. I think the "Amy's Organic" brand stuff was the "cleanest" in that regard. And it also did some weird things to my digestive tract... nothing catastrophic... but ummm noticeable.
One vegetarian item I used to make that was pretty good was tofu egg salad. Tasted surprisingly like real egg salad.


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I'm one who doesn't eat a lot of meat. It's good and I love to smell it cooking but the misery I am in after I eat it just isn't worth it. That being said I don't eat the fake meat either. Some of the stuff in it is just junk. If I was eating out and it was offered I might try it as a once in awhile thing but that would be it.


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Just was looking at and they have Clorox wipes and the FDA approved hand sanitizer. Also Dr pepper, coke , toilet paper etc. Not cheap but if you want it just telling you they have them.


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Just got back from the local grocery (N. MN regional chain). I swear, if it weren't for the stupid arrows on the floor and the stupid masks, things would be back to normal. They were even blocking the aisles (and messing up the arrow system) doing some construction/shelving work and had portable scaffolding up replacing ceiling tiles and lights this morning. Granted, it's Thursday, and not a real busy day, but that's why I went...nutso summer weekend traffic in the store will start this afternoon.

Everything was well stocked. They again had the canned Read's German potato salad that I normally keep on hand over the winter. (I know...lazy, but when you get a craving, with a little bit of tinkering - bacon, thickening, adjusting the sweet/sour - it fills the bill). I was there specifically to grab a couple of whole boneless beef tenderloins that were on sale for $5.95/lb this week. Mission accomplished, and I can cut them up as I prefer them for the grill. Oh, and Diet Coke in the 16oz 6 pack bottles was 4/$11.00.

Yeehaw. The summer company is headed back home today after three weeks (all the native, but misplaced wandering gypsies crave Minnesota summers!). It's going to be a stormy weekend, and I can stay HOME! :)


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I just got back from the weekly grocery run. Things are getting more sparse by the day, especially in the canned goods. Walmart, Kroger, and the local Food Giant all looked pretty bad concerning canned vegetables.

Walmart was stocked with meats, and for the first time in many months, they had their Great Value spray disinfectant. I picked up several cans for us, mom, and my wife’s classroom. There were still several dozen cans when I left, but they were going fast. I saw a lot of carts with 3-4 cans in them.

Kroger and Food Giant both were hard hit on vegetables, but meats seemed plentiful and reasonably priced. I almost always hit 2-3 stores when shopping, mainly because I shop sale ads. Most of these stores are within 5 miles of home, so I just pick up what I need at each place and save quite a bit doing it.
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John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
Ran in to Rural King and my toddler likes looking at the toys. There were two shelves about 5 ft long with off brand my little pony's and a few dolls. Usually they have an aisle with toys on both sides. A friend told me that our local Walmart is the same.


Membership Revoked
Just a little OT but I'm curious.... One thing at the grocery store, at least at mine, that isn't disappearing is the plant based fake meat. Has anyone tried it? Is it good? passable?
The death burgers are made from green dried peas among other thing including some lab manufactured chemicals. THE PEAS ARE RAPIDLY DRIED BY SOAKING THEM IN ROUND-UP. Search Google for "glyphosate impossible burgers"



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We went to Conway AR today. While there I went in Kohls. I always check the clearance underwear. There was only one rack with very little on it. But the regular prices stuff seemed to be plentiful. But one odd thing was the clearance sleep wear. It was all winter stuff. The bathroom towels and rugs was low. Next I went to toys. The selection was pitiful. They had one Little People school bus. I got that for the littlest boy for Christmas. The checker said they had not got toys in a long time.

Target is in the same shopping center so I went there. I didn't find a toy for the other grand boy there either. They did have more. I did find a bath rug there. The last one of that color. Lots and lots of bare shelves in that section. I was heading out when I noticed 3 winter coats in the young girls clothing. Just 3 and all looked the same size. Odd. It is still 90* here.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
I was heading out when I noticed 3 winter coats in the young girls clothing. Just 3 and all looked the same size. Odd. It is still 90* here.

I'll bet those were left from last winter and were just recently shipped. I think all of the retail stores that sell Chinese products are setting out whatever they have. Walmart is also full of 3 seasons stuff.


Veteran Member
I've been in two different grocery stores over the past 24 hours in a larger city in WI.

The smaller, less popular store was far better stocked, though the "specialty" canned soups were almost all gone.

The bigger, more popular store was worse off.

So even if you have to pay more, try some of the out of the way places for hard to get items. My little hometown grocery is still the best stocked of all, though their prices are quite a bit higher.

Also, for those who remember the Media Crema (canned cream) discussion, it is worth having some around. It has a nice smooth flavor of heavy cream, no cooked flavor,, and is quite thick. And is excellent to bake/frost/cook with.

Once the weather cools off. I will try it in soup, but have no doubt it will do well in that respect.


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Food Lion, eastern shore, VA.
Talked to an employee stocking the sausages rack. I grabbed two packs of Johnsonville sweet Italian. The guy said "You're taking my last two". I asked him what's up with that (played dumb). The kid said they order items but only partial orders come in fulfilled . Just about every isle reflected what the kid said. Still. After all these months. It's a fairly busy store.

Canned veggies were a joke. I've been stocking up a bit now that we are going into the fall season soon. I want food security.
Prices are ridiculous on all items. The woman at checkout commented on my haul "I guess I'll see you next year", meaning she noticed a larger purchase then my usual take. She did not know I was there the prior day with an equal expenditure.

Now I'm shopping around for a Honda generator of the model I picked out. That's turning out to be a pain in the neck with availability and all over the map price issues. I want Honda, not that other junk. I need to protect my freezer food investments, my frozen meat protein sources. I'm trying to get a little ahead of the food inflation thing. I saved my receipts from the beginning of the news reports of this China virus to present. Pretty amazing what's taken place with price increases, as many of you know.
I just got back from a run to our local Kroger and it's kind of weird compared to most of the reports posted here. It's quite well stocked with everything. And a lot of the aisles were almost blocked with carts piled with boxes of stuff to be stocked. The stock levels may change considerably as the Saturday shoppers hit.

I got some more ground beef based on the thread here forecasting a dramatic rise in price/availability. The 80/20 is $3.49/lb. The meat manager said she hadn't heard anything about a coming price increase. The meat was reasonably well stocked and she said that the only thing she ordered that wasn't coming in was turkey breast that was on sale.
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