Ready for timely humor? ;)


Veteran Member
Ready for timely humor?


Once the center of attention but now stuck in a prison cell until his ticking
winds down and finally stops in dead silence, a grandfather clock sulks in
anger at what might have been his victory if not for the intrusion of a shiny
Swiss wristwatch at a dinner party held to honor the owner of the estate.
The grandfather clock had patiently counted down the seconds until both
hands pointed to his chance to swing his pendulum at Nom-Nom, the owner's
little dog and then strangle him with pulling chains. That spoiled mutt had
piddled on the grandfather's base for years, enjoying every stinking tinkle.
The old timer had plotted for months to seize the moment when Nom-Nom
would wander too close and be distracted for a split second, which was all
the time the grandfather clock needed to truncate the canine's existence.
However, he had not counted on the owner receiving a brand new Swiss
wristwatch in commemoration at the dinner party, and he most certainly
had not expected the shiny glass surface of the wristwatch to allow the
owner to catch a glimpse of the grandfather clock as he was just about to
strike Nom-Nom on his noggin. The owner dashed over to Nom-Nom, and he
snatched him away before it was too late. As punishment, the grandfather
clock was stuck in a corner of a prison cell and now at specific intervals gets
regulated visits from Nom-Nom, who holds his bladder in gleeful anticipation
and then lets loose on the grandfather clock's base with exuberant relief.
The grandfather clock would like to end it all and fall over flat on his face,
but he must suffer the temporal consequences for his poorly timed assault.
Meanwhile, the Swiss wristwatch has been enjoying his time in the limelight
for saving Nom-Nom's woofy life and is polished daily. Tick-tock, tick-tock...