Pres Bush giving speech to military vets. Doesn't he have something better to do?


WHY is President Bush at a party for vets right now?

I don't know about everybody else, but for PR purposes, he needs to be taken OFF of FOX tv. :sht:

I am sure the people of the United States would think he would have something better to do than give a speech at a party, knowing that one of the biggest NATIONAL DISASTERS is happening NOW! :shkr:

The news needs to show him hovering in a helicopter over the destruction!!! Consoling victims, talking to FEMA reps, etc!

I'm beginning to like him less and less.

Anybody else find this unsettling? :shr:

tsk, tsk... :usfl:


Membership Revoked
Yes, right now evacuees, people with friends and family members in the affected areas are relying on the media to get information about the disaster. Now the relevant news about the disaster has been halted so we can listen to Bush try to make us feel great about the war effort. We need our National Guard back. What about that Bush?


TB Fanatic
tsk said:
WHY is President Bush at a party for vets right now?

I don't know about everybody else, but for PR purposes, he needs to be taken OFF of FOX tv. :sht:

I am sure the people of the United States would think he would have something better to do than give a speech at a party, knowing that one of the biggest NATIONAL DISASTERS is happening NOW! :shkr:

The news needs to show him hovering in a helicopter over the destruction!!! Consoling victims, talking to FEMA reps, etc!

I'm beginning to like him less and less.

Anybody else find this unsettling? :shr:

tsk, tsk... :usfl:

As I've said time and time again, we're on our own...........

Bubba Zanetti

Veteran Member
My wifes' blind grandfather fought in the Pacific against the Japs, was awarded 2 bronze stars and is near the end of his life. He is in SF right now to be honored by the nation for his service.

It is a good thing.

Before the storm hits he declairs a disaster in Miss.

He is slammed for it.

After the storm the feds rush in supplies and help. No thanks or appreciation from anyone.

Now they have martial law. More Bush Bashing. People loot and it's Bush's fault. He responds and it's Bush's fault.

Give me a break.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I saw part of his speech. I had to turn the channel and gag. The man is absolutely gone mentally. I have never in my life seen actions like this, where a national disaster is happening RIGHT NOW and the President is talking about a war.

I am more than astounded.... :kk1:


Since 1999
tsk said:
WHY is President Bush at a party for vets right now?

I don't know about everybody else, but for PR purposes, he needs to be taken OFF of FOX tv. :sht:

I am sure the people of the United States would think he would have something better to do than give a speech at a party, knowing that one of the biggest NATIONAL DISASTERS is happening NOW! :shkr:

The news needs to show him hovering in a helicopter over the destruction!!! Consoling victims, talking to FEMA reps, etc!

I'm beginning to like him less and less.

Anybody else find this unsettling? :shr:

tsk, tsk... :usfl:

He is getting like his obsessed with Iraq that he has lost touch with what is going on in the US.

Remember when in the debates...his dad didn't know what the price of a gal. of milk was? It was a big player on his demise.

With W it is a gal. of gas.

I am hugely dissappointed in him since his re-election. :shk:


Membership Revoked
He must have heard you. Breaking on CNN:

President Bush returning to Washington two days ahead of schedule to help oversee Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts, White House announces. Details soon.

Fish Speaker

Yes, Bush hovering over the devastation is going to make everybody there feel so much better...

and will vastly hasten search and rescue by being in the way....


Veteran Member
"Dallas Morning News
August 27, 2005

View From The Ground

Much has been and continues to be accomplished in Iraq. It would be a mistake to withdraw.

By Col. Jimmie Jaye Wells

Because I have been serving for nearly 18 months in Iraq, I have a greater sensitivity to the debate in the media about the war.
It seems it is an obligation that I should share a different perspective from what the media focus on. My views are not those of someone who has "visited" Baghdad for a few days, as some pundits have. I serve in the day-to-day, sometimes monotonous battle for freedom. As a simple grunt colonel, I don't have the power of the press, but I certainly have the power and responsibility to express my perspective and opinion.

I'm concerned by the recent wave of attacks on President Bush, Congress and others for going to war and, now, for pursuing it to a successful conclusion. Several factors seem to be contributing to the criticism, including the political motivation of the critics and the "instant news" in this shake-and-bake, ever-flattening world.

It has been nearly 28 months since Operation Iraqi Freedom began.

But insurgencies take years, not months, to overcome - and Iraq is different from your garden-variety insurgency. Most of the various enemies/opponents have no plans to govern, only plans to disrupt, create chaos and gain from that imbalance. Iraq is also different in that it serves as the battleground in a much larger war of worldwide terror.

The tools of war are another factor in this insurgency. Our ability to concentrate the fight and limit fratricide and collateral damage continues to improve. This allows for fewer soldiers to do the job - but that has the effect of making this "someone else's war." Only 138,000 soldiers are serving in Iraq, which pales in comparison with, for example, Gen. John Pershing's command of 2 million soldiers in World War I.

The impact at home certainly pales as well. Folks back home seem more interested in the saga in Aruba than in the development of successful governance and essential services in place like Fallujah, Najaf and Sadr City.

I have been fighting alongside troops, diplomats and civilians from Iraq, Britain, Denmark and dozens of other nations. I am convinced we are like-minded in the just cause of this conflict. Seeing the combat from this side of the argument tends to bring some things into greater focus.

The naysayers continue to press the legitimacy of the war, but let me say that the legal aspects of this conflict are indeed just. There were and continue to be a just cause, the right intention and the legitimate authority to initiate and prosecute this conflict after a reasonable exhaustion of peaceful remedies. And there is a reasonable hope of success.

Some people attempt to fit the assumptions of 2005 into the questions of 2003. In doing so, they feel justified advocating that the U.S. abruptly withdraw from Iraq and leave the Iraqi people to fend for themselves. To do so plays into the terrorists' hands.

Iraqis are tired of the Baathist regime's - and now the terrorists' - use of torture, executions, rapes and bullying. They are in the good hands of competent Iraqi leaders who are marching forward in the face of intense adversity. It is we, as freedom-loving Americans, who should be shoulder to shoulder in supporting them.

To do otherwise is less than honorable, panders to the terrorists and has slim legal underpinnings.

Col. Jimmie Jaye Wells is a long-time San Antonio resident, commander of the 208th Regional Support Group and a U.S. Army War College graduate. His current assignment is Deputy for Operations Support in the Iraq Reconstruction Management Office at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. His son is serving in the U.S. Army Reserves in Al Asad, Iraq."



"Don't retreat...reload"
Fish Speaker said:
Yes, Bush hovering over the devastation is going to make everybody there feel so much better...

and will vastly hasten search and rescue by being in the way....

You know, it just MIGHT give the impression that he actually CARES about the victims down there rather than beating a dead horse about his lies about Iraq!


Membership Revoked
What could he say/do?! He put all his eggs in one basket - Operation Iraqi Liberation.

Other than helping someone write a new volume of Bushisms, all of the US money/resources are allocated to Haliburton/KBR/Iraq (can't even afford to keep US bases open here any longer). It would just be more empty promises.

And anyway, it would be communist, socialist and downright evil and wrong to spend American money IN AMERICA to help Americans...

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Look, Bush could have given that war speech in a week or two. After all, the Iraq war will still be there, you know? What he should NOT have done (from an empathy standpoint) is to give a speech unrelated to the unfolding disaster AT THIS TIME.

That's why I had to turn the channel and activate my gag reflex....


In a national disaster, I expect my president to be focused on the national disaster!!!! :sht:

Okay, benefit of the doubt, give the lecture to the vets, but focus it on the condition of the nation at the time.

:sht: He could just as well be reading a story book about a goat!

Did he learn NOTHING?

tsk, tsk... :usfl:


I too turned the channel. He gave a few short sentences in his speech to the disaster.

I realize there are people there hoping to hear from him. I realise they deserve to be honored, but I'm sure they would understand if he was too busy taking care of the business of loss. Our country needs his support and show of support right now. We need him to show he's got his priorities in order.

We need him as our President right now. We need to know that when our country, or any part of it is destroyed, he'll be there. I think he just lost the last thread of support I had for him.

:shk: :shk: :shk:


Fox news took him off! Guess they were losing viewers! :D

C-Span only channel carrying him right now.

Smart move on Fox's part!

He needs to fire his public relations coordinator. :screw:

tsk, tsk...


Veteran Member
It sure is "nice" of him to give up TWO whole days of his FIVE week vacation to come to Washington because of the disaster!! SHEESH!!! Big freeking deal!! :whistle: :whistle:

Would sure be nice to have some of those billions that Bush sent to Iraq for our OWN people who have lost everything!!! Bet you a billion they don't get the money they need since we already gave it all away!! :sht:


You can tell Rove is gone and the "machine" is running under autopilot.

A President should exude leadership in situations like this. He has made the victims play second fiddle to Operation Iraqi Thingy.

He lacks leadership and does not convey the sense of Presidentialness so sorely needed after a disaster.

Bunnypants is caught with them between his ankles once again,


Membership Revoked
texastee said:
he needs to hire a better joke writer, also

Why? Bush is the biggest joke there is.

I was dumbfounded that Bush didn't learn from his goat debacle. But I shouldn't have been....

Oilpatch Hand

3-Bomb General, TB2K Army
tsk said:
In a national disaster, I expect my president to be focused on the national disaster!!!! :sht:

Okay, benefit of the doubt, give the lecture to the vets, but focus it on the condition of the nation at the time.

:sht: He could just as well be reading a story book about a goat!

Did he learn NOTHING?

tsk, tsk... :usfl:


Have you considered sending an e-mail to the White House, politely asking the President to get himself down to New Orleans and start busting out cases of bottled water and handing them out? Maybe he could fire up the forklift and unload a few pallets of shingles and plywood for the rebuilding. Or maybe he should strap on his tool belt and get the flood pumps working again. :lol:

In case you may have missed it, there are agencies at all levels of government and private organziations swarming into the affected areas to do that type of work. They are doing so pursuant to a disaster declaration issued by the President 24 hours before the storm actually made landfall.

He set the recovery machine in motion in the first place. He did his job. Now is the time for him to stand back and let the people on the ground get about the business of recovery and rebuilding.


OilPatchHand: Have you considered sending an e-mail to the White House, politely asking the President to get himself down to New Orleans and start busting out cases of bottled water and handing them out? Maybe he could fire up the forklift and unload a few pallets of shingles and plywood for the rebuilding. Or maybe he should strap on his tool belt and get the flood pumps working again.

Yes! that might be a pretty good frigging START! :sht:

Who gives a rat's ass about Osama bin laden and the terrorists when hundreds of thousands of our OWN citizens have lost their homes, loved ones, etc! We're not talking ONE small city here! This is MUCH bigger than 9/11! More people are displaced, hungry, needy. And he's sipping on lemonade in California giving a bunch of navy men a pep talk, wanting them to focus on terrorists! SHEESH!

The terrorist has hit, and her name is Katrina!

If the presidents "JOB" is simply to declare a national disaster (in this case, as you have so stated) my 12 year old can do that! As a matter of fact, he can even give the speech Bush gave in Kaleeeforneyah!

I'm so tired of his attitude, I'm disgusted!

OilPatchHand, YOU would be a good public relations person for him, cuz he's losing the campaign!

Sometimes you have to do more than what's in your "job description".

I guess I can't complain about him not focusing on the war, huh? :rolleyes:

tsk, tsk... :wvflg:


Membership Revoked
It just looked so pre-rehearsed...I would imagine the video wasn't really supposed to go out nation-wide...maybe Air-Force One will circle the affected area on the return trip to DC


Women call it 'multi-tasking'.

Honestly, no matter what the President does or doesnt' do, proactive, or reactive, some people will find fault.

He's not getting in the way and flying into to NO for some PC sound bite, and (perhaps you) call him uncaring and too focused on the war.

He calls for State of Disaster and (perhaps you) call him doomer and spending money we don't have.

He goes back to DC early and (perhaps you) say its to please the media.

If he didn't go back early (perhaps you) would label him unwilling to deal with the national disaster.

If there's looting (perhaps you) say its the President's fault.

The winds were high but the water's rising (you) may blame the President.

Bodies floating in the flood waters with the crocs and all the others, (you) blame him.

Gimme a flipping break. Yes some things are attributed to the government; but not all, and you might want to look at this situation for future. It won't matter who is the President at the time, when TSHTF you'll be on your own and you won't have the time or the mental comfort of blaming anyone but yourself if you aren't prepared for it. Try taking some personal responsibility and stop whining about how bad everyone else is. If you are alive you have it a lot better than most people in the world. Try thinking about that. rant/off.


Membership Revoked
Fish Speaker said:
Yes, Bush hovering over the devastation is going to make everybody there feel so much better...

and will vastly hasten search and rescue by being in the way....

Nixon toured the aftermath of Camille. I guess Bush is afraid of following too much in his footsteps....what with the possibility of also being asked to leave office early if he does.

Much better to focus on countering that woman in the ditch in Crawford then a natural disaster that he might have to consider more then his oil war.



Membership Revoked
clem said:
"Dallas Morning News
August 27, 2005

I have been fighting alongside troops, diplomats and civilians.....


This is the most telling quote. Our Embassy in the Green Zone is the largest in the world. Filled with more secret squirrels then diplomats.

Bush couldn't come to grips with asking the public for a larger Army so he brought back 100% disabled veterans, "contractors" and mercenaries.

It still ain't working. LTG John Vines asked for 10,000 advisors and got between 350-500.

If Bush does as well in New Orleans the alligators will proliferate at record speed in their new digs downtown.


Oilpatch Hand

3-Bomb General, TB2K Army
tsk said:
Yes! that might be a pretty good frigging START! :sht:

So, you are seriously suggesting, in all earnestness, that the President personally assist in the recovery and rebuilding? As in, he actually straps on a tool belt and commences putting the place back together? Despite the thousands of people making their way to the affected areas to do just that?

If so, it is abundantly clear that you are completely bereft of reason.

Just what do you think GWB is going to do that others on the ground cannot? Is it perhaps that you feel emotionally abandoned because GWB apparently does not "feel your pain?" Would it make you "feel" better if the President were personally pitching in? (I'm not even going to mention all the logistical problems his presence would cause.)

And if you really think the President should present himself for recovery duty in person...well, then, have you made your feeling known to the White House in the form of an e-mail?

I know that I'm not alone in saying that we would derive a great deal of amusement if you were to post that e-mail demand to this thread.

Let your voice be heard...:D


Fox news reporting:

Bush going to hurricane area IF his visit doesn't hamper relief efforts.

Giving up last days of vacation to help coordinate relief efforts! (awfully damn nice of him!)

That's what I'm talkin' about! :sht:

Folks, our president has put the goat book down, and has left the school!

tsk, tsk... :wvflg:


OilPatchHand: So, you are seriously suggesting, in all earnestness, that the President personally assist in the recovery and rebuilding? As in, he actually straps on a tool belt and commences putting the place back together? Despite the thousands of people making their way to the affected areas to do just that?

If so, it is abundantly clear that you are completely bereft of reason.

Yes, I expect my Commander in Chief to LEAD!

I don't think that is beyond President Bush's ability.

tsk, tsk... :wvflg:

Oilpatch Hand

3-Bomb General, TB2K Army
tsk said:
Yes, I expect my Commander in Chief to LEAD!

I don't think that is beyond President Bush's ability.

tsk, tsk... :wvflg:

And so he did...24 hours in advance of the storm. He was way ahead of you.

If it makes you "feel" any better, he's heading back to Washington. Maybe he'll get a chance to look over that e-mail you sent him. :lol:


Contributing Member
Some of you people will never be happy with ANYTHING he does.

Sheesh. Unreasonable folk you are. Just like to hear yourselves complain, over and over and over and over. :sht:

Oilpatch and Robin Yes --- right on! :usfl:


Membership Revoked
F.Drew said:
What could he say/do?! He put all his eggs in one basket - Operation Iraqi Liberation.

Other than helping someone write a new volume of Bushisms, all of the US money/resources are allocated to Haliburton/KBR/Iraq (can't even afford to keep US bases open here any longer). It would just be more empty promises.

And anyway, it would be communist, socialist and downright evil and wrong to spend American money IN AMERICA to help Americans...

If the Federal (central) government did not steal it from the taxpayers in the first place, maybe there would be resources in the states. But since the taxing "triangle" is upside-down, local and state governments have to suck up to the feds for help.

But LIBERALS don't seem to fathom that.


Veteran Member
tsk said:
Fox news reporting:

Bush going to hurricane area IF his visit doesn't hamper relief efforts.

Giving up last days of vacation to help coordinate relief efforts! (awfully damn nice of him!)

That's what I'm talkin' about! :sht:

Folks, our president has put the goat book down, and has left the school!

tsk, tsk... :wvflg:




Membership Revoked
I can hear the WHINING starting

"oooh, oooh, does the President care about me????"

whine, whine, like little babies!!!

I still remember one of the first Clinton debates, when a middle-aged man with a pigtail stands up and asks what more the government would do to take care of people like him. I could have gagged.

Let the organizations that do what they do take care of the situation, and all the rest of us should learn not to be so damn DEPENDENT on what the central government says or does, and how it makes you FEEL ("oooh, ooh, the President should be hugging the survivors right now!!".

I would prefer the central government, and the President, did a lot less in regards to everything. Maybe then we would not get into any wars, we would not be bound by social security for our retirement years, our children would not have their educations controlled by the central government, etc. etc....

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Please re-read my post #13. That's really what it's about. Not that "it's Bush's fault".

Get freakin' real. This is an IMMEDIATE NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Why was he giving a war speech? Inappropriate in the extreme. Showing VERY poor judgement and understanding of events. Total disconnect.


mbo: I would prefer the central government, and the President, did a lot less in regards to everything. Maybe then we would not get into any wars, we would not be bound by social security for our retirement years, our children would not have their educations controlled by the central government, etc. etc....

Good Point MBO.

Yeah, I'd rather have my tax money and fend for myself!

But seeing that I pay so much in taxes, I guess I expect something for my hard work.

tsk, tsk... :wvflg:


Membership Revoked
Dennis Olson said:
Please re-read my post #13. That's really what it's about. Not that "it's Bush's fault".

Get freakin' real. This is an IMMEDIATE NATIONAL EMERGENCY. Why was he giving a war speech? Inappropriate in the extreme. Showing VERY poor judgement and understanding of events. Total disconnect.

Right on target Dennis. This guy is so consumed with promoting his war in Iraq that he is blind to a disaster in his own country until the media started to question his judgement on it.

He is probably "annoyed" at NO for being so unthoughtful to his priorities in life.
