[POL] Would you vote for Schwarzenegger?

Would you vote for Schwarzenegger in 2008, if Hillary were his opponent?

  • I voted for Bush on account of his "moral values" but could never vote for Schwarzenegger.

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • I voted for Bush on account of his "moral values" but would vote for Schwarzenegger against Hillary.

    Votes: 15 14.2%
  • I voted for Bush on account of his "moral values" and would enthusiastically vote for Arnold.

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • I voted for Kerry, and would prefer Hillary over Schwarzenegger in 2008.

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • I voted for Kerry, but might consider voting for Arnold because he's just a Democrat in disguise.

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • I voted third party, and I wouldn't support either Schwarzenegger or Clinton in 2008.

    Votes: 13 12.3%
  • I voted third party, but would vote for Arnold over Hillary

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • I voted third party, but would vote for Hillary over Arnold

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I do not support foreign-born people becoming president

    Votes: 63 59.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Aleph Null

Membership Revoked
Would I? That depends on what he has to say, and who he's running against, and so on. Impossible to know this far out.

Could I? No, because he's not eligible to run, and there is absolutely no way that there are enough votes to amend the Constitution to allow him to run.



Black Out
NO! If it's him and Hitlery in 08, I will be not part of that. I will vote the Constitution Party again.


How about waiting to see if he is any good at Governor before we start looking to amend the frigging Constitution for him?!
Jack :eek:


Membership Revoked
I guess I should have added to the poll the option -- "I don't support foreign-born citizens being eligible to be elected president." But I just want to weigh whether those who voted for Bush due to his stance on moral values would still vote for the Abominator -- because the latter, in terms of moral values, is just a very liberal Democrat in disguise.


Membership Revoked
atlantajack said:
How about waiting to see if he is any good at Governor before we start looking to amend the frigging Constitution for him?!
Jack :eek:

Should we amend the Constitution just for Arnold? Or should it be a matter of principle?

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
No non-native American should ever be allowed to become prez.

However, on a THEORETICAL basis, I might vote for him. Again, it would depend on who ran against him, and what his stand on major issues was.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I couldn't vote because there is no option for me in this poll.

I voted for Arnold in our Governors election. I would NEVER support a Constitution Amendment that would allow a foreign born person to run for president. NEVER.

No matter who it is.

The Founders knew what they were doing.


Aleph Null

Membership Revoked
If the idea of amending the C had been proposed during a neutral time, say 20 years ago, then maybe.. just MAYBE it might have been possible.

But now that everyone knows why it is being proposed, it becomes a purely political move. Which means that whichever party is putting forth the intended "benificiary" (in this case presumably the Republicans) will be opposed tooth and nail by the other party.

It requires 2/3 of the house and senate, and 3/4 of state legislatures to pass an amendment. There is no candidate in the current political climate that can muster that level of support. It will NOT happen (and for good reason -- you aren't supposed to fiddle with the Constitution for nonsensical purposes like enabling a famous celebrity to be ushered into the White House.)



Membership Revoked
Voted for Bush, but not because of his moral values exactly. I prefer candidates who form policies based on principles. I do not vote for candidates who form policies based on the fad of the decade.

At this point, I would not vote for Arnold because (1) he is not eligible, and (2) because I do not really understand his principles well enough to predict how he would make decisions.

Fish Speaker

Not everyone voted for Bush :usfl: based on his "moral values" so there are no options for those people who voted for Bush :usfl: for reasons that didn't involve his "moral values" to choose from in your poll.


Black Out
Dennis Olson said:
No non-native American should ever be allowed to become prez.

However, on a THEORETICAL basis, I might vote for him. Again, it would depend on who ran against him, and what his stand on major issues was.
I'm afraid thats what they're doing Dennis. The bastards are grooming Swarzen-nazi to become our Pres. Look for a Constitutional Convention coming to a theater near you soon. :kk2:


Veteran Member
Setting aside the Constitutional infirmity for the moment.

Lets consider Calfornia's Governor strictly from the policy standpoint. We know the following about him:

1. He favors strict gun control.

2. He favors continueing the murder of the unborn (abortion on demand).

3. He favors continueing heavy immigration from Mexico.

4. He favors unrestricted stem-cell research.

In all of his policy choices shown above he reflects a lack of understanding of the American ethic, and reveals serious moral deficiencies. The only difference between him and Sen. Kerry (the most recent nominee of the Democrat Party) is that he is yet to commit treason.

In any event, the Republic should not tamper with the Constitution to accommodate one individual. The Founders knew what they were doing in this regard.


Membership Revoked
Thanks, Wooly.

Even if he were a natural born citizen, under those circumstances I would never vote for him. I consider myself a "middle", by the way, not a "right". He has every right to his opinions, but not the right to inflict them on me.

fruit loop

Arnold is a good guy

I wouldn't vote for him because of the political party he belongs to - or scratch that, I'd have to hear his stand on the issues first.

Arnold is not a Nazi. He's spent a lot of private money trying to research his grandfather's military past and find out if the guy lied about his record. What his nazi kin may or may not have done is not his fault.

As for being foreign born - well, under the law, a person born abroad to two American parents couldn't run either, even though they're a citizen. This would rule out a lot of kids of military families.

I think birthplace is irrelevant. It's the man's character and skills that should count.

P.S. I DID do something I never thought I'd do in this election....I DID vote for a Republican for the first time in my life. Patrick Ballantine for NC governor. Unfortunately, he lost. I'd also vote for Ron Paul if he ever runs


OK, time to drag history into this:

What happened the last time a nation, (Germany), gave a foreigner, (Austrian), leadership of their country?

Prior to that, what happened when a nation, (France), gave a foreigner, (Corsican), leadership of their country?

There is no way that this will happen. There's nothing to see here.

fruit loop

Well, HipShot....

James I became King of England as well as Scotland and united the kingdom....

When Queen Anne died, her nearest eligible relatives were German royalty, but they did quite well on the throne of jolly old England.....

Maximilian did fairly well as Emperor of Mexico.....

Sam Houston wasn't born in Texas, but made a damned good president of its new republic.....

Doesn't have to mean something bad. It's the quality of the person.

Hitler was just a bad guy all around. Nuff said.


Arnold is basically a libertarian. I'm not sure why he holds the position he does on gun control. Maybe he feels guilty about making all of his violent movies.

Regardless, Arnold has shown he is good at working with the democrats, despite being outnumbered, and he has broad support in California from both liberals and conservatives.

I would definitely vote for Arnold if he ran against Hillary. I don't really think Hillary will become a credible candidate in 2008. But then again, 4 years is a long time away so I suppose anything could happen between now and then.

Bearded Weirdo

I also can't vote in this poll because no answer represents my veiwpoint. I voted for President Bush, but not because of his moral values. I voted for President Bush because I think he has the best vision for this country and has done a good job given the variables that have been thrown at him while and before he was in office.

I am against a constitutional amendment allowing Arnold to run just as I was against the idea of a constitutional amendment allowing Reagan to serve a third term.

Hamilton Felix

I had some respect for Arnold, though I do not consider him much of a Republican or Libertarian --- until he signed the .50 caliber ban. This is not an honorable man, this is a politician. Watching him sign a law to ban a large expensive class of weapon that has not even been used in crime, I realized he is devoid of honor and destitute of character. Just another stinkin' Californicate Politician.


No, not because of his views but because I don't want to set the precedent of amending the Constitution to permit certain people to do certain things with the gov't.



Veteran Member
I don't think that Arnold HAS any morals from what I have seen and read! I do NOT support changing our Constitution just because HE wants to run! I think our country has gone mad anyway! Is there such a lack of good people left in this country to run that we have to change our Constitution to allow an ex-porn star to run for President against the most EVIL woman in the country??!!

We really need to spend this next 4 years seeking out a way to change our choice of candidates and find someone who can beat both these Bozos!!!!


Veteran Member
very interesting poll

I am in the last catagory, but if the choice was him or hitlery and she was running close in the polls, I would have to go with "the ahnold".


ps... I think it will be her and Obama in 2008 against whomever the Republicans can come up with, and they (the Republicans) may get beat.


Paranoid in Los Angeles
I already have voted for Arnold.

And I think he's doing a damn fine job, too.

I consider Arnold to be my kind of Democrat. Conservative and flexible.

And if calling himself a Republican is what it takes to get him elected, then so be it.

He still has to report home to Democrat royalty every night.


rescath said:
Should we amend the Constitution just for Arnold? Or should it be a matter of principle?

In principle, I don't have any problems with foreign-born people as President. It would depend on the foreign-born person.

But I suspect we have about 100 million people in this country who were born in the U.S. and are over 35. As I'm sure one of them would make an adequate president, my thinking is that it's a waste of time to amend the constitution.

The 34 year olds and the foreign born will just have to take comfort in the fact that they don't have to be worried about having to do that particular thankless job.

Night Breeze

Veteran Member
Again history and opinions pop up. First of all the constitution would have to be amended to allow Arnold to run. That being said I can remember a couple of guys that were better qualified to run this country than their bosses. The first was Henry Kissinger during those infamous Nixon years and an immediate second was Zbignew Brezinski during the Carter days. If it were constitutionally possible I would have voted for either of those guys. Oh by the way one was a Republican the other a Democrat.

Simple Man

No way I could vote for Arnold. He leans too far left for my liking. And I wouldn't support ammending the Constitution just so he could run.

Besides, if the powers that be hold a Constituational convention, who knows what other evil they may do?


Membership Revoked
Okay, here's my paranoid take on this. Any foreign born citizen could possibly be a "sleeper". A sort of Manchurian candidate. It could happen with anyone, but is more likely with a naturalized citizen. Didnt McCain get shot down because of his time as a POW and the fact that he might have been "brainwashed" during that time? Not a good idea, IMO.


Veteran Member
No and I don't understand why the poll had to be contaminated with the "moral values" crap either.


Membership Revoked
RoseTower said:
Okay, here's my paranoid take on this. Any foreign born citizen could possibly be a "sleeper". A sort of Manchurian candidate. It could happen with anyone, but is more likely with a naturalized citizen. Didnt McCain get shot down because of his time as a POW and the fact that he might have been "brainwashed" during that time? Not a good idea, IMO.

Absolutely. That's precisely why the Founding Fathers put that stipulation into the Constitution.


Membership Revoked
This poll was largely an experiment on my part. Apart from those who did not approve of foreign-born presidents at all, the majority of respondents to this point indicate that they voted for Bush because of moral values but would vote for Schwarzenegger over Hillary.

How does that make any sense. Schwarzenegger is in favor of abortion, homosexual marriage, and stem cell research. CA just passed that huge stem cell research funding bill.

How can you vote for a guy who's even worse than Kerry on the "moral issues" when you say you voted for Bush on the "moral issues"?

It's absolute proof the TPTB are successfully manipulating you "social conservatives" via their application of the Hegelian dialectic. Could you ever have imagined yourselves voting for a Pro-Abortion, Pro-Homosexual, Pro-Stem-Cell-Research candidate? Well, it looks like you would now.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
It's beyond me why anyone who thinks of themselves as even remotely conservative would have anything to do with Schwarzenegger.

Given his support of abortion, embryonic stem-cell research and homosexual "marriage", i wouldn't vote for him if he were the last man.