GOV/MIL Pentagon advocates requiring women to sign up for military draft

NC Susan

I'm in the column for the draft with Dennis Troke and Terry K
(I especially like the vote on not is restricted to only prior service personnel)
Troke is spot on about some little Achilles heel bio weapon or nuke destroying us and Terry K is correct about run your mouth feminazis time to put up Or shut up

Feminazi and Libs are going to get what they want - Drafted women
We now have CO-ed basket ball, co-ed College dorms and uni-sex bathrooms
Dads now do diapers and grocery shopping and get child custody
Men's pay has decreased as women have accepted jobs in trucking construction and other traditional men's fields
This is a new younger generation and they should get what they been demanding
Equality actoss the board

One generation of draft will do, and it will fail and then we can return to sanity and common sense

I have posted a dozen articles in the last few years about VA Disability and medical retirement to women soldiers because they DO NOT HAVE THE NECESSARY upper body strength and are tearing themselves apart competing with men

The USAF and US Navy have different jobs and requirements so they do not have the same high rates of disabilities
There are very few women Marines
And still zero Special Forces or SEALS females

The Army WAC Corp incorporated women into service while also protecting women from combat and was extremely successful
They were 5% of uniform
Had only 5 job fields: Medical, dental. Finance, personnel And air traffic and all in skirts, in WAC barracks, behind combat lines, and in an all female chain of command

They Rated as specialists, not command ( Spec5-6 not corporal or Sergeants
And highest rank was restricted to top E-6 or top Colonel before 1975

I was impressed to watch Pres Trump give commencement to
the Coast Guard Academy graduating class this summer
Half the graduation class was women officers


Membership Revoked
One huge major current negative effect from women in the mil not being brought up much at all...

Is how they are hogging the stateside/rear area billets. Women still largely stay away from combat units (not enough, to be sure) from lack of inclination and ability, as much as from top-down rules. Not only do those in the rear have less combat experience than formerly, so are less qualified to be put in the line in extremis. (Many times in past war the cooks, mechanics, etc. got thrown in the line to stop a surprise enemy attack, as recently as Korea if not later.)

Most critically, though, is how combat arms/combat support male servicemen are finding that, after initial training, their careers are just one deployment after another, with few stateside rotations available (since the women have disproportionately hogged them). They literally can't have or keep families, decompress (while still being productive to the Service), and pass on to newbies back in the States what they have learned. This is killing retention of the best people.

For that reason alone, that would justify women in the mil being restricted to clerical, medical, and light transport duties.


P.S.: I do predict that a thousand dead military women in a future real war will have political effects beyond what ten thousand dead male servicemen would have. It will likely bring rapid and extreme curtailment of women's military roles.


Veteran Member
What kind of people do not protect their women and children?
They may not have my daughters.

Then before this happens...they better clean up their act.

A couple of things to start with -

Lots of prejudice towards women in the military.

What woman wants to be around a bunch of idiots that can't keep their zippers up and their mouths zipped? Too much of that still goes on!

Rapes, harassment, quid pro quo - all needs to stop.

Second - the military needs to drop that lame belief that 'women are equal to men'. Physically they aren't.

They need to figure that out.

For starters - Keep the women and men soldiers SEPARATE! In basic training, in classes, on the ground, on ships, in doesn't work if they're together.

I've had 3 BILs in the military - they don't believe women should even be in the military.

I disagree - there are places in the military for women who want to serve their country this way and for women who are conscripted - - but they need to be protected from the d*mn predators!


I don't think we should have a draft of either gender unless, as Melodi said, it's in a horrible national defense emergency.

That said, IF draft registration is instituted for women, I think it should be in positions that MinnesotaSmith described--clerical, personnel, etc. well away from combat lines and preferably with a female chain of command. Men and women should have equal rights under the law, but clearly are physically designed for different jobs. Sexual dimorphism of our species is very evident even in the current wussy metrosexuals.

Besides, you don't kill off your breeders.

NC Susan

Is how they are hogging the stateside/rear area billets. Women still largely stay away from combat units (not enough, to be sure) from lack of inclination and ability, as much as from top-down rules. Not only do those in the rear have less combat experience than formerly, so are less qualified to be put in the line in extremis. (Many times in past war the cooks, mechanics, etc. got thrown in the line to stop a surprise enemy attack, as recently as Korea if not later.)

Most critically, though, is how combat arms/combat support male servicemen are finding that, after initial training, their careers are just one deployment after another, with few stateside rotations available (since the women have disproportionately hogged them). They literally can't have or keep families, decompress (while still being productive to the Service), and pass on to newbies back in the States what they have learned. This is killing retention of the best people.

For that reason alone, that would justify women in the mil being restricted to clerical, medical, and light transport duties.


P.S.: I do predict that a thousand dead military women in a future real war will have political effects beyond what ten thousand dead male servicemen would have. It will likely bring rapid and extreme curtailment of women's military roles.

I agree with you
All the more reason to hurry it up

NC Susan

The WAC program worked
Segregated from men
No babies
No abortions
No single moms
No marriage
No deployments first 6 years
IQ requirements minimum 125
Rear echelon support positions
High school phys ed stamina requirements - not men's strength requirements

All destroyed in 1975 with the merging of "service members" and the creation of maternity combat BDUs
Now it is the ideal occupation for single mothers


Membership Revoked
You're forgetting something, Chance...

Then before this happens...they better clean up their act.

A couple of things to start with -

Lots of prejudice towards women in the military.

What woman wants to be around a bunch of idiots that can't keep their zippers up and their mouths zipped? Too much of that still goes on!

Rapes, harassment, quid pro quo - all needs to stop.

By many measurements, the prejudice by men in the military against women in the military appears to be largely justified (if unpleasantly expressed). Look, we can have a military without women just fine; we did so for most of our history. Please name a country that has had a military without (or with a minority of) men.


Just because a guy is a jerk, doesn't mean he can't be an effective soldier. In fact, historically many of the most effective soldiers were exactly that. Patton and Nathan B. Forrest vs. Alan Alda...

If you genuinely want to protect women from harassment or worse from military men while on the job, you'd logically favor keeping women out of the military.


Disaster Cat
The WAC program worked
Segregated from men
No babies
No abortions
No single moms
No marriage
No deployments first 6 years
IQ requirements minimum 125
Rear echelon support positions
High school phys ed stamina requirements - not men's strength requirements

All destroyed in 1975 with the merging of "service members" and the creation of maternity combat BDUs
Now it is the ideal occupation for single mothers

The flip side, and this is from an interview I heard in the early 1990's with the last high ranking women (I think in the Navy) that had served during the second world war.

Question from narrator "What is the biggest change you have seen during your long military career since WWII, especially in terms of women serving in the military?"

Answer: "Many more women these days are heterosexual, think about it; what sort of women in the 1940's wanted to leave home for years, live in a women-only environment and travel the world avoiding marriage to the boy next door in rural town USA?"

She then went on to explain that in her day (she didn't name herself but you could guess) most of the career women were lesbians and that adjusting to a largely heterosexual force had been tricky but had happened gradually over time.

She didn't mention the "single mother" thing but I've noticed it myself among people I know, but then remember that for generations the military has been a traditional way for disadvantaged but dedicated young people to support themselves in places where work is scarce or during hard times. I can't blame young women for wanting to raise her child (children) she may have had before she really grew up by "working" in the military rather than going on welfare (young men have supported accidental families this way for generations).

The problem is (as MS points out) is this tends to restrict them either to US deployments and/or really safe and coveted appointment like the UK or another European base (that have full facilities and usually are not direct targets for combat, so very safe for families and kids).

I don't know about the heavy restriction of jobs (though I don't like women in combat unless there is no choice, Isreal has shown it can be done but it isn't always a great idea); but I do know that there are upsides and downsides to both separated and integrated militaries (by gender).

The important issue should be what makes for better military readiness and from what I hear from people in the military (when they are being honest) is the current system isn't working all that well; personally I have no problem with mostly lesbian units though honestly, I don't think that would be as big an issue today in terms of who volunteered to sign up.