RACE WAR "Our new planet is going to be great!" Population of Africans exploding, invading West


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Our New Planet Is Going to Be Great!
by Steve Sailer

July 17, 2019


"The fundamental issue of the 2020 presidential campaign is rapidly becoming whether or not America’s whites, as exemplified in the person of Donald Trump, have the right to block the world’s blacks and Muslims, as exemplified in the person of Somalia-born Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), from immigrating en masse to the United States.

Or is the entire notion of white citizens democratically voting to keep out nonwhites too racistly triggering for more enlightened entities, such as the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, to allow?

The United Nations’ publication last month of its World Population Prospects 2019 adds important perspective to this question.

For example, in 1991, when Omar’s family fled Somalia due to their complicity in the genocidal regime of the dictator Siad Barre, the population of Somalia was only 7 million.

Today, 28 chaotic years later, Somalia has more than doubled in size to 15 million despite immense outflows of emigrants. The U.N. forecasts that Somalia’s population will reach 35 million in 2050 and 76 million in 2100.

Alternatively, millions of Somalis (or, quite possibly, tens of millions of Somalis) might prefer to follow Rep. Omar to the Magic Dirt of the first world. According to a Gallup poll, at present one-third of the population of sub-Saharan African wants to migrate, and it’s unlikely that additional population growth will make Africa more attractive.

Here’s my latest update of what I call The Most Important Graph in the World:


The U.N. forecasts that the population of sub-Saharan Africa, which was 504,000,000 in 1991 and is 1,066,000,000 today, will grow to 2,118,000,000 in 2050 and all the way to 3,775,000,000 in 2100.

Do American and European white voters have the right to say no to the hundreds of millions of blacks and Muslims who will want to flee the messes they’ve made of their own countries?

Or would restricting immigration by nonwhites be “white nationalism” and “white supremacy” and therefore unthinkable?

While this would have seemed like an insane debate as recently as, say, 2011, there is a strategic electoral logic behind the Democrats’ Great Awokening that is constantly pushing them in an ever more antiwhite direction. As a Coalition of the Fringes, the only thing that holds together the Democrats is demonizing core Americans. Without ever increasingly whipping up hatred of whites, what is there to keep the Democrats’ collection of miscellaneous identity groups from turning on each other?

For example, the current fracas broke out with an intra-Democratic dot vs. feather brawl between two flavors of Indians. The brains behind Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) operation, her tech-millionaire chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti, went on the warpath against fellow Democrats. Chakrabarti denounced as racist those who aren’t quite extremist enough on immigration, such as Rep. Sharice Davids (D-KS), who is advertised as “the first openly LGBT Native American elected to the United States Congress.”

Unlike Asian Indians, American Indians don’t have any relatives abroad to import, so they are increasingly at odds over immigration.

Chakrabarti complained:

I don’t believe Sharice is a racist person, but her votes are showing her to enable a racist system.

At that point the House Democratic Caucus, chaired by Nancy Pelosi’s ally Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), fired back at Chakrabarti and his deficit of Intersectionality:

Who is this guy and why is he explicitly singling out a Native American woman of color? Her name is Congresswoman Davids, not Sharice. She is a phenomenal new member who flipped a red seat blue.

Keep Her Name Out Of Your Mouth.

This last line was accompanied by six interspersed emojis representing “clapbacks,” which are some kind of hip-hop form of argumentation in which you prove the logic of your point by clapping your hands obnoxiously in your rival’s face.

Pelosi is from California, where elderly white Democrats like herself, Dianne Feinstein, Jerry Brown, and Barbara Boxer long held on to power despite decades of demographic change. But that has been due to the political passivity of California’s vast Mexican population.

In contrast, this year Pelosi has run into endless trouble with feistier ethnicities such as Palestinian, Puerto Rican, and Somali.

Donald Trump then decided that not enough attention was being paid to him, so he took up a topic that Tucker Carlson has been emphasizing recently: the bizarre spectacle of diverse grifters sermonizing Americans on their sins:

Nothing they say on the subject of race is sincere. It’s all the hustle designed to get them what they want. Omar has made a career of denouncing anyone and anything in her way as racist.

When you stop and think about it, it’s kind of nuts that Americans sacralize foreign elites like Omar (her family was high-enough ranking in the old dictatorship that when it fell, her fellow Somalis wanted to kill them as vengeance) from the worst-run countries on Earth and pay them to lecture us on how the only thing that will save us is letting in more of them.

For example, I recently reviewed This Land Is Our Land: An Immigrant’s Manifesto by the white-hating Calcutta-born NYU professor Suketu Mehta:

I claim the right to the United States, for myself and my children and my uncles and cousins, by manifest destiny…. It’s our country now.

After all, it’s a terrible burden that people from Somalia and India take on to move to deplorable America, but our sacred newcomers just happen to have a lot more cousins back home who are willing to redeem us with their vibrant diversity. Their relatives are so much more moral than you racists Americans that they will sacrifice themselves by moving here for the good of our souls.

Trump tweeted:

So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Much like the brouhaha after Trump’s January 2018 comments comparing Norway and Haiti, respectable opinion went berserk with rage. You aren’t supposed to point out that the conventional wisdom is stupid.

Of course, Pelosi immediately diverted the topic from her squabbles with the diverse Squad to the racist badness of the nondiverse Trump, just as she wound up doing when she tried to discipline Omar last March for pointing out, with her Somali courage (see Black Hawk Down), that rich Jewish donors have a lot of influence on American politics. Pelosi instead ended up siding with Omar in blaming white Christian Americans for everything bad that has ever happened in this country, including the Dreyfus Affair in France.

Demonizing old-fashioned Americans is the KKKrazy Glue of the Democrats. But will enough voters catch on to cost them in 2020? Trump isn’t terribly adroit at governing, but he’s fairly adept at revealing his enemies’ hypocrisies and hatreds.

Obviously, Omar isn’t going to go back to Somalia to help her people. She’s not going to make the mistake made by an immigrant Somali journalist named Hodan Naleyeh who “tried to change the racist media narrative around Somalia and Somalis” by returning home from Canada to report on the good news in Somalia. Just last week, terrorists in Somalia blew the poor woman up.

No, Omar is going to work for the good of her clan by trying to undermine America’s borders so more Africans can move here.

There are lots more where she came from.

For example, Tanzania in East Africa had a population of 26 million in 1991, 58 million today, and is on track for 129 million in 2050 and 286 million by the end of the century.

Now, there’s nothing inevitable about these forecasts. They depend upon birth, death, and migration rates. In this century, many third-world countries have enjoyed success at moderating their fertility. But Africa has lagged far behind.

The Pew Research Center noted:

Half of babies born worldwide are expected to be born in Africa by 2100, up from three-in-ten today. Nigeria is expected to have 864 million births between 2020 and 2100, the most of any African country. The number of births in Nigeria is projected to exceed those in China by 2070.

To paraphrase Ann Coulter: Our new planet is going to be great!

The ongoing African population explosion is likely to be at least as globally destabilizing as climate change, yet we seldom hear about it.

Many African leaders continue in thrall to the primal African cult of fertility. Sub-Saharan Africa has traditionally had such high death rates that the culture compensates by trying at all costs to maximize births. For example, just last week, Tanzania’s president John Magufuli orated:

When you have a big population you build the economy. That’s why China’s economy is so huge…. I know that those who like to block ovaries will complain about my remarks. Set your ovaries free, let them block theirs.

We need elites with the courage to make clear to African politicians like Magufuli that their cultural backwardness will not be allowed to swamp the rest of the world. I suspect that many Africans would respond favorably to a Western crusade for more sustainable African fertility levels.

Unfortunately, perhaps the biggest threat facing the world in this century is that contemporary white culture’s worship of blacks as holy will keep us from criticizing Africans for their more primitive traits, such as their fertility obsession, and instead indulge them by letting them dispatch their surplus population to our lands.

Maybe that’s the explanation for the Fermi Paradox?

In 1950, physicists Edward Teller and Enrico Fermi were discussing UFOs. Suddenly, Fermi pointed out that, considering the vast age of the galaxy, the big question is not if there is evidence for intelligent aliens visiting our planet, but why isn’t there more evidence that they have already been here.

Perhaps the great filter is that intelligent aliens tend to become obsessed with the Sisyphean task of combating racial inequality, blaming it on their own malevolent bias, and dissipate their energies on that?"


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How the invading Third Worlders actually think...


Manifesto Destiny
by Steve Sailer

June 19, 2019


Redwood State Park, CA

"This Land Is Our Land: An Immigrant’s Manifesto by Calcutta-born NYU journalism professor Suketu Mehta takes pro-immigration polemics to their logical conclusion: “Immigration as reparations.” Historically white countries must open their borders because whites have sinned and deserve punishment. But just lie back and think of diversity:

Indeed, a huge bill is coming due to the West. And it is one that the West is not only morally obligated to pay, but one that it should look forward to paying.

Mehta’s book is rife with anecdotes about deplorable white people saying insensitive things to his family. (His clannish loyalty to concentric circles of his people might be his best quality.) He begins with a tale of which he’s particularly proud: An Englishman in London asks his grandfather why he is in his country:

“Because we are the creditors,” responded my grandfather, who was born in India…. “You took all our wealth, our diamonds. Now we have come to collect.” We are here, my grandfather was saying, because you were there.

Who wouldn’t want to let in more Mehtas? They sound like a delightful family, folks who definitely have your best interests at heart.

On the other hand, the author isn’t, technically, in Britain. He’s been living in the United States of America since his Gujarati diamond-merchant family arrived in Queens in 1977. As he sums up his manifesto:

I claim the right to the United States, for myself and my children and my uncles and cousins, by manifest destiny…. It’s our country now.

Of course, exactly why Americans merit vengeance for the sins, real and imaginary, of the British Raj isn’t fully explained in This Land Is Our Land. But that’s not the point; the point is that you white people have money, which means you are guilty, and therefore you must pay.

Seriously, in the current Scramble for America, the potential profits for colonizers like the Mehtas are so vast that it’s only natural for their pundits to not wait around to publish until they’ve first figured out arguments that can pass the laugh test.

But Mehta isn’t just spewing racial hate for the money. Like so many immigrant Indian intellectuals, such as Angela Saini, author of the hysterical science denialist book Superior, Mehta has a giant chip on his shoulder against whites. He feels humiliated that Europe was once able to colonize India, rather than vice versa:

It is every migrant’s dream to see the tables turned, to see long lines of Americans and Britons in front of the Bangladeshi or Mexican or Nigerian Embassy, begging for a residence visa.

To soothe his wounded amour propre, Mehta has retconned a vision of South Asian history that is Indian supremacist crackpottery:

Consider the subcontinent. For five thousand years we had been one people, ruled undivided from the borders of Persia to China by emperors from Ashoka to Akbar…. Then the British came and ruled us for two hundred years by pitting us against each other so that we couldn’t be pitted against them…

Actually, it’s not that hard to get South Asians to divide up, in part because they’ve been genetically dividing themselves up into a mind-bogglingly elaborate caste system of petty apartheid at least since the Aryan Invasion. For example, late in his book Mehta admits:

I immigrated over with not just my immediate family, not just my extended family, but a large part of my subcaste, the Dashanagar Vaniyas. It’s a subcategory of Gujarati merchants from the villages around Ahmedabad, “the merchants of the ten towns.”

And then he recounts how he delights in his subcaste’s annual picnic:

It was a fine day at the subcaste picnic. All my caste-fellows, young, old, were playing cricket, eating, strolling by the New Jersey lake, and the old ladies were pleased that not one of us had yet married an American.

It’s absurd, of course, for Hindus, the world’s most racist, reactionary, and inegalitarian culture, to be paid to lecture white Americans on our crimes against wokeness. It’s relevant to note that most of the new generation of South Asian pundits on the make, such as Mehta and Saini, aren’t egalitarian progressives in any abstract sense. They are regressives, loyal to their families, clans, and races. They wish their people to drive before them their enemies and hear the lamentations of their women.

But does anybody get the joke? In The New York Times, for instance, Lauren Markham gave This Land Is Our Land a rave review.

The title of the book is of course ripped off from American communist folk singer Woody Guthrie’s famous campfire song:

This land is your land, this land is my land/From California to the New York island/From the redwood forest to the gulf stream waters/This land was made for you and me.

Mehta, however, claims the song as a

...universal migrant’s anthem, wherever in the world they come from, and wherever they are going. This land is their land; this land is our land.

Ironically, a Smithsonian publication, Folklife, just published a passionate denunciation of Guthrie’s song by a different kind of Indian, Mali Obomsawin, who uses similarly woke clichés to instead “interrogate,” usefully, the pernicious “nation of immigrants” chestnut:

By critiquing “This Land Is Your Land,” I don’t mean to imply that Guthrie himself promoted conquest, but the song is indicative of American leftists’ role in Native invisibility. The lyrics as they are embraced today evoke Manifest Destiny and expansionism (“this land was made for you and me”). When sung as a political act, the gathering or demonstration is infused with anti-Nativism…. Just as when Americans call this country a “nation of immigrants,” the proclamation erases Native peoples’ right to exist in the collective consciousness.

Similarly, erasing white nations’ right to exist is the intention of Mehta’s This Land Is Our Land.

As this Indian vs. Indian conflict over Guthrie’s song reminds us, the Democrats’ Coalition of the Fringes naturally tends toward being a circular firing squad. What interests do, for example, American Indians and Asian Indians have in common? (Of course, despite their better claims to American concern, the generally taciturn American Indians don’t stand much of a chance of avoiding being steamrolled by the usually glib Asian Indians.)

The only way to keep the Alliance of the Margins from turning on each other in endless battles over Who Is More Intersectional Than Thou is to demonize whites as their mutual hate object.

Thus, Mehta offers detailed stories about awful German and Irish boys at his Catholic school in Queens saying unkind things to him forty years ago. But he offers no details whatsoever on the identity of the criminals who mugged him twice on the street in New York.

After all, Mehta is consciously drafting behind Ta-Nehisi Coates’ call for reparations for African-Americans when he demands open borders as reparations for racist Americans’ crimes against foreigners who haven’t gotten here yet:

Ta-Nehisi Coates has written about what America owes its black citizens…. Globally, too, a giant bill is due…. They’re asking for fairness: for the borders of the rich to be opened to goods and people…

Granted, TNC isn’t the most acute thinker. But despite Coates’ manifest density, even TNC might eventually start to wonder if the white man’s reparation pie is really big enough to accommodate not just American blacks but also, potentially, every nonwhite grifter on the planet.

Mehta rushes to reassure:

There are enough houses. There is enough space in the United States alone to hold all 7 billion of our species…. Macau fits in 52,000 people per square mile…Bangladesh 2,980.

Actually, the population of Earth hasn’t been 7 billion since 2010. The United Nations’ new population forecast released on Monday shows the world’s population has already grown 10 percent since 2010 and is headed toward 9.7 billion by 2050.

Southern Asia is currently at 1.9 billion and is expected to add another 500 million people by the middle of this century.

Of course, the world’s truly threatening population problem is sub-Saharan Africa, which has grown from 640 million in 2000 to 1,066 million today, and now is expected by the U.N. to double by 2050, and almost double again to 3.775 billion in 2100.

The good news is it’s not impossible to avert such an apocalyptic population explosion in Africa. For example, even impoverished Bangladesh (current population: 163 million) has been cutting its growth rate. The U.N. expects Bangladesh to peak in 2052 at 192 million.

But for the West to surrender to racist bullying by the likes of Mehta and therefore increase immigration would instead send a truly disastrous signal: that the rest of the world doesn’t need to solve their overpopulation problems because they can offload their surplus citizens on the white saps."
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Veteran Member
Back a couple of years ago I almost never saw a squirrel in the field and woods up near the house. Lack of natural food I guess. The dogs love to hunt and chase them so I would know. Now that I have chickens and throw scratch grains on the ground for the chickens to eat I have plenty of squirrels for the dogs to chase as they now have a steady diet of grain to eat.

So my point is if I want to cut back the squirrel population I need to stop feeding them and go back to making them feed themselves.



On loan from Heaven
I claim the right to the United States, for myself and my children and my uncles and cousins, by manifest destiny…. It’s our country now.

We owe a damn thing to no one regardless of color or country. Those people need to keep their knees together. Their overpopulation is not my problem.


Veteran Member
I claim the right to the United States, for myself and my children and my uncles and cousins, by manifest destiny…. It’s our country now.

We owe a damn thing to no one regardless of color or country. Those people need to keep their knees together. Their overpopulation is not my problem.

This is something that has always touched a nerve with me. They want aid send them condoms.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The day will come when many will wish that we would have been more aggressive in repelling invaders !!!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Put something in those vaccines Bill Gates that you take over there that will sterilize them when injecting...............Africa because of Africans is a nightmare..........I wish Whites would have avoided that whole continent.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
The only way to keep the Alliance of the Margins from turning on each other in endless battles over Who Is More Intersectional Than Thou is to demonize whites as their mutual hate object.

Absolute truth.


If Ebola is not effective then upon migration to the US, the American redneck will step up to the plate.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
No matter how you slice it, it's not going to end well.

There, I'm done with my doom for the day.


Right from the start
fortunately the four horsemen are going to take care of this situation before too long...thank God.


Membership Revoked
Two other people who think like the author in the OP...


Ahmadinejad to Trump: "US Belongs to All Nations... No One May Consider Themselves the Owner, and View Others as Guests or Immigrants."

"A letter from the former President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in 2017:


In the name of God, The Compassionate, The Merciful

… To: His Excellency, Mr. Donald John Trump

The president of the United States of America


… 8- The developments and the current existence of America today is the result of immigration of a variety of nations to that land. The presence and constructive effort of the elite and scientists of different nations, including the million-plus population of my Iranian compatriots has had a major role in the development of the US. It is necessary that the spirit of the policies ruling the US, value respect toward the diversity of nations and races. In other words, the contemporary US belongs to all nations, including the natives of the land. No one may consider themselves the owner, and view others as guests or immigrants.

… And peace on the righteous servants of God

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

In service of the Iranian nation

Source: Fars News Agency

Interesting question: Who is closer to the American Establishment’s conventional wisdom on “Who are the owners of America?”

Trump or Ahmadinejad?

And here’s the late Col. Muammer Gadafphee’s similarly mainstream (and presciently gender-neutral) take on the question of “Who Is the America?”

America is not only for the whites, but it is for all. Who is the America? The American is you, me, and that. When we go to America we will become Americans and there is no a race or nationalism called America and the Americans are those Africans, Indians, Chinese, and Europeans and whoever goes to America will become American…. American is for all of us and the whole world had made and created America. All the people all over the world had made America and it shall accordingly be for all of us."


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Michelle Obama: "Whether We Are Born Here or Seek Refuge Here, There’s a Place for Us All."

Michelle Obama

What truly makes our country great is its diversity. I’ve seen that beauty in so many ways over the years. Whether we are born here or seek refuge here, there’s a place for us all. We must remember it’s not my America or your America. It’s our America.

2:46 PM - Jul 19, 2019
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136K people are talking about this

"All” is a rather big number when it comes to potential refugees, Michelle:



Michelle Obama: "Whether We Are Born Here or Seek Refuge Here, There’s a Place for Us All."

Bull Shit.
Think that invitation also extends to White South Africans?
Of course not.

FOAD, Mike.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Bullshit indeed. Affikans and other Turd Whirled dregs can not, Will not, and NEVER will become technically advanced. Their lives depend entirely on white civilization for survival. Once they succeed in killing all the whites, then it’s Zimbabwe on a world-wide scale. We descend back into the New Middle Ages, and the planet will never recover.

Affikans, muzloids and mestizo latinos are a complete drag on the entire planet. They contribute NOTHING, and consume/destroy EVERYTHING.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
Quite frankly, somebody in authority should tell these free-loading terrorists to stfu. America is great because a handful enlightened Caucasian Christians informed by their bibles and western european heritage got together and agreed on a Declaration of Independence which fired the minds and spirits of their Caucasian countrymen enough to pledge their lives, sacred honors, and treasure to the cause of establishing the greatest nation dedicated to the cause of human spiritual and temporal liberty in the history of the world. Very minimal help was needed from the “diversity” crowd, and-frankly again- their contributions since have remained minimal in spite of the generous allowance for members of that group to be allowed to migrate to this incredible nation. What other nation in the history of the world sacrificed their sons and daughters willingly to spill their blood and spend their treasure to free slaves, whether here in the south or in the concentration camps of fascist conquered Europe?

Answer: NONE.


Senior Member
Quite frankly, somebody in authority should tell these free-loading terrorists to stfu. America is great because a handful enlightened Caucasian Christians informed by their bibles and western european heritage got together and agreed on a Declaration of Independence which fired the minds and spirits of their Caucasian countrymen enough to pledge their lives, sacred honors, and treasure to the cause of establishing the greatest nation dedicated to the cause of human spiritual and temporal liberty in the history of the world. Very minimal help was needed from the “diversity” crowd, and-frankly again- their contributions since have remained minimal in spite of the generous allowance for members of that group to be allowed to migrate to this incredible nation. What other nation in the history of the world sacrificed their sons and daughters willingly to spill their blood and spend their treasure to free slaves, whether here in the south or in the concentration camps of fascist conquered Europe?

Answer: NONE.

Well said.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Richard Nixon had the right idea to stop the onslaught of Africans, a pity it was never implemented.

National Security Study Memorandum 200, otherwise known as NSSM 200 or NSSM-200, was a document generated by President Richard Nixon’s national security office, at his instruction, in 1974.

NSSM 200 was the U.S. Government’s formal response to the feverish effort in the private sector, especially in the latter part of the 1960s, to depopulate the earth or else we would all die. Most of these advocates for population control are forgotten, but one that is still known today is Paul Ehrlich. His 1969 book, The Population Bomb, popularized a viewpoint that already had wide currency among the sophisticates and elites across the world. Political pressure was piled high and population ‘experts’ clamored to have their expertise acknowledged and implemented. Finally, in 1969, Richard Nixon gave a speech which called for a national population policy. Federal funding for domestic population control began in earnest with the 1970 passage of Title X, which began funneling millions and millions of dollars into ‘family planning’ (a euphemism for ‘population control’) and established the Office of Population Affairs. This office still exists.

In 1972, Nixon called for a report to be given to him by what would become called the Rockefeller Commission Report. This commission consisted mostly of private sector individuals and organizations, and included men like Bernard Bereleson (president of the Population Council) and Frederick Jaffe Memo (Vice-president of population for Planned Parenthood). The commission’s report was submitted to the President in 1972, but to the chagrin of the elites, he did not act on it–at least, not publicly, and not domestically.

Though his response to the Rockefeller Report was muted, Nixon directed his National Security Adviser, Henry Kissinger, to analyze the ‘over-population problem’ as it applied to other countries, in particular “developing countries,” and contemplate the anticipated impact of over-population in those countries on the security of the United States. On April 24, 1974, Kissinger issued a directive to a variety of Federal agencies to study the matter and make recommendations. The final report, given to the president in December of 1974, specifically acknowledged that the ‘problem’ was global (and therefore included the United States), but singled out fourteen countries for more immediate depopulation efforts.

What had been largely a private sector crusade now became a taxpayer supported endeavor.

However, by this time, Richard Nixon was up to his eyeballs in the Watergate scandal. He would soon leave the office of the president and be replaced by Gerald Ford… who promptly endorsed the report’s conclusions, with just a few caveats and concerns expressed about the report’s proposed methods (NSDM 314).

Most people, after reading the final report for themselves, are horrified to learn what the elites were prepared to do, and in fact, may still be doing, to their fellow man.

At the time of this writing, there is no documentary evidence publicly available that suggests that the policies Gerald Ford directed the U.S. to implement vis a vis NSSM-200 have ceased to be the official position of the United States of America. If anyone has such evidence, this site would be pleased to reflect it.


  • NSSM-200.pdf
    461.5 KB · Views: 1


On and On, South of Heaven
Remember that the number of persons caught and detained by CBP represents about 10% of the total...

New surge of African migrants arriving at US southern border

Dozens of Africans, children from Congo, caught illegally crossing Rio Grande into Texas

Surge in African Migrants Breaching US Southern Border

African Migrant Apprehensions Spike at Southern US Border

Large numbers coming to the border from Ebola-ridden African countries


Veteran Member
So I thought Africa was supposed to be having another big Ebola breakout?

What happened to that? It never was an outbreak to begin with? Hype?


On TB every waking moment
... Finally, in 1969, Richard Nixon gave a speech which called for a national population policy. Federal funding for domestic population control began in earnest with the 1970 passage of Title X, which began funneling millions and millions of dollars into ‘family planning’ (a euphemism for ‘population control’) and established the Office of Population Affairs. This office still exists....

Damn! That explains the terrific drop in the white birth rate in this country. If it were not for immigrants, we would be on a downhill population slide. I wonder how they got people to stop having kids.


On and On, South of Heaven
So I thought Africa was supposed to be having another big Ebola breakout?

What happened to that? It never was an outbreak to begin with? Hype?


It is just happening in Africa, so the media doesn't care...

Daily double-digit Ebola cases continue in DRC

The world's second-biggest Ebola outbreak is still raging


On and On, South of Heaven
... Finally, in 1969, Richard Nixon gave a speech which called for a national population policy. Federal funding for domestic population control began in earnest with the 1970 passage of Title X, which began funneling millions and millions of dollars into ‘family planning’ (a euphemism for ‘population control’) and established the Office of Population Affairs. This office still exists....

Damn! That explains the terrific drop in the white birth rate in this country. If it were not for immigrants, we would be on a downhill population slide. I wonder how they got people to stop having kids.



Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
The day will come when many will wish that we would have been more aggressive in repelling invaders !!!
I got a chuckle the other day listening to the news on the radio. They were talking about the efforts and money to be spent to attempt to kill off all the asian carp in the rivers and the great lake, as it has been breached. Wishing they would of acted sooner. Micro macro of the human invasion of "asians" of all colors.....
When the problem explodes further, some liberal will come up with an expensive plan of action......for the chaos they have set up...but all will fall within the controls they establish. All part of the plan.