
  1. LightEcho

    TREASON How Bad is the INFILTRATION of America? Scary!!

    This video has an expert (Michael Yon) interviewed by Clayton Morris on ReDacted. This guy hits the truth blatantly. Revolution is coming soon. Top levels of secrecy are occupied by foreigners like Chinese. RT 17:56 View:
  2. MinnesotaSmith

    RACE WAR "Our new planet is going to be great!" Population of Africans exploding, invading West

    Multiple links (but no comments) at original. ISSUE OF THE CENTURY Our New Planet Is Going to Be Great! by Steve Sailer July 17, 2019 "The fundamental issue of the 2020 presidential campaign is rapidly becoming whether...
  3. MinnesotaSmith

    RACE WAR The Refugee/Invasion/Repatriation thread -- sink the ships, send the ones here home

    Multiple essays following, each with its own page. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 03, 2017 Never, ever, accept refugees "Last summer, a number of normally sensible people were shocked when I said that the European governments would be wise...
  4. annieb

    ALERT My encounter with what appears to be Syrian Refugees.

    I live in a small town in MA, Haverhill, and tonight it appears that a mother and two children were hanging out in the hallway of my building. I confronted them and one of the little boys came running at me saying "Hola, Hola"! The mother was freaked out and grabbed the two kids and tried to run...
  5. skoaldiak

    GUNS/RLTD Woman shoots and kills home invader

    Phoenix Police say a Northwest Valley homeowner shot and killed an intruder early Sunday morning. Investigators said a man broke into the house around 1 a.m. near 39th Avenue and Thunderbird. A police spokesperson claims the woman knew the intruder, but would not elaborate on the nature of...