POL On the off chance that Pres Trump loses and the Dems win Senate and House.....


Canadian Loonie
Do you have any plans for your future? Will you move to another State where you can feel more free, or just tough it out for 4 more years?

How will your life change - homeschool kids? change jobs to work only with cash? Buy more protection?

You probably will get to feel a bit like Canadians do right now, with little power in our hands.....for a while, till we EXIT.


This too shall pass.
I don’t think there is a whole lot I can do. But if Trump loses, this country is not going to be safe at all for Christians or Conservatives. I would expect to see things get a whole lot less free in a hurry, and a whole lot more dangerous, and the economy to completely crash.



TB Fanatic
Do you have any plans for your future? Will you move to another State where you can feel more free, or just tough it out for 4 more years?

How will your life change - homeschool kids? change jobs to work only with cash? Buy more protection?

You probably will get to feel a bit like Canadians do right now, with little power in our hands.....for a while, till we EXIT.

I'd probably become a conservative version of an ANTIFA member. After going dark grey first. Because if they win America as we know it ceases to exist. And legislation and protests won't change it back.


Senior Member
I would imagine that such an event would push the State of Texas into secession at warp speed. God bless the Republic of Texas!
It won’t. We have too many illegals and cities that are solid blue. In 2008, a petition was submitted and had enough signatures to be considered, but it went nowhere. And Austin, that insane s**thole, tried to secede from Texas.
We’re rural red, urban blue, and suburban purple. Oklahoma looks good.


On TB every waking moment
I am more worried that Trump wins but loses the Senate and House.

I cannot imagine the fun the Demos would have with that set-up.


Veteran Member
It won’t. We have too many illegals and cities that are solid blue. In 2008, a petition was submitted and had enough signatures to be considered, but it went nowhere. And Austin, that insane s**thole, tried to secede from Texas.
We’re rural red, urban blue, and suburban purple. Oklahoma looks good.
Oklahoma is absolutely terrible. We have enough people here already. Don't need or want anymore. Stay in Texas and fix your state.


Res ipsa loquitur
If the commie dems get in, it won't be for a short 4 more years, it will be a lot longer.

TRUMP 2020

indeed it will - it will be for the rest of our natural lives - which won't be for very long - becasue they will be coming for guys like most of us here at WARP 9

Jonas Parker

I'll watch as Texas secedes. I figure this is the safest place to be. If not, maybe I can neutralize a couple of the SOBs before they get me. One handicapped old fart for two trained soldiers sounds like a good deal!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
On the off chance that Pres Trump loses and the Dems win Senate and House.....

It could happen. There are a lot of blue states and the rest are purple.
100,000 people died of the virus. That is 100,000 more Democratic voters. And that is if they only vote once.


Advocate Discernment
i think the only way for trump to lose this election is for the dems to massively cheat. they have nothing but lies and fraud. if so, i belive tings will get very ugly very quickly.
remember the gore-bush election? gore supposedly won the popular vote and it took the courts to decide in jan who actually won?
im worried we are looking at something similar.

we all need to do some heavy praying for trumo anbd our nation

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
I would be a mite surprised if you could show that there are two feet in the On Deck Circle for that game this coming month.

That there model on the other thread makes a HUGE error. It is a POPULAR VOTE Model which truly (at least this year, dunno about 2024) is what matters.

I didn't see them work out the EC values.

Not REALLY lookin forward to becoming an outlaw, though I likely have already done so in attitude.


Res ipsa loquitur
i think the only way for trump to lose this election is for the dems to massively cheat. they have nothing but lies and fraud. if so, i belive tings will get very ugly very quickly.
remember the gore-bush election? gore supposedly won the popular vote and it took the courts to decide in jan who actually won?
im worried we are looking at something similar.

we all need to do some heavy praying for trumo anbd our nation

I fully believe we will not know who won the election for quite some time - WEEKS - and I do not expect it to go over well with ANYBODY


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
It will be time to fix bayonets and CHARGE!!


Let's Go Brandon!
I will start by saying, that the damocraps know where they
have to cheat, and how much they have to cheat.

One of my brothers, has worked with voter registration in
a county in North Carolina. He told me, that you would not
believe at the amount of voter fraud, that he believes is
going to occur in the November 2020 election.
He fully believes, that North Carolina will go completely blue.

Its the illegals. There are now over 1 million illegals in
North Carolina, and they vote damocrap. Add into that the
Africans who despite the inroads, that POTUS Trump has
made with the Africans, probably 75% or more of them will
vote damocrap. These are the 2 main voting blocks,
that the POS damocraps can count on, not only in
North Carolina, but across the entire country.

Virginia going blue this year, was a major warning sign for me,
that other states, primarily North Carolina, will most likely go,
as Virginia has gone.

Of course, its the mayor metro areas that control a state.

In Virginia it was Richmond, and the coastal cities for the
most part, that took Virginia blue, and it won’t be red ever again.

In North Carolina it will be Assville, and the other major
metro areas, that will take North Carolina blue.

Georgia may stay red, but barely, and Florida is a crap shot.

Just these states that I have mentioned, are enough to give
the damocraps, the November 2020 election.

The COVID-19 planned demic, has achieved its goals.
ZUSA economy is now in a depression, tens of millions
of peoples have been thrown out of work, its the worst
time for many peoples in the ZUSA right now.

Before the COVID-19 planned demic, the damocraps stood
about a snowball’s chance in hell, of winning in November 2020.

COVID-19 has now given the damocraps, their chance back.

I am a very pessimistic guy, and if anything bad can happen
it will, and something bad will happen, before something good.

Please be safe everyone, and realize that things are much worse,
than you can even imagine.

Regards to all.



Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit...
I'm not worried (yet). Biden is going to get crushed like a bug by Trump. No one is going to want a dementia-laden POS to be POTUS.


Certa Bonum Certamen
I'm not worried (yet). Biden is going to get crushed like a bug by Trump. No one is going to want a dementia-laden POS to be POTUS.
He also seems quite frail.. from today:

View: https://twitter.com/TrumpJew/status/1264962900709556228?s=20

From the comments on that tweet: [I noticed and thought this, too.]

"Her hands are not just holding his. They are GUIDING him. She forcefully (while holding his hand) makes him turn and to his side of the vehicle. "


Veteran Member
On the off chance that Pres Trump loses and the Dems win Senate and House.....

It could happen. There are a lot of blue states and the rest are purple.
100,000 people died of the virus. That is 100,000 more Democratic voters. And that is if they only vote once.
So you’re implying that only Republican voters died of the virus???
Don’t think so and don’t believe that.

Donald Shimoda

In Absentia
"On the off chance that Pres Trump loses and the Dems win Senate and House.....

Do you have any plans for your future?"

I'm gonna wear a T-Shirt that says,


Then, I'll go belly up for all the free stuff I can possibly get. First in line for everything. Repeatedly.

Of course, I won't actually work because that'll mean I'll have to pay taxes...

I highly recommend all of you do the same. Put up your feet, take a break, and let the free stuff roll in.

[Once that utterly destroys the system, something better may rise from the ashes...]

Peace and Love,

Donald Shimoda


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Do you have any plans for your future? Will you move to another State where you can feel more free, or just tough it out for 4 more years?

How will your life change - homeschool kids? change jobs to work only with cash? Buy more protection?

You probably will get to feel a bit like Canadians do right now, with little power in our hands.....for a while, till we EXIT.

all will be singing the merle haggard song

'are the goods really over for good?'


Veteran Member
I am more worried that Trump wins but loses the Senate and House.

I cannot imagine the fun the Demos would have with that set-up.
I hope the House and Senate turn Republican. That way the Demo president can't push the liberal agenda and maybe they can start investigating the Dems for all of their crap the pulled the last 4 years.


Veteran Member
I truly believe that there is a fair chance this could happen. When you look at the numbers that Trump won by in 2016 they weren't much in some critical states. If he goes against Biden I think he has it. I do not believe that Biden will be the candidate for the Dems. I think you will see another BHO. Younger, good speaker, etc. That I worry about. Add massive vote by mail "schemes" and you have a potential Dem victory.

I am punching through the last of my list in the next couple of months to try to be as ready as possible. Food water shelter etc.

As for moving? Not sure what the benefit would be. Say Texas declares independence. Then what? Are they going to take all the new "refugees" from the rest of the country? What about all the retirees that live there who are now not getting the Medicare, SS, mil and civ fed retirement? Can they sustain themselves? Do they have the resources and money to pull it off? THe same would apply to just about any state.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
When you look at the numbers that Trump won by in 2016 they weren't much in some critical states.
Trump was an unknown quantity then. People voted for him out of desperation. They didn't know if he'd be a positive or a negative in office. Well, WE SURE KNOW NOW. Millions of additional people know how much he loves this country. That's why he'll win.


Veteran Member
Trump was an unknown quantity then. People voted for him out of desperation. They didn't know if he'd be a positive or a negative in office. Well, WE SURE KNOW NOW. Millions of additional people know how much he loves this country. That's why he'll win.
That is true. And I don't think I know anyone who voted for him in 2016 that wont vote for him again in 2020.