Obama To Unleash Racial-Preferences Juggernaut

Altura Ct.

Veteran Member
If your organization has a policy or practice that doesn't benefit minorities equally, watch out: The Obama administration could sue you for racial discrimination under a dubious legal theory that many argue is unconstitutional.

President Obama intends to close "persistent gaps" between whites and minorities in everything from credit scores and homeownership to test scores and graduation rates.

His remedy — short of new affirmative-action legislation — is to sue financial companies, schools and employers based on "disparate impact" complaints — a stealthy way to achieve racial preferences, opposed 2 to 1 by Americans.

Under this broad interpretation of civil-rights law, virtually any organization can be held liable for race bias if it maintains a policy that negatively impacts one racial group more than another — even if it has no racist motive and applies the policy evenly across all groups.

Equal Outcomes

This means that even race-neutral rules for mortgage underwriting and consumer credit scoring potentially can be deemed racist if prosecutors can produce statistics showing they tend to result in adverse outcomes for blacks or Latinos.

Already, Attorney General Eric Holder has used the club of disparate-impact lawsuits to beat almost $500 million in loan set-asides and other claims out of the nation's largest banks.

In addition to the financial settlements — which include millions in funding for affordable-housing activists — Bank of America, Wells Fargo and SunTrust have all agreed to adopt more minority-friendly lending policies.

Though the administration seeks equal credit outcomes, regardless of risk, across the entire banking industry, it doesn't have to sue every bank to achieve its goal. As a prophylactic against similar prosecution, IBD has learned the American Bankers Association recently advised its 5,000 members to give rejected minority loan applicants a "second look," which it says "can result in suggested changes in underwriting standards."

Also, the administration sent a chill through the financial industry earlier this year when it announced its new credit watchdog agency will join Justice, as well as HUD, in using the disparate-impact doctrine to enforce civil-rights laws.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau chief Richard Cordray warned companies the agency will "protect consumers from unfair lending practices — as well as those that have a disparate impact on communities of color." He added:

"That doctrine is applicable for all of the credit markets we touch, including mortgages, student loans, credit cards and auto loans," as well as small-business loans.

Hiring Criminals

For the first time, the nation's consumer credit reporting agencies, including Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, will come under federal review. CFPB examiners will subject these companies and others to an "effects test" to make sure credit transactions are racially balanced.

Those who reject minority applicants for credit cards or charge them higher loan rates had better be prepared to prove to Cordray's diversity cops they aren't racist. Many have already decided it's safer to give black and Latino applicants preferential treatment, which of course is racism of another kind.

Other targets of the administration's "racial justice" juggernaut include:

standardized academic testing, professional licensing examinations, employee background checks, voter ID requirements, student disciplinary codes, prison sentencing guidelines — you name it.

The goal is to equalize outcomes based on race without regard for performance or merit.

According to Roger Clegg, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, President Obama is committed to "aggressively pushing the 'disparate impact' approach to civil-rights enforcement" through which "the federal government insists that the numbers come out right — even if it means that policemen and firefighters cannot be tested, that companies should hire criminals, that loans must be made to the uncreditworthy, and that — I kid you not — whether pollution is acceptable depends on whether dangerous chemicals are spread in a racially balanced way."

Last month, moreover, the Education Department pressured the Oakland school district to impose "targeted reductions" in the number of black students suspended.

The department charged that Oakland's disciplinary policy has a "disparate impact" on African-American students, who are suspended at higher rates for violent behavior.

The Oakland case is the first of some 20 such investigations of school districts across the U.S. "The Obama administration is pressuring school districts not to suspend violent or disruptive black students if they have already disciplined 'too many' black students," said Competitive Enterprise Institute counsel Hans Bader.

Education is also investigating a "disparate impact" complaint recently filed by the NAACP alleging the entrance exam used by selective New York City high schools illegally discriminates against blacks.

Through disparate impact suits, Holder has forced banks to adopt racial lending quotas and even open branches in minority neighborhoods.

He's authorized five more lending-discrimination suits, while opening another 30 investigations against banks. And he's just getting warmed up.

"The question is not does (affirmative action) end, but when does it begin?" Holder said in February at a Columbia University forum. "When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?"

Banks had hoped the Supreme Court would declare his actions unconstitutional.
But a landmark disparate-impact case was scuttled at the last minute this year when the petitioner withdrew it under pressure from Holder's civil-rights chief.

Congress is probing the unusual arm-twisting — which included what appears to be a corrupt quid-pro-quo bargain — that led to the case being dropped.

Most agree that had the Magner v. Gallagher case gone forward, the high court would have struck down the use of disparate impact and effectively shut down the administration's witch hunt against lenders.

On the campaign trail, Obama was mum about his disparate-impact strategy and rarely talks at all about race.

He's no doubt aware of polling in his last presidential bid which found 56% of voters harbored fears he'd favor African-Americans. But his 2006 writings inform us.

To close the "stubborn gap that remains between the living standards of black, Latino and white workers," then-Sen. Obama proposed "completing the unfinished business of the civil rights movement — namely, enforcing nondiscrimination laws in such basic areas as employment, housing and education."

He added: "The government, through its prosecutors and its courts, should step in to make things right."



keep your eye on the ball
The re-election of this ...uh....curse is worse than a nuclear detonation in our land. Ddi the American people actually elect, and then re-elect him? I cant really believe that this is real; it is like Americans are actually voting to destroy themselves and this country. I am still in a bit of disbelief and shock over the fact that this once proud and rugged country that enjoyed freedom, liberty and individualism actually voted for obama


Veteran Member
So non-whites need have no skills, accomplishments, apptitude, motivation or constraint on bad behavior: just non-white skin? Are other countries that we compete with abandoning all demands on sizable portions of their population too?!

This will turn-out well...


TB Fanatic
In other words, like a bank cannot treat a black person the same and fairly under the law as they would a white person as most blacks may not pass the credit check and other qualifying bench marks (like a job). So the bank has to give a loan to someone that cannot pay it back


I give up.
So the result will be reverse discrimination and rule of the lowest common denominator. I don't think there will be anywhere left in the world to go if this keeps up. If you are white, you will be considered trash, and the actual trash will rule you.



Contributing Member
These same policies are what pushed the housing crash. It is nice to see that acorn has taken over running the US government. I hear the far off rumble of an even larger crash. Hold on kiddies, this one may take down the world.
Based on the guidelines these clowns are using I will make sure that every Dr. and professional I use will be white. If they are not holding people of color to the same standards for becoming a Dr. why should I risk my life hoping I get a good one and not some guy who should have been the short order cook.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
The re-election of this ...uh....curse is worse than a nuclear detonation in our land. Ddi the American people actually elect, and then re-elect him? I cant really believe that this is real; it is like Americans are actually voting to destroy themselves and this country. I am still in a bit of disbelief and shock over the fact that this once proud and rugged country that enjoyed freedom, liberty and individualism actually voted for obama

seems highly probable that the election was fraudulent. but even if it wasn't, clearly the amount of takers versus makers has reached the tipping point. in fact, the godless now definitely outnumber the godly, and THAT right there is the demographic that has my fullest attention. this factoid is the kind of information that should remind one of the situation of what went down in Sodom and Gomorrah back in the days of Genesis.

our nation has become a number one candidate for the Darwin Award. sure, we shipped off our jobs to China, sure, we allowed the Rothschilds and Rockefellas to set up a central bank and call it the Federal Reserve so they could end up owning everything in North America including our children, and us. sure we allowed communists and socialists to buy our newspapers and television stations and infiltrate our schools and churches. but WE didn't have to turn our backs on God. but we did.
we elected the presidents and senators that chose the judges that shut down christian prayers in our schools, legalized abortion, legalized sodomy, and now we've begun to re-define marriage to include what God once called abomination.

who do we think we're fooling?
what did your parents do the first time you disrespectfully said NO when they insisted on you behaving properly when you were two or three years old? what do you think God will do to the nation that says there is no God, and proceeds to act on that fateful declaration?
we see the results of those kind of nations all over the world. we're on the fast track to join them in their implosion and degradation.


I give up.
And these criminals have used the money system to their advantage. That has always been the weapon, as I constantly harp. If people still don't believe it and haven't yet read The Creature from Jekyll Island for some truth, I suggest you get it. It's free online now.


Veteran Member
As I have ever heard of (and witnessed), for some Decades(tens of years) now,

What might today be classified as: "diversities", aka: non-white 'persons'
who filed for unemployment, could sit on their asses,

Whilest 'whites' needed to jump through hoops, fill out an activity sheet weekly
(showing who and where they actively applied for employment, in DETAIL)
and had to physically appear, WEEKLY, in person, presenting such documentation,
in order to to 'qualify' for each week's unemployment compensation.

WHEREAS: "Compensation" for diversities required nothing; checks were mailed out.

SO Then ... what does THAT say,
regarding goobermint's perception of it's human herd,
and the varieties of critter which compose it?

The Mountain

Here since the beginning
The single possible benefit of this may be that it will cause employers to stop using credit scores and other measures that aren't directly related to the business as part of their hiring process. Not that there will be many employers left soon, and it will also eliminate many truly-useful measures as well (possibly including drug testing, as well as credit checks in the few industries where it *is* a useful measure).


Veteran Member
The re-election of this ...uh....curse is worse than a nuclear detonation in our land. Ddi the American people actually elect, and then re-elect him? I cant really believe that this is real; it is like Americans are actually voting to destroy themselves and this country. I am still in a bit of disbelief and shock over the fact that this once proud and rugged country that enjoyed freedom, liberty and individualism actually voted for obama

It's difficult to comprehend, I know, but the election just proved to me how our education system has done the job it was suppose to do for the elites, create a society of people who do not possess any analytical or critical thinking skills. Most are completely ignorant of what happens to a country when socialism is introduced into it. They didn't have textbooks that taught what happens to countries after a Marxist regime takes control. APparently they have no clue of North Korea, Cuba, China, etc.


Faithful Steed
Your hard earned white Caucasian skills have just been made worthless. "You can't do that." Just like "You didn't build that" and "You don't own that."

Next thought. If you're white, why try to self educate since you're doomed from the start? Why bother to pursue a career if your black brethren will ALWAYS have first shot at the water fountain, or the front of the bus, or the better bathroom?

Better to stay home and allow your Master to dole out the feed, and give you a bed to sleep in. After all, that would be humane. You are not responsible for the color of your skin.

As to your work. Labor seems to be your lot. You'll do those jobs that black skinned humans won't do because it's "beneath" them.

Perhaps if you pull up the Reardon steel from the y-junction and move it to the mainline, you can keep the train running? Why bother? Let the train crash. Uncle Obama will fix it for you.

Sugar makes you feel better. Boston Cremes better yet.



Veteran Member
Seriously eff that dude. I am sick of this crap. The only reason he won is bc 50% of Americans want hand-outs. Kind of like the blacks think we should just hand them jobs. No need to work for them. No need to get educated.

It is time now in America we cut the bull and say how we really feel. I'm freaking tired of the blacks. Yes there are some good ones. For them I am sorry. But I think all of America is going to look like Africa because of the blacks. Look at Detroit, It's like a war zone. Every third house as been boarded up or burned out. As a people they don't build anything. I mean jeeze, Africa is a resource rich continent, yet they have nothing over there.

The theory that a countries laws and freedoms can transcend racial irregularities is a false theory. It has not ever been proven. White Europeans have built this country. Minorities are tearing it down. Sorry but that is the truth. Now we have a political machine turning the races against the whites, who built this country. Death for this country is close at hand. I pray to God for direction and I keep coming to the realization that America is only the way it is because we were willing to wage a war against a crushing power regime. We are being destroyed from within now for a lot more than just taxes on tea.

I pray to God for succession. Cut off the useless ones, it is time for two Americas. There is a sea of red in America.


Veteran Member
This will help with racial tensions. Not. Praise be to Allah for Beautiful Leader's Magnificent Wisdom! Just when you think it really can't get much crazier, something like this comes along and slaps you in the face. The British have the perfect word for this feeling. Gobsmacked.

Be Well

may all be well
The re-election of this ...uh....curse is worse than a nuclear detonation in our land. Ddi the American people actually elect, and then re-elect him? I cant really believe that this is real; it is like Americans are actually voting to destroy themselves and this country. I am still in a bit of disbelief and shock over the fact that this once proud and rugged country that enjoyed freedom, liberty and individualism actually voted for obama

The American people did not vote in 0bastard for another term. The election was stolen by massive voter fraud.


Do people really think that O is really the author of all this???

He has a huge NWO organization that he reports to...and all he has to do is sign whatever they put in front of him.

Did anyone notice that Obamacare was a huge document that couldn't have been produced by just a skimpy whitehouse staff???



Membership Revoked
america should be divided into 2 nations one non white and 1 white. that is the only whites will not become the blacks slaves


Think about the impact this will have on the already crippled medical community. Med school, standards, and the guy who checks your kids will not really need to be the best of the best. Plus, under ocare, your physician is appointed to you by a board employed by the federal government. Good luck everyone.

Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon

Yea, Obamacare is a 2000+ page mess but legislation like this is rarely if ever produced by a Whitehouse staff...skimpy or not.

A good friend of mine who spent a few years as a Congressional staffer explained this to me.

Almost all such legislation is pulled together by Congressional staffers which are legion. Each Representative and Senator has several staffers. Much of such legislation is a re-hash of previous legislation that has been proposed and shot down over the years (even from 20 years ago i.e. HillaryCare from during Clinton's term in office) so it is not like they develop the new legislation totally from scratch each time. They do a whole lot of "copy and paste" from prior bills and add a few new twists and turns for a most of the legislation that gets put forth for consideration.


TB Fanatic
So if they're aren't enough back or hispanic graduates from a university, they will be obliged legally to fill out the numbers, and how will they achieve that by marking the papers differently depending on race?


Veteran Member
The article was written by IBD. They are a very respected news source in the investment world. I'm sure shades of this is true and on the table. After all, he's got to give his voters what they want.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
What does he HNIC care about constitutionality? He's got Roberts in his pocket. All he has to do is make a phonecall. You watch. Every unconstitutional PoS law coming up for review by SCOTUS, if it benefits the GIBSMEDATS, will pass review with Roberts' approval.

The man is OWNED somehow...


On TB every waking moment
Where is the proof of these allegations? I call fear-mongering

To add to the mongering, rumor has it that Eric Holder will drop from Justice and become a Czar to enforce this very thing. And given his track record, he will be very good at it.

But one does not know if EH started the entire rumor so he could get a good gov't job when he leaves Justice. Such as happened before.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The goal is to equalize outcomes based on race without regard for performance or merit.

yeah baby... I be study sum dat ebonics soes I can gets duh good job. Obamma got my back.


F-4 Phantoms Phorever
So Obobo's big supporters, the disadvantaged minorities, are gonna get the first shot at every job that's open and preferential consideration for loans? How nice for them.

WHAT EFFING JOBS?????? WHAT EFFING LOANS?????? Obobo has made sure there will be no jobs to be had and no loans to be made.

This is only something else being done to try and bring violence and death to this land. The Iranians want a great war to create massive bloodshed to bring their mahdi back to earth.

I swear it seems Obobo wants to do the same within our borders. What well does his mahdi live down?

"Equal outcomes" - that's a watchword/phrase frequently used by the communists and 'commonists'.

So long "equal opportunity" - all one needs now is the right skin color or accent.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
I agree. The producers will soon be pissed enough to revolt.


we will see. i doubt it. tptb have mastered the art of boiling frogs slowly. hence, everyone that isn't working for the almight dollar at the end of the week is waiting at the post office for the day that the eagle sh*ts to receive their benefit check (SS, welfare, pension, etc). very few people around ( - just the self-unemployed like me with no safety net to support them when no one is needing their trade -) who aren't being paid somehow to stay out of trouble.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I think I will set up a new business in Nigeria. I will sell African-American ID cards. I will call the business AA-Today. YES!!! You too can become an African-American like me. Have you ever wanted to visit Africa? Have you been thilled by the wild exotic animals of the dark continent? Have you ever had a cup of coffee from beans grown in Africa? Have you ever seen a diamond from Africa?

If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, you qualify to be an African-American. At AA-Today we do not discriminate by race or ethnic background. We welcome all peoples and seek to come together on common grounds. We have your African-American ID card waiting for your proud use. Just send us a 1" square photo, name and a good check for $11.99. Soon you will be a card-carrying African-American and move ahead in any lines for food, jobs, FEMA housing, and much more!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
They will be forced to loan and then forced to forgive those same loans. It's a new form of reparations.

I for one wouldn't want the doctor operating on me or the teacher teaching my children to only have their degree and then later their job, based on the color of their skin.


What does he HNIC care about constitutionality? He's got Roberts in his pocket. All he has to do is make a phonecall. You watch. Every unconstitutional PoS law coming up for review by SCOTUS, if it benefits the GIBSMEDATS, will pass review with Roberts' approval.

The man is OWNED somehow...

Barry must be keeping the negatives in a safe place.


Stone Cold Crazy
Well. I speak pretty decent street.

Think I'll go get some brown dye and bathe in it.

Bet I could pass for a light-skinned black.