obama is going to lose Nevada.


Contributing Member
Just got done calling union folks and i would say that at least 70% of the ones who answered the survey were leaning or for sure voting Romney.

There were also alot of "**** you's" to organized labor.


Son, Husband, Father
Thanks for the first person account. Enough votes to overcome the cheating in the Reid race in 2010?


Veteran Member
I know a lot of union people here who are voting for Romney!! I get sick of the calls from Jimmy Hoffa Jr. telling us to vote Democrat!!


TB Fanatic
I know a lot of union people here who are voting for Romney!! I get sick of the calls from Jimmy Hoffa Jr. telling us to vote Democrat!!

I fixed it for you.

I know a lot of union people here who are voting for Romney!! I get sick of the calls from Jimmy Hoffa Jr. telling us to vote Democrat!! OR ELSE!


Veteran Member
Hopefully the coal miners see the light and vote for Romney. Obozo wants to shut the coal industry and coal fired energy plants down.

Deena in GA

That's good news about Nevada! The only union person I even know lives in FL and would never vote for O.


Veteran Member
I was in RENO for the State Tennis Championships.. (Our school took 2nd BTW! Varsity Boys) .. anyway.. there were SOOOO many Romney signs and defeat obama signs.. in 08 there were more obama signs than anything else- even local seats so in my unofficial way i see NV going for Romney.. what a hoot that will be! and then hopefully they kick reid out!


Veteran Member
Clark county also has a huge population of illegals. I am sure that Obozos supporters have a lot of them illegally signed up to vote. Remember how Dirty Harry Reid was going to lose his last election, and after the Clark county vote came in he won.