BRKG Obama Embraces Marriage Equality


Crew Chief
Maybe this will be the nail in his political coffin...

Probably the opposite, I think he is trolling for the gay vote since he is losing support from some of his "home boys". Peggy Joseph has found out that Obama DIDN'T pay her mortgage like he promised and she's pissed!!

He's got to pick up some new votes somehow....

Jubilation T. Cornpone

Veteran Member
I'm pretty sure Shepard Smith is a closet fag. Seriously wish Fox News would fire that guy. He always has to give an opinion on everything. I usually turn the channel when he is on.


Shep Smith was arrested in 2001 after an altercation
with another journalist over a parking place.
Allegedly, a female journalist was saving a parking spot
for someone and Smith backed into her car
and yelled an obscenity to a group of bystanders.
All charges against him were later dropped.

Gets in a fight with a girl.
Hope he didn't hit her with his purse.

Likewise, I can't stand the guy,
but he must know where the bodies are buried
because he's the worst talking head to ever
hit the air.
Besides being a stinking liberal, and who knows
what else, he trips over his tongue constantly.


Veteran Member
What 'prompted' this?

A few days ago, V.P. Biden made a statement in favor of same-sex marriage as a component of 'equality'.

There has apparently been considerable double-speak and hemming and hawing since then, ...

It diverts your attention from the real issues such as how bad the latest reports on the economy are.


Membership Revoked
Their whole argument is that they want benefits like married couples. I think that is fine. They can have CIVIL UNIONS for that. MARRIAGE is a religious ritual and scripturally is between a man and a woman. The last time a people tried to tell God it was OK, he destroyed two whole cities.

My friends all countered me with "what kind of Christian are you if you dont allow them to have marriage", My response is "A good one, one who knows what the Word says and stands by it, even if it isn't popular"

Yup, good for you.


. . . .
Yesterday, in front of the courthouse where Edwards is on trial, there was a small group holding signs saying 'Repeal Amendment One' - 'Gay Rights'. I had to walk right through the middle of them to get back to work. I really wanted to ask exactly how an amendment is repealed, but didn't. NC did pass the one man-one woman amendment by 60 something to 30 something - maybe we will not be blue this time.

WIth CNN/FOX/ABC/NBC news all over the place there, I could have had my 15 minutes. Guess I'll wait until it can really mean something....


well by saying this, you can bet he lost a ton of votes, all catholics , muzzies, some jewish, all penacost christians, he is going to loose more than he gains.
I listened to part of his speech, what a clown.


Finally, an expression of honesty from the White House. Not an intellegent decision, but you get what's you paid for....


Short but deadly
I think he is trolling for the gay vote since he is losing support from some of his "home boys". Peggy Joseph has found out that Obama DIDN'T pay her mortgage like he promised and she's pissed!!

He's got to pick up some new votes somehow....

Exactly. Another group he's courting to kiss his azz.

And all I have to say to ANYBODY who supports Odumbo is God forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Broken Arrow

Heathen Pagan Witch
Its all diversion tactics to steer everyone away from the true issues, economy, gas prices, war on terror. Besides, why should any of you care what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Each and every one of us has the right to choose how we decide to live our lives.


Short but deadly
Its all diversion tactics to steer everyone away from the true issues, economy, gas prices, war on terror. Besides, why should any of you care what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Each and every one of us has the right to choose how we decide to live our lives.

Frankly I don't care BUT I don't want it shoved in my face either. Just like I don't it to become legal for somebody to be able to pull their pants down and sh** on the sidewalk. Some things just make a person sick.

Broken Arrow

Heathen Pagan Witch
S***ing on a sidewalk is a health issue. Big difference. If it makes you sick to see two people in a loving commited marriage, then dont look!

Broken Arrow

Heathen Pagan Witch
It is between the two people engaging in it, it they arnt jumping all over you, why should you care? S***ing on a sidewalk is a public health issue. Sleeping in bed with a same sex partner is only dangerous to themselves and whoever else they decide to sleep with. If they are in a commited loving relationship with each other, then their sex isnt your problem. If your in a commited loving relationship with your partner, then its no worries for you!


Short but deadly
It is between the two people engaging in it, it they arnt jumping all over you, why should you care? S***ing on a sidewalk is a public health issue. Sleeping in bed with a same sex partner is only dangerous to themselves and whoever else they decide to sleep with. If they are in a commited loving relationship with each other, then their sex isnt your problem. If your in a commited loving relationship with your partner, then its no worries for you!

You have your opinion, I have mine. It makes me sick to my stomach, is that ok with you? I'm sure you have things that make you sick. IN MY OPINION this is one more step for going against the word of God. If they want a civil union then fine. Their sin THEY have to answer for. But marraige? No. Not IN MY OPINION.

ETA: And I noticed you never went back to sex being a health issue. Only the sh**ing on the sidewalk one. So your argument is null & void with me.

Broken Arrow

Heathen Pagan Witch
You need to re read my last post then, I clearly stated that it was only dangerous to themselves and who ever they decide to sleep with and not a health issue for you. Since you decided to bring god into it, your arugment is null and void with me!


God has a plan, Trust it!
You need to re read my last post then, I clearly stated that it was only dangerous to themselves and who ever they decide to sleep with and not a health issue for you. Since you decided to bring god into it, your arugment is null and void with me!

When your children see it and you have to explain why they go against God's Word, and why the world has become so evil, selfish and greedy, and you have to explain to them that evil is everywhere and that the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy. The Father of Lies, since Adam and Eve, took a truth, and twisted it ever so slightly so that man believed that it was OK, even though God said "Do Not...."

Does it really effect just them?

We are in the situation in this country because of this very issue. When God says "Thou shall not", he meant it. Not to be a tyrant, but so that if we live the way he has intended us to live, all will go well and prosper with us.

And in our countries history, we have done that, and our land prospered, and our people prospered. But when the Father of Lies saw it was God Blessed, he wiggled his way in to corrupt it. Our people have accepted those lies as truth and our country has slid ever since.

It effects more than just the couple.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
The United States government IS NOT and NEVER WAS religion-based. God DOES NOT run the USA. Every single objection to homosexuality and homosexual marriage is entirely based on Scripture and "God's will." And that's fine, as long as you understand that it has absolutely no relevance to how the country is governed. And (pardon the pun) THANK GOD FOR THAT!!! I cannot and WILL NOT live in a theocracy. If I wanted that, I'd move to Iran....

Broken Arrow

Heathen Pagan Witch
Since the discussion was regarding health issues, what does your "word of god" have to do with it? My family holds no belief of a "father of lies" aka satan, nor do we hold any belief of "word of god". Frankly, i'm glad that we dont, since it has gotten so twisted up in peoples minds, and has created evil of its own.

Be Well

may all be well
Its all diversion tactics to steer everyone away from the true issues, economy, gas prices, war on terror. Besides, why should any of you care what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Each and every one of us has the right to choose how we decide to live our lives.

If you think the homo agenda is about what two sex perverts do behind closed doors I have a nice bridge to sell you, ever heard of the Brooklyn Bridge?

If it was about privacy no one would know or care. It's about destroying the natural family, marriage and moral values.

In their own words:

From LA Times of March 12: ...
"Divided over gay marriage" by Roy Rivenburg Paula Ettelbrick, a law professor who runs the International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission, recommends legalizing a wide variety of marriage alternatives, including polyamory, or group wedlock. An example could include a lesbian couple living with a sperm-donor father, or a network of men and women who share sexual relations.
One aim, she says, is to break the stranglehold that married heterosexual couples have on health benefits and legal rights. The other goal is to "push the parameters of sex, sexuality and family, and in the process transform the very fabric of society." ... [snip]

An excerpt from: In Their Own Words: The Homosexual Agenda:
"Homosexual activist Michelangelo Signorile, who writes periodically for The New York Times, summarizes the agenda in OUT magazine (Dec/Jan 1994):

"A middle ground might be to fight for same-sex marriage and its benefits and then, once granted, redefine the institution of marriage completely, to demand the right to marry not as a way of adhering to society's moral codes, but rather to debunk a myth and radically alter an archaic institution... The most subversive action lesbian and gay men can undertake --and one that would perhaps benefit all of society--is to transform the notion of family entirely."

"Its the final tool with which to dismantle all sodomy statues, get education about homosexuality and AIDS into the public schools and in short to usher in a sea change in how society views and treats us."

Chris Crain, the editor of the Washington Blade has stated that all homosexual activists should fight for the legalization of same-sex marriage as a way of gaining passage of federal anti-discrimination laws that will provide homosexuals with federal protection for their chosen lifestyle.

Crain writes: "...any leader of any gay rights organization who is not prepared to throw the bulk of their efforts right now into the fight for marriage is squandering resources and doesn't deserve the position." (Washington Blade, August, 2003).

Andrew Sullivan, a homosexual activist writing in his book, Virtually Normal, says that once same-sex marriage is legalized, heterosexuals will have to develop a greater "understanding of the need for extramarital outlets between two men than between a man and a woman."

He notes: "The truth is, homosexuals are not entirely normal; and to flatten their varied and complicated lives into a single, moralistic model is to miss what is essential and exhilarating about their otherness." (Sullivan, Virtually Normal, pp. 202-203)

Paula Ettelbrick, a law professor and homosexual activist has said:
"Being queer is more than setting up house, sleeping with a person of the same gender, and seeking state approval for doing so. . Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex, sexuality, and family; and in the process, transforming the very fabric of society. . We must keep our eyes on the goals of providing true alternatives to marriage and of radically reordering society's view of reality." (partially quoted in "Beyond Gay Marriage,"

Stanley Kurtz, The Weekly Standard, August 4, 2003)
Evan Wolfson has stated:

"Isn't having the law pretend that there is only one family model that works (let alone exists) a lie? . marriage is not just about procreation-indeed is not necessarily about procreation at all. "(quoted in "What Marriage Is For," by Maggie Gallagher, The Weekly Standard, August 11, 2003)

Mitchel Raphael, editor of the Canadian homosexual magazine Fab, says:

"Ambiguity is a good word for the feeling among gays about marriage. I'd be for marriage if I thought gay people would challenge and change the institution and not buy into the traditional meaning of 'till death do us part' and monogamy forever. We should be Oscar Wildes and not like everyone else watching the play." (quoted in "Now Free To Marry, Canada's Gays Say, 'Do I?'" by Clifford Krauss, The New York Times, August 31, 2003)

1972 Gay Rights Platform Demands: "Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit."

[Also among the demands was the elimination of all age of consent laws.]

Be Well

may all be well
The United States government IS NOT and NEVER WAS religion-based. God DOES NOT run the USA. Every single objection to homosexuality and homosexual marriage is entirely based on Scripture and "God's will." And that's fine, as long as you understand that it has absolutely no relevance to how the country is governed. And (pardon the pun) THANK GOD FOR THAT!!! I cannot and WILL NOT live in a theocracy. If I wanted that, I'd move to Iran....

The United States was founded on moral principles that are based on religion - all religions share the same basic moral values, at least on paper. A theocracy means a country whose government are imams, mullahs, priests, bishops, etc. A government founded on basic moral principles is NOT a theocracy - look it up in the dictionary! Rule of law means some things are right and some things are wrong. Who decides?

This is what Thomas Jefferson said about the matter:

"Reading, reflection and time have convinced me that the interests
of society require the observation of those moral precepts ... in
which all religions agree." --Thomas Jefferson

And there are many, many rational objections to homosexual "marriage" that have nothing to do with religious dogma or beliefs. The mere fact the homosexuals commit one third of all child molestation and yet are at most 2% of the population is enough. Most homosexuals were molested/seduced as children or adolescents by older homosexuals should give you a clue. As well as try reading "in their own words" - reasons noted homosexual activists have given themselves for why they want fag marriage.

Be Well

may all be well
You need to re read my last post then, I clearly stated that it was only dangerous to themselves and who ever they decide to sleep with and not a health issue for you. Since you decided to bring god into it, your arugment is null and void with me!

The homosexual activists (and there are many in gov) are constantly pushing to let "men who have sex with men" donate blood. Do you realize what will happen when they are allowed to? Remember the 80s when hundreds (or more) people got AIDS becasue of infected blood? You do realize that the fags used to chant "AIDS is not a gay disease" but they were proven wrong. Most people who get AIDS are homosexuals, bisexuals, prostitutes and/or drug users (who are often prostitutes. The "men who have sex with men" category directly or indirectly (via bisexuals or homosexuals married to women) are 80% of new AIDS cases.

Homosexuals want AIDS to not just be a "gay" disease.

Broken Arrow

Heathen Pagan Witch
If you think the homo agenda is about what two sex perverts do behind closed doors I have a nice bridge to sell you, ever heard of the Brooklyn Bridge?

If it was about privacy no one would know or care. It's about destroying the natural family, marriage and moral values.

In their own words:

From LA Times of March 12: ...
"Divided over gay marriage" by Roy Rivenburg Paula Ettelbrick, a law professor who runs the International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission, recommends legalizing a wide variety of marriage alternatives, including polyamory, or group wedlock. An example could include a lesbian couple living with a sperm-donor father, or a network of men and women who share sexual relations.
One aim, she says, is to break the stranglehold that married heterosexual couples have on health benefits and legal rights. The other goal is to "push the parameters of sex, sexuality and family, and in the process transform the very fabric of society." ... [snip]

An excerpt from: In Their Own Words: The Homosexual Agenda:
"Homosexual activist Michelangelo Signorile, who writes periodically for The New York Times, summarizes the agenda in OUT magazine (Dec/Jan 1994):

"A middle ground might be to fight for same-sex marriage and its benefits and then, once granted, redefine the institution of marriage completely, to demand the right to marry not as a way of adhering to society's moral codes, but rather to debunk a myth and radically alter an archaic institution... The most subversive action lesbian and gay men can undertake --and one that would perhaps benefit all of society--is to transform the notion of family entirely."

"Its the final tool with which to dismantle all sodomy statues, get education about homosexuality and AIDS into the public schools and in short to usher in a sea change in how society views and treats us."

Chris Crain, the editor of the Washington Blade has stated that all homosexual activists should fight for the legalization of same-sex marriage as a way of gaining passage of federal anti-discrimination laws that will provide homosexuals with federal protection for their chosen lifestyle.

Crain writes: "...any leader of any gay rights organization who is not prepared to throw the bulk of their efforts right now into the fight for marriage is squandering resources and doesn't deserve the position." (Washington Blade, August, 2003).

Andrew Sullivan, a homosexual activist writing in his book, Virtually Normal, says that once same-sex marriage is legalized, heterosexuals will have to develop a greater "understanding of the need for extramarital outlets between two men than between a man and a woman."

He notes: "The truth is, homosexuals are not entirely normal; and to flatten their varied and complicated lives into a single, moralistic model is to miss what is essential and exhilarating about their otherness." (Sullivan, Virtually Normal, pp. 202-203)

Paula Ettelbrick, a law professor and homosexual activist has said:
"Being queer is more than setting up house, sleeping with a person of the same gender, and seeking state approval for doing so. . Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex, sexuality, and family; and in the process, transforming the very fabric of society. . We must keep our eyes on the goals of providing true alternatives to marriage and of radically reordering society's view of reality." (partially quoted in "Beyond Gay Marriage,"

Stanley Kurtz, The Weekly Standard, August 4, 2003)
Evan Wolfson has stated:

"Isn't having the law pretend that there is only one family model that works (let alone exists) a lie? . marriage is not just about procreation-indeed is not necessarily about procreation at all. "(quoted in "What Marriage Is For," by Maggie Gallagher, The Weekly Standard, August 11, 2003)

Mitchel Raphael, editor of the Canadian homosexual magazine Fab, says:

"Ambiguity is a good word for the feeling among gays about marriage. I'd be for marriage if I thought gay people would challenge and change the institution and not buy into the traditional meaning of 'till death do us part' and monogamy forever. We should be Oscar Wildes and not like everyone else watching the play." (quoted in "Now Free To Marry, Canada's Gays Say, 'Do I?'" by Clifford Krauss, The New York Times, August 31, 2003)

1972 Gay Rights Platform Demands: "Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit."

[Also among the demands was the elimination of all age of consent laws.]

Of course its a diversion tactic! Your here talking about same sex marriage when the real issues go by the way side now. War on terror, economy, job creation, gas prices are the real issues the POTUS cant or wont deal with, so he brings out same sex marriage to divert the public, its working isnt it?

And yes, same sex couples have every right to enjoy the exact same rights to marry, cohabitate, pay taxes, be at each others beside in a hospital, have children, and get divorced that you do as a straight person. The fabric of society changes constantly. Not so long ago it was illeagle for a black man/woman to marry a white man/woman. Would you deny that society changed and that they now enjoy that right? Get use to, its going to keep changing!

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Some on this thread talk about the militant homosexual agenda and homosexual marriage as if it were the same issue. It's not. Homosexual marriage is a civil rights issue under the Constitution. The militant homosexual agenda is about attempts by radical liberals to indoctrinate our youth. I am violently opposed to that agenda, but support equal rights for homosexuals.

Broken Arrow

Heathen Pagan Witch
The homosexual activists (and there are many in gov) are constantly pushing to let "men who have sex with men" donate blood. Do you realize what will happen when they are allowed to? Remember the 80s when hundreds (or more) people got AIDS becasue of infected blood? You do realize that the fags used to chant "AIDS is not a gay disease" but they were proven wrong. Most people who get AIDS are homosexuals, bisexuals, prostitutes and/or drug users (who are often prostitutes. The "men who have sex with men" category directly or indirectly (via bisexuals or homosexuals married to women) are 80% of new AIDS cases.

Homosexuals want AIDS to not just be a "gay" disease.

They also have very stringent screening processes to keep tainted blood from the blood supply, far better than they ever did in the 80's. I dont deny at all that gay or bisexual people have the highest rate of AIDS. Just like the prision population has the highest rate of turbuculosis. AIDS tainted blood is no longer what I would consider to be a public health risk due to screening or testing procedures.
After hearing of the current occupant's 'evolving' opinion on the issue - perhaps our opinions on voting this Nov. should 'evolve' also?

Instead of merely VOTING for any of his oponents - perhaps we'll also throw a HUGE PARTY as his DEFEAT becomes apparent?

Just 'evolving' of course - subject to change depending on the direction of the wind, the temperature, etc. etc. etc.


Don't ever forget - IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID - the current occupant has lengthened and deepened the recession he supposedly 'inherited' into
a full blown DEPRESSION.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I like (fear) this gal's take on it...

Mashing the Throttle on the Highway to Hell

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - May 9, AD 2012 9:20 PM MST

I'm not much for people declaring their "gut feelings" and "women's intuition" and stuff like that, but I will now say that I have the very, very strong feeling that we are on the final countdown to the **** well and truly hitting the fan. Europe is imploding and is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Nigel Farage delivered an address on the floor of the EU today in which he predicted full-on hot war in Europe and the re-ascendency of totalitarian National Socialism very soon. He said that events are unfolding almost exactly like they did in 1932 with the collapse of the center, and thus the rise of the hard right and hard left, which are THE SAME THING, namely totalitarianism. The hard left is all about totalitarian oligarchy and total, lawless control by means of brute force. The hard right is the anarchist model with zero lawful government with power coming once again from brute force. Either way, you end up with exactly the same thing: a small cadre of oligarchs imposing their will and playing "god" on everyone else with millions and millions of dead bodies left in their wake and ZERO RULE OF LAW. Every evil path leads to the same place: hell, and the Father of Lies is the father of ALL lies, both the lies of the hard left and the hard right. Satan has humanity flanked. He always has.

Today, something happened in the "political" sphere that is truly unprecedented, although I hesitate to call it "political", because it is obvious to anyone who is not in a Level One coma that we are way, way beyond the mere domain of "politics" at this point.

Barack Obama, who is the face and frontman for the government now controlling the territory and assets formerly called the United States of America, said and did something that has never, ever been done. He did something so evil that it literally has no precedent, and in itself guarantees that God's wrath will be poured out on this nation and its people, and that wrath will probably be more intense than anything yet experienced by man.

Yes, I fully appreciate the enormity of what I just said. Let me say it again: God's wrath will be poured out on this nation and its people, and that wrath will probably be more intense than anything yet experienced by man. The Noahic flood brought relatively swift death to the people killed in it. I anticipate that people will be begging for death before God's wrath is fully poured out and His Justice satisfied on the former United States of America.

What did Obama say?

Barack Obama directly correlated the Perfect Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross to sodomy.

“This is something that, you know, [Michelle and I have] talked about over the years and she, you know, she feels the same way, she feels the same way that I do. And that is that, in the end the values that I care most deeply about and she cares most deeply about is how we treat other people and, you know, I, you know, we are both practicing Christians and obviously this position may be considered to put us at odds with the views of others but, you know, when we think about our faith, the thing at root that we think about is, not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it’s also the Golden Rule, you know, treat others the way you would want to be treated…”

So, according to the antichrist Obama and his antichrist "wife", the perfect, infinite act of charity, namely God freely choosing to give Himself totally and without reserve on the Cross for humanity in order to make reparation for the sins of the world, is an ANALOGUE to one man jamming his erect penis up into the feces-laden descending colon of another man, and using that as a point of friction for masturbation. Both actions, according to the antichrist Obama, are manifestations of "love", and thus Christ Crucified points, through the prism of the Golden Rule, to the "do unto others" of sodomy in all its forms, including anal sex, oral sex, masturbation in all its forms and every perversion known to man. Thus, the act of sodomy, because, according to Obama, it is a subset of the perfect Charity of Christ Crucified, MUST be celebrated by calling it "marriage".

There ARE NOT WORDS to express the enormity of the blasphemy in this.

There are four sins that cry out to God for vengeance. Yes, God's vengeance - that thing that all of these superfun rockband and Marxist-homosexualist clergy are trying so desperately to convince you does not exist - GOD'S VENGEANCE. In reverse order, here they are:

4. Depriving the laborer of his just wage. (This is the core objective of Marxism - human slavery.)

3. Injustice to widows and orphans. (Death panels, ponzi scheme government healthcare and retirement entitlements, and abortion, which is the slaughter of children not wanted by their parents, also known as "orphans", just to name a few manifestations.)

2. Murder.

and finally, in the number one position, the number one sin of mankind that CRIES OUT TO GOD FOR VENGENACE:

1. Sodomy.

Barack Obama just completed the quadfecta and used the Sacrifice on Calvary of Our Blessed Lord to promote, ratify and celebrate sodomy.

Folks, God will not be mocked. I don't know much, but I do know with every fiber of my being that this WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. This nation will pay for this blasphemy and sacrilege, the likes of which I don't think has ever happened before in human history. Hitler never said anything like this. Neither did Lenin, Stalin, Mao or any other despot for the last 2000 years. Even in pagan cultures where sodomy may have been promoted, never did the leader of pagan hordes specifically use the Holy and Perfect Sacrifice of Calvary to promote sodomy.

And you know the saddest part? Hardly anyone in this culture is going to do anything more than shrug their shoulders and shake their head at this. The offense that has been given to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is unfathomable by human minds, and yet I doubt EVEN ONE PRIEST will mention this on Sunday in his sermon, because, you know, the IRS might take away the 501(c) exemption, or something. Not only should every priest on earth be bringing the hellfire and brimstone on Sunday in his sermon, but every bishop and every priest should immediately start offering DAILY masses specially for reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for this blasphemy, and admonishing every God-fearing person to get their butts to Mass and pray for mercy like they have never prayed before.

Finally, I just want to point out that the antichrist Obama's motives in this were 100% demonic. Think about it. There was a referendum in North Carolina on same-sex marriage yesterday and it came out overwhelmingly AGAINST same-sex marriage. The left is already in Obama's pocket. He's not picking up any "votes" by doing this now. In fact, North Carolina proves that independents are firmly AGAINST same-sex marriage, so he's pissing off independents too. No, he said these things because he is, in his heart and in his soul, pure, sulfuric evil from the deepest pit of hell. Remember, to call this a "political mis-step" means that you are naively assuming that there are going to be fairly contested elections in November. People, I'm telling you, the last free elections in this country are BEHIND US. Obama is perfectly willing and happy to piss off the majority of the country because he knows that "elections" will be pure theatrical fiction, if they are held at all.

I suspect we are very close to the end of our lives and our civilization as we have known them, and deservedly so. This simply CAN NOT go on. Prepare yourselves and your families, both physically and spiritually.

Kyrie Eleison.
Christe Eleison.
Kyrie Eleison.


Short but deadly
I like (fear) this gal's take on it...

Mashing the Throttle on the Highway to Hell

Posted by Ann Barnhardt - May 9, AD 2012 9:20 PM MST

I'm not much for people declaring their "gut feelings" and "women's intuition" and stuff like that, but I will now say that I have the very, very strong feeling that we are on the final countdown to the **** well and truly hitting the fan. Europe is imploding and is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Nigel Farage delivered an address on the floor of the EU today in which he predicted full-on hot war in Europe and the re-ascendency of totalitarian National Socialism very soon. He said that events are unfolding almost exactly like they did in 1932 with the collapse of the center, and thus the rise of the hard right and hard left, which are THE SAME THING, namely totalitarianism. The hard left is all about totalitarian oligarchy and total, lawless control by means of brute force. The hard right is the anarchist model with zero lawful government with power coming once again from brute force. Either way, you end up with exactly the same thing: a small cadre of oligarchs imposing their will and playing "god" on everyone else with millions and millions of dead bodies left in their wake and ZERO RULE OF LAW. Every evil path leads to the same place: hell, and the Father of Lies is the father of ALL lies, both the lies of the hard left and the hard right. Satan has humanity flanked. He always has.

Today, something happened in the "political" sphere that is truly unprecedented, although I hesitate to call it "political", because it is obvious to anyone who is not in a Level One coma that we are way, way beyond the mere domain of "politics" at this point.

Barack Obama, who is the face and frontman for the government now controlling the territory and assets formerly called the United States of America, said and did something that has never, ever been done. He did something so evil that it literally has no precedent, and in itself guarantees that God's wrath will be poured out on this nation and its people, and that wrath will probably be more intense than anything yet experienced by man.

Yes, I fully appreciate the enormity of what I just said. Let me say it again: God's wrath will be poured out on this nation and its people, and that wrath will probably be more intense than anything yet experienced by man. The Noahic flood brought relatively swift death to the people killed in it. I anticipate that people will be begging for death before God's wrath is fully poured out and His Justice satisfied on the former United States of America.

What did Obama say?

Barack Obama directly correlated the Perfect Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross to sodomy.

“This is something that, you know, [Michelle and I have] talked about over the years and she, you know, she feels the same way, she feels the same way that I do. And that is that, in the end the values that I care most deeply about and she cares most deeply about is how we treat other people and, you know, I, you know, we are both practicing Christians and obviously this position may be considered to put us at odds with the views of others but, you know, when we think about our faith, the thing at root that we think about is, not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it’s also the Golden Rule, you know, treat others the way you would want to be treated…”

So, according to the antichrist Obama and his antichrist "wife", the perfect, infinite act of charity, namely God freely choosing to give Himself totally and without reserve on the Cross for humanity in order to make reparation for the sins of the world, is an ANALOGUE to one man jamming his erect penis up into the feces-laden descending colon of another man, and using that as a point of friction for masturbation. Both actions, according to the antichrist Obama, are manifestations of "love", and thus Christ Crucified points, through the prism of the Golden Rule, to the "do unto others" of sodomy in all its forms, including anal sex, oral sex, masturbation in all its forms and every perversion known to man. Thus, the act of sodomy, because, according to Obama, it is a subset of the perfect Charity of Christ Crucified, MUST be celebrated by calling it "marriage".

There ARE NOT WORDS to express the enormity of the blasphemy in this.

There are four sins that cry out to God for vengeance. Yes, God's vengeance - that thing that all of these superfun rockband and Marxist-homosexualist clergy are trying so desperately to convince you does not exist - GOD'S VENGEANCE. In reverse order, here they are:

4. Depriving the laborer of his just wage. (This is the core objective of Marxism - human slavery.)

3. Injustice to widows and orphans. (Death panels, ponzi scheme government healthcare and retirement entitlements, and abortion, which is the slaughter of children not wanted by their parents, also known as "orphans", just to name a few manifestations.)

2. Murder.

and finally, in the number one position, the number one sin of mankind that CRIES OUT TO GOD FOR VENGENACE:

1. Sodomy.

Barack Obama just completed the quadfecta and used the Sacrifice on Calvary of Our Blessed Lord to promote, ratify and celebrate sodomy.

Folks, God will not be mocked. I don't know much, but I do know with every fiber of my being that this WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. This nation will pay for this blasphemy and sacrilege, the likes of which I don't think has ever happened before in human history. Hitler never said anything like this. Neither did Lenin, Stalin, Mao or any other despot for the last 2000 years. Even in pagan cultures where sodomy may have been promoted, never did the leader of pagan hordes specifically use the Holy and Perfect Sacrifice of Calvary to promote sodomy.

And you know the saddest part? Hardly anyone in this culture is going to do anything more than shrug their shoulders and shake their head at this. The offense that has been given to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is unfathomable by human minds, and yet I doubt EVEN ONE PRIEST will mention this on Sunday in his sermon, because, you know, the IRS might take away the 501(c) exemption, or something. Not only should every priest on earth be bringing the hellfire and brimstone on Sunday in his sermon, but every bishop and every priest should immediately start offering DAILY masses specially for reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for this blasphemy, and admonishing every God-fearing person to get their butts to Mass and pray for mercy like they have never prayed before.

Finally, I just want to point out that the antichrist Obama's motives in this were 100% demonic. Think about it. There was a referendum in North Carolina on same-sex marriage yesterday and it came out overwhelmingly AGAINST same-sex marriage. The left is already in Obama's pocket. He's not picking up any "votes" by doing this now. In fact, North Carolina proves that independents are firmly AGAINST same-sex marriage, so he's pissing off independents too. No, he said these things because he is, in his heart and in his soul, pure, sulfuric evil from the deepest pit of hell. Remember, to call this a "political mis-step" means that you are naively assuming that there are going to be fairly contested elections in November. People, I'm telling you, the last free elections in this country are BEHIND US. Obama is perfectly willing and happy to piss off the majority of the country because he knows that "elections" will be pure theatrical fiction, if they are held at all.

I suspect we are very close to the end of our lives and our civilization as we have known them, and deservedly so. This simply CAN NOT go on. Prepare yourselves and your families, both physically and spiritually.

Kyrie Eleison.
Christe Eleison.
Kyrie Eleison.

This about sums it up.

Be Well

may all be well
Of course its a diversion tactic! Your here talking about same sex marriage when the real issues go by the way side now. War on terror, economy, job creation, gas prices are the real issues the POTUS cant or wont deal with, so he brings out same sex marriage to divert the public, its working isnt it?

And yes, same sex couples have every right to enjoy the exact same rights to marry, cohabitate, pay taxes, be at each others beside in a hospital, have children, and get divorced that you do as a straight person. The fabric of society changes constantly. Not so long ago it was illeagle for a black man/woman to marry a white man/woman. Would you deny that society changed and that they now enjoy that right? Get use to, its going to keep changing!

Destroying our country takes many forms; money isn't the only thing in the world. If you compare homosexuals to black people, you are insulting millions of black people. I have a black friend and she is disgusted by people comparing neutral race that you are born with to a sexual perversion people are not born with and can control or even change if they want to badly enough.

Morality doesn't change. Natural law doesn't change. The meaning of marriage and family does not change.

ANd the reason 0mugabe said he now supports fag marriage is because Biden stepped in it and very wealthy fag donors demnaded he say that. I'll post that article later if it hasn't been yet.

Be Well

may all be well
They also have very stringent screening processes to keep tainted blood from the blood supply, far better than they ever did in the 80's. I dont deny at all that gay or bisexual people have the highest rate of AIDS. Just like the prision population has the highest rate of turbuculosis. AIDS tainted blood is no longer what I would consider to be a public health risk due to screening or testing procedures.

There are many weeks before the blood will test positive, IOW there is a large window with false negatives likely. You want to risk the nation's blood supply just to support the homosexual agenda? That is cruelty. Doctors don't want want homosexuals to donate blood! The only ones pushing this are faggots and leftists!

Be Well

may all be well
Some on this thread talk about the militant homosexual agenda and homosexual marriage as if it were the same issue. It's not. Homosexual marriage is a civil rights issue under the Constitution. The militant homosexual agenda is about attempts by radical liberals to indoctrinate our youth. I am violently opposed to that agenda, but support equal rights for homosexuals.

If you read the quotes I posted above, you would see that it a cornerstone of the radical homosexual agenda. Why should TWO MEN or TWO WOMEN get married? The very meaning of "marriage" is the uniting of a man and a woman. They don't want marriage because they want lifelong monogamy, it's political. Please read the quotes I posted above, BY homosexual activists on why they want same sex marriage. There are so many reasons why it is UNconstitutional, I dont' have time this minute to list some.

But already lawsuits have been filed against wedding cake bakers, wedding photographers and the like who do not want to serve homosexual couples as customers. Where are their rights? Suits are also being filed against churches who don't want to host fag marriage wedding receptions. And adopting - with marriage comes the "right to adopt" which is totally desctructive to children and has been proven in study after study.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I personally find it interesting that all Obama has to say is that he agrees with something, but that he has no intentions of doing anything about it, yet there are people rallying around him like he just cured cancer.

Jubilation T. Cornpone

Veteran Member

The United States government IS NOT and NEVER WAS religion-based. God DOES NOT run the USA. Every single objection to homosexuality and homosexual marriage is entirely based on Scripture and "God's will." And that's fine, as long as you understand that it has absolutely no relevance to how the country is governed. And (pardon the pun) THANK GOD FOR THAT!!! I cannot and WILL NOT live in a theocracy. If I wanted that, I'd move to Iran....

"...we have no government, armed with power, capable of contending
with human passions, unbridled by morality and religion.
Avarice, ambition, revenge and licentiousness would break the
strongest cords of our Constitution, as a whale goes through a net.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.
It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

---John Adams

The Millennium can't get here quick enough for me.
And Jesus Christ will rule with a rod of iron,
so you better watch your P's and Q's.

Until then we live in a country that, THANK GOD, was formed
by Christians, and founded on Christian principles.
The farther we remove ourselves from that foundation,
the more vile and despicable the nation is becoming.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Then move to Iran. You can find out what it's like now rather than later. Enjoy, and be sure to post a thread on what it's like - if you can...

And when the Kingdom is restored, there will be NO government. At least by men. That's not the same at all.

old pirate

Membership Revoked
:rolleyes: What prompted this? Did the check clear, or did he get the poll results, or what? Another "gutsy call?"

much to do with checks.
all the rich liberals, especially the hollyweird elite are giving him tons of cash.

he hooked all the rich and middle-class gay, lesbian, bi, liberal money.

as a "christian/muslim" he does not believe in this but he believes in the money and more votes for a second term.

i also wonder about this little fact.
if this become law, what happen to insurance rights to those "life" partners.

i was not allowed to put my live-in girlfriend and her children on my insurance because we were not married. the gay couple in the company was allowed to insure their "life-partner".

not fair to me but now i hope that will change. you want to insure your life partner, get married.


Oilpatch Hand

3-Bomb General, TB2K Army
I personally find it interesting that all Obama has to say is that he agrees with something, but that he has no intentions of doing anything about it, yet there are people rallying around him like he just cured cancer.

He even managed to get away with saying that it's still a state issue (one of the fiew times he's ever been right) and still, the Hollywood Gay Mafia couldn't pull their checkbooks out fast enough. Almost as if they were withholding their financial support pending this press conference where their pet issue was mentioned.

I don't believe that this clearly insincere statement of purported belief by Obama is going to change anything regarding what is clearly a state issue.