CHAT Not in the Thanksgiving Mood this Year

Kathy in FL

Good post .I assume you are femalel.

My wife and I will raise holy ****ing hell hell when the time is right

I an uncomfortable position

I hope you understand

Sugar, I'm not just female, I am a Southern woman descended from generations upon generations of Southern women. We invented raising ... er ... Cain. We are the ones for whom it is written, "If Momma ain't happy, no one is happy." LOL

And that's part of it. I, as head of my part in our household, as my parents' daughter, as the oldest sibling, take my responsibility seriously. One day someone is going to have to stand in the gap for me, but for now I have the strength to do what is necessary.


Res ipsa loquitur
gonna smoke a 5 lb turkey breast and we got a small chunk of ham. RA insists on TG done right so she is making a few of her specialties . . . fresh cranberry's in a reduced brandy sauce, squash casserole mashed potatoes and turkey gravy. right now she's in the kitchen making an apple pie with cinnamon and raisins in an 11" cast iron skillet and there will be a candy roaster pie tomorrow too. over kill - but she's determined and I know better than to try and dissuade her from her self appointed duties. we will have a neighbor and his wife over and also take a big feast over to MIL as well.


Sword At-The-Ready
This may very well be the last Thanksgiving in the relative peace and prosperity we have all known all our lives.

To shop and be able to provision our needs and desires; to have a sumptuous meal with family and friends - or even if it just you and your furkids and your online family.

Next year at this time - we may be fondly remembering today as glorious in comparison to that which we will no longer have tomorrow.

As such - the gratitude we owe our Elohim, our Creator for His blessings has never been as important as it is right now.

While He is still found - NOW is the time to give thanks for what all of us have known all our lives; a prosperity the kings of old never even enjoyed. Our 'poor' live better than most in the rest of the globe, and most of us - having internet and computers and devices are blessed with the ability to share and communicate with one another that used to take weeks and months to do - now instantaneously. Now is the time to tell all those who are part of our lives, that we love them. That we have been blessed by them.

I lament where we have arrived as a nation and people. Never before have we stood on such a precipice of self-inflicted disaster and ruin as we are right now. I am angry we have permitted the loss of so much that we took for granted.

Let us not therefore waste the time we have been afforded right now today. Let us offer our thanksgiving to Him Whom our Blessings came - remembering our patriarchs and those who suffered and sacrificed beyond what we can know to make the nation we all grew up in possible.

Let it be special for you, and deeply moving as much as you are capable of considering it.

For the sign of the times warns us of much tribulation upon our doorsteps.


When In Doubt, Throttle Out!
Remember, there's no rule or law that you HAVE to have a Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving. There's no rule or law that you HAVE to be surrounded by a Ga-Zillion family and friends.

My suggestions for tomorrow? Just "Be". By that I mean, open your eyes, look around and experience the now. Then be thankful for it. That's all. Don't feel pressured to live up to others expectations of this holiday - that (in my humble opinion) is missing the point.

Relax tomorrow (even if relaxation comes your way through heavy work - LOL) - just enjoy the day and be thankful.

That's all. :)

Love to you all, my TB2K Family.



Veteran Member
I turn 60 tomorrow. No family or friends to spend the holiday with. I might not even have beer on hand.

How's that for depressing.

But, I can cook a great dinner for one.

Or are you driving distance of south/central MO, close to AR state line?


This may very well be the last Thanksgiving in the relative peace and prosperity we have all known all our lives.

To shop and be able to provision our needs and desires; to have a sumptuous meal with family and friends - or even if it just you and your furkids and your online family.

Next year at this time - we may be fondly remembering today as glorious in comparison to that which we will no longer have tomorrow.

As such - the gratitude we owe our Elohim, our Creator for His blessings has never been as important as it is right now.

While He is still found - NOW is the time to give thanks for what all of us have known all our lives; a prosperity the kings of old never even enjoyed. Our 'poor' live better than most in the rest of the globe, and most of us - having internet and computers and devices are blessed with the ability to share and communicate with one another that used to take weeks and months to do - now instantaneously. Now is the time to tell all those who are part of our lives, that we love them. That we have been blessed by them.

I lament where we have arrived as a nation and people. Never before have we stood on such a precipice of self-inflicted disaster and ruin as we are right now. I am angry we have permitted the loss of so much that we took for granted.

Let us not therefore waste the time we have been afforded right now today. Let us offer our thanksgiving to Him Whom our Blessings came - remembering our patriarchs and those who suffered and sacrificed beyond what we can know to make the nation we all grew up in possible.

Let it be special for you, and deeply moving as much as you are capable of considering it.

For the sign of the times warns us of much tribulation upon our doorsteps.
Good post brother.

We will do what we can with what we have

Isn't that history repeated?

Bless you brother


Saved, to glorify God.
I can’t frame Thanksgiving around me, my circumstances, or world and national events.
Thanksgiving, in my perception, is about God.
ADORATION, PRAISE and pondering all the aspects of just who He is and what He has done.
I might celebrate with a fast, to not dilute the real purpose of this Holy Day.
I can feast any time.

I think I will put my Hymns Triumphant album on the phonograph and listen to some other good, old fashioned gospel hymns to keep my mind from wandering from my stated purpose of the day. Which, for me, is easy to do. I am too easily distracted. That means I will have to unplug the TV, and turn off the cell phone, and Take the home phone off the hook and not drive anywhere. Hmm...I will have to warn family I will be “incommunicado” with them.
Its almost 4 and ( by chance) I haven't eaten yet and am getting painful esophageal Spasms from it, so Real fasting may not be possible tomorrow, milk and crackers will stop the spasms though.

Anyway, that’s the view from my window on the world.


Veteran Member
As you have gathered by now, I am sure, I am a perpetually happy and perky person. Haha

I love to laugh. I am rarely without a smile or one at the ready. I can't help but see the silver lining, to count my blessings, to want to be happy even if times are tough. Always joking even if the circumstances are bad. Usually always up for mischief haha

But believe it or not, I do have sad things, and hard things, and horrible things. Sometimes, I can really not feel like it, but I slap a smile on my and fake it till I make it. Most of the time, it works and I end up happy!

But you know what? Sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes I am just not in the mood.

It's ok, guys. It is perfectly ok to NOT be a hunybee. It is completely normal if after all the crap of this year, both as a country, and personally, to just....not.

It ok to have it be mellow or do nothing or (and some may think it a sin) to be sad and feel bad. It's ok. Take the time you need, however long and however you need to. It is also completely possible to know and be grateful for every single blessing that you have, and STILL have off days. Even if they fall on a holiday. It's perfectly fine to know that you have good things in your life, but still be lonely (if you are) and to take the time to BE lonely.

Even Jesus had sorrow.

If the person whose unbearable happiness and perkiness makes you want to throat punch her is telling you it's ok if you are not in the holiday mood right now, then don't sweat it. You can still be grateful and thank God, even if you are not bursting into song.


Veteran Member
DH is playing the organ in a service at an old plantation church they open up 3 times a year in Plantersville SC. Then we'll come home to breasts cooked in the slow cooker and relax. We watched Trump Card today, and may watch it again tomorrow. It was really great.

I mailed off the Christmas gifts today so only have a few cards to mail.


Neither here nor there.
If the person whose unbearable happiness and perkiness makes you want to throat punch her is telling you it's ok if you are not in the holiday mood right now, then don't sweat it. You can still be grateful and thank God, even if you are not bursting into song.

Nailed it, I'm normally a perky person as well. I had been wondering since I awoke this morning why I was in the dumps today and I really think it's the finality of my dad having passed in February. The remaining family is incredibly fractured and there's no going back now. Hopefully, the Sun will be shining tomorrow and it will be a much better day than today.


On The Level
Definitely not in the mood. Lacking any sense of humor or jovial chattyness.

Usually we all get together at our parents. They left for Florida early, lockdown mandates were not helping them as retired seniors. Having a blast in Fla. now!

Governor has us under some bullcrap lockdown police state. So nothing really going on with the extended family.

One family member coming over tomorrow. Going to saute up some filet mignon, mushrooms, onions, brocolli, and carrots. Then put it over rice. Have 2 pounds of good thick local bacon for appetizer and grocery store chocolate cream pie for desesert. Also, diet cola, chips and dip are coming with my guest!

Glad we are spending the day together and having a good meal in a warm home. I pray it's not the last.
Thought about that when I was buying for the meal last week. We are fortunate to have our grocery stores.

The place is clean, laundry is done; clean and dry. Power and natural gas are on. There's hot water and flush toilets.

A lot to be thankful for.


Veteran Member
I've ratcheted down my news and current events by 90%, concentrating on my faith, family and reigniting simple interests like bird watching, watching good historical documentaries and movies, staying away from modern media and content.

My mood has improved tenfold and I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow.


Neither here nor there.
Power and natural gas are on. There's hot water and flush toilets.

A lot to be thankful for.

I used to tell this to a former friend who was a social worker, who'd bitch because she didn't have nice things like her siblings... who got law and/or medical degrees. That would only piss her off further. After August 10th I'm very grateful for electricity!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Samey-same for me. Don’t care. Will do my annual Cornish hen (baby chicken) in a stainless doggy dish, with stuffing and mash. I have a few fresh green beans too, and a half key lime pie left in the freezer. That’s it. Just me and the dogs.

That's pretty much us. We get to go enjoy supper with the neighbors while they are out on their property. Turkey and shrimp on the BBQ. I am bringing my world famous potato salad to help round things out. Once they go back to the big city, it will be normal everyday around here again.

If it weren't for the invite, we'd be having what I already planned which was green beans, stuffing with canned chicken breast, a can of cranberry sauce, and ham out of the freezer saved from last Thanksgiving. I have too many projects to complete while the weather is good and just can't seem to get into the Thanksgiving spirit this year. Plenty to say Thank You for and have done already.
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This too shall pass.
It will just be me and my youngest daughter here tomorrow -- I have a turkey breast thawing, and we'll have that with sweet potatoes, green beans, and a little cranberry sauce. I might make a pumpkin pudding (pumpkin pie without a crust). My oldest daughter's work won't allow employees to travel right now; it's a mandatory unpaid fourteen day quarantine if she leaves Ohio, and she can't afford to go two weeks with no pay because she's the sole breadwinner right now. (Her hubby took leave from his job early this year so he could help his mother while his father was deathly ill, and by the time his father was doing better, all this mess had kicked in and son-in-law didn't have a job anymore.) So we will have Thanksgiving by ourselves.

However, after we eat, we are going to drive up to meet a dear friend who we haven't seen in several years -- she's from Oregon, but recently got a job with a ministry based in Missouri (Child Evangelism Fellowship). She wanted to come over to KY and see the Ark and the Creation Museum, and asked if we could meet her there and stay a couple of days. So that's what we are doing, and I sure hope things stay stable until we get home!



Since 1999
Just me, myself and I. Holidays are depressing anyway since DH died 4 years ago, but this year it is much worse or so it seems.

I still cook the whole turkey, dressing and assorted stuff thing just for me. I like left overs and I can always find something to do with what's left after that.

It has been cloudy and rainy since Friday so that is depressing in it's own right... maybe it will help when the sun comes out tomorrow.


Veteran Member
Don't do that, the hangover isn't worth it. ((Hugs.))
I didn't even realize that the holiday was tomorrow until I noticed this thread.

Yah, the hangover really isn't worth it.

But I get it. It's ok. If you are able, watch movies all day, go for a walk! That can help. Music or no music. Do whatever you want! Hang here! There will be plenty of people here!


Veteran Member
I have to work a 12hr tomorrow, so coworkers and I will grill steaks. I have 1.5 inch thick porterhouse steaks.

I'll sous vide them, then hot char so it goes quickly.
Sides are a potluck

Tonight its just wife and I and our last at home child.
Today I got a morning hunt chasing mt lions in the fresh snow, then come farm chores, and now dinner is ready.

Turkey, stuffing, mashed taters from taters we grew. (very creamy and NO lumps) my epic gravy, wife made 4 pumpkin pies out of Cinderella pumpkins we grew and processed, and pumpkin cookies as well. I'll make my whip cream with 40% heavy cream, real vinella and monkfruit sweetner..its very good.

It's a good day. I am thankful.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
I'm with you, packy. All my people, except DD & her family and DS, are gone. Everybody left has trigger issues with stuff this Thanksgiving.
I will be home alone, most likely crying my eyes out and/or soused out of my mind.

I've lost mother, father, step-father, etc. I highly recommend not drinking alcohol at this time. Take a walk. Do a house project, see a funny DVD. It does get easier! It took me about 3 years before I started to enjoy the holidays again. Keeping busy really does help.


I give up.
Just when you're feeling blue, it perks you up to see the maniacs at Jines sitting there eating outside in the 46-degree rain. That's just sad...........




Has No Life - Lives on TB
Samey-same for me. Don’t care. Will do my annual Cornish hen (baby chicken) in a stainless doggy dish, with stuffing and mash. I have a few fresh green beans too, and a half key lime pie left in the freezer. That’s it. Just me and the dogs.
Well, I guess I’d say the same but we don’t even have any dogs right now.

He won’t let me , at this point. Just us two. No doggies to cuddle. No extra love from a fur baby.


Neither here nor there.
I've lost mother, father, step-father, etc. I highly recommend not drinking alcohol at this time. Take a walk. Do a house project, see a funny DVD. It does get easier! It took me about 3 years before I started to enjoy the holidays again. Keeping busy really does help.

Cranberry juice + tonic water + vodka over lots of ice, yummy! Actually, it's making me want to start in on the monumental task of meal prepping for tomorrow. First up cranberry sauce while I find the kitchen table. Alcohol doesn't have to be a downer if done correctly.

After I find the kitchen table I'll dig out the IP and boil some eggs, I'm married to a stacker and for those that don't understand he twitches when there's a bare space with nothing on it, lol, and I'm a slob so there's that. Don't know if the eggs will get deviled tomorrow or on Friday but the eggs will be boiled and ready to go. Trying to decide if I want to make corn pudding tonight or tomorrow?

My mom liked Fresca in her Vodka, dad you wouldn't let him near the stuff his mouth would run unchecked when drinking vodka.

I just emailed him telling him to pick up some burritos from Abe Lardos after dinner, I'm not cooking dinner tonight, lol. That cheered me up and immensely so!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I've lost mother, father, step-father, etc. I highly recommend not drinking alcohol at this time. Take a walk. Do a house project, see a funny DVD. It does get easier! It took me about 3 years before I started to enjoy the holidays again. Keeping busy really does help.

Sooo... to continue with this boo boo fest, mom died exactly one year ago Nov 12.

I could tell you all more but after that our family literally... disintegrated.

Too long, too weird to go into.

But it’s not good so I’ll just “do me”.. while those who CHOOSE to be hateful, “do themselves”..,

“You do you”, is my new motto.
It’s working so far, better than tears or hate.

I don’t have any more room for it. I’m full up


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Cranberry juice + tonic water + vodka over lots of ice, yummy! Actually, it's making me want to start in on the monumental task of meal prepping for tomorrow. First up cranberry sauce while I find the kitchen table. Alcohol doesn't have to be a downer if done correctly.

After I find the kitchen table I'll dig out the IP and boil some eggs, I'm married to a stacker and for those that don't understand he twitches when there's a bare space with nothing on it, lol, and I'm a slob so there's that. Don't know if the eggs will get deviled tomorrow or on Friday but the eggs will be boiled and ready to go. Trying to decide if I want to make corn pudding tonight or tomorrow?

My mom liked Fresca in her Vodka, dad you wouldn't let him near the stuff his mouth would run unchecked when drinking vodka.

I just emailed him telling him to pick up some burritos from Abe Lardos after dinner, I'm not cooking dinner tonight, lol. That cheered me up and immensely so!
Now THATS a time!

You keep on like that, and I might just pull myself out of this funk yet! :) !!!