DEEP STATE Nine heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles have (allegedly) been smuggled into the US to target Trump

Red Baron

Introduce man portable AA missiles domestically and you have all the makings for 9/11 Version 2.0.

Imagine the effect on air travel if a number of commercial airliners get tagged?

Air traffic would come to sudden halt until the threat could be identified and eliminated.

Who is to say that is even possible and the remaining uncertainty would take years to overcome.


F-4 Phantoms Phorever
Well … they can be used on any jet … there’s that … hmmmm. Maybe not for him. But if they can keep him on the ground before election not campaigning … win
Flying around on his very distinctive 757 might stop. He can always use an unmarked charter jet like the Cessna Citation X he used to own.

Unless there's a mole who points that plane out to the manpads team as it's taking off or landing.
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désespéré pour le ciel


Firearms Manufacturer
Introduce man portable AA missiles domestically and you have all the makings for 9/11 Version 2.0.

Imagine the effect on air travel if a number of commercial airliners get tagged?

Air traffic would come to sudden halt until the threat could be identified and eliminated.

Who is to say that is even possible and the remaining uncertainty would take years to overcome.
They don't have to do all of that when they can just shoot down Trump. First they float this story about the missiles, the openly deny it, the get caught with some leaked memo saying it's true and Iran brought them in, then shoot down Trump with one and blame it in Iran.


TB Fanatic
They don't have to do all of that when they can just shoot down Trump. First they float this story about the missiles, the openly deny it, the get caught with some leaked memo saying it's true and Iran brought them in, then shoot down Trump with one and blame it in Iran.

Nope blame it on Biden / Harris and failed border policy. Invasion of America. Knowingly importing terrorist … flying them into the heart of America.

Failed corrupt agencies


Veteran Member
Nope blame it on Biden / Harris and failed border policy. Invasion of America. Knowingly importing terrorist … flying them into the heart of America.

Failed corrupt agencies

I can see QueMala doing this, as amended. Something she'll fix "on day one"... SMDH.


Veteran Member
Several heavy arms caches found along the messican border recently.

No MANPADS were reported in articles I read, but....

Makes sense, MANPADS aren't worth the amount of cream for all the squeeze required for cartels, terror groups, transnational syndicates; the the shelf-life on a TB/BCU is 8-10 years and that's with proper storage, without the TB/BCU it's just a really expensive single-serve version of the Fliegerfaust.

DIA also keeps meticulous records of MANPAD proliferation across the globe, making it extremely difficult for them to be smuggled, as anything new would immediately shown state-level actors supplying them.

I think when we do see an airliner downed on US soil by a MANPAD, it'll be Chinese supplied and apart of a wider war-prep effort to sow discontent and chaos in CONUS before they kick-off kinetic operations in South China Sea, because at that point it wouldn't matter if it's openly shown they supplied them, as the intended effect would have been achieved and repercussions will be moot.

That or the Iranians executing terror operations here as the conflict escalates.


Firearms Manufacturer
They don't have to do all of that when they can just shoot down Trump. First they float this story about the missiles, the openly deny it, the get caught with some leaked memo saying it's true and Iran brought them in, then shoot down Trump with one and blame it in Iran.
I swear I have caught my phone changing words I typed correctly to make things that I post look like a moron wrote it. I just had to change two words in the preceding sentence that it changed. I look bad enough on my own, I don't need any help looking dumb.


On TB every waking moment
Makes sense, MANPADS aren't worth the amount of cream for all the squeeze required for cartels, terror groups, transnational syndicates; the the shelf-life on a TB/BCU is 8-10 years and that's with proper storage, without the TB/BCU it's just a really expensive single-serve version of the Fliegerfaust.

DIA also keeps meticulous records of MANPAD proliferation across the globe, making it extremely difficult for them to be smuggled, as anything new would immediately shown state-level actors supplying them.

I think when we do see an airliner downed on US soil by a MANPAD, it'll be Chinese supplied and apart of a wider war-prep effort to sow discontent and chaos in CONUS before they kick-off kinetic operations in South China Sea, because at that point it wouldn't matter if it's openly shown they supplied them, as the intended effect would have been achieved and repercussions will be moot.

That or the Iranians executing terror operations here as the conflict escalates.

Between the amount of munitions "in the wind" from the Russo-Ukrainian War, arms taken over by the Taliban (yes MANPADS can't be automatically excluded from being there) as well as the Iranians, CCP and North Koreans making them, to name a few, anyone "going there" won't be half-assing the operation. The repayment of services from the US would be too great not to.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
First, I loathe the fact that the word “allegedly” gets inserted into so many stories. However, I felt compelled to add it to the thread title, because the OP is stated as FACT, and it’s ENTIRELY CONJECTURE. To me, it’s complete woo, without evidence. Real evidence. I’d appreciate it if folks would take a little more care when posting news stories, to post actual news stories, rather than wild-eyed speculation. Thank you.

Now, that being said, I’ve been saying that the Deep State would either plane-crash or heart attack him, for reasons of plausible deniability.
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Swift, Silent,...Sleepy
Trump will have to start coming and going using the Bagdad spiral. You circle all the way down to landing so that you do not face any particular way long enough to get a heat lock. Climb out by starting to circle as soon as you can safely do so.



Veteran Member
Our intelligence agencies lack a brain. They cannot find their asses with both hands. So now they are telling us that they know for certain how many of these missiles are in country that terrorists have in their control. What a bunch of BS. They are doing this to scare Trump from having any rallies or travelling around the country. If Trump's plane was blown out of the sky all hell will break lose.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Does it really matter? They have been trying to kill him since he came down the escalator. They don't OWN him.
Good luck. God IS NOT on their side.

Burn in hell Comrades. You're all going. It's time now. The gig is up.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The Alphabets, or their Deep State masters, may be intending a Reichstag moment, this century’s latest False Flag Supreme, to take out DJT. It did work for WW II, and WW III is just around the corner…


Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
The Alphabets, or their Deep State masters, may be intending a Reichstag moment, this century’s latest False Flag Supreme, to take out DJT. It did work for WW II, and WW III is just around the corner…

The problem is that Trump could flip the script on them and make them have a nightmare of a headache to deal with.


Knuckle Dragger
Makes sense, MANPADS aren't worth the amount of cream for all the squeeze required for cartels, terror groups, transnational syndicates; the the shelf-life on a TB/BCU is 8-10 years and that's with proper storage, without the TB/BCU it's just a really expensive single-serve version of the Fliegerfaust.

We gained a stinger platoon right before I left Germany.

The requirements seemed to be, having a pulse and passing a security clearance (for handling IFF codes).

Will the batteries last 10 years?

Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
Trump will have to start coming and going using the Bagdad spiral. You circle all the way down to landing so that you do not face any particular way long enough to get a heat lock. Climb out by starting to circle as soon as you can safely do so.

I know that wild ride.

March 2004, left Camp Wolverine, Kuwait on a C130, headed to BIAP.
That spiral into Baghdad was one wild ride, with a sudden drop, level off and short landing.