New Poll: Impeachment Failed, Trump is Stronger and Democrats Should Move on to Other Issues


Certa Bonum Certamen

New Poll: Impeachment Failed, Trump is Stronger and Democrats Should Move on to Other Issues

Katie Pavlich
Posted: Feb 10, 2020 2:35 PM

Despite President Trump's acquittal on two articles of impeach,ment in the Senate last week, democrat impeachment managers seem determined to keep their pursuit of the issue alive.



But according to a new survey from Rasmussen Reports, the vast majority of American voters want Democrats to move on. Further, they think impeachment made President Trump stronger.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 32% of Likely U.S. Voters think House Democrats should continue their efforts to remove Trump from office. Sixty-two percent (62%) say Democrats in Congress should now focus on other issues.
For Democratic voters, it’s a close call: 48% say their representatives in the House should continue their efforts to remove Trump from the White House, but 43% say they should focus on other issues. Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans and 70% of voters not affiliated with either major party say House Democrats should zero in on other issues.
Fifty-five percent (55%) of all voters think the unsuccessful attempt to remove Trump from office has made him stronger politically. Just 16% say it has made him weaker, while 23% believe the failed impeachment effort has had no impact
When nearly half of Democrats say it's time to move's long past time to move on.

In the meantime, President Trump is in New Hampshire for a rally tonight while democrats who want his job continue to campaign in the Granite State.