BLOG Most Valuable Form Of Money Nobody Has Seen Yet - Charles Hugh Smith



The Most Valuable Form of Money Nobody's Seen--Yet
July 1, 2022
What is "money"? "Money" is a claim on the essentials of life. Ration cards are claims on essentials.

Many people expect "money" will soon be tied to commodities. Agreed. It's called a ration card that grants the holder the right to buy a specific quantity of essential goods at a specified price.

This right is a form of "money" directly tied to the value of commodities.

Ration cards are the only fair way to distribute essentials in times of chronic scarcity. Markets work fine when there's a substitute for whatever is scarce, but there are no substitutes for electricity, food, fuel or fresh water, the FEW essentials (Food, energy, water).

Leaving the distribution of scarce, no-substitutes essentials up to the market leads to the rich eating very well indeed and the poor going hungry.This leads to a little thing called the overthrow of the failed status quo and the destruction of a good chunk of its ruling class (Payback's a witch, etc.). No bread? Let them eat iPhones.

We know ration cards work because a mass experiment in rationing essentials was conducted in World War II. Maybe fairness no longer matters (and if it doesn't, then prepare for the overthrow of the failed status quo and the destruction of a good chunk of its ruling class), but if fairness matters--or the ruling elite wish to keep all their power and all their goodies--then rationing and the ruthless suppression of price gouging are as good as gold.

What is "money"? "Money" is a claim on the essentials of life. Ration cards are claims on essentials, enforced by the state to insure everyone has a minimum of the FEW resources. Beyond that minimum, the market will discover the price of extra goodies. But the point is that ration cards are a fair form of "money."

With a little digital magic, ration cards can't be counterfeited or used by anyone but the person to whom they were issued. If you get your ration and don't need all of it, nobody's stopping you from selling it to somebody else. But at least everyone got the same amount at the same price.

How valuable is ration-card "money"? Let's put it this way: if you're a wealthy, powerful member of the ruling elite, how much would you pay to avoid the overthrow of your regime? If creating ration-card "money" saves your bacon, then what other form of "money" has more value than that?

The other form of "money" that will be valuable isn't even tangible. It's called self-reliance. More on that later.







Has No Life - Lives on TB
Allowing this bunch of Kleptomaniacs to issue me a ration card is akin to a rapist demanding a kiss and a thank you.

WWII was people in America and Europe pulling together because they perceived an existential threat. This time 'round, we are a divided nation and the scarcities are .gov created. Comparing now to WWII is not going to work, no matter how prettily the words in the essay are strung together.

Any pulling together we need to do should have already been done and it isn't for Ukraine or Joey's empire of lies.

Oh, and his definition of Money is wrong.


Veteran Member
I believe it was ol Remus (RIP) who said: The way to truly wound government's feelings is to tell it "we don't need you".

Be ready to fight it when you say "we don't WANT you either".

Each side is playing its part. Each side thinks it will triumph.

We've seen way too much good vs. evil talk to come to an amicable conclusion. Jmho

Kathy in FL

Here's a fun think ...

Will municipalities "allow" victory gardens and such like or will they disallow them in a way by not selling fertilizer and bug sprays and rationing your water into your yard/home or the electric to run your well.

Will they confiscate home gardens/hobby farms out of "fairness" to all of those individuals in the big cities.


passin' thru
While I think those who orchestrated these fluster-cucks should be decorating lamp posts for as far as the eye can see, I also see a benefit for the rationing once we're in the cess pool so that everyone has some opportunity to get their "FEW"'s met.

All those disaster relief and community organization efforts remind us though, in such situations there is no yours/mine/ours, the default is to consider it all theirs, to "distribute wisely" on our behalf.

..and yes, as we've preached for decades, the only possible solution is self reliance: if you need to breath, drink, eat, defecate stay warm or cool, treat health issues etc- then you best have some plans for providing for that on your own, independent of reliance upon the state and their provisions of those benefits/services.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
While I think those who orchestrated these fluster-cucks should be decorating lamp posts for as far as the eye can see, I also see a benefit for the rationing once we're in the cess pool so that everyone has some opportunity to get their "FEW"'s met.

All those disaster relief and community organization efforts remind us though, in such situations there is no yours/mine/ours, the default is to consider it all theirs, to "distribute wisely" on our behalf.

..and yes, as we've preached for decades, the only possible solution is self reliance: if you need to breath, drink, eat, defecate stay warm or cool, treat health issues etc- then you best have some plans for providing for that on your own, independent of reliance upon the state and their provisions of those benefits/services.

I will not EVER be made to stand behind a blue haired land whale karen screaming soy boy man bun pervert communist. They can get their FEWs as they can. Or not.

After a careful and totally honest review of who is truly on our side, then yes- rationing may be an option. If you were a careful prepper and were paying attention you might need that less than the citiots who think minimalism is the way to fly?

If you worked for the money, bought the items with that money honestly, there should be no question that they are yours. That is one of our founding Constitutional principles, as a mater of fact. It is up to you to defend those items without guilt or remorse.

Those who refuse to support our founding documents and laws of the Republic are enemy and should not get anything but a free ride on the lamp post of their choice. They certainly do not deserve free people's food and supplies.

Kathy in FL

The rationing would work but not the cards. They will roll it out along with UBI but it would be on a smartphone kind of platform......if you are willing to jump through all their hoops.

Basically EBTs for everyone. Only you couldn't withdraw cash with these cards.

Kathy in FL

I will not EVER be made to stand behind a blue haired land whale karen screaming soy boy man bun pervert communist. They can get their FEWs as they can. Or not.

After a careful and totally honest review of who is truly on our side, then yes- rationing may be an option. If you were a careful prepper and were paying attention you might need that less than the citiots who think minimalism is the way to fly?

If you worked for the money, bought the items with that money honestly, there should be no question that they are yours. That is one of our founding Constitutional principles, as a mater of fact. It is up to you to defend those items without guilt or remorse.

Those who refuse to support our founding documents and laws of the Republic are enemy and should not get anything but a free ride on the lamp post of their choice. They certainly do not deserve free people's food and supplies.

Sounds good but I've turned pessimist. There are too many who will comply to get their whatever is being offered. If you have the majority complying then the population of non-compliants grows smaller and smaller and have a more and more difficult time going Galt ... not that going Galt as Rand defined it is even possible in this day and age. If you are using the internet you are not Galt. If you buy anything from the store you are not Galt. If you are using commercially controlled utilities you are not Galt.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Ration schemes are only as 'fair' as the people devising them and implementing them.
Does anyone really believe it is fair to allow the evil, white racists to have a share of 'our'?


Let's Go Brandon!
Here's a fun think ...

Will municipalities "allow" victory gardens and such like or will they disallow them in a way by not selling fertilizer and bug sprays and rationing your water into your yard/home or the electric to run your well.

Will they confiscate home gardens/hobby farms out of "fairness" to all of those individuals in the big cities.

It's possible to garden without fertilizer or bug sprays.

It's also possible to beat a water / power ration with backup sources.

They can TRY to "confiscate" a home garden, but how long before THEY become the fertilizer?

Or the hog food?

Kathy in FL


It's possible to garden without fertilizer or bug sprays.
Possible, far from easy, especially in some parts of the country.

It's also possible to beat a water / power ration with backup sources.
Again possible, but not for the vast majority. Think of the struggles our members in the West go through now. And during times of drought? Even those who might be normally successful will fail.

They can TRY to "confiscate" a home garden, but how long before THEY become the fertilizer?
It is going to depend how many of your neighbors or nearest city of any size is compliant. Physical force with greater numbers WILL overcome individual noncompliant households and homesteads.

You aren't just going to be up against a government ... local, state, federal, whatever. You are going to be up against all of those civilian individuals who are going to comply and those who can't not comply for whatever reason such as those on disability, social security, etc. They won't view you as an enemy of the government. They'll view you as a danger to themselves and their family. How many stories did we hear on TB2K of the adult children withholding access to grandchildren or even threatening their freedom due to suspected mental health issues if they wouldn't get the vaccine? And this is a relatively small population of people and I suspect we didn't even hear a quarter of what was actually going on in people's lives.

Idealism is all well and good but most of the hoped for outcomes are still nothing but fiction where the plot is controlled by the writer.

The Idiots-in-Charge is only one of the enemies we will face. They aren't "the" enemy, those who comply is a much greater one and most of those in compliance will absolutely not see what is wrong with what they are allowing/supporting. Look at the German people after WW2 that missed the prisoner camps in their own neighborhoods. What's that smoke? What's that stink? Who are those people in the funny pajamas? Don't know. Don't have the time to know. There's a war going on.

And so it will be this time as well. I don't see an army forming to rescue the J6 people incarcerated and having their rights trampled. Do you?

Kathy in FL

Our attorney (second generation mountaineer lawyer) talks about 'mountain law.' Wonder what that might be?

Likelyy anything you can get away with. Just be aware that the truth always comes out in the end, and not always in a friendly and fluffy way. Even suspicions can turn a community against you.

Kathy in FL

Sorry folks, I simply have experienced the worst of "group behavior" after 25+ years in the property management business. It doesn't matter the socioeconomic level or whether they are dependent or independent. Even within my own family I've been forced to see the worst in people. I do not have any confidence in the human species. I can be as ruthless as necessary, even have resources and materials to pull it off, but that doesn't mean I am unrealistic about my chances.


Let's Go Brandon!
Likelyy anything you can get away with. Just be aware that the truth always comes out in the end, and not always in a friendly and fluffy way. Even suspicions can turn a community against you.

This is pretty much why I believe "tribe" is nonsense. Better to stay alone and defend yourself.


Money is usually defined by what it does :D

I prefer the history of the American experience with money - most do not.


TB Fanatic
It is only by the governments own making that we are short on everything.

They broke it, some say on purpose, does anybody really think they intend to fix it?

Ration cards forever?

CBDC's forever; and therefore Power Forever in their hands.


Veteran Member
This crap is exactly why we all have prepped.

Yup. Have your personal ducks in a row so it won't have as big an impact and you can avoid most of the madness...whether it comes to real rationing or not.

Personally, in this country, I doubt it, only because if you are of the working or the self-supporting classes, the rulers will be happy to let you sink. On scarce items (food, fuel, power), those who always pay(ed) their own way will just carry on and pay through the nose or do without. Fair? There ain't no "fair"and there ain't no fairy godmother in the form of the U.S. Gov't either.


Veteran Member
... or you can do what my uncle and dad did during that time... run gas in northern Arkansas and southern Missouri (similar idea to running moonshine except it was 'rationed' gasoline).


Veteran Member
Based on what?
We had:
Forced mask wearing
Forced closures of businesses
Coerced vaccinations
Etc. ad nauseam
Based on a certain demographic that will simply take what they want both from the store and from individuals. TPTB/cops will allow it happen with their blessings. And any one harming said demographic individual(s) while protecting themselves or their possessions will be removed from the equation quickly and permanently by TPTB/cops.
Based on a certain demographic that will simply take what they want both from the store and from individuals. TPTB/cops will allow it happen with their blessings. And any one harming said demographic individual(s) while protecting themselves or their possessions will be removed from the equation quickly and permanently by TPTB/cops.
As Doz alluded to in an above "mountain law" comment, it is situations, such as you describe, where "tribe" comes into play.

Live amongst like-minded folks - makes a difference.

Grandfather gardened successfully without modern bug sprays/fertilizers (taught to him during his formulative years by his community and nearby Cherokee Nation neighbors) is not too difficult for those that have learned how to do so, correctly.

Though professionally trained/employed, Grandfather's private passion was his three acres of vegetable garden, fruit and nut trees, and berry arbors - fed an extended family, reliably - year in, year out - when accounting for the milk cows, beefers, and chickens - butter and ice cream created in the "old fashioned way" (just because he could), and wanted all of his nearby grandkids to know the old ways. Old skool farm life - real, up close, and tasty/nutritious.

Thank you again, Grandpa, for all of those "incredible edible" teaching moments. We, your loving grandchildren, paid attention! (often think about roasting chestnuts over the living room wood fire, in a screened popcorn popper container mounted on a wooden handle - to be drenched in real butter as soon as they were fully heated/warmed - yum).

Yes - this knowledge is STILL out there, and in practice, within some "tribes" and communities.

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TB Fanatic
As Doz alluded to in an above "mountain law" comment, it is situations as you describe where "tribe" comes into play.

Live amongst like-minded folks - makes a difference.

Grandfather gardened successfully without modern bug sprays/fertilizers (taught to him during his formulative years by his community and nearby Cherokee Nation neighbors) is not too difficult for those that have learned how to do so, successfully.

Though professionally trained/employed, Grandfather's private passion was his three acres of vegetable garden, fruit and nut trees, and berry arbors - fed an extended family, reliably - year in, year out - when accounting for the milk cows, beefers, and chickens - butter and ice cream created in the "old fashioned way" (just because he could), and wanted all of his nearby grandkids to know the old ways. Old skool farm life - real, up close, and tasty/nutritious.

Thank you again, Grandpa, for all of those "incredible edible" teaching moments. We, your loving grandchildren, paid attention! (often think about roasting chestnuts over the living room wood fire, in a popcorn popper screened container mounted on a wooden handle - to be drenched in real butter as soon as they were fully heated/warmed - yum).

Yes - this knowledge is STILL out there, and in practice, within some "tribes" and communities.


You were blessed!

It's true, a remnant remains.

As does documentation, for those who jump on the clue train early enough. Many .pdf's exist of earlier technologies - free to download - and the time to download them, and print them, is now...

Or, perhaps if you're not ready to print out a library, you could download them, put them on a dedicated laptop (doesn't have to be too modern), and assure you have enough solar power to run it and charge it. Store backups, of course - it should go without saying...

Best to everyone!