MNKYPOX Monkeypox - Consolidated Thread.

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Panic Sex Lady
If they say they plan to upgrade the less lethal strain, they may have done it already. If the new strain gets out...

The researchers found that viral DNA shed by the patients could be found on multiple surfaces throughout the isolation rooms (56 (93%) positive by PCR out of 60 samples). Monkeypox virus DNA was also found on personal protective equipment (PPE) worn by healthcare workers caring for these patients, and in the anterooms where they remove their PPE. Monkeypox virus DNA was also detected in five out of twenty air samples taken within these isolation rooms.

Changing bed linen was an activity particularly associated with detection of monkeypox virus DNA in air samples in the room. This suggests that viral particles, probably in shed skin particles, can become suspended in the air when bed sheets are changed. Monkeypox virus capable of replicating in cells under laboratory conditions (an indicator that the virus could infect other people) was identified in two of four PCR-positive samples selected for virus isolation. This includes air samples collected during the bed linen change.



TB Fanatic

  • NIAID research will see experts swap genes between two monkeypox strains
  • They will attempt to make currently dominant clade more lethal and infect mice
  • The aim of the project is to spur the development of better drugs for humans
  • But it comes amid growing concern about virus manipulation research in labs
  • exposed last week how a hybrid Covid virus was made in Boston

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!


Panic Sex Lady
New article dated 11/1

  • Three leading Republicans are calling to probe NIH monkeypox experiments
  • Researchers plan to swap genes between monkeypox strains and infect mice
  • Some fear the strain would be 1,000 times as deadly as the one circulating
  • It comes as the Biden Admin promises to crack down on this type of research



Panic Sex Lady
MP has basically been out of the news for almost 2 months. Is there any data on CURRENT infections (not infection totals) in the 50 states?
I've been watching it. The vax is still being pushed on the gay male demographic, but it isn't freely available to non-gay people.

The total versus current number is interesting. There are reported active cases that go on for months while others are light and brief. Only a few health care workers got it from patient contact, and I really expected many more than that.

It mutates. That's concerning.


Veteran Member
Not really because the numbers are up to 114,000 cases.
I hope you can post more US figures. Also with the 114,000 cases, which has about doubled since November, that sounds like a total number of cases. And, of course, only confirmed cases.

The question is, are any of those completely recovered and no longer contagious?


Veteran Member
For whatever reason, it stopped growing exponentially.

It's still in the wild, but your chances of catching it are infinitesimal.
The r0 is estimated to be an average of about 0.85 (with a range of 0.51 to 1.25), meaning an average infected person would infect less than one other person.

I don't think any modeling took into consideration traveling gay orgies.
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