CHAT Melancholy Baby in Flake City


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Got an email from the man I am try to extracate myself from and it threw me into a deep funk and I'm now finishing a half bottle of Kraken, which I did NOT intend on doing and it ruined my dry spell of 33 days of sobriety.

Now I'm crying and I don't cry much. If you could pray for me, I would sure appreciate it. I found a stink bug in the bottom of my mug. God is trying to tell me something...I just know it.

This is the lowest point of my life since 1979. Man! This really sucks eggs.

Can't figure out how to block the SOB on my email from the so called smart fone.

Oh, God! I am in agony!!!


I give up.
Get hold of yourself, girlfriend. You are stronger than that. Why let a bum occupy ANY of your space if you are determined to be rid of him. Just ignore everything. If that doesn't work, get an order of protection. You don't need to drink. Think of the future, where you don't have to think of him ever again and your life is your own. You deserve better, and you can make it happen. If you need to, find a nice woman therapist. I did. You would be amazed at what you can do with a little help.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
My lips are numb. There is no hangover. Should double the blood pressure meds tho'. Gotta get past this Gaslighter!!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
He sent me the Hallmark version of The Magi. Told me I need to watch it...about forgiveness and communication! HA! NOT to fool myself!! He puts me on the shelf for 7+ years, only taking me down to do his Food Stamp paperwork and put TracFone minutes on his fone and wonders why I can't live like this anymore!!! He doesn't love me or want to live with me. A TOTAL stranger shows me he cares about me more than this and he LAUGHED when I told him someone else was interested in me.

Our two kids said he hasn't been treating me right since they could figure it out.

Mom was like that so it seemed normal to me until God ripped the blinders off my eyes.

I'm SO broken.


Veteran Member
id say first get a new phone and new e mail, at the least, a new e mail. have your kids block him on your prone, or pay someone a few dollars to do it, you provider should be able to do it for free, .

if you can afford a lawyer, get a restraining order,, or try Legal aid if they have that in your area,

and start doing something, get something to do with your time,

Kracken comes in a bottle?


I use Gmail....I can block anyone that sends me a message I don't like....

Praying for you that tomorrow you can see the world in a different light.

I do understand your angst, if my ex were to communicate with me in would throw me for a loop.
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Finally not a lurker!
Get hold of yourself, girlfriend. You are stronger than that. Why let a bum occupy ANY of your space if you are determined to be rid of him. Just ignore everything. If that doesn't work, get an order of protection. You don't need to drink. Think of the future, where you don't have to think of him ever again and your life is your own. You deserve better, and you can make it happen. If you need to, find a nice woman therapist. I did. You would be amazed at what you can do with a little help.

Got rid of a long time on/off girlfriend. Long story.
It was difficult but things DO get better. And by all means find a therapist. You might have to try a couple to find one you can relate to. Best wishes!


Veteran Member
Just got myself out of one of those situations 2 years ago. You can do this.

You have a heart if mercy and he knows it. They all know it. They have a talent for locking on to those people they know they can get to. It may not be a conscience talent but they have it.

“ But I luvvv you!!!, please just ONE more chance (like you have never given him one before) I swear, ill never (fill in the blank) again.

or Sometimes if they peading does not work then they switch to semi truth bombs, “ well you’re not perfect either, I forgave you that ONE time, you care more about (fillin the blank) than you do me, or us, or whatever“

He is toxic, so toxic that you have to drink to cover up the pain. Because that is what it is, pain and guilt. And they are experts on throwing that around like candy. And because you are merciful you buy into it And he KNOWS it. Like radar he knows it.

And the while time he was with you he probably, spent all your money plus his own, destroyed anything you liked or loved because inward he was jelly, demanded your every waking moment be spent with him, or in his sight, was jellise of all your friends,or your one friend, maybe even accused you of wanting to sleep with the UPS guy (because he was banging anything that moved) he was exhausting, he took the best for himself and gave you the leftovers. Exepcted you to wait in the car on a hot or cold day while he shot the shit with whomever inside, (ill be right back) one hour later. Spent your last dime on another set of boots, or fishing gear, or whatever he thought his current must have need was. Because its always a “must have damnit and why cant you understand that.” He would sleep when ever he liked, including thru any appointments you had. But you better be awake to go with him to any boring thing he had to go to. Forget any help around the house, but you better come out side and help him do whatever, or the opposite and maybe he helped a little around the house (just enough to say he did) and let the big things around the house go.

I could go on and on. But you get the picture, he is a narcisistic, personality disoriented, toxic human who has crossed your path in life and has latched onto you like a barnacle on a ship. Not impossible to get rid of but not going anythwere unless you activly and with a lot of work pull him off of your heart. And he will pull at any exaggerated truth to get you back, he will do anything to get you back. He will plead, grovel, beg, yell, scream, accuse, then go back to sorry I didnt mean that, beg and plead some more, always with the promise of it will be better this time, or you are weak and you know you need me argument. They use all those or a combination of.

Ask yourself this, why would you take someone back who has to use any of those things? Why didn’t he do those things the first 10 times this came up in the relationship? Because it takes a merciful heart person many, many, many times to break away from these people. So you have been thru this scenario with him many times before.

Don’t do it. And just like how you have passed up many bottles these last 30 days, forcing yourself to walk by them and not pick one up, do the same with the emails. Don’t open them delete it, then go to your junk/ trash folder and delete it again. keep doing it until he stops sending them. Or if he is truly narcissistic psycotic he may never stop sending them. Because they are twisted like that, delete the email altogether and make a new one and don’t give it out except to immediate friends and family with the express instructions not to give it away.

And tell these people the truth of what he is like. Don’t sugar coat it to them because you keep convincing yourself he might change and you don’t want him to look bad to them when he comes back. You know, Just in case.

Stop kidding yourself. Admit it, he is NOT going to change, in fact he us incapable of change. You may find that hard to believe because anyone can change, but these people are so broken that short of a true interaction from God, no they cant be changed. That is like expecting a venomous snake not to inject poison or a scorpion not to sting. You knew what it was when you picked it up, but maybe you can love it enough, give it enough, carry it enough, and it will see the error of its ways and change. HORSE SHIT. It wont ever, ever, change short of a miracle of God. And that miracle from God needs to happen first before you would ever take him back. And it needs to make itself evident to all who know him for a looooonnng period of time, and even then some things will surface and have to be dealt with.

You got the energy and time for all that is written above? No you don’t, its so painful and exhausting that you have to drink to deal with it.

And that my friend is a toxic relation ship. He thrives while you die a little more each day. Dont do it. You look to God, and continue on your path of healing.

and if none of what I wrote helps then google narcissistic personality disorder symptoms.

I don’t know you, but I love you and you can do this... Hang in there.
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Veteran Member
Been there done that, for 14 years. Thats how long I went thru it. And what I wrote is a small, itty bitty fraction of the interactions we had.

God loves you immensely, he has watched the whole process. he does not expect you to be this guys healer, (regardless if what he thinks) God does not expect you to stay in this relationship. Let it go and move on, and forever watch fir any red flags in future people. Because unfortunatley for us mercy hearted people we attract them like flies, so it is very likely you will meet another in your future, learn them well, and steer clear from here on out.


Veteran Member
The man God sent to open my eyes is about as polar opposite as it gets! It does NOT compute!! He SHOWS his love by actions. It's confusing to me, but it shows the contrast to what I have had for the last 40 years...2 yrs of dating and 38 yrs of marriage.

Our Son put it like this yesterday: Dad is a piece of s$!t.
My Step son said the same thing about mine as well. Thats pretty telling when their own kids can see it.

Polar opposite is good. Because we have a mental picture from growing up of what we think a mate should look and act like. But focus on what God has for you first. Make perfectly sure this is the guy God wants you with. You have time to pray about it and make sure. Better to spend another year dating and making sure than to jump in and in a year realize you made another mistake.

Hope it works for you. Now as for the ex, ignore him and move on. Don’t even talk to him. That drives them more crazy than anything. They hate to be ignored, its is their weak spot.


I give up.
Signwatcher - repeat this over and over to yourself until it sinks in, especially given what you said about your mother:

I was abused and neglected. I was abused and neglected..... Then repeat over and over to yourself: I didn't deserve it. I am beautiful. I am strong. Make it your mantra. Because until you feel these things in your gut, and believe them, you will make no progress. You have to see yourself as on the way to the real, complete, healthy you. That's what God wants for you. He doesn't want you to be some broken down old wreck. But you have to do it.

Say it. Look in the mirror and say it. Then put on your brightest lipstick and go out and actually do something nice for yourself. Rinse, repeat.


Veteran Member
Prayers sent!!! Sounds like you know what God wants you to do - you just need to do it. Your kids see it, God sees it, and you probably see it too. But pulling yourself away is hard. Do it! You deserve so much more - you are a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves you!


Prayers sent here too, dear one.

You are stronger than this, don't let the asshole win the free space in your head - that belongs to you.

And stink bugs are a blessing in some cultures...


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Signwatcher>>>>>I have been where you are.

It is time to love>>>YOURSELF. The lies he told you>>>>that no one else would ever love you or want you are indeed LIES!!

As far as drowning yourself in a bottle>>>>been there too sweetheart. Let me ask you>>>>did the drink make things better for you? Did it make the problem go away? Or did it just numb you out? And now, now that you aren't still drunk (I HOPE you sobered up!!) is your problem>>>the a$$hole, gone? Or is it even more likely he will further bother you??

Have you ever thought about going to AA? That is how I got my life together and started over MANY years ago. If you go, do NOT get involved with someone there!! They have problems just like your ex, but are addicts too. NOT a good combination. In fact, consider instead going to meetings on-line!! There are lots of on-line meetings and they are all Big Book based. The Big Book is the AA book which outlines the 12 steps to finding yourself. The 12 steps are a way of life which would benefit ANYONE and will bring you to the point where you begin to love yourself>>>>it is a long process, because you have grown up neglected and abused and that has been reinforced in your relationships>>>>>ask me how I know!!

Please make some changes>>>Bassgirl has outlined the process and the abuse you have been under very well. Read that again. Would you condemn ANYONE to that kind of life?? So why do you feel that is the best you deserve? You are a good and worthy woman. It DOES NOT MATTER what you look like>>>>it DOES NOT MATTER the flaws you have in your make up. You DESERVE to be treated with kindness and to be loved. EVERY person in the world DESERVES love. But, love is not letting you do what ever you want>>>>what you gave your ex was not love. It was giving him power OVER YOU!! As though you were a slave. THAT is NOT love!! You HAVE to learn to love yourself enough to not let someone abuse you and destroy your sense of self!!

You probably don't "get" any of this right now. That is where AA can help>>>>or Al-Anon may be even better. Al-Anon is for family members who have lived with an alkie and many of us end up being alcoholics ourselves because the person we live with is such a narcissist. Please re-evaluate things and put down the bottle. If you need help stopping the drinking>>>go get it. PLEASE!! Just talking to you here on line I already know you deserve and are capable of having MUCH more in your life.

Prayers going up for you>>>>
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Veteran Member
One day at a time! Now, you know you can do it! So get back on that sober train! If nothing else, you see what poor reactions you take when you let him in! Only YOU teach people how to treat YOU! Never let anyone take your JOY away! You've learned the bottle has nothing in it that you really NEED!
Be STRONG! You've got this girl!


I am 82 Years Old and have been divorced twice. I want you to know I am praying for you. That is the most I or anyone else can do for you. The hard part is yours alone o do.
At some point you must realize that there is a little girl inside of you that was abused, unloved and neglected. IT YOUR JOB TO TAKE CARE OF HER. Yours alone. No one else can do that for you. It is YOUR job. When are you going to start? Forget the booze it won't help. in fact it hurts that little girl. I am blessed to have a certain mentality. I warn them if they don't stop the crappy behavior I will be done. I predetermine exactly what I am capable of and warn them that will be the consequences and when they tried to pull the crap again I apply the consequences. I don't feel a bit guilty because I warned them.

My friends call it my "dropping the curtain". I won't let anyone hurt my "little girl" because I am all that stands between her and the world. Keeping that "little girl" always foremost in my mind keeps me from making bad "men" decisions a second time I can "drop the curtain on anyone who tries to hurt my little girl.
I take good care of her. It is time to take care of your little girl. Would let this miserable person treat your kids terrible? Well, your little girl is one of your kids. The most important, in fact. I have been married now , the 3rd time, for 32 years. He is a wonderful man, a great human being and loves the Lord. That didn't happen until I started taking car of my "little girl" inside. Somehow it was much easier to do by thinking of her as a separate entity
I hope this helps from an old woman who had to learn the hard way. Don't we all?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thank you all for sowing into my life when I need it most.

Today is a new day. I will find an appropriate response to deal with my emotional triggers.

I haven't spoken to "that man," since Nov. 1, when he came to my house "to talk," and I told him time for talk was over. Wouldn't let him in, as he demanded. I didn't expect any communique from him, because I don't reply and thought he had given up on trying. Silly me. To be forwarned is to be forearmed. IF there's a next time, I won't be surprised. I will just put any further emails in the "Divorce" folder in case my lawyer wants them.

Onward and upward!

fish hook

The man God sent to open my eyes is about as polar opposite as it gets! It does NOT compute!! He SHOWS his love by actions. It's confusing to me, but it shows the contrast to what I have had for the last 40 years...2 yrs of dating and 38 yrs of marriage.

Our Son put it like this yesterday: Dad is a piece of s$!t.
Now that you have seen the good and the bad,choose the good and be thankful for it.Ignore the bad,let the past BE the past.Have a good life.


Veteran Member
Praying. There are people who are toxic. Willing to bet he will keep trying for years so as others have said get a restraining order. Block him on everything and harden your heart to him. He is weaponizing with words. Just as the others are doing such as media and politicians. Do you see the similarities? Plain and simple WAR!