CRIME Main Rittenhouse trial thread - NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Any one who watched the video could CLEARLY SEE he was only defending himself, and also trying to turn him self in. He clearly would have been dead had he not taken those shots. I suppose we are all supposed to die, as not to offend the criminal, burning, looting, murdering Antifa/BLM/idiots? eff that. This 65 year old Grandma hope she has the strength to do EXACTLY the same thing, if caught in similar circumstances. I hope the guard comes out and makes mincemeat out of anyone trying to burn, loot, murder and attack the innocent citizens of Kenosha!

'shoot looters' should be the marching orders


TB Fanatic
This has been discussed before. I don't believe that this is even possible.


He cannot be charged again for the specific charges he has been aquitted on, but if the Fuds can get a GJ to indict on "denial of Civil Rights" or some such...

More "Punishment by Trial".

I'm no Legal Eagle, so I could be way off.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
I know next to nothing about what happened here...............can anyone explain to me why he was in an area where their were protested to begin with?

Was he an anti protestor?........or defending something that he couldn't leave the area?

I'm trying to figure out why someone would bother being in an area with all those protestors if the didn't have to be there.

and is the left trying to claim this is a White supremist action when no people of color were killed?

But was one of the killed a chosenite?.......if so then he's the worst White supremist ever..........remember "never again"?

That mean no more White gentiles running the show ever again...........

That was a year and 4 months ago of information you're asking for. And 3 weeks of trial information. You really need to start following the news.


Knuckle Dragger
Holy Shit, doubling down on stupid.

They don't care about the self defense aspect, they fear Americans getting a serious case of...


This t-shirt needs Kyle on it.


Higher Ground

President Biden says he is feeling 'angry and concerned' after Kyle Rittenhouse verdict
President Biden released the following statement following the Kyle Rittenhouse trial verdict, stating he is feeling "angry and concerned."

"While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken. I ran on a promise to bring Americans together, because I believe that what unites us is far greater than what divides us. I know that we’re not going to heal our country’s wounds overnight, but I remain steadfast in my commitment to do everything in my power to ensure that every American is treated equally, with fairness and dignity, under the law.

"I urge everyone to express their views peacefully, consistent with the rule of law. Violence and destruction of property have no place in our democracy. The White House and Federal authorities have been in contact with Governor Evers’s office to prepare for any outcome in this case, and I have spoken with the Governor this afternoon and offered support and any assistance needed to ensure public safety," Biden said.



Veteran Member
Watch me. This illegitimate regeime banana republic excuse of a country is not going to dictate law to me. I might be the only one who feels that way, or I might have a whole lot of company. Pets are family.
Oh, I agree, I would do the same if my pets are in danger. But the stupid law will not be on our side, so we need to be ready for the consequences.


Watch me. This illegitimate regeime banana republic excuse of a country is not going to dictate law to me. I might be the only one who feels that way, or I might have a whole lot of company. Pets are family.
Completely idiotic, wasteful emoting.

Reality is you'll have a hard time taking care of your pets while sitting in a jail cell.


Has No Life - Lives on TB


Rittenhouse Defense: "President Biden said some things that I think are so incorrect and untrue, he’s not a white supremacist."


Kevin Liptak


President Biden on Rittenhouse verdict just now, arriving on the South Lawn: “I stand by what the jury has to say. The jury system works.”

That is commie speak for "I will have the DOJ investigate all involved and overturn the verdict."

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns


TB Fanatic





Kyles life will … NEVER be the same. He’s a walking target in many ways and always will be. Best if he keeps his mouth shut for quite a while, and thinks about where we wants to live. Hopefully his family already has a new home to move to. Time to get a real good defamation lawyer and start suing. Starting with numb nuts China Joe.