GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread


On TB every waking moment
The China Lie Exposed

By William Levin
October 27, 2022

The Chinese Communist Party has held only 20 party congresses in its history, one every five years, and few as notable as the just-concluded meeting at which President Xi Jinping claimed his unprecedented third five-year term. In a two-hour address, Xi aggressively signaled that China will focus on national security, invest in a “world class military,” “develop unmanned, intelligent combat capabilities,” and unrelentingly pursue the takeover of Taiwan under the banner of “reunification.” All this against a backdrop of asserted rising external threats from the West and a forecast of “high winds, choppy waters and dangerous storms.”

It did not take long for Chinese investors to react. On Monday, the Hang Seng plummeted 6.4% (equivalent to a 2,000 drop in the Dow Jones index), for the largest one-day drop since November 2008. The index is down 42% for the year and within 2% of its 52-week low. In the tech sector, e-commerce giant Alibaba fell 10%, bringing its losses to more than $600 billion since it peaked in October 2020. Chip stocks are being dumped in response to expected U.S. export controls. The property sector is facing unrelenting pressure from massive over-building and excess debt. Chinese entrepreneurs are leaving the country. Official and unofficial accounts track massive movements of capital to havens outside of China. All in all, quite the contrast to President Xi’s boasting rhetoric of “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Hidden in the current malaise is a far more startling fact. The Hang Seng index is now officially flat since 1997. In the comparable period, even after U.S. market declines, the S&P index is up 3.2x, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq is up 5.9x. These numbers lay bare the fundamental lie that communism can coexist with, and channel free enterprise growth. Twenty-five years of stagnation, especially during the boom in technology, contradicts the narrative promoted by Chinese leadership, believed by many, that China will inevitably eclipse U.S. economic performance. Doubling down, liberal pundits such as Thomas Friedman fawn over the command and control powers of the Chinese government, in contrast to our messy democracy, especially when it appeared China was in an unstoppable ascendency from the 1980s onward.

The misreading of China has its roots, as much else, in Nixon’s opening of China in 1972, which neatly works out to its 50th anniversary. Lost to current memory, Nixon was motivated to invigorate China as a counterweight to the Soviet Union, a misreading perhaps understandable at the time, but that has worn poorly as China has emerged as the leading global threat to the West. Feeding Nixon’s decision is the "useful intellect" of the story, Henry Kissinger, who even to this day retains his aura of command as America’s foremost statesman. In reality, Kissinger has been an unrelenting shill for China and Chinese interests: in books, in public pronouncements, and within the insular world of the foreign policy establishment. It comes as no surprise that one of Kissinger’s greatest boosters is none other than President Xi, who called Kissinger an “old friend of the Chinese people.”

Due to the miracles of declassification, Kissinger’s infatuation with China, and his infatuation with himself as the instrument of global power realignment, can be heard in his own words. The ‘present at the creation’ moment is dated July 14, 1971, and it is a 27-page, single-spaced memo from Kissinger to the President — the subject lines reads, “My Talks with Chou-En-lai,” and in all caps, the words “Top Secret/Sensitive/Exclusively eyes only” can be found across the top. It opens with a flourish, “My two-day visit to Peking resulted in the most searching, sweeping and significant discussions I have ever had in government.” It ends even worse, in words that will haunt us for decades to come:

These forty-eight hours, and my extensive discussions with Chou in particular, had all the flavor, texture, variety and delicacy of a Chinese banquet. Prepared from the long sweep of tradition and culture, meticulously cooked by hands of experience, and served in splendidly simple surroundings, our feast consisted of many courses, some sweet and some sour, all interrelated and forming a coherent whole…. We have laid the groundwork for you and Mao to turn a page in history.​

Eight months later Nixon is in China, stunning the world as predicted.

Tell the “miracle” story to the Uyghurs. Tell it to Hong Kong, reduced under Chinese rule to a wasteland where once stood one of the most dynamic, freest, prosperous, and pioneering cities on this earth. Tell that to the Chinese entrepreneurs now castigated, imprisoned, and whose wealth plummeted by $35 billion in response to Xi’s speech alone, compounding years of ruinous loss and unrelenting Communist government attack. Tell that to U.S. investors in Chinese companies who have seen the Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index, 65 U.S. traded stocks with majority business in China, fall 78% since February 2021. Tell that to the Taiwanese who live in the shadow of Chinese invasion and worse. For that matter, tell that to the 1.5 billion Chinese citizens, locked down in Covid, suffering the lash of Xi’s dictatorship, at the hands of 97 million Chinese communist party members.

Nixon’s big bet, schemed and delivered by Kissinger, who later in life fatuously described himself to political journalist Oriana Fallaci as the “cowboy who leads the wagon train by riding ahead alone on his horse,” was a China opening leading to economic integration with the West and a moderation in Communist ideology. Xi’s speech is the latest confirmation of the strategy’s grand fail. For five decades, China has benefitted from our stolen intellectual property and military secrets. Now, mission accomplished, Xi has set autonomy from the West as China’s goal, “in food, energy, and resources as well as key industrial and supply chains.”

As termed by economists, in the choice between guns and butter, China has chosen guns, encapsulated in Xi’s promise to deliver his world-class military by mid-century, while the U.S. has gorged on butter, leading to the alarming assessment this month that America’s military capability is “weak.” Chinese financial markets have correctly assessed the sacrifice of economic growth to militaristic strength, far ahead of policy makers.

The collapse in the Hang Seng and twenty-five years of stagnation tells all that needs to be known about Communist rule, its priorities, and its ruinous economic choices.


On TB every waking moment

Deep State Villainy Thwarts Brexit

By J.B. Shurk
October 27, 2022

Looks like Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum officially usurped the United Kingdom's independence with the ascension of investment banker Rishi Sunak, a committed globalist and devotee of the WEF's dark arts, to the position of prime minister. Oh, how the Davos Devils must be laughing today!

When the British people voted to leave the European Union back in the summer of 2016, there was great rejoicing among freedom fighters both inside and outside the U.K. who find global schemes of government not only antithetical to citizens' inherent right to national self-determination, but also the surest path toward statist tyranny. "Conservative" Prime Minister David Cameron (I use pants-on-fire quotation marks, since the climate-change-crusading, tax-and-spend, surveillance-state-supporting Big Government disciples of the Conservative Party in the U.K. are only slightly less Marxist-socialist or outright Stalinist than their Labor adversaries) had taken a gamble with a U.K.-wide referendum on Brexit, convinced the measure would fail. To his and the global Establishment Class's manifest chagrin, the people voted for independence from the European Union's de facto empire.

Cameron subsequently resigned for his failure to buttress the Davos governing model, and in came Theresa May, whose selection as prime minister by her colleagues seemed a shortsighted miscalculation that once Hillary Clinton won the presidential election a few months later, a May-Clinton-Merkel triumvirate of double-X chromosomes enthroned over Germany, the U.K., and the USA would usher in the Age of Woman, or some such identity politics rubbish — before globally approved "political correctness" turned 180 degrees and decided that men could be women, too.

May's chief attributes as P.M. were stiff awkwardness and a rather lukewarm, teasing commitment to fulfilling the will of U.K. voters and securing Brexit in substantive terms, rather than in name only. Remarkably, while President Donald Trump and his U.K. ambassador, Robert Wood Johnson, worked feverishly to complete beneficial trade deals with the supposedly E.U.-unshackled nation that would have smoothed the U.K.'s transition to market independence and fortified its economic standing, May's government continually rebuffed the Trump administration's overtures. Eventually, with Brexit-voters having lost patience with the awkward Downing Street dancer, she was cashiered so that the once unthinkable Boris Johnson could git 'er done.

However, even with his unkempt hair and reputation as a conservative stalwart or even, dare I say, a bit of a political populist on par with America's Donald Trump, Johnson proved himself just as ideologically squishy, vertebrally vanquished, and housebroken for his globalist masters as all the "conservatives" who had preceded him. He managed only to weakly withdraw the U.K. from the clutches of the E.U.'s technocratic dictatorship, and did so while leaving enough of the bureaucratic empire's economic and institutional tentacles still draped over the Palace of Westminster to ensure Britain's continued vassalage to continental Europe.

Boris should have been a slam-dunk for Brexit-supporters and a symbiotic win-win for U.S.-U.K. relations, when a Trump-Johnson partnership (or perhaps even an expanded trans-hemispheric coalition with Brazil's Bolsonaro and Japan's Shinzo Abe) could have made a robust stand for the pre-eminence of national sovereignty over the fetid corruption and ulcerous self-dealing oozing from the pustulous scheming of the big-money Davos international "elites." Instead, no sooner had Ol' Bloke Boris taken the job of earnestly representing the common citizenry than he started sounding more like an obedient cog in Klaus Schwab's Borg-mind than an independent-thinking "Make U.K. Great Again" ally of President Trump. Gone was the tough talk and public disdain for the Establishment status quo, and in its place Boris unleashed his climate-change-warrior, illegal-alien-trafficking, build-back-better inner self.

In hindsight, his jumble of hair waving with the political winds seems only to have been an intentional distraction meant to hypnotize Brexit voters into believing he possessed the fortitude to resist even the most basic of polite society's norms. Instead, the ah shucks coiffure turned out to be more hocus-pocus used to fool the loyal rabble, while Bo-Jo did the Davos Devils' bidding.

Johnson could have cut taxes and regulations, freed the U.K. from the E.U.'s cartel policies, and rejected the World Economic Forum's COVID-19-induced "Great Reset" tyranny. Alas, he chose the wealthy and powerful over the poor and powerless, and his country will continue to suffer for it. While globalist stenographers posing as historians will claim that Boris's premiership came to an end due to personal scandal, it is more accurate to say that his once exciting political brand had proven fake, shallow, and unmistakably stale.

So in came Prime Minister Liz Truss, and out she went just as unceremoniously.

Despite the U.K.'s most recent aspirant to fill the spacious heels of Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher declaring to Parliament that she's a "fighter and not a quitter," the Davos Empire and its central bank feudal lords laughed heartily and swept her aside like a gnat. The Alumin(i)um Lady's feeble attempts to cut middle-class taxes, control illegal immigration, and urgently unleash desperately needed coal and natural gas mining to save her country's economy from looming disaster and her people from imminent winter freezing proved the stuff of paper tigers, demolished easily at Davos Man's urging. Technically, she served under two monarchs and across two seasons, but her premiership will be remembered only for its fleeting existence.

With the last of the pretend "conservatives" dispatched with ease, Globalist Uber-Lord Sunak can now take the parliamentary throne as Klaus Schwab's loyal henchman. Six years after Brexit, and the people are getting their final, bitter lesson in how the global "elite" really see "democracy." "Democracy," you poor plebes, is when the people do exactly what their authoritarian leaders tell them to do or suffer the infernal consequences. The citizens of the United Kingdom may have, in their collective wisdom, voted to uncouple from the evil European empire, but that doesn't mean Darth Schwab and his stormtroopers won't annihilate the English Alderaan all the same.

"Democracy" is worth saving only when it aligns perfectly with the interests of Europe's unelected, bureaucratic dictatorship. Thus endeth the lesson!

Not at all coincidentally, that's exactly what happened in the United States after President Trump's election. Four years of a corrupt and unholy cabal of Deep State saboteurs, law enforcement criminals, Intelligence Community double-agents, propagandistic press, and crusty political double-dealers working together to execute a continuing coup d'état against the sitting American president, and nobody anywhere has been held accountable. In the United States today, it is a greater crime to question the legitimacy of an election than to engage in election fraud. It is a greater crime for President Trump to resist Deep State harassment than for the FBI to frame and threaten him. Whether in America or the U.K., Deep State villainy is all the same.

For those keeping score at home, that's two democratic elections thwarted by the globalist powers that be. At some point, Westerners might have to wake up to the uncomfortable reality that their leaders not only do not have their best interests at heart, but also do not care in the slightest what the people's interests actually are. Power and control are their game. Wealth and finding ways to maintain that wealth at the people's expense are their drug of choice.

People...well, they are nothing more than pawns to be sacrificed at will. After all, there are entirely too many of those for the World Economic Forum's global oligarchy to tolerate on Planet Earth much longer. They will submit, remain quiet, or go.

A hearty hat tip to the great Peter Verbeeck!


On TB every waking moment

Democrats Claiming To ‘Defend Democracy’ Are Adopting The Tactics Of Authoritarian China

OCTOBER 26, 2022

If one were to claim the U.S. is different from and better than communist China, how would we know it? Let’s compare the facts on taking down political opponents.

In the name of “defending democracy,” American Democrats weaponized our government apparatus in an attempt to eliminate a former president. As it turns out, Democrats’ despotic tactics to hold power are disturbingly reminiscent of those employed by the authoritarian communists running China. On Saturday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping appeared to make a similar move against his predecessor.

In now widely seen footage from the Communist Party Congress, Hu Jintao—the former Chinese president and symbol of ideological opposition to Xi—was dragged out of Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. Hu was sitting to the left of President Xi on the last day of the congress until a man in a suit and surgical mask pulled him out of his seat and out of the Great Hall, apparently against his will.

1:21 min

Was Hu Jintao’s Removal a Power Play?
The Chinese state media are reporting that Hu’s removal was due to a health complication, but Hu did not appear to be suffering from any kind of medical emergency as he resisted being pulled out of the Great Hall. Moreover, the Communist Party Congress is a highly rehearsed event, prompting many to suspect the incident was no accident. In televising the physical expulsion of his predecessor, it’s possible Xi orchestrated Hu’s removal to signal his absolute power over China.

Hu is a leader of a political faction within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that supports a freer Chinese economy. The BBC reports that Hu’s presidency between 2003 and 2013 was “seen as a time of opening up to the outside world and increased tolerance of new ideas.” Since Xi has taken control, though, a consolidation of power and the promotion of Chinese nationalism have taken precedence, while Hu’s hope for China to seek global approval and acceptance has fallen by the wayside.

Over the years, Xi has been slowly purging anyone linked to Hu’s administration or political vision for China. According to the BBC, the “last remnants” of political opposition to Xi were removed from power after economic liberals Li Keqiang and Wang Yang were not reelected to the CCP’s Central Committee at the congress this year.

The alarming video depicting Hu’s physical removal from the assembly represents a stark contrast between illiberalism and freedom. Upon taking power, elected leaders from free countries with secure elections and stable governments do not persecute their political enemies. Condemning one’s predecessor or political opponent to prison (or worse—death) is the behavior of dictators in authoritarian regimes and third-world banana republics.

American Leftists Adopt Similar Tactics
If one were to claim the U.S. is different from and better than communist China, how would we know it? Let’s compare the facts on this specific sector. During the 2016 election, Democrats and the deep state conspired to annihilate the campaign of then-candidate Donald Trump. Once Trump was duly elected by the American people, Democrats and the feds (with the help of the corporate media) tried overthrowing his presidency using falsified evidence and illegal tactics.

Even after Trump lost the 2020 election, Democrats have continued attacking the former president, his supporters, and his advisers. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home was raided by the FBI in August, and it appears President Joe Biden was directly involved in launching the FBI’s investigation of his predecessor.

Democrats also used the events of Jan. 6, 2021 to punish Trump supporters who sincerely question the integrity of the 2020 presidential election. Americans who attended the Jan. 6 protest were thrown into solitary confinement, lost their jobs, had their banking data shared with the feds, and are still imprisoned today.

House Democrats’ official weapon against MAGA country has been the Jan. 6 Committee. The committee threw House precedent and its own organizing resolution bylaws out the window. It refused to follow House deposition rules, lied in subpoenas, and even doctored evidence. It also failed to investigate serious questions about what happened during the Capitol riot—like why Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi delayed deploying the National Guard, why the Capitol Police were half-staffed, or whether there were FBI informants present during the riot.

Instead, the committee abused its power to crucify Jan. 6 protesters and Trump advisers, such as Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon. In an unprecedented prosecution, Bannon was sentenced to four months in prison last week for ignoring a subpoena from the Jan. 6 Committee, and Navarro heads to trial next month on the same charges. The last Jan. 6 hearing ended with the committee dramatically subpoenaing Trump, which signaled that the apparent finale of the committee’s hearings in no way means Democrats’ crusade against their political adversaries is over.

The nearly decade-long political persecution of Trump has made the former president something of a symbol for the breakdown in American democracy. However, the growing similarities in tactics between U.S. Democrats and the CCP predate Trump. During the Obama administration, Democrats weaponized the IRS to target conservative nonprofits. Through “Operation Choke Point,” leftists used federal power to target businesses they disliked, like gun sellers.

Democrats’ War on Dissent
Indeed, the disintegration of American democracy is bigger than the left’s war on Trump. The left is waging an ideological battle against half of the United States. In January, former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe equated “mainstream” conservatives to Islamic terrorists and called for their surveillance. Parents who oppose critical race theory have been dubbed domestic terrorists. Pro-abortion arsonists and Black Lives Matter rioters get a pass, while the FBI raids the homes of peaceful pro-life activists.

Democrats have put us on a path to erode American freedoms and make the U.S. a lot more like China. Xi appeared to have Hu physically removed from the Great Hall last weekend. In the American version, Trump’s political opponents tried to destroy his campaign, unseat him from office, and thwart any future political aspirations he may have. An American model of the Chinese social credit system is forming as well, considering the way innocent Americans have lost their livelihoods, freedom, and even lives for the crime of questioning Democrats’ right to power after the 2020 election.

In publicly removing Hu, Xi brazenly signaled to the people of China and the world that he is in power and dissent will not be tolerated. Democrats still hide their aims behind lofty, dishonest notions of “freedom” and “democracy.”


On TB every waking moment

Whistleblower reveals FBI's thoughts on criminality of 'disinformation'
Bureau 'cheat sheet' discusses 'misinformation' too

By Bob Unruh
Published October 27, 2022 at 4:06pm

An FBI "cheat sheet" regarding election crimes around the 2022 midterm elections, offering guidance on dealing with "campaign finance" violations, "election interference" and more, also insists that the FBI will decide "disinformation" and whether it is a crime, according to a new report.

It is Project Veritas that has reported on a document turned over by a whistleblower on the FBI's agenda.

That agency, as Americans know, already has seriously undermined its own integrity by working with Democrats on the "Russia collusion" conspiracy theory lies it launched against President Trump.

Later it used faked evidence to support its requests for permission to spy on the Trump campaign. Some of the FBI's own employees schemed about how they would not let Trump be president.

And recently it staged an armed raid on Trump's home in what apparently was a paperwork dispute. The campaign by the FBI, essentially its own disinformation campaign, against Trump coincided with the Democrats' multiple – and failed – attempts to impeach Trump and remove him from office.

Now Project Veritas has published the "cheat sheet" that explains the FBI is alert for "disinformation," which would be "False or inaccurate information intended to mislead others. Disinformation campaigns on social media are used to deliberately confuse, trick, or upset the public."

And regarding "misinformation," the document said that is "False or misleading information spread mistakenly or unintentionally."

FBI 'cheat sheet,' image courtesy Project Veritas

Explained Project Veritas:"The document details how the Bureau will tackle what they consider to be 'election crimes.' … These categories could raise questions about who gets to determine what is 'misinformation' and/or 'disinformation.'"

Project Veritas pointed out that Biden recently tried to create a "Disinformation Governance Board" that would impose its views on America, but quickly back down when the scheme became known.

"Disinformation" also has routinely been used by social media to censor statements from conservatives that are factual. For instance, the industry censored the New York Post's accurate reporting about the laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden that revealed what one analysis has suggested is hundreds of violations of the law.

The industry had been lobbied by the FBI to do that censorship. But polls show that censorship almost undoubtedly changed the victor in the 2020 presidential race from President Trump to Joe Biden.


On TB every waking moment

‘Everything Will Stop’: Tucker Carlson Rips Biden Admin For Diesel Shortage, Says US Is Facing ‘Economic Catastrophe’

Daily Caller News Foundation logo
October 27, 2022

Fox News host Tucker Carlson ripped the Biden administration Thursday for the U.S.’ ongoing diesel shortage, saying that America faces an “economic catastrophe” if stocks aren’t replenished.

“Thanks to the Biden administration’s religious war in Ukraine, this country is about to run out of diesel fuel. According to data from the Energy Information Administration, by the Monday of Thanksgiving week, that’s 25 days from now, there will be no more diesel. So, what’s gonna happen then? Everything will stop,” Carlson said. (RELATED: ‘Even His Bribes Suck’: ‘The Five’ Blast Biden For ‘Transparently Political’ Oil Release)

“That means trucks and trains and barges all unable to move. Farm equipment will shut down. There will be no deliveries, as there will be no trucks. There will be no diesel generators, and then, inevitably, our economy will crash because everything runs on diesel fuel. Not on solar panels, not on wind farms, but diesel fuel. Diesel is not a negotiable commodity. You have to have diesel,” Carlson added.

National Economic Council Director Brian Deese warned “emergency measures” might be necessary to address the shortage of diesel on Oct. 19, saying that all options, including a ban on fuel exports to Europe, were being considered. Exxon Mobil CEO Darren Woods and industry groups warned that an export ban could backfire and send prices even higher by worsening supply issues.

National stocks of distillate fuel oil, which is utilized in the production of diesel and other fuels, has dropped to levels not seen since 2008.

Video on website 16:00 min

See also at 'Everything Will Stop': Tucker Carlson Decries Diesel Shortage, Says 'Economy Will Crash' 16:08 min

There is a portion on Rumble Tucker: America Has One of the Deepest Oil Reserves in the World But Gov’t Is Being Run By Children 4:56 min

Carlson said that economic sanctions on Russia had done more to push the United States than Russian President Vladimir Putin, and questioned why American policymakers would risk wrecking the American economy before turning to statements by Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland.

Raskin lambasted Russia as “a world center of antifeminist, antigay, anti-trans hatred, as well as the homeland of replacement theory for export” in a Tuesday statement.

Carlson also described the Biden administration as “children” who not only couldn’t “admit what they’ve done wrong,” but were incapable of comprehending their mistake.

“The truth is these people are bumping right smack up against reality. Here is the reality: We have 25 days to avert economic catastrophe,” Carlson said.

“Catastrophe is what will happen if we run out of diesel fuel. That’s more important than prosecuting a jihad in Ukraine. It’s more important than World War Trans. Everything depends on this. We’ve got 25 days to fix it.”
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment

Biden Downplays Record Increases in Food Prices: “You’re Going to See People Buying Other Raisin Bran” (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published October 27, 2022 at 10:00pm

Joe Biden Thursday evening gave an interview with NewsNation to discuss a variety of issues plaguing the Democrats going into the midterm elections.

Biden was asked why voters should choose Democrats in this year’s midterms given record inflation.

“Given record inflation, why should voters choose Democrats?” the reporter asked.

“Because it’s not record inflation anymore. I’m bringing it down. Look at what we inherited!” Biden said.

Inflation was 1.4% when Joe Biden took office.

Biden also downplayed the record increases in food prices and insisted the real problem is with the packaged goods.

This is a lie. The price of eggs, poultry and beef have skyrocketed thanks to Bidenflation.

“Packaged goods, you’re gonna see people not buying Kellogg’s Raisin Bran…you’re gonna see them buy another raisin bran which should be $1 dollar cheaper,” said Biden.

Biden said this with a straight face.

.21 min


On TB every waking moment

BREAKING: “2000 Mules” Investigators Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht Threatened with Jail Monday If They Do Not Identify Confidential Informant in Konnech Investigation​

By Jim Hoft
Published October 27, 2022 at 6:55pm

Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested earlier this month in Michigan in connection with “theft of personal data.”

The alleged stolen data belonged to poll workers and was the subject of TrueTheVote’s “PIT” in Arizona last August, where Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips singled out the company.

During the PIT conference, Phillips and Engelbrecht alleged they were cooperating with the FBI in Michigan about data being sent overseas by this company. The investigation quickly started to turn on them after the FBI started to distance itself from the investigation.

Journalist “incognito” Kanekoa has covered this company and researched them better than anyone.


The theft of data only impacted the election workers, alleges Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon. The LADA seized hard drives and other digital evidence from the Michigan software firm with the assistance of Meridian Township Police in MI. The LADA is seeking Yu’s extradition to Los Angeles.

Following the CEO’s arrest Fairfax County in Virginia announced they have stopped using Konnech’s PollChief election officer management software.

True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and investigator Gregg Phillips were hauled into court earlier this month by lawyers representing Konnech who are suing Catherine and Gregg for defamation.

In what was a strange twist, the court case started just days after the CEO of Konnech was arrested on October 4th.

U.S. District Judge Kenneth Hoyt demanded the conservative nonprofit group disclose their sources of the information central to the case, about sensitive poll worker data managed by Konnech Inc.

After Konnech sued True the Vote last month for defamation, Hoyt ordered True the Vote to turn over any Konnech data the organization still had and disclose the name of the individual who’d helped them obtain it.

Gregg and Catherine have refused to “burn” their source for the Konnech reporting.

Tonight Gregg Phillips posted on Truth Social that they have until Monday to deliver the name of their source for the Konnech reporting or face jail.



On TB every waking moment

Breitbart News Daily Podcast Ep. 249: ‘Against the Great Reset’ with Michael Wals​

BREITBART NEWS 27 Oct 202216

Host Alex Marlow has no monologue today, but he does have a wonderful interview with long-time friend of Breitbart News (and one of our original editors) Michael Walsh who discusses his new book Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order. The book is a collection of essays by preeminent intellectuals like Douglas Murray, Victor Davis Hanson, and Michael Anton, who are all critical of the World Economic Forum’s globalist “Great Reset.”

Audio on website 22:29 min


On TB every waking moment

Crisis Averted? Decrease in German Gas Use will be Down to Business Bankruptcies – Industry Org​

PETER CADDLE 27 Oct 202229

Any serious reduction in the use of gas by businesses in Germany will be down to companies downsizing or closing down, and not from attempts to save energy, the head of one industry organisation said.

Peter Adrian, the President of the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) has claimed that there is little room left for businesses to save energy, putting any savings in the sector so far down to companies either downsizing or shutting down completely as a result of economic pressure.

It has been claimed that Germany needs to cut its gas consumption by 20 per cent to avoid massive shortages that risk destabilising the country, with some experts even suggesting that only a saving of 30 per cent will be enough to get the country through the ongoing energy crisis.

However, according to survey results published by the DIHK, the vast majority of businesses in Germany will not be able to achieve even a fraction of such a reduction, with 60 per cent of companies saying that they will only be able to cut their gas usage by 2 per cent at most.

“The result corresponds to the feedback we have received from companies for months,” President Adrian commented on the data. “The companies’ struggle to survive in the face of skyrocketing energy prices has meant that the short-term operational potential has been exhausted.”

As a result, the senior official said that any attempt by the government to encourage businesses to drop usage any further without also providing ways of quickly recouping the costs of such measures would end in failure, with any further reductions in the centre to end up being down to companies downsizing or dropping out of the market entirely.

“Further goals to further reduce gas consumption in ongoing production operations are simply unrealistic,” he said. “The decline in gas consumption in the economy is now more and more often the result of plant closures or production restrictions. We must therefore look for other ways to mobilize additional gas or to save gas, for example in electricity generation.”

“This is the only way we will avoid insolvencies and maintain value chains,” he went on to say.

Survey data from the DIHK appears to support such a thesis, with 16 per cent of industrial sector respondents saying that they were now looking to either downsize their operations or abandon parts of their businesses entirely in a desperate attempt to cut costs.

Such a scenario appears eerily reminiscent of a warning last month that the entirety of Europe was facing “permanent deindustrialization” as a result of the ongoing energy crisis, which in turn was largely brought about by green agenda policies implemented at the national and EU level.

“We are deeply concerned that the winter ahead could deliver a decisive blow to many of our operations, and we call on EU and Member State leaders to take emergency action to preserve their strategic electricity-intensive industries and prevent permanent job losses,” a letter from one industry group to EU bigwigs read.

“Producers face electricity and gas costs over ten times higher than last year, far exceeding the sales price for their products,” the document continued. “We know from experience that once a plant is closed it very often becomes a permanent situation, as re-opening implies significant uncertainty and cost.”

Ultimately, the issue represents just one of many potential disasters facing the continent in the coming months, with many countries warning of significant unrest as Western nations enter a period euphemistically referred to by French President Emmanuel Macron as the “end of abundance“.


On TB every waking moment

Bill Gates Meets with UK Opposition Leader Starmer to Discuss ‘Global Health’ and Climate​

KURT ZINDULKA 27 Oct 2022131

Two days after the installation of Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Microsoft founder Bill Gates met with Sunak’s counterpart in the parliament, Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer to reportedly discuss climate change and “global health”.

On Wednesday, leader of the opposition Sir Keir Starmer met with ‘master of the universe’ Bill Gates in his office in the Parliament.

Commenting on the meeting, a Labour Party spokesman said: “Keir Starmer was pleased to meet with Bill Gates today and discuss a number of issues of mutual concern including how the UK best supports global health and equitable development, and how we use the goal of net zero to invest in science and technology to deliver the jobs and growth of the future.”

The American billionaire has not commented on the meeting with Starmer at the time of this reporting. It also does not appear that Mr Gates held any meetings with Prime Minister Sunak on Wednesday.

A meeting between Sunak and Gates may present a conflict of interest now that he is prime minister, given the business ties between Microsoft and Infosys, the Indian tech giant that Sunak married into.

While the Microsoft founder is not a British citizen, he has worked closely with previous UK prime ministers, including with Sunak’s former boss, Boris Johnson. Indeed, just over one year ago, Gates travelled to London to meet with Johnson to launch a £400 million joint partnership with the government to bolster green investments in Britain.

“In order to achieve net-zero emissions, we need to reduce the costs of clean technologies so they can compete with and replace the high-emitting products we use today – I call this difference in price the Green Premium,” Gates said at the time.

“Working with public and private sector leaders, including the UK, Catalyst will be a key vehicle for reducing Green Premiums, building the clean industries of tomorrow, and creating lasting jobs in communities around the world,” he added.

It was reported that during his trip last year, Gates also visited with then Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, and Gates was pictured leaving No.11 Downing Street, then Sunak’s official office. However, no details of the meeting were made public about what was discussed in the meeting.

The decision to meet with the opposition leader just two days after Sunak ascended to Downing Street perhaps demonstrates that Gates has been paying attention to polling, which suggests that Starmer and the Labour Party are heavy favourites in the next general election.

While the Conservatives from Johnson to Sunak have pursued a radical agenda of decarbonising the economy by 2050, the Labour Party may prove a more fruitful ally for Mr Gates given their pledge to invest £28 billion into green projects if they take control of the parliament. The party would likely be amenable to Gates’ ideas surrounding “global health” given their previous urging of Boris Johnson to go further with lockdown measures during the Chinese coronavirus crisis.



On TB every waking moment

UK’s Green Net Zero Plans Pose ‘Critical Risk’ to National Security – Report​

PETER CADDLE27 Oct 202249

The UK government’s Net Zero green agenda plans risk exposing the country to “critical risk”, a report drafted by MPs has claimed.

According to the report by the Joint Committee on National Security Strategy (JCNSS), Britain risks being exposed to “critical risks” regarding both energy and national security as a result of the UK government’s Net Zero green agenda.

Such a warning comes shortly after the country’s incoming Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, announced that he was doubling down on the Tory climate change crusade, even reimplementing a ban on fracking despite the ongoing energy and cost of living crises in the country.

What does not currently appear to be being considered by government ministers are the knock-on effects their crusade will have, with the JCNSS report indicating that there are concomitant risks associated with the planned transition.

In particular, the report cites the fragility of electricity infrastructure, which will become even more critical in the shift away from domestic gas.

“The transition to net zero is vital, but it will result in the UK becoming increasingly reliant on electricity and renewable energy sources, which are more vulnerable to extreme weather than gas and other fossil fuels,” the government report reads.

To make matters worse, the paper indicates that other forms of energy generation, being reliant on the availability of electricity, will be negatively affected by such weather events, a factor that will only increase Britain’s exposure to risk.


Ultimately, the report criticises the government for not taking nearly enough interest in the risk their current strategies pose to Britain’s critical national infrastructure (CNI), with MPs demanding that the state get a handle on the looming danger.

“As in our previous reports in this Parliament, we have unfortunately uncovered an extreme weakness at the centre of Government on a critical risk to the UK’s national security,” it reads.

“It appears that no Minister is taking responsibility for this topic, and there are no cross-Cabinet Committees driving forward the Government’s work on adaptation and CNI resilience,” it continued. “It is hard to imagine the Government taking such a lax approach to any other recognised national security risk.”

Despite such present dangers, the nascent Rishi Sunak government only appears to be even more hellbent on pushing through green reforms.

Sunak himself announced on Wednesday that the government was reintroducing the ban on fracking in England during Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday, a move in keeping with the green agenda but not helping the country’s energy independence, to prevent it falling victim to another winter energy crunch.

5:38 min

Expressing the desire to “redirect the world’s wealth” towards green causes, Sunak told the COP26 climate conference last year that he wanted to “rewire the entire global financial system for net zero”.

“We are going to move towards making it mandatory for firms to publish a clear, deliverable plan, setting out how they will decarbonise and transition to Net Zero,” he told the conference, adding that there will be an “independent task force” introduced to “define what’s required” of such firms.

How such a move will help the ever-increasing number of Britons struggling to heat their homes remains unknown however, with it now being warned that the UK could face rolling blackouts over the winter months should the energy situation not improve.



On TB every waking moment

If Red States Want Protection From Collapse They Will Have To Build Alternative Economies​

THURSDAY, OCT 27, 2022 - 08:40 PM
Authored by Brandon Smith via

Economic centralization is the ultimate form of organized conspiratorial power, because it allows a small group of people to dictate the terms of trade for a society and therefore dictate the terms of each person’s individual survival.

For example, the Federal Reserve as a banking entity has free rein to assert policy controls that can disrupt the very fabric of the US economy and the buying power of our currency. They can (and do) arbitrarily create trillions of dollars from thin air causing inflation, or arbitrarily raise interest rates and crash stock markets. And according to former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan, they answer to no one, including the US government.

I have started to see a new narrative being spread within mainstream media platforms as well as alternative media platforms suggesting that the Fed is necessary because it is working to “counter” the agenda of Joe Biden and the Democrats. Some people claim the central bank is “protecting” America from the schemes of the UN and European interests.

This is perhaps the most moronic theory I’ve ever heard, but it makes sense that the central bank and its puppets would be trying to plant the notion that the Fed is some kind of “hero” secretly fighting a war on our behalf. The money elites associated with the Fed have inflated perhaps the largest financial bubble in the history of the world over the past 14 years. They did this with bailouts, they did this with QE, they did this with covid pandemic checks and loans, and now the bubble is popping. They know it is popping, because they WANT it to pop.

As I have warned for years, the Fed has been staging a massive controlled demolition of the US economy. Why? Because the US economy must be diminished in order to make way for the “Great Reset,” a term created by the World Economic Forum to describe an unprecedented paradigm shift in the global economy and how it operates, and a complete upending of society. The end game is openly admitted – A one world digital currency system and one world governance controlled by a league of corporate partners working in concert with politicians.

This is not conspiracy theory, this is conspiracy reality. This is undeniable fact.

The Fed does not care about the US economy, its loyalty is to a global agenda and it takes its marching orders from a consortium of banking institutions called the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). This is how global central banking policies are coordinated to either work in harmony to create artificial stability, or to work in conflict, creating artificial crisis events.

The truth is, the foundations of global governance already exist, but what the establishment does not have is public acceptance and total submission to their authority. What the banks want is to create a crisis so profound that the masses will run to THEM, begging for help. Once a population begs their captors for relief or resolution and it is given, it’s far less likely that the people will revolt against those captors in the future.

Psychologically, the central banks and the establishment elites are trying to create a planetary Stockholm Syndrome, and we are seeing it already with the Federal Reserve being painted as the “shield” holding back the tide of economic ruin that they actually engineered.

The initial stages of the Great Reset have already been launched. With the economic bubble expanded to incredible levels, the Fed is now staging an aggressive implosion using interest rate hikes into economic weakness.

There are multiple threats that come with this dynamic:


With stagflation, normal credit market interventions do not necessarily work right away. As we saw recently with the official CPI print rising despite the Fed’s rate hikes, prices are not going to go down that easily. During the last stagflation event 40 years ago, the Fed raised rates to around 20% before prices finally stopped their epic climb, and back then the US did not have $31 trillion in debt nor did it just print over $8 trillions in the span of two years.

Rates are likely to go much higher than many people expect.

Treasury Bond Crisis

The Fed replaced foreign investors like Japan and China as the primary buyers of US government Treasury Bonds, and they did so years ago. Now, with the Fed cutting purchases, reducing its balance sheet and raising rates, who is going to buy all that US debt and keep the government funded? Well, the answer is no one. For now, foreign purchases are enough to give a semblance of stability, but with geopolitical tensions rising it’s only a matter of time before countries like China dump their T-bond and dollar holdings completely.

Then, the dollar’s world reserve status will come into question and inflation becomes an even greater threat as the trillions of greenbacks held overseas come flooding into the US again.

Stock Market Spiral

Without the Federal Reserve as the backstop fueling corporate share buybacks with cheap money, stocks will continue to slide. They’ll jump every now and then on rumors that the Fed will pivot away from tightening, and when the Fed doesn’t, stocks will start dropping again. Without stimulus and near zero rates there is no hope for equities beyond the occasional jawboning.

The Fed has the ability to slow down or speed up all of the conditions above, and so far they appear to be speeding things up. We obviously can’t rely on the Biden Administration to do anything about these problems; in all likelihood Biden and his handlers are joyful in the prospect of the inevitable calamity. No one in government is trying to do anything legitimate to stop the landslide and no one is trying to prepare Americans for the consequences.

In fact, Americans are being told there are no consequences. Thus, it’s up to individuals to prepare and warn their friends and family, but what about a larger organized response?

Despite numerous claims that conservatives would “do nothing” to stop the rise of medical fascism in the name of the covid pandemic, almost half the states in the US stood their ground against the mandates and the push for vaccine passports. If this had not happened, America would look like China does today with endless lockdowns and draconian tracking apps. I don’t think enough people understand just how close we came to losing every freedom we have left – We were on the doorstep of an Orwellian hell, and probably civil war.

The red state defiance of covid restrictions represented an organized action at the state and interstate level. What if these states did the same thing in the face of the economic crisis?

Without organization at the state level to create alternatives to the mainstream economy the plight of the public becomes much more daunting and dangerous. Rather than trying to start completely from scratch, there are solutions that can be pursued at the state level to help mitigate the disaster.

Currency Alternatives

States like Texas, Utah and Louisiana (currently Dem controlled) all have legislation in place to utilize gold and silver as legal tender. Such efforts need to be expanded to as many states as possible, and the list of alternatives needs to grow. Gold, silver, copper, and other commodities like oil, electricity, wheat and grains could be used to back a state recognized currency system. Is it constitutional? Not technically, but the federal government violated the constitutional money creation mandate over a century ago when they allowed the institution of the Federal Reserve. The system is already broken.

If states were to offer commodity backed currencies in parallel with the dollar, then they could actually stave off price inflation and possibly reverse it. This can’t be achieved by only one or two states, though. It would have to be organized among multiple states with multiple trade agreements in place.

State Banks

North Dakota has its own state run bank that provides credit opportunities specifically to ND locals and ND businesses. It has operated successfully for decades. Why has no other state adopted this model? Why should we rely on banks that are all tied back to corporate conglomerates that want to destroy us? State banks are the answer to the problem of leftists and globalists using corporate banks as a weapon against conservatives and liberty activists.

Localized Trade Alternatives

States should be utilizing the resources within their own borders to generate real jobs (rather than precarious and temporary service sector jobs) and economic prosperity. Why are states and citizens in those states allowing the federal government under Biden to dictate the terms of how they grow their economies?

Leftists will claim that resource management needs to be supervised by federal agencies, but why? These people have consistently proven themselves to be incompetent and destructive. Why should they be trusted to control our ability to expand in our own states?

Conservation and intelligent handling of state resources should not be relegated to bureaucrats who live outside of those states and who care nothing about the citizens of those states.

State Incentives For Industry

The vast majority of retail goods purchased by US citizens are made outside the US. It is a simple matter of profit incentives involving cheap labor overseas.

But, what if there were big tax reductions for companies that manufacture in America? What if state banks offered easier credit to companies that build factories within that state’s borders and hire American workers at a reasonable wage? It can be done in the US – It’s been done in the past. If we don’t restart domestic production, our country is doomed to remain dependent on international corporations and foreign entities that do not have our best interests in mind.

The only hope any state has to weather the coming storm is to localize production and manage their resources to kick-start trade. Local production would act as a redundancy should the mainstream economy collapse (which it will). States don’t need Biden’s permission to make this happen. They don;t need the Federal Reserve’s permission either. They can and should take action now before it’s too late.


On TB every waking moment

Venezuela’s Socialist Hyperinflation Turned People Back To Barter System​

The Washington Standard / July 12, 2018

In the wake of socialist Venezuela’s massive hyperinflation, citizens have returned to the original monetary system in order to survive. The barter system is now prevalent in the collapsed economy of the authoritarian dictator, Nicolas Maduro.

Barter is one of the best ways to trade goods, considering its almost impossible to tax those transactions and since money in Venezuela is as difficult to come by as food and medicine, that’s now the preferred method of trading goods and services. Women in Venezuela have been turning to prostitution and asking for payment in food instead of cash for a while now, and as the regime tightens its grip on the private sector, more will have to turn to trade to survive.

Once the richest country of Latin America, Venezuela, which sits on world’s largest oil reserves, now has a bleak future. People in this oil-rich country are scrambling for money, food and basic necessities. They have taken to swapping different items and even doing chores in exchange for packages of flour, rice, and cooking oil.

“There is no cash here, only barter,” said Mileidy Lovera, who is a 30-year-old mother of four. Lovera spoke with Economic Times while hoping to trade a cooler of fish that her husband had caught for food to feed her children or medicine for her son who has epilepsy.

Venezuela has experienced the death of cash. Payment for even the cheapest of goods and services would require unwieldy piles of banknotes or fiat currency, and there simply are not enough of those in circulation. While wealthy formal businesses in cities can get by on bank transfers and debit cards, such operations are largely out of the question in rural areas.

The economic collapse, which began under socialist President Nicolas Maduro’s government, has driven nearly one million people to migrate to other places in search of food, medicine, or other basic life necessities. Others have stayed and fight each other with machetes for some “quality garbage” that is thrown out.

Economists have even begun placing the blame on the current government – a socialist regime which actually leans more towards communism (and the two are almost the same thing anyway). Many economists say the central bank has not printed bills fast enough to keep up with inflation, which according to the opposition-run congress, reached an annual rate of almost 25,000 percent in May. “It’s a very primitive payment system but it’s also very primitive for a country not to have enough cash available,” said Luis Vicente Leon, an economist.


In S. America, Big Market for Barter

By Hector Tobar
May 26, 2002

In certain neighborhoods of this bohemian port city, you can get your teeth cleaned, have your water heater fixed or munch on a loaf of homemade bread -- without spending any money.

All you need are a few "talents."

That's the name the Valparaiso bartering club has given to its official "currency," little beige certificates that resemble the Community Chest cards in a Monopoly game. A club member might pay you 30 talentos for fixing her kitchen faucet. Take those talentos to the Wednesday night bartering fair, and you can trade them for jars of homemade preserves (two talentos each) or some jewelry (five talentos and up).

With money in short supply here and elsewhere across South America, barter (known as trueque in Spanish) is the engine driving a thriving parallel economy in which millions of dollars' worth of goods and services circulate in a self-perpetuating stream of cashless exchanges.

Bartering clubs such as the one in Valparaiso also can be found in the rural towns of Argentina's southern region of Patagonia, in the impoverished suburbs of Buenos Aires (which has more than 60 clubs) and in slightly better-off communities in Uruguay and Brazil. In an era of scarcity and social upheaval, South America's barter fairs are a home-grown remedy for empty cupboards and frustrated shoppers, especially among the poor and the middle class.

"It bothers me that everything in our society revolves around money," said Christian Palma, explaining why he helped launch Valparaiso's barter fair two years ago. "We're trying to reinvent the idea of a marketplace and create new types of social ties."

Not everyone is pleased by the spread of the clubs, which were founded in the late 1990s but have been adding members at a rapid pace in the turbulent economic climate of the past year. A few observers see in the trueque explosion a sign that the region's economy is coming apart, even as some merchants feel they are being hurt by unfair competition.

In some communities hit hard by unemployment and recession, barter has spread beyond the clubs. The city government of Allen, near the Andes in south-central Argentina, allows residents to pay their municipal taxes by bartering.

"People who are going through hard times, who are unemployed or underemployed, can cover their city debts with goods or services," said Mirta Diomedi, the municipal finance secretary.

Nine in 10 Allen residents are in default on their city taxes, and the local government is so cash-poor that its phones recently were cut off. Now backyard mechanics can pay off their taxes by fixing city-owned trucks. A man with a Xerox machine churned out hundreds of copies in lieu of 120 pesos (about $34) in taxes.

Argentina is home to the continent's largest bartering fairs, with about 1 million members in a nationwide "Barter Solidarity Network." Trueque boomed in Argentina after the government partially froze most savings accounts late last year and began declaring intermittent bank holidays that forced most Argentines to empty their wallets to survive.

"The only miracle the crisis has produced in Argentina is el trueque," said Exequiel Fernandez, a board member of the barter club in Rio Colorado in Patagonia. "Need has created this," he said one recent Sunday at the club's fair.

Argentina's crisis is only the most extreme case of a continent-wide phenomenon in which most governments have slashed budgets and devalued their currencies.

In such a climate, doing business without money has a certain appeal.

"Instead of sitting around, waiting for the crisis to end, a group of people has created this social currency," said Ivan Cabezas, a university professor in Santiago, the Chilean capital, and a participant in a barter fair there. "Between the members of the [barter] group, there's a sense of solidarity that is not often felt in our society."

To others, however, the spread of barter is just another reminder of how grim and desperate times have become, and a sign that Latin America is regressing to its economic childhood.

"Returning to these primitive forms of commerce, which belong to an era in which a common currency didn't exist or wasn't trustworthy, is in no way a positive development," the influential Buenos Aires daily La Nacion offered in a March editorial.

Most barter fairs are organized by neighborhood activists of varying stripes. For them, trueque is, all at once, a grass-roots rebuff to U.S. commercialism, a self-help alternative to charity and government handouts, and a way to rebuild a sense of community.

"The idea is that you have to put something in to get something back," said Palma of the Valparaiso bartering club.

In the Argentine town of Rio Colorado, the barter currency is called a credit, or credito.

Fair organizers estimate that 60,000 creditos are in circulation in Rio Colorado, home to about 15,000 people at the northern fringe of Patagonia. The town has two bartering fairs with 1,000 families as members. Most clubs require membership as a way to enforce rules, including the most common one: Everyone must bring something to sell.

On Sunday afternoons, hundreds of people descend on the site of the largest fair, the main building of the town's business school. Young mothers pedal in on bikes loaded with homemade cakes. Taxi drivers -- many of whom accept creditos for their fares -- drop off farmers with crates of apples, grapes and plums.

Young porters -- also paid in credits -- help the sellers carry their goods to a series of long tables inside. Two tall bulletin boards list all the local service providers who have signed up to offer their labor for barter, including four doctors, about two dozen bricklayers and 40 housecleaners.

"I signed up because I wanted to lend a hand to the community," said Beatriz Santamaria, an orthodontist. But only a handful of people have called her up to barter. "People take the credits they have and buy only essential things, like food," she said.

So many goods are being bought and sold at the Rio Colorado fair that it has begun to generate concern among local merchants, who fear their struggling businesses will lose even more customers.

"We've heard that they're selling [homemade] sausages and pasta," said Juan Jose Reiser, head of Rio Colorado's chamber of commerce. "If a business is forced to comply with certain standards of hygiene, then why shouldn't these people do the same?"

Such concerns haven't slowed the growth of the barter fairs, although they have led some Argentine legislators to propose laws to regulate the clubs. In Chile, the government is trying to tax them.

The buzz of fair activity stands in contrast to the dramatic decline in the region's agriculture-based economy. Trees wither in abandoned apple orchards at the edge of town.

The economic panorama is only slightly less bleak in Buenos Aires. The affluent neighborhood of Palermo hosts a swanky trueque at which antique china might be traded for cuts of prime Argentine beef. Used cars are sometimes sold for creditos, as are time shares in vacation homes.

But there is mostly food and used clothes on offer in the Argentine town of General Conesa, an hour's drive south of Rio Colorado.

The fair was started by a group of women, all teachers. The public school system in their province is broke, and the women are owed several months' back pay. They've been on strike, off and on, for weeks. One day they decided to organize a barter fair to keep themselves occupied.

As the fair grew -- it has 177 members -- so did the need for rules.
Everyone wears an ID badge now. And the club draws numbers to see who gets to shop first.

"Before, you would get people pushing each other to get to the things people wanted to buy the most," said Liliana Corbellini, one of the group's founders.

The affluent neighborhood of Palermo in Buenos Aires has one of the more upscale barter fairs, where members can find a variety of luxury goods.In Valparaiso, Chile, the barter coupons bear an Inca-style drawing of a man holding an ear of corn.Berta Tevez examines a shirt offered by Alejandra Montenegro, left, as they barter goods in the financial district of Buenos Aires during a demonstration by a bartering advocacy group.


On TB every waking moment

On Never-Ending Jabs & Un-Repayable Debt...

FRIDAY, OCT 28, 2022 - 04:20 AM
Authored by Algernon Mustard via,

A quick jab, and then a pummeling. Forever.
“If we discovered that, you know, space aliens were planning to attack, and we needed a massive buildup to counter the space alien threat, and, really, inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that [collective purpose], this slump would be over in 18 months. And then if we discovered—oops—we made a mistake, there aren’t any aliens, we’d [still] be better [off.]”

That was the sage advice from Paul Krugman, a Nobel-winning economist and prolific lefty, famous for writing that the Internet was a fad because nobody really had anything to say to one another (an opinion he now claims was a joke). It was during a discussion on CNN that Krugman offered his otherworldly advice for reviving the sluggish economy (strangely, the video in question appears to have been wiped from the Internet; you can watch this followup instead).

Of course, Krugman’s plan is complete nonsense; digging ditches that you don’t need doesn’t make you wealthier; in fact, it makes you poorer, because you use up resources doing it, resources that could have been put toward generating useful wealth instead. The fallacy that labor creates value is central to Marxism, and is why Marxism is guaranteed to fail. What matters is working smart, not working hard.

However, there is one way in which digging dumb ditches does work: Tricking creditors into giving up the payments they expect to receive from debtors.

For instance, a government goes into debt by issuing bonds (a promise to pay people back with interest), but nobody wants to buy these bonds, because the bonds represent a junk promise from a junk organization whose core competency is turning wealth into junk; so, instead, a central bank acts as the bond buyer of last resort: The central bank prints new currency units with which to buy the government’s junk bonds. The government takes this newly printed currency and begins spending it; the bureaucrats wave the fresh cash around to coax society’s men to go to bed sober, wake up early in the morning, grab their shovels, and dig ditches that nobody needs. The laborers get paid handsomely for this worthless work, allowing them to use that currency to pay off their existing debts.

Having had their loans paid back by the former-debtors, the former-creditors will go out into the world to spend their accumulated currency units, only to find that there is not as much wealth out there as they thought! Because the digging of ditches is not generating wealth, but rather using up wealth, the result is more units of currency chasing fewer units of wealth; that is, the result is inflation. The currency is not worth what it used to be! In reality, the former-creditors were not paid back; they thought they’d be able to retire on their investments in the laborers, but it turns out that the cost of living is now so high, they’ll probably have to go dig ditches too (or maybe find a cushy white-collar job greeting patrons at the local Big Box Store).

Yet, despite all the hardship, these bamboozled former-creditors won’t be able to say that they were cheated by the former-debtors, because all parties seemingly met their contractual obligations. The creditors loaned out currency units, and the debtors paid it back with interest; the debt was inflated away.

Of course, this inflation affects everybody negatively; it is not merely a transfer of wealth from the Rich to the poor. Soon, even those poor laborers won’t be able to make ends meet anymore. Whatever shall they do? Of course, they’ll have to go into debt again to keep their children fed. “Won’t anybody think of the children?!” they’ll scream; that will become the political cry of the day, and the policymakers’ predatory pity will produce the obvious solution: a Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), in which it becomes normal for a government to print currency specifically to hand it out to the little folk, thereby institutionalizing the ongoing transfer of wealth from the “Haves” to the “Have Nots”, and then from the “Have Nots” to the ditches. So goes the economy, which is to say, so goes society: “earth to earth; ashes to ashes; dust to dust.”

The (false) hope is that if debt can be paid down faster than it increases, or if “usury” (e.g., extortion by credit card companies) is outlawed altogether, then eventually Utopia will be achieved: Though everybody will be as poor as the dirt they’re digging from ditches that nobody needs, at least they’ll all finally be debt free. Even better, the commoners will have become dependent on The System, thus establishing a stronghold for the Elites. As they take their place at the top of the Ivory Tower, the Elites will make a grand gesture to the unwashed masses below; they will hold a celebratory Jubilee in which they direct their Central Bank to forgive the one last debtor, their Government. After all, the bonds have been repaid with much interest: The Elites traded arbitrary numbers on paper in exchange for Raw Power over Mankind.

There are 2 problems, though, one small and one Big.
The small problem is that most humans are incapable of paying off their debt voluntarily; even if debt is outlawed, people will privately, in the “shadow” economy, go into debt just to keep up with the Joneses; like drug addicts, they’ll steal, cheat, and kill for their increasingly dangerous dose of delusion. That’s the small problem. The Big problem is that people will know they’ve become dirt poor because of the monetary policies of the Government; while former-creditors and former-debtors won’t be able to point the finger at each other, they will ALL point the finger at the Policymakers. “YOU did this to us! YOU made us poor, dependent, and wretched!”

Hence, we arrive at Paul Krugman’s solution: There needs to be something else to which the collective finger may be pointed; and, the more abstract this something is, the better.
  • For example, a global pandemic—a tiny, invisible thing, spreading mysteriously, forcing everybody to live smaller, poorer lives, and to accept the necessary evil of massive currency printing. And, this printing is for the long haul; we need to set up Bill Gates’s GERM team at the World Health Organization, estimated to cost $1 billion per year to maintain proper vigilance against future pandemics, forever. Indeed, large populations will need regular injections of an “effective” vaccine, forever:Canadians will be required to get a Covid shot every nine months for the foreseeable future, says Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos. Previous definitions of “fully vaccinated” made no sense, he told reporters. “Nine months is very clear and will help people understand why ‘up to date’ is the right way to think about vaccination now,” said Duclos. “‘Fully vaccinated’ makes no sense now. It’s about ‘up to date.’ So am I up to date in my vaccination? Have I received a vaccination in the last nine months?” [ Recently he has been saying every six months – ed.]
  • Another possibility is a vast environmental catastrophe, like the “Global Cooling” that was forecast in the 1970s; or the “Global Warming” that was forecast in the 1990s to early 2000s; or the generic “Climate Change” that is now invading our planet like an alien from another world, inspiring all peoples to band together in a fight for our very survival against this literally nebulous enemy: CO2 Emissions. Your every exhalation unleashes this hellish pollutant upon the planet; if you’re waiting for a solution, do hold your breath. Forever.
Well, why not BOTH?

A quick jab to surprise, and then a long, drawn-out pummeling for the win. A global pandemic will scare everyone into submission, normalize widespread stimulus, and briefly diminish quality of life so much that most people will beg to be granted a mere fraction of the world they knew before. Then, the real work can begin, as estimated in a report published in late 2021 by the Bank of America: $150 Trillion, at least, spent over 30 years, all to dig ditches that nobody needs, to re-jigger society around “Green” initiatives.

Heck, while we’re seeking justice for the Earth, we might as well also seek Justice® for the downtrodden “minorities” by normalizing direct payments to the most indebted, as reparations for the lingering scourge of one kind of supremacism or another; after all, what could be better than getting people to point their accusatory fingers at themselves?! Do you not bemoan your unconsious bias? Aren’t you crestfallen over your carbon footprint?

Bigot. Racist. Fiend.
Thus it all comes together. Your sweat and blood must be poured into the Collective on three levels: Environmental, Social, and Governance; the only moral “investment” is an ESG expense. And, the greatest part about this plan is that victory is guaranteed:
  • The pandemic will have never been a danger to anybody but the walking dead.
  • Supremacist ideologies were already defeated long ago, if only because tolerance of outsiders improved the local cuisine.
  • Lastly, back in the 1970s, when learned folk could actually tell you what a woman is without breaking a sweat, the scientists got it right: There will be Global Cooling.
So, after a sufficient amount of theater, the Elites can pat each other on the backs, and report to the commoners the Good News: Our intelligent, centralized stewardship of “your” lives has indeed saved the day, and will continue to save the day—forever.

This architecture of Tyranny was well known to Eric Blair, better known by his famous pen name, George Orwell. Blair wrote for communist publications, fought in the Spanish Civil War as a member of the Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification, and even owned a poodle named “Marx”. Though Blair became vehemently opposed to dictatorial imposition, he was nevertheless an active proponent of “democratic socialism”, including a planned economy; he argued that a globalist movement should begin by creating a “Socialist United States of Europe”, or more specifically, a “western European union” composed of decolonialized “Socialist republics” whose citizens needed to be re-educated about their station in life—they needed to have their noses rubbed in propaganda telling them that their high standard of living was derived from the “exploitation of coloured peoples”. Yikes! He wrote all about this in 1947, laid down in a rather prescient essay titled “Toward European Unity”. The most startling bits of this essay include the following insights:
  • There’s a need to diminish (and perhaps even infiltrate) the Catholic Church, so as to prepare the way for a worldly culture.
  • There’s a “danger that the United States will break up any European coalition by drawing Britain out of it.”
  • Nuclear bombs have devastating ramifications for the destiny of civilization. In particular, Blair expressed essentially 2 possibilities: if not endless war leading to total destruction, then authoritarian stagnation, the latter of which has a description that feels remarkably familiar to our modern geopolitics:[The] fear inspired by the atomic bomb and other weapons yet to come will be so great that everyone will refrain from using them. This seems to me the worst possibility of all. It would mean the division of the world among two or three vast super-states, unable to conquer one another and unable to be overthrown by any internal rebellion.In all probability their structure would be hierarchic, with a semi-divine caste at the top and outright slavery at the bottom, and the crushing out of liberty would exceed anything that the world has yet seen. Within each state the necessary psychological atmosphere would be kept up by complete severance from the outer world, and by a continuous phony war against rival states. Civilizations of this type might remain static for thousands of years.
During the year following the publication of that essay, Blair completed in 1948 a detailed look at the nature of such a future, in the form of his dystopian novel, Nineteen eighty-four (“1984”); the story follows the protagonist Winston Smith who is exploring individualism and meaning in a society eclipsed by the brutal mindlessness of totalitarian Collectivism. Towards the end, Winston is caught in his nonconformity, and is thus subjected to ideological purification as preparation for his destruction.

Through Winston’s ordeal, the reader comes to understand the mindset of the Elite; they must first gain power over the masses:

He paused and signed to the man in the white coat. Winston was aware of some heavy piece of apparatus being pushed into place behind his head. O’Brien had sat down beside the bed, so that his face was almost on a level with Winston’s.​
[…] ‘The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things, but over men.’ He paused, and for a moment assumed again his air of a schoolmaster questioning a promising pupil: ‘How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?’​
Winston thought. ‘By making him suffer,’ he said.​
Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.​

They must strip humanity of self-worth:

The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy—everything. Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now.

They must standardize and streamline every aspect of existence:

There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. When we are omnipotent we shall have no more need of science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. All competing pleasures will be destroyed.

Controlling you is their ultimate reward:

But always—do not forget this, Winston—always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.’


On TB every waking moment

Dem Congressman Claims Arming Ukraine Is About Protecting Woke Values

FRIDAY, OCT 28, 2022 - 03:30 AM
Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin has issued a statement saying ongoing military aid to Ukraine is essential because Russia is mean to gay and transgender people.

Raskin released the statement after 30 “progressive” Democrats watered down their call for peace talks in a letter to Joe Biden.

Raskin (D-MD) is apparently concerned that any slide in support for Ukraine represents an abandonment of woke values

“Moscow right now is … a world center of antifeminist, antigay, anti-trans hatred, as well as the homeland of replacement theory for export,” said the statement.​

Calling Vladimir Putin an “imperialist” and a “colonizer,” Raskin went on to demonize the entire country.

“Moscow right now is a hub of corrupt tyranny, censorship, authoritarian repression, police violence, propaganda, government lies and disinformation, and planning for war crimes...​
In supporting Ukraine, we are opposing these fascist views, and supporting the urgent principles of democratic pluralism. Ukraine is not perfect, of course, but its society is organized on the radically different principles of democracy and freedom,” the statement said.​

As we have previously highlighted, the bizarre intersection of sending advanced weaponry to foreign conflicts in the name of defending far-left identity politics reared its head right at the start of the war.

Back in February, the head of MI6, who includes his preferred pronouns in his Twitter bio, faced backlash for suggesting that a large part of the war in Ukraine was about “LGBT+ rights.”

“With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and hard won freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights. So let’s resume our series of tweets to mark #LGBTHM2022,” tweeted Richard Moore (he/him).​

One of the principal organizers of Dublin’s gay pride parade also decided to add the colors of Ukraine to the LGBTQ rainbow flag, presumably to ensure support for all ‘current things’ were covered.


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The Semiconductor Shortage Just Quickly Became An Inventory Glut​

FRIDAY, OCT 28, 2022 - 02:45 AM

The global semiconductor shortage appears to have officially "bullwhipped" its way the other direction and, as such, as become a glut. Yes, you read that right, there is now reportedly a glut of semiconductors at top manufacturers, according to a new report by Caixin.

Names like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC), Advanced Micro Devices Inc (AMD) and Nvidia are now dealing with "unsold stockpiles" of inventory as a result of shrinking demand and cancelled orders, the report says.

This means that the years-long hold up for chips looks like it has officially come to an end.

Xie Ruifeng from semiconductor industry market research institute ICwise told Caixin: “This round of business sentiment is reversing so fast that chip designers were struggling to find production capacity only last year, but now they find chips won’t sell.”

Meanwhile, smartphone and PC demand is shrinking, with global 5G smartphone shipments expected to fall by 150 million units in 2022, the report says. Demand for 5G chips will also plunge by 100 million units, to 120 million units, the report says.

Caixin noted that TSMC is facing significantly reduced orders:

TSMC, the world’s largest contract chipmaker, faces reduced orders from four of its largest customers, reflecting slowing global demand. JPMorgan Chase said in a report in early September that AMD, Nvidia, Qualcomm and MediaTek slashed chip orders with TSMC.​
And names like AMD and Intel are also suffering the demand slowdown:
Other semiconductor companies are also facing tough conditions. AMD lowered its revenue forecast for the third quarter, citing significant weakening in the PC market. Intel, Nvidia and Micron Technology all issued subdued outlooks.​
In the first half of 2022, macroeconomic headwinds and a number of “black swan” factors combined to cause consumer electronics demand to plummet, with smartphones and PCs bearing the brunt. Micron predicted that global PC shipments will decline by 10 per cent to 20 per cent in 2022, while the global smartphone market will decline by less than 10 per cent.​

And manufacturers are dealing with "six months of stockpiles" that they built up as a result of 2021's shortage...and once-optimistic demand forecasts. That was, of course, at a time when free money was being handed out to "combat" the pandemic. Now, with tighter monetary policy globally, it should be no surprise that demand is falling off.

Mr Sravan Kundojjala, associate director of smartphone component technology services at Strategy Analytics confirmed that current supplies kept in inventory by companies could last until mid-2023 at current demand levels.

Still, it appears that all of the massive new infrastructure projects being taken on by companies like Intel and TSMC as a result of last years' shortage are going to forge forward. Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC) co-chief executive Zhao Haijun told Caixin: “We will not change our plans for long-term capacity expansion and development.”


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Macron Admits Half The Crimes In Paris Are Committed By Foreigners

FRIDAY, OCT 28, 2022 - 02:00 AM
Authored by John Cody via Remix News,

...but Macron is still pushing for more mass immigration despite data showing the tremendous crime rate of foreign nationals

French President Emmanuel Macron admits that half the crimes committed in Paris are the work of foreigners during an interview yesterday on the France 2 television channel.

“Yes, when we look at delinquency in Paris, we can see that half of the delinquent acts come from foreigners in an irregular situation or awaiting asylum approval,” said Macron.

However, Macron also said that despite the issue with immigration and insecurity, he sees no “existential” link between the two.

“I will never make an existential link between immigration and insecurity,” said Macron just 10 days after the murder of 12-year-old Lola, who was raped, had her throat slashed, and was stuffed in a suitcase by an Algerian migrant who was in the country illegally.

Macron is under severe pressure after the murder, with a number of leading opposition politicians laying the blame for the murder at his feet and pointing to his abysmal record on deportations. Macron previously promised in 2020 that he was aiming for a 100 percent deportation rate. That rate currently hovers under 6 percent, and in the case of Algerians, it is 0.2 percent.

Despite growing anger, Macron is pushing a plan to send more migrants to the countryside, a move that is overwhelming rejected by the French public there. He also said in February of this year that migration from Africa and the Middle East “can make France greater.”

On top of inflation and growing unrest, the issue of immigration is turning political opinion against the French leader. As in the past, such as following the beheading of French history teacher Samuel Paty by a Chechen Islamist teen, Macron has put forward a number of “reforms” to assuage public anger, but many of the proposals were never enforced or have done little to disrupt France’s issues with insecurity, including a 91 percent increase in murders since 2000.

This time around, Macron claims he wants “in-depth reform” and a “debate in parliament on immigration.”

“We must reform our laws in depth to be able to better welcome those we want to welcome,” he said during the Europe 2 interview. He offered little in terms of how he plans to address problems with integration and the country’s inability to deport cirminal migrants.

However, Macron’s admission that illegal migrants or migrants awaiting asylum are responsible for half the crime in Paris is supported by data. The recently retired Paris chief of police, Didier Lallement, made assertions just this month, writing in his new book that “one out of every two crimes is committed by a foreigner, who are often in the country illegally… It is clear that some of the newcomers are integrating through delinquency.”

It is also unclear what the racial and ethnic breakdown of crime statistics is in France, as there are many French citizens of “foreign origin” who are not counted as foreigners since they have obtained citizenship. France does not keep data on the ethnic or racial identity of suspects. However, in other cities, such as Marseilles, 55 percent of all crimes are committed by foreigners, a rate even higher than Paris, illustrating that it is a countrywide issue.


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Here's a Disturbing Theory About the Jabs That Makes Too Much Sense 18:20 min

Here's a Disturbing Theory About the Jabs That Makes Too Much Sense​

The JD Rucker Show Published October 28, 2022


Here’s a Disturbing Theory About the Jabs That Makes Too Much Sense

What if the Chinese Communist Party wanted to infect 200 million Americans with a bioweapon that took down military-aged men? Would they do anything different from the current vaccine agenda?

BY JD RUCKER October 28, 2022

There have been plenty of conspiracy theories about Covid-19, the “vaccines,” and the roles being played by various organization such as the Chinese Communist Party, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and our own government. I’ve echoed many of them in the recent past. Most of them point back to depopulation and remnant control used against the whole world, but what if this really does come down to the United States itself?

During an interview I did with “Man in America” Seth Holehouse yesterday, we spent the better part of a segment discussing the jabs and a theory he’d been working on recently along with a few others. Basically, he believes it’s possible that the real bioweapons being used against us are the jabs that are being injected into over 200 million Americans.

We are seeing plenty of adverse reactions to them, especially among young and otherwise healthy men. IF the Chinese Communist Party used their puppets in Big Pharma to develop and distribute a bioweapon that targeted military-aged men, then everything that’s playing out around us would make more sense. This would explain why a Beijing-controlled Biden-Harris regime would be pushing so hard to get every man, woman, and child in the nation jabbed. It would explain why obvious concerns about the jabs are being widely ignored, even suppressed. And it would explain why the mandates seem to be focused mostly on military, healthcare workers, and first responders.

Here’s the clip from yesterday’s show followed by a partial transcript of Holehouse’s theory:

Seth Holehouse: “So, it’s interesting because I just finished an interview with a guy named Jeff Nyquist, who in my opinion is one of the smartest people on understanding communism. I mean, he’s written multiple books on communism and he’s been studying it for probably 40 years, and he’s actually talked to a lot of the defectors and people who’ve left the KGB, people who’ve left the CCP and then have revealed the long term plans. And so I focus on a lot of the content that I do on really pulling back the mask of who’s behind all of this.

“And, you know, of course you’ve got the Klaus Schwabs and the, you know, the Rothschilds and you know, there’s all kind of people you can kind of dive into. But my research consistently leads me back to China and more specifically to the CCP. And if you look at the CCP, look at their history, even from the very beginning, you know, Mao’s 100-Year Marathon, there’s always been a goal for them to replace the United States, to bring down the United States. We have… you know, America has always played the role of being the country that stands up against communism globally, so we keep it in check. Of course you can think that, ‘okay, the communist countries would want nothing more than for America to fall.’

“Well, that’s been one of China’s goals for the longest time, and even two of their generals wrote a book called “Unrestricted Warfare” which detailed the specific ways that they were basically… that they have been at war with America for decades. I mean, they have been absolutely doing everything possible to cripple America and bring us to where we are right now.

“If you look at, you know, Xi Jinping’s hand puppet Joe Biden sitting in the office, look at Hunter’s ties to China. And so now if you look back at the vaccine or the jab, right, it’s not even called a vaccine, and you look at the fact that, you know, look, a year ago you had people like Dr. Sherri Tenpenny… these doctors coming out saying, ‘Look, this is gonna harm people year and a half ago with spike proteins, and this is causing problems.’

“We’re now having people like Edward Dowd, Naomi Wolf coming out and saying, ‘Look, this is causing a lot of deaths.’ But what’s interesting though is that we’re seeing a lot of deaths in the unlikely population. You would think that something like a bad, you know, kind of poisonous shot would be really targeting the people with weak immune systems, the elderly, et cetera.

“But actually what we’re seeing is healthy young men falling over playing sports, healthy young men having heart attacks, healthy young men just dying, waking up or not waking up. They’re being found, you know, dead in the morning. Why is that? And so, now, this is a little bit of a hypothesis I’m gonna lay out here, but when you stack it all together, it really makes sense.

“So I’m gonna read to you into your audience a paragraph from a leaked speech that happened in the early 2000s that was given by a Chinese general. His name was General Chi Haotian, and he, it was the for the Defense Minister in China. So, let me just read this one paragraph, and I apologize for looking off the camera, but he says… The whole speech is really about how to bring America to its knees. It’s about how to conquer America. So he says this keep, keep in mind, this is 20 years ago, he says:

Conventional weapons such as fighters, cannons, missiles, and battleships won’t do. Neither will highly destructive weapons such as nuclear weapons.

We are not as foolish as to want to parish together with America by using nuclear weapons. Despite the fact that we have been exclaiming that we will have the Taiwan issue resolved at whatever cost. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people, will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modern biological technology and new bio weapons have been invented one after another. Of course, we have not been idle. In the past years we have seized the opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of cleaning up America.

“That was 20 years ago. In this speech, he talks about specific biological weapons that can target specific races. Now, if you look at this, this was also around the time that China started taking on a lot of the manufacturing of our pharmaceuticals, okay. A lot of the, you know, medicine that we get, a large portion of the ingredients are made in China.

“A lot of the patents and actual kind of intellectual property for the vaccines that we’re using tie back the CCP in China. So if you look back in history and during the Gulf War there, the troops, there’s about… it was roughly half a million troops were given a vaccine for anthrax. Fast forward to by the time those men were about 50 years old, nearly half of them were dead or maimed from that vaccine. Like, it was a major, major mistake. Now, if a Chinese general was watching that, they would say that right there is a weapon of war, okay. And fast forward to this speech about 20 years ago of them saying that biological weapons would be the most effective way of taking down America.

“Now, what’s an important understanding is that China is struggling to feed its own population. They have destroyed their farmland, they’ve polluted it. They’re dealing with, you know, grand solar minimum. They’re dealing with, floods, droughts. It’s terrible.

“They cannot feed their population. They’re at a crisis. They’ve been talking about in this speech 20 years the importance of taking… basically colonizing America for our farmland and many things, but specifically for our farmland. But they don’t want to go drop a bunch of nukes because then, well, they’ve poisoned our farmlands.

“They’ve talked about biological weapons. So if you fast forward to this, what kind of biological weapon could they use? Well, they couldn’t necessarily develop a say, you know, Covid for instance, because that could also target, you know, wipe out their population. So say they wanted to release a hemorrhagic fever in America, well, maybe it spreads back to their population as well, right?

“Because the… especially these things mutate, even if they develop it specifically for the Western race, which is why they’re buying all our Planned Parenthood, you know, baby parts, so they can use them for biological weapons research. That would still be a struggle. So, if the CCP wanted to use a biological weapon to take down America, the best thing that could possibly work to achieve that was if the American people all got a vaccine that they had some control over, right?

“And so then if you look at that, and if you look at, okay, Joe Biden, why is Joe Biden mandating the military to get the vaccine? Wouldn’t it make perfect sense for China to be controlling Joe Biden to then force our own military to get this vaccine, to then force children? You know, China has extreme levels of control over the UN, over the CDC.

“Why would the CDC vote unanimously to add the Covid vaccine to the childhood immunization schedule for schools? So all of this to me, points to the fact that this could potentially be their plan. A lot of people say, ‘Oh, well, did they intentionally release Covid?’ Was Covid supposed to wipe out… because in this speech he talks about how they need to take out 100 to 200 million Americans.

“Like literally it just, I can send you, you can read it. He openly says, ‘We need to basically wipe out between 100 and 200 million Americans to make America right for colonization.’ Again, if they were gonna use Covid, you say, Oh, well it didn’t work because you know, we know it mutated and it got weaker and weaker. But what they did do successfully is that they used Covid as a massive psyop?”

It’s an interesting and terrifying theory. Considering that adverse reactions to the jabs sometimes happen quickly but usually seem to be happening months or even years after injection, Holehouse’s theory aligns perfectly. They would need time to get the jabs into as many people as possible before everyone started noticing their effects. While some of us, particularly those who read my articles or watch my shows, have known the jabs are too risky from the beginning, the masses have completely ignored it.

If this theory is true, then it might already be too late for America. Then again, it may be that the negative effects from the jabs are cumulative, in which case it behooves us to awaken as many people as possible to prevent them from getting more poison injected into their veins. Either way, we must continue to push the truth forward.

(As a side note, some doctors are strongly recommending Dr. Zev Zelenko’s nutraceuticals to strengthen our immune systems whether we’ve been jabbed or not.)


On TB every waking moment
The Pandemic Profiteers 48:07 min

The Pandemic Profiteers​

Right2Freedom Published October 27, 2022

(Catherine Austin-Fitts)

Financial Rebellion’ Episode 44: SPACs – The Pandemic Profiteers’ Laundry?

SPACs, weather manipulation, fighting the system and more — this week’s “Financial Rebellion” episode will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. How are iPhones acting as “military grade neurological weaponry”? What’s wrong with vaccinating your dog? Is there any truth to theories on weather manipulation? Tune in to find out!

‘Financial Rebellion’ Episode 44: SPACs – The Pandemic Profiteers’ Laundry? - ‘Financial Rebellion’ With Catherine Austin Fitts - CHD TV: Livestreaming Video & Audio


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On TB every waking moment

ANALYSIS: ‘Betrayed The Public Trust’: A Republican House Has A Dead-To-Rights Case For Impeachment

October 27, 2022

After Republicans score a likely win in the House in November, they have a solid case for impeachment of Department of Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, legal and border experts tell the Daily Caller.

House Republicans released a paper in July outlining how they will secure the Southern border if they take the lower chamber in 2022. Republicans plan to pass the Border Security for America Act, which will complete the Southern border wall and increase funding for staffing of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

On Sept. 19, 2021, Border Patrol agents were photographed attempting to control a flow of Haitian migrants on the Southern border. Outrage ensued after the photographs made it look like the agents were whipping the migrants, when in fact the ropes seen in the pictures were the reigns agents were using to control their horses.

Mayorkas was quick to roundly condemn the border patrol agents for the rumored actions.

“Our nation saw horrifying images that do not reflect who we are. We know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation’s ongoing battle against systemic racism,” Mayorkas said at a press conference at the time.

But Mayorkas was informed that the photographer himself disputed accounts that the agents were whipping the migrants before the DHS secretary publically condemned border patrol, according to emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation and provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“He’s betrayed the public trust,” Lora Ries, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center and former Acting Deputy Chief of Staff at the DHS, told the Caller. “And he’s betrayed his own employees by lying about them to all of America. He is unfit to serve.”

Former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan goes OFF on Biden’s border disaster:

“This is open borders. … Secretary Mayorkas is a failure. This administration’s a failure. They could re-secure this border in a week if they reinstate the Trump policies.” #BidenBorderCrisis​
— Heritage Foundation (@Heritage) April 7, 2022​

Ries said that Mayorkas’ actions as DHS Secretary fit the definition of “serious misconduct and misbehavior” necessary for impeachment.

“He’s refused to carry out, intentionally, his sworn duties to enforce federal immigration law, combined with his actions directing federal employees to actually violate immigration law. And the results is endangering the health and the safety and the security of citizens of the United States.”

The DHS in the Biden Administration and under Mayorkas has at times directed border agents to not enforce certain border laws. For instance, the DHS won’t allow border patrol to apprehend illegal immigrants where “essential” activities or services happens, the agency announced in October of last year.

For the first time, a single DHS-wide policy will guide @ICEgov and @CBP enforcement actions for protected areas, and it expands the list of protected areas to include places where children gather, disaster or emergency relief sites, and social services establishments.​
— Homeland Security (@DHSgov) October 27, 2021​

“When Republicans take over the House in January, they need to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas,” Mike Davis, founder and president of the Article III Project, told the Caller. “He has willfully refused to enforce our nation’s immigration laws, leading to millions of illegal economic migrants flooding into our country, along with fentanyl and human traffickers.”

“He should also be impeached because he lied to the American people and punished border patrol agents knowing that there was a false media narrative that border patrol agents were whipping migrants, when in fact they were simply controlling their horses,” Davis said.

As border patrol agents confront a record number of illegal migrants at the border, many are looking to Biden’s Department of Homeland Security as the culprit. Mayorkas, who has taken a soft stance towards illegal border crossers, may be in violation of his very oath of office in allowing this to occur, Davis told the Caller.

“When you take an oath to uphold the Constitution and faithfully execute our laws, and you refuse to do it, that’s impeachable. You’re violating your oath. You’re violating the law. The law is very clear that illegal economic migrants cannot flood into this country, and DHS Secretary Mayorkas has willfully, intentionally ignored this. That’s impeachable.”

After the bombshell reporter earlier this month that Mayorkas knew he was peddling a false narrative in criticizing border patrol agents for “whipping” migrants, Ries told the Caller that many Republicans may find it easier to make a case for impeachment against him.

“I gotta believe more members have moved into the ‘yes, impeach’ camp,” she said.

“The question I think it’s gonna come down to is what does leadership think, are they willing to do it. I fear they’re gonna view it as taking up precious floor time. But if they truly want to hold members of the administration accountable for their bad acts then they need to do so. If there are no consequences, then this behavior continues.”


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Top Dems Urge Biden To Nationalize Oil & Gas Industry

Calls for Biden to socialize industry have moved quickly from fringe to mainstream

Michael Shellenberger
1 hr ago
Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate from Wisconsin Tom Nelson (left) and energy expert Jason Bordoff (right) are urging the Biden administration to nationalize U.S. oil and gas companies.

The energy crisis is worsening. The U.S. has fewer than 30 days of diesel and other distillate fuels, the lowest level since 1945. Supplies are so low that there will be shortages and price spikes within six months unless the U.S. enters recession, experts warn. In response, the Biden administration is releasing more oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. But the reserves are of crude oil, not refined oil products such as diesel. And the releases are stifling investment in future oil production. “People are depleting their emergency stocks,” warned Saudi Arabia’s energy minister earlier this week. “Losing emergency stocks may become painful in the months to come.”

In response, influential Democrats, including a leading U.S. Senate candidate, a former Department of Energy official, and an influential energy expert, are urging the U.S. government to socialize America’s oil and gas firms.

At a Houston conference last week, Jason Bordoff, Dean of Columbia University’s Climate School, called for the “nationalization” of oil and gas companies. “Government must take an active role in owning assets that will become stranded,” he said, “and plan to strand those assets.” By “strand” Bordoff meant “make financially worthless.” Bordoff made the point at least twice during the confrerence. Bordoff’s call shocked many in the audience.

“Jason is smart, well-informed, and well-connected to the Biden Administration,” said someone who was at the conference, “so these comments are scary.”

The calls come on the heels of two other Democrat-led efforts to expand U.S. government control over oil and gas production. One is a piece of legislation called “NOPEC,” which passed the Senate Judiciary Committee in May. The bill would change U.S. antitrust law to revoke a policy of sovereign immunity, which protects OPEC+ members from lawsuits. If NOPEC became law, the U.S. attorney general could sue Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members in court. The result could be a disruption of global supplies of oil and other commodities if nations retaliated against the U.S.

The other is an effort led by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to cap the price of Russian oil sold on global markets, which I and many other experts have warned since June is unworkable, because China and India have said they would circumvent it, and could backfire, resulting in far higher oil prices. Last week, analysts with Rapidan Energy told the same Houston conference that the December 5 implementation of the Russian price cap could reduce global supplies of oil by 1.5 million barrels per day. Such an amount would create an oil price shock.

Earlier this month, Bordoff told the World Economic Forum, which has called for a “Great Reset” to quickly move from fossil fuels to renewables, that climate change required a “massive transition” that is “going to be messy, it’s going to be disruptive.” Said Bordoff, “I think part of the broader macro environment that's happening now is one of more disruptive change because of climate impacts, but also more disruptive change because of geopolitics coming out of the pandemic, coming out of this conflict, completely rethinking what the World Economic Forum is all about.”

Bordoff then sounded an even darker note.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB

RUCKER: Climate Extremism Is Making America Mentally Ill. Here’s How

Daily Caller News Foundation logo
October 22, 2022

America is floundering in an epidemic of anxiety, depression and drug use.

One in six Americans takes some kind of psychiatric drug, mostly antidepressants, a medical study concluded, and some of them (Prozac and Paxil) are linked to acts of violence. A third of high school students cannot shake feelings of sadness or hopelessness, another report found, and nearly 2 0% of teens have contemplated suicide.

Still more frightening, both studies are based on data collected before the COVID pandemic sent college, teenage and younger children into lockdowns, social isolation, minimal physical activity, hours spent playing video games and reading censored and self-selected online media — and rampant depression and “chronic incapacitating mental illness.” Nor is the problem confined to America.

Researchers and psychologists are constantly finding new reasons to explain the growing inability to cope. Their newest “explanation” is — climate change!

“Climate grief” is “real,” they insist, and it’s spreading rapidly among young people. “The future is frightening,” 77% of 10,000 young people aged 16-25 from the USA and other countries told analysts who investigate “climate anxiety.” Large numbers of children are having climate nightmares.

“The climate mental health crisis” already affects people who have “lost everything in worsening climate infernos,” laments a NASA scientist and climate activist fear-monger who’s convinced we face “the end of life on Earth as we know it.”

“I don’t want to be alive anymore. The animals are all going to die, and I don’t want to be here when all the animals are dead,” a four-year-old child wailed.

Parents fantasize about killing their children, over fears of the “climate-ravaged future” they face. Parents and children alike consider suicide. Indeed, there’s a clear link between increased global temperatures and suicide rates, a Stanford economist asserts.

Dr. Thomas Doherty has built an entire psychology practice around climate psychoses, the Climate Psychology Alliance provides an online directory of “climate-aware therapists,” and a “peer support network” offers grief therapy modeled on twelve-step drug addiction programs.

There’s only one real solution to this epidemic, “experts” insist: Governments must act immediately to “fix” the climate, and eliminate “the death knell of climate chaos hanging over people’s heads.”

Fomenting Fear, Grabbing Power
Excuse the bad pun — but this is insane! The hysteria and histrionics have gotten completely out of hand. They have no basis in reality.

We do not have a climate “crisis.” We have a climate fear-mongering and cancel-culture crisis.

The solution to the climate drug and mental health crisis is not to “fix” grotesquely exaggerated climate problems. It is to end the indoctrination and censorship that dominate discussions about climate change, from kindergarten through graduate school, and in almost every realm of science, politics and news.

The supposed climate crisis exists in computer models, headlines and hype about “unprecedented” temperatures, extreme weather, floods and droughts that have scant basis in Real World evidence. Viewpoints, evidence and experts questioning and challenging these claims are banned from classrooms, school curricula, news and social media, and government policy discussions – starting at the top.

The White House “national climate adviser,” for example, works hand-in-glove with Big Tech and news organizations, suppressing facts about climate change reality. Most federal (and many state) government agencies have similar officials and programs. Meta (Facebook), Twitter, YouTube and other Big Tech companies routinely, consistently and happily assist with this deplatforming and censorship.

The so-called Next Generation Science Standards feature climate alarmism as a guiding principle for students K-12, and determine what is being taught in over a third of America’s classrooms.

Meanwhile, as America and Europe are propagandized and prodded to eliminate their fossil fuel use — with enormous costs in jobs, living standards and lives — China, India and 100 other countries are rapidly expanding their oil, gas and coal use, to lift people out of rampant poverty.

Worse, China increasingly dominates raw material and “green tech” supply chains — and gets a free pass on its fossil fuel use, greenhouse gas emissions, environmental destruction, and slave and child labor.

All these realities are studiously and systematically ignored and cancelled.

Fortunately, millions of parents are becoming more involved in their children’s homework and school boards. Fight for Schools and other such efforts are working to bring science, honesty and accountability back to education. They recognize that we desperately need diversity of political and scientific thought.

Without it, the United States and Western Civilization will see their liberties and living standards rolled backward by decades.

The shrill, alarmist cries of climate extremists must be confronted and doused with sound reason. This, for the sake of the children and everyone’s peace of mind.

If Trump is going to run he MUST totally reject this man made climate change nonsense.


On TB every waking moment

US Diesel Shortage Increasingly Likely Until Economy Slows​

FRIDAY, OCT 28, 2022 - 06:14 AM
By John Kemp, Senior Market Analyst at Reuters

U.S. diesel supplies are becoming critically low with shortages and price spikes likely to occur in the next six months unless and until the economy and fuel consumption slow.

Stocks of diesel and other distillate fuel oils were just 106 million barrels on Oct. 21, the lowest for the time of year since the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) started collecting weekly data in 1982.

Distillate inventories were a massive 26 million barrels (-20% or -1.94 standard deviations) below the seasonal average for the previous ten years (“Weekly petroleum status report”, EIA, Oct. 26).

The deficit has been worsening steadily since the start of the year when stocks were 15 million barrels (-11% or -1.18 standard deviations) below the ten-year average.

By the end of July, stocks had already fallen to 113 million barrels, the lowest since 1996 and before that 1954, based on the most recent data available from the EIA’s more comprehensive monthly surveys.

In terms of consumption, however, inventories at the end of July were equivalent to just 30 days of demand, the lowest seasonal level in monthly records going back to 1945.

Since then, the inventory position has tightened even further, with stocks estimated to have fallen to a record seasonal low of fewer than 27 days of demand in October.

Reflecting the intensifying fuel shortage, futures prices for ultra-low sulphur diesel (ULSD) delivered in New York Harbor in December are trading at a premium of $60 per barrel over Brent.

The twelve-month calendar spread for ultra-low sulphur diesel futures has flared out to a backwardation of $50 per barrel from less than $10 this time last year, as traders anticipate physical shortages.

As a result, retail diesel prices including applicable taxes are now $1.45 per gallon higher than for gasoline, a record premium, up from just 24 cents per gallon a year ago.

Distillate fuel oil is primarily used in freight transport, manufacturing, farming, mining and the oil and gas industry itself, so consumption is strongly influenced by the economic cycle.

Growth in distillate consumption has been closely correlated with changes in industrial production estimated by the U.S. Federal Reserve and manufacturing activity in surveys by the Institute for Supply Management.

Stabilizing then rebuilding inventories to more comfortable levels will require a significant slowdown in freight movements and manufacturing activity.

There are early indications manufacturing and freight activity peaked in the third quarter of 2022. If confirmed that would take some of the pressure of distillate inventories.

But a deeper and more prolonged slowdown in the United States and/or in Europe and Asia will be needed to boost inventories significantly.

Rebalancing diesel supply will likely require a further rise in interest rates and tighter financial conditions in the United States and other major economies to reduce fuel consumption to more sustainable levels.


On TB every waking moment

Americans' Savings Rate Plunges Near Record Lows As Inflation Overwhelms Income Growth​

FRIDAY, OCT 28, 2022 - 05:46 AM
Americans' personal incomes and spending were expected to increase MoM in September (on a nominal basis) and they did with spending rising more than expected (+0.6% MoM vs +0.5% exp)

Source: Bloomberg

Source: Bloomberg

On the income side, private worker wage growth is slowing rapidly:
  • Private wages up 8.1% in Sept, down from 8.5% in Aug and the lowest since March 21
  • Govt wages up 4.2%, unch from Sept, and the lowest since July

Source: Bloomberg

But, on a real, inflation-adjusted basis, incomes continue to shrink while spending remains marginally higher...

On a YoY notional basis, spending continues to outpace income growth significantly, but both are slowing...

Source: Bloomberg

All of which means the savings rate plunged to multi-decade lows at 3.1%, just shy of the record low 3.0%...

Source: Bloomberg

But, but, but, the economy is "strong as hell"?


On TB every waking moment

US Pending Home Sales Collapsed In October, Weakest Since 2010​

FRIDAY, OCT 28, 2022 - 07:07 AM

Following the declines in new- and existing-home sales, analysts (unsurprisingly) expected to see pending home sales drop for the 10th month of the last 11. They were right BUT the magnitude was remarkable.

Pending Home Sales plunged 10.3% MoMin September (way worse than the -4.0% expected), pushing the year-over-year plunge to 30.4% - its weakest since the trough of the COVID lockdown crisis...

Source: Bloomberg

That dropped the pending home sales index to its lowest since 2010 (ex the trough of the COVID lockdowns crisis)...

Source: Bloomberg

And in case you think it's over, mortgage rates say no...

Source: Bloomberg

Is this where home sales will go before Powell is done?


On TB every waking moment

"Substantial Evidence" COVID-19 Result Of Wuhan Laboratory "Incident": Senate Report

FRIDAY, OCT 28, 2022 - 06:50 AM
Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance

It’s the moment we all knew was coming. Well, most of us, at least.

A Senate Committee on Health Education, Labor and Pensions interim report from October 27, 2022 titled “An Analysis of the Origins of the COVID19 Pandemic” has revealed that the origins of Covid were more likely based in a lab as part of a “research related incident” and not zoonotic.

The report was the result of a “bipartisan Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee oversight effort into the origins of SARS-CoV-2”. It provides a lengthy analysis that reviews “publicly available, open-source information to examine the two prevailing theories of origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus”.

Among other conclusions, the report notes: “Substantial evidence suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of a research-related incident associated with a laboratory in Wuhan, China,” the report states.

“A research-related incident is consistent with the early epidemiology showing rapid spread of the virus exclusively in Wuhan with the earliest calls for assistance being located in the same district as the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s (WIV) original campus in central Wuhan. The WIV is an epicenter of advanced coronavirus research, where researchers have collected samples of and experimented on high-risk coronaviruses.”​
“While precedent of previous outbreaks of human infections from contact with animals favors the hypothesis that a natural zoonotic spillover is responsible for the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 that resulted in the COVID-19 pandemic was most likely the result of a research-related incident.”​


In other words, all of us “conspiracy theorists” floating the idea of a lab leak just because of the totally coincidental fact that the virus showed up on a virology lab’s doorstep, have now been validated by the U.S. Senate.

In a section titled “Problems with the Natural Zoonotic Hypothesis”, the report says:

“Based on precedent and genomics, the most likely scenario for a zoonotic origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is that SARS-CoV-2 crossed over the species barrier from an intermediate host to humans. However, the available evidence is also consistent, perhaps more so, with a direct bat-to-human spillover. Both scenarios remain plausible and, in the absence of additional information, should be considered equally valid hypotheses."​
"However, nearly three years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, critical evidence that would prove that the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 and resulting COVID-19 pandemic was caused by a natural zoonotic spillover is missing.”​
“Such gaps include the failure to identify the original host reservoir, the failure to identify a candidate intermediate host species, and the lack of serological or epidemiological evidence showing transmission from animals to humans, among others outlined in this report,” the report states.​
“As a result of these evidentiary gaps, it is hard to treat the natural zoonotic spillover theory as the presumptive origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.”​

Then, in the report’s conclusion, it states:

“Based on the analysis of the publicly available information, it appears reasonable to conclude that the COVID-19 pandemic was, more likely than not, the result of a research-related incident. New information, made publicly available and independently verifiable, could change this assessment. However, the hypothesis of a natural zoonotic origin no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt, or the presumption of accuracy.”​

The report was signed off on by Richard Burr, United States Senator and Ranking Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.

Regarding the report’s research process, Burr wrote:

“Over the last fifteen months, HELP Committee Minority oversight staff carefully reviewed several hundred publicly available scientific studies, interviewed several dozen subject matter experts, and analyzed previous reports and studies on the possible origins of the virus. I believe that this report provides a significant contribution to the existing body of evidence and helps establish parameters for how future analyses should be reviewed.”​

And for the icing on the cake, just weeks ago Taiwan also concluded that the virus likely did not come from the Wuhan wet markets. The country’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said in late September, in a revelation that went mostly unnoticed by the mainstream media, that “it does not believe the wet market to be the source of the COVID pandemic and suggested that a leak from a laboratory in Wuhan is a possibility.”

"Our speculation is we think the Wuhan Huanan wet market is not the origin. [The market is] probably just a very important step in the transmission chain. The origin is somewhere else,” said Philip Lo, deputy head of the CECC's medical response division, Taiwan News reported.​
"Maybe it's still in Wuhan, for example, the laboratory…we don't have proof, solid evidence," Lo continued.​

This news should come as no surprise to anyone who has been reading Fringe Finance. Back in early September I published the thoughts of Harvard PhD and Rutgers professor Dr. Richard Ebright, who said Covid was “much more easily explained” by a lab leak: Covid "Much More Easily Explained" By Lab Leak: Harvard PhD & Rutgers Chem Professor

Upon reviewing the thread laid out by Ebright, Justin B. Kinney, an Associate Professor at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Princeton PhD commented that the thread was “much more compelling" than the evidence recently published by Worobey et al. and Pekar et al. in Science,” referring to a July 2022 study that concluded the virus came from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market (and was riddled, in my opinion, with conflicts of interest and ties to the CDC and WHO).

“This evidence is not dispositive, but were the lab leak hypothesis incorrect, it would represent a staggering set of coincidences,” Kinney wrote back in September.​

Unforunately, these findings have not prevented Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance from receiving more funding, which it has this year to the tune of at least $2 million.

You can read the new Senate report for yourself here.


On TB every waking moment
23:39 min

Neil Oliver - ‘...hostile forces are trying to control your mind…’​

Oct 28, 2022


Neil Oliver

‘…it's just another road leading to slavery….’

(Talks about the dehumanizing slogan "You will own nothing and you will like it. Man with dog walking and collecting rubbish.

Jordan Peterson and life is hard. Pick up the burden and carry the burden as far as you can. Demonstrating ownership. Personal responsibility. Looking about how you can improve your day. Making your bed and rinsing your cup creates a better future. Improve yourself before you improve the world. The starfish story about the little girl throwing starfish back into the sea.

"You will own nothing" goods become services. It came from an essay by Ida Orkan in 2016 someone rendered much less than an autonomous free thinking individual.

Man with dog walking and collecting rubbish. Sense of ownership of territory and taking care. A sense of property in a place.

Mass movements want to atomize everyone and make them a no one who belongs anywhere - rootless. Abandon sense of place, family. Look for something to belong to. When people have a sense of belonging you get a sense of ownership and responsibility that is generationally passed down.

It is ancient human nature to want this. There is something you belong to a place and it belongs to you. The Great Reset describes slavery, By your "ownership," you will make yourself happy.


On TB every waking moment
50:50 min

[LIMITED TIME ONLY ⏰] Full Episode: What Are They Hiding?—Dr. Robert Malone on the Pfizer Documents​

Oct 26, 2022


American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times

“They knew of many of these risks and adverse events… and yet never formally disclosed them to patients,” says mRNA vaccine pioneer Dr. Robert Malone. “I think there are many in the legal profession that are looking at this and raising questions about whether, in fact, this does meet the criteria of fraud in terms of withholding information.” I sit down with Dr. Malone, co-founder of the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, to discuss the Global COVID Summit’s recent declaration to “end the national emergency, restore scientific integrity, and address crimes against humanity.”


On TB every waking moment
5:43 min

Government Debt Explained & The World's Whitest Paint | WEF | Top Stories of the Week​

Oct 28, 2022

World Economic Forum

This week's top stories of the week include:
0:15 World's whitest paint - Scientists at Purdue University have invented the world’s whitest paint that can lower surface temperatures by up to 4.5˚C. The super white paint reflects 98% of the sun's light, while standard white paint only reflects about 80-90%. This would help cool vehicle interiors, saving energy by reducing the need for air conditioning. While the original paint was thick and intended for use on the walls, the new one is only 0.15mm thick and can be used on cars and spacecraft. Watch to learn about the secret ingredient of the world’s whitest paint.
01:33 What is government debt? - Globally, governments are forecast to owe £88 trillion by the end of 2022. The pandemic caused a surge in global government debt. While rising interest rates are driving up the cost of servicing those debts, experts believe that poorer countries could struggle to pay these loans back and that up to a dozen countries may default on their government debts within the next year. But what are government debts, why do governments borrow money, and from whom?
03:09 Oslo's zero emissions public transport - By the end of 2023, Oslo is planning to have fully electric public transport by replacing its diesel buses with 450 electric buses. Electrifying its bus fleet will cut 3% of Oslo’s total emissions and reduce air and noise pollution as well. Oslo’s trams and ferries are already electric. It’s part of Oslo’s plan to be the world’s first emissions-free city by 2030. Other cities around the world are also switching to electric public transport.
04:07 4 Million Londoner's are benefitting from London's cleaner air thanks to a zero emissions zone. - 4 million Londoners are breathing cleaner air thanks to a huge low emission zone. In 2021, London expanded its Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) to 18 times its original size, covering 3.8 million homes. As a result, 21,000 fewer vehicles now drive in the ULEZ every day, and the nitrogen dioxide levels are 44% lower in the very centre of London. London Mayor Sadiq Khan has proposed expanding the Ultra Low Emission Zone even further to cover the whole of Greater London from August 2023.


On TB every waking moment
11:20 min

China’s Economy Looks Grim After Party Congress​

Oct 28, 2022


China Uncensored

China's economy took a hit after the 20th National Party Congress last week, in which Xi Jinping secured a third term and managed to get his loyalists into key positions. Chinese spies have been charged in the US for trying to get information on a sensitive court case. Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Jimmy Lai, who owned the Apple Daily newspaper, is convicted.


On TB every waking moment
8:17 min

They Just Lied To You (Did You Buy It)​


The Economic Ninja

They Just Lied To You (Did You Buy It)

CNN Exclusive: Treasury secretary says she's not seeing signs of a recession in the US economy​

By Phil Mattingly, Maegan Vazquez and Kristin Wilson, CNN
Updated 9:25 AM EDT, Fri October 28, 2022

Video on website 2:55 min

(CNN)Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Thursday in an exclusive interview with CNN that she did not see signs of a recession in the near term as the US economy rebounded from six months of contraction.

During a one-on-one interview in Ohio that aired on CNN's "Erin Burnett OutFront," Yellen said the third quarter GDP data released Thursday underscored the strength of the US economy as policy makers urgently move to cool off pervasive and soaring inflation that has had a sharp effect on American views of the economy -- and endangered the Democratic majorities on Capitol Hill less than two weeks from the midterm elections.

"Look, what we're seeing right now is solid growth this quarter. Growth has obviously slowed following a very rapid recovery from high unemployment," Yellen said when asked about whether the latest GDP data assuaged any recession concerns. "We're at a full employment economy. It's very natural that growth would slow. And it has over the first three quarters of this year, but it continues to be OK. We have a very strong labor market. I don't see signs of a recession in this economy at this point."

Yellen's optimism comes amid growing concern from economists and finance officials that a recession is likely at some point in the next year, but was based in part on elements of the latest data that showed signs a necessary slowdown in key areas of the economy leaves open a pathway to a "soft landing" as the Federal Reserve prepares to continue its rapid pace of rate increases.

Gross domestic product — the broadest measure of economic activity — rose by an annualized rate of 2.6% during the third quarter, according to initial estimates released Thursday by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. That's a turnaround from a decline of 1.6% in the first quarter of the year and negative 0.6% in the second.

But Yellen's view also underscored the complex balancing act President Joe Biden and his top economic officials have attempted over the course of this year, as they seek to highlight a rapid economic recovery and major legislative victories while also pledging to tackle soaring prices.

"Inflation is very high -- it's unacceptably high and Americans feel that every day," Yellen said when asked how the administration squared its view of the US economy with soaring discontent among voters. Yellen acknowledged that the prices would take time to recede, saying the efforts to bring it back down to levels "that people are more accustomed to" will likely cover "the next couple of years."

It's a reality that has undercut efforts by the administrationto take advantage of what officials view as a robust record. Biden, asked about the economy last week, told reporters it's "strong as hell," drawing criticism from Republicans.

But Yellen agreed with the President's assessment that the economy remains strong, standing out in comparison to how other economies around the world are fairing.

"If you look around the world, there are a lot of economies that are really suffering not only from high inflation but very weak economic performance, and the United States stands out. We have unemployment at a 50-year low. ... We saw in this morning's report -- consumer spending and investment spending continued to grow. We have solid household finances, business finances, banks that are well capitalized," she said.

She added, "This is not an economy that's in recession and we continue to do well."

Yellen also acknowledged frustration inside the administration that the efforts to pull the US economy out of crisis haven't received the credit officials believe is merited.

"There were several problems that we could have had, and difficulties many families American families could have faced," Yellen said. "These are problems we don't have, because of what the Biden administration has done. So, often one doesn't get credit for problems that don't exist."

Yellen traveled to Cleveland as part of an administration push to highlight the major legislative wins -- and the tens of billions of dollars in private sector investment those policies have driven toward manufacturing around the country.

It's a critical piece of an economic strategy designed to address many of the vulnerabilities and failings laid bare as Covid-19 ravaged the world, with significant federal investments in infrastructure and shoring up -- or creating from scratch -- key pieces of critical supply chains.

Listing off a series of major private sector investments, including the $20 billion Intel plant opened a few hours drive outside of Columbus, Yellen said they were "real tangible investments happening now," even as she acknowledged they would take time to full take effect.

Yellen pledged that those efforts would be felt as they course through the economy in the months and years ahead. Asked if the administration's general message to Americans was one of patience, Yellen said: "Yes."

"But you're beginning to see repaired bridges come online -- not in every community, but pretty soon. Many communities are going to see roads improved, bridges repaired that have been falling apart. We're seeing money flow into research and development, which is really an important source of long term strength to the American economy. And America's strength is going to increase and we're going to become a more competitive economy," she said.

Yellen also addressed the battle lines that have been drawn this week over raising the debt ceiling, a now-perpetual Washington crisis of its own making that House Republicans have once again pledged to utilize for leverage should they take the majority.

"The President and I agree that America should not be held hostage by members of Congress who think it's alright to compromise the credit rating of the United States and to threaten default on US Treasuries, which are the bedrock of global financial markets," Yellen said.

But Yellen, who has long highlighted the "destructive" nature of the showdowns, has also backed doing away with the debt limit altogether through legislation. A group of House Democrats wrote to Democratic leaders to request that action in the lame duck session of Congress, but Biden rejected the idea this week.

Asked about the split, Yellen said only that she and Biden agreed that it's "really up to Congress to raise the debt ceiling."

"It's utterly essential that it be done, and I'd like to see it occur in the way that it can occur," Yellen added.

As the administration moves toward a time period that traditionally leads top officials to leave an administration, she made clear she did not plan to be one of them. Asked about reports she had informed the White House she wanted to stay into next year, Yellen said it was "an accurate read."

"I feel very excited by the program that we talked about," Yellen said. "And I see in it great strengthening of economic growth and addressing climate change and strengthening American households. And I want to be part of that."


On TB every waking moment
Michael Yon @MichaelYon
Oct 28, 2022 at 8:13pm
Be Thai Resilient
When I was in Thai dramas, thousands of taxis were parked because no business. They started gardens on their taxi roofs. I did not make this picture but I was here.

Thais always getting punched in the face and getting back up. Teflon Thailand.

Somehow, most Thais will make it through these famines. I don’t know how Thais will adapt but they will adapt very quickly. That is their way. I love these Thai people.
