GOV/MIL Main "Great Reset" Thread


On TB every waking moment

John Phipps: Is the Outrage By Dutch Farmers Now Being Heard by the World Enough to Prevent Policy Changes?

U.S. Farm Report 07/30/22 - Johns World
Video on website 3:06 min

By U.S. FARM REPORT August 2, 2022

As if record-breaking heat wasn’t enough to trigger tempers, Europe and especially the Netherlands have been dealing with an increasingly incendiary political situation pitting the country’s farmers against EU government plans to decrease greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2030.

The major target is nitrous oxides, of which agriculture contributes about half.

But Dutch farmers, who are an ag exporting power behind only the U.S., contend the efforts will force many producers out of business – perhaps as many as 30 percent. This may be conservative.

Protests, which began three years ago, have intensified with tractor blockades of major roads and city centers. In addition, farmers are demanding more positive media coverage, and predictably, more government aid.

They also are pointing fingers of blame at other EU countries and companies like Shell and Tata Steel. Unusually for Europe a few shots have been fired by police at protestors, but most demonstrations were relatively orderly, if angry. All this resentment and outrage by farmers faces two formidable hurdles to resolution.

The first is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) whose large subsidies to agriculture has made them economically dependent. Now the series of heat waves which have been scorching the continent with growing frequency over the last two decades, is setting all-time records this summer across Europe.

With environmental political parties the Greens possessing considerable clout, and not enough air-conditioning, public opinion has not been overwhelmingly sympathetic to farmers. Dutch farmers are noted for their professional and business skill, but due to their intense management, the carrying capacity for livestock like dairy cows in their country has likely been met or even exceeded.

It’s why you see Dutch emigres operating all over the world, including the U.S.

While the Dutch protests have attracted the most attention, the EU emissions proposals threaten farmers across the bloc. Given the economics and politics of this debate, however, a difficult transition for producers seems inevitable.


On TB every waking moment

Opportunity for U.S. Agriculture to be ‘Hero’ on Climate Change
farmer in field
farmer in field(AgWeb)
By PRO FARMER EDITORS August 2, 2022

America’s farmers have an opportunity to be “a real hero in our ability to address climate change” through improvements in productivity and climate-smart practices, but a successful climate program “has to work for agriculture, were comments by Robert Bonnie, Undersecretary for Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) for USDA at the 37th International Sweetener Symposium on Monday. Bonnie outlined USDA’s approach to addressing climate change through building broad, collaborative partnerships across agriculture.

Key is to not dictate approach. “There's so much diversity in agriculture,” Bonnie said, “that the approach to climate change can't be one that dictates practices for low and high. It has to be modern. It has to be producer-led. It has to allow farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners to choose which practices work best for them, and then provides incentives for them to do that.” Initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions must recognize the critical role American farmers play in producing a global supply of food and fiber.

“We have to reduce emissions even while we maintain and enhance productivity.

We’ve got to feed 9.5 plus billion people in the world by the middle of the century,” Bonnie explained. “U.S. agriculture is really good at productivity, and it’s really good at efficiency. That’s why I’m optimistic about the ability of U.S. farmers and U.S. forest land owners to be able to address climate change.”

Bonnie stressed the importance of crop insurance as a risk management tool, saying, “crop insurance is critically important for so many folks in agriculture.” He noted that there are ways to increase crop insurance accessibility while improving the products available to farmers.

(COMMENT: After 30 years of being at the table "negotiating" with "stakeholders" who had no real substantive skin in the game to lose, I have found farmers all to willing to bend and scrape, accommodate and avoid confrontation. The communities I left behind have had their irrigation water cut off for downstream salmon and the Forest communities are burning to ashes one by one.

Cynically, I look back on some of this as big landowners, particularly timber companies, making deals that small family operations haven't the resources with which to comply. The family farms and mills get gobbled up one by one. The little guys never had enough political clout and money for attorneys to fight back. The enviros always were incentivized by sue and settle and Equal Access to Justice Act which pays them for filing suit. )


On TB every waking moment

Navigating The Fourth Turning

TUESDAY, AUG 02, 2022 - 01:20 PM
Authored by Jeff Thomas via,

“These are the times that try men’s souls.”

So, Thomas Paine wrote in 1775 in his publication of “The American Crisis.” Not so well-remembered today are the words that followed that famous quote:

“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

At that time, Colonial America was passing through the early stages of a “Fourth Turning,” an historical time of crisis that occurs roughly every eighty years.

As a point of reference, a First Turning is a period of renewal; one in which a historical crisis has ended. The populace has risen to the occasion, thrown off tyranny and conquered social, political and economic tribulation. Having done so, they now create a renewal, based on hard work, personal responsibility and moral integrity.

A Second Turning occurs a generation later, when the rewards of a First Turning have resulted in prosperity and stability. Those new adults who have grown up during a First Turning will be well-off and will seek to pursue high-mindedness and social concerns. Along the way, they will also pursue self-indulgence. (A deterioration begins.)

In a Third Turning, again a generation later, complacency sets in. Politically, those individuals who are sociopathic (a clinical aberration, estimated at about 4% of any society at any given time) tend to rise in political spheres, replacing the older generation of responsible people. They tend to raise taxes, increase social welfare programmes and increase government spending in every way – really, any excuse to seize increased power over the populace.

Then, in a Fourth Turning, again a generation later, power having been seized, the sociopaths seek total power – the elimination of all freedoms, to be replaced by totalitarian rule.

Historically, in a Third Turning, a complacent people make it possible for sociopaths to take power. In a Fourth Turning, the sociopaths exert that power.

It matters little whether the excuses put forward by political leaders are climate control, racial equity, CBDCs, cancel culture, owning nothing, digital IDs, transhumanism, vaccine mandates or a Green New Deal, the objective is singular: total dominance of the ruling class over the subservient class. Any excuse will do, if it has totalitarian rule as its outcome.

In any Fourth Turning, those who are more thoughtful and forward-thinking will begin to make sense of the ruse, but find themselves being heavily criticized by all and sundry. The media will do all within their power to slap down those who denounce the ruling class. But more to the point, the greater proportion of the populace will remain in their slumber and resist the awakening strenuously.

It is at such a time that the few who have figured out the ruse experience their greatest challenge – whether to speak out or whether to just go along.

This group must struggle in the darkness to a great degree, as the majority of the population fight against an awakening, as it disturbs their complacency and is too horrendous to contemplate.

The latter half of a Fourth Turning becomes a chaotic and confusing period – one in which many people desperately hope to just get along, whilst those who are more visionary become increasingly aware that their freedoms are being flushed away on a wholesale basis.

And, whilst it is the smaller, more visionary group that creates the spark of change, it is, historically, a different and unlikely group that actually creates substantive change in the latter half.

The group that turns the tide is the group that I often (unflatteringly) refer to as the hoi polloi – the average guy.

At some point, the average guy, who simply wanted to be allowed to get on with his life – go to work, mow the lawn, sit on the couch with a six-pack and watch the game – has had his life so disrupted by the ruling sociopaths and their increasingly manic oppression that he accepts that he must turn off the TV and do “something.”

He is not a leader, but he is a joiner.

When, in Ottawa, Canada, a few truckers staged a small demonstration, and the average guy saw it on the news, he got in his truck and joined. He may have had no real idea of how events might develop; he simply added what weight he had to the effort.

But the very fact that he is the average guy – that the bulk of the population is made up of average guys, makes their collective weight greater than those who may have been more inspired thinkers, and – more importantly – greater than the weight of the oppressors.

As simplistic as a convoy of Canadian truckers may be, their numbers become their strength.

More to the point, they carry with them the sympathies of other average people, who come out to cheer them on, bring them food and donate money.

Not surprisingly, their achievement is brief, as it’s so simplistic, but they do succeed in bringing about temporary change, setting Government back on its heels.

Then, a few farmers in the Netherlands hear about the Canadians and decide to drive their tractors into the city, and it happens again.

And it keeps happening.

Throughout history, it’s been the same. In 1775, when Paul Revere rode into Lexington and Concord, it’s quite unlikely that he shouted courageously, “To arms! To arms!” That would have been treason and treason was one of only three capital offenses at that time.

More likely, he went to a few back doors and spread the word quietly. After all, the people of America were at that time British. The hoi polloi of the day – especially those of middle age or older – were relatively successful and had a lot to lose. They did not approve of revolt and were willing to pay the small stamp tax that had triggered it. They argued vociferously in the House of Burgesses to “just get along.” But a few firebrands kept up their challenge and, eventually, they were joined by farmers and shopkeepers who, like the truckers, had had enough and decided to do “something.”

For those of us who saw the warning signs early – decades ago – the first half of the Fourth Turning has been extraordinarily distressing. The Globalists have been thorough in their planning and have successfully executed the removal of freedoms with great stealth that we assumed any “thinking” person should have seen coming.

But most people are not thinkers. Most people “go along.” They continue to go along, right until the moment that…. they don’t.

Thomas Paine was correct. “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Paine was a visionary who, through his writing, attempted to bring about an awakening.

An awakening happens only gradually, but the point arrives when the common man has had about enough. He may not be intellectually inspired, but his collective weight is, and throughout history, has been the turning point.

We are now on that cusp.


On TB every waking moment

The great economist Frédéric Bastiat in the 19th century emphasized that the real costs of policy-inspired destruction is not what you see but what you do not see. (Steve Johnson/
The great economist Frédéric Bastiat in the 19th century emphasized that the real costs of policy-inspired destruction is not what you see but what you do not see. (Steve Johnson/

It’s Worse Than Anyone Wants to Admit
Jeffrey A. Tucker
Jeffrey A. Tucker

July 29, 2022 Updated: August 1, 2022

The news on July 28 was entirely consumed in the throes of another definition change. What everyone understood is that what it means to be in a recession has been suddenly changed by government edict. It’s not a recession, they say.

Everything is going just great, they say, unless you are among the troglodytes who desire plentiful and low-priced energy, food, housing, and overall human thriving. Once you understand the beautiful world on the other side of the “transition”—to use the favorite word of the White House—you would see this suffering as actually beneficial in the long run.

These broken eggs are making omelets.

We can argue all day about the definition of recession, but it doesn’t take us to the intellectual place we need to be. The bottom line is that what we are experiencing now includes anomalies from previous downturns precisely because it is much worse. Only a few months ago, many worried that we were going back to the 1970s. That box has been checked. Then, we worried we were going back to the 1930s. My fear is that we might wish that were true.

The White House talks about the low technical rate of unemployment without referencing the falling labor participation rates that never recovered from lockdowns because so many people just left the workforce. Millions of previously employed Americans are living off legacy largesse from families or tapping plentiful unemployment benefits just to get by month to month. Real wages and salaries have been slammed, savings rates are sinking, and credit card debt is exploding.

It’s all hard to put in a picture but we can try, nowhere more saliently expressed than the change in real wages and savings, versus savings as a percent of personal income. The stable public data here go back to 1960 and here we see just how shocking these times truly are. Personal savings is half what it typically was from the 1960s through the 1990s, and even as recently as 2012. Real disposable personal income is falling dramatically.

You get a picture of a once-thriving nation being pummeled by pillaging public managers.

Epoch Times Photo (Data: Federal Reserve Economic Data [FRED], St. Louis Fed; Chart: Jeffrey A. Tucker)

What is especially striking is how the hard times were preceded just before by one of history’s most duplicitous head fakes. Just after lockdowns, government flooded the frozen economy with trillions of dollars, pumped right into bank accounts around the country. It seemed like magic. We were never more prosperous, and we got that way doing nothing.

Here, we have one of the great lies in human history. Wise people among us always knew it couldn’t be true. You can’t close an economy up and cause everyone to be richer than ever. Plus it didn’t last that long. After less than a year, the astonishing bill came due. Inflation has taken a 9.1 percent bite out of savings, wages, and sages. It shattered business investment. It killed the long-term outlook of both producers and consumers.

Now, nearly everyone is struggling against all odds to preserve the illusion of prosperity that is dying the death.

We were fed the biggest lie in economic history. Even now, many people believe it. More profoundly, the fake prosperity of 2020–2021 instilled a widespread public cynicism. It seemed for a time like the whole system is a racket. There are no limits to what Congress can spend and what the Federal Reserve can print.

Money is just paper and there is an infinite supply. Why not go whole hog and spread it as far and wide as prosperity? Who needs work? Who needs savings? Who needs investment?

The devil himself couldn’t have constructed a better game to shatter all normal senses of reality, befuddle the population, and devastate the settled values of countless generations. The great head fake of 2020 took away our intuitive sense of cause and effect in the economic, social, and cultural realms. The whole system today has the feel of scammery, because that’s what it is.

The great economist Frédéric Bastiat in the 19th century emphasized that the real costs of policy-inspired destruction aren’t what you see but what you don’t see. It’s the investment that did not take place, the income we did not make, the savings we otherwise would have socked away but did not, the technologies that might have come into being, the jobs that would otherwise have been created, the art and music that never saw the light of day, the progress that would have defined our times that we never saw.

Bastiat called this the difference between what is visible and what is invisible. It takes some sense of abstraction, some perception that lives within the imagination, to gain a full sense of the cost of such devastation. We will never know the fullness of it but we know it is there. The invisible exists if only in unrealized hopes and dreams. The real economists, Bastiat said, must see what is unseen.

Just one quick example: whereas the Woodstock music festival took place during the 1968–1969 pandemic, most arts venues were brutally shut down during this one, some for as long as two years. Tanglewood, one of our nation’s most revered arts institutions, just shut down as if art and music didn’t matter. This vast enterprise worth hundreds of millions suddenly saw itself as unnecessary.

Talk about a lack of confidence in culture!

In this case, it was just governments that did this to Tanglewood. The institution itself internalized its own worthlessness and kept itself closed for far longer than was even necessary. They imagined that they were being virtuous in keeping everyone safe. They only ended up betraying their benefactors and customers, to say nothing of the artists who depended on them to stay open even in hard times.

So it went for institutions all over the country. Small businesses, civic associations, churches, workers, savers and investors, and just about everybody but public health bureaucrats, were all made to feel worthless at best and toxic disease spreaders at worst.

In short, if this were merely a conventional recession, we would be very fortunate. What’s happening in the trendlines of every important metric is shocking. But the real devastation is in the realm of the invisible: the progress and freedom of which we were robbed. We know who did this to us. It’s the very people who made the desolation and now call it transition.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


On TB every waking moment

1st Grain Ship To Leave Ukraine Arrives Off Turkey, With More To Follow

TUESDAY, AUG 02, 2022 - 12:40 PM

The Sierra Leone-flagged Razoni cargo ship, which days ago became the first grain ship to leave a Ukrainian port since the war began in February, and laden with 26,000 tonnes of corn, is now safely anchored off the Turkish coast.

This means the July 22 UN-brokered deal signed by Russian and Ukraine to open up food export shipments from Ukraine has held, with Turkey announcing Tuesday that more ships will be close behind.


The Razoni has made it to anchor at the Bosphorus entrance from the Black Sea 36 hours after it left the port of Odessa, Reuters reports. Now plans are to slowly increase the number of grain-laden ships that leave through the brokered safety corridor.

"The plan is for a ship to leave…every day," a senior Turkish official told Reuters, describing operations at three Ukrainian ports covered under the UN deal. "If nothing goes wrong, exports will be made via one ship a day for a while."

The next step for the Razoni, according to the mechanisms in place, is for monitors to inspect the ship, making sure there's nothing aboard that violates the terms of the agreement.

"According to Turkey’s Defense Ministry, a group from the Joint Coordination Centre (JCC) in Istanbul, where Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish, and United Nations troops work, is scheduled to assess the ship at 0700 GMT on Wednesday," Reuters details.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres previously hailed the UN-Ukraine-Russia-Turkey deal as a "beacon of hope" after previously estimating that some 50 million people are facing "acute hunger" due to one of the biggest single global exporters of wheat being invaded. "Ensuring that existing grain and foodstuffs can move to global markets is a humanitarian imperative," Guterres said more recently.

The Turkish government is now hailing that the safety corridor and mechanisms are a proven success. Turkish media is further praising the country for a huge diplomatic achievement. "Internationally praised for its mediator role, Turkey has coordinated with Moscow and Kyiv to open a corridor from the Ukrainian port city of Odessa to resume global grain shipments that are stuck due to the Russia-Ukraine war, now in its fifth month," Daily Sabah writes.


On TB every waking moment

Europe's Rhine River At Dangerously Low Levels, Centimeters From Shipping Disruption

TUESDAY, AUG 02, 2022 - 10:40 AM

The Rhine River's low water levels threaten Germany's largest industrial players that rely on the 800-mile (1,288-kilometer) waterway from Switzerland to the North Sea for transport. A new estimate cautioned water levels could decline through the weekend, taking it within centimeters of being impassable by barge.

The official depth at Kaub near Frankfurt, Germany, declined to 23.6 inches (60 centimeters) on Tuesday, its lowest for this time of year in at least two decades, according to Germany's WSV inland waterway agency. The last time water levels were this low was December 2018.

New forecasts indicate the water level at Kaub will continue to decrease to 18.5 inches (47 centimeters) by Saturday, according to the German Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration.

If 47 centimeters is reached, Kaub would be 2.5 inches (7 centimeters) from being impassable by barge.

In response to recent sliding water levels, Riverlake, a vessel broker, said barges hauling goods between Upper Rhine and Rotterdam had reduced weight to about a third of capacity to improve the draft in shallow parts of the waterway.

Less shipping capacity is driving up transport costs to near record highs.

For some context, barges on inland waterways haul about 5%-10% of German freight, with about 80% of that on the Rhine, including a third of domestic crude oil, natural gas, and coal shipping. The low water level at Kaub could exacerbate the worst energy-supply crunch in decades, stoking even higher inflation that would result in a more aggressive ECB hiking interest rates.
"Water levels are forecast to fall near levels where it's uneconomical for barges carrying commodities to sail beyond Kaub. On a more macro level, this puts the ECB in an even tougher spot. With waterways drying up, depleted energy resources, price pressures, and the euro-zone manufacturing downturn worsening, would the ECB be able to pile on another 50-bp hike? Money markets are starting to pare rate hike bets as uncertainty dominates," Bloomberg's Nour Al Ali wrote.
Josh Folds, a European oil analyst at consultants Facts Global Energy, said Rhine disruptions would force companies to search for alternative transport on land, such as rail and trucking.

There appears to be no relief in sight as "longer-range models suggest drought conditions will probably continue for the next months," said Andreas Friedrich of the DWD Federal Weather Agency.

All eyes are on Rhine water levels this weekend as Europe's crucial waterway is on the brink of closing.


On TB every waking moment

Watch: Fauci Complains That Americans Will Not "Adhere" To Authorities

TUESDAY, AUG 02, 2022 - 08:25 AM
Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Anthony Fauci complained Monday that Americans are refusing to “adhere” to COVID restrictions, while asserting that everyone should STILL be wearing masks indoors.

Fauci made the comments during an interview with Katie Couric, blaming “misinformation” for influencing people to ditch face coverings and avoid vaccines.

“Unfortunately, given the fatigue that we’re at in this country from 2 1/2 years of this, everyone is tired of it,” Fauci whined.

He added, “It’s very difficult, superimposed upon an anti-vax type feeling among some, superimposed upon the political divisiveness we have in this country… and social media misinformation and disinformation.”

“It’s very difficult to get people to adhere to commonsense public health measures,” Fauci declared:

.32 min

.17 min

Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul announced that the first ever hearing on gain-of-function research will happen this Wednesday and will seek to explore the origins of the pandemic.

In a statement, a Paul spokesperson said “This has been over a year-long process of getting Congressional Democrats to finally agree to a hearing, which will also be the first Congressional hearing on gain-of-function research. Dr. Paul looks forward to working with Subcommittee Chairwoman Hassan and hearing from expert witnesses during this critically important hearing that should’ve happened long ago.”



.56 min

South Park: You Will Respect My Authoritah!


On TB every waking moment
20:16 min starts at 1:50 min

Part 2: The Globalist Warming Agenda Gets Frozen

Aug 2, 2022

Operation Freedom

In part 2 of this week's Dave Vs. MSM, Dr. Dave takes an objective look at the "climate change agenda" and why all may not be as it seems. He also takes a look at some recent road blocks "climate activists" have run into. For additional great content and to join the Operation Freedom Team, please visit:


On TB every waking moment
Michael Walsh On Educating The Public On The Fight Against The Great Reset 2:41 min

Michael Walsh On Educating The Public On The Fight Against The Great Reset
Bannons War Room Published August 2, 2022
world wide project to inform people

Conrad Black piece

Against the Great Reset: 'The War on Capitalism'
Against the Great Reset • 02 Aug, 2022 • 6 Min Read

Beware the Magic Mountain.

Continuing today, and for the next 11 weeks, The Pipeline will present excerpts from each of the essays contained in Against the Great Reset: 18 Theses Contra the New World Order, to be published on October 18 by Bombardier Books and distributed by Simon and Schuster, and available now for pre-order at the links.


Excerpt from "The War on Capitalism" by Conrad Black
As other contributors have mentioned, if any place could be identified as the birthplace of the Great Reset, it must be the small, drab, German-Swiss Alpine town of Davos, a center of contemporary anticapitalism, or at least radically altered and almost deracinated capitalism, and site of an ever-expanding international conference. (It grew exponentially and has spawned regional versions.)

I attended there for many years by invitation in order to ascertain what my analogues in the media business around the world were doing. The hotels are spartan and the town is very inaccessible. When I first attended nearly forty years ago, the Davos founder, the earnest and amiable Klaus Schwab, had ingeniously roped in a number of contemporary heads of government and captains of industry and leaders in some other fields and had sold huge numbers of admissions to well-to-do courtiers and groupies from all over the world, attracted by the merits of “networking.”

Davos, and its regional outgrowths across the world gradually came to express a collective opinion of the virtues of universal supranationalism (the Davos variety of globalism): social democracy; environmental alarmism; the desirability of having a nonpolitical international bureaucracy; a public sector-reflected image of the Davos hierarchy itself (and in fact, in many cases, preferably the very same individuals); and gently enforcing a soft Orwellian conformity on everybody. It must be said that many of the sessions were interesting, and it was a unique experience being amid so many people capable in their fields, and this certainly includes almost all of those who were revenue-producing, “networking” spectators and not really participants.

Davos is for democracy, as long as everyone votes for increased public sector authority in pursuit of green egalitarianism and the homogenization of all peoples in a conformist world. It was the unfolding default page of the European view: capitalism was to be overborne by economic redistribution; all concepts of public policy were to be divorced from any sense of nationality, history, spirituality, or spontaneity and redirected to defined goals of imposed uniformity under the escutcheon of ecological survival and the reduction of abrasive distinctions between groups of people—such obsolescent concepts as nationality or sectarianism. (My hotel concierge stared at me as if I had two heads when I inquired where the nearest Roman Catholic Church was and was even more astonished when I trod two miles through the snow there and back to receive its moral succour; the parishioners appeared a sturdy group.)

The Covid-19 pandemic caused Davos Man to break out of his Alpine closet and reveal the secret but suspected plan: the whole world is to become a giant Davos—humorless, style-less, unspontaneous, unrelievedly materialistic, as long as the accumulation and application of capital is directed by the little Alpine gnomes of Davos and their underlings and disciples. This is a slight overstatement, and Klaus Schwab would earnestly dispute that the purpose of Davos is so comprehensive, anesthetizing, and uniform. His dissent would be sincere, but unjustified: the Great Reset, a Davos expression, is massively ambitious and is largely based on the seizure and hijacking of recognizable capitalism, in fact and in theory.

Against the Great Reset

On sale Oct. 18: pre-order now at the links above.

There has indeed in the last thirty years been a war on capitalism conducted from the commanding heights of the academy and very broadly assisted by the Western media that has been gathering strength as part of the great comeback of the Left following their bone-crushing defeat in the Cold War. As international communism collapsed and the Soviet Union disintegrated, it was difficult to imagine that the Left could mount any sort of comeback anytime soon. We underestimated both the Left’s imperishability and its gift for improvisation, a talent that their many decades of predictable and robotic repetitiveness entirely concealed.

By some combination of intuition and tactical cunning, the hard Left crowded aboard the environmental bandwagon. Until the nineties, the environment was the concern of authentic if sometimes tedious conservationists such as the Sierra Club and Greenpeace, and despite their harassment of nuclear testing by the French around Tahiti and their demonstrations against goodwill visits of American aircraft carriers, they were sincere people making an arguable case.

Suddenly they were overwhelmed by the hard Left imposing a new agenda of strangulation of capitalism by coming through the rear windows and attacking practically every industry as a threat to human survival for ecological reasons. We can only salute their ingenuity and persistence as they co-opted susceptible members of the scientific community to produce asinine arguments like Dr. Michael E. Mann’s infamous conjuration of the “hockey stick,” which held that global warming proceeded horizontally for a long time and then suddenly shot upwards at a forty-five-degree angle as a hockey stick does when the stem reaches the blade. This and spurious calculations based on reading the rings on the trunks of trees and other superstitious opinations won the approval of a huge gallery of gullible, faddish, and cynical people. They made an unlikely coalition: Al Gore became a centimillionaire on this issue; the Prince of Wales mounted a great hobby horse that he still rides, and the most vocal airheads of Hollywood have ben howling like banshees on the issue for decades.

Aggressive green parties arose in many countries and harvested the naiveté and narcissistic ambition for attention of large numbers of people championing antipollution causes that in the abstract no reasonable person could oppose. They were allied or infested with the old left and skulked forward, ideological wolves in paradisiacal lambs’ clothing. Germany has no petroleum resources but had built an extensive and absolutely safe nuclear power capacity, but the aggressive German Green Party came snorting out of the Teutonic forests like a Wagnerian monster and bullied Angela Merkel’s government into abandoning the entire nuclear program. Germany in effect became an energy vassal state of Russia through the Nord Stream pipeline, the completion of which the Biden administration facilitated in withdrawing the Trump administration’s intervention to prevent the pipeline’s completion. With the Ukraine war, it is again suspended. Thus the second most important country in the Western Alliance is almost detached from it, all by the apparently innocuous and meliorist actions of Germany’s peppiest environmentalists, and with the ultimate complicity of the current U.S. president.

Even the outgoing prime minister, Boris Johnson, an authentic if idiosyncratic Tory, has bought into the global warming danger, though to those who know him, it is hard to imagine that he believes a word of it. The objective evidence is that to the extent that it can be measured at all, the overall temperature of the world has risen by one degree centigrade in the last hundred years and will rise by another centigrade degree this century. This is not in itself harmful, and it is not outside normal historic climate cycles. There has been no rise in the in the world’s temperature in this century, and the whole task of gauging the world’s temperature including thermometers at various depths of the oceans and all over the surface of the earth is quite imprecise.

In the future, historians will look with astonishment on the speed and zeal with which the post-Cold War world burdened itself with bone-cracking expenses and severe social costs radically altering its economy to avoid a rise in the world’s temperature that we have no reason to believe will occur on anything like the scale the alarmists have been wailing about. And if it does occur in any measure, we still have no scientifically serious evidence that it is anthropogenically caused.

It will be seen as something like the alleged seventeenth-century Dutch tulip hysteria, which had people paying the equivalent of $25,000 for a single potted bulb.

Rarely in the Cold War did capitalism’s Marxist enemies do anything that earned the respect one gives a gallant or brilliant adversary. In these initiatives, our enemies leapt from the jaws of bitter and total defeat, hijacked the careening gadfly of esoteric conservationism, and transformed it surreptitiously into a well-camouflaged battering ram that has inflicted immense costs and opprobrium on the corporate world and great sadness and inconvenience on the laboring proletariat on whose behalf the Marxist Left has supposedly been crusading these past 150 years.

A companion unpleasant surprise to the ingenuity and resilience of the international Far Left in its environmental assault upon capitalism has been the venality, cowardice, and invertebrate tactical stupidity of much of the corporate world. We find oil companies putting up slick television advertising praising and purporting to be part of the heroic march to a fossil fuel-free world. As corporations fell over themselves agreeing that the U.S. state of Georgia’s eminently sensible voting reform statute, passed in the wake of the disputed presidential election of 2020, was a reversion to Jim Crow if not slavery itself and demanded that Georgia be punished by moving the Major League Baseball All-Star Game from Atlanta to Denver (where restrictions to ensure verifiable voting are more severe than in Georgia), the leadership of corporate America was largely revealed, once again, at least in public policy terms, as contemptibly enfeebled and morally bankrupt...


On TB every waking moment

THE COLUMN: America's 'Transitioning'—but to What?
Michael Walsh • 01 Aug, 2022 • 6 Min Read

Don't ask, do tell.

In case you haven't heard, the United States is currently in the process of "transitioning." For reasons of decorum, and to not upset the rubes, from what to what is never quite spelled out, but those of us who have been following the "progressive" Left for the past six decades or so have a pretty clear idea of what they mean. It was first brazenly articulated by candidate Barack Obama in a campaign appearance just before the 2008 presidential election when he said, "We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

At the time, such braggadocio was largely chalked up to typical hustings rhetoric by a fresh new face eager to contrast his relative youth (Obama was 47 at the time) with the geriatric-adjacent ambulatory husk of John McCain, who was 72, You know, something akin to John F. Kennedy's line in his 1961 inaugural address about "a new generation of Americans, born in this century." JFK was born in 1917; Dwight Eisenhower, the man he was succeeding, had been born in 1890. Even though both had served during World War II (Eisenhower as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, Kennedy as a Navy lieutenant in the Pacific), they seemed of vastly different generations. In other words, just talk:

1:37 min

Except, as we now know, it wasn't. Obama meant every one of those thirteen infamous words, and older folks who had lived through the 1960s knew exactly what he meant. "Change" was not simply a buzzword meant to distinguish the "new" policies of one party from the "old" policies of the other, within a context of broadly accepted governing principles and love for the nation as founded, including the primacy of the Constitution. Rather, it was a complete break from the American tradition, a kind of cultural-political coup whose message couldn't have been clearer.

The Trump interregnum interrupted the steady flow of "progress" away from the "charter of negative liberties" (Obama's phrase) that is our founding document and toward FDR's notion of the "Four Freedoms," first floated in an address to Congress on January 6, 1941, nearly a year before Pearl Harbor. Two of Roosevelt's four "freedoms" were freedom of speech and freedom of worship (redundant, since they were already enshrined in the First Amendment); the other two were freedom from want—"economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants, everywhere in the world"—and freedom from fear—"a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor, anywhere in the world."

This was a speech aimed not at America but at the world as Roosevelt, heading into his unprecedented third term (it was, after all, an "emergency"), tried to drum up support for imperial Britain in its fight with its National Socialist German cousins, in the teeth of strong isolationist sentiment at home. But the ideas gained traction domestically over the succeeding decades, morphing into such left-wing notions as a universal basic income and unilateral disarmament. A transition was needed away from the self-reliance of the citizenry and the framework of a limited federal government, and so the two final amendments to the Bill of Rights, the Ninth and Tenth, were hastily consigned to the oubliettes of history, aka, the dustbin.

Both those amendments were intended to confine the central government to its enumerated powers, but generations of clever and malicious lawyers have all but destroyed such quaint notions as individual and states' rights. The latter was collateral damage of the Civil War and both were obliterated by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as author Christopher Caldwell convincingly argues in his book, The Age of Entitlement: America since the Sixties.
Though Americans are reluctant to admit it, the legacy of the 1960s that most divides the country has its roots in the civil rights legislation passed in the immediate aftermath of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. It was enacted in a rush of grief, anger and overconfidence — the same overconfidence that had driven Kennedy to propose landing a man on the moon and would drive Lyndon Johnson to wage war on Vietnam. Shored up and extended by various court rulings and executive orders, the legislation became the core of the most effective campaign of social transformation in American history.

Because it's wreckable, all right?

Thus began the "transition" in earnest. With Obamacare and the takeover of student loan programs, not to mention the corrosive effects of the auto industry "bailout," Obama went a long way in his two terms toward establishing the kind of centralized socialism his mentors and handlers desired; the country was lucky that his innate slothfulness prevented even more such "fundamental transformation."

The came Donald Trump's surprise victory over the Left's designated heiress, Hillary Clinton, which temporarily derailed their plans. Their furious counter-reaction began the day after Trump was elected; by Inauguration Day 2017 the media was already calling for his impeachment, and by the end of his first full month in office, the Left had claimed the scalp of National Security Adviser Mike Flynn, and it was all downhill from there. Henceforth, the administration was staffed by a cabal of its enemies, which spied on him, leaked to the media, disrupted the orderly working of the White House, supported his political foes, and began greasing the skids for his defeat—by any means necessary—well before the midterms. Alas, he was too ineffective a leader to do anything meaningful about it; after all, this is the man who hired Christopher Wray at the FBI and failed to fire him on his way out the door.

One thing the institutional Left couldn't dent while Trump was in power was the booming American economy, but from the moment bona fide geriatric semi-ambulatory husk Joe Biden supplanted him thanks to a "fortified" election in which both halves of the Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Party enthusiastically participated in order to get rid of him, the economy has hit the skids with malice aforethought. The social battles have largely been won by the Left, which is why you have drag-queen story hours at your local public library and "gender reassignment" disfiguring surgery for girls and castration for boys fervently advocated by Democrat government officials and their pet media. Shoplifting is legal in many places, and talk about freedom: you can poop on the sidewalks with impunity.

Now it's the economy stupid, and its turn to transition. Just ask the Big Guy, who on his first day behind the Resolute desk unleashed a war on the energy sector, nominally in the name of "climate change" but in reality because, in the words of Gordon Gekko. "it's wreckable, all right?"

.16 min

An "incredible transition," and don't you dare call it a "recession." Next we have Janet Yellen, head yenta-in-charge at the Treasury Department and former chairx of the Federal Reserve, to explain the transitioning of your pocketbook from full to empty:

1:02 min

And don't forget economic adviser Gene Sperling, an Obama retread and currently the White House coordinator for something called the American Rescue Plan, who's also got some transition 'splainin' to do:

3:05 min

Quoth this parrot: "This is an economic transition moment." He's right: damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead as we complete the "transition" from a store-of-value-based currency (the dollar, until Nixon wrecked it in 1971) to the wet dream of the Modern Monetary Theory brigands, for whom it's impossible to print too much funny money because, hey, we can always print more!
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is a heterodox macroeconomic framework that says monetarily sovereign countries like the U.S., U.K., Japan, and Canada, which spend, tax, and borrow in a fiat currency that they fully control, are not operationally constrained by revenues when it comes to federal government spending. Put simply, such governments do not rely on taxes or borrowing for spending since they can print as much as they need and are the monopoly issuers of the currency. Since their budgets aren’t like a regular household’s, their policies should not be shaped by fears of a rising national debt.
Don't try this at home, kids. But now that the adults are back, what the hell? If girls can be boys and boys can be girls, it's a mixed-up, muddled-up shook up world anyway. There is no innate nature to anything any more, and nothing really matters. As the Left's favorite economist, John Maynard Keynes, famously said: "In the long run, we are all dead," so let's party like it's 476 or 1543 or 1914. It's the ultimate triumph of mind over matter, of fiat over gold, of fantasy over reality, and you're a bigot if you think otherwise. You're the enemy now. So like the blushing bride on her wedding night, lie back, think of England, and let the transitioning begin. After all, you have no choice. You're next.


On TB every waking moment
‘Not Near Bottom’: Steve Cortes Warns Of ‘Borderline Economic Depression’ 8:59 min

‘Not Near Bottom’: Steve Cortes Warns Of ‘Borderline Economic Depression’
Bannons War Room Published August 2, 2022

This economy is faltering at every level -

. 1659484737448.png
New orders - manufacturing. Tells us things are going to get worse. The cold reality is that we are in a deep recession that can get worth.

Bannon: New bill - $6-7 billion to Green agenda.

Cortes: Reality is we are headed to a recession so deep, it borders on depression. Both Democrats and Republican collaborators are responsible.


On TB every waking moment
Biden Touts ‘Job Creations’ as Food Banks Report High Traffic Numbers .41 min

Biden Touts ‘Job Creations’ as Food Banks Report High Traffic Numbers
Red Voice Media Published August 2, 2022
Biden: “They were wrong… 613,000 I’ve gained since I took office, more than any other president.”

Food Bank Director: “We're seeing significantly higher numbers of people coming through our food line right now than we did all throughout COVID, even at the peak of COVID.”

Food bank director Elissa Darrow talks about how they had to temporarily close 4:01 min

Food bank director Elissa Darrow talks about how they had to temporarily close
The Post Millennial Clips Published August 2, 2022

Food bank director Elissa Darrow talks about how they had to temporarily close after running out of food due to increased demand:

"I'm scared it's going to get worse."
Last edited:


On TB every waking moment
Propaganda 6:58 min

The New American Published August 2, 2022

This is a look back to 100 years ago, to examine social changes that were ushered into the society... and who drove such social changes.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Daniel Natal Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.


On TB every waking moment
Africans Rising Up Against Big Pharma & World Government: CHD-Africa's Shabnam Mohamed 20:15 min

Africans Rising Up Against Big Pharma & World Government: CHD-Africa's Shabnam Mohamed
The New American Published August 2, 2022

Africans are waking up to the dangerous agendas being pushed by Big Pharma and the one-world-order crowd, South African journalist and Children's Health Defense Africa Chapter Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed told The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter. Africans were already skeptical of governments, international organizations and corporate colonialists. But the COVID pandemic has super-charged that awakening. Still, globalist institutions are fighting back, working to undermine the sovereignty of African nations. Mohamed is helping to lead a broad coalition across the continent exposing the evil and pushing it back.


On TB every waking moment
UN "Sustainability" Schemes Behind War on Farmers & Food 24:51 min

UN "Sustainability" Schemes Behind War on Farmers & Food
The New American Published August 2, 2022

The United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals are behind the global war against farmers and ranchers, warns The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. The UN scheme, which is supposed to make the world more "sustainable," is directly linked to various government policies around the world that are having a catastrophic impact on agriculture. Meanwhile, Big Business is involved, too, partly through the World Economic Forum. Eventually, the UN and the WEF hope to fundamentally transform the food supply--and the world--by centralizing control over production and consumption.


On TB every waking moment
THIS is How Sheriffs Can & Must Protect Citizens From Rogue Feds 7:00 min

THIS is How Sheriffs Can & Must Protect Citizens From Rogue Feds
The New American Published August 2, 2022

When a Secret Service agent wanted to “visit” a citizen in Coryell County, Texas, about some comments made on social media regarding Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, Sheriff Scott Williams made sure to send one of his deputies with the agent. In this interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman from FreedomFest, Sheriff Williams recounts the story. He also explains that all sheriffs everywhere must ensure that their top priority is protecting the rights of citizens from ANYONE who would infringe on those rights. Indeed, they have a duty before God to do so. Williams, who participated in a panel at the event by the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, said sheriffs are the last line of defense for Americans and freedoms. “It is my sole purpose in life to stand in the gap for my citizens,” he added, calling on all lawmen everywhere to protect the rights of Americans.


On TB every waking moment

8:16 min

Liberals seek advice about digitizing money
Rebel News Published August 2, 2022

The Canadian Ministry of Finance is looking for help to coach them through the next steps of digitizing your money and assets.

Liberals seek advice about digitizing money

Liberals seek advice about digitizing money
The Canadian Ministry of Finance is looking for help to coach them through the next steps of digitizing your money and assets.
  • By Sheila Gunn Reid
  • August 02, 2022
    After using the financial sector to punish political enemies of the Liberal Party during last winter's convoy protest against COVID restriction, leaving protesters only able to use physical cash, the feds are now looking for ways to digitize physical currency, making it easier to control.
    The Canadian Ministry of Finance is looking for help to coach them through the next steps of digitizing your money and assets, making it easier to disconnect wrong-thinkers from their property if someone gets wrong ideas about the government.
    The proposed procurement for consultation services was posted publicly on the government contracts website.
    Financial Sector Legislative Review on the Digitalization of Money
    A safe and secure financial system is a cornerstone of our economy. However, the digitalization of money, assets, and financial services creates a number of challenges that need to be addressed. Budget 2022 announced that the Government is launching the first phase of a financial sector legislative review that will look at the stability and security of the digitalization of money, including cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).
    Not only were the big financial institutions cutting customers off from their funds, but Farm Credit Canada (FCC), the largest agricultural lender in the country, also terminated farmers' accounts for convoy support.
    To sign our petition calling on the managerial team at FCC to be fired, visit

    The Freedom Convoy was a peaceful protest movement that spent nearly four weeks in the nation's capital protesting remaining COVID restrictions before the Liberals invoked a terrorism law, the Emergencies Act, to seize assets, arrest demonstrators, and block bank accounts. To see our coverage and support our independent journalism, please visit


On TB every waking moment

Good Luck Cleaning This Up: These Dutch Farmers Aren't Joking .23 min

Good Luck Cleaning This Up: These Dutch Farmers Aren't Joking
The Vigilant Fox Published August 2, 2022
"Go, farmers! Go! F*ck the government!"



Thousands of Germans Demonstrate in Berlin in an Effort to End Vax Mandates Once and For All .33 min

Thousands of Germans Demonstrate in Berlin in an Effort to End Vax Mandates Once and For All
The Vigilant Fox Published August 2, 2022

"We are the red line. Your needle shatters with us."



On TB every waking moment
Heritage expert says inflation likely to hit double digits this fall 5:19 min

Heritage expert says inflation likely to hit double digits this fall
One America News Network Published August 2, 2022

Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow, Rachel Greszler told One America News that actual unemployment rate is higher than what the Biden administration claims. She added, inflation is likely to hit double digits this fall due to Biden's policies. One America's John Hines has more from Washington.

(Always wondered if some of the work force were among the dead and disabled due to COVID.)


On TB every waking moment

48:36 min

Michelle Stirling on the green war on cities
Rebel News Published August 2, 2022
Michelle Stirling from Friends of Science joins Sheila Gunn Reid to discuss how mayors of big cities all across the world are signing on to a climate scheme to “confront the climate crisis and create a future where everyone can thrive.”

► This is a free version of last Wednesday's episode of The Gunn Show with Sheila Gunn Reid.


On TB every waking moment
Aug 2, 2022 at 6:55pm​
Conditions for Frozen Famine​
03 August 2022
Somewhere, Germany

Conditions are set for a bitterly cold winter across much of Northern Europe.

A silver lining around the frozen water pipes comes in the form of millions of people stripping the forests of burnable wood. Reducing fuel load for wildfires. Always look at the bright side of life.

A truly bitter harvest of all this — if we do not get into a massive war soon — will come as food production plummets from here out.

Putin is not the main or even proximate cause of all this. Conditions were set by globalists and their Kult. This is genocide.

Russia halts natural gas exports to Latvia, sending European gas prices soaring as other nations brace for a full cut-off

Russia halts natural gas exports to Latvia, sending European gas prices soaring as other nations brace for a full cut-off

Phil Rosen
Aug 1, 2022, 8:05 AM

Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin. Getty Images
  • Russia halted natural gas flows to Latvia, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday.
  • State-run Gazprom said it shut off flows to Latvia over the weekend, citing a violation of conditions.
  • European gas prices surged 6% as nations prepare for more Russian gas cuts.
European gas futures jumped roughly 6% Monday after Russia's Gazprom announced it had shut off natural gas flows to Latvia, per the Wall Street Journal.

The state-run energy major said the gas was shut off to the EU nation because of a "violation of the conditions for gas withdrawal."

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Moscow has halted natural gas flows to companies in Poland, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, and Denmark, while severely reducing flows to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.

Latvia, historically, has been fully dependent on Russian gas, but had said it would find alternative energy sources by the start of next year.

Russia is the largest energy supplier for Europe, and accounts for roughly 40% of the continent's natural gas.

European officials have accused President Vladimir Putin of wielding energy as a political weapon, and Moscow is widely seen as cutting gas off in retaliation for sanctions. Other EU nations have been trying to reduce demand as they prepare for a potential full cut-off of supplies from Russia.

In a Monday note, Bank of America analysts said the European natural gas crisis is getting even worse as winter stockpiles could run low.

"The European gas situation is quickly moving from our 'bad' to our 'ugly' scenario in the past month," analysts wrote.


On TB every waking moment
Mark Rutte, WEF stooge, taking his words directly from Klaus Schwab's book "The Great Reset" .33 min

PM Mark Rutte of the WEF, taking his words directly from Klaus Schwab's book "COVID-19: The Great Reset" & pressing ahead with Agenda 30.

Klaus Schwab awards his stooge Mark Rutt at the Atlantic Council Awards 1:07 min



On TB every waking moment
(New Zealand)

"The data from New Zealand is stunning!" - Dr Robert Malone on NZ's completely failed response .47 min

(Highly jabbed NZ has no immunity to the Omicron variant.)
It’s a myth that the COVID shots stop the spread of the virus. 5:04 min

It’s a myth that the COVID shots stop the spread of the virus. Unfortunately this myth is still the basis of policies and decisions that are causing real harm to Americans.


On TB every waking moment
WHOA.... Share: Expose gates 2:19 min

Bob Kennedy Jr. reveals that Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci partnered up in 2000, in which Fauci would help develop drugs that Gates would guarantee a market in Africa.
"[Gates] is not a guy who cares about climate or who cares about public health, he's a guy who cares about control."
Expose Bill Gates group is created now, brand new, to keep track of all the evil things that he does and specifically expose him.


On TB every waking moment

Judge Strikes Down San Francisco Law Allowing Non-Citizens To Vote

By Michael Whittaker
Aug 2, 2022

Close up lawyer businessman working or reading lawbook in office workplace for consultant lawyer concept.
boonchai wedmakawand via Getty Images

In a ruling released on Friday, a judge struck down a San Francisco city ordinance allowing non-citizens to vote in school board elections.

The ordinance, which allowed non-citizen parents of school-aged children to vote in school board elections, was approved in 2016 and took effect in 2018, and was extended indefinitely in 2021. The law was challenged by various groups, including the California Public Policy Foundation and the United States Justice Foundation.

“The State of California has a long-standing requirement that voters must be United States citizens,” the plaintiffs argued. “This requirement applies to every election in the state, even those conducted by charter cities, because determining voter qualifications is a matter of statewide concern where state law supersedes conflicting charter city ordinances.”

The court agreed.

“Transcendent law of California, the Constitution … reserves the right to vote to a United States citizen, contrary to (the) San Francisco ordinance,” San Francisco Superior Court Judge Richard Ulmer said in a ruling that will prohibit the city from counting non-citizen votes.

The lawsuit also argued that because the San Francisco Unified School District receives money from state taxpayers, the entire state has an interest in the qualifications of its voters, and the city does not have unlimited autonomy to redefine who is eligible to vote.

A similar law in New York City, which would have allowed up to 800,000 non-citizens to vote in city elections, was struck down in June.

San Francisco has not indicated whether or not it plans to appeal the case.


On TB every waking moment

Supporters of the Freedom Convoy protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and restrictions gather in front of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa on Jan. 28, 2022. (Dave Chan/AFP via Getty Images)
Supporters of the Freedom Convoy protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and restrictions gather in front of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa on Jan. 28, 2022. (Dave Chan/AFP via Getty Images)

Federal Bank Secretly Tracked Clients Who Were Freedom Convoy Supporters, Emails Show

By Peter Wilson
August 2, 2022 Updated: August 2, 2022

Recently disclosed internal emails reveal that a federal bank, Farm Credit Canada (FCC) in Regina, ordered its employees to track and report clients who were potentially sympathetic toward the truckers’ Freedom Convoy.

The emails, obtained by Blacklock’s Reporter through an Access to Information request, contradict FCC’s public denial in February that it was compiling lists of clients who supported “activity related to the Freedom Convoy.”

Sophie Perreault, the chief operating officer of the Crown corporation which provides financing to the agricultural sector, sent an email in late February 2022 instructing employees to compile the names of customers they suspected of supporting the convoy.

“If you become aware of a customer’s involvement report it immediately,” said Perreault in a staff email dated Feb. 23—just hours before the federal government ended its use of the Emergencies Act.

Perreault also said that FCC customers were not to be informed they were under scrutiny.

“If you become aware of potential customer involvement in blockades, occupations and other support of activity related to the ‘Freedom Convoy’ you must submit a tip to the customer diligence centre,” said her email.

“Include the customer’s name, stated involvement, date and any other pertinent details. Please do not complete any investigative work yourself or communicate any information about FCC’s approach to customers who voluntarily disclose their involvement.”

Customers discovered to be sympathetic towards the Freedom Convoy were to have their accounts frozen and possibly closed, Perreault said.

“Any individual and entities that have been verified by the authorities as participating in illegal activity under the Act will face appropriate action which will include not onboarding those found to violate the Act, freezing disbursements and assessing the need to terminate business relationships,” said her email.

Other staff emails show that FCC employees continued reporting Freedom Convoy supporters up until Feb. 28—five days after the government revoked the Emergencies Act.

“I have identified two FCC customers that occupied Ottawa,” reads one employee email. “Both had trucks parked (blockade) and there are several photographs online. If sources are required please let me know.”

Blacklock’s said that after it disclosed FCC’s Freedom Convoy supporter list on Feb. 24, the bank denied it, saying, “FCC has not compiled any list with respect to the Freedom Convoy,” and stipulated that “FCC employees must not speak to media.”

Another management email denied that FCC asked its employees “to hunt people down and start scouring the net to see if a customer was involved.”

Other emails show that some FCC employees questioned the corporation’s tracking and reporting of convoy supporters.

“Why are we investigating this?” wrote one manager in an email. “I expected we would get a list from the RCMP.”

Another manager asked “how the Emergencies Act might impact on how we proceed if a customer was asked to repay their loans and didn’t.”

Blacklock’s said it obtained the emails along with over 1,000 pages of “FCC censored documents” through its Access to Information request.
Peter Wilson
Peter Wilson


On TB every waking moment

Elites Plan “Smart Cities” – Plantations for All, Peasants
M Dowling
-August 2, 2022

Saudi Arabia is planning a $500 billion renewable energy smart city without cars and roads. In other words, you will own nothing and be happy. The elites are planning Agenda 2030, getting the peasants out of their cars. Read on, especially to the end, where there are a few clips about the WEF you might want to see.

This upcoming development is called “the city of the future in NEOM.” His Royal Highness Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince, has announced the designs of “The Line.” It’s a plantation of high rises without cotton fields.

There is no new technology. It’s similar to the Ghost cities of China. They didn’t work out. It’s central planning – collectivism.

This is going on in every city. Even the little village I live in is listed as a community for change on Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. It was rural, now becoming citified, with tall buildings popping up. The left is destroying our property value with high taxes as we speak.

Derivation of NEOM
The word NEOM is derived from “NEO MSTACBEL,” whose initials MSTACBEL signify core project areas such as media, sports, technology, and energy. And then the word is abbreviated.

The letter M is the symbol of the word “meem” in Arabic, the first letter of the Arabic word for the future (mustaqbal), and also the first letter of the Prince’s name M, Prince “Mohammed” bin Salman.

The letter “M” was then merged with the word “NEO” from the Greek language, meaning new, and thus became the name of the city “NEOM” which is located on the Red Sea in northwestern Saudi Arabia, approximately Spread over an area of 26,500 square kilometers, and made up of 41 coastal islands.

Sounds phony, woke, and a bad idea.

The Prince is a modern, forward-thinking person compared to most of the Royal Family, but this looks like another World Economic Forum (WEF) scam.


Discover Neom, world-leading architects plan to revitalize urban living for a healthier and more sustainable way of life.

The biggest hint is the “vertical living” vision. We know the WEF goals are to put us all in high rises and get us off the land. With the attack on farming and single-family homes, that appears to be a well-thought-out reality.

“The designs revealed…for the city’s vertically layered communities will challenge the traditional flat, horizontal cities and create a model for nature preservation and enhanced human livability. The Line will tackle the challenges facing humanity in urban life today and will shine a light on alternative ways to live,” the Crown Prince, also Chairman of the NEOM Board of Directors, said.

It looks like another plantation with the entire populace under the elites’ control. Someone owns it and controls it. Where does freedom fit in? The plan is to include nine million people in 34 square meters because urban living works so well now???

Login • Instagram N R/T given

Future city
“The development will be free of roads, cars, and emissions. This is part of its goal to prioritize health and wellbeing over transportation and infrastructure, unlike traditional cities.

“The Line is only 200 meters wide but 170 kilometers long and 500 meters above sea level. Yet this space will eventually accommodate 9 million people and built on a footprint of only 34 square meters.

“As for mobility, residents will have access to all facilities within a five-minute walk. This is on top of high-speed rail with an end-to-end transit of 20 minutes.

Don’t worry; they promise an abundant world of nature. View:

No R/T given

Plantations for the peasants.





On TB every waking moment

Democrats: Destroying our economy, one sector at a time


Getty Images

The Biden administration and its co-conspirators, congressional Democrats, have been busy wrecking America these last 18 months.

They launched a war on American energy, shutting down the Keystone pipeline and blocking domestic oil and gas exploration — resulting in skyrocketing gas prices, less fuel to heat and cool homes and businesses, and the sorry spectacle of an American president going gas-can-in-hand to beg foreign despots and dictators to supply us with some energy.

They launched a war on our sovereignty and national security by inviting illegal immigrants (and smugglers) to “come on in.” Through our open borders has come a tidal wave of Fentanyl and other illegal drugs now killing Americans all over the country.

They launched a war on education — keeping schools closed while children suffered mentally and emotionally.

And they launched a war on our Constitution, using executive orders to expand a regulatory state that threatens to suffocate individual autonomy and business innovation. Their legislation-through-regulation schemes are an end run around the people’s representatives — and therefore, around the people.

Then there is their reckless spending, triggering the highest inflation we’ve seen since the 1970s and lowering living standards for all Americans, hitting hardest those least able to afford it.

And now, to distract us from the wreckage and in a last-ditch effort to save their jobs in 2022, Democrats want to do what they do best: spend more taxpayer money. To pay for a portion of this spending, they would command drug companies to “negotiate” with Medicare on prices for certain brand-name drugs.

“Negotiation” is a misnomer, however; if drug companies don’t agree with the government’s price, they would lose most of the revenue from those drugs’ sales. Congressional Democrats and their allies in the White House are determined to wreck our best-in-the-world health care system in much the same fashion as they’ve wrecked American energy, national security, education and constitutional governance.

Pharmaceuticals cost billions to develop, and many never make it to market.

Continued investment in developing new drugs happens only because research and development pays off from time to time in the form of a “blockbuster” drug that makes billions — and covers the R&D costs of the once-promising drugs that didn’t pan out. Even the tantalizing possibility of developing a best-selling drug will not be enough to attract investment when the government can step in, dictate the price, and take away the profit that would have covered R&D losses.

Undercutting this potential for profit means that capital will go elsewhere. Government cannot stop that, unless, of course, we abandon the free market and adopt a socialist economic system, which many on the left are clamoring for and which would explain why they seem determined to wreck our country.

How to help pets beat the heatGrowing disconnects between citizens and legislators endanger US democracy
Lower investment in the pharma sector means, of course, that the promise of many potential drugs will never be explored. Who knows what cures will never be developed — Would it have been for Alzheimer’s? Or pancreatic cancer? Or Parkinson’s?

There are problems in our health care system that need to be addressed. But destroying the sector that has given so many of our citizens life-saving treatments and cures — especially to pay for more government spending and bureaucratic programs — is most certainly not the answer.