CORONA Main Coronavirus thread

northern watch

TB Fanatic
Vincent Lee‏Verified account @Rover829 56s56 seconds ago

Reuters: Apple Inc become the latest company to flag lower revenue as a result of the epidemic, saying it would not meet its revenue guidance for the March quarter because of slower iPhone production and weaker demand in China.

northern watch

TB Fanatic
Vincent Lee‏Verified account @Rover829 now1 minute ago

Reuters: Tough restrictions on travel and movement have helped to limit the spread of the virus outside the epicentre in Hubei province, but at great cost to the Chinese economy and global business.

northern watch

TB Fanatic
Vincent Lee‏Verified account @Rover829 1m1 minute ago

Reuters: Nomura again downgraded their China Q1 economic growth forecast, to 3%, half the pace in the fourth quarter, and said there was a risk it could be even weaker. "China is experiencing the rare case of simultaneous demand and supply shocks," the brokerage said.


Veteran Member
The Epoch Times - China Insider‏ @EpochTimesChina 5m5 minutes ago

The deepening fallout from the deadly #CoronavirusOutbreak has raised questions as to whether #China will be able to fulfill its commitments to make vast purchases of US goods in the newly inked “#PhaseOne#TradeDeal.
They will certainly be buying boatloads of chickens, pork, and grains. The strain on economy leading to social instability for the CCP would be pushed into absolute chaos and counter revolution if there are widespread food shortages.


Live Free & Die Free.... God Freedom Country....
northern watch said:
I can see a time coming when all church services are live streamed, with no one in the actual audience.

Funerals as well.


If it gets as bad in America as in China, there will not be any funerals....

All bodies, regardless of the cause of death, will be cremated and remains will not be provided to the families....

The ashes and bone particles will probably be mixed in concrete and put in mass graves....

God help us for the world's governments are not being truthful or helpful....



Veteran Member
That's a big difference! If you have a second, can you go back and edit the post with the correct month? To do that, click on the up-arrow after your name in the first quote box. Then when that post shows up, go to the bottom line, on the left side after Report, click on Edit. (I screengrabbed what it will look like for you). Thanks!!!

View attachment 183036

View attachment 183035
Done! Thank you!


Has No Life - Lives on TB

If it gets as bad in America as in China, there will not be any funerals....

All bodies, regardless of the cause of death, will be cremated and remains will not be provided to the families....

The ashes and bone particles will probably be mixed in concrete and put in mass graves....

God help us for the world's governments are not being truthful or helpful....

Think how much everyone will save on funeral costs. Always try to find the silver lining.


What the heck? Are they duct taping the cows butts now? Cause that is just about the only way to stop a cow from farting...

Haven't heard about an anti-fart additive. I don't believe you're going to manage ANYTHING that will reduce the methane cattle produce- they're just giant microbe factories that use fermentation and biological digestion to break down carbs and fiber- like any ruminant. But high producing dairy cows can eat up to 200# of wet feed a day... that's a LOT of digestion! LOL!

But the "oil" they're importing is likely a saturated fat (palm oil, maybe) to be a digestible concentrated energy (calorie) source. Research has shown that cattle produce more butterfat when fed saturated fats... but (thankfully- at least SOMEONE had some common sense) they outlawed the feeding of tallow to cattle when the Mad Cow disease became a thing.

But it's one more reason Bloomberg the Moron wouldn't manage to keep a cow alive, much less producing for his family- the science behind dairy production today is absolutely stunning!


Mark D

Now running for Emperor.
What we have not seen is . . . the real cost of the virus.
Confusingly, fourteen of the folks who were evacuated from the Diamond Princess back to the U.S. today, tested positive for the virus; IIRC thirteen of them were not displaying any symptoms. It's almost like, "I got COVID19, and all I got was this stupid T-shirt."

We keep coming across accounts of non-Chinese patients dealing with this bug pretty easily. What gives? Is WuFlu THAT specific a bug? How is it that we see such a calamity in China and not outside? (Although Japan appears to be in danger) Something just doesn't add up.

I have also come across many accounts of people who talk about getting pretty sick in November/December/January, going to the doc to be tested for Influenza, and getting negative test results (sometimes multiple NEG results). Then they go home and fight it off, although sometimes it takes a few weeks...

My wife runs a LARGE children's ministry, so she has a really good finger on the pulse of our town. She mentioned at the end of December and through a bunch of January, that it seemed like EVERYONE was sick. It wasn't Influenza. We had some families that didn't come to church for a month. I picked it up in the last week of December, and it made me cough the hardest I have ever coughed - I actually burst some capillaries in my face a couple of times... Did "we" already get hit with WuFlu? As virulent as it is, I can't see how it wouldn't have spread far and wide while air travel from China was still unimpeded during Nov/Dec/Jan.


Bicycle Junkie

Resident dissident and troll

If it gets as bad in America as in China, there will not be any funerals....

All bodies, regardless of the cause of death, will be cremated and remains will not be provided to the families....

The ashes and bone particles will probably be mixed in concrete and put in mass graves....

God help us for the world's governments are not being truthful or helpful....


Nothing will keep me from church. The Lord will protect me in His house.


TB Fanatic
What you described is an R/0 of 1.

Apples and Oranges.

An R0=1 means that each person who get the disease passes it on to on average, one other person.

A Chain of 4+ means that there are cases where, whatever the R0 is, a chain of infections have been documented spanning at least 4 generations. This can happen with an R0 of less than 1, though far less likely, or an R0 of 5, which would be much more likely.

Seem legit?


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
Good to see a Christian response or comment from ground zero. Has to be some serious discussions going on within. I pray they truly find that peace, in the midst of pieces. I pray all here understand the core to this message, without falling for Romans 13 and submitting to government, knowing the governments corrupt. That fact makes that verse neutralized in my eye's. It would be like succumbing to evil.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
I have also come across many accounts of people who talk about getting pretty sick in November/December/January, going to the doc to be tested for Influenza, and getting negative test results (sometimes multiple NEG results). Then they go home and fight it off, although sometimes it takes a few weeks... My wife runs a LARGE children's ministry, so she has a really good finger on the pulse of our town. She mentioned at the end of December and through a bunch of January, that it seemed like EVERYONE was sick. It wasn't Influenza. We had some families that didn't come to church for a month. I picked it up in the last week of December, and it made me cough the hardest I have ever coughed - I actually burst some capillaries in my face a couple of times... Did "we" already get hit with WuFlu? As virulent as it is, I can't see how it wouldn't have spread far and wide while air travel from China was still unimpeded during Nov/Dec/Jan. Crazy.

That's been my belief as well. That it's already here and circulating and most of the people getting it are getting mild or asymptomatic cases. But don't let that let your guard down. It can come back and you can get it again, and the 2nd time you get it is when it's more virulent. And it's still mutating out in the wild too so you can get another version of it. But my personal, non-medical, belief is that it's already been around here for at least a month if not two. No way we'd be insulated from it with all the international travel going on.

1 hr 43 min ago
Top infectious disease doctor reiterates risk of coronavirus in US is "very minimal"
From CNN’s Ben Tinker

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci CNN

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the risk of coronavirus in the US is "really very minimal because there really are only 15 cases now, in addition to those who were shipped here."
In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Monday, he went on to say the cases "were identified, they were isolated and the contacts were traced.”
“Obviously, things could change. If this spreads more diffusely throughout the world, there’s the possibility we may actually have a global pandemic. So although I’m saying the risk right now is minimal in the United States and we should just go about our daily business, we need to keep an eye on it because it can change, and that’s the reason why we’re taking it very seriously,” Fauci said.
He said the soonest a vaccine for the novel coronavirus could make it through the development process and clinical trials is “at least a year to a year and a half.”

this is crying out for comment

northern watch

TB Fanatic
Would We Still Have Power & Water If We Had A Massive Coronavirus Quarantine In The US?

Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge
Monday, 02/17/2020 - 20:45

Authored by Selco Begovic and Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

How long do you think a pandemic quarantine could go on with power, running water, the internet, and trash pick-up continuing to run as normal?

If Covid-19 (also known as the Wuhan coronavirus or nCoV-2019) were to spread where you live as it has in China, it’s possible that extreme measures could be taken. Possibly even a China-style lockdown, where people are told to stay in their homes and where businesses are closed. I’m referring to something much more extreme than just a handful of us self-isolating.

While I certainly hope such a situation is unlikely, it’s something we should all consider a possibility and get prepared for, just in case. Considering whether or not this would be an off-grid scenario would play an extremely important part in your preparations.

Selco and I had a very interesting chat about this after I’d raised the point in a group discussion. I thought you might be interested in our thoughts. Of course, there’s no way to know exactly how this might go down, so it’s pure speculation on our part based on the research of similar situations, knowledge of our systems, and personal experiences.

Would we have utilities and services during a quarantine scenario?
Daisy’s Thoughts

A lot of things are automated, which makes me believe we could potentially have a month or two of relative normalcy with regard to utilities, even if folks aren’t going to work. Garbage pickup would be another matter.

First things first, electrical power, natural gas, water, and the internet could run a long time automatically or with just a bit of input from someone on a computer. A pandemic isn’t going to fry our circuitry like an EMP would, for example. There’s nothing general-infrastructure-wise that would immediately compromise these utilities.

But this assumes that everything besides the pandemic is smooth sailing – that we won’t have any tornadoes, any hurricanes, any blizzards, any earthquakes, unfortunate bolts of lightning, or accidents. And it also omits manmade problems like riots that damage the infrastructure or even deliberate sabotage.

In a full-on pandemic, there’s likely going to be nobody to go out there and repair potential damage. And it’s possible that even if people were willing, they might not have access to the necessary supplies or equipment if these are items that they get on a “just-in-time” basis.

As for water, it could run for a long time but it might not be safe to drink. We’d need to be alert that there’s nobody there testing the tap water and adding chemicals. I don’t love chemicals like fluoride in my water but I do love essential chemicals better than I like amoebic dysentery and shigellosis and cholera. That being said, even if the water wasn’t drinkable right from the tap, it would certainly make life easier if folks not on septic systems could still flush their toilets, and water could be purified in a multitude of different ways.

The government would want utilities to remain functional.

Also, the government is going to WANT people to have utilities in the event of any kind of quarantine. People who can zone out in front of the television or play video games are going to be a lot tamer and easier to manage than people who are detoxing from their cell phones and Facebook and 24-7 television. If there’s a way to keep the lights on, I feel fairly confident the government would prefer that.

Karl Marx once said religion was the opiate of the masses. These days, I think television and Netflix wear that crown.

It also makes it easier for them to whisper sweet nothings of propaganda into our homes. “Don’t worrrryyyyy. It’s going to be okaaayyyyy. We’re here to heeelllppp.”

Governments love stuff like that.

Garbage pick-up

Garbage pick-up is another matter, and a very worrisome one. If we’re all confined to our homes, who is going to pick up the trash? Will garbage collectors be issued protective suits? It’s even possible that the military would be called in to perform tasks like this due to the risk of trash that could spread disease.

I’d imagine that out of all things, garbage would be one of the most likely to contain infectious materials – tissues from runny noses, paper plates folks have eaten from, all the stuff possible infected people had touched.

In videos from China, I haven’t seen a lot of trash piling up, so there, it appears that particular system is still running.

However, trash pick-up is what I would expect to be the first thing to go.

Will it come to this?

This is not a question that anyone could definitively answer.

It’s just like the utilities. What are the concurrent factors? What would have to happen for this to blow up and explode across the US as it has in China? What would have to happen to stop it from doing that? What are the wild card events that could hasten the spread? (Mutation, the holidays, another illness spreading that weakens immune systems, a disaster that compromises us to the point we can’t shelter in place?)

Because of the potential for this, we should focus on being prepared. (This book is an excellent resource specific to the Wuhan coronavirus.)

Could it happen? Yes.

Will it happen? Nobody knows.

Would we have utilities and services during a quarantine scenario?
Selco’s Thoughts

A good question is what would happen with electric power and all other utilities once the SHTF.

And yes answer is not simple. It is based on type of event and severity of the event, but I think we can have some good guesses about it.


Power, running water, communications (internet, cell phones…) and similar utilities up to waste management in all modern societies are brought to an advanced level of functioning.

All that is so “modernized” in a way that most of us usually do not notice or actually do not care how it is being delivered to us. People don’t care how these things work.

I also do not know in depth how all that works, but I know that most of the utilities today are being brought to us in a very automated and interconnected way.

So, as a result, it works good, until it does not.

I think the price for that is the fact that when ONE thing goes out soon another thing will go out too. Even if something goes out FAR from you, it may still mean it easily may go out at your home.


Do not forget, things (services) no matter how modernized need to be maintained, so, if there are no people around to do maintenance, services will not work.

It depends on how bad the event is, and the control the government has over the event, and the society in which the event happening. It is a question of are people gonna be there to maintain services.

As an example, if some serious event is happening, are people willing to go maintain services or they are more willing to go home and protect their loved ones? They are all just humans, do not forget.


Also, if there is still a system functioning, the government or some kind of system, does it have enough power to FORCE people to maintain services? People will want to go home to their families.

The important fact is: if the event happening here is serious enough to bring problems to utility services, it is probably serious enough to make other services like the police force or medical services no longer working. So, as a result, the security situation will be deteriorated, so that is another obvious reason why people would want to be more with their families instead of at their job.

A deteriorating situation with utilities will usually go with a deteriorating situation in behavior between people, so it is not like our only problem will be city services and everything else will be fine at home (and safe).

Now, this all may be different in different scenarios, I am talking about a complete or partial collapse of system.

The system

In what kind of system you are living?

Is that system going to implement very harsh measures in order to maintain “things going on”?

You can not compare a probable situation in your country with a situation happening in another country if the systems are completely different.

If you are living in a system where you were raised to trust blindly in it, without too many freedoms (or any), with very hard punishments for not obeying, it may result in a very disciplined response in hard situations, both because of mentality of people and also because of fear from punishment. China has that kind of system.

In the end, I do not have a clue how long utilities would last in your case wherever you are. I know in my case, the system and utilities would fall apart in a matter of a few weeks, and people would simply go home to their families because through experience, they know our system is fragile. They know it does not care for people, and it can turn against us very fast. And also people are kinda ready to survive without the help of the system. Or at least they are ready to try.

You alone can figure that how things would work in your case.



Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
I had a call from the local clinic to remind me of my physical tomorrow. I went thru the necessaries and then asked if she knew of the coronavirus in China. Clueless. Totally. I then tried to explain the truth, they are lieing about it in China, and here in the US. It has grave potentials. I'll talk to my doctor tomorrow. He is likely forewarned, as I did have the time to make my case. She too realized the numbers. You don't close down China for a thousand deaths. I will skip the blood tests and the colonscopy at this point.


Veteran Member
Wuhan Coronavirus dragged from home

(This from about a week ago...lest we forget...good nuggets in here...)

Crisis in China Over Coronavirus: People Dragged From Homes, City Streets Sprayed, Bodies Being Cremated ’24/7′

By Heather Clark on February 11, 2020

WUHAN — Videos out of China have been described as “apocalyptic” as they show workers in Wuhan fighting the coronavirus by spraying city streets with disinfectant and authorities seizing for quarantine those who are suspected to have been exposed or infected. Reports also state that the government has required cremation of those who died from the virus so as to avoid spread, and funeral home employees are growing tired from the workload.

According to reports, the current death toll is over 1,000 with more than 42,000 cases being confirmed. The World Health Organization (WHO) held an event in Geneva on Tuesday to discuss the outbreak with some of the world’s top scientists.


Sanitation workers spraying streets to disinfect from coronavirus Click to enlarge.
Joe Drake of the U.S.-based company Decon Seven, told Business Insider that he is familiar with the Wuhan wet market where the virus is stated to have first afflicted a human — and that it was not a sanitary situation.

“You have live fish, you have dead fish, you have other animals in there,” he explained. “There’s no hygiene standards. They just rinse things down with a garden hose. That doesn’t do anything. You’re just basically creating a bacteria soup.”

Following animal-to-human transmission, the virus, also known as 2019-nCoV, began to spread throughout January and February — turning into what some are now considering labeling a pandemic.

“Because the coronavirus is chiefly transmitted through respiratory droplets, which get passed around in an infected person’s spit and mucus, China has placed around 56 million people under quarantine, hoping that keeping people home, and having them wear masks when they go outside, will help prevent more virus spread,” Business Insider outlines.

“But in cities and towns across Asia, sanitation workers are also redoubling efforts to spray down entire towns, sending trucks filled with low concentration bleach-and-water solutions into the streets, and dispatching hazmat-suited workers into train stations and malls to wipe every nook and cranny.”

Those who live in China have provided a glimpse into the current situation in the country, as a number of videos have been posted online, such as one showing sanitation workers in hazmat suits running through the streets with a billowing disinfectant. The video was also shared by People’s Daily, which created a compilation of clips showing various sterilization cannons and trucks in action in Wuhan.


Coronavirus seizures Click to enlarge.
Another video shows at least two people entering some sort of box on the back of a truck while workers in hazmat suits shut the tailgate and then get into the vehicle to drive them away. Screams can be heard, whether coming from the box or those on the street.

A video also shows suited workers manhandling people in what appears to be an apartment building in Suzhou, including one man who resisted and was carried out of the residence and to the elevator by three men.

One video posted by 5 News Australia shows a family being forcefully being escorted to an ambulance, as they had reportedly been diagnosed with the coronavirus and were deemed a public health threat.

“Wuhan officials are now carrying out door-to-door health checks to identify potential carriers who would need to be isolated,” reports the Daily Mail. “[Vice Premier Sun Chunlan] demanded four types of people in Wuhan be put into mandatory isolation in quarantine stations: confirmed cases, suspected cases, people who have close contact with the former two, and those who have fever.”

One emotional video shows nurse Liu Haiyan telling her daughter — who has to stand at a distance and masked — to “be good” and that she will return home once the battle against the virus is won.

“Mom, I miss you a lot,” the girl says through tears.

“Mom is fighting monsters,” the mother replies. “I’ll be back home once the virus is beaten.”

She gives her daughter an air hug from afar, which the girl returns, and leaves some food for her mother.


Coronavirus victims Click to enlarge.
According to a report from The Epoch Times, funeral home workers are also struggling to keep up with the number of bodies to be cremated. It pointed to a video posted to YouTube that shows bodies on gurneys lined up for cremation, as well as another video showing several bagged deceased individuals lying on the floor or in chairs in a hospital.

“While cremation is a common burial practice in China, in a notice issued on Feb. 1, China’s National Health Commission said that people who have died from the virus can’t be buried and their bodies should be cremated immediately,” the outlet explains.

“Since Jan. 28, 90 percent of our employees are working 24/7. … We couldn’t go back home,” a man from one of Wuhan’s three main funeral homes, identified as Mr. Yun, stated. “We can’t stop because we can’t leave the bodies outside for a long time. … We really need more manpower.”

He said that the funeral home is transporting at least 100 bodies a day.

“For us who transfer the bodies, we don’t eat or drink for a long time in order to preserve the protective suit, because we need to take off the protective suit whenever we eat, drink, or go to the bathroom,” Yun advised. “The protective suit can’t be worn again after being used.”

“All male staff at our funeral home are picking up and moving bodies now, and female staff are answering the phones, disinfecting the funeral home, and so on,” a worker at a Wuchang funeral home similarly told Guyu Lab. “We work 24 hours. … We are very tired.”

“We are on the verge of collapsing. We really need help.”


Letter from Wuhan pastor Click to enlarge.
Amid the crisis, Christians have been seeking to offer the peace of Christ to those who live in fear. As previously reported, one pastor in China penned a letter encouraging and exhorting the Body of Christ in the midst of disease and death.

“Christ has already given us His peace, but His peace is not to remove us from disaster and death, but rather to have peace in the midst of disaster and death, because Christ has already overcome these things (John 14:27, 16:33),” he wrote. “Otherwise we have not believed in the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15), and, with the world, would be terrified of pestilence, and lose hope in the face of death.”

He said that even if a believer dies in the midst of tribulation, it is still not a defeat.

“Spoken for today, Wuhan’s pestilence cannot separate us from the love of Christ; this love is in our Lord Jesus Christ. These words are so comforting for us, we have already become one body with Christ,” he wrote. “… Therefore, Christ is with us as we face the pestilence in this city; the pestilence cannot harm us. If we die in the pestilence, it is an opportunity to witness to Christ, and even more to enter into his glory.”

The pastor said that the current challenge with the coronavirus reminds him of Abraham facing Sodom and Jonah facing Ninevah, as they Abraham interceded and Jonah preached repentance to the saving of men’s souls.

“[M]ay we like Lot be grieved over all those in this city (1 Peter 2:7), and like Abraham who earnestly prayed for Sodom (Genesis 18:23-33),” he urged. “You see, Jonah with difficulty proclaimed the gospel to Nineveh, and Nineveh repented and was saved. We are this city’s Abraham and Jonah. We must pray for God’s mercy upon this city, and bring peace upon this city through our prayers and testimony.”

“I believe this is the command of God calling those of us living in Wuhan,” he continued. “We are to seek peace for this city, seek peace for those who are afflicted with this illness, seek peace for the medical personnel struggling on the front lines, seek peace for every government official at every level, seek peace for all the people of Wuhan!”

One video posted online presents the shouts of Wuhan residents as they chant out of their apartment windows, “Wuhan, stay strong!”


WWZ ,.... Popping smoke and canned sunshine, here we come...

Spend too ur remaining days, not fretting, but loving, and telling those you know what they mean to you
2 hr 50 min ago

Here's how long coronaviruses may linger on contaminated surfaces
From CNN's Jacqueline Howard

This transmission electron microscope image shows the virus that causes COVID-19. isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab.

This transmission electron microscope image shows the virus that causes COVID-19. isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. NIAID-RML

Concerns are mounting about how long the novel coronavirus may survive on surfaces — so much so that China's central bank has taken measures to deep clean and destroy its cash, which changes hands multiple times a day, in an effort to contain the virus.

It is unknown exactly how long the novel coronavirus can linger on contaminated surfaces and objects with the potential of infecting people, but some researchers are finding clues by studying the elusive behaviors of other coronaviruses.

About the virus: Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses common among animals. In rare cases, they are what scientists call zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Officials do not know what animal may have caused the current outbreak of novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. But previously, studies have suggested that people were infected with the coronavirus MERS, or Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, after coming in contact with camels, and scientists have suspected that civet cats were to blame for SARS, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

These human coronaviruses, such as SARS and MERS, have been found to persist on inanimate surfaces — including metal, glass or plastic surfaces — for as long as nine days if that surface had not been disinfected, according to research published earlier this month in The Journal of Hospital Infection.

Cleaning with common household products can make a difference, according to the research, which also found that human coronaviruses "can be efficiently inactivated by surface disinfection procedures with 62-71% ethanol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite" or bleach within one minute.
Keep reading here.



Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
EndGameWW3‏ @EndGameWW3 1m1 minute ago

World Health Organization holds coronavirus talks with tech giants via @MailOnline

Here’s the full version of this article, because people need to see this. I find it disconcerting that they aren’t giving any examples of the supposed “fake news reporting” or “misinformation” out there.

World Health Organization holds secretive talks with tech giants Google, Facebook and Amazon to tackle the spread of misinformation on coronavirus
  • Twitter, Youtube and Saleforce also met with the World Health Organization
  • The talks with the health body were held at the Facebook Menlo Park campus
  • The spread of misinformation on social media was described as an 'infodemic'
  • Companies agreed to meet regularly and host a coronavirus information line
Google, Facebook, Amazon and other tech giants spent a day in secretive talks with the World Health Organization to tackle the spread of coronavirus misinformation.

Social media companies including Twitter and Youtube have already been working to remove post about the virus that are proved to be fake.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has offered to work directly with the companies on fact checking in a bid to speed up the process. Posts on the virus that needed to be removed have ranged from those calling it a fad disease or created by the government to claims it can be treated with oregano oil.

Companies at the meeting agreed to work with WHO on collaborative tools, better content and a call centre for people to call for advice, CNBC reported.

The above picture shared by China's National Microbiology Data Centre shows the first-ever specimen of the novel coronavirus, known as '2019-nCov', extracted from a patient

He said sites were 'awash' with misinformation and conspiracy theories but that big tech companies were stepping up to combat the problem.

The meeting was organised by WHO but was hosted by Facebook at its Menlo Park campus in California, a spokesperson for the social media company told CNBC.

According to a CNBC report Amazon, Twilio, Dropbox, Google, Verizon, Salesforce, Twitter, YouTube, Airbnb, Kinsa and Mapbox were all at the meeting.
Last edited:

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
1 hr 43 min ago
Top infectious disease doctor reiterates risk of coronavirus in US is "very minimal"
From CNN’s Ben Tinker

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci CNN

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the risk of coronavirus in the US is "really very minimal because there really are only 15 cases now, in addition to those who were shipped here."
In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Monday, he went on to say the cases "were identified, they were isolated and the contacts were traced.”

He said the soonest a vaccine for the novel coronavirus could make it through the development process and clinical trials is “at least a year to a year and a half.”

this is crying out for comment

He's been pretty consistent as has the CDC, although this sounds a little like he's scaling back the doom part of the message. We'd have to listen to the interview to see if the reporting is accurate. The CDC has been watching this carefully for over a month. If this was going to explode in the USA, they'd expect to have more cases by now. If the numbers are accurate, and he'd know the accurate count, we only have 15 cases. Even if he knows we have more than that, he must know that it's not growing exponentially in the USA. That's probably what he's basing the statements on. (My thought - they know now after studying it closely for a month that it's a bio-engineered weapon and it's not targeted at westerners and that if westerners have it, it's mild compared to what the Chinese in China are experiencing. (for the most part, there will always be exceptions).) I'd still give it until April to know for sure, that's the date Pres Trump is using and I'm sure he didn't pull it out of a hat, he must be basing that date as a marker for an "all-clear" for some good reason.



passin' thru
Andy Sharp シャープ・アンディ‏ @sharp_writing 2m2 minutes ago

A driver for Japan’s Kyodo news agency has been confirmed with the #coronavirus 感染ハイヤー運転手、共同通信社の業務に従事…10人自宅待機 : 国内 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン

Can you speak to w hether this is a NEW driver, or the taxi driver I've been worried bout in Tokoyo? ONE was bad enough, and it's still early for hair on fire antics, but, yikes. :: flicking bic in preparation ::