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Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
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Q&A: Only severe COVID cases found to have disrupted oral microbiome
by Rutgers University-New Brunswick
August 28, 2023


Study design schematic. Study participants are a subset from the larger population (n = 829) of the Rutgers Corona Cohort (RCC).1 COVID-negative subjects were selected from a larger pool of negative participants and matched 2:1 with the cases based on age, sex, BMI, and presence of co-morbidities. Credit: eBioMedicine (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104731

The gut microbiome dominates the headlines, but it's not the only collection of tiny organisms that live inside you and affect your health. The oral microbiome—which populates the mouth and connects with the sinuses, larynx, trachea and lungs—harbors more than 700 species of bacteria.

How do those bacteria get there, what do they do, and why should you be glad they mostly survived COVID-19? Abigail Armstrong, a postdoctoral researcher at the Rutgers Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, explains some findings from her team's new paper in eBioMedicine.

Where do the bacteria in the oral microbiome originate?

Many of the organisms have been with you since you were a young child. Food is definitely a factor, but there are many others: the people you kiss, the stuff you touch before bringing your hand to your mouth, the strains that grow on your old lip gloss. Nearly everything that enters your mouth has bacteria.

Why don't toothpaste and mouthwash kill the oral microbiome?

You can kill surface bacteria with a thorough brush and gargle, but bacteria lodged deep in the gums, tongue and other soft tissue survive to replace them, which is why you go to bed minty and wake up with morning breath. And that's OK. Those good bacteria are vital to maintaining oral health and for the health of the lungs.

How does that bacteria get from the mouth to the lungs?

You inhale small amounts of saliva throughout your day.

This isn't necessarily bad. While we don't fully understand the impact on health, we do know the bacteria that enter your lungs impact your immune system, sometimes detrimentally but sometimes beneficially. This is still an active area of research.

What was your goal with the COVID study?

We wanted to answer two main questions. The first of those was whether variations in the oral microbiome affected susceptibility to getting COVID. Was there something different in the oral bacteria of people who got COVID versus those who didn't?

The second main question we wanted to answer was how SARS-CoV-2 affected the oral microbiome and whether greater changes predicted bigger changes down the road with problems like long COVID.
How did you get the samples to analyze?

We tapped materials from the Rutgers Corona Cohort. Researchers followed 831 health care workers and other community members for six months during the early days of the pandemic. They took regular saliva samples to test for infection, and they kept all the samples so we could analyze the pre-COVID oral bacteria—most other cohorts only had samples from after infection was detected—and see how infection changed it.

What did you find?

There were no significant differences in the oral microbiomes of people who did and did not get infected with SARS-CoV-2, so there was no evidence that some particular type of bacteria in the mouth and lungs—or some particular combination of bacteria types—offered protection against COVID. We also saw very few changes after COVID for those who had mild to moderate cases.

There were, however, significant reductions in microbiome diversity among people with severe symptoms soon after infection.

Why is that important?

This means that major events like serious illness and treatments are needed to change this resilient microbiome, and that's a good thing for the average COVID case, which is usually mild.

What about the duration of illness?

We saw significant differences when we compared people who had less than 30 days of symptoms with those who had more than 60. We found that the oral microbiomes of people with shorter cases all changed in consistent ways during infection, while those with long cases changed in many different ways. That suggests there might be a specific way that your oral microbiome shifts during infection that helps protect you and shorten your symptoms.

More information: Abigail J.S. Armstrong et al, Saliva microbiome in relation to SARS-CoV-2 infection in a prospective cohort of healthy US adults, eBioMedicine (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104731
Journal information: EBioMedicine

Provided by Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
CDC, increased infection risk in vaccinated
Dr. John Campbell
August 29, 2023
13 min 45 sec

BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines. New variant and vaccine escape Risk Assessment Summary for SARS CoV-2 Sublineage BA.2.86 BA.2.86, detected in Denmark and Israel At least two cases in the United States. UK Health Security Agency, UK case, no recent travel history Cases not epidemiologically linked (therefore already widespread) Multiple genetic differences from previous SARS-CoV-2 Existing tests appear to be effective BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines. ? stimulation of T suppressor (regulatory) cells ? stimulation of IgG4 No evidence BA.2.86 causing more severe illness. Updated vaccines will be available as early as mid-September What can you do to protect yourself and others as we learn more? Get your COVID-19 vaccines, as recommended COVID-19 Vaccines Are Safe, Effective, and Free Everyone 6 months and older should get an updated COVID-19 vaccine. BA.2.86 Many spike protein changes (explain vaccine immune escape) Could out compete common EG.5 (Latest COVID-19 booster vaccines are based on XBB.1.5) Jesse Bloom, viral evolutionary biologist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Seattle, Washington “I don’t think anybody needs to be alarmed by this,” “The most likely scenario is that this variant fizzles out, and in a month nobody other than people like me even remember that it existed.” Even if BA.2.86 does becomes widespread, and proves adept at dodging neutralizing antibodies, which seems likely, on the basis of its set of spike mutations, other forms of immunity will probably stop most people from getting seriously ill if they are infected.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
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Are We Facing Lockdowns 2.0?
By Jeffrey A. TuckerJeffrey A. Tucker
August 29, 2023

National Public Radio was in a frenzy this morning but it felt like the movie Groundhog Day: they were spreading tremendous alarm about the rise of Covid cases. We have to stop the spread, the announcer said, and that’s why masks are coming back to classrooms. However, they added, relief is on the way in the form of a new vaccine.

Rinse, repeat – as the shampoo bottles say.

This line of thinking – stop the spread to reduce strain on hospitals, mask up, and so on – is being echoed by all major media organs. Leading the way is of course the New York Times.

I’m a bit superstitious about stories in the New York Times designed to drum up disease panic. It was February 28, 2020, when this paper threw out one hundred years of editorial policy on infectious disease to counsel panic over calm, thus paving the way for what would come two weeks later: the astonishing wreckage of Covid lockdowns and everything that entailed.

There was a reason the Times was chosen to be the first media outlet to take this line on Covid. It would be exceedingly naive to think that this was driven by an independent editorial judgment. Someone likely put them up to it.

Regardless, I knew that day that the darkness was falling, that this was likely the beginning of a grand experiment in public health that would not only fail to achieve its aims but also wreck American liberty and prosperity. After all, sectors of the ruling class had been gaming pandemics for twenty years. They needed to justify the endless hours and billions put into the grand project of pandemic planning.

The result was a calamity without precedent. We are nowhere near recovered. Substantial numbers of people today fear lockdowns far more than Covid, and for very good reasons. It was the crisis of our lives.

Even more striking, we’ve yet to have a reckoning. The people in charge today are the same people who did this or their direct successors. There have been no apologies but rather quite the reverse. They worked hard to codify lockdowns as the preferred policy for pandemics, and we have every reason to suspect that they will repeat the experience if they can get away with it.

That’s why my heart jumped a beat at the above-the-fold headline in the Times yesterday morning.


This happens at the same time we are getting more reports of new mask mandates, school closures, and the rollout of a new Covid vaccine invented by the usual suspects that President Biden has personally suggested that every American take. From all appearances, it does seem like another lockdown could be coming, or perhaps they are just trying to scare us into the reminder that they can do it if they want to.

Just this morning, the White House spokesman took to the lectern to warn Americans about ominous subvariant BA.2.86, not to be confused with all the other subvariants being tracked in a pseudoscientific track-and-trace operation being run by the usual suspects.

The Washington Post was chosen to announce the terror behind this one. “While only about a dozen cases of the new BA.2.86 variant have been reported worldwide — including three in the United States — experts say this variant requires intense monitoring and vigilance that many of its predecessors did not. That’s because it has even greater potential to escape the antibodies that protect people from getting sick, even if you’ve recently been infected or vaccinated.”

You will notice that BA.2.86 is not on the current list. That only means it could be the worst yet, whatever that means.


It will surely be added. And no doubt every commentator on TV in the coming months will have great expertise with all this coded gibberish, spouting off these letters and numbers like they are known friends while the rest of us stare at our screen in amazement at the flashy science these experts are tossing around.

Our pro-lockdown friend and Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb is already at it, letting all these subvariant names roll off his tongue on CNN and thus display his astonishing mastery over the microbial kingdom. .

This could be the way in which Lockdown 2.0 will be different from 1.0. The last time, the main spokespeople like Deborah Birx spoke to us like children to make sure we got the message. The downside of that approach is that it invites regular people to comment on the wisdom of lockdowns.

The next time around, they will be much more sciency about it, with all this talk of subvariants, R-naughts, hospitalization rates, wastewater examinations, and so on, and do so in ways that intimidate regular people into thinking our opinions cannot possibly matter much.

Let’s take a closer look at this New York Times piece.

“But for Americans who have become accustomed to feeling that the nation has moved beyond Covid,” the newspaper says, “the current wave could be a rude reminder that the emerging New Normal is not a world without the virus.”

Are we really continuing to imagine the goal of eradication still? That seemed to be the purpose of the lockdowns in the first place, if there was any goal at all. It’s utterly impossible to create a world in which there are no viruses. And actually such a world would be stunningly dangerous, for it is the presence of pathogens that themselves train the immune system in the art of resistance, same as exercise makes the body more healthy.

Sadly, this was the great taboo subject for three years, and, as a result, there was almost no talk of natural immunity during the last Covid mania. And there has been little to no reckoning since those days about the meaning of endemicity, the failure to recommend repurposed drugs as therapeutics, and the positive contribution of widespread exposure to creating the public health benefit of stronger immune systems. All of these topics were denounced and then censored. Oddly, they still are.

To this day, public health officials continue to pretend that they did everything right. Oh sure, they could have locked down earlier, forced masks earlier, and imposed vaccine mandates with much more ferocity. So far as they are concerned, this was their only failing. And they have no intention of making those supposed mistakes again.

In my own circles, everyone believes that they will never get away with it all again simply because there is too much resistance. I’m not so optimistic actually. Let’s say that 20 percent of the population is still convinced of the entire Covid religion. These people working with media and Big Tech, combined with daily propaganda from Covid, might be enough to overcome a large portion of the public that swears they will not comply this time.

Honestly, I never believed they would get away with it the first time. How in the world do you convince Catholic Bishops to demand the closure of Churches on Easter under the excuse of the widespread circulation of a virus with a 99-plus percent survival rate in which the verified deaths from Covid alone is centered on a population older than life expectancy itself? I never could have imagined such a thing would be possible.

But the desire on the part of aspirational professionals – in academia, industry, and religion – to stay out of trouble and continue to ascend the ranks is so powerful as to cause multitudes to bury their best instincts for what they imagine will be a temporary but prudent compliance. I do not for a moment believe that bravery on the level of the Amish or the Hasidim is widespread enough in the population to create a mass resistance movement.

“Some institutions have responded to the recent increase in Covid infections by reinstating pandemic-era rules,” writes the Times. Then the article proceeds to celebrate all the cases of pandemic restrictions, without a hint that these didn’t work last time and won’t work this time either. Again, there has been no reckoning, which only increases the likelihood of a new round of lockdowns.

Lockdowns were the most successful state/corporate policy in world history for convincing the population to give up volition, liberty, and money to the biomedical cartels and all its associated parts.

Every government benefitted and so did all the biggest companies, particularly the digital ones that had been working for a leg up and a big win from the great reset. Something that is this monstrously successful for them becomes a model for the future, which they try and try until the population gets utterly and completely sick of it, as they did with the religious wars of old.

Until that day comes, lockdowns will be an ever present threat.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
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What Are the Symptoms of the New COVID EG.5 'Eris' Variant?

Cathy Cassata - Health
Tue, August 29, 2023, 3:29 PM EDT

  • New COVID-19 subvariant EG.5 currently makes up the majority of cases in the U.S., according to the CDC.
  • Though data on the new variant is lacking, doctors are commonly seeing upper respiratory complaints, like sore throat, cough, congestion, and runny nose.
  • Meanwhile, other COVID-19 symptoms, like loss of taste and smell, are less common with newer variants.

After a relatively quiet summer, COVID-19 appears to be gaining traction again in the U.S., with the latest subvariant EG.5 (Eris) causing increases in cases and hospitalizations across the country.

The most recent variant proportion estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), EG.5 makes up the majority of COVID-19 cases int the U.S., accounting for just over 20% of all illnesses.

Hospitalizations are starting to tick up as well: The most recent data, from August 12, shows 12,163 new COVID hospitalizations—a 17% increase from the following week.

As with most new COVID variants and subvariants, one question seems to come to mind first: "What are the symptoms?"

Though all COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of variant, are unlikely to differ too much, it's difficult to say for sure which symptoms are specific to EG.5 right now—but here's what doctors have been seeing recently as the new subvariant gains steam throughout the U.S.

What Are the Symptoms of EG.5?

While there is not strong data yet on the kinds of symptoms people are experiencing right now, doctors are anecdotally reporting mostly mild or common symptoms of COVID-19.

Kristina K. Bryant, MD, a pediatric infectious diseases specialist with Norton Children's Infectious Diseases, told Health that she's mostly seeing patients with symptoms similar to the prior Omicron subvariant.

Those symptoms involve mainly upper respiratory complaints, like sore throat, cough, congestion, and runny nose.

"Some people even said they thought they had allergies," Bryant said. "But EG.5 bears watching. It is the dominant subvariant."

COVID-19 Symptoms

People with COVID-19 report a wide-range of symptoms, from mild to severe illness. The most commonly-reported symptoms include:
  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Which COVID-19 Symptoms Aren't So Common Anymore?

As the SARS-CoV-2 virus has mutated throughout the pandemic, certain symptoms have become more common, and some have become less common. But by and large, the virus still primarily affects the respiratory system.

"The picture of COVID (the clinical presentation) seems to be pretty much the same from beginning to end and it resembles influenza and RSV," said William Schaffner, MD, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. "The major impact of this virus is on the respiratory track, particularly the lungs and the lung can respond in only so many ways."

When the virus surfaced in 2020, loss of taste and smell was a common symptom. Now, more than three years later, that specific symptom has significantly decreased in the population.

New research published in the journal Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, found that the risk of losing one's sense of smell and taste from recent COVID-19 omicron variants is 6–7%—and that moving forward, it's possible that loss of taste and smell may no longer predict a COVID-19 diagnosis.

Additionally, gastrointestinal symptoms, like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea seem to be less common as time goes on.

Doctors have also reported fewer cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). From 2020 to 2022, the CDC reported that MIS-C occurred in 1 of approximately 3,000 to 4,000 children and adolescents who had SARS-CoV-2 infection. The condition has become rarer since the start of the pandemic.

The fact that MIS-C has diminished may be due to the fact that many children have been exposed to COVID-19 or have been vaccinated, said Schaffner.

Testing for COVID-19 Still Important

Because it's difficult to determine whether you have COVID-19 by symptoms alone, the best way to verify an infection is through testing. All COVID-19 tests—including PCR tests administered by medical professionals and rapid tests administered at home—should be able to detect EG.5.

If you experience trouble breathing or respiratory issues, or if you are at high risk for severe illness due to underlying conditions or because you are pregnant, it's especially important to get tested, said Schaffner.

“If [your test] turns out positive, please contact your healthcare provider because we have the medicine Paxlovid that can help protect you from this illness getting more severe and putting you in the hospital,” he added.

And as for prevention, experts agree that the newest iteration of the vaccine—based on the XBB variant—will also help to prevent severe illness from EG.5.

"Remember these vaccines do a better job at preventing severe disease than milder infection," said Schaffner. "But that's the point; we want to keep you out of the hospital and this updated booster will help you get through the winter."

It's also important to remember that SARS-CoV-2 will likely keep evolving, and that there will be certain variants that make some years worse than others when it comes to symptoms and severity of disease.

“Like with flu, some years we have a bad flu season and we have some people with just mild cold symptoms while others develop severe lower respiratory tract problems,” said Bryant. “I think ultimately, we are going to see the same with SARS-CoV-2; some seasons are going to be worse than others.”

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
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COVID hospitalizations increase for 6th consecutive week but still at historic lows
Tue, August 29, 2023, 2:14 PM EDT

COVID hospitalizations are continuing to increase in the United States, according to data updated Monday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Hospitalizations rose for the sixth consecutive week, this time by 18.8% during the week ending Aug.19 to 15,067 -- similar to levels seen in April of this year.

However, COVID metrics remain at historic lows, public health experts have said. Hospitalization numbers this week are about 2.5 times lower compared to the same time last year and about 5.5 times lower compared to this week in 2021.

Additionally, hospitalizations during the peak of the omicron wave in winter 2021-22 stood at more than 150,000.

Deaths slightly increased, with about 1.7% of all deaths being due to COVID last week, according to CDC data. However, COVID fatalities are similarly at record lows. Experts have warned that because deaths are a lagging indicator, cases could rise in the next few weeks.

Dr. John Segreti, an epidemiologist and the medical director of infection control and prevention at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, told ABC News that a percentage increase may seem frightening, but the absolute numbers are rather small.


PHOTO: Weekly COVID-19 hospitalizations in the U.S. (CDC)

"Looking at that graph [of] hospitalizations, even though it's on an upward trend, that's still lower than it was last year at this time," he said. "The fact that the numbers are going up fairly slowly, I think is a good sign."

CDC data shows that all the circulating subvariants are related to XBB, an offshoot of the omicron variant. EG.5 currently makes up a plurality of cases in the U.S. at 20.6%, data shows.

There is a newer variant circulating known as BA.2.86. A total of 13 cases have been identified globally, including three in the U.S., according to the open global genome sequencing database GISAID.

Experts have previously told ABC News that it may be more transmissible, but there are no indications that it causes more severe disease, something echoed in a CDC risk assessment issued last week.

It comes as several institutions say they are reinstating mask mandates, at least temporarily, amid rising cases and hospitalizations.

Morris Brown College, a historically Black college and university in Atlanta, said masks would be required for at least 14 days in a letter written to faculty, staff and students by President Dr. Kevin James last week.

Additionally, Lionsgate, the entertainment company, told ABC News in a statement last weekend that certain employees at headquarters were being required to wear masks again by the LA County Department of Public Health "due to a cluster of COVID cases."

Segreti said his hospital and others in the Chicago area are starting to discuss whether or when they will reinstitute mask mandates, but he's unaware of any that have so far.

"We're struggling to figure out what metric to use to determine if and when to resume masking, and there's no perfect metric for that, especially since the end of the public health emergency declaration, the data we're getting isn't nearly as complete as it was before that," he said.

Rather than a metric, the hospital is considering using a time frame, such as between November and March, to require masking, but no decisions have been made yet.

He said hospitalizations could continue to increase but the fact that enough Americans have immunity through previous infection, vaccination and boosters, means fewer people who contract COVID will be hospitalized.

"The question is, where will the peak be? Are we at the peak?" Segreti said. "It doesn't seem like we're at the peak right now, but the slope of the of the line is not like it was with omicron. So, if it happens, it's going to happen fairly slowly."

Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies are targeting newer variants ahead of a possible uptick in numbers during fall and winter.

The CDC's advisory committee is expected to meet on Sept. 12 to discuss new boosters targeting new COVID subvariants, making them likely to be available by mid-to-late September.

In an interview with Start Here, Dr. Deborah Birx -- an advisor to former President Donald Trump during the pandemic -- said she believes next month's vaccine booster is coming weeks too late and that seasonal booster shots should be made available more quickly.

"This is the booster that would have been appropriate for the summer wave," Birx said, adding that she predicts that by the time the shot is distributed, we may be primed for a variant that has already passed us.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
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A New Covid ‘Variant’…Just in Time for Election Season!
Written by Ron Paul
Monday August 28, 2023

Just four and a half months since President Biden declared an end to the Covid “emergency,” the media is suddenly full of stories about the return of Covid. This time a new “variant” is being rolled out and the media, in collusion with big Pharma and the fear-industrial complex, are churning out stories about how forced masking is making a comeback.

Also, the “unvaccinated” are again to be denied basic human rights in the name of fighting a virus that the vaccine demonstrably does not protect against.

In short, they are desperately trying to revive the tyranny, insanity, and utter irrationality of the two-year Covid scare. And they are pretending none of us remembers how they destroyed society with their lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine mandates. They are hoping that none of us will remember the suicides, lost jobs, broken marriages, increased alcoholism and drug abuse, and the rest of what went along with the world’s experiment with global lockdown.

Even Fauci himself is back – like a moth drawn to the light of publicity. Despite all the scientific evidence that the lockdowns were a disaster, that they did far more harm than good, Fauci has re-emerged with his trademark arrogance and claimed that they were the right thing to do and should be done again if that’s what it takes to force people to take the vaccine. A vaccine that does not work.

They won’t even allow us to mention the spike in all-around mortality or the millions who may have been vaccine-injured the first time around. They want us to think that 20-year-old world-class athletes have always just dropped dead of heart attacks out of the blue. It’s all normal! Don’t question it! What are you, some kind of conspiracy theorist? Are you a science-denier?

Yes, look for a renewal of all those old hollow phrases used to attack those of us who can see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears. Their slogans are meant to silence any debate. The same “experts” like Fauci who claimed “I am the science” are back and they shamelessly demand to silence us again.

The big question is…why? Why are they doing this and how do they think they can get away with it a second time? One reason they believe they can get away with it again is that no one has ever been punished for what they did the first time. The Federal Government made sure that the pharmaceutical companies would not be liable for vaccine damages.

The public figures who openly became monsters, demanding the unvaccinated be drummed out of society and maybe even off the face of the earth have not been shamed or shunned. Politicians who displayed cowardice and worse have not been voted out of office for their treachery.

Why are they coming back around for another round of Covid tyranny? Fear is a weapon to gain control. Last time around they generated fear to radically change how America voted. Suddenly everyone was mailed ballots. How closely were they checked? No one knew and no one dared ask. The people who did ask about the election are now facing jail terms.

They want us to shut up while they do it again. Will we?


Has No Life - Lives on TB

First COVID Deaths Were Fully Jabbed, Australian State Records Reveal​

Authored by Jessie Zhang via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

In light of a court case launched by a group of doctors challenging the Queensland government's COVID-19 vaccination mandates, records have revealed that the first deaths in the Australian state were individuals who were fully vaccinated.

A list of the state’s first 183 COVID-19 deaths from the pandemic's start on March 13, 2020, until Jan. 27, 2022, produced by Queensland’s chief health officer in an affidavit, indicates it was known to authorities as early as Jan. 2022 that the vaccines may not be preventing deaths.

The list shows that the first locally acquired COVID-19 death was one in their 80s and another in their 30s, with both having received two doses of the vaccine in December 2021 and January 2022, respectively.

While Queensland recorded seven deaths early in the pandemic, these cases were acquired outside of the state and before vaccine rollouts began.

Queensland's border opened in December 2021 after 80 percent of the state population vaccination was reached. By Dec. 31, 2021, nearly 90 percent of the population over 16 were fully vaccinated.

Queensland's Workplace Mandates​

The case, which was launched against the state, calls for the September 2021 directive requiring employees in public health and aged-care facilities to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to be revoked.

A specialist from the case, psychiatrist Peter Parry, said that in the three decades of his career, he had never been subject to disciplinary action until now.

“I graduated from medical school 40 years ago and in all that time have never had a single complaint about me presented to a medical board or AHPRA,” he said.

The reason he chose to decline the COVID-19 vaccines was because these are “not normal vaccines.”

“We hope, by bringing evidentiary material and expert witness testimonies before the Supreme Court, that the Justices will look at the evidence and rule in our favour. If successful, large numbers of experienced nurses, allied health, and doctors will be able to return to assist an overstretched Queensland public health system,” he added.

In addition to enforced work mandates, Premier Annastacia Palazczuk barred the unvaccinated from accessing services and freedoms such as hospitals, disability services, aged care, libraries, and hospitality venues.

This was enforced by proof of vaccination requirements at venues, which the Queensland government said was to keep Queenslanders safe.

Messaging Shifts to Reducing Severe Illness​

Initially, in 2021, the Queensland Government closed the state's borders and encouraged people to get vaccinated against COVID-19. They aimed to reopen the borders once 80 percent of the population was vaccinated, with the goal of stopping the virus's spread and safeguarding vulnerable citizens.

However, when the borders reopened after reaching the target, COVID-19 cases surged instead of decreasing. When it became clear that the vaccines didn't entirely prevent infection or transmission, the focus of the messaging shifted to highlight the vaccines' effectiveness in reducing severe illness and death.

It is still a condition today for most Queensland health staff to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to ensure the ongoing safety of employees, patients, visitors and the wider community.

The overwhelming benefits of COVID-19 vaccination continue to outweigh the potential risks, and this is substantiated by enormous amounts of safety data based on billions of doses worldwide,” a spokesperson for the TGA told The Epoch Times in an email.

Pfizer Dismisses Concerns Over Vaccine Mandates​

The news of the deaths follows a parliamentary inquiry into the COVID-19 mandates heard from the Australian heads of Pfizer Australia that the vaccine mandates coerced Australians into getting vaccinated for COVID-19, saying they had a choice.

Appearing before an Australian senate inquiry into the COVID-19 vaccine mandates, Pfizer Country Medical Director Dr. Krishan Thiru and Dr. Brian Hewitt, the head of Regulatory Sciences for Pfizer, dismissed concerns of senators that Australians had been coerced into getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

"I believe firmly that nobody was forced to have a vaccine," Dr. Thiru said. (totally laughable)

"Mandates for vaccine requirements are determined by governments and health authorities. I believe everybody was offered an opportunity to get a vaccine or not get a vaccine. I don't believe that anybody was forced to take a vaccine."
Meanwhile, Dr. Hewitt, when asked if he believed Australians in states that were subject to large-scale mandates—like Western Australia or Victoria—were not forced into getting the shot even when they found they were unable to earn a living without receiving a vaccination, replied he did not believe mandates compelled individuals into vaccinating.

"The mandates for vaccine requirements are determined by governments and health authorities. I don't believe that the mandates actually forced individuals to get vaccinations," he said.

It should be noted by those in the US, at least, that while this report is out of Australia, the Biden Admin is following their lead in lockdowns and restrictions in the upcoming legislation before Congress.

Just like they are trying to follow New Zealand's lead in gun confiscation.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
(fair use applies)

Covid and flu jab autumn rollouts brought forward: Vaccines to be deployed in less than a fortnight over fears Pirola variant will overwhelm NHS
They were originally planned to be dished out to vulnerable people in October

By John Ely
Updated: 16:17 EDT, 30 August 2023

England's annual flu and Covid vaccine drive is being brought forward due to fears the heavily-mutated Pirola variant will trigger a fresh wave and overwhelm the NHS.

The Department of Health and Social Care announced vaccinations for care home residents and vulnerable adults will now start earlier than scheduled.

GPs and pharmacies will begin dishing out the jabs from September 11, a full month earlier than originally planned.

The 'precautionary' move comes amid fears over the spread of the mutated Pirola variant of Covid, technically called BA.2.86. Health chiefs today confirmed a second Brit has been infected with the strain.

Ministers said they had made the decision to reduce pressure on the health service while scientists rush to learn more about Pirola, described as a 'real deal' and the 'most striking' that the world has seen since Omicron first emerged.

Announcing the move, Health Minister Maria Caulfield said: 'As our world-leading scientists gather more information on the BA.2.86 variant, it makes sense to bring forward the vaccination programme.

'It is absolutely vital the most vulnerable groups receive a vaccine to strengthen their immunity over winter to protect themselves and reduce pressure on the NHS.

'I encourage anyone invited for a vaccination – including those yet to have their first jab – to come forward as soon as possible.'

Bringing the jab rollout forward was based on advice from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) that speeding up the rollout would offer people greater protection from the becoming severely ill from virus.

This, the agency claimed, would have the added benefit of reducing pressure on the NHS.

UKHSA chief executive of the Dame Jenny Harries said: 'Thanks to the success of our vaccine programme, we have built strong, broad immune defences against new variants throughout the population.

'However, some people remain more vulnerable to severe illness from Covid.

'This precautionary measure to bring forward the autumn programme will ensure these people have protection against any potential wave this winter.'

Dame Jenny added that the agency was continuing to evaluate Pirola.

'There is limited information available at present on BA.2.86 so the potential impact of this particular variant is difficult to estimate.

'As with all emergent and circulating Covid-19 variants – both in the UK and internationally – we will continue to monitor BA.2.86 and to advise government and the public as we learn more.

'In the meantime, please come forward for the vaccine when you are called.'


Pirola's arrival comes as Covid cases take off once again, sparking concerns that the UK is on the brink of another wave just as the country heads into the winter when the NHS is busiest. NHS hospital data shows daily Covid admissions in England have increased on average by almost a fifth in week, rising from a seven-day rolling average of 258 on August 4, to 308 on August 11

NHS officials said they would work quickly 'to ensure as many eligible people as possible are vaccinated by the end of October' to prepare for a challenging winter.

Professor Sir Stephen Powis, NHS England medical director, said: 'Vaccinations are our best defence against flu and Covid-19 ahead of what could be a very challenging winter, and with the potential for this new Covid variant to increase the risk of infection, we are following the latest expert guidance and bringing the Covid vaccination programme forward, with people able to get their flu vaccine at the same time to maximise protection.'

NHS director of vaccinations and screening, Steve Russell, said: 'While we know that flu and Covid usually hit hardest in December and January, the new Covid variant presents a greater risk now, which is why we will be ensuring as many people as possible are vaccinated against Covid sooner.'

While the Covid is the focus in the change of timeline for the jab rollout, officials will also dish out the flu jab early for 'operational expediency'.

Care home residents are being prioritised in the rollout but other groups, as well as the clinically vulnerable, those aged 65 and over, health and social care staff and carers are also expected to be called forward for jabs in September.

England is, so far, the only UK nation to announce a change in its autumn vaccination programme.

UK scientists were first alerted to Pirola on August 14, with concerns immediately triggered due to its large number of mutations.

The UKHSA officially classified it as a variant on August 18 after the first UK case was detected in a hospitalised patient in London and concern continued to grow across the globe about its spread.

Officials today confirmed that a second case had been confirmed as of August 28. No further details were provided about the person. It is unclear what part of the country they are in or whether they have been hospitalised.

However, experts believe many more are infected. Brits are no longer testing en masse like they were earlier in the pandemic — with free community mass testing ending in May 2022. It means fewer cases are being detected and sequenced — a process which reveals the variant behind an infection.

Fresh data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) shows there were 74 coronavirus deaths recorded across England and Wales in the week to August 11.

It marks a 57.4 per cent increase on the previous week when just 47 Covid deaths were logged — signalling the biggest surge in virus fatalities this year.

Scientists today warned that the uptick in deaths could signal that a new variant is spreading.

They also called for a return of pandemic mitigation measures, including mask wearing, and increased ventilation because of the virus' resurgence.

While the weekly surge in deaths is the biggest logged this year, the number dying due to the virus is still a fraction of the death toll earlier in the year.

For comparison, weekly deaths caused by the virus spiked at 654 in January.

These ONS figures only include fatalities when Covid was the main cause of death.

In the most recent week, there were 108 deaths involving the virus up 58.8 per cent from 68 one week earlier.

However, this toll includes cases where Covid or suspected Covid was mentioned on a person's death certificate, including in combination with other health conditions.

Trends in Covid deaths lag two weeks behind infection levels, given how long it takes for the infected to become seriously ill.

Global cases of Pirola have doubled in a week, having now been spotted in Sweden and Canada for the first time.

Pirola, a descendant of the Omicron variant, was first detected in Israel and Denmark earlier this month.

It has since been spotted in the UK, US, Israel, Denmark, South Africa, Portugal, Thailand and Switzerland.

The spread has unsettled a swathe of top scientists who are worried that its catalogue of mutations could see it spark another wave of cases.

Experts have also warned that the true scale of Pirola's spread is unclear, as the world has scaled back of variant tracking capabilities from the height of the pandemic.

Other scientists have cautioned that it is too early to panic about the new variant.

There is currently no evidence that Pirola is any more of a threat than the dozens of strains that have come before it.

Pirola has not yet been observed to make people more seriously ill than other Omicron-descendant variants or having any enhanced ability to dodge the immunity protection offered from current vaccines or prior infection.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
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Growing concerns about newly emerging 'Pirola' BA.2.86, a SARS-CoV-2 subvariant

by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress
August 30, 2023

Scientists around the world are growing more concerned about a newly emerging subvariant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus—named BA.2.86 and referred to generically as "Pirola"—according to Mun-Keat Loo, international features editor for the medical journal BMJ.

In his paper published on the site, Loo says that research conducted thus far on the variant suggests it has such a high number of mutations that it could neutralize the immune systems of people who have been infected with other earlier variants of the virus.

In his paper, Loo also notes that some in the field, such as Francois Balloux, with University College London's Genetics Institute, are calling the new strain the most striking SARS-CoV-2 subvariant to develop since omicron.

Media outlets have reported that genetic sequencing of the new strain has been conducted on blood samples of infected people in the U.S., the U.K., Israel and Denmark. And the circumstances surrounding such infections suggest that they were not connected, which means that the variant has become established in those countries and likely many others.

Loo notes that Balloux also pointed out that the genetic diversity found in the new variant suggests it has been circulating for several months. He notes also that all of its 30-plus mutations have been found in its spike protein, which is the part used to gain entry and infect other cells. Such mutations, he adds, could allow for neutralizing antibodies.

Research thus far has shown that BA.2.86 arose from the omicron variant and that it has 34 more mutations than its closest relative. Loo also spoke with Kristian Andersen, with the Scripps Research Institute, who told him that she and her team have found that the new variant has most if not all the features that suggest it could become a dominant strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Notably, the variant is still so new that no one really knows how virulent it is as it continues to mutate. No one knows yet whether its symptoms will be worse than prior variants, either—or how effective current vaccines may be against it. In any case, Loo suggests that governments around the world start to pay better attention to the new variant and perhaps, at the very least, to start monitoring infection numbers, hospitalizations, and deaths again.

More information: Mun-Keat Looi, Covid-19: Scientists sound alarm over new BA.2.86 "Pirola" variant, BMJ (2023). DOI: 10.1136/bmj.p1964
Journal information: British Medical Journal (BMJ)

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
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More Than A Million People In The United Kingdom Are Down With Symptomatic COVID-19 According To Zoe Health Study
Nikhil Prasad; fact checked by Thailand Medical News Team
Aug 30, 2023

In a startling revelation, the Zoe Health Study has sounded an alarm, estimating that over a million individuals in the United Kingdom are grappling with symptomatic COVID-19 infections. As the global tally of COVID-19 cases continues its relentless ascent, this grim statistic serves as a stark reminder that the battle against the pandemic is far from over.

The Zoe Health Study, a beacon of vigilance throughout the pandemic's tumultuous journey, remains steadfast in its commitment to tracking the virus's trajectory. Orchestrated by eminent researchers at Kings College London, the project embarked on its mission during the pandemic's zenith and remains an unwavering sentinel, monitoring the virus's ebb and flow to this day despite the UK Government stopping all funding for the platform.

In fact, the current UK government has been developing strategies to downplay the COVID-19 crisis in the country by having less COVID-19 testing and even manipulating the methods of official reporting for daily COVID-19 statistics.

Dated Tuesday morning, the Zoe’s health study's updated map of infections is emblazoned with a haunting truth: the estimated number of individuals suffering from symptomatic COVID-19 has eclipsed the grim milestone of one million. This revelation comes as an ominous cloud, casting a shadow over a world yearning for respite.

The study's meticulous data analysis illuminates the disquieting truth that COVID-19 cases have been mounting since early July. Furthermore, an unsettling rise in COVID-related hospitalizations punctuates the sobering reality that the virus retains its capacity to wreak havoc even as its visage evolves.

Strangely, none of the British mainstream media that loves to cover about the COVID-19 situation in other countries have done any COVID-19 News coverage about the current situation in the United Kingdom.

The Evolution of Coexistence: Living with COVID

Seasoned epidemiologists have adopted a pragmatic stance, emphasizing that humanity must acclimate itself to the recurrent waves of COVID-19. Like an indomitable tide, these waves are projected to make landfall every year, sometimes even a few times a year, becoming an integral facet of the modern human experience!

Remarkably, the virus's current manifestation tends to usher in milder symptoms compared to its ferocious peak several years ago. Bolstered by booster shots, the most vulnerable among us can find solace in the knowledge that the virus's bite has been blunted. Nonetheless, a watchful gaze remains fixed upon the specter of hospitalizations, urging a collective determination to safeguard against potential surges.

However, lurking behind the façade of statistical discourse lies a somber reality - the e scalating menace of Long COVID-19, a harrowing sequel to the initial infection. Additionally, the specter of excess death rates looms, a sobering reminder that even as the virus's bite may have softened, its impact can still reverberate through societies with alarming potency.

These epidemiologists however stopped short of warning what kind of health issues and body damages constant SARS-CoV-2 reinfections can cause and how constant COVID-19 reinfections affects the excess death rates as many are dying from heart failures, strokes, brain clots, sepsis, kidney and liver failures etc.

Already the United Kingdom has one of the highest crude mortality rates at the moment ever since the debut of SARS-CoV-2.

Unmasking the Silent Adversary: The Rise of BA.2.86

While the data about ‘mild infections’ and claims of ‘vaccine protection’ statistics might offer a glimmer of hope to the ignorant masses, caution prevails as a newly detected strain known as BA.2.86, affectionately christened "Pirola," emerges as an enigmatic specter. With an astonishing profusion of mutations adorning its genetic makeup, Pirola threatens to be an even more immune evasive and possibly more pathogenic harbinger of infection compared to its predecessors. As it stands, Pirola's classification as a subvariant of the omicron variant serves as a reminder that the virus's evolutionary arms race persists.

Quantifying the Surge: Navigating the Wave

Illustrating the pandemic's relentless resurgence, the Zoe Health Study's visual representation paints a vivid portrait of the situation's gravity. The ascent of cases has culminated in an unprecedented milestone, with the number of symptomatic cases crossing the one-million threshold for the first time since June.

Nonetheless, the study's reliance on user-submitted reports introduces an element of uncertainty. Conceivably, the actual number of infections could surpass the reported figures, accounting for those who remain outside the ambit of the data collection project.

Geographical Battleground: Regions in the Stranglehold of COVID

The Zoe Health Study's far-reaching gaze illuminates the varying impact across regions. Casting a somber light upon the situation, Scotland emerges as the hardest-hit territory, grappling with an alarming 2,175 daily cases per million individuals. Trailing closely are Wales and London, each burdened with 1,898 and 1,682 daily cases per million, respectively.

Unveiling the microcosm of impact, Edinburgh stands as a glaring example, boasting the unenviable distinction of the UK city with the highest number of active cases. The disconcerting figure stands at a staggering 59,574 cases per million. However, a conspicuous absence of robust participation from Londoners within the Zoe Health Study precludes an accurate assessment, leaving open the disquieting possibility that the city's plight may be even graver.

Perspective Amidst Pandemonium: Analyzing the Data

While the surge in cases demands attention, Dr Mark Woolhouse, a distinguished Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, strikes a measured tone. His demeanor reflects a seasoned understanding of the pandemic's cadence, emphasizing that the data does not warrant undue alarm.

Expressing his perspective, Prof. Woolhouse states, "This is a continuing process, and this is what living with COVID is going to look like... We are all going to have to collectively and individually manage the risk associated with it." He too however did not address the issue of Long COVID and the issues of excess deaths.

Embracing the Evolution: A Virus in Flux

As the virus traverses the intricate interplay of mutation and adaptation, Dr Keith Neal, Emeritus Professor of the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease at the University of Nottingham, imparts wisdom drawn from both medical and evolutionary insights. Drawing parallels with Darwin's theory of natural selection, Prof. Neal illuminates the virus's quest for evolutionary equilibrium.

Elucidating this phenomenon, Prof. Neal asserts, "Generally, a virus does not want to kill you... What it would love to do is for you to have mild symptoms, for you to cough and sneeze as you go to work. If it kills you, the virus dies with you, which is not sensible."

However, many other experts are urging caution as it seems that while the new current SARS-CoV-2 sub-lineages are causing mild or asymptomatic infections to many except those in the vulnerable groups ie the aged, the obese, the immunocompromised and those with existing comorbidities, these news strains are highly immune evasive and are adapted for viral persistence where they are causing more silent damage to the human host and are killing the humans slowly.

Nurturing Vigilance: A Shared Responsibility

With the specter of COVID-19 continuing its inexorable march, Prof. Neal's counsel resonates as a beacon of practicality. He urges a simple yet powerful strategy, "If you have a respiratory tract infection, stay away from people, don't go to work - work from home or stay off sick."

In closing, Prof. Neal's prescription encapsulates the essence of our shared journey against a relentless adversary. As humanity charts its course through the labyrinthine twists of the pandemic, the roadmap is clear: resilience, adaptation, and unity shall stand as the bulwarks against an ever-evolving virus that has rewritten the narrative of modern existence.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
Pirola panic
Dr. John Campbell
August 30, 2023
15 min 26 sec

Pirola, BA.2.86. An asteroid that hangs out by Jupiter World Health Organization, BA.2.86 a “variant under monitoring” First monitoring 14 August 2023, (horizon scanning) 34 amino acid differences compared with BA.2 All in spike protein 36 amino acid changes compared with the 2023 circulating XBB.1.5 This number of genetic differences, is roughly of the same magnitude as seen between the initial Omicron variant (BA.1) and previous variants, such as Delta (B.1.617.2) Declared a variant on 18 August 2023 Week beginning 28 August 2023 2 UK sequences found Denmark, Israel, US, SA, (unlinked) Precautionary measure taken to protect those most vulnerable from illness during winter following the identification of COVID-19 variant BA.2.86. Vaccinations are now set to start on 11 September 2023 UKHSA suggests speeding up autumn vaccine programme will deliver greater protection, supporting those at greatest risk of severe illness and reducing the potential impact on the NHS. People in care homes for older people, the clinically vulnerable, those aged 65 and over, health and social care staff, and carers. Those who fall into higher-risk groups are being encouraged to take up the jab as soon as they’re invited. Chief Executive of the UK Health Security Agency, Dame Jenny Harries As we continue to live with COVID-19 we expect to see new variants emerge. Thanks to the success of our vaccine programme, we have built strong, broad immune defences against new variants throughout the population. A variant that's adept at evading immunity would not necessarily take off in a population if it doesn't spread efficiently. Inherent transmissibility unknown Transmissibility and severity Little is yet known about the transmissibility of BA.2.86 or whether it may cause more severe disease, but scientists do not expect it to be much different from previous omicron strains currently in circulation. Sore throat 63.41 Runny nose 59.18 Headache 55.84 Blocked nose 54.3 Sneezing 52.5 Cough no phlegm 50.71 Hoarse voice 38.77 Cough with phlegm 38.38 Muscle pains aches 31.58 Fatigue 23.88 Swollen neck glands 20.67 Altered smell 20.54 Dizzy light headed 19.77 Eye soreness 18.1 Earache 15.15 Loss of smell 14.38 Fever 13.61 Joint pain shoulders 13.35 Chest pain tightness 12.84 Shortness of breath 12.84

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
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‘We Will Not Comply’: Trump Warns ‘COVID Tyrants’ Are Eyeing Lockdowns to Interfere with 2024 Election
Katherine Hamilton
30 Aug 2023

Former president Donald Trump warned on Wednesday that “left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates ” to allegedly interfere with the 2024 presidential election.

“The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming. Gee-whiz, you know what else is coming? An election,” the 2024 presidential candidate claimed in a video posted to X.

“They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election. Does that sound familiar?” he alleged.

COVID Tyrants want to take away our Freedom.
Hear my words— WE WILL NOT COMPLY.

The 45th president of the United States added that “These are bad people, these are sick people we’re dealing with.”

“But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words: we will not comply. So don’t even think about it,” he continued. “We will not shut down our schools. We will not except your lockdowns. We will not abide by your mask mandates, and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates.”

Trump further claimed that the 2020 election was “rigged,” and that his opposition is “trying to do the same thing all over again by rigging the most important election in the history of our country — the 2024 election — even if it means trying to bring back COVID.”

“But they will fail because we will not let it happen,” he said, also promising to “use every available authority” if he is reelected to cut federal funding to any school, college, airline, or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate.

Trump’s comments come as schools, companies, and hospitals around the country have, once again, imposed mask mandates to purportedly handle the emergence of the EG.5 and BA 2.86 COVID-19 variants. The World Health Organization notably classified the former as a “variant of interest” in early August, although it said the risk to global public health is low. COVID hospitalizations have also ticked up, although they are “still at historic lows.”

President Joe Biden also said last week that he plans to request more money from Congress to develop a fresh coronavirus vaccine, adding he may require everyone to take it whether they have been previously vaccinated or not.

Noticing these pandemic-era trends, social media users and some conservatives in the media space have been speculating that Democrats and health leaders are looking to bring back mandates and lockdowns.

Fact checkers have been quick to jump on the claims, calling them “unsupported.”

“These rumors are utterly false,” Nick Spinelli, a CDC spokesperson, told the left-leaning

Lockdowns during the pandemic were largely considered a failure, and were detrimental to Americans’ overall wellbeing. A peer-reviewed study published this year by the Institute for Economic Affairs from researchers, including economics Professor Steve H. Hanke of Johns Hopkins University, found that lockdowns had a “negligible” impact on deaths compared to the “staggering collateral costs.”

Some of those costs include irretrievable learning losses, drug abuse, alcoholism, more suicides, and increased isolation. Ninety-percent of small businesses reported “devastating impacts” from government shutdowns. Many Americans were unable to go to church, while liquor stores remained open. Others postponed weddings, were unable to attend funerals, or were barred from seeing dying loved ones.



The left wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear mongering about the new variants that are coming. Gee whiz, you know what else is coming? An election. They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal dropboxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election. Does that sound familiar? These are bad people. These are sick people we’re dealing with. But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words: we will not comply. So don’t even think about it. We will not shut down our schools, we will not accept your lockdowns, we will not abide by your mask mandates, and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates. They rigged the 2020 election and now they’re trying to do the same thing all over again by rigging the most important election in the history of our country, the 2024 election. Even if it means trying to bring back COVID. But they will fail because we will not let it happen. When I’m back in the White House I will use every available authority to cut federal funding to any school, college, airline, or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate. Thank you very much.

I don't want to make a separate post about this because it falls into too much political discourse but in light of Geert's predictions I do want to make a comment. IF GEERT IS CORRECT this position of President Trump's is the exact opposite of what should be done when/if the Geert variant (I'll call it the "GV") shows up, so he got it wrong the first time and now he'll get it wrong the next time. The first time around was when he shouldn't have have done lockdowns, masks, etc - instead allowing herd immunity to do its thing; now that a large percentage of the population is vaxxed, you can't achieve herd immunity. So there is nothing to gain from exposing the vaxxed/now immuno compromised to the GV. If the GV comes along (and this Pirola is not it imho, it is just a way to push the next booster shot, and possibly interfere with elections as Trump says), the only recourse the vulnerable will have left is anti-virals and social distancing (lockdowns, masks). And just when that's needed the most is when no one will want to do it leading to even more deaths from the GV. If this whole affair was driven by a malevolent force they couldn't have planned it better....:shk: Again, talking about the GV only. That hasn't manifested yet. There will be no doubt it's here when/if it arrives.
Last edited:

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
I posted the science press release about this study on Aug 24th, post #68,395. This is the MSM picking up the story.

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COVID Might Help Trigger New-Onset High Blood Pressure, New Research Shows
Maggie O'Neill HEALTH
Fact checked by Nick Blackmer
Wed, August 30, 2023, 1:58 PM EDT

COVID might increase the risk of developing high blood pressure more than influenza, a new study has found.
The risk may be even greater for people in certain categories, such as people 40 or older, Black people, men, and those with certain preexisting conditions, including coronary artery disease.

It is unknown whether hypertension following a COVID infection might eventually go away, according to experts.

New research suggests that having COVID-19 may pose a greater risk of developing longer-term high blood pressure than the flu.

The study, published earlier this month in the journal Hypertension, investigated whether people with COVID or influenza had higher rates of hypertension six months post-infection. Researchers found that both hospitalized and non-hospitalized COVID patients were significantly more likely to develop hypertension than flu patients, some of whom had hospital visits and others who didn’t.

Previous studies have linked both COVID and influenza with high blood pressure—also known as hypertension. Here, researchers wanted to learn about “the incidence and risk factors associated with new-onset hypertension” in people with these respiratory illnesses, they wrote in the study.

Defined by the American Heart Association as a blood pressure reading of 130/80 mm Hg or higher, hypertension can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other major health issues. The condition contributes to or causes nearly 8 million deaths a year worldwide.

Meanwhile, global COVID cases have topped 769 million, per the World Health Organization.

The study “statistics are alarming given the sheer number of people affected by COVID-19 worldwide,” lead study author Tim Duong, PhD, a professor of radiology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Health System in New York City, told Health. “This high incidence of persistent hypertension is not limited to people with severe COVID-19 illness.”

Luke Laffin, MD, co-director of the Center for Blood Pressure Disorders at Cleveland Clinic, told Health that the study provides another “piece in the puzzle” regarding COVID infections and cardiovascular disease. Still, he said, researchers need more information to determine the actual risk of post-COVID hypertension.

Certain Groups More Likely to Have High Blood Pressure

For the study, researchers analyzed medical records from New York City’s Montefiore Health System, which serves a racially and ethnically diverse population. The study involved about 45,000 people with COVID between March 2020 and August 2022 and 14,000 who had the flu between January 2018 and August 2022. No patients had a history of hypertension.

The researchers reviewed which patients had high blood pressure at a six-month follow-up appointment. They found that about 20% of people hospitalized with COVID and 11% non-hospitalized patients had high blood pressure six months later. That’s compared to 16% of hospitalized flu patients who developed hypertension and 4% of non-hospitalized people with the flu who had hypertension post-infection.

In addition, the researchers found that Black people, men, and those over 40 had the highest risk of persistent hypertension post-COVID. It was also more common for people with preexisting health conditions, such as coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), to develop high blood pressure.

Laffin said the study had a significant limitation: The researchers couldn’t factor in the effect of COVID vaccines on blood pressure readings because they weren’t available then. “Theoretically, this may impact their risk [by] lessening the downstream effects of COVID,” he explained.

Researchers also don’t know why a COVID infection may influence blood pressure risk, but Laffin theorized that it could be related to factors such as persistent inflammation, a long-term impact on the immune system, or damage to the endothelial cells lining blood vessels.

Another unknown is whether any potential COVID-related high blood pressure can disappear over time. “We don’t have enough data to say yes or no,” Laffin explained. “Most people that develop hypertension can lower their blood pressure with lifestyle interventions alone; however, that may not be enough to reach suggested blood pressure targets.”

Can You Reduce Your Chances of Developing COVID-Related Hypertension?

The best way to reduce your chances of COVID-related complications (including possible high blood pressure) is to take precautions to prevent contracting COVID in the first place. Measures such as frequent hand washing and avoiding close contact with infected people can help reduce your risk.

Getting vaccinated can also lower your risk of infection and reduce your chances of having long-term side effects if you do test positive for COVID, said Duong.

According to Laffin, it’s too early to say whether COVID treatments such as Paxlovid, the antiviral prescribed for people at risk of severe illness, could influence whether people develop high blood pressure after an infection.

If you do contract COVID, Duong advised starting a dialogue with a healthcare provider about the possibility of developing hypertension, especially if you fall into any high-risk categories identified in the study.

“These findings hopefully could heighten awareness to screen at-risk patients for hypertension after COVID-19 illness,” said Duong. “Earlier identification of patients at risk would enable treatment for hypertension and hypertension-related complications.”


Has No Life - Lives on TB

Rapid progression of marginal zone B-cell lymphoma after COVID-19 vaccination (BNT162b2): A case report​

Akinori Sekizawa 1, Kenichi Hashimoto 1, Shinichi Kobayashi 2, Sawako Kozono 1, Takahiro Kobayashi 1, Yusuke Kawamura 1 3, Motohiro Kimata 1, Naoya Fujita 1, Yosuke Ono 1, Yasuhiro Obuchi 1, Yuji Tanaka 1
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B-cell lymphomas are neoplastic diseases occasionally associated with chronic inflammation. mRNA vaccines for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) induce inflammatory responses, which often lead to fever and lymphadenopathies indistinguishable from lymphomas. Although both lymphadenopathies and lymphomas can be influential, the correlation between them is unclear.

Herein, we present the first case of marginal zone B-cell lymphoma following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. An 80-year-old Japanese woman presented with a right temporal mass that appeared the morning after she was administered her first mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (BNT162b2). The mass gradually decreased in size but persisted over 6 weeks after her first vaccination (3 weeks after her second vaccination).

At her first visit to our hospital, ultrasound revealed the size of the mass to be 28.5 × 5.7 mm, and computed tomography revealed multiple lymphadenopathies in the right parotid, submandibular, jugular, and supraclavicular regions. Initially, we suspected head-and-neck benign lymphadenopathy as a side effect of vaccination.

Nine weeks later, the number of swollen submandibular and parotid glands increased, and the lymph nodes further enlarged. Finally, the right temporal mass was diagnosed as marginal zone B-cell lymphoma based on immunohistochemical and flow cytometry findings of biopsy specimens.

Our findings suggest that although 4-6 weeks of observation for lymph node inflammation after the second vaccination is recommended, malignancy should also be considered in the differential diagnosis of lymphadenopathy following vaccination.

Keywords: B cell; BNT162b2; COVID-19; lymphadenopathy; lymphoma; mRNA vaccine; marginal zone B-cell lymphoma.
Copyright © 2022 Sekizawa, Hashimoto, Kobayashi, Kozono, Kobayashi, Kawamura, Kimata, Fujita, Ono, Obuchi and Tanaka.

Conflict of interest statement​

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.




Has No Life - Lives on TB

Medicina (Kaunas)
. 2023 Jan 12;59(1):157.
doi: 10.3390/medicina59010157.

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Developed Shortly after mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature​

Luigi Cavanna 1, Sergio Ottavio Grassi 2, Livia Ruffini 3, Emanuele Michieletti 4, Egidio Carella 4, Dante Palli 5, Adriano Zangrandi 6, Nicola Inzerilli 1, Patrizia Bernuzzi 1, Camilla Di Nunzio 1, Chiara Citterio 1
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We report on a 66-year-old man who presented with a right axillary lymphadenopathy approximately 10 days after receiving the third dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine. The lymphadenopathy gradually enlarged, and physical examination and ultrasound (US) revealed one right axillary 6.99 cm and one right supraclavicular 2.36 cm lymphadenopathy. Histologic examination of the right axillary nodule revealed anaplastic large-cell lymphoma that was ALK negative and CD30 positive. A total body computerized tomography (CT) scan, positron emission tomography (PET) and bone-marrow biopsy showed a stage-II non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL).

The patient was treated with chemotherapy and a scheme of Brentuximab Vedotin, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin and Prednisone (BV-CHP) for six cycles and is now well and in complete remission.

The revision of the literature revealed eight additional cases of NHL developed shortly after COVID-vaccination. There were four cases of diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (one in a patient who was a heart transplant recipient and developed an Epstein-Bar-virus-positive DLBCL), one case of extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, one patient with subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma, one case of marginal zone B-cell lymphoma and one primary cutaneous anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (PC-ALCL).

In five cases, the lymphoma developed after BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination, including one case after ChAdOx1 nCOV-19, one case after the adenovirus type 26 (Ad26) vaccine and one after mRNA-1273/Spikevax (ModernaTX).

We are aware that the link between COVID-19 vaccination and lymphoma most likely is a chance phenomenon, and that COVID-19 vaccines represent very efficient products for many people around the world. However, we believe that clinical events, even if only temporally associated with novel treatments or novel vaccines, should be reported for the benefit of the patients and the scientific community.
Keywords: COVID-19; lymphoma; vaccination.

Conflict of interest statement​

The authors declare no conflict of interest


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The conundrum for those with NHL. It's a hard decision. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Blood Adv

. 2021 Aug 24;5(16):3053-3061.
doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2021005094.

Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma​

C Perry 1 2, E Luttwak 1 2, R Balaban 1, G Shefer 3, M M Morales 3, A Aharon 1 2, Y Tabib 1, Y C Cohen 1 2, N Benyamini 1 2, O Beyar-Katz 1 2, M Neaman 1 2, R Vitkon 1 2, N Keren-Khadmy 1, M Levin 1, Y Herishanu 1 2, I Avivi 1 2
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Patients diagnosed with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL), particularly if recently treated with anti-CD20 antibodies, are at risk of severe COVID-19 disease. Because studies evaluating humoral response to COVID-19 vaccine in these patients are lacking, recommendations regarding vaccination strategy remain unclear.

The humoral immune response to BNT162b2 messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID-19 vaccine was evaluated in patients with B-NHL who received 2 vaccine doses 21 days apart and compared with the response in healthy controls. Antibody titer, measured by the Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2S assay, was evaluated 2 to 3 weeks after the second vaccine dose. Patients with B-NHL (n = 149), aggressive B-NHL (a-B-NHL; 47%), or indolent B-NHL (i-B-NHL; 53%) were evaluated.

Twenty-eight (19%) were treatment naïve, 37% were actively treated with a rituximab/obinutuzumab (R/Obi)-based induction regimen or R/Obi maintenance, and 44% had last been treated with R/Obi >6 months before vaccination. A seropositive response was achieved in 89%, 7.3%, and 66.7%, respectively, with response rates of 49% in patients with B-NHL vs 98.5% in 65 healthy controls (P < .001).

Multivariate analysis revealed that longer time since exposure to R/Obi and absolute lymphocyte count ≥0.9 × 103/μL predicted a positive serological response. Median time to achieve positive serology among anti-CD20 antibody-treated patients was longer in i-B-NHL vs a-B-NHL. The humoral response to BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is impaired in patients with B-NHL who are undergoing R/Obi treatment. Longer time since exposure to R/Obi is associated with improved response rates to the COVID-19 vaccine. This study is registered at as #NCT04746092.
© 2021 by The American Society of Hematology.

Conflict of interest statement​

Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
I posted the science press release about this study on Aug 24th, post #68,395. This is the MSM picking up the story.

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COVID Might Help Trigger New-Onset High Blood Pressure, New Research Shows
Maggie O'Neill HEALTH
Fact checked by Nick Blackmer
Wed, August 30, 2023, 1:58 PM EDT

COVID might increase the risk of developing high blood pressure more than influenza, a new study has found.
The risk may be even greater for people in certain categories, such as people 40 or older, Black people, men, and those with certain preexisting conditions, including coronary artery disease.

It is unknown whether hypertension following a COVID infection might eventually go away, according to experts.

New research suggests that having COVID-19 may pose a greater risk of developing longer-term high blood pressure than the flu.

The study, published earlier this month in the journal Hypertension, investigated whether people with COVID or influenza had higher rates of hypertension six months post-infection. Researchers found that both hospitalized and non-hospitalized COVID patients were significantly more likely to develop hypertension than flu patients, some of whom had hospital visits and others who didn’t.

Previous studies have linked both COVID and influenza with high blood pressure—also known as hypertension. Here, researchers wanted to learn about “the incidence and risk factors associated with new-onset hypertension” in people with these respiratory illnesses, they wrote in the study.

Defined by the American Heart Association as a blood pressure reading of 130/80 mm Hg or higher, hypertension can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other major health issues. The condition contributes to or causes nearly 8 million deaths a year worldwide.

Meanwhile, global COVID cases have topped 769 million, per the World Health Organization.

The study “statistics are alarming given the sheer number of people affected by COVID-19 worldwide,” lead study author Tim Duong, PhD, a professor of radiology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Health System in New York City, told Health. “This high incidence of persistent hypertension is not limited to people with severe COVID-19 illness.”

Luke Laffin, MD, co-director of the Center for Blood Pressure Disorders at Cleveland Clinic, told Health that the study provides another “piece in the puzzle” regarding COVID infections and cardiovascular disease. Still, he said, researchers need more information to determine the actual risk of post-COVID hypertension.

Certain Groups More Likely to Have High Blood Pressure

For the study, researchers analyzed medical records from New York City’s Montefiore Health System, which serves a racially and ethnically diverse population. The study involved about 45,000 people with COVID between March 2020 and August 2022 and 14,000 who had the flu between January 2018 and August 2022. No patients had a history of hypertension.

The researchers reviewed which patients had high blood pressure at a six-month follow-up appointment. They found that about 20% of people hospitalized with COVID and 11% non-hospitalized patients had high blood pressure six months later. That’s compared to 16% of hospitalized flu patients who developed hypertension and 4% of non-hospitalized people with the flu who had hypertension post-infection.

In addition, the researchers found that Black people, men, and those over 40 had the highest risk of persistent hypertension post-COVID. It was also more common for people with preexisting health conditions, such as coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), to develop high blood pressure.

Laffin said the study had a significant limitation: The researchers couldn’t factor in the effect of COVID vaccines on blood pressure readings because they weren’t available then. “Theoretically, this may impact their risk [by] lessening the downstream effects of COVID,” he explained.

Researchers also don’t know why a COVID infection may influence blood pressure risk, but Laffin theorized that it could be related to factors such as persistent inflammation, a long-term impact on the immune system, or damage to the endothelial cells lining blood vessels.

Another unknown is whether any potential COVID-related high blood pressure can disappear over time. “We don’t have enough data to say yes or no,” Laffin explained. “Most people that develop hypertension can lower their blood pressure with lifestyle interventions alone; however, that may not be enough to reach suggested blood pressure targets.”

Can You Reduce Your Chances of Developing COVID-Related Hypertension?

The best way to reduce your chances of COVID-related complications (including possible high blood pressure) is to take precautions to prevent contracting COVID in the first place. Measures such as frequent hand washing and avoiding close contact with infected people can help reduce your risk.

Getting vaccinated can also lower your risk of infection and reduce your chances of having long-term side effects if you do test positive for COVID, said Duong.

According to Laffin, it’s too early to say whether COVID treatments such as Paxlovid, the antiviral prescribed for people at risk of severe illness, could influence whether people develop high blood pressure after an infection.

If you do contract COVID, Duong advised starting a dialogue with a healthcare provider about the possibility of developing hypertension, especially if you fall into any high-risk categories identified in the study.

“These findings hopefully could heighten awareness to screen at-risk patients for hypertension after COVID-19 illness,” said Duong. “Earlier identification of patients at risk would enable treatment for hypertension and hypertension-related complications.”

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Those With Systemic Arterial Hypertension Will Likely Develop Functional Capacity Issues After Contracting Mild COVID-19
Thailand Medical News
Sep 1, 2023

The emergence of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has prompted intensive research to understand its impact on various aspects of human health. Systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) has been identified as a significant risk factor for severe outcomes in COVID-19 cases. Individuals with SAH are known to face higher risks of disease severity and mortality when infected with the virus as shown in past studies and COVID-19 News reports. This heightened risk is attributed to the presence of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors, which the virus targets for cell entry, and the associated cardiovascular abnormalities.


Correlation between the distance covered in the 6-minute walk test and the 2LV% index of heart rate variability acquired in the supine position from individuals with systemic arterial hypertension (n = 32). (a) 18 post-COVID-19 individuals - G1; (b) 14 non-COVID-19 diagnosed - G2.

This new study by researchers from multiple institutions, including Universidade de Pernambuco in Brazil, University of Jyvaskyla in Finland, International University of Health, Exercise & Sports SA-Luxemburgo and Luxembourg Health & Sport Sciences Research Institute aims to explore the impact of COVID-19 on cardiac autonomic function (CAF) and functional capacity (FC) in individuals with systemic arterial hypertension (SAH). The study compared SAH patients without a history of COVID-19 infection to those who had recovered from mild COVID-19.

Cardiac Autonomic Function

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) plays a crucial role in regulating heart rate and other cardiovascular functions. The study focused on cardiac autonomic function, assessing heart rate variability (HRV) using R-R intervals during a 10-minute supine period. HRV indices, both linear and non-linear, were analyzed to gauge the sympathetic and parasympathetic balance in the heart's autonomic control.

Functional Capacity

Functional capacity, defined as an individual's ability to perform physical activities, is often affected by cardiovascular diseases and associated risk factors. The study evaluated functional capacity through the 6-minute walk test (6MWT), a common tool for assessing exercise tolerance. Participants in the study included individuals with systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) who had experienced mild COVID-19 symptoms and those without COVID-19.

Research Findings and Implications

The study's findings revealed that SAH patients who had experienced mild COVID-19 exhibited a reduced functional capacity, as measured by the distance covered in the 6MWT, compared to SAH patients without a history of COVID-19 infection.

The reduction in functional capacity even in mild COVID-19 cases highlights the potential long-term impact of the virus on physical abilities, particularly in populations already susceptible due to underlying health conditions.

Interestin gly, the study did not observe significant differences in cardiac autonomic function between SAH patients with or without COVID-19. This finding suggests that while COVID-19 may impact functional capacity, it might not cause substantial impairment in cardiac autonomic modulation in this specific population.

The study's limitations include a relatively small sample size and variations in the timing of post-infection assessments. Additionally, a healthy control group without COVID-19 and SAH was not included, limiting comprehensive comparisons. Despite these limitations, the study contributes valuable insights into the interaction between COVID-19 and systemic arterial hypertension.

Clinical and Research Implications

The study's results have important clinical implications, emphasizing the need for tailored rehabilitation programs for individuals recovering from mild COVID-19, especially those with pre-existing conditions like SAH. Healthcare professionals can use this information to design interventions that focus on improving functional capacity and overall quality of life in these patients.

Furthermore, the study underscores the importance of continued research to understand the broader effects of COVID-19 on populations with various pre-existing conditions. The complexities of interactions between the virus and underlying health factors require further exploration to develop effective treatment strategies and preventive measures.


In conclusion, the study sheds light on the impact of mild COVID-19 on cardiac functional capacity in individuals with systemic arterial hypertension. The findings highlight the reduction in functional capacity among SAH patients post-COVID-19 and the absence of significant changes in cardiac autonomic function. This underscores the importance of targeted rehabilitation interventions and further research to comprehensively understand COVID-19's impact on different population groups. As the world continues to grapple with the repercussions of the pandemic, studies like this contribute to a deeper understanding of the virus's effects and guide the development of evidence-based interventions.

The study findings were published on a preprint server and is currently being peer-reviewed.


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Natural immunity wins
Dr. John Campbell
Aug 31, 2023
16 min 32 sec

Natural immunity 27 times better. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Naturally Acquired Immunity versus Vaccine-induced Immunity, Reinfections versus Breakthrough Infections: A Retrospective Cohort Study Background Waning of protection, conferred by 2 doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine, begins shortly after injection, becomes substantial within 4 months. We examined long-term protection of naturally acquired immunity, compared to vaccine-induced immunity. Group 1, N = 673,676 Vaccine not Infection Group SARS-CoV-2-naive individuals who received a 2-dose regimen of the BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine. Group 2, N = 62,883 Infection not Vaccine Group Previously infected individuals who have not been vaccinated SARS-CoV-2-related outcomes June 1st to August 14th 2021 (Delta variant times) Infection, 13 times more infections in vaccinated group Symptomatic disease, 27 times more disease in vaccinated group Hospitalization, 8 in vaccinated group, 0 in infection group Death 0 / 0 Results When the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021. That’s 4 months up to 8 months Vaccinees not Infection Group, 13.06-fold increased risk for infection, compared to Infection not Vaccine Group Group 2, Infection not Vaccine Group, 13 times less likely to get infected with delta Group 2, Infection not Vaccine Group, 27 times less likely to get symptomatic infection. Group 2, Infection not Vaccine Group, 0 COVID-19-related hospitalizations Group 1, Vaccine not Infection Group, 8 COVID-19-related hospitalizations Allowing for more time since first event 6 to 17 months after first event Evidence of waning naturally acquired immunity was demonstrated Vaccine not Infection Group, 5.96-fold increased risk for infection Vaccine not Infection Group, 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease. Conclusions Naturally acquired immunity confers stronger protection against infection and symptomatic disease caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 2-dose vaccine-indued immunity. Cleveland Clinic Health-care workers 1,359 unvaccinated, who had previously tested positive, non got infected The study authors concluded: “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.” Professor Marty Makary, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health, editor-in-chief of Medpage Today It’s okay to have an incorrect scientific hypothesis. But when new data proves it wrong, you have to adapt. Unfortunately, many elected leaders and public health officials have held on far too long to the hypothesis that natural immunity offers unreliable protection against covid-19, a contention that is being rapidly debunked by science. Sixteen studies have demonstrated the power of acquired immunity That’s why it’s so frustrating that the Biden administration has repeatedly argued that immunity conferred by vaccines is preferable to immunity caused by natural infection, In my clinical experience, I have found patients to be extremely forgiving with evolving data if you are honest and transparent with them. The incorrect hypothesis that natural immunity is unreliable has resulted in the loss of thousands of American lives, avoidable vaccine complications, and damaged the credibility of public health officials. it would be good for our public health leaders to show humility by acknowledging that the hypothesis they repeatedly trumpeted was not only wrong, but it may be harmful. Public health officials changing their position on natural immunity, after so much hostility toward the idea, would go a long way in rebuilding the public trust.

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'Total lack of critical thinking': Experts question COVID vax, mask mandates amid 'surge'
CDC was catching flak nearly two years ago for how it used evidence to claim "masking prevents severe disease," new emails show. Five colleges that share same neighborhood - and health center - have wildly different vax policies.

By Greg Piper
Updated: August 29, 2023 - 12:18pm

Governments and private entities are using a small rise in COVID-19 hospitalizations and new viral variants to juice interest in bivalent boosters that only 1 in 6 Americans have taken and to urge a return to routine masking, if not outright mandating new jabs and face coverings.

What they aren't providing is robust evidence for the effectiveness of the interventions against infection by a virus that has already provided natural immunity to an estimated 19 in 20 Americans as of November 2022, according to Harvard research published in this month's journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

"If a tiny bump in the rate of new weekly Covid hospital admissions—that still is among the lowest rates over the last three years—relates to a surge, then what is an actual large rise called?" science journalist David Zweig wrote in an essay Thursday questioning explanations by public-health pundits for the increase.

"The use of this hyperbolic language by so many media outlets that over-dramatizes risk skirts very close to misinformation," said Zweig, known for his reporting on the Twitter Files and scrutiny of the evidence behind school mask mandates and the six-foot rule.

Even President Biden acknowledged current COVID vaccines, which include original and Omicron variant strains, are not performing as hoped. He said at a press gaggle Friday he's planning to ask Congress for additional funding for a new vaccine "that works" and will "tentatively" be recommended for everyone, regardless of prior infection, vaccination history or risk level.

The CDC warned last week that a new variant, BA.2.86, only diagnosed in nine people worldwide and two in the U.S. at the time, "may be more capable of causing infection" in the naturally immune and vaccinated.

While the agency cautioned there was "no evidence that this variant is causing more severe illness," its "current assessment" is that the next update of the COVID vaccine "will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization," but cited no evidence.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers also cited no evidence for masking's benefit in a paper posted online in May, but not yet printed by the Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, on which messages and behaviors are best at spurring masking by racial and ethnic group.

Based on an online survey in the pandemic's first year, the study found Hispanics and whites were most persuaded by "seeing others wearing masks," black people through the "belief that wearing a mask would protect others" and Asians through "belief that people important to them believe they should wear a mask."

Newly public emails led by Biden's former COVID adviser show the CDC was getting heat behind the scenes in the pandemic's second year for how it represented mask evidence.

The agency is misleading the public on a website it co-hosts with the Infectious Diseases Society of America, University of Minnesota public health professor Michael Osterholm wrote in a Nov. 15, 2021 letter to IDSA and CDC officials including then-Director Rochelle Walensky.

The website can claim only that "masking prevents severe disease" by ignoring the "serious errors" in its cited research, according to Osterholm, who publicly questioned the effectiveness of common face masks months earlier.

The letter was signed by Osterholm's colleagues at his university's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy and at other universities. The National Institutes of Health provided it in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by the Functional Government Initiative, The Epoch Times reported.

Bivalent-booster rates have barely budged since January, when the feds claimed children risked "COVID's worst outcomes" if they didn't get the newly authorized jabs. Cleveland Clinic research suggests more jabs correlate with more susceptibility to reinfection, Yale University epidemiologist Harvey Risch recently told Just the News.

More than 90 colleges are still mandating either primary-series vaccines or boosters, according to ongoing tracking of written policies by the advocacy group No College Mandates.

Colleges that have recently confirmed fall mandates include historically black Morris Brown College and Spelman College, women's colleges Wellesley and Bryn Mawr, and performing arts school Juilliard.

The five undergraduate components of Southern California's Claremont Colleges, whose campuses adjoin each other and share a health center, do not share one COVID vaccine policy, however, No College Mandates observed.

Claremont McKenna dropped its mandate this spring, while Harvey Mudd and Scripps dropped their mandates for employees but not students this month. Pomona requires the primary series, and Pitzer requires "all recommended boosters." The health center didn't mention the diverging policies in a fall welcome message to the campuses.

"These colleges should respect medical choice among students as well as faculty. Why the bias against young people? Total lack of critical thinking," epidemiologist Allison Krug, coauthor of a Journal of Medical Ethics study on COVID booster mandates for students, wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Johns Hopkins medical professor Marty Makary, a National Academy of Medicine member and Krug's coauthor, also referred to the No College Mandates list in a Saturday post. He encouraged students at colleges that don't recognize natural immunity to show their leaders a Lancet systematic review and meta-analysis of prior-infection research.

Rising case numbers prompted New York City to launch a new campaign to spur masking, which is also the subject of resumed mandates in healthcare settings in the Big Apple, New England and elsewhere.

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo pushed back last week, saying mask rules had been "proven ineffective" and urged people to refuse to comply. Former New York Times science columnist John Tierney published a research-heavy broadside against masking in the Manhattan Institute's City Journal on Sunday.

Some private institutions quickly backtracked on their mask mandates last week, suggesting responsiveness to public opinion.

Hollywood studio Lionsgate lifted an indefinite mask rule that applied to about half of its Santa Monica employees just four days after announcing it, belatedly claiming Los Angeles County ordered, then rescinded the mandate because of a since-controlled COVID outbreak, Deadline reported.

Kaiser Permanente's Santa Rosa, California, medical facilities took only two days to revise a mask rule that applied to "physicians, staff, members, patients and visitors," now limiting the mandate to physicians and staff, the Press Democrat reported.

Masking has never had "good data in community settings in the past" and "is literally incoherent now," University of California San Francisco epidemiologist Vinay Prasad, who has questioned the research basis for masking, wrote on X regarding the New York City campaign.

"We will all get many respiratory viruses in our lives," Prasad said. "COVID is now like all the others. Living in fear is bad for mental health."

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Pfizer Asks Court to Revoke Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Patents
By Zachary Stieber

Pfizer and its partner BioNTech have asked a U.S. court to revoke Moderna's patents for COVID-19 vaccine technology.

Pfizer and BioNTech said in new filings to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's Patent Trial and Appeal Board that Moderna's patents are so broad that they essentially "coopt the entire field" of messenger RNA technology, which is used in some COVID-19 vaccines.

The patents, obtained during the COVID-19 pandemic, are "unimaginably broad" and cover technology that was known long before 2015, when Moderna says it developed the technology, one filing stated.

Moderna didn't respond to a request for comment.

One Moderna patent being challenged covers messenger RNA vaccines with the spike protein or spike protein subunit of any betacoronavirus, such as COVID-19, delivered into the human body through a lipid delivery system. Another covers similar technology.

Pfizer and BioNTech are seeking an inter partes review of a trial at the board that would go over whether the technology Moderna patented was already described.

Scientists found in 1990 that messenger RNA could be used in ways that would improve vaccines, and in 1993, scientists found that vaccines with the technology produced an immune response, Pfizer and BioNTech told the court.

They pointed to experiments that Dr. Robert Malone and others reported in 1990 in Science magazine and tests described in a 1993 paper in the European Journal of Immunology.

Federal law governing patents says that a person shall be entitled to a patent unless the claimed invention was "patented, described in a printed publication, or in public use, on sale, or otherwise available to the public before the effective filing date of the claimed invention."

Inter partes reviews adjudicate challenges on that basis, an area of patent law known as "prior art."

Subsequent improvements to the technology, such as using lipid nanoparticles to deliver the messenger RNA, were also described in public materials before Moderna requested patents, the filings say.

That includes a patent filed in 2013 that outlined the delivery system.

The patent "is prior art" under the law, Pfizer and BioNTech said.

The patent court hasn't yet ruled on the filings.

Pfizer and BioNTech also used messenger RNA in their COVID-19 vaccine, one of the most widely used around the world, but say that the shot was based on proprietary technology.

"We remain confident in our intellectual property supporting the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and will vigorously defend against the allegations of the lawsuit," they said in 2022, after being sued by Moderna over alleged patent infringement.

Earlier Suits

While the companies produced the first COVID-19 vaccines in the world, they have been feuding since, filing suits against each other.

Moderna sued Pfizer and BioNTech in August 2022, saying the Pfizer-BioNTech shot used features that were developed by Moderna scientists.

“Despite recognizing the importance of patents to innovators such as Moderna, Pfizer, and BioNTech have copied Moderna’s intellectual property and have continued to use Moderna’s inventions without permission. Moderna therefore brings this lawsuit to protect the mRNA technology platform it innovated, invested in, and patented, and to ensure that intellectual property is respected,” stated the litigation, filed in U.S. court in Massachusetts, where Moderna is headquartered.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said during a conference in 2020 that the company’s mRNA vaccine was using an antigen “which is, I think, the same like the [one] Moderna is using,” the suit noted.

Moderna said it offered to consider selling licenses to its technology, but that neither Pfizer nor BioNTech ever made contact to request a license.

Moderna also filed a patent infringement suit in a court in Germany, where BioNTech is headquartered.

Pfizer and BioNTech countersued later in 2022, introducing the argument that Moderna's patents weren't valid.

The patents "far exceed" Moderna's "actual contributions to the field," the countersuit states.

Pfizer and BioNTech also said in the filing that they produced their vaccine independent of Moderna's technology.
Other Litigation

Moderna has also been sued by additional companies, which say that the firm infringed on their patent in its COVID-19 vaccine.

Arbutus Biopharma and Genevant Sciences filed the claim in U.S. court.

Moderna's attempt to dismiss the case, backed by the U.S. government, was rejected by a federal judge earlier this year.

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, another firm, has accused both Moderna and Pfizer of violating a related patent.

Pfizer and BioNTech have also been sued in the United States by Arbutus and a separate company, CureVac, which alleges the companies infringed on its technology in their vaccine.

“Our scientists have pioneered fundamental breakthroughs in mRNA vaccine technology over the last two decades," CureVac CEO Dr. Alexander Zehnder said in a statement at the time. "These contributions underpin the rapid development of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines such as Comirnaty."

That case is poised to head to trial in 2024.

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Conflicting Evidence of mRNA Technology Raises Serious Concerns About Rush for Use in New Vaccine Development
Megan Redshaw, J.D.
Aug 31 2023

The U.S. government and pharmaceutical companies are investing a substantial amount to develop new mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases and cancer, fueling a lucrative mRNA platform valued at $136.2 billion.

A newly established White House program announced on Aug. 23 that it is granting a total of $25 million over three years to Emory University, Yale School of Medicine, and the University of Georgia to develop personalized therapeutic vaccines against cancers and emerging infections, similar to how COVID-19 mRNA vaccines target SARS-CoV-2. They aim to use mRNA—an essential element in COVID-19 vaccines developed to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections—to program a unique class of immune cells called dendritic cells to initiate a desired immunological response.

Pharmaceutical companies such as Moderna, BioNTech, and CureVac are conducting clinical trials using mRNA-based vaccines with advanced melanoma, ovarian, colorectal, and pancreatic cancers. The National Institutes of Health is partnering with BioNTech to develop a personalized vaccine for pancreatic cancers. In addition to COVID-19 and cancer, other mRNA-based vaccines in development target influenza, genital herpes, respiratory viruses, and shingles.

Although mRNA platforms are appealing because they reduce costs and shorten the vaccine development timeline, evidence and experience suggest the mRNA technology used for novel COVID-19 vaccines is associated with various harms and neither prevents COVID-19 nor its transmission.

Evidence Challenging Vaccine ‘Safe and Effective’ Narrative

The unprecedented rates of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination overshadow the benefits, according to researchers from Australia who say the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, whether from the virus or created from genetic code in mRNA and adenovectorDNA vaccines, is toxic and causes a wide array of diseases.

In their recently published paper published in Biomedicines titled, “‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA,” the researchers explored peer-reviewed data countering the “safe and effective” narrative attached to new technologies used to develop mRNA and adenovectorDNA vaccines at “warp speed” to end the pandemic.

Spike protein pathogenicity, termed “spikeopathy,” describes the ability of the spike protein to cause disease, and the researchers say it can affect many organ systems.

Researchers noted the following key problem areas:
  • Spike protein toxicity (spikeopathy) from both the virus and when produced by gene codes in people vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Inflammatory properties in specific lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) used to transport mRNA.
  • Long-lasting action caused by N1-methyl pseudouridine in the synthetic mRNA—also referred to as modRNA.
  • Widespread distribution of mRNA and DNA codes via the LNP and viral vector carrier matrices, respectively.
  • Human cells produce a foreign protein that can cause autoimmunity.
Now that vaccines utilizing mRNA technology have been available and widely distributed for several years, data show these vaccines produce foreign antigens in human tissues and increase the risk of autoimmune, neurological, cardiovascular, inflammatory disorders, and cancers, especially when the vaccine ingredients do not remain localized at the injection site. An antigen is any substance that stimulates an immune response. If the immune system encounters an antigen that is not found on the body’s own cells, it will launch an attack against that antigen.

Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data show the design of the mRNA and adenovectorDNA COVID-19 vaccines allow uncontrolled biodistribution, durability, and persistent bioavailability of the spike protein inside the body after vaccination. Pharmacokinetics is the study of how the body interacts with administered substances for the entire duration of exposure. Pharmacodynamics assesses the drug’s effect on the body more closely.

This may explain the unprecedented number of adverse events that appear to be associated with the spike protein produced by the gene-based technologies employed by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson, as well as the viral vector DNA technology used by other countries, researchers said.

mRNA Vaccines Are Gene Therapy and May Cause Harm

Gene-based COVID-19 vaccines are therapeutic products that actually fit within the FDA’s definition of gene therapy because they cause the cells of the vaccinated person to produce antigens for transmembrane expression that invokes an immune response. By design, these novel vaccine platforms risk tissue damage secondary to autoimmune responses raised against cells expressing foreign spike antigens, researchers said.

The FDA was aware of the pathogenicity of spike proteins before releasing COVID-19 vaccines to the public. In an October 2022 meeting with its vaccine advisors, the FDA presented a highly accurate list of potential adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccines, including neurological, cardiovascular, and autoimmune “possible adverse events.”

React19, an organization that provides financial, emotional, and physical support to those experiencing long-term injuries from COVID-19 vaccines, provided a list of over 3,400 published papers and case reports of injuries affecting more than 20 organ systems. More than 432 peer-reviewed papers relate to papers and case reports of myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarction, hypertension, aortic dissection, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), tachycardia, and conduction disturbance—a problem with the electrical system that controls the heart’s rate and rhythm.

The most common group of adverse events reported following COVID-19 vaccination to both pharmacovigilance databases and Pfizer involve neurological disorders. According to the paper, neurological symptoms and cognitive decline with accelerated neurodegenerative disease are features of acute COVID-19 vaccine injuries and, to some extent, long COVID syndrome. Research suggests (pdf) LNPs transporting the mRNA to make spike proteins can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurotoxic effects.

Lipid Nanoparticles Are Toxic and Pro-Inflammatory

It’s not just the spike protein that can cause disease. LNPs that serve as the delivery method are also toxic and pro-inflammatory.

Research from 2018 showed even small amounts of nanoparticles taken up by the lungs can lead to cytotoxic effects. Ingested nanoparticles have been shown to affect lymph nodes, the liver, and the spleen, while when injected as a drug carrier, they can pass any barrier and translocate to the brain, ovaries, and testes, mainly after phagocytosis by macrophages, which help distribute them across the body. The effects on the reproductive system suggest lipid nanoparticles can be cytotoxic and damage DNA.

According to the authors, two components in the mRNA lipid nanoparticle complexes, ALC-0315 and ALC-0159, are concerning, as they have never been used in a medicinal product and are not registered in either the European Pharmacopoeia or in the European C&L Inventory database. A question posed to the European Parliament in December 2021 pointed out that the manufacturer of the nanoparticles specifies the nanoparticles are for research only and not for human use. The European Commission responded that the excipient in Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine “has been demonstrated to be appropriate … in compliance with the relevant EMA scientific guidelines and standards.”

Still, this could explain the root cause of numerous post-vaccination adverse events, researchers said.

“Even if it were non-toxic in its own right, by virtue of its foreignness, spike protein could still produce pathophysiological damage through autoimmune responses. A straightforward consequence of a foreign protein,” the researchers stated. “The lipid-nanoparticle matrix permits widespread biodistribution of mRNA gene codes to cells in most or all organs. The subsequent expression of the spike protein on cell surfaces, and as a soluble protein within the organs and bloodstream, induces T-cell destruction of cells and tissues and B-cell antibodies. The latter may also cause immune complex deposition, further damaging tissues … ”

In a 2021 preprint, researchers noted the pharmacokinetics of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines generated far greater numbers of spike proteins than the SARS-CoV-2 virus and “more systemically in most people not prone to overwhelming COVID-19 viral infection.”

In addition to their potential toxicity, LNPs in COVID-19 vaccines have been found to “induce significant inflammatory cytokine secretion and macrophage inflammatory proteins with cell death.” Research has shown this pro-inflammatory effect can increase vaccine adjuvant immunogenicity of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and contribute to adverse events. Researchers also stated that widespread biodistribution of the LNPs was not considered, nor was the potential for wide-ranging serious adverse events across multiple organs and systems.

In the presence of polyethylene glycol, a common vaccine ingredient, mRNA in lipid nanoparticles becomes more resistant to degradation and evades the immune system with the nanoparticles helping with biodistribution and bioaccumulation. According to the paper, bioaccumulation can “lead to blockage of small blood and lymphatic vessels,” and biodistribution can cause cell death and inflammation in all organs.

Lipid Nanoparticles Widely Distribute mRNA Throughout the Body

According to the paper, LNPs in COVID-19 vaccines containing potentially inflammatory synthetic mRNA do not remain at the injection site after vaccination but are widely distributed throughout the body and can cross protective membranes.

A European Medicines Agency report found, “mRNA could be detected in the brain following intramuscular administration at about 2 percent of the level found in plasma.” Another paper described how lipid nanoparticles can easily cross the blood-brain barrier.

Byram Bridle, Canadian virologist and vaccinologist, obtained a Pfizer biodistribution study in rodents from Japan that showed lipid nanoparticles could pass easily through biological tissues and membranes and travel to all organs. By 48 hours after vaccination, 75 percent of lipid nanoparticles had left the injection site with the highest concentrations in the spleen and liver. Levels were also detected in the ovaries, adrenal glands, brain, eyes, heart, testes, uterus, pituitary gland, spinal cord, thymus, and bone marrow. Further studies have since confirmed the results of Pfizer’s rat distribution study, researchers said.

Although health regulatory authorities assured the public that persistent mRNA spike protein production would be brief and localized at the injection site, this is not the case. Because natural messenger RNA is highly unstable, synthetic mRNA that codes for the spike protein in Moderna and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines was stabilized by replacing uridine with N1-methylpseudourine. This essentially “modified” the RNA to stabilize synthetic mRNA over a period of time. This may be why some experts say mRNA stands for “modified RNA” instead of “messenger RNA.”

Numerous studies have found lipid nanoparticles containing mRNA still circulating in the blood after vaccination, with one study (pdf) showing the presence of mRNA and free spike proteins—for the entire 60-day duration of the study—in the cytoplasm and nuclei of germinal cells in armpit lymph nodes on the same side of the body as the injection site. Other research detected spike proteins in circulating exosomes that carry nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and metabolites throughout the body for at least four months after vaccination with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Although some research suggests detection of the spike protein is restricted after the second dose due to anti-spike antibodies, since modified RNA molecules are highly stable, researchers say the spike protein production will persist until the immune system attacks or kills the cell.

“No studies have determined the stability of the vaccine-induced spike protein, but free spike protein has been found circulating up to 19 days post-vaccination in the plasma of young individuals with post-vaccine myocarditis,” the authors said.

Booster Shots Increase Potential for Adverse Events From Spike Protein

Both mRNA and adenovector DNA vaccines cause human cells to create a slightly modified version of the original Wuhan strain spike protein. In contrast, the bivalent booster doses add genetic code for the omicron variant spike protein.

According to the researchers, if an individual experiences wide biodistribution of this genetic code, the body could produce many more spike proteins than what would occur with the natural virus. This is more likely the case with young and healthy people who typically rid themselves of the virus through the upper respiratory mucosa.

“Therefore, in the young and healthy, the encoding-based COVID-19 vaccines will transfect a far more diverse set of tissues than infection by the virus itself,” they concluded.

Further research has noted that “potential toxicological issues were not taken into consideration in the studies that led to the marketing authorization, precisely because … these products were treated as conventional vaccines when, in fact, they are gene insertions acting as prodrugs.”

Data Suggest Risks of COVID-19 Vaccines Far Outweigh Low Efficacy

Although it’s claimed COVID-19 vaccines have saved millions of lives, this belief is founded upon an early 2020 infection fatality rate in China, modeling estimates produced by vaccine manufacturers, and a false assumption vaccines would protect against infection and transmission. Even Pfizer admitted its phase 3 clinical trial didn’t assess viral transmission. Yet health authorities, regulatory agencies, medical publications, and the media continue to claim vaccines are effective.

To accurately assess the efficacy of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines, the researchers said there would need to be long-term studies between the vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, which cannot occur because Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Janssen vaccinated their control group who were initially administered placebos.

There is currently only one worldwide control group, and data show that the unvaccinated cohort faired better than expected. Australian data from December 2022 show the unvaccinated barely exist in hospitalization data, whereas the most vaccinated are overrepresented. The data “do not suggest significant efficacy against hospitalization, ICU admission and death, at least after the emergence of the Omicron strain,” researchers concluded. Instead, the data indicate a relationship between more vaccine doses with severe COVID-19, and increased all-cause mortality that coincides with the rollout of vaccines, they said.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
(fair use applies)

New Research Sheds Light on Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccination
By Aarhus University
August 31, 2023

Shortly following their COVID-19 vaccinations, individuals in Denmark reported mild side effects like general discomfort, elevated body temperature, and tiredness. Severe adverse reactions like facial paralysis and allergic responses are rare. Additionally, 30% of menstruating women reported alterations in their menstrual cycles.

Aarhus University has recently published two studies examining the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.

Both studies are based on the Danish BiCoVac cohort, which makes it possible to carry out studies based on a large group of the Danish population. One of the studies examined the acute side effects of Covid-19 vaccination.

The most frequently reported side effects after the first small prick on the shoulder are redness and pain at the injection site, which 20% of people experience. After the second and third jabs, fatigue is the most reported side effect – reported by 22% and 14% of people, respectively.

The study has been published in the journal Vaccine. The study found that common side effects such as malaise, fever, and fatigue are among the most frequently reported in Denmark after Covid-19 vaccination. More serious side effects such as facial paralysis and allergic reactions are not as common.

“Women, people between the ages of 25-35, and people who had Covid-19 prior to being vaccinated reported experiencing side effects more frequently than men, the elderly, and people who had not previously had Covid-19,” says Kristoffer Torp Hansen, first author of the study and research assistant at the Department of Public Health.

The results also show that the acutely occurring side effects differ depending on which vaccine is administered.

People vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine reported more side effects after the first dose than people vaccinated with the other vaccines.

People who received the Moderna vaccine reported more side effects after the second and third doses compared to people who received the vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech.

Several factors play a role in the reporting of menstrual changes

The second study showed that 30% of menstruating women reported changes in their menstrual cycle after being vaccinated against Covid-19.

The researchers examined which factors could potentially play a role in those changes and discovered that commonly known causes of menstrual changes, such as stress, age, and smoking, had a correlation with the reported cycle changes after Covid-19 vaccination.

“We also found that women who had been concerned about the Covid-19 vaccine, who had had a severe Covid-19 infection or who reported experiencing several reactions to the vaccine were more likely to report menstrual changes after vaccination,” says Christina Bisgaard Jensen, PhD student at the Department of Public Health. She is the first author of the study, which has just been published in the scientific journal Human Reproduction.

“Changes in the menstrual cycle are not uncommon, and we cannot rule out that, for some people, the reported menstrual changes occurred randomly in temporal relation to the vaccination,” says Christina Bisgaard Jensen, who further explains that the study cannot be used to identify a direct correlation between Covid1-9 vaccination and the reported menstrual changes.

“Further studies are needed to establish causal relationships and the clinical significance of self-reported menstrual changes,” she says.

Reference: “Immediate adverse reactions following COVID-19 vaccination among 16–65-year-old Danish citizens” by K. Torp Hansen, F. Kusk Povlsen, B. Hammer Bech, S. Nygaard Hansen, C. Ulrikka Rask, P. Fink, T. Jørgensen, H. Nielsen, T. Meinertz Dantoft, S. Marie Thysen and D. Rytter, 23 June 2023, Vaccine.
DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.06.069

“Prevalence of and risk factors for self-reported menstrual changes following COVID-19 vaccination: a Danish cohort study” by C Bisgaard Jensen, B Hammer Bech, S Nygaard Hansen, C Ulrikka Rask, P Fink, H Nielsen, T Meinertz Dantoft, S Marie Thysen and D Rytter, 12 July 2023, Human Reproduction.
DOI: 10.1093/humrep/dead144

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
Just an FYI update, not going to post the articles;

Countries with BA.2.86 "Pirola":
Israel, Denmark, South Africa, Switzerland, Sweden, Thailand, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Germany, France and the United Kingdom including Scotland.

States in the USA with BA.2.86 "Pirola":
Ohio, Virginia, Michigan, New York and Texas.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
(fair use applies)

Pfizer's COVID Vaccine Causes VAIDS in Children, Study Proves
Vaccinated Children Become Susceptible to Bacterial and Fungal Infections

Igor Chudov
Aug 29, 2023

Many of us shared anecdotes of loved ones vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines - and suffering from all sorts of unrelated illnesses afterward. I know a young individual who, after mandated COVID vaccination, had all sorts of bacterial illnesses that he never had before. (This story was a major impetus to my opening and growing this substack).

Finally, we have scientific confirmation that vaccination against COVID-19 causes a marked decrease in immunity to heterologous pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi. This decreased immunity to other pathogens (acquired immune deficit) is what people colloquially refer to as “VAIDS.” (VAIDS stands for Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

The study titled BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogens and Toll-like receptor agonists, set out to measure the quality of general immune responses in children vaccinated with the Pfizer COVID vaccine.

Blood samples from 29 children, aged 5-11 years old, were taken before the FIRST dose of COVID vaccination and subsequently retaken on the 28th day after the second dose.

Methods: A whole blood stimulation assay was used to investigate in vitro cytokine responses to heterologous stimulants (killed pathogens, Toll-like receptor ligands) and SARS-CoV-2 antigens. Samples from 29 children, aged 5-11 years, before and 28 days after a second BNT162b2 vaccination were analysed (V2 + 28). Samples from eight children were analysed six months after BNT162b2 vaccination.

In the introduction, scientists coyly said that vaccination “altered cytokine responses”. As we will discover, the jabs altered immune responses for the worse, not better!

Conclusions: BNT162b2 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous stimulants, particularly one month after vaccination. This study is the first to report the immunological heterologous effects of COVID-19 vaccination in children.

What the Scientists Did​

Sample collection​

Participants were requested to provide blood samples at two core visits, and one optional visit. The first blood sample was taken immediately before, and on the same day as, the first BNT162b2 vaccination (V1), the second blood sample was taken 28 days after the second BNT162b2 vaccination (V2 + 28) and the optional third blood sample was taken 6 months after the second BNT162b2 vaccination (V2 + 182) (Supplementary Figure S1). Up to 23 mL venous blood was collected into sodium heparin-containing and serum separator tubes (Becton Dickinson, NJ, USA).

Then, collected blood was tested for the immune response to various pathogens, including various commonly encountered bacteria, staphylococcus aureus, and pathogenic yeast Candida Albicans:

In vitro whole blood stimulation​

In vitro whole blood stimulation assays were done as previously described (16, 23). [lab work details omitted - I.C.] … Other stimulants have previously been described (16) and included: bacterial stimulants (heat-killed Haemophilus influenzae type B, HK Listeria monocytogenes, BCG-Denmark , HK Staphylococcus aureus and HK Escherichia coli, and viral/other stimulants (hepatitis B virus surface antigen, …, HK Candida albicans

Many of the above are pathogens that we encounter often, and they are the reason why we have God-given immune systems to keep them away, which healthy children typically do.

Unfortunately, the 29 COVID-vaccinated children aged 5-11, had markedly decreased immune responses 28 days after the second dose of Pfizer. Many specific immune reactions declined by a factor of over ten times:

(the charts in the figure above are using logarithmic scale)

The authors state:

Following heterologous bacterial, fungal and viral/TLR agonists stimulation, there was a general decrease in cytokine and chemokine responses in children between V1 and V2 + 28. The largest decreases were seen for IFN-γ and MCP-1 (Figures 2, 3A-C). IL-6, IL-15, IL-17 also decreased between V1 and V2 + 28 following stimulation with BCG, H. influenzae, S. aureus, hepatitis B antigen, poly(I:C), and R848 (Figure 3B). L. monocytogenes stimulation induced IL-15, TNF-α and IP-10 decreases between V1 and V2 + 28 (Figure 3C). IL-8 responses also decreased between V1 and V2 + 28 following H. influenzae and S. aureus stimulation.

Reduced responses to Staphylococcus aureus are very serious: this illness is difficult to treat and causes untold harm. I will skip the worst pictures to not upset my readers too much.

In any case, a decrease in immune responses happens across the board.

In the ideal world, careful scientists, cautious public health authorities, and principled medical doctors would investigate COVID vaccines' effects before vaccinating tens of millions of children and billions of adults. Had they investigated and done the basic science (such as the study above) before mandating and injecting COVID vaccines, such dangerous injections would never have been given to children and young adults!

Instead, in the mad rush to “vaccinate the world” with vaccines that do not even work, we ruined the immune responses of millions of children and likely all other vaccinated people.

Headlines about the “unexplained rise in children infected” with the above-mentioned bacteria abound:

Instead of careful consideration, science and health authorities denied everything and refused to debate. Now that the truth is coming out, the ill effects of Covid vaccines can no longer be reversed. Very unfortunate!

Do you know any affected people? Please share your stories, while BEING MINDFUL ABOUT PRIVACY!

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
more on the above article:

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Researchers in Australia looking for signs that vaccination against COVID-19 might protect against other infectious diseases found just the opposite. One month after getting Pfizer’s vaccine, children experienced a sharp decline in immune proteins, or cytokines, according to a study in Frontiers in Immunology.

By Angelo DePalma, Ph.D.

Children in Australia who took the Pfizer BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccine experienced significant drops in levels of immune proteins, or cytokines, according to a study appearing in Frontiers in Immunology.

Does that mean these children developed vaccine-acquired immune deficiency, or VAIDS, after they received the shots, as some reports speculated?

Not necessarily.

Dozens of cytokines participate in immunity, and many promote unhealthy or dangerous inflammation. To our knowledge, the 27-cytokine panel the researchers used to measure immune function was not validated to diagnose either immune deficiency or inflammation. It provides hints or clues but is not confirmatory.

Cytokines are “good” when they stimulate immunity to combat infection or attack tumors. But the same cytokines are “bad” when they promote inflammation, for example in rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn’s disease.

So, vaccinated children who experience a drop in levels of the 27 cytokines the researchers measured may be less able to fight off an infection — but we don’t know that for certain.

Researchers could have learned more by including unvaccinated children in their study, or they could have definitively settled the matter by monitoring the children longer-term for infection — neither of which they did.

Still, the study adds fuel to the ongoing controversy over COVID-19 vaccinations in children, though perhaps not in the way investigators intended.

The researchers set out to determine whether children who received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine were better protected against other infections besides COVID-19.

But their finding, that cytokine responses associated with fighting non-COVID-19 infections decreased, suggested the opposite.

Led by corresponding author Andrés Noé at Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Parkville, Victoria, Australia, researchers looked for evidence that the Pfizer vaccine administered to young children might prevent not just COVID-19 but also other infectious diseases.

This phenomenon, known as a heterologous or “off-target effect,” was reported earlier for smallpox vaccination and is the subject of ongoing discussion for the bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine, a vaccine for tuberculosis.

In both instances, vaccinated individuals experienced fewer hospitalizations for other infections not targeted by the vaccine.

Noé and co-workers did not use hospitalization as their endpoint but instead measured levels of cytokines, which are proteins that serve as chemical immune system signals.

According to the authors, their study was the first to examine this specific effect in children.

How the study was conducted

Researchers initially enrolled 51 children, ages 5-11 (median age 6.4), between Jan. 20 and Feb. 1, 2022. Of the 47 deemed eligible for the study, 18 children previously infected with COVID-19 were excluded, leaving 29 subjects.

To compare unvaccinated versus vaccinated cytokine levels, researchers drew blood samples right before the first BNT162b2 injection and 28 days after the second dose.

An additional eight samples were collected at six months post-treatment.

Researchers chose not to include an unvaccinated control group, instead using samples drawn before vaccination as the assay controls. They decided this because, in their estimation, including an unvaccinated control group was unethical.

They used a whole blood stimulation assay to measure cytokine responses to both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 pathogen-related stimulants. This test involves adding a “challenge” to blood samples that simulate real-world exposure to an infectious microbe.

Because cytokines are present in low abundance and are rapidly degraded in blood, assays were performed within two hours of blood collection.

Researchers treated or “challenged” blood samples with 13 pathogens, including three COVID-19-related preparations and 10 other heat-killed disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Non-COVID-19 challenges included influenza virus, staphylococcus bacteria, and other common infectious microbes.

Challenges were grouped according to bacterial, viral or COVID-19-related.

The researchers looked for 27 cytokines belonging to one of three groups: inflammatory, adaptive or mixed, and chemokines.

Inflammatory cytokines promote both beneficial and disease-causing inflammation. Adaptive cytokines help fight infections. Chemokines recruit disease-fighting white blood cells to attack and remove infectious microbes.

Plain cell culture medium and medium from uninfected cells served as assay controls.

What the researchers found

Cytokine levels generally fell at 28 days after the second injection, but results were mixed.

The greatest decreases, in cytokines that fight bacteria and non-COVID-19 viruses, were evident at 28 days for all pathogen challenges.

Decreases persisted at six months post-vaccination for viral but not bacterial challenges.

The only increases in cytokine levels observed resulted from COVID-19-related challenges.

Researchers found no correlation between these effects and levels of anti-COVID-19 antibodies, meaning whatever cytokine effects they observed arose from generalized immune stimulation and not a response to spike protein, the main antigen in the vaccines.

Noé concluded that the BNT162b2 injection in children “alters cytokine responses” to stimulants other than the COVID-19 virus or spike protein, particularly one month after vaccination.

To summarize, positive cytokine responses 28 days after BNT162b2 injection were limited to those typically expected after a vaccination — to the antigen(s) against which BNT162b2 was designed.

At the same time, levels of nearly all cytokines normally employed by the immune system to fight bacterial and viral invaders fell.

Study weaknesses

The most glaring defect in Noé’s report was the absence of an unvaccinated control group.

According to the authors, including unvaccinated children was “unethical” because the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, which advises the Australian government on vaccination policy, had established COVID-19 “vaccination” as the standard of care.

But the authors were not ethically conflicted about injecting their subjects with products that had not yet been approved or even tested in children or which, according to their own study hypothesis, might negatively affect the subjects’ ability to fight infections other than COVID-19.

Pfizer began testing its BNT162b2 product in young children on March 25, 2021, but the product was not approved in Australia for that demographic until Sept. 29, 2022 — more than six months after Noé and co-workers began injecting subjects.

BNT162b2 was approved in the U.S. for that age group in December 2022.

Also, conspicuously absent from the “discussion” section of the Noé paper was any explanation of the study’s clinical significance.

In their abstract, the authors first mention that vaccines “can have beneficial off-target (heterologous) effects that alter immune responses to, and protect against, unrelated infections.”

Later they write that BNT162b2 vaccination affects “cytokine responses to heterologous stimulants.”

But nowhere do they attempt to reconcile the two statements, to explain the clinical significance of those “alterations,” or even if the rise in cytokines to COVID-19 challenges reflects immunity from COVID-19.

Another questionable strategy was excluding children with natural immunity to COVID-19 through exposure to the virus. These potential subjects had already been recruited and had blood drawn to test for COVID-19 exposure.

Since the blood tests were run on an automated analyzer, including them could have provided additional insights without entailing significant additional work.

It would have allowed, for example, comparing cytokine levels in COVID-19-exposed and -unexposed vaccine-naive children, and eventually between children with natural versus BNT162b2-induced immunity.

Finally, unlike the smallpox study cited above, which relied on diagnosis and hospitalization as endpoints, Noé used surrogates or biomarkers for immunity — cytokine blood levels.

Biomarkers are commonly used in biomedical research — for example, cholesterol for heart disease or C-reactive protein for inflammation. But they do not carry the same weight as “hard” endpoints like biopsy results, symptomatic illness or death.

Although Noé made no claims, positive or negative, about the clinical significance of his findings his hypothesis clearly implies that COVID-19 risk is inversely related to COVID-19-related cytokine levels: the higher the levels, the lower the risk.

If Noé’s findings suggest a lower risk for COVID-19 by virtue of a strong, persistent cytokine response, then by the same logic they show that the Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine does the exact opposite for other dangerous infections.

But Noé was careful not to make any explicit claims on either point, concluding merely that “BNT162b2 vaccination in children alters cytokine responses to heterologous stimulants.”

In defense of his original hypothesis — that BNT162b2 confers immunity to non-COVID-19 pathogens — not all cytokine activity is beneficial or predictable in its effects.

The specific cytokines whose levels fell in response to viral and bacterial challenges might, under conditions of actual infection with live pathogens, have worked together to cause harmful or even dangerous inflammation.

Immunity is a complex phenomenon involving interactions among dozens or hundreds of molecular actors. Absent a narrow, rigorously validated and clearly defined relationship between biomarkers and actual disease — and not to “risk” or “risk factors” — drawing conclusions from biomarker studies is itself risky.

Had all cytokine levels risen along with those involved in fighting COVID-19, Noé’s conclusion might well have been different.

But even those claims would be subject to validation through a large study involving an unvaccinated control group and long follow-up to see if vaccinated children experienced fewer infections or fewer infections requiring hospitalization than controls.

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
(fair use applies)

COVID hospitalizations on the rise as U.S. enters Labor Day weekend
Elaine Quijano - CBS News
Fri, September 1, 2023, 8:28 PM EDT

The U.S. is seeing a significant rise in COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations as it enters Labor Day weekend.

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 15,067 new COVID patient hospitalizations for the week ending Aug. 19. That marked an 18.8% jump from the week before, and a staggering 86.9% increase over the past month. However, that is still down almost 61% compared to the same time last year.

New COVID hospital admissions have increased for seven straight weeks and are expected to continue rising. The CDC said it expects anywhere from 1,700 to 9,700 daily COVID admissions by the end of September.

Los Angeles County has seen cases double in the last month, according to data from the L.A. County Department of Public Health, with nursing homes particularly affected.

"There have only been a few times in the past year and a half when we saw this many new outbreaks in skilled nursing facilities," L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said Thursday. "And these were during the previous summer and winter surges."

In New Jersey, about one in four nursing homes are reporting an outbreak, according to the New Jersey Department of Health.

Retailers and pharmacies are seeing increased demand for in-person and at-home COVID testing. Walgreens told CBS News in a statement Friday that it was "seeing greater demand in this category nationwide, which may cause temporary and isolated shortages."

CVS told CBS News in its own statement that it was seeing a "slight uptick in requests for point-of-care COVID-19 testing at our pharmacies and clinics, and in purchases of at-home COVID-19 test kits." CVS noted, however, that it has "ample supply to meet our customers' and patients' testing needs both in-store, in-clinic and at"

Contributing to the spread are three new COVID variants — EG.5, FL.1.5.1 and BA.2.86. The CDC estimated Friday that EG.5 is making up 21.5% of all new cases, while FL.1.5.1 is making up 14.5% of new infections and BA.2.86 makes up less than 1%.

Dr. William Schaffner, who specializes in infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, told CBS News there is cause for concern.

"I think we ought to take note of it because there has been some spillover into hospitalizations," Schaffner said.

Some hospital systems and medical facilities have reinstated mask mandates, including United Health Services and Upstate Medical Hospitals in New York, Kaiser Permanente Santa Rosa Medical Center in Northern California and UMass Memorial Health in Massachusetts.

"People who are older, who have underlying chronic medical conditions, who are immune compromised, and who are pregnant — we ought to get those masks out again, to protect ourselves," Schaffner said.

The CDC has said a new COVID booster is expected to be available to the public by the end of September.

"This is a nasty, sneaky virus," Schaffner said. "Your protection will over time diminish. So even if you've had COVID in the past, once this new booster becomes available, you should get it."

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
(fair use applies)

Why Omicron Is Different – New Study Helps Explain SARS-CoV-2 Variants’ Rapid Spread
By University of Washington School of Medicine
September 1, 2023

Omicron variants, which spread rapidly worldwide, attach to cells more effectively and elude antibodies with greater efficiency compared to earlier variants.

The omicron variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which have rapidly spread around the world over the past year, latch onto our cells more tightly, invade them more efficiently, and elude many of the antibodies induced by previous infections and vaccines. These critical insights come from a recent study conducted by an international group of scientists, recently published in the journal Nature.

The lead authors of the study were Amin Addetia, a graduate student, and Young-Jun Park, a research scientist, in the laboratory of David Veesler, professor of biochemistry at the University of Washington School of Medicine, and Luca Picolli, director of Humabs BioMed, Bellinzona, Switzerland, and James Brett Case of the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Veesler, who is also a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, headed the study.

“The omicron variants that have become dominant over the past year, such as BQ.11 and XBB.1.5, have high affinity for the receptor on host cells, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, and they are able to fuse with the cell membrane and invade much more efficiently than previous SARS-CoV-2 omicron variants,” Veesler said.

Since the 2019 outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China, the virus has continually evolved. New variants of the original strain are constantly emerging. In some cases, these variants have proved to be less fit, thereby limiting their spread. But in other cases, more efficient variants have caused waves of infections and deaths.

The first omicron variant, designated BA.1 has been followed by a series of variants, each with mutations that increased their ability to infect and spread. These include variants designated BA.2, BA.4, BA.5, BQ.1.1, XBB and its derivatives XBB.1 and XBB.1.5.

They have also been able to reinfect people who had been infected by earlier variants and break through the immune protection of vaccines designed to protect against the earlier variants. These reinfections and breakthrough infections are possible because the new variants can evade antibodies induced by exposure to the earlier variants, Veesler and his colleagues found. Such antibodies, called neutralizing antibodies, prevent infection by quickly clearing an invading virus before it can become established.

However, the researchers also found that previous infection or vaccination did help to generate antibodies that recognized some of the proteins found on newer variants. These antibodies successfully activate immune cells that eradicate infection by killing and eliminating infected cells.

This immune response may explain why previous exposure to earlier variants or vaccination against them appears to reduce the risk of serious illness, hospitalization, and death with reinfection by a newer variant, Veesler said.

Although the neutralizing activity of most antibodies generated against earlier variants was much reduced, the effectiveness of one antibody, called S309, was retained.

This antibody targets a region on the virus’ spike protein that tends to remain relatively unchanged from variant to variant, presumably because its role is essential for the virus to function.

“S309 still recognizes all these variants and neutralizes them (albeit less efficiently), promotes the cellular response, and protects against disease in animal studies,” Veesler said.

The scientists explained one reason why previous infection or vaccination against earlier variants does not protect against infection by new variants as efficiently as with earlier variants: The immune system tends to react by producing antibodies induced by previous variants and cross-reacting with newer variants instead of producing new bespoke antibodies tailored to target the altered proteins on the new variants.

Veesler suspects this is due to a phenomenon called immune imprinting in which the immune response to a new infection by a similar virus is heavily influenced by the immune system’s earlier response. This immune imprinting leads it to concentrate on what it knows instead of learning new tricks to tackle the mutations found in the new variant.

This phenomenon is one reason why vaccines against new variants should not contain components from older variants that might favor immune imprinting and lead to a less effective immune response, Veesler said.

Reference: “Neutralization, effector function and immune imprinting of Omicron variants” by Amin Addetia, Luca Piccoli, James Brett Case, Young-Jun Park, Martina Beltramello, Barbara Guarino, Ha Dang, Guilherme Dias de Melo, Dora Pinto, Kaitlin Sprouse, Suzanne M. Scheaffer, Jessica Bassi, Chiara Silacci-Fregni, Francesco Muoio, Marco Dini, Lucia Vincenzetti, Rima Acosta, Daisy Johnson, Sambhavi Subramanian, Christian Saliba, Martina Giurdanella, Gloria Lombardo, Giada Leoni, Katja Culap, Carley McAlister, Anushka Rajesh, Exequiel Dellota Jr, Jiayi Zhou, Nisar Farhat, Dana Bohan, Julia Noack, Alex Chen, Florian A. Lempp, Joel Quispe, Lauriane Kergoat, Florence Larrous, Elisabetta Cameroni, Bradley Whitener, Olivier Giannini, Pietro Cippà, Alessandro Ceschi, Paolo Ferrari, Alessandra Franzetti-Pellanda, Maira Biggiogero, Christian Garzoni, Stephanie Zappi, Luca Bernasconi, Min Jeong Kim, Laura E. Rosen, Gretja Schnell, Nadine Czudnochowski, Fabio Benigni, Nicholas Franko, Jennifer K. Logue, Courtney Yoshiyama, Cameron Stewart, Helen Chu, Hervé Bourhy, Michael A. Schmid, Lisa A. Purcell, Gyorgy Snell, Antonio Lanzavecchia, Michael S. Diamond, Davide Corti and David Veesler, 30 August 2023, Nature.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06487-6

This research was funded in part by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, the Swiss Kidney Foundation, and the Research Council of Cantonal Hospital Aarau, Haru, Switzerland.


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USDA Caught Pumping mRNA Vaccines Into All Organic Produce Across America​

August 23, 2023 Sean Adl-Tabatabai News, US 8 Comments
Fact checked

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is secretly pumping most organic produce in America with Bill Gates’ mRNA chemicals, according to a disturbing new report.

The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH-USA) claims the USDA and other organic certifiers are allowing toxic mRNA and genetically engineered (GE) vaccines to infiltrate organic food production.



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In 2019 the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), an advisory committee of the USDA, decided to allow the use of mRNA vaccines produced through “excluded methods” or genetic modification in organic food production.

According to OrganicEye, an industry watchdog, USDA-certified organic producers all across America are using mRNA and GE vaccines in their livestock even though it goes against the principles of organic farming. reports: The watchdog also pointed out that consumers cannot determine whether USDA-certified organic meat, eggs or milk have been produced using GE or GMO-containing vaccines.

“In discussions pursuant to vaccines at previous NOSB meetings, some certifiers, accredited by the USDA… have publicly admitted that they do not even check to determine if vaccines violate the prohibition against genetic engineering.”

This potential fraud and deception in the organic industry indicate that “Big Ag,” or the large agricultural corporations, have been chipping away at the integrity of organic standards – clean and natural food production, free from synthetic inputs and genetic modification.

mRNA veterinary vaccine is really coming if NOSB approves​

If the NOSB approves the use of GE and GMO vaccines, there could be a possible influx of genetically modified organisms into the organic market, especially now that mRNA veterinary vaccines have arrived.

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccines, revealed in January that BioNTech and Bayer have been working on “novel, first-in-class” messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines for animals over the past six years and these products are now ready for public release.

BioNTech-Bayer has been working on three mRNA therapy for animals, including infectious disease vaccines, cancer immunotherapies and protein replacement. Meanwhile, other researchers are also working on mRNA vaccines against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, African swine fever, avian influenza and other food-animal diseases.

However, the ANH-USA claims that organic agriculture needs fewer vaccines than large factory farm producers due to regenerative practices and good animal husbandry.

“It is largely factory farm producers that rely on vaccines, which they see as necessary because of the sheer intensity of their animal husbandry techniques. These require that animals are raised in close proximity to thousands of others in limited spaces, while typically being maintained on diets (typically GMO maize, soy) to which they are not adapted evolutionarily.

These conditions greatly weaken the immune systems of the animals and trigger demand for large quantities of veterinary pharmaceuticals, including vaccines: a perfect storm and high-risk environment for disease outbreaks,” the ANH-USA wrote in the article entitled “Genetically Engineered Vaccines in Organic Meat & Dairy.”

The ANH-USA further explained that the use of vaccines, particularly GE and GMO vaccines, could inadvertently undermine the integrity of organic labeling. Factory farms could potentially label their products as organic, despite complying with practices that are different from regenerative methods.

This could harm farmers who are dedicated to sustainable and regenerative practices, as they find themselves competing against products that may not align with their principles.

“If mRNA animal vaccines become the new standard, replacing older vaccines currently in use, then we could see a world in which USDA-certified organic products were widely contaminated by GE or GMO components originating from mRNA vaccines,” ANH-USA stated.

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32 Gardens players with COVID-19 force postponement of football game at Vero Beach
Emilee Smarr - Palm Beach Post
August 31, 2023

The Palm Beach Gardens football team won't be making the trip to Vero Beach on Friday due to more than 30 players testing positive for COVID-19.

The Palm Beach County School District originally released a statement on Thursday afternoon, stating "Out of an abundance of caution, the football game between Palm Beach Gardens High School and Vero Beach High School scheduled for Friday, September 1, has been postponed due to an outbreak of COVID-19."

After parents inundated the school with phone calls following that statement, the district revised its initial statement, dropping the mention of "outbreak," to state it "received reports of cases or symptoms of COVID-19 on the Palm Beach Gardens High School football team. The decision was made to postpone the football game out of an abundance of caution to protect students."

District spokesperson Angela Cruz Ledford said on Thursday that the district wants to “ensure the best football game is played on the field.”

“Thank you to District families for understanding the postponement of the football game between Palm Beach Gardens High School and Vero Beach High School,” Ledford said.

“Although we did not have enough players due to illness to face off as initially scheduled, the District wishes the Gators the best of luck next week.”

A source with ties close to the situation said 32 Gardens players were reported to have tested positive for COVID. The latest variant is known as EG.5, and nicknamed Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Eris is already the dominant coronavirus subvariant in the country, infecting more people than any other single strain.

Last week, Trinity Catholic, located in Marion County, postponed its regular-season opener due to a COVID outbreak in its program.Meanwhile, Vero Beach coach Lenny Jankowski made it clear he was not interested in gaining a victory by forfeit."I've always been one of those guys that if we can get the game in, we need to try to get the game in at some point," Jankowski said.

Jankowski told TCPalm on Thursday afternoon that Palm Beach Gardens "felt it wasn't a possibility" to play Friday.

Plans have been made for the game to be played on Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 5 p.m.

Dwyer High assistant football coach Alex Malsbury shared that the Panthers are still anticipating their Week 3 rivalry battle versus Palm Beach Gardens to be played as scheduled on Friday, Sept. 8.

The Post has reached out to the Palm Beach County School District to get an update on its current COVID-19 protocols, including the steps for student-athletes who tested positive back to return to their respective sports.

The district hasn't been tracking COVID-19 cases since last year.

Social media reacts

High school football connoisseurs have started taking to social media to voice their thoughts on the decision to delay the highly anticipated matchup. posted: "That is no bueno there but glad they were able to reschedule next week."

In a post on X, Nashville-based "football writer" Matt Smith wrote, "Ridiculous. Go play."

Heliobas Disciple

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Federal Court Rules Against FDA Over Anti-Ivermectin Posts
By Zachary Stieber

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) likely overstepped its authority when it told Americans to "stop" using ivermectin against COVID-19, a federal court ruled on Sept. 1.

"FDA can inform, but it has identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers 'stop' taking medicine," U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett wrote in the ruling.

The FDA has authority under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to convey information to consumers.

The FDA during the COVID-19 pandemic has issued multiple statements discouraging people from taking ivermectin against COVID-19.

Accompanied by a picture of a horse and a link to an FDA webpage on ivermectin, the agency wrote in one social media post: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

The page it linked to is titled, "Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19."

Three doctors sued the FDA over its statements on ivermectin, arguing the agency cannot advise doctors on which drugs to prescribe.

Ivermectin is approved by the agency as an antiparasitic drug for both humans and animals.

Federal law gives the government immunity against legal actions, with some exceptions. One exception, known as ultra vires, is when an official acts outside their authority. Plaintiffs challenging the acts must show that the official was "acting ‘without any authority whatever,’ or without any ‘colorable basis for the exercise of authority,'" according to an earlier court ruling.

The FDA does have the authority to share data and facts, the parties agree. But they diverge on whether the FDA can issue recommendations on medical matters, such as treatments.

The FDA has claimed that the posts do not contain advice, stating in one brief that they were "informational statements" that "do not ‘direct’ consumers, or anyone else, to do or refrain from doing anything.” At the same time, the FDA acknowledged that the statements "provided recommendations" and "advise[d] consumers."

"Despite these concessions, FDA never points to any authority that allows it to issue recommendations or give medical advice," Judge Willett wrote.

"Rather, FDA argues that some posts included a hyperlink that leads to the update. The update, in turn, directs consumers to “[t]alk to your health care provider.” But not all of the social-media posts included such a link. And even for those posts that did include a link, the posts themselves offer advice, not mere information."

The update itself is problematic because of its title, "Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19," the judge said. Even though it later says that people can take ivermectin if prescribed by a health care provider, "the trailing qualifier does not lessen the opening instruction’s imperative character," he said.

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Brown ruled against the doctors in 2022, finding that doctors had not proven an exception to sovereign immunity and that there was no indication the FDA acted outside of the authority conferred by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

Judge Brown erred on the second point as well, according to the new ruling.

"Nothing in the Act’s plain text authorizes FDA to issue medical advice or recommendations," Judge Willett said.

The judge, who sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, was joined by U.S. Circuit Judges Edith Brown Clement and Jennifer Walker Elrod.

Judges Willett and Brown were appointed under President Donald Trump. Judges Clement and Elrod were appointed under President George W. Bush.

The appeals court panel remanded the case back to Judge Brown to decide on whether the doctors have standing. The ruling followed oral arguments before the panel.

Dr. Robert Apter, one of the plaintiffs, called the ruling "a big win for doctors and for patients!"

The U.S. government has not yet reacted to the ruling.

Heliobas Disciple

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Federal appeals court revives lawsuit against FDA over COVID-19 ivermectin messaging
Nick Robertson - The Hill
Sat, September 2, 2023, 8:51 AM EDT

A federal appeals court ruled Friday that a lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over its campaign against the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 can continue, reversing a lower court decision.

Three doctors sued the FDA last year claiming that the agency’s anti-ivermectin campaign went too far, overstepping its authority and acting more as a medical body than a regulator.

A district court ruled that the suit could not continue, but the 5th Circuit Appeals Court revived the doctors’ hope in its Friday ruling, sending the case back to lower court where it will be reconsidered.

“FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse, denounce, or advise,” Judge Don Willett wrote for the appeals court. “The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts fell on the wrong side of the line between telling about and telling to.”

The FDA’s campaign, which included viral signs reading “You are not a horse,” emphasized agency recommendations that ivermectin — an anti-parasite medication often used for horses but sometimes prescribed to humans — should not be used to treat COVID-19.

“Although FDA has approved ivermectin for certain uses in humans and animals, it has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19, nor has the agency stated that it is safe or effective for that use,” the agency’s recommendations stated.

Some fringe conservative circles hailed the drug as a miracle cure, while others were hospitalized and some died from its side effects.

A review of 14 studies on ivermectin use in 2021 found little significant evidence supporting its use, noting that among the studies, “few are considered high quality.”

“It must be acknowledged that some of these studies were possibly intentionally designed to yield predetermined findings,” researchers wrote.

The World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health are among the bodies which have also recommended against ivermectin use for COVID treatment. The drug’s manufacturer, Merck, said there is “no meaningful evidence” that is is effective at treating the disease.

The three doctors said their reputations were harmed by the FDA campaign because they promoted ivermectin use. One doctor was suspended from a hospital, while another was fired from a medical school.

“This case has broad implications for protecting the practice of medicine from unlawful interference by the FDA,” the doctors’ attorney Jared Kelson said in a statement. “It’s about ensuring that federal agencies act only within their statutory authority. The FDA crossed a bright line here.”

Mary Talley Bowen, one of the plaintiffs, celebrated the ruling Friday.

“A small win, or at least a step forward, in a monumental battle to protect the doctor-patient relationship from government tyranny,” she said. “ONWARD!”

Heliobas Disciple

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Fauci defends masking as COVID cases rise: ‘I would hope’ people abide by recommendations
by Nick Robertson
09/02/23 2:48 PM ET

Former White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci on Saturday defended masking amid a rise in COVID cases across the country, saying he hopes people would listen to advice from health officials.

In an interview on CNN, Fauci said he is worried Americans won’t listen to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) — even if masking becomes necessary again.

“I am concerned that people will not abide by recommendations,” he said. “I would hope that if we get to the point that the volume of cases is such and organizations like the CDC recommends — CDC does not mandate anything — recommends that people wear masks, I would hope that people abide by that recommendation and take into account the risks to themselves and their families.”

A small number of companies have already started asking employees to wear masks again, raising concerns that national recommendations may be needed again soon.

Fauci, who served as the face of the COVID response in the U.S. under the Trump and Biden administrations, said a study from earlier this year which claims masking is ineffective was actually misleading.

“When you’re talking about the effect on the pandemic as a whole, the data is less strong,” Fauci, who retired from his senior health post last year, said. “But when you talk about an individual basis of someone protecting themselves… There’s no doubt that there’s many studies that show that there is an advantage [to masks].”

The study, from respected British database Cochrane, claims that masking “probably makes little or no difference.” It went viral in anti-mask and COVID-skeptic communities this spring, but has been called out as misleading by fact checkers.

Cochrane also put out a statement saying the piece was “widely misinterpreted” in March.

COVID cases are on the rise again nationwide after a late summer surge hit cities like Houston especially hard. There was about a 19 percent increase in COVID hospitalizations and 18 percent increase in deaths in the last week, according to CDC data.

Despite the recent rise, the numbers are in line with rates of hospitalization seen this past February, which fell after a spike in the winter.

Heliobas Disciple

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ChatGPT is debunking myths on social media around vaccine safety, say experts

by Taylor & Francis
September 3, 2023

ChatGPT could help to increase vaccine uptake by debunking myths around jab safety, say the authors of a study published in the journal Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics.

The researchers asked the artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot the top 50 most frequently asked COVID-19 vaccine questions. They included queries based on myths and fake stories such as the vaccine causing long COVID.

Results show that ChatGPT scored 9 out of 10 on average for accuracy. The rest of the time it was correct but left some gaps in the information provided, according to the study.

Based on these findings, experts who led the study from the GenPoB research group based at the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria (IDIS)—Hospital Clinico Universitario of Santiago de Compostela, say the AI tool is a "reliable source of non-technical information to the public," especially for people without specialist scientific knowledge.

However, the findings do highlight some concerns about the technology such as ChatGPT changing its answers in certain situations.

"Overall, ChatGPT constructs a narrative in line with the available scientific evidence, debunking myths circulating on social media," says lead author Antonio Salas, who as well as leading the GenPoB research group, is also a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Santiago de Compostela, in Spain.

"Thereby it potentially facilitates an increase in vaccine uptake. ChatGPT can detect counterfeit questions related to vaccines and vaccination. The language this AI uses is not too technical and therefore easily understandable to the public but without losing scientific rigor.

"We acknowledge that the present-day version of ChatGPT cannot substitute an expert or scientific evidence. But the results suggest it could be a reliable source of information to the public."

In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed vaccine hesitancy among the top 10 threats to global health.

During the pandemic, misinformation spread via social media contributed to public mistrust of COVID-19 vaccination.

The authors of this study include those from the Hospital Clinico Universitario de Santiago which the WHO designated as a vaccine safety collaborating center in 2018.

Researchers at the center have been exploring myths around vaccine safety and medical situations that are falsely believed to be a reason not to get vaccinated. These misplaced concerns contribute to vaccine hesitancy.

The study authors set out to test ChatGPT's ability to get the facts right and share accurate information around COVID vaccine safety in line with current scientific evidence.

ChatGPT enables people to have human-like conversations and interactions with a virtual assistant. The technology is very user-friendly which makes it accessible to a wide population.

However, many governments are concerned about the potential for ChatGPT to be used fraudulently in educational settings such as universities.

The study was designed to challenge the chatbot by asking it the questions most frequently received by the WHO collaborating center in Santiago.

The queries covered three themes. The first was misconceptions around safety such as the vaccine causing long COVID. Next was false contraindications—medical situations where the jab is safe to use such as in breastfeeding women.

The questions also related to true contraindications—a health condition where the vaccine should not be used—and cases where doctors must take precautions, for example, a patient with heart muscle inflammation.

Next, experts analyzed the responses then rated them for veracity and precision against current scientific evidence, and recommendations from WHO and other international agencies.

The authors say this was important because algorithms created by social media and internet search engines are often based on an individual's usual preferences. This may lead to "biased or wrong answers," they add.

Results showed that most of the questions were answered correctly with an average score of nine out of 10 which is defined as "excellent" or "good." The responses to the three question themes were on average 85.5% accurate or 14.5% accurate but with gaps in the information provided by ChatGPT.

ChatGPT provided correct answers to queries that arose from genuine vaccine myths, and to those considered in clinical recommendation guidelines to be false or true contraindications.

However, the research team does highlight ChatGPT's downsides in providing vaccine information.

Professor Salas, who specializes in human genetics, concludes, "Chat GPT provides different answers if the question is repeated 'with a few seconds of delay.'

"Another concern we have seen is that this AI tool, in its present version, could also be trained to provide answers not in line with scientific evidence.

"One can 'torture' the system in such a way that it will provide the desired answer. This is also true for other contexts different to vaccines. For instance, it might be possible to make the chatbot align with absurd narratives like the flat-earth theory, deny climate change, or object to the theory of evolution, just to give a few examples.

"However, it's important to note that these responses are not the default behavior of ChatGPT. Thus, the results we have obtained regarding vaccine safety can be probably extrapolated to many other myths and pseudoscience."

More information: Chatting with ChatGPT to learn about safety of COVID-19 vaccines—a perspective, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics (2023). DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2023.2235200. … 1645515.2023.2235200

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Long Haul Ahead: The Prolonged Impact of Severe Long COVID
By Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
September 3, 2023

Charité study tracks patients with pronounced fatigue over 20 months.

A new study has found that many people with post-COVID syndrome who suffer from fatigue six months after a coronavirus infection are still severely physically impaired up to 20 months afterward. The vast majority of patients who develop myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) remain severely ill, with no change. By contrast, patients with similar symptoms who do not meet the diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS experience gradual improvement in their symptoms.

Patients who still have health problems three months after a SARS-CoV-2 infection, with symptoms ongoing for at least two months and no other explanation for these issues, are said to have post-COVID syndrome (PCS), also known as “long COVID.”

Symptoms vary widely. Many people have problems with breathing, trouble concentrating, or little to no stamina. A large portion of people with PCS complain of fatigue that barely improves with normal rest and recovery. In many cases, these people struggle to cope with daily life, and even slight exertion exacerbates their condition, a phenomenon known as exertion intolerance. This situation is significantly more common in women than men.

Patients and others are naturally wondering how long these symptoms will persist. Findings from a number of studies are now available for the initial few months following infection. According to this research, recovery generally takes longer the more severe the initial infection was. Many people – but unfortunately not all – see symptoms improve within a year. The long-term progression of the illness in these patients has been unclear so far.

Examining Severe Fatigue Post-COVID

The study that has just been published focuses on people who still suffer from severe fatigue and exertion intolerance six months after contracting SARS-CoV-2. In contrast to studies based solely on patients’ descriptions of their symptoms, this study involved a comprehensive medical examination on the 106 participants – most of them women – at three points in time at several-month intervals.

“Unfortunately, our data show that people with post-COVID syndrome who have severe fatigue are still ill more than a year and a half after the initial infection,” says Dr. Judith Bellmann-Strobl, the study’s last author and a senior physician with the Neuroimmunology Outpatient Clinic at the Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), a joint institution of Charité and the Max Delbrück Center. “Only half of them – the half that do not present with the full range of symptoms of ME/CFS – experience gradual improvement in at least some symptoms.”

Distinguishing Fatigue Types in PCS Patients

Researchers had observed last year that long COVID sufferers with severe fatigue and exertion intolerance fall within two groups. Some of the patients meet the diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS, a complex neuroimmunological disease with the key symptoms of severe fatigue, exertion intolerance, and post-exertional aggravation of symptoms that can lead to physical disability. Patients in the second group experience similar symptoms, but their post-exertion symptoms are generally milder and do not last as long.

The new study shows that the latter group experiences some improvement over time, not only in fatigue, but also in terms of general malaise, pain, and concentration problems. These people’s functional ability often improved, and some of those studied were even able to return to work. By contrast, post-COVID patients with ME/CFS saw barely any change in their symptoms. There were very few exceptions.

“Seven of the 55 patients with ME/CFS experienced improvement in their physical impairments,” Bellmann-Strobl explains. “But we still don’t have an explanation for this, and we haven’t been able to identify any medical commonalities.”

Grip Strength: A Potential Indicator?

Another observation made in the study may be useful going forward in gauging how post-COVID syndrome will progress in people who meet the diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS: The stronger these patients’ grip strength was at the start of the disease, the less severe their symptoms were up to 20 months later.

“Grip strength was not only a parameter for how severe the disease was to start with, but also a predictor of how ME/CFS would progress,” explains Prof. Carmen Scheibenbogen, Acting Director of the Institute of Medical Immunology at Charité and the head of the Charité Fatigue Center. She and Bellmann-Strobl were the principal investigators in the study. “Before we can use grip strength as a prognostic factor, though, we need further studies to confirm how meaningful it is,” Scheibenbogen points out.

“The WHO puts the number of people living with long COVID in Europe at about 36 million right now. Most of them experience impairments in daily life, and many can no longer lead a normal life at all,” she explains. “Even before the pandemic, there were an estimated three million people with ME/CFS in Europe, and the data we now have suggest that there are now twice that number due to the pandemic. Our study shows that most people with ME/CFS remain severely ill. In addition to ramping up our efforts to find effective therapies, this means we also need to quickly establish healthcare facilities where patients can receive multidisciplinary care based on current scientific findings and clinical experience.”

In the absence of treatments that do more than just alleviate symptoms and instead, go to the root cause of post-COVID syndrome and ME/CFS, Bellmann-Strobl’s main recommendation for patients is to pace themselves so they do not exhaust their energy reserves and not to overexert themselves. Tools that can help with this include fitness trackers or pedometers, heart rate monitors, activity journals, and relaxation exercises.

“Pacing can prevent post-exertional malaise, a worsening of the person’s condition. The better patients do with pacing, the less severe their symptoms. People should be very careful in feeling out their limits in terms of exertion. Professional guidance can help to prevent overexertion.”

Reference: “Long-term symptom severity and clinical biomarkers in post-COVID-19/chronic fatigue syndrome: results from a prospective observational cohort” by Franziska Legler, Lil Meyer-Arndt, Lukas Mödl, Claudia Kedor, Helma Freitag, Elisa Stein, Uta Hoppmann, Rebekka Rust, Kirsten Wittke, Nadja Siebert, Janina Behrens, Andreas Thiel, Frank Konietschke, Friedemann Paul, Carmen Scheibenbogen and Judith Bellmann-Strobl, 18 August 2023, eClinicalMedicine.
DOI: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.102146

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Chief Nerd@TheChiefNerd
10:43 PM · Sep 3, 2023
1 min 10 sec

Trump on Whether COVID Shutdowns Will Be Returning

"We don't do shutdowns...Let's see what happens. There could be something happening...We'll have to see what happens. There is something that seems to be happening right now and nobody knows quite what it is..."


That interview was conducted on Aug 30th.

The next day he put out this video, refining and restating his position.

TRUMP blasts Democrats for efforts to bring back COVID mandates ahead of 2024

Aug 31 2023

1 min 33 sec
"we will not comply, so don't even think about it"


Chief Nerd@TheChiefNerd
10:56 PM · Sep 3, 2023
3 min 8 sec

Trump Calls on COVID Vaccine Makers to Release Their Safety Data

"Anything new has got to be looked at very carefully...If they have facts, they should be made public immediately...They have to be honest with the numbers...If they are going to hold back, that means they're holding back something that's not good."



The Tudor Dixon Podcast: An Exclusive Interview with President Trump
Tudor Dixon
Aug 30, 2023
21 min 14 sec

In this episode, Tudor welcomes President Donald Trump to discuss various topics. Dixon highlights Trump's acts of kindness, such as visiting sick individuals and leaving gifts for soldiers. Trump acknowledges the media's lack of interest in these stories and expresses his respect for soldiers and their sacrifices. They also discuss Trump's role as a father and his views on the weaponization of government. The conversation covers topics like the fake dossier, COVID-19, border security, and the impact of electric vehicles. Trump emphasizes the need for transparency, common-sense solutions, and support for families. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network - new episodes debut every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday. For more information visit
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