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On TB every waking moment
DYSTOPIA DOWN UNDER: Australian Military Summoned to Relocate COVID-19 Positive and “Close Contacts” to Quarantine Camps

By Jim Hoft
Published November 22, 2021 at 2:29pm


They’re really going for it!

The Australian government is now moving to relocate people in the Northern Territory with COVID-19 and their “close contacts” to quarantine camps or what people mostly called the ‘concentration camps’.

.44 min

One Twitter user claimed the Australian government of approaching the seventh stage of genocide.


Zero Hedge reported — The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Saturday night.

As of Nov. 21, Australia has a rate of 71.3% fully vaccinated and 1.3% booster given.


Despite having a high vaccination rate, Australia’s current COVID-19 cases are still high.


Watch: Video of “QUARANTINE” Camps or “Centres for National Resilience” near Brisbane Airport with electrified double fencing.

6:21 min

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the residents of Australia’s second largest state are now at risk of losing the money in their bank accounts, their homes or other property, and even their driving privileges if they do not pay their fines from breaking any of the tyrannical government’s draconian Covid rules in a timely manner.



On TB every waking moment
(New Zealand)

The Wicked Witch of New Zealand strikes again…
Posted by Kane on November 22, 2021 12:47
.05 min

‘If you have a Vaccine passport, you can do everything.’

It’s suddenly not looking great for Jacinda
3:31 min

Check This Garbage — The pathetic state of journalism in New Zealand
4:38 min


On TB every waking moment

New Harvard HCW study shows recovered immunity is far stronger than vaccine protection

None of the patients who recovered from COVID got reinfected. Not true for vaccinated patients.

A new study from Harvard (Continued Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccination among Urban Healthcare Workers during Delta Variant Predominance) tracked vaccinated and unvaccinated Massachusetts healthcare workers and showed 0 infections in 74,557 person-days for previously infected patients compared to 49 infections out of 830,084 person-days for fully vaccinated patients.
In short, if you’ve recovered from COVID, it is completely nonsensical for you to be vaccinated. You have virtually no chance of being re-infected.
Summing it up:
  1. Recovered patients much more protected from re-infection than vaccinated patients
  2. Recovered patients, even if they get COVID, cannot pass it on to anyone else as far as we know (as the CDC was forced to reveal under FOIA from Aaron Siri)
  3. We don’t know if subsequently getting vaccinated after recovering will improve or degrade points 1 or 2
In short, vaccine mandates that don’t exempt those who have recovered are unethical and a danger to the health of society. They are preventing us from getting to “herd immunity” which we can achieve through allowing natural infection and treating with effective early treatment protocols.

The study also concluded that the vaccine efficacy was 76.5% (95% CI: 40.9–90.6%) against Delta. Yet other data shows the vaccines do nothing or make things worse. I didn’t see an obvious flaw in this study regarding that determination. I don’t know if they used different Ct values for vaccinated or unvaccinated. If anyone sees a flaw, please comment below.

This study adds more evidence that recovered immunity >> vaccine immunity. Even if the vaccines were perfectly save, forcing everyone to get vaccinated is both unnecessary and jeopardizes public health.

Even if I ignore all the other data sources and only believe this one small study, it doesn’t change my opinion on the safety of these vaccines. DO NOT GET VACCINATED.

You are always better off getting COVID, getting early treatment as soon as you have symptoms (safer and more effective than any vaccine), and then you are done.

This is what Aaron Rodgers did. He maximized benefits for himself, his teammates, and society. Win-win-win.


On TB every waking moment

Alert — Australian Defense Forces are ‘transporting citizens and families to Quarantine Camps’…
Posted by Kane on November 22, 2021 1:09 pm

.44 min

Northern Territory chief minister Michael Gunne has called in the Australian Defense Force to help transfer positive Covid cases and close contacts to Quarantine Camps.
3:08 min

More on Quarantine Camps
5:41 min

Don’t skip this clip
.26 min


On TB every waking moment

W.H.O. trashes the Nuremberg Code…
Posted by Kane on November 22, 2021 1:33 pm

1:01 min
The W.H.O. backs mandatory Vaccination as a ‘last resort.’

1:36 min


On TB every waking moment

Melbourne Covid Storm Troopers arrest 12 year-old girl…
Posted by Kane on November 22, 2021 11:40 am
2:41 min
The girl climbs on top of tram stop to see the crowds and they rip her down

2:20 min


On TB every waking moment

[COMMENT: Comports with video clips above that the northern indigenous people in two towns (near Catherine?) were effected by COVID and being taken to the camps.]

from Clif High


On TB every waking moment
31:51 min

Military Has Begun Sending COVID Suspects In AU To Camps, RIOTS Erupt In EU Over Vaccine Mandates

Nov 22, 2021

Tim Pool

Military Has Begun Sending COVID Suspects In AU To Camps, RIOTS Erupt In EU Over Vaccine Mandates. While many claimed this would never happen, 38 people were taken by army vehicle and transported to the quarantine facility at howard springs. In the US Fauci says we may need boosters every 6 months In Europe riots have erupted all over as lockdowns become more and more intense. It can happen here and we are getting closer


On TB every waking moment
11:37 min

400 - Can Spillover—How Viruses Move From Animals to Humans—Be Prevented?

Nov 22, 2021

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

SARS-CoV-2, like other zoonotic diseases, originated in animals before “spilling over” into humans. Dr. Raina Plowright of Montana State University studies these events and the complex series of things that have to happen for them to take place. Dr. Plowright talks with Dr. Josh Sharfstein about how these occur, why these events are relatively rare, and what’s important to understand about them so we can learn how to prevent them from happening.


On TB every waking moment

Michael Gunner is the new Dan Andrews…

1:37 min

Northern Territory chief minister Michael Gunner has blasted those who have been campaigning against vaccine mandates in the Northern Territory. ‘If you are anti-mandate, you are absolutely anti-vax. People are actually supporting the idea of a teacher being unvaccinated in a remote community classroom, with kids who cannot be vaccinated. I reject that utterly … Stuff it, shove it.’

Someone tell Michael the latest news…
(Ref.: UK STUDY — Vaccinated Adults under 60 are dying at 2X Times the rate of the Unvaccinated…)


On TB every waking moment

Australian Army Begins Transferring COVID-Positive Cases, Contacts To Quarantine Camps

MONDAY, NOV 22, 2021 - 10:44 AM

The Australian army has begun forcibly removing residents in the Northern Territories to the Howard Springs quarantine camp located in Darwin, after nine new Covid-19 cases were identified in the community of Binjari. The move comes after hard lockdowns were instituted in the communities of both Binjari and nearby Rockhole on Saturday night.

Howard Springs Quarantine Facility has capacity for 2,000 overseas arrivals and about 1,000 domestic travellers. (AAP: Glenn Campbell)
"Residents of Binjari and Rockhole no longer have the five reasons to leave their homes," said Northern Territory chief minister, Michael Gunner, referring to the country's five allowable reasons to avoid lockdown (buying food and supplies, exercising for up to two hours, care or caregiving, work or education if it can't be done from home, and to get vaccinated at the nearest possible location).

"They can only leave for medical treatment, in an emergency, or as required by law."

"It's highly likely that more residents will be transferred to Howard Springs today, either as positive cases or close contacts," he continued, adding "We have already identified 38 close contacts from Binjari but that number will go up. Those 38 are being transferred now."

"I contacted the Prime Minister last night. We are grateful for the support of about 20 ADF personnel, as well as army trucks to assist with the transfer of positive cases and close contacts – and to support the communities.

We are doing an assessment today of what extra resources we might need from the Feds, and the Prime Minister is ready to help further – I thank him for that."


:44 min

"We’re conscious of the fact that this can have some impacts on people’s mental health as well as their general well being," Police Commissioner Jamie Chalkner told NT News.

Of note, the Northern Territories are home to a large percentage of indigenous Australians. As the Epoch Times' Steve Milne notes:
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, in 2018-19, almost one in five Indigenous Australians lived in overcrowded dwellings (18 percent), compared to 5 percent of non-Indigenous Australians. Although this percentage had decreased from 27 percent in 2004, it still meant an estimated 145,340 Indigenous Australians were living in overcrowded dwellings in 2018-19.

In addition, the more remote an area, the higher the proportion of Indigenous Australians living in overcrowded dwellings (26 percent in remote areas and 51 percent in “very remote” areas), compared to 8 and 22 percent in non-remote areas.
Five days ago, NT Senator Malarndirri McCarthy told ABC that over crowding in Indigenous communities was a "massive problem," pointing to the region's second cluster of new infections - which included nine members of McCarthy's direct family, including her sister who flew from Katherine to Robinson River while unknowingly bringing COVID-19 with her, per the report.

"If we could get housing in there right now, I would be pushing that straight away to the federal government and the NT government to work on that, but we obviously need the resources to do so," she said.

Of the nine new cases in Binjari, four are women and five are men, including a 78-year-old woman who has been transported to Darwin Hospital.

There were zero new COVID-19 cases reported on Sunday, however Minister Gunner said he was worried about 'mingling between households' in Binjari and Rockhole, whose populations are around 220 and 130 respectively.

On Sunday, Gunner said: "Yes, these are strong measures, but the threat to lives is extreme."

Nice people...

1:37 min


On TB every waking moment

The Benefit Of SARS-CoV-2 Natural Immunity In The Armed Forces

MONDAY, NOV 22, 2021 - 06:20 PM
Authored by Scott Sturman via,

The risks to soldiers, sailors, and airmen of contracting SARS-CoV-2 affect the readiness of military organizations. The condition of an individual's immune status determines susceptibility to infection and is dependent on one's pre-existing medical condition, the implementation of beneficial prophylactic treatments, and whether protection is conferred by natural immunity or vaccination. Commanders who assess and rationally address the problem will ensure the best possible health outcome for those under their command.

The age of those serving in the military places them in a low-risk category for severe morbidity and death due to Covid. Without accounting for health risk factors, those 18-29 represent 0.56% of all U.S. Covid deaths to date, while those 18-49, a cohort representing most active duty personnel, account for 6.3% of the total. In this healthy patient population, the goal to achieve broad, long-lasting immunity against SARS-CoV-2 can be better achieved by naturally acquired immunity instead of relying on vaccines that require multiple boosters and do not confer sterilizing protection.

Natural immunity is the gold standard of immunology. Exposure and subsequent recovery from a pathogen provide immunity due to antibodies and memory B and T cells. This protection is often lifelong and complete since one's immune system develops antibodies against multiple antigens on the infectious organism. Traditional vaccines using live attenuated or killed inoculums also afford this level of protection. However, mRNA vaccines designed to induce antibodies against a single, highly mutating antigen require frequent booster shots, allow for breakthrough infections, and the ability to infect others.

To date, there are over 100 high-quality studies that demonstrate the superiority or equality of natural immunity compared to vaccine induced immunity. Natural immunity critics point out that long-lasting immunity has not been proven; however, this is a disingenuous argument since persistent immunity has been shown as long as the observations have been conducted. Patients who recovered in 2003 from SARS-CoV-1, a close relative of SARS-CoV-2, remain immune eighteen years later. An article from Nature concluded that those with even mild symptoms due to SARS-CoV-2 will produce antibodies for a lifetime.

The CDC traditionally recognized that patients who have contracted certain diseases do not require vaccination for those diseases. Examples include mumps, measles, rubella, and chickenpox-diseases where there is no benefit to vaccination after illness. Studies published by the Cleveland Clinic and from Israel describe extremely low reinfection rates in patients who acquired and recovered from SARS- CoV-2.

Pfizer admits that its mRNA vaccine induces antibody titers that wane rapidly after administration, thus requiring multiple boosters. Furthermore, vaccinated patients obtain high viral loads and are as infectious as non vaccinated patients, yet the CDC cannot demonstrate one case when a patient with natural immunity becomes reinfected with SARS-CoV-2 and transmits it to another person. Fully vaccinated countries have the highest incidence of new Covid cases. While protective against hospitalization and death, adverse reactions to mRNA vaccines exceed 850,000, including over 18,000 deaths, as reported in a recent summary of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The link between vaccine induced myocarditis and young males is widely established, prompting Germany and France to suspend all Moderna vaccinations for those under age 30. Those recovered from naturally acquired disease are more apt to experience side effects if vaccinated.

Black and Hispanic vaccination rates lag behind Whites, yet these minorities die from Covid at numbers out of proportion to their respective vaccination rates. With the high numbers of minorities serving in the armed forces, commanders must be aware of the best medical options to ensure their health and ability to fulfill the mission. Blacks and Hispanics frequently have low serum vitamin D3 levels due to inadequate dietary supplementation or sun generated synthesis. Studies indicate that those who suffer severe symptoms or death from Covid often presented with low levels of serum vitamin D3. Routine supplementation with vitamin D3 prior to contracting Covid has a beneficial effect, particularly in patients at high risk.

Natural induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2 offers a military advantage. Under these circumstances, the Department of Defense has at its disposal a fighting force at low risk for reinfection, protected against the severe effects of new variants, and not in need of endless booster shots. Requiring vaccinations that are potentially harmful and provide little medical benefit adversely affects reenlistment rates and degrades morale. Exempting Congress, their staff, and judicial branch of government from mandatory vaccination reeks of hypocrisy, and this double standard is palpable among those who serve. The argument that vaccinating low-risk groups is necessary to protect others is debunked in a recent Lancet study which noted, "fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts."

All members of the armed services should receive SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing, and if positive, be automatically exempted from Covid vaccination. Those who test negative and do not have medical risk factors should be placed on prophylactic vitamin D3 and encouraged to maintain an ideal body weight. There are a number of other widely discussed prophylactic and therapeutic options available, which are inexpensive, protective, and of low risk to patients.

Commanders must insist that these alternatives be thoroughly explored, studied, and implemented if proven effective. The welfare of the country depends on those serving in the armed forces, and their health care must be based on non-political, scientifically based policies.


On TB every waking moment

A Theory As To Why COVID Cases Started Skyrocketing In Central Europe Last Month

MONDAY, NOV 22, 2021 - 05:20 PM

As the scientific community continues the search for patterns related to Covid - why some people become 'long haulers' vs others, for example - an interesting theory has emerged as to why cases began to spike in Central Europe starting in mid-October.

According to Twitter user @kbarve, the scientific community may want to look at humidity as it relates to the surge. Keep reading for a breakdown:


Continued via Threadreader App

The air arriving to the lungs should contain 35 g/kg of water. In summer, the air contained about 10 g/kg and the epithelium had to add 25 g/kg. From October 9 on, 20% more water was needed from the epithelium overnight

20% increase in any burden is tough even for a short period. Replace a 75 g racquet by a 90 g one and ask a good badminton player to play his standard play. He will need a rest very soon or be broken. Epithelium would also need a rest but it can't. Mucus covering the upper respiratory epithelium is responsible for moisturizing the inhaled air, acting as a barrier between the environment and the epithelial cells. The mucosal microbiome also turns the inhaled viral particles harmless.

When absolute humidity drops, the water supply to the epithelium should be increased but do we know how fast such change can take place? And is there a limit to the water supply? How many have no idea of the importance of mucosal hydration of the air at all? In the winter 2020/21, Estonia had two major drops of absolute humidity. From average 8 g/kg to average 5 g/kg on Oct 14-20, triggering the rapid increase in infection. Average humidity then gradually decreased to average 4 g/kg by December, population acclimatized...

... until the humidity dropped to below 2.5 g/kg for three consecutive weeks in February. Vulnerability increased among younger population then, another wave of infection was triggered, and the hospitalizations were taken to the capacity limit of 700.

The waves of COVID-19 have broken when the absolute humidity has increased and not dropped back below customization level for a while. It happened so in the spring 2020, in the spring 2021, and also in the autumn 2021 in all Baltic countries simultaneously.

People in moderate climate have been suffering from infectious diseases from every autumn till spring and the epidemiological pattern is very similar each year. Diseases start with the beginning of the school and peaks in the second half of each winter. Since the emergence of centralized heating, the problem of indoor humidity has only become worse. Modern HVAC systems are aimed at supplying fresh air at low energy cost but these systems are still failing to address indoor humidity and maintain its healthy level.

It has been long known that the incidence of viral diseases is higher in very dry and very wet air, i.e. in nordic winter with and in tropical heat, both causing body to dehydrate. (Fig from Tamerius, Shaman et al. 2013)

The pending problem of inadequate indoor climate from autumn till spring must be solved by engineering means considering human in its full complexity. No human has by any reason deserved to spend hours at below 30% relative humidity.

The school environment detected in December 2020 during the mandatory increased ventilation is absolutely criminal. It is worth considering the possibility that the recommended intense ventilation might not improve the epidemiological situation at all but even make it worse.

Mankind has been chasing the virus for two years now and not yet recognized that humans and their internal ecosystems have evolved to manage all inhaled viruses and their consequences.

The frontline to protect each individual from viral infection and disease are mucosal microbes who are just unable to perform when the individual has chosen to, be unwillingly, dry up their natural environment and expose the mucosal cells to all possible pathogens. It makes no sense to assume that any intervention other than water could compensate for the chronical dehydration from dry indoor environment in cool season, inadequate water intake (eg in nursery homes), or excessive sweating in hot summer.

Meanwhile when engineers keep themselves busy solving the problem of dry indoor air, hanging wet towels can provide massive, immediate relief to your mucosal microbiome at almost no cost.



On TB every waking moment

"Vaxx'd, Cured, Or Dead" - German Health Minister Hints At Jab Mandate; Merkel Fears "Highly Dramatic" Situation

MONDAY, NOV 22, 2021 - 08:49 AM

After demonstrations erupted across Europe and more broadly across the globe over the weekend, outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday that the latest surge in European COVID infections is "worse than anything Germany has experienced so far" and called for more tight restrictions to try and stop the virus from spreading again over the holidays.

Merkel told officials from her Christian Democratic Party on Monday that the situation is "highly dramatic" and warned that hospitals would soon be overwhelmed unless the 4th wave of the virus is broken, according to a Bloomberg report.

The outgoing chancellor warned that many Germans don't seem to understand the severity of the crisis as cases have spiked across Europe.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Jens Spahn warned Monday that most Germans will be "vaccinated, cured or dead" from COVID in just a few months, according to Agence France-Presse, hinting at a potential vaccination mandate.
"Probably by the end of this winter, as is sometimes cynically said, pretty much everyone in Germany will be vaccinated, cured or dead," Spahn said, blaming "the very contagious Delta variant."
"That is why we so urgently recommend vaccination," he added.
As many have noted, many EU members, including Germany's neighbor Austria, have tightened restrictions amid what many are describing as a "fourth wave" of infections.

Source: BDSwiss

As for Germany, many of the country's famed outdoor Christmas markets have already been canceled for the second year in a row, and people who aren’t vaxxed face possible curfews, as well as other restrictions. The situation in hospitals is increasingly strained, with clinics preparing to transfer severely ill people to other facilities, according to the German intensive-care association DIVI.

Stocks dumped late last week on the renewed threats of lockdowns in Germany and across Europe, then bounced after a denial.

Now, it seems like they're shifting back into the red as European politicians roll out another round of authoritarian crackdowns.


Veteran Member
I am hearing rumors bidet plans on locking us down too. There is no way out of this but to fight people. Those people in australia et al must get to those tyrannical rulers and take out the trash. This is just outrageous. The whole of humanity is being butchered and there are still pages regarding the zillion tid bits and latest on the so called covid. There is no covid and even if there was, this cannot be tolerated. We are in a world WAR and they are poisoning everyone and coming for the animals!


On TB every waking moment

EXCLUSIVE | Nurse Sounds Alarm On Heinous Medical Malpractice: Immediate Intubation, Remdesivir Killed Covid Patients

By Alicia Powe
Published November 22, 2021 at 6:25pm

Disclaimer: The following is an in-depth interview with Nurse Helen Smith and is comprised of her personal experiences from the past year.


A nurse who has worked in the intensive care unit for over two decades is sounding the alarm on the disturbing malpractice she has witnessed and was subjected to in a hospital’s intensive care unit throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

As the medical community adjusts to treating the man-made virus, a Chi-com bioweapon, the end of the “state of emergency” appears to have no end.

The government-mandated experimental mRNA “vaccines,” a petri dish of lethal substances that a reported 80 percent of Americans have taken out of fear – fear of falling ill from the treatable virus, fear of losing their livelihood and careers, fear of being barred from society – has ushered in an unprecedented number of deaths.

The Covid shots are killing healthy young adults at an unprecedented rate and depleting natural immunity, Helen Smith, a veteran nurse who is traumatized from what she has seen while working in the intensive care unit during the “pandemic,” in an exclusive interview with the Gateway Pundit.

“I have been a nurse for almost 25 years. Most of my career has been in ICU. I have never seen anything like this in my whole career,” Smith confessed. “They are not allowing doctors to do what they want to do to help the patients. Everything is being regulated by higher-ups in the hospitals.”

The veteran nurse described in detail a litany of unorthodox, unhygienic and dangerous practices that were implemented within medical facilities at the start of the bio war and worsened month after month.

Prior to the administering of experimental mRNA vaccines, during the first several months of the coronavirus outbreak, patients were not actually dying from the virus, but from medical malpractice, Smith explained.

“They were dying because doctors were immediately intubating patients and providing them with remdesivir, an expensive drug that does nothing to treat covid or respiratory illness, but shuts down the organs,” the nurse, who worked at Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital exclusively during Covid, recollected.

During the first wave of Covid, doctors abruptly abandoned protocol typically administered to patients suffering from severe respiratory illness and were instructed to comply with regulations that in retrospect amount to the administration of mass murder.


“At the beginning, they weren’t even allowing them oxygen; they were just intubating them right away. At the time, they said they didn’t want to spread the Covid so they wouldn’t do high flow, or BIPAP or any other therapeutics, they just automatically got intubated, intubated with a breathing tube, a ventilator,” Smith continued.

Adhering to the American Medical Association, Center For Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration directives, doctors began withholding hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, medications that were effectively treating Covid patients, and began exclusively administering remdesivir, a drug that ineffectively treats the virus and has lethal side effects.


“A major part of why people were dying from Covid is because they were putting people on remdesivir and intubating them. The only drug they were giving people is remdesivir – and we still are. Remdesivir costs $5,000 a bag and it doesn’t do anything, It can shut your organs down. A lot of the covid patients treated with remdesivir end up on dialysis,” she continued.

“Intubating patients is basically a death sentence, especially with the Delta variant, we save very few.

“At one point we had a doctor giving patients ivermectin because he was having such success in his outpatient clinic and they came through and the management of the Cleveland Clinic, the higher-ups, threatened to fire him if he continued to do so. He’s not confrontational, he just kind of goes along to get along. I will say, in his defense, that he will give it to the nurses if we get it.”

Helping patients remain calm when they cannot breathe can mean life or death for those admitted to a hospital with Covid.

“We even plead with patients to stay calm – because they can’t breathe, and they freak out and they end up on the ventilator. We beg them, ‘You don’t want to go on the ventilator. We are not having good success.’ We even tell the patients that.

Conspicuously, as thousands of Americans got their first and second doses of mRNA gene therapy, the first human trial of the drug that was previously only tested on animals, the “Delta variant” of the coronavirus virus spawned.

Suddenly, the intensive care unit faced an influx of patients who were severely ill from Delta and astonishingly, nearly all of them received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine.

Those on the frontline were left in shock and bereavement as rendered futile in saving one patient after another from dying from the mutated virus. Even the young and healthy began passing away at an unprecedented rate while being withheld life-saving medications, Smith recounted.

“This is what’s weird. After the vaccines came out so did the Delta variant,” she said. “I have never in my career have seen anything like it. We were losing five to six patients a day.


Amid the prohibition of effective treatments, there was barely enough space in the hospital to accommodate the influx of critically ill patients.

“It was so bad, so crowded, that we were taking single rows in the ICU and doubling them with patients. In the ICU, I ‘heavy’ patients – sick, sick patients. It was almost like a MASH unit,” Smith said. “Like being in a medic warzone because so many were dying. There were days we lost 5 patients, just in a 12-hour work shift. Everybody is walking around going, ‘Are we in the twilight zone?’

“When the vaccines were first administered, you would not believe the number of strokes we got. The Cleveland Clinic is a stroke center and I had never seen anything like it. I had two patients with drains in their brain to relieve the pressure, which is rare, you don’t see that often.

A lot of strokes – one who got MS – we had a bunch of different critically ill patients, and if you look at their medical records, they don’t attribute their death to the vaccine they just got – they don’t say it’s from the vaccine.”

Mysteriously, as the number of patients suffering from Delta infection increased, the number of Covid-positive patients diminished.

“All of a sudden, after the delta variant and they all died off, we have no covid patients right now. There are no covid patients in the ICU,” nurse Smith noted. “As of the last 3 weeks, there are no Covid patients – that’s why they are firing everybody now. We are getting really sick medical type patients – heart, lung. I read that a lot of hospitals are getting a spike of this kind of patient– with these severe, sudden medical issues. We are getting that as well.


“The vaccine doesn’t do anything to help you. It doesn’t. We think it caused the Delta variant.

The nurses, among ourselves, we all talk. It got worse after the vaccine. It was hardcore. It was bad. A lot of people died. And I’m talking – we were losing 20-year-olds. The first Covid wave took the lives of older people with a lot of illnesses. The delta wave was mostly obese people, I will say that, but we lost people in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s – you name it.

“A lot of young, really healthy people — they’re the ones that seem to be getting the heart issues. I have a nurse of child-bearing age that took it and she had to get surgery because she was vaginally bleeding so bad after the shot.

“My own sister took the vaccine and now she is anemic and having to go to the doctor and get iron and stuff all the time.”

As Smith presented research conducted by Dr. Robert Malone, the banned inventor of the mRNA technology who persistently warns against the use of his experiment, she was chided and mocked by her colleagues. Now, they’re beginning to heed the warning.

“After Dr. Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccines came out warning about the deadly side-effects of BioNtech gene therapy and spike proteins, I tried to get everyone I know to listen and they just looked at me like I was crazy. They just gave up on me,” she said. “Actually, I’ve had a couple of nurses apologize to me because I was one of the first ones to find out about the fetal cells. They all apologized because they didn’t believe me at first.”

Amid the number of vaccine-related fatalities spiking to an alarming all-time high in 2021, medications that would allow people to quickly recover from Covid and Delta remains essentially outlawed in the medical community.

At least now, after months of carelessly following marching orders, doctors are refraining from recklessly putting patients on the ventilators.

Warning: COVID Vaccine ‘Spike Protein Shedding’ Damages Placenta, ‘We Are Being Experimented On’

“What they are trying to do now is put them on what we call high flow oxygen or we are putting them on a mask called BiPap,” Smith said. “If they then continue to defect, then we intubate them. So, we are at least giving them a chance before we intubate them now. When we were still using hydroxychloroquine on our patients, we only lost two people a day from Covid. During the Delta wave, we had twice as many patients sick from the variant and we only saved 5 a day. And we couldn’t use hydroxychloroquine. Dealing with the delta variant was the worst thing I’ve ever seen.”



Part 1 of 2


On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 2

Defectors of the mainstream narrative have long been relentlessly subject to smear campaigns for shining light on the truth, but the fake news industry has doubled down on its attempt to manipulate the public amid the global “plandemic.”

The culture war waged by the radical left to demonize Republicans as white supremacists and glorify Democrats in the United States pales in comparison to the diabolical global psychological war intended to malign, deem “crazy” and cancel any and everyone who expose lies surrounding Covid propaganda and programming.

You’re not just a “conspiracy theorist” if you believe the pandemic is a man-made crisis or that Covid is a bioweapon that effectively destroyed the U.S. electoral system in 2020 with a flood of illegitimate mail-in ballots or that ivermectin— a Nobel-prize winning medication— is not just a “horse dewormer.”

Now, according to Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security, you’re a national security threat and a “domestic terrorist.”

As the powers that be desperately collude to guise the climbing death rate ushered in by mandated vaccines and assault on medical autonomy, the Cleveland Clinic’s frontline nurse fears the perpetual “state of emergency” will never come to end.

“They are going to keep mandating the shots. The vaccine is weakening the immune system so much, they are going to be forced to get the shots to have an immune system,” Smith said. “It’s hard to tell how much one dose of an mRNA vaccine weakens immunity. They haven’t been around long — these have all been rushed through. It’s not like taking a smallpox shot. That had 10 to 20 years of testing. This is a new technology and it’s just being pushed out on us.”

Texas Doctor Resigns After Hospital Suspends, Investigates Her For Warning About Covid Shots, Promoting Ivermectin

It’s not that the doctors are lying to us, it’s that the FDA is lying to the doctors and they believe it, Smith argued.

“We’ve been bullied. We all know this virus came out of Wuhan. Even the doctors acknowledge that now. At first, they were all going along with it. The CDC and even the American Medical Association — these are people we really respected in my community — have lost all credibility.

They’ve all gone rogue. The CDC and the FDA need to stop regulating everything and let the doctors do their job.


“The doctors complied and said they were administering remdesivir because ‘That’s the Cleveland Clinic way.’ They told us it has no bad side effects. There was a point when the vaccine first came out that the doctors were bullying us, by telling us they lost all respect for us and belittled us saying, ‘I thought you were smarter than that.’ All but 2 doctors at the hospital I work in have been vaccinated. Now, they are all admitting it’s not working. Now they are saying it isn’t as effective as they believed it was going to be.”

We turn to doctors and medical experts with the expectation of receiving sound medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment that is premised on science.

But during the never-ending fascistic Covid-19 pandemic, acceptance of illogic is a mandate and even doctors are being forced to comply with the inversion of facts.

Blue surgical masks and fabric-laden masks do not block the transmission of aerosols, including viruses. Yet, mask mandates became the law of the land under the Emergency Authorization Act.

N95 masks effectively block the passage of aerosols but must be disposed of after one use. The procedural guidance on N95’s went out the window for the first time in modern history during the first chapter of Covid.

As the coronavirus began to permeate throughout the United States, pandemic, hospital employees were required to wear the same N95 mask for weeks at a time and risked losing their jobs for failing to comply with the unsanitary dereliction of traditional medical protocol, Smith explained.


“In the beginning, there were hardly any doctors going in the Covid room. It was the nurses going in. Even housekeeping was scared to go in – and those rooms were filthy. They wouldn’t let us wear any mask in there,” she said. “Then they began making us reuse an N95.”

“Formerly, throughout my whole career, we used it once – just to go in a room—and then throw it away and then we’d put a new one. They were making us reuse the same mask at first for 2 or 3 weeks. They were disgusting. We were all getting sores and stuff on our face.”

Wearing masks that obstruct breathing and amass bacteria is obviously detrimental, but the application of Covid-era “science” requires N95 masks be used over and over and over again, and then get “sterilized” in a chemical to “safely” be worn over and over again.

“After we used the same mask for weeks, they started cooking them with some chemical to ‘sterilize’ and reuse it. People were having terrible reactions to that. Then, we had to reuse the gowns,” Smith said. “The masks don’t work and they are never going to come off, I’m guessing”

Dr. Fauci: Americans May Need Booster Shots Every 6 Months (VIDEO)


Unable to provide patients with medication that almost immediately alleviates Covid symptoms, millions of doctors and nurses are backed into a corner. Those tasked with saving lives are forced to either ignore their conscience and comply with regulations that when “properly” implemented amount to mass murder or opt-out of legally practicing medicine.

Now, Smith and more than half of and the nurses at her hospital will soon be unemployed for refusing the Covid shot.

“They are trying to fire everyone at Cleveland Clinic. They won’t let anyone test out. I’d say a good 50 percent of nurses and doctors nationwide refuse to take the vaccine. I am working with a lot of nurses who are of childbearing age. They are scared to take it because they don’t know what it’s going to do with their reproductive health. There are some people that I work with at that hospital that were born in that hospital and they are working there and they are going to fire them,” Smith bemoaned. “We are just all refusing. We are not doing it.

Scientists “Mystified” Over Africa’s Low Vax Rate and Low COVID Numbers

“I am fixing to give up a 25-year career because I am being forced to take an injection I don’t want. I requested a religious exemption, and they refuse to give me one.”I am against this. It’s got fetal tissue in it and I want nothing to do with it. I recommend no one take this shot, I am from 25 years of medical. I am not going to take this experimental shot just because some old man out there is trying to make us. I am just not going to do it. I am not going to let the government way overreach. We are being taken over by fascists. We need to strike and shut the system down. They don’t realize that the people that are forcing this on us are keeping the system going. My last day of work is Thanksgiving weekend, the 29th.”


A copy of Cleveland Clinic’s vaccine exemption form.


Following the coerced mass exodus of millions of medical practitioners from the workforce, the shortage of doctors, nurses and behavioral health providers presents another crisis, particularly in underserved communities. Patients in overcrowded hospitals will be unattended to for longer periods of time and left to be treated by the remaining doctors who persist to comply with Dr. Fauci’s orders.

On Monday, the Biden administration announced its plan to invest $1.5 billion from the coronavirus relief law to address health workforce shortages.


That’s right. After forcing uncompliant doctors, nurses and first responders to resign, the administration that presides over historic hyperinflation will invest over a billion hard-earned taxpayer dollars to amend the crisis he is creating.


On TB every waking moment
war room.JPG

Hundreds Of Thousands Rebel Against Coercion 8:09 min

Hundreds Of Thousands Rebel Against Coercion (Ben Harnwell)
Bannons War Room Published November 22, 2021

International Riots Are Becoming A Revolution 4:22 min

International Riots Are Becoming A Revolution [Harnwell]
Bannons War Room Published November 22, 2021


German Health Official Announces All Germans Will Be Vaccinated, Cured, Or Dead 2:53 min

German Health Official Announces All Germans Will Be Vaccinated, Cured, Or Dead [Deborah Blake]
Bannons War Room Published November 22, 2021


Possible Crime Against Humanity Being Committed 9:51 min

Possible Crime Against Humanity Being Committed [Dr. Naomi Wolf]
Bannons War Room Published November 22, 2021


The Future Of Global Totalitarianism Is Here 7:50 min

The Future Of Global Totalitarianism Is Here [Dr. Robert Malone, MD]
Bannons War Room Published November 22, 2021

‘Hunting Down Of Physicians’ Underway Right Now 8:17 min

‘Hunting Down Of Physicians’ Underway Right Now [Malone]
Bannons War Room Published November 22, 2021


On TB every waking moment

Monday Marks Deadline for Federal Employees to Be Vaccinated
In this Sept. 14, 2021 file photo, a syringe is prepared with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at a clinic at the Reading Area Community College in Reading, Pa. Businesses that have announced vaccine mandates say some workers who had been on the fence have since gotten inoculated against COVID-19. But …
AP Photo/Matt Rourke
AMY FURR22 Nov 202115

Monday is the deadline for federal workers to show proof they have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, according to NPR.

“The mandate was imposed by President Biden in an executive order signed back in September,” the outlet said.

Federal employees will have the entire day to give proof of vaccination, and White House press secretary Jen Psaki said experience with similar mandates in the private sectors indicated there might be a rush to meet the standards and submit the appropriate paperwork.

“We don’t see it as a cliff,” Psaki commented during Friday’s briefing.

TOPSHOT - Municipal workers hold placards and shout slogans outside city hall during a protest against the covid-19 vaccine mandate, in New York on October 25, 2021. - Vaccine-reluctant New York firefighters took to the streets October 25, 2021 to demonstrate against the city's requirement that they get inoculated against Covid-19 or risk losing their jobs. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP) (Photo by ED JONES/AFP via Getty Images)
Municipal workers hold placards and shout slogans outside city hall during a protest against the covid-19 vaccine mandate, in New York on October 25, 2021. (Photo by ED JONES/AFP via Getty Images)

Earlier this month, Biden moved forward with a huge plan to require millions of private sector workers to receive the vaccine by early 2022.

“But first, he has to make sure workers in his own federal government get the shot,” the Associated Press (AP) reported November 7:
About 4 million federal workers are to be vaccinated by Nov. 22 under the president’s executive order. Some employees, like those at the White House, are nearly all vaccinated. But the rates are lower at other federal agencies, particularly those related to law enforcement and intelligence, according to the agencies and union leaders.
And some resistant workers are digging in, filing lawsuits and protesting what they say is unfair overreach by the White House.
Meanwhile, 195 House Republicans and all 50 Republican senators, support a measure introduced recently to nullify Biden’s federal vaccine mandate, Rep. Fred Keller (R-PA) said during an interview on Breitbart News Saturday.

“We’re working to undo the illegal mandates for vaccines by Joe Biden. [It’s] clearly an overreach of authority to have OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, come to private employers and dictate to them whether or not their employees have to be vaccinated to have a job,” Keller explained.


“In America, we have personal liberties and freedoms, and this is an overreach. And what we’re doing is we’re working to strike down that mandate and we know we’re on the right path,” he added.


On TB every waking moment

Thousands of Marines Defying Biden’s Military Vaccine Mandate

Carl Court/Getty Images
KRISTINA WONG22 Nov 202147

Thousands of active-duty Marines will miss the Marine Corps and Navy’s November 28 deadline to be fully-vaccinated, as ordered by the Biden Administration’s military vaccine mandate, according to reports.

About 91 percent of active-duty Marines and 66 percent of Marine reservists are fully-vaccinated as of last Wednesday, according to the Marine Corps.

That still leaves as many as 10,000 active-duty Marines not fully vaccinated, according to the Washington Post, which the paper characterized as a “vexing outcome.”

The thousands of Marines will join almost 10,000 Air Force personnel who did not comply with the vaccine mandate by the deadline.

There will likely be thousands more not-complying, with the Army’s deadline looming on December 15.

The non-compliance poses a challenge to the Biden administration — which has threatened consequences, including separation from the military, for service members who do not comply with the mandate.

The Biden Administration has even opposed taking dishonorable discharges off the table for service members who do not comply.

But the resistance may stiffen.

Last week, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) ordered Oklahoma National Guard members to ignore the Pentagon’s mandate when not on federal missions and more governors may take similar steps.

Oklahoma’s Sen. Jim Inhofe, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, has called on Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to suspend the Pentagon’s ‘politically motivated’ vaccinate mandate,” saying it would hurt readiness and morale.

“This haphazardly implemented and politically motivated vaccine mandate must be immediately suspended or risk irrevocable damage to our national security reminiscent of sequestration,” he said, referring to defense cuts that happened during the Obama administration.

He also slammed separation from the military as a punishment for not complying with the vaccine mandate:
Plainly stated, no service member, Department of Defense civilian or contractor supporting the Department should be dismissed due to failure to comply with the mandate until the ramifications of mass dismissal are known. With an ever shrinking candidate pool, hastily executed policies such as this work to further diminish the ability of the Department to tap into the finite resource of people critical to national security.
The Marine Corps issued a warning last month that Marines who do not comply would be kicked out.

A number of Marines have applied for religious accommodation from the vaccine mandate, but the service has said it will not release any numbers until the deadline has passed.

According to a number of reports and statements from the services themselves, no service has granted any service member religious exemption from the vaccine mandate.

Earlier this month, Breitbart News reported exclusively that the Marine Corps has been using the same form letter to deny all requests for religious accommodation from the vaccine mandate, despite a legal requirement to consider each request individually.

Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro told reporters last week that Marines would not be kicked out “on the day of the deadline itself,” according to Task & Purpose.

The Pentagon has argued that members need to be ready to deploy, which includes being vaccinated against COVID-19.

At the same time, members of the military skew younger and healthier than the general population and in general do not appear to suffer as severely from a COVID-19 infection.

An October 2021 Association of Military Surgeons of the United States article said the number of cases of COVID among civilian and military populations of the same size are not expected to differ dramatically, but that the severity in terms of ICU burdens and deaths is “substantially lower” for the military population.


On TB every waking moment

Video: Ban Unvaccinated People From Voting in Next Election?
Watch how far leftists are willing to go to destroy the rights of Americans.

Tue Nov 23, 2021


Mark Dice pretends to be promoting a “no vaccine, no votes campaign” and asks random citizens walking by whether they think unvaccinated people should be banned from voting in the next election. Don’t miss what he finds out!

3:52 min


On TB every waking moment

SMOKING GUN? New DNA Evidence Bolsters Lab Leak Theory

Written by Wes Walker on November 22, 2021

Remember how little Lord Fauci ducked and weaved on the questions of lab-leak origin, insisting that the Wuhan China virus was of purely natural origin?

His reactions to anything or anyone that challenged his natural origins claim ranged from arrogant patronizing to righteous indignation, or even surly contempt.

The lab leak theory is no longer considered the ‘conspiracy theory’ Fauci assured us it was.

Because it has replaced natural origin as the ‘more plausible’ explanation, many of his earlier assertions of natural origins are falling flat.

A new document leak may have finally bridged the connection between the virus and the Wuhan lab.

In the months leading up to the exposure, the Wuhan lab was studying a strain of virus from bats in Laos, which is about a thousand miles away.
US government documents, released under Freedom of Information, suggest the bat origin and the lab escape stories might not be competing theories after all – in fact, they may both be true.
In September, scientists discovered Banal-52, a coronavirus found in Lao bats, which shares 96.8 percent of its genome with Sars-Cov-2.

…That puzzle might now have been solved, as leaked emails between EcoHealth Alliance and US government funders reveal viral samples from Lao bats were being collected and sent for study in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. –DailyMail

With a similarity like that, one scientist proposed two routes of jumping to human population.

One by a researcher getting infected while collecting bats in the field, and the other by an infection at the lab that escaped into the wider world.

The fact that the ChiComs scrubbed all their records of this virus and some other very similar bat viruses does nothing to bolster their claims of innocence.

And of course, there is the small matter of the telltale DNA sequence that is found in edited genes but is not naturally occurring in nature.

Does the name EcoHealth Alliance ring a bell? It should, that’s the group Fauci has been on the hot seat for with Gain-Of-Function funding authorization. They have been playing God with viral DNA, and it sure seems like everyone except those with something to lose would classify these experiments as ‘gain of function’.

But wait, there’s more!
Another leaked document revealed in September by Drastic, a group of open-source data analysts, revealed the head of EcoHealth Alliance, Dr Peter Daszak, had pitched to the US government for funding to artificially insert cleavage sites into Sars-like coronaviruses collected in the field and studied in Wuhan.

Dr Peter Daszak’s 2018 request for $14.2 million for the viral manipulation work was turned down over fears of the danger such alterations could pose.-DailyMail
This discovery might actually give us a backdoor into the information that China has been trying to suppress.

If EcoHealth has been involved in the research, they may have the information we need to really dig into questions of the origins and come up with some answers.


On TB every waking moment
14:41 min

How China ‘MALICIOUSLY’ released COVID throughout the world

Nov 22, 2021

Glenn Beck

Representative Chris Stewart (R-UT) recently introduced new legislation that not only bans the funding of gain-of-function research in China, but it demands accountability for the communist state’s COVID culpability too. Stewart tells Glenn that it is time to expose the maliciousness of the Chinese Communist Party for its responsibility in ceding the virus and allowing it to spread throughout the rest of the world. And though elites will always find loopholes around the law, Rep. Stewart says, the FAUCI Act (Fairness & Accountability In Underwriting Chinese Institutions) at least signals to Americans that SOME members of Congress still care about exposing the COVID pandemic truth…


Veteran Member
link to (secure)]

Scandal in Slovenia yesterday: Google translation:
* Yesterday in Slovenia a big scandal broke out and today the whole of Slovenia is talking about a big vaccination. The head nurse of the University Medical Center, a clinical center in Ljubljana, which takes care of receiving the bottles and manages everything, resigned, went out in front of the cameras and took out bottles with bottles of liquids.

She showed people the codes on the bottles where each contains 1, 2 or 3 digits in the code, and then explained the meaning of those numbers. * Number 1 is placebo, saline. Number 2 is a classic bottle of RNA. The number 3 is an RNA stick that contains the onco gene, linked to the adenovirus that contributes to the development of cancer. For these bottles, number 3 says that people who received it within 2 years will have soft tissue cancer.
* He says, he personally witnessed the sting of all the politicians and tycoons and everyone received the number 1 sting, then they received a saline solution, a placebo.
And this explains why the same character stabs all our politicians when they take pictures for the media.

Last Edited by inna on 11/23/2021 02:31 AM


On TB every waking moment

Phoenix Mandates Vaccines For ALL Employees – Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego Runs From Reporters When Questioned (Video)

By Jordan Conradson
Published November 23, 2021 at 8:15am

Last Thursday, the city of Phoenix announced a vaccine mandate for all employees of America’s fifth-largest city.

They are trying to weed out the uncontrollable and take away our public safety in the name of “public health”.

ABC 15 reports,
“I think this federal program is going to save lives,” Gallego said Friday, one day after the January 18 vaccine deadline was announced.

Phoenix’s 13,000 city employees must be fully vaccinated within the next two months or risk losing their jobs. The requirements were spelled out in a memo to employees Thursday.
City managers claim that because Phoenix has so many federal contracts, the city is considered a federal contractor. Phoenix claims that Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate applies to the city as a whole.

“For example, all of our contracts are ultimately signed by the city manager,” explained Phoenix’s Assistant City Manager Lori Bays. “The city manager works at City Hall and therefore all employees at City Hall are required to be covered under that stipulation.”, according to ABC.

This will not save lives.

Phoenix police are not federal contractors. They are city employees.

Radical Kate Gallego has been actively working to defund the Phoenix Police Department for over a year despite the enormous spike in domestic violence, gang violence, and murders in the dangerous city.

The Phoenix Police Department is already severely understaffed and underfunded.

In June of 2020, AZ Central reported,
There were no wage increases from 2012-2019 as a result of the Great Recession, and we are still 450 officers short of our maximum staffing levels in 2008, which was 3,385 officers.
In August, AZ Big Media ranked Phoenix as number one in population growth and reported that the current population of Phoenix is 1,708,127, up by 262,495 people since 2010.

As of October 13, 2021, the number of sworn officers in the department dropped to 2,776 and the city council only authorizes funding for 3,125 officers, according to KJZZ. City council members have even referred to the low law enforcement staffing levels as “a crisis.”

As the population and soared 18%, the number of law enforcement officials has declined.
Now, the vaccine mandate on city employees will serve as a backdoor to defunding the police.

Only 25% of police and firefighters have submitted proof of vaccination. Officers who do not provide proof of vaccination risk losing their jobs.

Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio calls this a “witch hunt against our public safety”. “We are not federal contractors,” said DiCiccio, “This is a bunch of bs.”


Tyrant, Kate Gallego refuses to answer any questions about the lawless mandate.

.27 min

Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend demands a special legislative session now to address this infringement on Phoenix workers’ rights.


The stolen election also needs to be addressed.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, we still do not even know who really won the 2020 election because of the numerous law violations, unanswered questions, and fraudulent ballots that were cast.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey needs to call a special session immediately to end the unconstitutional mandates, decertify the stolen 2020 election, and pass new election integrity laws.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich needs to enforce the laws that were violated during and after the 2020 election by arresting those responsible.

Contact Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and demand a special session to decertify the fraudulent 2020 election, and contact Attorney General Mark Brnovich to demand law and order.

Doug Ducey: (602) 542-4331
Mark Brnovich:


Contact AG Mark Brnovich


On TB every waking moment

Democrat Vaccine Mandates Force Long Beach, New York’s ONLY Emergency Room to Shut Down (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published November 23, 2021 at 10:56am


Democrat vaccine mandates forced the ONLY emergency room in Long Beach, New York to shut down this week.

The Mount Sinai South Nassau ER was forced to close on Monday due to staffing shortages as a result of New York’s vaccine mandate.

Patients will be redirected to a hospital in Oceanside, New York.

NBC New York reported:

The Mount Sinai South Nassau-operated Long Beach Emergency Department was forced to close Monday afternoon due to nursing staff shortages occurring as a result of the state vaccine mandate, according to the hospital.

The hospital said that the staffing shortage and subsequent closure is a result of the hospital’s compliance with the NYSDOH’s mandate issued Thursday which requires the suspension of any staff working under temporary religious exemptions who cannot show proof of receiving a first dose of COVID-19 vaccination or a valid medical exemption from receiving it.

The hospital lost six dozen employees. According to the hospital, all were unvaccinated but working with a religious exemption — an exemption that ended last week. Some of these six dozen employees are ER nurses who the hospital said are not easily replaced due to training and other factors, the hospital went on to say.

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) was notified of the need to close the free-standing Long Beach Emergency Department (LBED) on Friday and granted verbal approval, according to Mount Sinai South Nassau. The emergency department, which sees about 10,000 visitors annually, will be closed for at least a month.
More from NBC New York:

Video on website 2:37 min


On TB every waking moment

California County Imposes Indoor Mask Mandate That Includes ‘Private Homes’

By Cristina Laila
Published November 23, 2021 at 12:38pm

A California county on Monday imposed an indoor mask mandate that includes ‘private homes’ – just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Santa Cruz County announced a new mask mandate is now in effect for all indoor settings, including private settlings like a home.

How will this be enforced? Will the Gestapo break down doors with battering rams?

“An indoor mask mandate is now in effect in Santa Cruz County and it covers private settings like a home. If you are getting together with others who don’t live in the same household the county says you should mask up regardless of vaccination status. Businesses are also required to follow the guidelines. You can take off your mask when eating or drinking,” – KGO reported.



On TB every waking moment

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Dr. Zelenko to The Gateway Pundit: CDC’s Response to COVID-19 “A Crime Against Humanity. Mass Murder. And Genocide…”

By Jim Hoft
Published November 23, 2021 at 1:12pm

Dr. Zelenko is one of the preeminent experts on clinical treatment of COVID.

He was an early advocate for the use of hydroxychloroquine — and has now developed an immune system protocol called Z-Stack that he is making available to everyone.

Dr. Zelenko sat down for an interview with Gateway Pundit to answer the many questions we have about his work and this product.

He has also made available a special link to his site for Gateway Pundit readers (by purchasing through this link, you’ll be supporting and benefiting Gateway Pundit):

Here is Dr. Zelenko answering our questions (a transcript with highlights is below):

Highlights from the video:

TGP: What were your initial thoughts on hydroxychloroquine?

“My initial thoughts, based on clinical experience treating thousands of patients, is that it’s absolutely life-saving. It’s safe. I’ve used it in pregnant women, children, nursing mothers…”
TGP: Did you pay a price for your support for using hydroxychloroquine?
“…Me coming out against the narrative – against the governmental policy and offering hope and a solution to this global crisis – apparently has irritated and made angry certain stakeholders…”
TGP: What are your current thoughts on hydroxychloroquine? Have they changed?
“Hydroxychloroquine is one of the most powerful and effective zinc ionophores – or zinc delivery systems – or the mechanism through which I can get zinc into the cell to inhibit viral replication, but there are others…”
TGP: What about Ivermectin?
“I’m a clinician. I define success as keeping my patients above ground…Ivermectin keeps my patients alive, so it’s a very good drug…when you find a cheap, generic solution to a global crisis, the stakeholders that have pushed the vaccine angle and in-patient hospital treatment get very upset with you because you’re reducing their market share.”
TGP: We all know seniors who knew they had COVID but were given no treatment – now they are gone. What does he say about this?
“Crime against humanity. Mass murder. And genocide…”
TGP: Is CDC and Fauci liable for their deaths?
“…I don’t trust the CDC. I don’t trust the government’s recommendations because they’ve been consistently against the best interests of the public.”
TGP: Suddenly govt. and pharma companies talking about treatment over vaccine…What changed with the government and pharma companies now pushing treatment?
“What changed is that people are beginning to recognize that the vaccines are doing more harm than good…”
TGP: Is Merck’s treatment drug the same as Ivermectin?
“It’s a variant of Ivermectin. Instead of costing $20/pill, I believe they’re charging $750/pill. So that’s why it’s being considered effective — it’s the price tag…”
TGP: What do you think about India’s approach on COVID with Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine?
“It works. Especially…”
TGP: Talk to us about Z-Stack.
Z-Stack was a gift from God. And the way it evolved was, in April of 2020, I was using hydroxychloroquine and zinc and azithromycin to keep my patients alive.
The ghoul — and I call him a ghoul: Cuomo — who is responsible for the death of almost 20,000 nursing home residents — issued an executive order blocking pharmacies from dispensing hydroxychloroquine to patients. Now, that was a direct attack on my patients and my practice. The reason why I say that is that I was the only one in the state at that time using that drug in that context…so I was forced to innovate. And I found on the NIH server data and peer-reviewed papers that showed a substance called quercetin together with Vitamin C functions as an effective zinc delivery system…
…But what happened was most people could not put the puzzle pieces together for several reasons. One, the different compounds or aspects to this approach were not all available in the same place. Number two, there are so many variants of zinc and Vitamin C and different dosing of D and different variants of D and different forms of quercetin and people could not effectively and in the right timeframe put the puzzle together that it would help them clinically.
So I was approached several times that I should make it easier for people by putting everything in one bottle. In the right dosing. So that’s exactly what I did. And it was consistent with my protocol – the one I had designed and felt that the dosing was appropriate…the price is comparable if you were to buy each ingredient separately. And people loved it because of the convenient, the access. And I think they felt better because it had my name on it…”

TGP: What words of hope could you share with us?

“…If you look at King David’s Psalms, in one of them he writes, ‘Turn away from bad. Do good and live”…
It’s a wonderful prescription for life…Do not give into the fear. Do not isolate yourself from the people you love. Because fear and isolation destroys the psychology of a human being. And finally, do not take the poison death shot. Do not choose to walk into a execution chamber and ask to be poisoned…if you’re in the higher risk category of patient, you should be on preventive, or what’s called prophylactic, anti-viral treatment to prevent you from getting COVID. And if you get COVID, because nothing’s 100 percent, then you have to start treatment immediately within the first few days of the onset of symptoms. And if you do those three things – turn away from bad. Do good. You will live.”
So I’m actually very, very optimistic and hopeful about the future. I think we’re in a transition from a world that lives with the false narrative, with lies, with the suppression of God-consciousness. I believe we’re witnessing a metamorphosis – a transformation – from a state of slavery and exile into a world of revealed truth and godliness…”
To order Z-Stack directly from Dr. Zelenko’s store, click here.


On TB every waking moment

Kansas lights up Covid Tyrants… Awesome…
Posted by Kane on November 23, 2021 11:35 am


Kansas House of Representatives passes bill allowing moral, medical, and religious exemptions to COVID vaccines. Businesses who question beliefs or retaliate could face fines up to $50,000.

Approval by the Senate is needed.



On TB every waking moment

Alert — Australian Defense Forces are ‘transporting citizens and families to Quarantine Camps’…
Posted by Kane on November 23, 2021 12:09 pm

.44 min

Northern Territory chief minister Michael Gunne has called in the Australian Defense Force to help transfer positive Covid cases and close contacts to Quarantine Camps.

3:08 min

More on Quarantine Camps
5:40 min


On TB every waking moment

U.S. not heading toward COVID lockdown, White House says

by Reuters
Monday, 22 November 2021 22:51 GMT
By Ahmed Aboulenein and David Shepardson

WASHINGTON, Nov 22 (Reuters) - The United States does not need to impose a lockdown or shut down its economy to curb the spread of COVID-19 and will rely on other tools, White House COVID-19 response coordinator Jeff Zients said on Monday.

"We are not headed in that direction. We have the tools to accelerate the path out of this pandemic; widely available vaccinations, booster shots, kid shots, therapeutics," Zients told reporters at a White House briefing.

"We can curb the spread of the virus without having to in any way shut down our economy."
U.S. regulators expanded eligibility for booster shots of COVID-19 vaccines to all adults on Friday, and 3 million people received them since, Zients said.

"In fact, just across Friday, Saturday and Sunday, we got 3 million booster shots into arms. A million booster shots per day," he said. "Don't delay, get your booster shot so you can have enhanced protection for COVID as we head into the winter."

Separately, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said U.S. health officials are not currently recommending lockdowns or economic restrictions to curb rising COVID-19 cases.

Europe is once again the epicenter of the global pandemic with Austria reimposing full lockdown, riots breaking out in cities across the Netherlands over a partial lockdown, and many other countries imposing restrictions.

The current seven-day average of COVID-19 cases in the United States rose 18% from last week's average to 92,800 per day, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky said at the briefing.

U.S. hospitalizations rose 6% to an average of 5,600 per day and average daily deaths are about 1,000 per day, she said. Around 47 million eligible American adults and over 12 million teenagers are still not fully vaccinated, Walensky added.

As of Sunday, COVID-19 had killed 776,188 people in the United States, according to a Reuters tally. (Reporting by Ahmed Aboulenein and David Shepardson; Additional reporting by Kanishka Singh in Bengaluru; Editing by Chris Reese and David Gregorio)


On TB every waking moment

Merkel Says Covid Spike ‘Worse Than Anything We’ve Seen’

Arne Delfs and Naomi Kresge
Mon, November 22, 2021, 5:27 AM·4 min read


Merkel Says Covid Spike ‘Worse Than Anything We’ve Seen’

(Bloomberg) -- Chancellor Angela Merkel said the latest surge in Covid-19 infections is worse than anything Germany has experienced so far and called for tighter restrictions to help check the spread.

Merkel told officials from her Christian Democratic party on Monday that the situation is “highly dramatic” and warned that some hospitals would soon be overwhelmed unless the fourth wave of the pandemic is broken, according to a person familiar with her remarks.

Germany’s contagion rate has set new highs every day for about two weeks. In the eastern state of Saxony the seven-day incidence rate has surged to almost 1,000 per 100,000 people -- close to three times higher than the national average. Hospitals are quickly filling up, and vaccination rates remain stubbornly below 70%, trailing countries like France, Spain and Italy.

The German chancellor said many citizens don’t seem to understand the severity of the outbreak, and that while more people should get vaccinated, it wouldn’t be enough on its own.

She called on Germany’s 16 states, which largely set their own policies on coronavirus curbs, to introduce more restrictions already this week.

Merkel, who is due to step down as soon as next month after 16 years in power, has been making increasingly frantic calls for Germany to step up its fight against the virus.

While deaths are at about a fifth of the levels seen last winter, the rapid spread is creating concerns of higher fatalities. Health Minister Jens Spahn said Monday that people who aren’t vaccinated against Covid are almost certain to catch it in coming months and some of those will die.

“Just about everyone in Germany will probably be either vaccinated, recovered or dead” by the end of this winter, Spahn said at a news conference in Berlin. He acknowledged that some might find the statement cynical.

Spahn said last week he couldn’t rule out another full lockdown, after neighboring Austria imposed its fourth shutdown of the pandemic that took effect Monday.

The euro held declines after Merkel’s comments, falling 0.1% to $1.1274. It traded within 0.2% of 16-month low seen last week, which came after Austria announced its lockdown and Spahn suggested Germany might soon follow.

The Stoxx 600 benchmark surrendered early gains of as much as 0.4% and turned flat on the day. The Euro Stoxx 50, a gauge for the euro area’s biggest companies, was down 0.3%. Travel and leisure shares were among the hardest hit, with TUI AG down 0.9%.

While Germany is accelerating its vaccine campaign, the vast majority of Covid shots given of late have been boosters. In the past week, about 75% of the 2.5 million shots administered were third doses, while just 13%, or about 329,000, were people getting their initial jabs, according to the health ministry.

At that rate, only about 10% of the country’s nearly 15 million adult vaccine holdouts would receive their first dose by the end of this year.

“Immunity will be reached,” Spahn said. “The question is whether it’s via vaccination or infection, and we emphatically recommend the path via vaccination.”

Many of the Germany’s famed outdoor Christmas markets have been canceled for the second year in a row, and people who aren’t inoculated face possible curfews.

Starting this week, Bavaria will close clubs and bars, while shops will have to reduce capacity and restaurants will have to shut by 10 p.m. The hardest-hit communities will face even tougher restrictions, the state government announced on Friday. Saxony has also closed clubs and bars, among other measures.

The situation in hospitals is increasingly strained, with clinics preparing to transfer severely ill people to other facilities, according to German intensive-care association DIVI.

The number of Covid cases in ICUs rose to about 3,840 on Monday, still below the peak of around 5,750 during the second wave and about 5,100 during the second, DIVI data showed.

In the states of Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia, Covid patients account for more than 30% of the patients in intensive care. Across the country, there are 2,705 free ICU beds, less than half the available capacity a year ago.

Authorities expect shipments of 6 million doses of the Pfizer Inc.-BioNTech SE Covid shot early this week in Germany, Spahn said. Still, boosters alone won’t be enough to curb infections within the next two weeks and people will need to reduce contacts as well, he added.