GOV/MIL Leftists Call For New "Secret Police" Force To Spy On Trump Supporters (AN ABSOLUTELY MUST-READ THREAD)


On TB every waking moment

Teachers Plot Against Parents Who Question Racial Curriculum

By The Scoop
Published March 17, 2021 at 12:45pm

A cadre of current and former teachers in Loudoun County, Virginia, created a blacklist of parents suspected of disagreeing with controversial racial topics taught in schools.
The group’s stated purpose in part is to “infiltrate” and use “hackers” to silence parents’ communications and to “expose them publicly.”

A private Facebook group called “Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County” named parents who deviated from leftist orthodoxy. Some group members used fake identities according to the Daily Wire.

The sheriff’s criminal investigations division is reviewing the situation.

According to The Daily Wire, the county’s prosecutor was “narrowly elected with the help of $845,000 in cash from George Soros, appears to be a member of the Facebook group.”

The Daily Wire reported, “Secret communications reviewed by The Daily Wire do not offer any evidence of racism by the group’s targets, or even attempt to. Their opponents were apparently those who objected to, sought to debate, or were even simply “neutral” about “critical race theory,” a radical philosophy opposed by many liberals and conservatives but increasingly embraced by governments.”

Loudoun’s school system has been known to spend large amounts of time and cash to flood its curricula and policies with racial rhetoric. It paid about $500,000 to one racial consulting company alone. It also forced staff to undergo “Equity in the Center” training that focused on social justice indoctrination.

A failed proposal would have banned teachers from disagreeing with the schools’ racial propaganda, even when off-campus.

On January 20, the school board’s ‘Equity Committee’ voted to offer racially charged training to parents.

A mother named Jen Durham, a member of the “Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County” Facebook group, called for volunteers to commit espionage against blacklisted parents.

She posted:
This is a call for volunteers to combat the anti-CRT activities of the P.A.C.T. folks, the stoplcpscrt website, and the like. Looking for folks who are interested in volunteering to organize, lead, execute, and donate regarding the following points:
Gather information (community mailing lists, list of folks who are in charge of the anti-CRT movement, lists of local lawmakers/folks in charge)
Infiltrate (create fake online profiles and join these groups to collect and communicate information, hackers who can either shut down their websites or redirect them to pro-CRT/anti-racist informational webpages)
Spread information (expose these people publicly, create online petitions, create counter-mailings)
Find a way to gather donations for these efforts. Volunteering is great, but these activities can be costly and not everyone has extra funds readily available
Anyone who is interested in this, please feel free to comment here or PM me directly and indicate what you can help with. Then we can hold a kickoff call and start on action items.
“I’m listing them this way: -First name -Last name -Alias(es) -Location,” Durham wrote.
“I’m losing any hope that remaining civil towards these people changes anything,” she wrote. “Avoiding these people isn’t enough to stop the spread of their evil rhetoric.”

“Anyone know any hackers?” she reiterated.

Group members immediately listed dozens of parents, often their addresses and their employers or their spouses’ names.

The Daily Wire reported that the Facebook group includes “school board members Denise Corbo, Leslee King, and Ian Sorotkin; commonwealth attorney Buta Bibaraj; county supervisor Juli Briskman; NAACP Loudoun branch president Michelle Thomas; and Gazal Modhera, a lawyer with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.”


On TB every waking moment

Gov. DeSantis Announces Florida’s Curriculum will “Expressly Exclude” Critical Race Theory (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published March 17, 2021 at 2:37pm


Ron DeSantis is one of the best governors in the country.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is a true leader who led the way with a common sense approach to Covid guidelines and vaccinations and now he’s crushing the left’s Critical Race Theory.

Critical Race Theory, as Heritage Foundation fellow Christopher Rufo says is the “idea that the United States is a fundamentally racist country and that all of our institutions including the law, culture, business, the economy are all designed to maintain white supremacy. And the critical race theorists argue that all of these institutions are in a sense beyond reforming, they really need to be completely dismantled in order to liberate the oppressed people.”

Trump called Critical Race Theory “racist” and signed an executive order restricting ‘diversity training’ by the federal government.

Joe Biden reversed Trump’s executive order and brought back the Marxist, anti-white, anti-American, anti-Christian curriculum back to public schools.

Governor DeSantis announced Florida’s curriculum will “expressly exclude” Critical Race Theory.

“There’s no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory. Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money,” DeSantis said.

.51 min


On TB every waking moment

Kamala Harris Hosts Prime Minister of Ireland For Bilateral Meeting, Trashes America as a Violent and Racist Country (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published March 17, 2021 at 1:44pm

Kamala Harris on Wednesday hosted H.E. Micheál Martin, Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland for a bilateral meeting and she kicked off the virtual conference by trashing America as a violent and racist country.

Harris started the meeting off by bringing up the mass shooting in Atlanta that left a total of 8 people dead, including 6 Asian women.

We don’t have all the facts yet, but Kamala Harris has already jumped to conclusions and determined the shooter targeted the massage parlors in a hate crime against Asians.
Preliminary reports indicate the shooter, 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long, was a sex addict.

The suspect told police he is a sex addict and he wanted to “eliminate locations he saw as ‘temptations’ for his sex addiction.”

But Harris trashed America as a violent and racist country to kick her meeting with the Irish Taoiseach.

Kamala Harris, the most unwanted, unpopular VP in history acted like a woke social justice warrior in a meeting with a foreign leader.

How is this appropriate?

At one point, the Prime Minister of Ireland accidentally referred to Kamala Harris as “president” then quickly corrected himself and said “madam vice president.”

8:50 min


On TB every waking moment

Governmental Racism Against Whites Is Now Legal in America

State and federal racism is alive and well in America, laws be damned.

MARCH 16, 2021

State and federal racism is alive and well in America, laws be damned. Even though there are federal and state laws against discrimination based on race, the leftists in power don’t seem to care about those laws.

Leftists only care about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other federal and state discrimination laws when they pertain to protecting minorities – their voting block. The thing about leftists is that they only want the laws to protect the people they want them to protect. Not everyone.

In an effort to give blacks “reparations” the federal and state governments are going hog wild and bending over backwards to give minorities special privileges not given to whites.

That’s called racism.

In the recent 1.9 trillion “COVID-19 relief bill”, the leftists made sure that black farmers get federal to help them with losses due to the pandemic. They’ll get $5 billion of help in fact.

According to the Business insider, black farmers have faced discrimination when trying to get federal loans and in other areas so now the blacks, hispanics, indigenous and other farmers “of color” will get help from the Federal government through the “Emergency Relief for Farmers of Color Act.

White is obviously not a color which makes them the only excluded group from the handouts.

Only “socially disadvantaged farmers” and “socially disadvantaged groups” need to apply for the loans, debt forgiveness, training, technical assistance and grants offered by the leftists.

That’s called racism.

In Michigan, we have a Democratic Governor who thinks it’s okay to have a formula based on race, income and other social factors in order to determine how the COVID-19 vaccines are distributed.

That’s called racism.

In an effort to push for racial equity, the town of Evanston, north of Chicago, has decided to fund reparations for its black residents by funding things like home ownership assistance. According to the Daily Mail, black residents could get $25,000 for homeownership, home improvement and mortgage assistance.

According to their FAQ, you don’t even have to be a direct descendant of slaves. You only have to be an applicant who is a black or African American person having origins in any of the black racial and ethnic groups of Africa.

That’s called racism.

Pennsylvania is also looking to help blacks and latinos with their mortgage payments. This help would come in the form of distributing the monies from the America Rescue Plan.
That’s called racism.

Government ran by democrats has proven over the years to be racist against whatever race they need to be for votes and power. Things don’t look like they’re going to be changing anytime soon either.


On TB every waking moment

SJW Pentagon Culture War Against Allies

Still from a US Marine Corps video promoting Pride Month (Source
MARCH 17, 2021
12:26 PM
Areader passes this along:

This is now part of US warmaking strategy: to fight the culture war with nations that do not share progressive social values regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.
Hungary is a NATO ally. Late last year, Hungarian lawmakers changed the country’s constitution:
The country’s politicians approved the bill on Tuesday. The new law defines marriage as between a man and a woman and asserts that the “foundation of the family is marriage and the parent-child relationship. The mother is a woman, the father is a man.”
Hungary has codified the understanding of marriage that was universal within the West until pretty much the day before yesterday, but now, the United States government has declared Hungary an enemy of its defense strategy for that.

Think about that. Hungary’s definition of marriage is the orthodox Christian definition of marriage. And now, the new administration has set the Defense Department against nations that believe what orthodox Christians believe marriage is. If you don’t think that persecution of orthodox Christians and other dissenters — what I talk about in Live Not By Lies — is coming to the United States, you are living in a dream world.

I have written in this space in recent days about my concern for my 17-year-old son, who wants to join the military. Normally I would have been proud of that fact. But now? Do I want him to be part of an organization whose leadership has formally committed itself to fighting governments that enshrine into law the principles that our religion teaches? Do I want my Orthodox Christian son to be put in the position of fighting other Christians whose nations are faithful to what we believe to be true?

Do you?

Poland is a NATO ally. The Polish constitution defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Polish gay couples cannot legally adopt. Now the Polish parliament is considering a move to ban all LGBT adoptions — a move that is quite popular in that overwhelmingly Catholic country.

Is Poland now the enemy of America? Do the Poles have to worry that the US Department of Defense is setting its sights on them as enemy combatants in the culture war? Yes, they do.

The Czech Republic is by far the most secular and liberal of the former Soviet bloc nations, but attempts to pass gay marriage into law have stalled. The Czech Republic is also a NATO ally. Is it normal for members of a military alliance to have to worry about the Defense Department of an allied nation targeting their countries as culture war enemies?

Turkey is also a NATO ally. Do I even have to tell you how that Muslim country regards LGBT rights? But now the Turks have to regard American military personnel stationed in that country as culture-war enemy combatants, because of the order of the US Commander in Chief.

Greece is a NATO ally. Though generally liberal on sexual matters, it does not have same-sex marriage. Is the Pentagon now Greece’s culture war enemy?

It is one thing to put US government policy behind supporting gay rights at home and abroad. But to put US armed might behind that same policy, especially when not all US allies share that goal, is something else. We are telling Hungary, Poland, and other NATO member states, “Diversity is our strength — and if you hold diverse opinions about what marriage and homosexuality are, we are going to use US military might to strong-arm you into submission.”

Seriously, what does it mean that the US military is now formally committed to combatting homophobia, transphobia, etc., in other countries? What do NATO allies like Hungary, Poland, and Turkey have to worry about? What do other allies, like Arab states, have to take into consideration under these new Biden-era rules?

The aggressive culture-war politicization of the US military by the Left is something I did not see coming. Time for people on the Right to wake up. This is not the America you thought it was.


On TB every waking moment

Tuesday, March 16, 2021
If everything is racist then maybe racism is normal


AOC's calling a robot police dog racist greatly amused me. NYPD dispatched the dog to patrol high-crime areas, which happen to be black and Hispanic. Hey, if you don't want robot police dogs in your neighborhood, stop crime.

Today I was amused by the New York Times article, "Who Is Making Sure the A.I. Machines Aren’t Racist?"

The problem, according to the Times, is too many white men are involved in the development of artificial intelligence machines. The assumptions are 1. that the white men are biased and 2. they will transfer their biases onto the robots they create.

I suppose so.

But somehow white men invented and developed railroads, photography, the telegraph, the telephone, automobiles, motion pictures, airplanes, recorded music, radio, television, personal computers, and the Internet and civilization survived. I submit that racism today is far smaller because of that. TV put Southern segregation in the living rooms of Northerners and they did not like it.

I am not saying AI will be free of the prejudices of its inventors. I am saying the issue should not be a deal killer. Build the machines, then adjust them. Early photographers, for example, did fine when they photographed white people but had a harder time getting the lighting right for darker skins.

The race problem we have today is that we have created a class of highly educated social justice warriors without a real cause. There is such a shortage of white-on-black hate crime that poor Jussie Smollett and others have had to stage phony attacks.

A half-century after passage of civil rights acts, and recently the election of a black president, anti-black racism is pretty dead in America. That means there is really no need for a Congressional Black Caucus. To keep the nightmare alive, activists began throwing around the term systemic racism.

Do we really want to go there?

Vanita Gupta did. It did not go well for her. She is Xiden's nominee for associate attorney general. At her hearing, Republican Senator Tom Cotton pointed out that she had said all Americans have implicit racial biases.

Cotton asked her, "Against which races do you harbor racial bias?"

She punted, saying, "I believe that we all have implicit bias. It doesn’t mean that we are harboring any racism at all, these are unconscious assumptions and stereotypes that can get made."

Ah, suddenly a bias is not racist, assumptions aren't racist, and stereotypes aren't racist. The poor word literally has no meaning anymore, does it?

He asked again, and she replied, "I hold stereotypes that I have to manage. I am a product of my culture. It’s part of the human condition. And I believe that all of us are able to manage implicit bias, but only if we can acknowledge our own, and I am not above anyone else in that matter."

Ah, she is a product of her culture. Her racism is not her fault. She is just trying to manage it because "it’s part of the human condition."

Finally, someone has said publicly what we all know deep inside. Racism is normal. That does not mean it is OK. Lots of things that are normal are not OK. Coveting thy neighbor's wife, for example.

If Gupta is not above anyone else when it comes to race, then nobody is beneath her. And if no one is beneath her, we have no justification for firing people for saying something foolish.
But we do because such firings make people feel good about themselves. The self-righteousness of the mob is its greatest attraction. This made lynchings popular, did it not?
Instead of worrying about racist robots, we should worry about the real problem: those who profit from pitting the races against one another.

Meanwhile, to those who live in AOC's district who want to escape the racist robot dog, I suggest they do what her parents did to escape crime, and move to Westchester County.


On TB every waking moment

Subversive Education
North Carolina’s largest school district launches a campaign against “whiteness in educational spaces.”

Christopher F. Rufo
March 17, 2021

Last year, the Wake County Public School System, which serves the greater Raleigh, North Carolina area, held an equity-themed teachers’ conference with sessions on “whiteness,” “microaggressions,” “racial mapping,” and “disrupting texts,” encouraging educators to form “equity teams” in schools and push the new party line: “antiracism.”

The February 2020 conference, attended by more than 200 North Carolina public school teachers, began with a “land acknowledgement,” a ritual recognition suggesting that white North Carolinians are colonizers on stolen Native American land. Next, the superintendent of Wake County Public Schools, Cathy Moore, introduced the day’s program and shuffled teachers to breakout sessions across eight rooms. Freelance reporter A.P. Dillon obtained the documents from the sessions through a public records request and provided them to City Journal.

At the first session, “Whiteness in Ed Spaces,” school administrators provided two handouts on the “norms of whiteness.” These documents claimed that “(white) cultural values” include “denial,” “fear,” “blame,” “control,” “punishment,” “scarcity,” and “one-dimensional thinking.”

According to notes from the session, the teachers argued that “whiteness perpetuates the system” of injustice and that the district’s “whitewashed curriculum” was “doing real harm to our students and educators.” The group encouraged white teachers to “challenge the dominant ideology” of whiteness and “disrupt” white culture in the classroom through a series of “transformational interventions.”

Parents, according to the teachers, should be considered an impediment to social justice.

When one teacher asked, “How do you deal with parent pushback?” the answer was clear: ignore parental concerns and push the ideology of antiracism directly to students. “You can’t let parents deter you from the work,” the teachers said. “White parents’ children are benefiting from the system” of whiteness and are “not learning at home about diversity (LGBTQ, race, etc.).” Therefore, teachers have an obligation to subvert parental wishes and beliefs. Any “pushback,” the teachers explained, is merely because white parents fear “that they are going to lose something” and find it “hard to let go of power [and] privilege.”

This isn’t an aberration. In fact, the district’s official Equity in Action plan encourages teachers to override parents in the pursuit of antiracism. “Equity leaders [should] have the confidence to take risks and make difficult decisions that are rooted in their values,” the document reads.

Even in the face of opposition, equity leaders can draw on a heartfelt conviction for what is best for students and families.” In other words, the school should displace the family as the ultimate arbiter of political morality.

The equity plan outlines this new ideology in chart format, announcing the district’s commitment to a series of fashionable pedagogies, including “color consciousness,” “white identity development,” “critical race theory,” “intersections of power and privilege,” and “anti-racist identity and action.”

The equity program in the Wake County Public School System is a massive enterprise.

Founded in 2013, the district’s Office of Equity Affairs has now amassed a $1 million annual budget and hosts an ongoing sequence of school trainings, curriculum-development sessions, and teacher events. In 2019, for example, the office hosted a series of “courageous conversations” about race and a five-night discussion program about the podcast Seeing White, which asks listeners to consider how “whiteness” contributes to “police shootings of unarmed African Americans,” “acts of domestic terrorism,” and “unending racial inequity in schools, housing, criminal justice, and hiring.”

According to Wake County Public Schools, the purpose of these programs is to achieve “equity,” which it defines as “eliminating the predictability of success and failure that correlates with any social or cultural factor.” This is naïve, at best. Cultural traits such as family environment, transmitted values, and study habits have an enormous influence on academic outcomes. The radical-left educators believe that this is an injustice. They see their job as leveling cultural differences, grouping students into the categories of inborn identity, and equalizing outcomes.

The administrators have the logic backwards. Rather than seek to level cultural factors, they should seek to uncover and then cultivate the cultural traits that lead to academic success across all racial groups. Despite all the recent focus on racial issues in education, the greater disparity in student outcomes today is, in fact, related to social class. As Stanford’s Sean Reardon has shown, the class gap in academic achievement is now twice as large as the race gap—precisely the opposite of what it was 50 years ago.

This news should suggest an opportunity to school administrators. They could pursue pedagogical strategies that help struggling students of all racial backgrounds. Sadly, rather than seizing this opportunity, teachers in Wake County are busy planning conference presentations on “toxic masculinity,” “microaggressions,” “trauma-informed yoga,” “peace circles,” and “applied critical race theory.” North Carolina might be a red state, but in its largest county, the school system has fully bought in to the latest progressive dogmas.

Parents across the U.S. should not assume that their local district is immune to these trends.

The new political education is spreading everywhere.


On TB every waking moment

Video: Former Clinton Advisor Wolf Warns Dems Are ‘In An Embrace With Big Tech’ To Censor Dissenting Voices

“It’s really a very kind of CCP type of conditioning to kind of conform and watch our words”

18 March, 2021
Steve Watson

Appearing on Tucker Carlson’s show Wednesday, former Clinton advisor Naomi Wolf warned that Democrats are aligned with big tech in an effort to ‘consolidate power’ by censoring and removing any opinions they disagree with.

The author spoke of how she has recently been suspended twice from Twitter, noting “I’ve been talking about all kinds of things for years on social media and have never had this problem until I talked to a conservative about how left and right should unite to save the Constitution.”

“It’s really a very kind of CCP [Chinese Communist Party] type of conditioning to kind of conform and watch our words,” Wolf urged, adding “It’s censorship.”

Rumble video on website 5:01 min

Wolf added that “Unfortunately, my side, the Dems, are kind of in an embrace with Big Tech to kind of consolidate power on social media and drown out conservative voices.”

“It’s not good for the country and it’s not good for our union,” Wolf emphasised.

The author also referenced her last appearance with Carlson when she warned that the US is devolving into a ‘totalitarian’ police state under the Biden administration as endless lockdowns and restrictions show little sign of being lifted.

“One of the things that I was calling attention to before I got de-platformed is the fact that Big Tech is part of the shape of lockdowns, the way the policy unfolds,” Wolf said, adding “So we do have to seize our Constitution back and call out Big Tech for censorship and for exploiting these divisions.”


On TB every waking moment

'America First' and 'United we stand' are 'white supremacy propaganda,' says Anti-Defamation League
by Eddie Scarry, Commentary Writer |

| March 17, 2021 04:12 PM

It's that time of year where the left-wing Anti-Defamation League puts out one of those little reports blaming white people and "right-wing radicals" for all of the world's ills.

The ADL on Wednesday sounded the alarm with a new study purporting that "White Supremacist Propaganda Spikes in 2020." But as detailed in my book Privileged Victims, anyone interested in ADL material has only to look at the specifics before realizing it's a fraud.

"ADL’s Center on Extremism (COE) tracked a near-doubling of white supremacist propaganda efforts in 2020," the report said, "which included the distribution of racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ fliers, stickers, banners and posters."

Gosh, that sounds awful! Who among us decent people would be distributing such material?
Here's a hint: If you have any material reading the words "America First," it's you. That phrase is seriously an example of "white supremacist propaganda," according to the ADL.

Also, if you're not a fan of the months of rioting perpetrated by the Black Lives Matter activists, the ADL might be referring to you, too.

The report states that a group called "Patriot Front," which the ADL considers to be white supremacist, "continues to avoid using traditional white supremacist language and symbols in its messaging, instead using ambiguous phrases such as 'America First,' 'United we stand,' 'Better Dead Than Red,' 'Two Parties. One Tyranny,' [and] 'Reclaim America.'"

Hilarious. "Better dead than red," a longtime anti-communist catchphrase, is now white supremacy, we're told by the ADL.

Another example in the report of white supremacy was the slogan “Open Borders Spread Disease.” That's interesting because we're in the middle of a pandemic. President Biden considered restricting interstate travel to and from Florida during the pandemic. No one called that white supremacy.

To be sure, the report does identify some printed slogans by certain groups that would be considered by normal people to be hateful. But when they include "United we stand" as an example of bigotry, you begin to wonder why the ADL felt the need to pad their numbers.
Well, because they always do this.

In 2019 the ADL published a report on "Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2018."

That one said that 2018 "was a particularly active year for right-wing extremist murders."

But, again, a review of the details shows that it's not as it seems.

The examples in the study are laughable. Here's one: “Richard Starry shot and killed four relatives at a local nursing center and at his home in an apparent act of domestic violence before killing himself. According to local media, Starry had been a member of a white supremacist group while in prison.”

Here's another: “James Mathis, a member of the Georgia-based white supremacist prison gang Ghostface Gangsters, and his wife, Amanda Oakes, allegedly killed their six-month-old son and put his body in a freezer in a hotel room.”

So, when white people kill their own family members, even their own babies, that fits ADL's definition of "right-wing violence."

The ADL is a racket. Its latest report is just a reminder.


On TB every waking moment

Why The Left Is Helping Make America Racist Again
Why The Left Is Helping Make America Racist Again
Self-styled anti-racists and social justice activists are seething with hate, but it is only upon love that we can move beyond racial tension and division.

Nathanael Blake

By Nathanael Blake
MARCH 18, 2021

One problem with telling people to “be themselves” is that they often don’t know who they are. Indeed, many people proclaiming this mantra seem intent on dismantling stable sources of identity, such as family, patriotism, and religion.

Instead of defining ourselves by relationships, place, and faith, we are encouraged to define ourselves by what we want — from sex to consumer goods to entertainment. This reduction of people to bundles of impulses makes them easy to market to, but it does not provide a stable source of identity.

It’s no wonder racial identity is making a comeback, and it’s no wonder critical race theory — which defines people by race and racial power structures — has taken over our culture’s leading institutions. Leftist-controlled schools and colleges are leading the way, and are more obsessed with race than ever, as is the legacy media and most of our nation’s leadership class.

In a world of unstable identities, race is an old certainty. In a world where identity is fluid and often up for sale, in which internet posing can become reality, race seems to have an authenticity that is hard to fake.

But the current focus on race is making our society more racially fraught. Instead of healing and authentic human flourishing, it brings bitterness and confusion.

The Resilience of Race
Racial identities have resisted the trends marking the decline of other sources of strong identities for several reasons. First, for many members of minority groups, there has been too little material and social improvement in recent years; a natural result of this is a persistence in the primacy of racial identification.

Second, race isn’t scorned the way traditional religious beliefs are. Nor has it been subjected to the deconstruction that sex and normative relations between the sexes have been, thereby destabilizing another solid source of self-understanding. In contrast, racial consciousness is encouraged by our cultural elites.

In part, this is because racial awareness bolsters their moral self-image. The civil rights movement is one of the main moral prisms through which they look at the world, and they believe themselves to be its heirs. Letting race recede would therefore undermine their moral authority.

Third, the continued importance of race legitimates the enormous civil rights bureaucracy that was established to squelch segregation and overt racial discrimination. This government power has found new targets in dissident bakers and florists, but its defenders still justify it by appealing to its origins in racial desegregation. They argue that if the baker can opt-out of creating custom cakes for same-sex wedding ceremonies, then a return to Jim Crow can’t be far behind.

This argument is ridiculous, but it illuminates how race is indispensable to our leadership class. A post-racial society would require them to give up both a flattering self-understanding and a great deal of power. Thus, they have been easy marks for critical race theory. The rhetorical self-flagellation it sometimes demands is a small price to pay for the assurance that they are still better than the (mostly working-class and middle-class) whites who resist such gestures.

‘Whiteness’ vs. Everything Else

Leftists would prefer the populace to identify as isolated consumers, but if we are to have group identities, they would prefer race to class. This is why there has been so little concern over the racial essentialism that critical race theory encourages. The supposed anti-racism of critical race theory often masks the class interests of its proponents.

But despite their unconcern, critical race theory is toxic, encouraging racial obsession and enmity. In particular, it insists on a dichotomy between whites (always inherently guilty of oppression and of possessing “white privilege”) and everyone else (lumped together as “people of color,” who are all victimized by whiteness.

This binary encourages racial animosity even as it fails to capture the complexity of racial and ethnic groups, let alone of individuals who refuse to be reduced to a racial category. Thus, the race theory ideologues often vacillate between racial absolutism and sounding like there is an actual version of the racial draft sketch from Chappelle’s Show (really not safe for work viewing), only with whites drafting entire ethnic groups. For instance, the same academics who divide the world between whites and “people of color” treat Jews and Asians as “extra white” for admission purposes.

In politics, critical race theory encourages vicious attacks on minority conservatives, who are treated as race traitors who are guilty of “whiteness.” For example, a Washington Post article used a theory of “multiracial whiteness” to explain minority support for Donald Trump. The column concluded, “In the post-Trump era, the challenge will be to prevail over the extremism of Trump’s White majority while trying to prevent the politics of whiteness from becoming an increasingly multiracial affair.”

This mindset explains why Amazon marked Black History Month by canceling the Clarence Thomas documentary — erasing a black man who doesn’t toe the line. It also explains why California’s planned ethnic studies program will “teach millions of children in the state’s public schools to achieve liberation against the descendants of European colonists of 500 years ago by teaching them to chant to Aztec gods who required human sacrifice.” It’s what happens when people believe “whiteness” is the root of all evil, and seek to eradicate it.

The New Religion
For some people, racism and whiteness have become free-floating substitutes for older ideas such as the Christian doctrine of original sin. As John McWhorter has been arguing in a series of essays, the current iteration of anti-racism is functionally a religion.

A substitute religion is taking over our culture because of self-serving and cowardly adults who are protecting their status. As Bari Weiss observes, “Power in America now comes from speaking woke, a highly complex and ever-evolving language.”

As her reporting on critical race theory’s conquest of elite education illustrates, not only children but also many parents and teachers are afraid of challenging the new orthodoxy, lest they imperil their social standing and prospects. They too have forsaken the roots of strong identities that would provide courage. As it is, no one wants to be the first to stand up to our self-appointed commissars for social justice and anti-racism.

Today’s leftists go along, and even cheer, as race is treated as a foundational identity, and as we are told that it is racist to strive for a post-racial society. Yet almost none of their multitude of symbolic gestures of anti-racism address the real problems of race in this country, or the harms caused by the decline of traditional religious, familial, and community sources of identity. Each theatrical bit of anti-racism is just a self-serving justification for an elite that has failed in its responsibilities to poor and working-class Americans, especially racial minorities.

For example, many who loudly support the current anti-racist cause have presided over the catastrophically extended shutdowns of public schools that are disproportionately attended by minority children — and these schools were often incompetent even at their best.

An Approach of Despair
Removing a few Dr. Seuss books from the official catalog doesn’t help poor black children learn to read, but it does give a lot of (mostly white) leftists and hangers-on a chance to preen. Dumping the Redskins name, to which most Native Americans did not object, likewise does nothing about the scandalous conditions on many reservations.

Thus, despite the religious fervor of many anti-racism activists, they are exacerbating racial tensions. They do so directly, by encouraging racial identification and acrimony, and indirectly, by waging a symbolic crusade that does not address genuine racial injustices and inequalities. And they have prepared the ground for strong racial identities by denigrating other loyalties and attachments.

Their approach is one of despair. They have abandoned hope in a shared humanity that can move past the mistaken racial categories of our forefathers — there is recrimination and posturing, but no hope of real justice or peace.

Their greatest failure is of love. The current crop of self-styled anti-racists and social justice activists are seething with hate, but it is only upon strong love that we can build identities capable of moving beyond racial essentialism and division. The tribalism of race, and the historical baggage it drags behind it, can only be surpassed by love for something, or Someone, greater than tribe or tongue or nation.


On TB every waking moment

State Department ‘Racing’ To Address 232 Year-Old-Problem Of ‘Entrenched Whiteness’
By Emily Zanotti

Mar 17, 2021

Antony Blinken, U.S. secretary of state, introduces President Joe Biden, not pictured, at the State Department in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021.
Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA/Bloomberg via Getty Images
The Department of Defense is not the only Cabinet-level agency undergoing a “woke” makeover. According to Politico, the State Department is also wrestling with its identity and “racing” to address a 232-year history “of “entrenched whiteness.”

“Antony Blinken’s State Department is racing to address a 232-year-old problem: the overwhelming and entrenched whiteness of the nation’s oldest government agency,” the outlet reports Wednesday. “The department’s 23,000 or so American staff may be the global face of America, but they don’t look like it. And the gap is growing, not shrinking, by many metrics.”

“Though 40 percent of the American population is from a racial or ethnic minority, ‘only 13 percent of the Department’s Senior Executive Service are people of color,’ said Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, a career diplomat. ‘It was more diverse in 1986 — literally — than it is now,’ said Eric Rubin, president of the American Foreign Service Association, which represents the department’s diplomats,” the outlet noted.

According to Politico, President Joe Biden has pledged to run the most diverse government ever, and that involves “rethinking” and “reformatting” some of the most significant governmental institutions.

The State Department, under Blinken, wasted no time in addressing the agency’s issues with diversity. Blinken submitted a report on the State Department’s “diversity and inclusion” problems on February 24th, almost immediately after he was confirmed to his role as Secretary of State.
Although the report was focused on the agency’s issues, it also proposed solutions, including hiring a Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer (CDIO) to “align and advance D&I policies across the department, bring transparency to these initiatives, and hold senior leadership accountable on progress.” The CDIO is tasked with incorporating “diversity and inclusion into the Department’s work at every level.”

The State Department is also committed to educating its workforce on “anti-racism.” Before the announcement of the CDIO, the State Department scheduled an instructional Zoom, stressing the idea that racism is a threat to national security.

The event, titled, “Racism Being a Threat to National Security and Democracy,” featured a range of progressive speakers, including “former Democratic Rep. Tom Perriello, who currently serves as an executive director for George Soros’ Open Society Foundation,” according to Fox News, and “Center for Constitutional Rights attorney Diala Shamas and Western States Center (WSC) Executive Director Eric Ward.”

“Secretary Blinken has made it 100 percent clear that he is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion for our workforce. It’s going to be integrated across the department, and it’s going to help strengthen us, period,” a State Department spokesperson told Politico.

Recently, the Biden administration’s Department of Defense has come under fire for their own campaign to “wokeify” the United States military by incorporating similar training and education. As The Daily Wire reported earlier this week, the United States Navy debuted its own curriculum about “eradicating extremism,” without Black Lives Matter listed as a political extremist group, and a Department of Defense “diversity and inclusion” report, similar to the one submitted by the State Department, pledged to address the issue of “intersectional identities” as a way of better addressing modern notions of gender.


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Poll: Two-Thirds of Americans Say Companies Like Disney Have Taken Political Correctness Too Far

HANNAH BLEAU6 Mar 2021579

The vast majority of Americans believe companies, such as Disney, have taken political correctness too far, according to a poll conducted by Survey Monkey, with oversight and analysis provided by Public Opinion Strategies.

According to a memo of the survey, “nearly two-thirds of Americans agree that companies like Disney have taken political correctness too far,” 65 percent to 34 percent. Ninety percent of Republicans hold that view, as do 60 percent of independent voters and 47 percent of Democrats. A majority across every age group tested shared the belief as well.

Walt Disney Co. most recently came under the spotlight after dropping actress Gina Carano from its hit Disney+ series The Mandalorian over a social media post in which the MMA star compared the current political climate to Nazi Germany.

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…. even by children,” she wrote in the post, adding, “Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?” A majority across party lines agreed that she should not have been fired over her post, the survey found.

But that is far from the first time Disney has caved to cancel culture in pursuit of political correctness. Last summer, for example, Walt Disney World opted to completely overhaul Splash Mountain, a popular ride at Orlando, Florida’s Magic Kingdom, due to the imagery associated with the 1946 Disney movie Song of the South. Critics took issue with the theme, citing the movie’s “racist tropes.”

“While the ride is considered a beloved classic, it’s history and storyline are steeped in extremely problematic and stereotypical racist tropes from the 1946 film Song of the South,” a petition calling for the overhaul read. “The best next step to remove all traces of this racist movie would be to re-theme Splash Mountain into a Princess and the Frog-themed ride.”

Disney ultimately embraced the recommendation and took similar action following complaints from the woke mob over its Jungle Cruise ride, which critics said glorified “colonial” attitudes.

Similarly, Disney blocked several movies from the profiles of younger viewers from its streaming services over fears of racial stereotypes. Those included Peter Pan, Dumbo, Aristocats, Lady and the Tramp, The Swiss Family Robinson, and The Jungle Book.

Disney went further, provided a warning to those who chose to watch the movies, which states that the films contain “negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures.”

“These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together,” the statement read.

Disney has also put political correctness at the forefront of its new films and shows, featuring a bisexual lead character in Disney Channel’s animated series The Owl House. Disney has also focused on diversifying the roles in its upcoming films, tapping Grown-ish star Yara Shahidi to play Tinkerbell in its film Peter Pan and Wendy.

“This would mark the first time a person of color has filled the role that traditionally has featured a white actress and follows in the footsteps after Disney set Halle Bailey to play Ariel in The Little Mermaid,” Deadline observed at the time.

The survey, taken February 26- March 3 among 1,098 adults, has a margin of error of +/-3.37 percent.


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The Root accused of racism after piece by New York Times contributor declares 'Whiteness is a Pandemic'
Damon Young has not been published by paper since July of last year
By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

The digital magazine The Root was accused of racism Wednesday after publishing an article declaring "Whiteness is a Pandemic" in response to Tuesday's deadly shootings in Georgia.

There was a rush to conclude that the shootings that killed eight people at three Atlanta-area massage parlors were hate crimes after officials confirmed that six of the eight victims were Asian-Americans. Investigators said Wednesday that the suspected gunman, 21-year-old Robert Long, told them he was motivated by a "sexual addiction". They added that racism "did not appear to be the motive". Long has since been charged with multiple counts of murder and assault.

In the piece, Root senior editor Damon Young argued that "Whiteness" is a "public health crisis."

"It shortens life expectancies, it pollutes air, it constricts equilibrium, it devastates forests, it melts ice caps, it sparks (and funds) wars, it flattens dialects, it infests consciousnesses, and it kills people—[W]hite people and people who are not [W]hite, my mom included," Young began. "There will be people who die, in 2050, because of white supremacy-induced decisions from 1850."

Young, whose bio describes him as a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times, added that "a line can and should be drawn from the actions of the white [sic] supremacist" in Georgia "to the relentless anti-Asian rhetoric pollinating national discourse over the past year," insisting former President Donald Trump and the GOP "can and should be blamed for this and the sudden increase of racist violence against Asian Americans."

"The line doesn’t stop there, though. It extends back 400 years and has tentacles clawing everywhere white [sic] supremacy exists here, in America, which is everywhere," Young wrote before referencing the 2018 Tree of Life synagogue and the 2015 Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church massacres.

"But also to gentrification, to red-lining, to racial profiling, to gerrymandering, to voter oppression, to mass incarceration, to the war on drugs, to the subprime mortgage crisis, to the vast disparities in both COVID deaths and who receives COVID vaccinations, to how the men and women who stormed the Capitol just went home and had dinner with their families afterward."

He continued, "White supremacy is a virus that, like other viruses, will not die until there are no bodies left for it to infect. Which means the only way to stop it is to locate it, isolate it, extract it, and kill it. I guess a vaccine could work, too. But we’ve had 400 years to develop one, so I won’t hold my breath."

The Root is owned by G/O Media, whose outlets include Deadspin, Jezebel, Gizmodo, and The A.V. Club. G/O Media did not respond to Fox News' requests for comment.

The article caused immediate backlash after it was posted to Twitter.

"This is the definition of racism," The Federalist publisher and Fox News contributor Ben Domenech reacted.

"Thought provoking racism," Twitter user Peggy similarly tweeted.

"If we simply kill all of the white people, surely then all of our problems will go away," Grabien Media founder Tom Elliott joked.


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GOP Insiders Warn Companies Woke Leftism Paving Way for Corporate-Free Populist Republican Party

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky
AP Photo/Lynne Sladky
MATTHEW BOYLE17 Mar 2021Washington, DC3,224

A shift in the corporate world with big American companies embracing so-called “woke” leftist policies along with increased retirements among the old guard of the GOP is fueling a populist surge inside the Republican Party, a new memo from GOP insiders reveals.

The memo from CGCN, a government affairs firm staffed by top GOP insiders, is titled: “The Party They’ll Get, Not the Party They Want.”

In the memo, which has no named author, CGCN warns the “business community” that their previous allies in the Republican Party are moving on from protecting business interests to instead focusing on populist priorities of protecting American workers. As the GOP shifts downward away from the elites and towards the everyman, the memo notes, the Democrats in Washington continue their efforts to punish companies with tax hikes and regulatory burdens. In other words, companies may be left with nobody to defend them or their interests—all because they decided to abandon neutrality in favor of woke leftism, fighting culture wars that have driven Republicans away from them back toward the refreshed GOP base while Democrats will never reward them for being woke enough.

“For the business community, the news that President Biden is considering the first major tax increase since 1993 was probably unsurprising,” the CGCN memo opens. “And maybe not so troubling, given that it will be difficult to pass in a nearly evenly divided Congress. But when that news is juxtaposed to Sen. Roy Blunt’s (R-MO) recently announced retirement, it might be time for concern. The reason is straightforward: Blunt’s retirement, along with Senators Portman (R-OH), Burr (R-NC), Shelby (R-AL), and Toomey (R-PA) creates greater political space for the GOP’s younger, insurgent populists to flex their muscles. This suggests, among other things, trouble ahead for the tried-and-true coalition of Republicans and corporate America—and the issues they care about.”

That “coalition” of the GOP and corporate America, the memo continues, “reliably fought what they viewed as big government, anti-free-market policies” for “decades.”

“Along with conservative talk radio and think tanks, it comprised the heart of the GOP,” the CGCN memo says. “At least on some issues, this union will likely endure for the policy fights ahead. But evidence suggests an unraveling is coming. GOP populists in Congress are often frustrated by (in their view) woke CEOs embracing avant-garde social agendas. The upshot, especially for policy, is a party increasingly unwilling to listen simultaneously to corporate priorities on, say, tax and trade policy, alongside their CEOs latest cultural forays. What does that mean for tax policy, and much else? For one thing, a party that once made cutting corporate income taxes a standard policy trope may be fading from view. Trump may be out of office, but his legacy, which GOP members indelibly embraced through letters, press releases, votes, and op-eds, lives on. In good measure thanks to Trump (and his U.S. Trade Representative, Bob Lighthizer), the GOP no longer accepts the inevitable tradeoffs of free trade and globalization.”

This is a notable memo because partners at CGCN include Sam Geduldig, a former staffer for Blunt—the retiring Missouri senator—and former House Speaker John Boehner, as well as former Trump White House adviser Michael Catanzaro. Also on the team are former Mitt Romney adviser Matt Rhoades—a heavyweight behind the scenes in GOP politics—as well as other top advisers to current and former House and Senate GOP leaders like Kevin McCarthy, Eric Cantor, Boehner, and more.

Put more simply: These guys are the insiders in the GOP who are the movers and shakers behind the scenes in Washington, and their recognition as stated in this memo that the Republican Party is ditching Wall Street and embracing Main Street—while Democrats continue their assault on American corporations and companies—is significant. Geduldig will make an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel this weekend to discuss the memo and more broadly the future of the GOP as populists and how Trump supporters seem to have won the war inside the GOP for the reins of the party.

As this shift happens, the CGCN memo argues, Republicans are less interested in protecting corporations and their wishes and more interested in pushing the needs of American workers.

“Moreover, supply-side orthodoxy, especially on spending and taxes, no longer commands the reflexive support it once did,” the memo reads. “This is not to say that Republicans favor more spending or higher taxes across the board. But for the populist GOP, ‘America First’ is about putting the ‘American worker’ before those concerned about corporate bottom lines. Longtime GOP leaders such as Sen. Blunt (think also of former Speakers Boehner and Ryan) have been squarely within the GOP’s mainstream. They represented a solid core of the party’s business-minded establishment, which enjoyed considerable influence over the party’s major economic and financial concerns.”

“But the nation’s political, economic, and cultural landscape has rapidly, and radically, changed underneath them,” it continues. “A younger generation of GOP leaders-in-waiting has seized on these changes and their implications for the party’s future. Where one sits on the political spectrum has reliably been determined by class. As these new leaders see it, that seat for Republicans is no longer ‘the country club.’ And with the party in thrall to former President Trump, and a conservative base feeling besieged by cancel culture, congressional Republicans are responding to constituents’ grievances about a country they don’t recognize. These members are growing not just in number, but in influence.”

On the other side of the internal battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Neil Bradley, the Chamber’s Executive Vice President and Chief Policy Officer, has helped the Chamber endorse a slew of House Democrats in the 2020 congressional elections. The endorsements, which were largely a wash and did not end up helping Democrats, cost the Chamber of Commerce serious credibility inside the GOP to the point where several Republicans on Capitol Hill actually refer to Bradley as “Kneel Bradley” as a joke that he kneels, or surrenders, to the left.

As Breitbart News previously reported, Bradley’s fall from grace—he used to be a top GOP insider who worked for the late former Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) as well as GOP insiders like McCarthy and Cantor—is nothing short of remarkable. The Democrat endorsements, which coincided with already waning influence of the U.S. Chamber, have turned the business community lobbying operation into a laughingstock among Republicans.

“The Chamber’s political apparatus has been destroyed,” a GOP insider told Breitbart News previously. “Donors are fleeing, no one trusts them anymore.”

The Chamber’s demise comes as its longtime top political hand Scott Reed left the organization last fall before the 2020 elections, and its president and CEO Tom Donohue stepped down this year.

Bradley has not replied to a request for comment in response to the CGCN memo and has not answered when asked about the nickname “Kneel Bradley” that Republicans use to mock him in private all over Capitol Hill. He also has not answered when offered an opportunity to come on Breitbart News Saturday on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel this weekend after Geduldig to address his views on the future of the GOP amid the dwindling relevance of the Chamber of Commerce.

But the CGCN memo does directly confront the Chamber, citing nationally syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt—whose program often attracts top GOP insiders and tends to mirror reflect whatever powerful Republican lawmakers are thinking on any given major issue.

“Conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt last week issued a remarkable broadside against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, in which he tweeted, ‘The embrace of Democrats in campaigns failed, betraying its members and its legacy. Time to revolt Main Street. It’s the Chamber of Beltway Buddies, not Commerce,’” the CGCN memo continues. “Note here that Hewitt is not a right-wing firebrand, but a sober-minded member of the GOP’s establishment and a regular commentator on Meet the Press. He is conservative, no doubt, but not in league with Sean Hannity, Dan Bongino, or Mark Levin. He may have offended NBC’s corporate sponsors, but he was also playing to his listeners’ views. That he is playing at all suggests something is afoot.”

The memo continues by citing actions of a number of rising Republican stars in the Senate—from Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) to Josh Hawley (R-MO) to National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Chairman Rick Scott (R-FL)—and how they reflect this growing change inside the party.

“The corporate-Main Street divide may have been a convenient cliché invoked by both parties to strike a populist note,” the memo says. “But for the GOP, it is slowly becoming a fact of political life. It might be too early to characterize this churn as some grand ‘realignment.’ But it’s safe to say that the likes of Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) are more aligned with the party’s conservative base on key economic issues than the Republican generation that preceded them. Hawley, Scott, Blackburn and others have tapped into the party’s anti-Big Business bent, which seems relatively indifferent to an increase in capital gains and corporate income taxes.”

It then concludes by highlighting a minimum wage hike plan that Sens. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) offered recently as a counter to Democrats’ efforts to do so. Cotton’s and Romney’s proposal would hike the minimum wage to $10 an hour nationally but pair that with a national E-Verify program barring companies from hiring illegal aliens. The CGCN memo states that this would have been a significant development years ago, but now seems run-of-the-mill.

“With this bill, the party’s 2012 presidential nominee (Romney) joined a leading 2024 Republican presidential candidate (Cotton) on a bill requiring a federal minimum wage hike, with immigration policy opposed by corporations,” the CGCN memo says. “Once upon a time, this would have been unthinkable, but it is now fairly unremarkable.”

As a result of all of this, CGCN concludes, the business community must rethink how it handles Republicans—and how it handles “woke” leftist culture war matters—or else be left behind by policymakers in America.

“Whether on issues related to technology and social media, immigration, taxes, trade, and much else, congressional Republicans—many of whom are under the age of 50—are gravitating more and more to the views and demands of their conservative base,” the memo finishes. “As noted, ‘woke-ism’ is a central target of GOP voters, and their younger leaders are attacking what they perceive is its unholy grip on the nation’s major social, cultural, and economic institutions. It’s not clear what this tendency suggests over the long-term, but for now, the business community needs to rethink how it engages the GOP on issues they consider fundamental. Because their list of priorities and the GOP’s may not always overlap in the same way it once did.”


On TB every waking moment

Biden’s Military’s Number One Focus – Not China – Not Iran – But Promoting the Rights of LGBTQ Around the World

By Joe Hoft
Published March 19, 2021 at 4:33pm

What an absolute disaster the Obama/Biden administration is turning out to be. The Obama policies made no sense under Obama, and after four years of Trump are even more glaringly insane.

The US Military’s top directive in a report this past Wednesday had nothing to do with China or Iran, its focus was LGBTQ rights.

Obama/Biden might want to start over. Their new Secretary of Defense is already tearing apart the department and the morale President Trump brought back to the military in four short years. The military loved President Trump and now they report to a senile old man who stole their votes and the election and is now pushing LGBTQ rights around the world.

Lloyd Austiin is Obama/Biden’s new Secretary of Defense. After serving years in the military he left the military in 2016 and served on the Boards of Directors for Raytheon Technologies, Nucor, and Tenet Healthcare. He’s clearly not ready for the new job.

The Daily Caller reported:
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Wednesday the Department of Defense (DOD) will prioritize lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex people in its decision-making processes, according to the top item in an email from the Navy and Marine Corps Daily Media Report.
“On February 4, 2021, the President issued a memorandum directing all U.S. departments and agencies that engage abroad or are involved in foreign aid, assistance, and development programs to undertake a number of actions related to promoting and protecting the human rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) persons,” the email states.
This was the first objective in the military’s list of priorities:


If you wanted to destroy the military and the country, you couldn’t do a better job.


On TB every waking moment

Exclusive — J.D. Vance: Narrative of ‘White Privilege’ Is ‘Disgusting,’ Denies Reality of Struggling White Working Class Families
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 06: Rise of the Rest Seed Fund managing partner J.D. Vance speaks onstage during Day 2 of TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2018 at Moscone Center on September 6, 2018 in San Francisco, California. (Photo by Steve Jennings/Getty Images for TechCrunch)
Steve Jennings/Getty Images for TechCrunch

The leftist narrative of “white privilege” is “disgusting,” said J.D. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis, on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow, editor-in-chief of Breitbart News and author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption.

Vance speculated that some criticisms of the film Hillbilly Elegy — based on his book — are rooted in left-wing rejection of the existence of struggle among white “working class” Americans. He noted that the reality of struggling whites in America profiled in his book and film is incompatible with the left-wing framework of “white privilege.”

“There is a narrative in our country, right now, that if you’re white, you’re privileged,” Vance stated, “and the idea that there is a family that is white, that is working class, that is struggling in ways that are identifiable to a lot of non-white Americans — and a lot of white Americans, too — is just not something the current cultural zeitgeist is comfortable with.”

Vance added, “They don’t like to think of people who are living in communities like mine — who look like my family — as struggling. Of course, many of those folks are [struggling]. That’s not what [those] people want to hear… This moment met the identity politics, the hyper-woke white privilege moment, and the the movie suffered from that, too.”

22:17 min


Vance warned that left-wing commodification of imaginary victimhood undermines the centrality of character in defining one’s path in life. He identified Meghan Markle’s recent interview with billionaire media mogul Oprah Winfrey as illustrative of this phenomenon. He noted how perceptions of victimization strip individuals of agency.

“This interview that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had a few weeks ago … I was watching that and I was amazed by just how much whining and how much victimhood there was,” Vance remarked. “It is still the case that whatever circumstances you come from — even if you come from a pretty tough family like mine — traditional American values like hard work, like loyalty to family, like devotion to your country, like investment in your future, these things still do matter.”

Vance continued, “The message we send to kids when we have big celebrities going on television and whining to Oprah is, ultimately, that character doesn’t really matter, and thank God I got a different lesson for my grandparents, from the Marine Corps, from the community around me, because if I if I hadn’t gotten that message I would have had just a really tough life.”

Vance reflected on lessons from his military service as solutions to the seeds of racial, ethnic, and economic acrimony sown by left-wing politics. He highlighted the U.S. armed forces’ unification of a diverse swathe of Americans as an example of patriotism transcending race, ethnicity, and class.

“The Marine Corps was such an incredible part of my own background,” Vance shared. “I enlisted in 2003, so this is right … we invaded Iraq, and I served from from 2007, and what I often tell people is that the Marine Corps was this incredible experience in learned willfulness.

There were so much helplessness in the community that I grew up in that was struggling, where the jobs had disappeared, people were struggling with drug addiction, and I had never been part of [a] powerful team where we were all oriented in the same direction. We all had the same goal, and there was this expectation that we could meet this goal together.”

He went on, “[The Marine Corps] also gave me this remarkable exposure to different parts of our country. Some of my best friends were guys from Puerto Rico. I had a good friend who grew up in a wealthy family in suburban Maryland. It was just this remarkable collection of Americans, but we were all Americans and we were all on the same team and that’s an experience.”

He concluded, “I think about [my military service] a lot, of course, in modern America, which is hyper-driven by identity politics, and I think that we could actually learn something from the way the enlisted military thinks about itself and its own identity.”


On TB every waking moment

DC Federal Judge unleashes epic rant against biased, liberal Mainstream Media…
Posted by Kane on March 19, 2021 2:55 pm


Federal Appeals Court Senior Judge Laurence Silberman issued an extraordinary opinion Friday attacking partisan bias in the news media, lamenting the treatment of conservatives in American society and calling for the Supreme Court to overturn a landmark legal precedent that protects news outlets from lawsuits over reports about public figures.

Silberman echoed and approvingly cited an opinion Justice Clarence Thomas issued two years ago, questioning the rationale of New York Times v. Sullivan and calling for the high court to revisit the decision. “Justice Thomas has already persuasively demonstrated that New York Times was a policy-driven decision masquerading as constitutional law,” the judge wrote.

But the exceptional aspect of Silberman’s opinion was not its legal arguments, but the airing of the judge’s deep-seated, pent-up grievances that conservatives are being oppressed by overwhelmingly liberal news media, academia and technology companies. That has created “a frighteningly orthodox media culture,” he wrote.

“The increased power of the press is so dangerous today because we are very close to one-party control of these institutions,” the judge declared. “Although the bias against the Republican Party—not just controversial individuals—is rather shocking today, this is not new; it is a long-term, secular trend going back at least to the ’70s….One-party control of the press and media is a threat to a viable democracy.”

Silberman slammed the New York Times and the Washington Post as “virtually Democratic Party broadsheets.” He added: “Nearly all television—network and cable—is a Democratic Party trumpet. Even the government-supported National Public Radio follows along.”

Silberman also specifically decried Twitter’s decision prior to last fall’s election to ban links to a New York Post story relaying allegations about the contents of a computer that once belonged to Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden. The judge cited that as an example of how Silicon Valley “filters news delivery in ways favorable to the Democratic Party.”

The judge also took sides in the ongoing public debate about the duties of social media companies, arguing that they are morally obligated to allow free expression and a diversity of views. Arguments that the platforms are private businesses and not legally obliged to follow First Amendment standards may be right, the judge said, but don’t absolve social media outlets from engaging in what he termed “censorship.”

“Repression of political speech by large institutions with market power…is—I say this advisedly—fundamentally un-American,” Silberman wrote. “As one who lived through the McCarthy era, it is hard to fathom how honorable men and women can support such actions.”

Silberman’s opinion cites a speech he gave nearly 20 years ago decrying what he viewed as a tendency by judges to refrain from making tough decisions that might be poorly received by the liberal press. Speaking to the conservative Federalist Society in 1992, the judge branded such fears as the “Greenhouse effect,” taking the name from the New York Times court reporter of that era, Linda Greenhouse. The judge also specifically faulted attorneys-turned-reporters who cover the courts.

“The truth is that the lawyer-reporters are among the most unbalanced, the least abashed, at asserting the value of judicial activism,” Silberman said, according to an account in the Times.

Silberman, 85, made clear that he relished the opportunity and did not shy away from it.

“To the charge of disdain, I plead guilty. I readily admit that I have little regard for holdings of the Court that dress up policymaking in constitutional garb,” the judge wrote. “That is the real attack on the Constitution, in which—it should go without saying—the Framers chose to allocate political power to the political branches. The notion that the Court should somehow act in a policy role as a Council of Revision is illegitimate.”


On TB every waking moment

The zones promise technological freedom, but what are the dangers to handing so much
Nevada is courting technological business by offering them the opportunity to develop cities independent of government regulation.

In his State of the State address on January 19th, Nevada Democratic Governor Steve Sisolak announced proposed legislation to create “Innovation Zones” in order “to jumpstart the state’s economy by attracting technology firms.”


Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak
Photo by Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ

The long-term vision for these Innovation Zones is a county independent of local government, run solely by a technological corporation for the purpose of pursuing advanced technology without the red tape of bureaucracy.

The proposed legislation draft calls “traditional forms of local government” “inadequate” in their ability “to provide the flexibility and resources conducive to making the State a leader in attracting and retaining new forms and types of businesses…”

In order to create such a zone, a company would need to submit an application to the Governor’s Office of Economic Development. Once approved, the company could begin development of any purchased, undeveloped, and uninhabited land of at least 78 square miles, with expectations that it invest $1 billion within the first 10 years after an initial investment of $250 million. The zone would be overseen by a three-member board of supervisors, appointed by the governor, holding the same power as county commissioners to impose taxes, establish schools and courts, and provide government services.

City governments have been experimenting with “smart cities” for years, in which political powers cede some power to technological corporations for the purpose of implementing advanced technology throughout a city. Nevada’s proposed Innovation Zone takes that idea a step further by handing over political power to a corporation entirely.

“Technology often moves faster than state laws can keep up,” reads Nevada’s website promoting the endeavor. “Innovation Zones are an effort by the State of Nevada to match regulation with the fast pace needed for innovation, while setting strict standards and charting a clear path forward.”

The site features a Florida State University case study of Disney World’s Reedy Creek Improvement District as an example of an expansive entrepreneurial project that has thrived with its own independent government.

And one technological enterprise is already on board. Sisolak announced that should the legislature approve this proposal, Blockchain, LLC – a Nevada-based company – has already “committed to…create a smart city in northern Nevada” (east of Reno) “that would fully run on Blockchain technology.”

Disney and Nevada aren’t alone in their independent city ventures. As another example, Toyota began construction of its own smart city in Japan in February. Dubbed the “Woven City”, the city will house over 2,000 people associated with Toyota in a city based on robotics technology and artificial intelligence.

But not everyone is excited about the idea of corporations wielding political power, much less taking control of their own jurisdictions. Most opponents have voiced environmental concerns. Nevada’s state director for the nonprofit Center for Biological Diversity, Patrick Donnelly, for instance, has warned that Blockchains, LLC would engage in a “massive water grab from rural Nevada,” stealing water from Nevada’s indigenous communities, endangered species, and environment.

Similarly, the Democratic Socialists of America chapters in Northern Nevada and Las Vegas have both announced their opposition to “the corporate town bill,” decrying it as harmful to workers’ rights and the environment.

But the concept of a business-run city itself raises many concerns on both the political right and the left in an age when corporations — specifically, technological corporations — are garnering unprecedented power.

Left-leaning political commentator and comedian Stephen Colbert has called such proposals “a solution to the problem of any public accountability.”

“Now, encouraging innovative companies to come to your state is a good thing, but not if they replace the state,” Colbert said during a segment of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. “And that’s exactly what this proposes.”

While Democratic Socialists of America may oppose a company free of government regulation, the political right is largely antagonistic toward any powerful entity (whether it be state, corporate, or otherwise) that prey on individual rights. Technological giants such as Google and Facebook are becoming ever more invasive with data collection and engaging in more and more censorship, leading some to raise privacy concerns over the idea of letting such corporations run entire jurisdictions independent of oversight.

When Sidewalk Labs, a sibling company of Google, proposed building its own high-tech city in Toronto in 2019, Stephen Diamond, a Toronto-based real estate CEO, raised objections about “data collection, data use, and digital governance.”

If the American founders argued extensively for the necessity of checks and balances and separation of powers among political institutions, what sort of accountability might need to be considered for corporations as we explore creative solutions to a rapidly-changing world?

Nevada’s drafted legislation has not yet been introduced to the legislature.


On TB every waking moment

Mayor de Blasio Tells NYPD to Pay People Home Visits For “Hurtful” Comments

Moral panic over shooting that wasn’t even race-related accelerates.

19 March, 2021
Paul Joseph Watson
Michael M. Santiago via Getty Images

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio says NYPD officers should pay people home visits if they engage in “hurtful” behavior to others even if the action isn’t criminal.

What could possibly go wrong?

“Even if something is not a criminal case, a perpetrator being confronted by the city, whether it’s NYPD or another agency, and being told that what they’ve done was very hurtful to another person — and could, if ever repeated, lead to criminal charges — that’s another important piece of the puzzle,” de Blasio told reporters.

The Mayor failed to define precisely what he meant by “hurtful,” but since he framed it in the context of non-criminal behavior, he can only be referring to mean words.

De Blasio urged officers to “confront” people to tell them their behavior is “not appropriate,” urging alleged victims to make more reports to authorities.

He then even suggested that cops, instead of responding to actual crimes, should visit New Yorker’s homes to police their speech.

“I assure you, if an NYPD officer calls you or shows up at your door to ask you about something you did, it makes people think twice,” he said. “We need that.”

De Blasio made the comments in light of yet another contrived moral panic, this time over an alleged rise in “hate crime” towards Asians.

The narrative was bolstered after a gunman slaughtered eight people — including six Asian women — at massage parlors across Atlanta, Georgia.

The media has either glossed over or outright ignored the fact that two white victims also lost their lives and that the attack was motivated by the killer’s sex obsession and had nothing whatsoever to do with race.


On TB every waking moment

Some U.S. troops view Capitol riots, racial protests equally, worrying Pentagon leaders

MAR 19, 2021 AT 8:14 AM

Protesters supporting U.S. President Donald Trump break into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C.

Protesters supporting U.S. President Donald Trump break into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C. (Win McNamee/Getty Images North America/TNS)

WASHINGTON — During military training sessions to address extremism in the ranks, some service members have challenged why the Pentagon is not treating the violence during racial injustice protests last summer as equal to the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol.

That the two events are viewed as equivalent by some troops has caught the Pentagon’s attention in its effort to educate service members that extremist views and activity — on either side of the political spectrum — go against the oath they took when they joined the military, the top enlisted leader told reporters on Thursday.

“This is coming from every echelon that we’re talking to,” said Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Ramón Colón-López. “Some people may think that, ‘all right, so the events of 6 January happened. How come you’re not looking at the situation that was going on in Seattle prior to that?’”

The military has started a Defense Department-wide effort to educate service members on what constitutes extremist behavior and why it is impermissible in the armed forces.

It started with stand downs, or daylong training and discussion sessions, ordered by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin following the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. All of those stand downs must be completed by April 1.

Based on the feedback from those sessions, “I am concerned about the way that some people are looking at the current environment, and what they are thinking they can do and act upon based on their personal beliefs,” Colón-López said.

After the stand downs are completed there will be follow-up training and outreach.

The Pentagon is also weighing whether any additional mechanisms are needed, such as ways for service members to confidentially report potential extremist behavior within their units.

Similar efforts for officially reporting sexual harassment have struggled over the years to gain the confidence of the troops, fearing retaliation, although after a concerted push by the Defense Department those reporting numbers have started to rise.

In the Jan. 6 attack, far-right rioters, including some former and current members of the U.S. military, violently breached the Capitol in an effort to overturn the presidential election that President Donald Trump lost. Five people died as a result of the attack, including a U.S. Capitol Police officer.


On TB every waking moment

Kamala Harris Takes Veiled Shot at Trump, Trashes America as a Racist and Xenophobic Country After Meeting with Asian Community in Georgia (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published March 19, 2021 at 5:51pm

Stolen elections have consequences.

Biden and Harris traveled to Georgia to talk about the ongoing threats and violence against the Asian-American community in the wake of shootings at massage parlors that left several Asian women dead.

Kamala Harris trashed America as a racist and xenophobic country during a speech in Georgia on Friday.

Harris also took a veiled shot at Donald Trump, suggesting he spread hate about Asians.

“Racism is a real in America. And it has always been. Xenophobia is real in America and always has been…The last year we’ve had people in positions of incredible power scapegoating Asian Americans. People with the biggest pulpits spreading this kind of hate,” Harris said.

Kamala Harris also brought up the Japanese internment camps in the US, but she failed to mention the executive order to put people of Japanese descent into camps in the 1940s was drawn up by FDR, a Democrat president.


2:59 min

Here are the cold, hard facts about the mass shooter who targeted massage parlors this week and anti-Asian violence in America:

The mass shooting in Atlanta earlier this week appeared to target sex workers employed by the ‘massage parlors’ and had nothing to do with racism.

The shooter told police he is a sex addict and he wanted to “eliminate locations he saw as ‘temptations’ for his sex addiction” but the Democrat-media complex is claiming it was a hate crime motivated by racism.

Furthermore, FBI statistics show that most of the anti-Asian violence in America actually comes from black males.


The anti-American Biden-Harris Administration is a total embarrassment.

America’s enemies see how weak Biden and Harris are and use it to their advantage.

On Thursday, China’s top diplomat humiliated Biden’s delegation during a meeting in Anchorage, Alaska and used the Democrats’ talking points to attack the US.

In talking points that mirror the Democrat party, the Chinese diplomat blasted the US for ‘poor treatment of blacks’ and told Secretary of State Antony Blinken the US should handle its own affairs and China its own.

Then the Chinese envoy dropped this gem:

“The United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength,” Yang said right to Blinken’s face.

So, what does Harris do after China eats our lunch and accuses us of being a racist, weak country? Doubles down and continues to weaken us on the world stage.


On TB every waking moment

Jim Jordan: ‘Do You Have a Functioning First Amendment When Only One Side Is Allowed to Talk?

JEFF POOR19 Mar 2021455

Video on website 1:45 min

Thursday, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the House Judiciary Committee ranking member, recounted some of the aspects of a hearing and Big Tech, where he questioned how the First Amendment applied in certain circumstances.

Jordan explained much of what Democrats were doing in the beginning stages of this Congress had bypassed the committee process.

“They’ve been taking bills around the Judiciary Committee straight to the floor, almost every piece of legislation that’s passed in the last three weeks, we had jurisdiction over but the full committee is yet to have a hearing,” he said. “We’ve said why not have a hearing about this crisis on the border. Instead, they go around the committee, and they passed just 40 minutes ago, Maria, they pass a bill that gives amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants. So, amnesty while there’s this chaos on the border, that I mean, this is so out of touch with where the American people are, but this is how radical left the Democrats are.”

“And then, of course, the canceled culture issue, this idea that, you know, I always asked it this way, do you have a functioning First Amendment when only one side is allowed to talk?” Jordan continued. “Do you have free speech when only the left can define what can be said? So that’s the situation Maria in the Judiciary Committee should be focused on those two issues. Instead, they pass radical things like defund the police, federal control of elections, and now an amnesty bill without having the kind of hearings you’re supposed to have on Capitol Hill in the United States Congress.”


On TB every waking moment

Digital Trails: How The FBI Is Identifying, Tracking, & Rounding-Up Dissidents
FRIDAY, MAR 19, 2021 - 11:00 PM
Authored by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute,
“Americans deserve the freedom to choose a life without surveillance and the government regulation that would make that possible. While we continue to believe the sentiment, we fear it may soon be obsolete or irrelevant. We deserve that freedom, but the window to achieve it narrows a little more each day. If we don’t act now, with great urgency, it may very well close for good.”
- Charlie Warzel and Stuart A. Thompson, New York Times
Databit by databit, we are building our own electronic concentration camps.

With every new smart piece of smart technology we acquire, every new app we download, every new photo or post we share online, we are making it that much easier for the government and its corporate partners to identify, track and eventually round us up.

Saint or sinner, it doesn’t matter because we’re all being swept up into a massive digital data dragnet that does not distinguish between those who are innocent of wrongdoing, suspects, or criminals.

This is what it means to live in a suspect society.
The government’s efforts to round up those who took part in the Capitol riots shows exactly how vulnerable we all are to the menace of a surveillance state that aspires to a God-like awareness of our lives.

Relying on selfies, social media posts, location data, geotagged photos, facial recognition, surveillance cameras and crowdsourcing, government agents are compiling a massive data trove on anyone and everyone who may have been anywhere in the vicinity of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The amount of digital information is staggering: 15,000 hours of surveillance and body-worn camera footage; 1,600 electronic devices; 270,000 digital media tips; at least 140,000 photos and videos; and about 100,000 location pings for thousands of smartphones.

And that’s just what we know.

More than 300 individuals from 40 states have already been charged and another 280 arrested in connection with the events of January 6. As many as 500 others are still being hunted by government agents.

Also included in this data roundup are individuals who may have had nothing to do with the riots but whose cell phone location data identified them as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Forget about being innocent until proven guilty.
In a suspect society such as ours, the burden of proof has been flipped: now, you start off guilty and have to prove your innocence.

For instance, you didn’t even have to be involved in the Capitol riots to qualify for a visit from the FBI: investigators have reportedly been tracking—and questioning—anyone whose cell phones connected to wi-fi or pinged cell phone towers near the Capitol. One man, who had gone out for a walk with his daughters only to end up stranded near the Capitol crowds, actually had FBI agents show up at his door days later. Using Google Maps, agents were able to pinpoint exactly where they were standing and for how long.

All of the many creepy, calculating, invasive investigative and surveillance tools the government has acquired over the years are on full display right now in the FBI’s ongoing efforts to bring the rioters to “justice.”

FBI agents are matching photos with drivers’ license pictures; tracking movements by way of license plate toll readers; and zooming in on physical identifying marks such as moles, scars and tattoos, as well as brands, logos and symbols on clothing and backpacks. They’re poring over hours of security and body camera footage; scouring social media posts; triangulating data from cellphone towers and WiFi signals; layering facial recognition software on top of that; and then cross-referencing footage with public social media posts.

It’s not just the FBI on the hunt, however.
They’ve enlisted the help of volunteer posses of private citizens, such as Deep State Dogs, to collaborate on the grunt work. As Dinah Voyles Pulver reports, once Deep State Dogs locates a person and confirms their identity, they put a package together with the person’s name, address, phone number and several images and send it to the FBI.

According to USA Today, the FBI is relying on the American public and volunteer cybersleuths to help bolster its cases.

This takes See Something, Say Something snitching programs to a whole new level.

The lesson to be learned: Big Brother, Big Sister and all of their friends are watching you.

They see your every move: what you read, how much you spend, where you go, with whom you interact, when you wake up in the morning, what you’re watching on television and reading on the internet.

Every move you make is being monitored, mined for data, crunched, and tabulated in order to form a picture of who you are, what makes you tick, and how best to control you when and if it becomes necessary to bring you in line.
Simply liking or sharing this article on Facebook, retweeting it on Twitter, or merely reading it or any other articles related to government wrongdoing, surveillance, police misconduct or civil liberties might be enough to get you categorized as a particular kind of person with particular kinds of interests that reflect a particular kind of mindset that might just lead you to engage in a particular kinds of activities and, therefore, puts you in the crosshairs of a government investigation as a potential troublemaker a.k.a. domestic extremist.

Chances are, as the Washington Post reports, you have already been assigned a color-coded threat score—green, yellow or red—so police are forewarned about your potential inclination to be a troublemaker depending on whether you’ve had a career in the military, posted a comment perceived as threatening on Facebook, suffer from a particular medical condition, or know someone who knows someone who might have committed a crime.

In other words, you might already be flagged as potentially anti-government in a government database somewhere—Main Core, for example—that identifies and tracks individuals who aren’t inclined to march in lockstep to the police state’s dictates.

The government has the know-how.

It took days, if not hours or minutes, for the FBI to begin the process of identifying, tracking and rounding up those suspected of being part of the Capitol riots.

Imagine how quickly government agents could target and round up any segment of society they wanted to based on the digital trails and digital footprints we leave behind.

Of course, the government has been hard at work for years acquiring these totalitarian powers.

Long before the January 6 riots, the FBI was busily amassing the surveillance tools necessary to monitor social media posts, track and identify individuals using cell phone signals and facial recognition technology, and round up “suspects” who may be of interest to the government for one reason or another.

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On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 2

As The Intercept reported, the FBI, CIA, NSA and other government agencies have increasingly invested in corporate surveillance technologies that can mine constitutionally protected speech on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to identify potential extremists and predict who might engage in future acts of anti-government behavior.

All it needs is the data, which more than 90% of young adults and 65% of American adults are happy to provide.

When the government sees all and knows all and has an abundance of laws to render even the most seemingly upstanding citizen a criminal and lawbreaker, then the old adage that you’ve got nothing to worry about if you’ve got nothing to hide no longer applies.

As for the Fourth Amendment and its prohibitions on warrantless searches and invasions of privacy without probable cause, those safeguards have been rendered all but useless by legislative end-runs, judicial justifications, and corporate collusions.

We now find ourselves in the unenviable position of being monitored, managed and controlled by our technology, which answers not to us but to our government and corporate rulers.

Consider that on any given day, the average American going about his daily business will be monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways, by both government and corporate eyes and ears. A byproduct of this new age in which we live, whether you’re walking through a store, driving your car, checking email, or talking to friends and family on the phone, you can be sure that some government agency, whether the NSA or some other entity, is listening in and tracking your behavior.

This doesn’t even begin to touch on the corporate trackers that monitor your purchases, web browsing, social media posts and other activities taking place in the cyber sphere.

For example, police have been using Stingray devices mounted on their cruisers to intercept cell phone calls and text messages without court-issued search warrants. Doppler radar devices, which can detect human breathing and movement within a home, are already being employed by the police to deliver arrest warrants.

License plate readers, yet another law enforcement spying device made possible through funding by the Department of Homeland Security, can record up to 1800 license plates per minute. Moreover, these surveillance cameras can also photograph those inside a moving car. Reports indicate that the Drug Enforcement Administration has been using the cameras in conjunction with facial recognition software to build a “vehicle surveillance database” of the nation’s cars, drivers and passengers.

Sidewalk and “public space” cameras, sold to gullible communities as a sure-fire means of fighting crime, is yet another DHS program that is blanketing small and large towns alike with government-funded and monitored surveillance cameras. It’s all part of a public-private partnership that gives government officials access to all manner of surveillance cameras, on sidewalks, on buildings, on buses, even those installed on private property.

Couple these surveillance cameras with facial recognition and behavior-sensing technology and you have the makings of “pre-crime” cameras, which scan your mannerisms, compare you to pre-set parameters for “normal” behavior, and alert the police if you trigger any computerized alarms as being “suspicious.”

State and federal law enforcement agencies are pushing to expand their biometric and DNA databases by requiring that anyone accused of a misdemeanor have their DNA collected and catalogued. However, technology is already available that allows the government to collect biometrics such as fingerprints from a distance, without a person’s cooperation or knowledge. One system can actually scan and identify a fingerprint from nearly 20 feet away.
Developers are hard at work on a radar gun that can actually show if you or someone in your car is texting. Another technology being developed, dubbed a “textalyzer” device, would allow police to determine whether someone was driving while distracted. Refusing to submit one’s phone to testing could result in a suspended or revoked driver’s license.

It’s a sure bet that anything the government welcomes (and funds) too enthusiastically is bound to be a Trojan horse full of nasty, invasive surprises.
Case in point: police body cameras. Hailed as the easy fix solution to police abuses, these body cameras—made possible by funding from the Department of Justice—turn police officers into roving surveillance cameras. Of course, if you try to request access to that footage, you’ll find yourself being led a merry and costly chase through miles of red tape, bureaucratic footmen and unhelpful courts.

The “internet of things” refers to the growing number of “smart” appliances and electronic devices now connected to the internet and capable of interacting with each other and being controlled remotely. These range from thermostats and coffee makers to cars and TVs. Of course, there’s a price to pay for such easy control and access. That price amounts to relinquishing ultimate control of and access to your home to the government and its corporate partners. For example, while Samsung’s Smart TVs are capable of “listening” to what you say, thereby allowing users to control the TV using voice commands, it also records everything you say and relays it to a third party, e.g., the government.

Then again, the government doesn’t really need to spy on you using your smart TV when the FBI can remotely activate the microphone on your cellphone and record your conversations. The FBI can also do the same thing to laptop computers without the owner knowing any better.

Drones, which are taking to the skies en masse, are the converging point for all of the weapons and technology already available to law enforcement agencies. In fact, drones can listen in on your phone calls, see through the walls of your home, scan your biometrics, photograph you and track your movements, and even corral you with sophisticated weaponry.

All of these technologies add up to a society in which there’s little room for indiscretions, imperfections, or acts of independence, especially not when the government can listen in on your phone calls, monitor your driving habits, track your movements, scrutinize your purchases and peer through the walls of your home.

These digital trails are everywhere.

As investigative journalists Charlie Warzel and Stuart A. Thompson explain, “This data—collected by smartphone apps and then fed into a dizzyingly complex digital advertising ecosystem … provided an intimate record of people whether they were visiting drug treatment centers, strip clubs, casinos, abortion clinics or places of worship.

In such a surveillance ecosystem, we’re all suspects and databits to be tracked, catalogued and targeted.

As Warzel and Thompson warn:
“To think that the information will be used against individuals only if they’ve broken the law is naïve; such data is collected and remains vulnerable to use and abuse whether people gather in support of an insurrection or they justly protest police violence… This collection will only grow more sophisticated… It gets easier by the day… it does not discriminate. It harvests from the phones of MAGA rioters, police officers, lawmakers and passers-by. There is no evidence, from the past or current day, that the power this data collection offers will be used only to good ends. There is no evidence that if we allow it to continue to happen, the country will be safer or fairer.”
As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, this is the creepy, calculating yet diabolical genius of the American police state: the very technology we hailed as revolutionary and liberating has become our prison, jailer, probation officer, Big Brother and Father Knows Best all rolled into one.

There is no gray area any longer.


On TB every waking moment

Making Americans Your Enemies

Kyle Shideler
FILE PHOTO: The U.S. Capitol is seen through razor wire in Washington

How the government shifted its “Counter-Extremism” strategy to target the mainstream.

The narrative is here, and it doesn’t like you very much.

In recent remarks before members of the U.S. House Homeland Security Committee, the chief of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency claimed that domestic extremism has become “part of the cultural mainstream.”

Former DHS official and USA Today contributor Elizabeth Neumann agrees: “Far-Right Extremists went mainstream under Trump.”

“Extremists have gone mainstream,” echoes journalist Zahra Ahmad. “Lawyers, realtors and every-day folks make up their ranks.” Ahmad cites a figure suggesting a quarter of Americans hold “ideas incubated by white nationalists.”

Not to be left out, NPR warns that white extremism “seeps” into the mainstream.

The Atlantic says the mainstream has gone extremist too. A study by the Chicago Project on Security and Threats warns that most January 6 “insurrectionists” were mainstream to the extreme:
They work as CEOs, shop owners, doctors, lawyers, IT specialists, and accountants. Strikingly, court documents indicate that only 9 percent are unemployed. Of the earlier far-right extremist suspects we studied, 61 percent were under 35, 25 percent were unemployed, and almost none worked in white-collar occupations.
The Chicago Project is led by Robert Pape, a University of Chicago academic best known for declaring that Islamic extremism plays no role in suicide bombings and who once urged a U.S. government-identified front group for the terror organization Hamas to purchase copies to promote his book. So it’s an open question whether Pape and company can actually identify extremism when they see it.

But what does it say about America’s elites—security officials, academics, and media personalities—that they are all convinced that those holding the prevailing attitudes and values of our society are a dangerous threat? And a threat to whom?

To paraphrase famed fictional lawman Raylan Givens, “If you ran into an extremist in the morning, you ran into an extremist. But if you run into extremists all day…”
Perhaps it’s you who’s the extremist.

How did we get here? And what do we do about it?

Cleaving Extremists from the Mainstream
Early in the Global War on Terror, the U.S. government decided to regard its Islamic terrorist foes as unconnected to any larger political or theological movement. Al Qaeda (and all its predecessors and successors) came to be regarded as a handful of extremists unconnected to any larger ideological base. As former U.S. Army intelligence analyst Stephen Coughlin noted in his book Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad, early in the war the government became allergic to the notion that Islamic terrorists were anything other than extremists on the very outskirts of an ideological movement. “The prevailing theory is that Islamic ‘extremists’ are at the periphery of Islam,” Coughlin wrote. “Hence, all that is needed is to cleave the radicals from the mainstream.”

In reality, jihadist terrorists are the militant vanguard of a larger ideological movement, known as Islamism or political Islam, which is fundamentally hostile to the United States and its foundational principles and favored by a group far larger than the U.S. government was comfortable admitting, including domestic pressure groups. “Extremist” became the preferred term because the word contains within itself an explanation of the relationship between the extremist and the rest of society. An extremist, by definition, is not part of the mainstream.

Forbidden from discussing the actual nature and ideology of the threat which they were instructed to counter, America’s intelligence and law enforcement officials lived and died by euphemism. And like the bureaucracies which perpetuate them, government euphemisms tend to expand even beyond the original logic for their creation. So, when “Islamic extremist” was no longer sufficiently vague, the phrase “homegrown violent extremist” was adopted, where “homegrown” paradoxically refers to those operating in service to a foreign ideology perpetuated by international terrorists.

The very logic of denying that foreign terrorists could be motivated by an ideology developed from within the context of their own society necessitated believing that any mainstream American within our society could be a potential threat. As Angelo Codevilla writes in To Make and Keep Peace: Among Ourselves and with All Nations:
It demanded that the American people put aside the distinction between fellow citizens and those who despise us, between our culture and theirs; that, as a gesture of peace toward the Muslim world, Americans make no distinction between themselves and the people, culture, and causes responsible for 9/11 and nearly all other acts of terror. That meant demanding that Americans believe that any among ourselves are as likely as not to be terrorists. In sum, it demanded that Americans trust each other less than ever, but that they trust the authorities more than ever [emphasis in original].
This concept of course is amply demonstrated every time you see a wheelchair-bound nonagenarian from Des Moines manhandled through the technological gauntlet of the TSA at your local airport.

Some Extremists are More Equal than Others
Redirecting the massive security apparatus built after 9/11 from foreign to domestic threats did not mean redressing all perceived domestic threats equally. Instead, it meant that there was political power to be gained based on who could most clearly identify the fringe of their political opposition as the most dangerous extreme. For the past several years, the media, backed up by left wing think tanks, pushed claims that “right-wing” or “white supremacist” terrorism was the largest and most dangerous of threats, while minimizing or even denying the existence of any other. In doing so they often mischaracterized, minimized, or refused to count violence coming from favored classes.

A perfect illustration of this has been the successful effort by the left to eliminate the category of “black identity extremism,” which the FBI had previously used to categorize violence coming from black separatist or black nationalist groups. This became especially relevant following the 2014 Ferguson riots, when the targeting of law enforcement by those with ties to black separatist groups became more common.

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus—whose members have expressed their own support for extremists ranging from the Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan to Fidel Castro—took umbrage, and called the FBI to account in hearings.

The FBI abandoned the term in favor of the appropriately euphemistic Racially and Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists. This new catch-all included both black identity extremists as well as white supremacists. This created the advantageous situation where the left could blame even black supremacist violence on white supremacists, which they gladly did. In a 2019 domestic terrorism bill, for example, they included an attack on a New York Jewish religious school among a list of white supremacist incidents. In fact, the attack was carried out by adherents of the Black Hebrews, an antisemitic black identity group.

This worked so well that the FBI would go on to do the same with the term “anti-government extremists,” slapping the same label on so-called “right-wing” militias, “boogaloo bois,” COVID lockdown opponents, as well as Anarcho-Communists like Antifa.

Through bureaucratic sleight of hand, the government managed to promote the farcical claim, perpetuated by the left in the early days of George Floyd riots, that violence in progressive cities across the country was the work of white supremacists hoping to start a race war. Meanwhile, during the riots in Washington D.C., military officers, federal law enforcement and even elected members of congress literally knelt to the black identity extremism of BLM.
Having successfully banned the nation’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies from using any useful descriptive term for threats other than “white supremacist,” the left crowed that government reports show that white supremacy is the biggest national threat. And because actual white supremacists are an unpopular and poorly organized subgroup with no powerful constituency (like a Congressional Black Caucus) behind them, they remain the one group that can be targeted without facing any significant political opposition.

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On TB every waking moment
Part 2 of 2

Everything is White Supremacy
The twisted logic of this strategy has, predictably, spread like wildfire. At the same time the government’s intelligence and law enforcement apparatus became conditioned not to categorize any threat other than white supremacy, the American academy and media expanded the term “white supremacy” to cover essentially everything once understood as simply “American.”

As the New York Times wrote, “‘White Supremacy’ once meant David Duke and the Klan. Now it refers to much more. The phrase has poured into the nation’s rhetorical bloodstream. Organizations from the N.F.L. to art museums to colleges requiring the SAT are accused of perpetuating it.”

White Supremacy, we are told, has “framed the entire American story” and “has its roots in American Christianity.” In Oregon, requiring students to show their work in math class is “white supremacy.” In fact, 2+2=4 reeks of “white supremacy,” but don’t worry about that, because re-opening closed schools is “white supremacy” too—which makes it all the easier to label those COVID lockdown protestors as a threat. It’s a neat trick: domestic extremists on the left have forced into the mainstream the toxic, destructive idea that domestic extremists on the right made white supremacy mainstream. And as my fellow 2017 Claremont Lincoln Fellow Christopher Rufo has worked to document, we did not arrive by accident in this world. We arrived here by revolutionary design.

Critical Race Theory has been mainlined into schools, corporate HR departments, and local and national government agencies. The U.S. Army’s “Equity and Inclusion” agency declared the political slogan of its own commander and chief—”Make America Great Again”—to be a symbol of white supremacy. In this way Critical Race Theory has served as kind of auto-immune disorder within the body politic. By identifying the American regime itself as “white supremacy,” and identifying that as the only possible threat to the regime, the security apparatus of the state has now been turned inward upon the state itself, and with it, our society—or in other words, upon us.

We have seen the schizophrenic response to the events of January 6: immediately after calling out the National Guard, elites became obsessed with the notion that the National Guard was full of white supremacist infiltrators. Similarly, the Democrats’ proposed domestic terrorism legislation, which one might expect to be focused on beefing up law enforcement assets to take on the perceived threat, is almost entirely focused on rooting out “extremists” from within the law enforcement and military. America’s security apparatus has adopted wholesale the very logic of the foreign ideologies it was created to combat.

Leaving the Mainstream
Following the disorder of January 6, elites touted their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, telling us the time had come to wage the same strategy of counterinsurgency against “insurrectionists” at home that we used to “defeat Al Qaeda” abroad. Never mind that we have yet to rid Afghanistan of extremists, despite having occupied it now for two decades at the cost of more than $2 trillion.

Suddenly it became a necessity for counterterrorism officials to note that terrorists exist within a broader ideological community. Robert Grenier, formerly CIA station chief for Pakistan and Afghanistan and director of the CIA’s counterterrorism center did in the New York Times, offered a more astute analysis than one has come to expect from our elites:
There has long existed in this country a large, religiously conservative segment of the population, disproportionately (though not entirely) rural and culturally marginalized, that believes with some reason it is being eclipsed by a politically and culturally ascendant urban coalition of immigrants, minorities and the college-educated secular elites of tech and mainstream media. That coalition, in their eyes, abridges their religious freedoms, disparages and ‘cancels’ their most cherished beliefs, seeks to impose “socialism” and is ultimately prepared to seize their guns. This, in very general terms, is the core segment of the nation that has been unified, championed, and politically energized by Donald Trump.
At least Grenier recognizes that the 45th president had a large and viable political constituency with actual political concerns. But, of course, that political constituency is understood as no more than the backwoods equivalent of the Taliban, as Grenier told NPR:
the thrust of our campaign there was, yes, to hunt down al-Qaida, but primarily to remove the supportive environment in which they were able to live and to flourish. And that meant fighting the Taliban. And I think that is the heart of what we need to deal with here.
When it comes to their own countrymen, counterinsurgency gurus are prepared to acknowledge that the beliefs of a “tiny minority of extremists” are shared by large swathes of the population, who must now be defeated and (as they said of the Iraqis loyal to Saddam Hussein’s party) “de-Baathified.”

Typical of the CIA over the past 20 years, Grenier’s solution was to decapitate the enemy’s leadership, although thankfully just with impeachment, not (this time) drone strikes. And our present elites don’t even intend to offer Trump the courtesy they are said to have extended to Osama bin Laden of a ritual burial.
Counterinsurgency experts believe it is insufficient merely to unperson and humiliate a man half the country voted for. His voters, these insurgents, must also be humiliated. So noted Malcom Nance, an MSNBC counterterrorism analyst and Russian collusion truther, widely despised within the military community and known for urging ISIS to bomb a Trump Hotel.

Nance warned that pro-Trump insurgents were especially dangerous, given that they were heavily armed… with “white privilege”:
Achieving Trump’s disruptive goals on a national scale might be simpler than we want to admit. An NBC poll reveals Trump commands the loyalty of 87 percent of Republicans—even after the Jan. 6 assault. And his followers have successfully employed a cultural tool so powerful many deny it even exists: White privilege.
Privilege, extremism, supremacism—it’s all spun as the same, and all spun as an evil on par with Islamic terrorism that must be stamped out, in the same ways by the same people. When it comes to their fellow Americans, for many of our supposed counterterrorism elite, the imperative to separate the actions of a handful of ‘extremists” from the beliefs of large percentages of the populace has totally disappeared. While claiming to use lessons learned from Iraq and Afghanistan, in fact what these counterinsurgents propose for their fellow citizens is the one thing they dared not countenance against foreigners.

The Elites are the Extremists
This is not sustainable. The mainstream of a society cannot be extremist. It might be foolish, or misled, or prone to irrational things, as crowds often are. The mainstream of a society might even be immoral or wicked in an objective sense when measured against other societies. But what it cannot be is extreme. An elite, however, can be extremist. An elite’s views may be so outside the mainstream of the society, beholden to foreign ideologies, that their views are unrecognizable to those they purport to lead.

Perhaps it is finally time that America’s elite, who have been increasingly acting as occupiers, to pay mainstream Americans the same respect they previously deigned to provide only to foreigners committed to their ways of life.

Respect the mainstream’s traditions, and don’t mock their customs. Drink a cup of tea, or three, with their elders. Sit quietly, and nod politely, during their religious ceremonies. Let them run their own affairs.

And don’t treat them as the root cause of all the world’s evil.


On TB every waking moment

Verdict: Officials can be held accountable for violating religious rights
'How do you assign a value to the loss of free speech?'
WND News Services
By WND News Services
Published March 20, 2021 at 3:28pm
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[Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Religion.]
By Kristen Waggoner
Real Clear Religion

As all children know, breaking a rule and hurting their brother or sister leads to a consequence. If parents don’t acknowledge the harm and enforce that consequence, the child will likely repeat the offense—over and over again.

Boundaries don’t work if we ignore when they’re broken.

But what children know, adults sometimes forget. The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on March 8 in Uzuegbunam v. Preczewski serves a much-needed reminder that when government officials violate our constitutionally protected freedoms, they must be held accountable.

The case started in 2016, when Georgia Gwinnett College officials stopped student Chike Uzuegbunam not once, but twice, from peacefully sharing his Christian faith with fellow students on his college campus. First, college officials said he had to get advance permission to use one of two tiny speech zones.

These zones made up far less than one percent of the campus and were only open ten percent of the time. Chike followed these policies carefully, but when he showed up to share his beliefs, campus police again stopped him.

Like all of us, Chike has a constitutionally protected right to share his beliefs. As a student, he had a right to do so in the open, outdoor areas of campus. But the college blatantly violated his rights with its unconstitutional policies. After warning the college years earlier that its policies were illegal, Alliance Defending Freedom challenged those policies in court on behalf of Chike.

Caught red-handed, the college offered several excuses. Initially, it argued that sharing the Gospel should be considered “fighting words”—which are not protected by the First Amendment. Later, the college changed its policies and claimed that was enough; it said it didn’t need to acknowledge or provide any remedy for violating Chike’s rights.

But government officials, such as college administrators, shouldn’t be able to violate people’s rights and then avoid the consequences. That would be like letting a child who repeatedly smacks a classmate avoid any punishment simply by saying that he won’t do it again. Except here, the college didn’t even go that far. It changed the bad policies for students moving forward but continued to say that the old policies were constitutional and that they hadn’t violated Chike’s rights.

Two lower courts agreed. They said that victims couldn’t continue a lawsuit against government entities for violating their rights unless the victims could prove a quantifiable injury. But violations of constitutional rights aren’t often susceptible to easy price tags. Chike will never get back the opportunity to share his faith with his peers. What’s that worth? How do you assign a value to the loss of free speech?

Actions should have consequences. When there are no consequences for violating constitutional rights, we deny victims justice, we undermine our nation’s commitment to the First Amendment, and we embolden the government to disregard those rights again and again.

Fortunately, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Chike. In its 8-1 decision, the court held that Chike has the right to hold college officials accountable. Chike’s case united an incredible coalition, with groups as diverse as the ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the Jewish Coalition for Religious Liberty, and the Council on American-Islamic Relations joining ADF.

Because of Chike’s courage and a united coalition, there is now Supreme Court precedent warning government officials that, if they violate our rights, they will be held accountable to the victims. And that’s good news for every single American.


On TB every waking moment

This MUST READ takedown of media ‘NARRATIVE’ distorting FACTS in Atlanta massacre is STUNNING
Fred T MAR. 20, 2021 11:14 AM BY FRED T99 COMMENTS

I’ve put together a few posts here on the subject of the media pushing an activist narrative instead of the facts of the case when it comes to the Atlanta massage parlor massacre that took place this week.

One, on the subject of the ridiculous attack on Chip Roy, the other on the media ignoring or contradicting the cops and the FBI even when they interview them about the case.

It’s rare that I write a post here at the Right Scoop simply to tell you about another person’s article, but you might not otherwise be inclined to read something from this particular source, and in this case you ABSOLUTELY should.

“This story’s coverage is proof, it seems to me, that American journalists have officially abandoned the habit of attempting any kind of ‘objectivity’ in reporting these stories. We are now in the enlightened social justice world of ‘moral clarity’ and ‘narrative-shaping,'” writes Andrew Sullivan.

Yes. Andrew Sullivan

Here’s the truth: We don’t yet know why this man did these horrible things. It’s probably complicated, or, as my therapist used to say, “multi-determined.” That’s why we have thorough investigations and trials in America. We only have one solid piece of information as to motive, which is the confession by the mass killer to law enforcement: that he was a religious fundamentalist who was determined to live up to chastity and repeatedly failed, as is often the case. Like the 9/11 bombers or the mass murderer at the Pulse nightclub, he took out his angst on the source of what he saw as his temptation, and committed mass murder. This is evil in the classic fundamentalist sense: a perversion of religion and sexual repression into violence.
We have yet to find any credible evidence of anti-Asian hatred or bigotry in this man’s history. Maybe we will. We can’t rule it out. But we do know that his roommates say they once asked him if he picked the spas for sex because the women were Asian. And they say he denied it, saying he thought those spas were just the safest way to have quick sex. That needs to be checked out more.
And yet. Well, you know what’s coming. Accompanying one original piece on the known facts, the NYT ran ninenine! — separate stories about the incident as part of the narrative that this was an anti-Asian hate crime, fueled by white supremacy and/or misogyny. Not to be outdone, the WaPo ran sixteen separate stories on the incident as an antiAsian white supremacist hate crime. Sixteen! One story for the facts; sixteen stories on how critical race theory would interpret the event regardless of the facts. For good measure, one of their columnists denounced reporting of law enforcement’s version of events in the newspaper, because it distracted attention from the “real” motives. Today, the NYT ran yet another full-on critical theory piece disguised as news on how these murders are proof of structural racism and sexism — because some activists say they are.
Seriously, that’s downright amazing, even for someone like me knowing who the heck these people are, watching and reading them as I do every weekend.
There is so much more in this piece. Sullivan calls out site after site, show after show, paper after paper over it. These places didn’t report or even consider the details because, he writes, “in their worldview, they didn’t need to.”

“What you see here is social justice ideology insisting, as Dean Baquet temporarily explained, that intent doesn’t matter. What matters is impact. The individual killer is in some ways irrelevant. His intentions are not material,” Sullivan continues. “He is merely a vehicle for the structural oppressive forces critical theorists believe in. And this ‘story’ is what the media elites decided to concentrate on: the thing that, so far as we know, didn’t happen.”


I really urge you to read this entire thing here and to share it and spread it around. It’s so important that people see how far gone our press already is, how deeply they are skewed from truth. You might say it’s CRITICAL.


On TB every waking moment

University abruptly suspends diversity classes: ‘students have been humiliated and degraded’



Amid rumors of a video that shows a student being targeted during a diversity lesson at Boise State University, administrators have abruptly suspended all of the school’s general education classes called “University Foundations 200: Foundations of Ethics and Diversity.”

“We have been made aware of a series of concerns, culminating in allegations that a student or students have been humiliated and degraded in class on our campus for their beliefs and values,” states a March 16 memo from President Marlene Tromp to the campus community.

“This is never acceptable; it is not what Boise State stands for; and we will not tolerate this behavior,” Tromp stated. “…Given the weight of cumulative concerns, we have determined that, effective immediately, we must suspend UF 200.”
She goes on to note that academic leadership will determine next steps “to ensure that everyone is still able to complete the course.”

Tromp’s decision came around the same time as Idaho lawmakers passed a state education budget that takes away about $409,000 from Boise State University because of its social justice curriculum, Idaho Ed News reports.

Tromp’s memo does not mention the alleged video. Boise State’s spokesperson Mike Sharp told The College Fix on Friday “we have not seen any video of the alleged incident.”

However, the Idaho Freedom Foundation has published screenshots of since-deleted tweets from a BSU assistant professor of English who stated that a “student in a university foundations class taped a zoom discussion on white privilege, in which apparently a white student was made to feel uncomfortable, and sent the video to ID state legislature, who are ‘enraged.’ BSU suspended all UF 200 classes mid semester as a result.”


Idaho Freedom Foundation’s Anna Miller told The College Fix in a telephone interview Friday that her group has submitted public records act requests for copies of student complaints over UF 200 — as well as for a copy of the alleged video.

Asked if she believes such a video exists, Miller said yes.

“There is no reason that they would have taken such drastic action unless something really drastic had happened,” Miller said.

Miller is co-author of a December 2020 report titled “Social justice ideology in Idaho higher education” and said UF 200 has been a cause of concern for quite some time.

“In our report we mapped out that general education courses the students are required to take are infused with social justice ideology,” Miller told The Fix.
In a piece Miller penned March 18 for the foundation’s website, she asks: “How extensive is the social justice rot?”

“Our report on social justice ideology shows that Boise State is building a social justice university. This ideology asserts that all whites and especially males as oppressors, and that racial minorities are permanent victims,” Miller wrote.

“Social Justice institutions like Boise State then construct an environment that seeks to shame and vent hatred on the oppressors and elevate and insulate the oppressed from any kind of criticism.”


On TB every waking moment

March 20, 2021
The American Police State Is Now Forming
By Jack Wisdom

The image of the new wall or fence with razor wire on top that now surrounds the Capitol has been floating across the screen of my mind since it was erected. Was it erected merely as a response to the horrible events of Jan. 6, and the fear of a right-wing uprising against the anti-Trump Democrats? Recently, this writer had a breakthrough and understood that this wall is actually an austere reminder that we have entered into a new phase of American history: the American police state.

The bombast against Trump-supporters now nicknamed "domestic terrorists"; the marching of Guam national Guardsmen to the office of Marjory Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) as a demonstration of the legitimacy of Guam as a U.S. entity; the rapid overturning of and de-legitimizing of all Trump policies both domestic and foreign; the emplacement of a transsexual as a higher up in the Health and Human Services Department; the encouragement of a "re-imagining" of police work in our major cities; the non-enforcement of federal laws pertaining to border security and legal entry into the USA; and the racial messages about statues, American history, the teaching of American history, and the need to overturn American society and its traditions are not merely challenges and upheavals to be dealt with.

The above partial list of new priorities by the "power elite" are not merely adjustments to social policy or re-adjustments from the priorities of the Donald Trump presidency. Rather, they are the opening steps in the redesign and overhauling of American republican, democratic, philosophical, and cultural beliefs, traditions, and orientations. Governmental force is now moving inexorably to center stage as radical ideas — ideas anathema to the majority of the people — are being forced down our throats by the sinister cabal running the country capitalizing on the drift away from traditional morality. The new immorality tends to drug the masses into a soporific state of ignorance (why think when you can do whatever you feel like doing?).

The drift away from traditional morality weakens the social fabric. This drift leans toward disorder in everyday life. Where personal responsibility is diminished by sexual license, laziness, dissipations of every kind, heightened criminality, perversions, diluted respect for private property rights, disdain for acquiring knowledge, and lessened literacy (visual experiences prioritized over literacy skills, logical thinking, and analytic and synthetic thinking skills), we see a lessening of social order and cohesion. And disorder in everyday life leads to government justifying itself as needed to bring order out of burgeoning chaos.

This vacuum produces an authoritarian mindset.

Those governed are seeking increasing structure as their ability to sort out the complexities of life grows weaker. And those who seek power increasingly do not see themselves as accountable office-holders, but as vultures who can prey on the popular need to have life increasingly structured by external strictures.

Both parties have agreed to go back to a system of "earmarks" in legislation whereby lawmakers can write into legislation special "projects" in their districts.

This individualizing of projects is vulturism nakedly put forward because it encourages bribery of legislators by those who want to be earmarked by the legislators.

H.R. 1 provides new rules leading to one-party control and laxity in the administration of voting, and H.R. 5 legitimizes the federal government defining sexuality rather than history or biology. These are instruments of totalitarianism.

H.R. 1 claims to be needed to offset "voter suppression," but the cure it offers is "voter hyper-inflation" and the destruction of American democracy as we know it. H.R. 5, the Equality Act, enforces interpersonal behavior that defies both the biblical norms of identity and the family in effect for the past 3,500 years, as well as universal norms of family life in all cultures and societies obtaining on all continents since the beginning of time. These two pieces of legislation are thus cornerstones on which the police state is building the new nation-state called the USA. The police state is a totalitarian state.

SAT exams originally established to foster equality and non-discrimination in college admissions are now being abandoned as — imagine — discriminatory, giving advantage to Asians and whites over Latinos and people of color. Even a few short years ago, Howard Gardner's idea of multiple intelligences was being used to challenge the idea of the mind's executive function, measured by I.Q. tests, as invalid. Because learning is supposedly based on "multiple intelligences," emphasis in classrooms was increasingly on group work, simple tasks like pasting pictures on colored paper to make booklets, or learning via computer "at one's own pace" with the teacher present in the classroom to promote student engagement. Teachers are increasingly referred to as facilitators rather than as teachers.

Even without the so-called Equality Act, this writer knows an elementary school teacher whose school issued the rule that teachers could no longer say, "Girls line up here, and boys line up here." A girls' line and a boys' line were no longer allowed. Recently, it was noted that a school district in California was going to require that students learn about Aztecs in greater detail and that that would include Aztec chants. This follows from introduction of educational reforms following the principles of Paolo Freire, a communist ideologue from Brazil. Just as cursive writing has disappeared from the curricula of many of the nation's elementary schools, we will see cartoons replacing the written word. One friend substituted at one of the supposedly top academic high schools in New York City, and the walls of one classroom were covered with childish cartoon posters glorifying communism and calling for the end of capitalism.

Although the vulture mentality grows and expresses itself as the police state, the vultures pretend to be enlightened doves, bringing friendliness and meeting the needs — scientifically grounded, of course — for a more safe, clean, secure, intelligent, just, and cooperative environment. However, the wonderful and harmonious environment thus portrayed is backed by an "or else (!)" mentality.

Have a peaceful, successful life — our way — or else!


On TB every waking moment

America’s True Threat
The woke supremacy and systemic Communism of the American Left.
By Thaddeus G. McCotter

March 19, 2021
America’s regressive “woke” Left’s hideous ideology amounts to little more than Communist dogma, with the Trojan horse substitution of racial divisions for class struggle. Like their Chicom mentors, these Amcoms’ goal remains the same: the transmogrification of the world’s beacon and preeminent defender of freedom into a totalitarian socialist cesspool.

Thus, for these cosseted Amcom ingrates who enjoy the rights, riches, and privileges—if not the responsibilities—of our exceptional nation, it is rank mendacity to allege our nation’s gravest threat is “white supremacy” and systemic racism, which are both exceedingly vile and extremely rare. What is the true threat to America? The systemic Communism of the Amcom woke supremacy—largely funded through your taxpayer, tuition, and consumer dollars—which they are using to infringe, erode, and end our God-given freedoms.

It is the Amcoms’ woke supremacy and systemic Communism that has infested our federal and state governments and demanded indoctrination with the immoral and injurious Communist race theory (née “critical race theory”), which is paid for by . . . you. In sum, the government is no longer the guarantor of but the gutter for your God-given, natural rights.

It is the Amcoms’ woke supremacy and systemic Communism that is dangerously politicizing the military. Woke supremacy is indoctrinating service and civilian personnel with Communist race theory that, again, originated with the murderous Marxist-Leninist dogma that has formed the ideological basis for America’s greatest enemies. The effort even includes “diversity officers” modeled after the commissars who oversaw ideological conformity in Communist armies.

Bluntly, it is increasingly evident that the military cares more about Communist race theory virtue-signaling than victory.

It is the Amcoms’ woke supremacy and systemic Communism that has led corporations to indoctrinate their employees with Communist race theory. They use their human resources departments to hector, fire, and or otherwise persecute employees who dare to dissent. They launch advertising campaigns—paid for through their customers’ patronage—that brand Americans as racist for not submitting to this rancid leftist groupthink.

It is the Amcoms’ woke supremacy and systemic Communism that has turned higher education institutions into Stalinist brainwashing emporiums whose sole concern is indoctrination not education; the ultimate sin is intellectual heterodoxy born of critical thought; and neo-segregation and identity politics portend an eclipse of the Enlightenment and a return to the Dark Ages.

It is the Amcoms’ woke supremacy and systemic Communism that is injecting Communist race theory and all manner of pseudoscience into the minds of children; and, as Loudon County, Virginia, reveals, parents who oppose it are being targeted for abuse and worse by elected officials, “educators,” and leftist activists.

It is the Amcoms’ woke supremacy and systemic Communism that has given us the egregiously mislabeled “accountability” journalism, causing the Sovietization of the corporate media into state-run media, which mirrors the ideological deceits of Pravda and The People’s Daily. Suddenly, a profession that once guarded the First Amendment jealously has transformed into a vanguard of censorship and cancel culture.

It is the Amcoms’ woke supremacy and systemic Communism that has led to a recrudescence of the blacklist to censor and silence conservative creative voices. It has even led the entertainment industry to self-censor for both domestic and, ever more lucratively, the overseas market, particularly in genocidal Communist China—which the hypocritical Amcoms’ refuse to decry and “cancel” despite the Chinese genocide against the Uighurs.

Over and over, it is the Amcoms’ woke supremacy and systemic Communism that has deliberately divided Americans; demeaned our nation; endangered our rights; and jeopardized the futures not only of our children but of our free republic itself. To the doubters, ask yourselves why—at the very time technology has empowered people to have their voices heard and heeded to an extent heretofore undreamt—the vast majority of Americans believe they hold opinions they cannot publicly express without fear of retribution?

Very simply, they fear the Amcoms’ woke supremacy and systemic Communism.
Thus, imbued with implicit Bolshevism and unconscious Maoism, the Amcom “woke” supremacists who are imposing systemic communism upon the American people must be revealed, uprooted, and educated with civics, history, and economic lessons.

For how else would these Amcoms realize they’re the villains?


On TB every waking moment

North Carolina School District: Ignore White Parents Because Their Children Are ‘Benefiting From The System’
By Chrissy Clark

Mar 19, 2021

LOUISVILLE, KY - MARCH 17: Students and teachers participate in a socially distanced classroom session at Medora Elementary School on March 17, 2021 in Louisville, Kentucky. Today marks the reopening of Jefferson County Public Schools for in-person learning with new COVID-19 procedures in place.
Jon Cherry/Getty Images

North Carolina’s largest school district is encouraging teachers to ignore white parent’s concerns about “critical race theory” curriculum because “white parent’s children are benefiting from the system.”

The Wake County Public School System (WCPSS), which serves the greater Raleigh area, held an equity training that taught teachers and staff how to include “critical race theory” — the theory that America is irredeemably rooted in racism — into the classroom.

According to training materials obtained by City Journal, the WCPSS equity training conference began with a “land acknowledgment.” This forces teachers to recognize that they are working and teaching on stolen Native American land.

At one point in the training, the district insinuated that white parents are a barrier to social justice because their children benefit from the system.

“What do we do with parents push back? White parent’s children are benefitting from the system,” the training reads. “They are perceiving that they are going to lose something. Fear of loss. Hard to let go of power/privilege.”

Another part of the training tells teachers to not let parents “deter” them from teaching social justice issues.

“You can’t let parents deter you from the work – mission statement (preparing students for the real world) – some students learn within school about the real world due to not learning at home about diversity (LGBTQ, race, etc.).”

The equity training provided breakout sessions for employees to learn about topics such as “whiteness” in educational spaces, affinity groups, the “prison pipeline,” and “microaggressions” in the workspace. One seminar was called “racial mapping of Raleigh.”

Schools across the nation tend to hide that they are teaching critical race theory to children for fear of retribution — WCPSS did no such thing. The training passed out a graphic that explicitly explained how critical race theory can be applied in the school setting.

The handout read:
Applying [Critical Race Theory] In The Classroom:

Authentic caring – Holding high expectations as well as providing a high level of care, concern, and support to all students in need.
Reframing Responsibility – Relentless focus on adults not children as the target for change with the indicators in the student outcomes.

Institutional Nurturing – Individuals caring is not enough. The institution must function in a race-responsive way toward equity.
Culturally Responsive – Adjusting teaching to responding to the cultural needs and learning styles of each student.
Another handout identified characteristics that are considered “dominant white cultural values and habits.” Examples included being transactional, showing emotional restraint, being efficient, self-sufficiency, being competitive, and having winners and losers.

According to City Journal, WCPSS’ Office of Equity Affairs has a $1 million budget. The school uses this budget to host trainings as well as invest in curriculum development.

The district emphasized five “essential learning” elements which include having “courageous conversations” about race, becoming “color-conscious” instead of race-neutral, developing identities for all affinity groups, promoting a “culturally relevant pedagogy,” and examining power and privilege.


On TB every waking moment

An Inside Look At California’s Radical New K-12 Curriculum
By Georgia Howe

Mar 19, 2021

TOPSHOT - Children listen to their teacher as they sit in a classroom on the first day of the start of the school year, at the Chaptal elementary school in Paris, on September 2, 2019. - In France some 12.4 million students crossed the doors of elementary schools (6.7 million), secondary school (3.4 million) and high schools (2.3 million) on September 2, 2019. (Photo by Martin BUREAU / AFP) (Photo credit should read MARTIN BUREAU/AFP via Getty Images)
MARTIN BUREAU/AFP via Getty Images

This week, the California Department of Education will vote to finalize the proposed “Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum.” If passed, it would bring critical race theory-inspired social studies lessons to k-12 classrooms across the state. While implementation will not be mandatory for all districts, the largest districts in the state, Fresno and LAUSD, have already indicated their intention to make the curriculum a requirement for graduation.

It’s difficult to properly convey how radical this curriculum is. The examples shared below are just the tip of the iceberg. The full curriculum reads like a yearlong quest to plumb the depths of every racial grievance, legitimate and otherwise, against America as a whole — and white Americans in particular.

Global history, to the extent it is addressed, is repackaged as a parade of oppression, often focused solely on the pernicious racism of white people.

Below are four examples highlighting the radical nature of the curriculum.

Lesson Plan: “#BlackLivesMatter and Social Change”
Predictably, this lesson (found in the “African American Studies” unit) includes units on police brutality, protest — referred to as “tactics of resistance” — and even an assignment for students to prepare an “action plan” just in case an incident of police brutality occurs in their community.
Teachers are advised to “begin the lesson by discussing a recent incident in your community where an African American has been subjected to racial profiling or police brutality.” Students are later asked to identify “root causes” leading to the incident, paying special attention to items like “stand your ground, stop and frisk, noise ordinance, police officers bill of rights, cash bail system” and more.

Teachers are also provided links to additional lesson materials like “Bringing Black Lives Matter into the Classroom Part II,” which explains how to introduce children of various ages to BLM. Predictably, these linked resources include more overtly biased content than the officially endorsed curriculum, including arguments for why traditional American values like tolerance are tantamount to complicity in bigotry (ex: “tolerance is not justice”).

“Jewish Americans: Identity Intersectionality, and Complicating Ideas of Race”
Initially omitted, and only added after receiving 38k comments from community members, the updated curriculum also addresses the persecution of Jewish Americans, albeit in a somewhat backhanded way. For example, the term “conditional whiteness” appears 6 times in the unit on anti-Semitism, but appears nowhere else in the 441 page lesson plan pertaining to other racial groups.

The unit on Jewish Americans also conveniently doubles as a vehicle to learn about “intersectionality,” as well as anti-Arab racism. For example, in one exercise students are asked to contemplate, “what are the manifestations of antisemitism as experienced by intersectional, Jewish Middle Eastern Americans?”

The unit includes extensive discussion of intersectional Jewish identities, including emphasis on Shephardic and Mizrahi jews (Jews of Hispanic and Arab descent), and even highlights Michael Twitty, author of “The Cooking Gene,” for his “intersectional identity, being a Jewish gay African American.”

Near the end of the unit, we are eventually informed that Jews of European descent (read: non-intersectional) can also experience anti-Semitism. We learn that anti-Semitism toward European jews “was only made possible when Europeans conceived of the idea of race.” Persecution of Jews by non-Europeans goes unaddressed.

“Preparing Students for Difficult Conversations”
In a section labeled “Preparing Students for Difficult Conversations,” educators are instructed on how to facilitate what sounds like a Maoist-style struggle session for k-12 children. Teachers are instructed “how to establish a safe space” for “difficult conversations,” how to “acknowledge complicated feelings about race,” and perhaps most Orwellian, how to “begin to develop a shared understanding of facts.”

You will be delighted to learn that “Preparing Students for Difficult Conversations” is but the first in an 11-part lesson series, titled “Facing Ferguson: News Literacy in a Digital Age.”

For this particularly prickly unit, the official curriculum links to a 3rd party website, the text for which, presumably, was not included in the official department review and community vetting process.

One of the most frequently linked resources is titled “Facing History And Ourselves” (which also happens to be the home of the “Facing Ferguson” series). A brief investigation of the site unearths some controversial learning objectives like: “Students will be able to develop a shared understanding of the basic facts surrounding the events in Ferguson,” as well as links to videos like “How to Tell Someone They Sound Racist” (worth watching, FYI).

“Cambodian Americans––Deportation Breaking Families Apart”
The curriculum also misleads via omission. One glaring example can be found in the sample lesson titled, “Cambodian Americans––Deportation Breaking Families Apart.” Students are taught “key terms” like “American secret bombing of Cambodia,” “Pol Pot,” “Khmer Rouge,” “Killing Fields,” and “Trauma,” yet completely omitted is one very relevant key term — “communism.” Despite its relentless focus on systems of power and oppression over the course of the 20th century, the word “communism” appears just one time in the entire document, and only in the context of American involvement in the Vietnam War.

I want to stress that the examples I shared above are hardly highlights. If you lined up all 840 pages on a wall and threw a dart, you would likely hit something as radical as anything I’ve listed. Top to bottom, the entire curriculum hammers relentlessly on one central theme: America is corrupt and oppressive, skin color determines identity, and the entire American project must be dismantled. Indeed, it is our “obligation.”

As of now, this curriculum is only in California. However, these ideas — including critical race theory — represent the mainstream in modern education. It is likely that efforts like this are in progress in several states, and eventually will be in all states. The only way to stop it is to start paying attention. Americans need to understand that radical ideology is being smuggled into our classrooms via small print and unaccountable 3rd party resources. Keeping up with the subtle yet persistent drumbeat of k-12 subversion is tedious, which is why it has been neglected. Hopefully we are beginning to comprehend the importance. We need to become as fastidious as the Left is relentless.

If you are an educator or parent and you have knowledge about concerning curriculum changes in your state or community, please reach out to me at


On TB every waking moment

Ted Lieu: Trump Gave ‘Permission to Attack’ Asian-Americans

PAM KEY19 Mar 20211,659

Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump referring to the coronavirus the “China virus” and “Kung flu” gave people “permission to attack” Asian-Americans.

Anchor Nicolle Wallace said, “Can you just describe the connection between the smear uttered so many times by the former president, we lost track, but repeated this week in an interview on Fox News, describing the coronavirus as the ‘China flu” or the ‘Kung flu.’ What happens after that? What happens after all of his millions of supporters hear that and their frustration and anger builds about the lockdowns or the other challenges of the pandemic? What happens with those kinds of smears?”

Lieu said, “I was at the House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on violence against Asian-Americans, and we had professors present studies and reports that showed there was a link between the racist rhetoric of the former president and the increase in hate crimes and hate incidents against Asian-Americans. When the former president uses terms like Kung flu, racist terms in describing this virus, it gives people more permission to attack Americans who happen to be of Asian descent. I am not a virus, and there is really no evidence whatsoever that Asian-Americans somehow transmit this virus more than anybody else. In fact, you’ll more likely get the virus if you don’t get vaccinated, in you don’t wear a mask and if you don’t social distance.”