POL Law enforcement agencies are prepping for a possible Trump indictment as early as THIS week

Jackpine Savage

Veteran Member
The report of the House Judiciary Committee looking to "interview" Alvin Bragg over these charges may be telling.

More light usually sterilizes better, and a LOT could come out in House testimony.

The Deep State fears this.

We'll see...

Bragg will just say he can't comment on an open case. Same as Wray always does.

The Republicans will get a few sound bites. That's it.


Certa Bonum Certamen

Ron DeSantis Delivers Rehearsed Sanctimonious Comments About Potential for President Trump Arrest in Manhattan, “I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star”

March 20, 2023 | Sundance

We all know the traits of Ron DeSantis, his handlers and his influencers when we encounter them in our lives. They are generally insecure people, constantly showing annoying traits of weaponized superiority and passive aggression. That said, notice the background mechanics of the Ron DeSantis statement today and you will notice why I keep pointing out that everything in his orbit is managed by a stable of handlers.

At the conclusion of his remarks about central bank digital currencies, the first question from the media came from Megan Nager – of the Florida Standard. DeSantis was prepped and ready, complete with reference points on the podium if needed. It’s almost certain that Pushaw and crew coordinated the first question for Ms. Nager, as they knew people were awaiting to hear DeSantis’ opinion.

Watch his response through the prism of rehearsal and management, and the flow of the response becomes brutally obvious. Video at 22:30 (prompted) WATCH:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00GM4gp5N_w

“We have no interest in getting involved in what is a political spectacle created by a Soros-funded prosecutor.” … “I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair”…

Ron DeSantis says whatever his managers and handlers tell him to say. It really is that simple. He is an empty vessel. There is not an authentic bone in his body; everything comes from a controlled and consulted script.


Veteran Member
This bit may yet stir the pot a lot more:

Donald J Trump@realdonaldtrump

Just Out: District Attorney Alvin Bragg received in EXCESS OF ONE MILLION DOLLARS from Radical Left Enemy of “TRUMP,” George Soros. Bragg is also very close to the Clinton Campaign. Republicans and Conservatives are more UNITED than they have been in many years. Even Democrats don’t like what’s going on with the Manhattan D.A. This is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time!


Veteran Member
Ultra MAGA AllisonG

They want MAGA to RIOT!! Stay home, be safe. Let ANTIFA and BLM do what they do!
Be careful and be aware!
It's a trap!
View: https://twitter.com/amglive/status/1637858835762143241?s=20
Do they? Or do they want you to think that because they are terrified and believe that convincing everyone that it is a trap is the best way to keep people from protesting?

Hard to stop circular logic


Finally not a lurker!
"We're watching a movie" we've been told.

The underlying theme of the movie is to wake up the American people to the control and plans of the DS and the WEFers.

How to wake them up is the plot going on.

The DS operatives, some of which include the federal courts, DA's, judges, federal bureaus and the like, have been placed in the control of the Devolution agencies and are playing the parts they've been given.

So these actors are doing their part, or better, are playing their parts. Trumps' arrest for no legal reason and not legitimate charge will wake up more of the public who are just beginning to get it. Might even wake up a few sound sleepers, too.

So the controlled DS'ers will actually be a main participant in the exposing and unravelling of their own unlawful agencies and of themselves. Because of the control placed over themselves by the Devolution intermediaries, they have no choice but to play their parts and play them well and convincingly.

Quite the movie. Except it's a movie playing reality playing a movie.

This act will be epic. Enjoy it as it will lead to the next act which Trump already previewed for you a week or so ago: the complete elimination of the foreign control over the US and of the DS.

A serious and riveting movie, indeed.
I doubt anyone will wake up. The media drumbeat has been too powerful and those would awaken are already well aware. I hope I'm very wrong and that millions of decent people, hopefully on both sides, will see through the travesty. Perhaps even do something about it.


On TB every waking moment
Do they? Or do they want you to think that because they are terrified and believe that convincing everyone that it is a trap is the best way to keep people from protesting?

Hard to stop circular logic
Good Grief! The cops are being alerted, one wonders if the 1st Marines are, a demonstration is desired with the hope that a bunch of loonies will do something stupid. And don't think MAGA does not have a bunch of loonies.


Veteran Member
Excellent point. Whatever the source, they are hoping of 'mainly peaceful' demonstrations, cop cars burnt out etc.
If it were BLM burning cars and creating mayhem, it would be looked at as peaceful. Of course, I just stated the obvious.

155 arty

Veteran Member
Unfortunately this is a no win situation for "MAGA"

If they turn out in numbers they'll be framed and arrested. If they don't it will be spun that Trump no longer has support and charges in Georgia will follow quickly.
It becomes necessary at some point that you come out guns blazin....im not advocating that at all .....but at what point do we say "it's up to us ,no one is coming "


Senior Member

Trump Supporters Plan Bank Run to Protest His Arrest​

Newsweek Story by Katherine Fung

  • Supporters of former President Donald Trump are calling for nonviolent forms of protest in anticipation of his arrest, suggesting a national bank run instead of a traditional demonstration.

  • Trump has already called on his supporters to "PROTEST, PROTEST PROTEST" if he's arrested Tuesday morning.

  • The George Washington Institute told Newsweek that searches for a pro-Trump bank run nearly quadrupled between Friday and Saturday, with queries rising again on Monday.
Some supporters of former President Donald Trump are calling for nonviolent forms of protest in anticipation of a Trump arrest in Manhattan this week, suggesting that his base participates in a national bank run instead of demonstrating on the streets.

"Driven by false flag paranoia," Trump supporters have increasingly advocated for a bank run in recent days as a "nonviolent form of social disobedience" against a Trump arrest, according to the George Washinton Institute (GWI), an organization dedicated to combating disinformation.

What is a Bank Run?​

Suggestions for a bank run in protest of a Trump arrest seem to capitalize on how devastating bank runs have proven to be to the financial system.

When a large number of depositors rush to withdraw their funds from the bank simultaneously, its impact could lead to a full-blown banking crisis. The calls also appear to reflect how increased polarization in politics has led some to attempt to bring political views into the world of finance.

"Be a shame if Trump supporters led a nationwide bank run," Jack Posobiec, an alt-right activist known for his support of Trump, tweeted on Saturday. Vincent Sativa, another Trump supporter, called Posobiec's strategy a "brilliant" and "genius" way to show the nation just how many Americans continue to support the former president.

Calls for others to join in and pull their money out of the banking system come after Trump announced that he expects to be arrested on Tuesday morning in the New York case related to the hush money payments he allegedly made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. Over the weekend, Trump urged his supporters to "PROTEST, PROTEST PROTEST!!!!" his imminent indictment. He did not specify what form these protests should take.

Daniels claims that she had an affair with Trump, which he has denied. Last week, Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, testified to the grand jury that the former President directed him to make those payments to Daniels and that the Trump Organization reimbursed him later on.

Growing Chatter​

In a Monday statement, GWI told Newsweek it has detected "growing chatter around the topic", but "the chatter is growing at a logarithmic rate which will hamper the narratives' ability to spread, marginalizing any impact that may occur." GWI's graphs show that the volume of searches for a potential bank run nearly quadrupled between Friday and Saturday, with queries rising again on Monday.

Calls for a pro-Trump bank run also come on the heels of the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse that sent shockwaves across the U.S. financial system last week. The regional bank imploded after customers started withdrawing their funds in masses, effectively setting off a bank run that forced regulators to shut down the bank. In its aftermath, New York-based Signature Bank was also shuttered while the nation's largest banks rushed to offer midsize lender First Republic Bank a $30 billion rescue package.

Given that the system is already on shaky ground, some point out that, "It won't take much right now to crash the entire monetary system."

"If Trump gets arrested, they are planning to pull their money out of the banking system. You will see a bank run of mass proportions," Twitter user @CryptoPolka wrote on Sunday. "It won't take much right now to crash the entire monetary system."

"With the panic in the markets around SVB - this could get interesting," another user @OopsGuess added. "We all want MAGA..."

This wouldn't be the first time that everyday Americans have attempted to manipulate markets and companies to make a political point, or to make money for themselves.

Two years ago, small investors upended Wall Street after organizing a short squeeze over Reddit that sent the price of GameStop stock soaring and forced hedge fund traders to back out. In response, brokerages like Robinhood had to halt the trading of GameStop stock—a decision that was later met with criticisms from prominent politicians and class-action lawsuits that alleged the app of market abuse.

Organizing a bank run is not illegal by itself, although there are laws that prohibit the spreading of misinformation about a bank's financial conditions, former federal prosecutor and President of West Coast Trial Lawyers Neama Rahmani told Newsweek. Prosecutors would likely have to apply a more general federal law, like wire fraud or stock market manipulation, to go after this type of scheme.

A Call For Peace​

Despite Trump's calls for protest, other high-ranking Republicans have pushed back, cautioning against any type of violence in response to an arrest.

On Sunday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said that while an indictment would be "an outrageous abuse of power," he didn't think people should be protesting it. "We want calmness out there," he told reporters in Orlando, Florida. "I do not believe there should be any violence to this."

Trump ally Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene also tweeted on Saturday, "We don't need to protest."

Those remarks have been echoed by Trump supporters who are mulling a bank run. Some have cautioned that protesting will lead authorities to bring martial law into effect and possibly detain or charge demonstrators.

"Participate in a bankrun instead," Aaron Day, a longshot candidate for the 2024 Republican nomination, tweeted. "It will be highly effective and non-violent (it also solves our corrupt banking and Ukraine situation at the same time)."

Truth Social users also said fans of the former president should participate in nonviolent forms of protest to avoid giving Trump critics "what they think will happen, violence or riots."

"Trump supporters are law abiding!" one Truth Social user wrote. "We can protest without damaging or breaking the law. I can pull my money from the bank. I can do a lot to crash this economy."

Some Twitter users criticized the plans, casting doubt over whether Trump's supporters would be able to withdraw enough money to constitute a bank run.

"MAGA supporters couldn't possible generate a bank run," user @stmdc wrote. "They vave not deposits to withdraw. What little money they have has been spent on Trump picture books, various 'own the libs' t-shirts and 20 cases of freeze dried vegetable stew sitting in the garage."

"I think it's funny that they think their bank accounts could trigger anything," another user @ThePhillyNick said.



TB Fanatic
Bank runs … what are the liberal trough feeding left going to do if they don’t get their free money, cheese, section 8 dollars and food stamps?

It will suck for them too. Let them see the light


On and On, South of Heaven

Ron DeSantis Delivers Rehearsed Sanctimonious Comments About Potential for President Trump Arrest in Manhattan, “I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star”

March 20, 2023 | Sundance

We all know the traits of Ron DeSantis, his handlers and his influencers when we encounter them in our lives. They are generally insecure people, constantly showing annoying traits of weaponized superiority and passive aggression. That said, notice the background mechanics of the Ron DeSantis statement today and you will notice why I keep pointing out that everything in his orbit is managed by a stable of handlers.

At the conclusion of his remarks about central bank digital currencies, the first question from the media came from Megan Nager – of the Florida Standard. DeSantis was prepped and ready, complete with reference points on the podium if needed. It’s almost certain that Pushaw and crew coordinated the first question for Ms. Nager, as they knew people were awaiting to hear DeSantis’ opinion.

Watch his response through the prism of rehearsal and management, and the flow of the response becomes brutally obvious. Video at 22:30 (prompted) WATCH:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00GM4gp5N_w

“We have no interest in getting involved in what is a political spectacle created by a Soros-funded prosecutor.” … “I don’t know what goes into paying hush money to a porn star to secure silence over some type of alleged affair”…

Ron DeSantis says whatever his managers and handlers tell him to say. It really is that simple. He is an empty vessel. There is not an authentic bone in his body; everything comes from a controlled and consulted script.

So, how long have you lived in Florida?