WAR It Begins – Representative Ocasio-Cortez Requests Immediate Enemies List for Targeting After Biden Takes Office


This too shall pass.
Sarah Hoyt's latest -- especially read the middle: We, Magnificent Bastards

Posted on November 21, 2020by accordingtohoyt

I despise being gaslighted. I’m also really good at spotting it. Partly I’m good at spotting it because I used to have an eidetic memory.

I don’t anymore, after two concussions and other health issues. And forgetting things PANICS me, which is how I realized I never used to. My brother was an acknowledged eidetic but my family never spotted it in me, because ADHD. Or put it another way, you can’t remember what you never paid any attention to in the first place. And a lot of my early life was tuning out of conversations.

Which doesn’t mean I didn’t notice enough to make things uncomfortable.

The only thing more complex than relationships between village women is world nations vying for primacy. But at least I never had to stand in a room while China and Russia insisted they were never friends, and did you know what China said about our Babuska? Which is good, because I had to listen to village women doing this. And I could never understand when both turned on me when I reminded them of something they’d said three days before and quoted them verbatim. This led to my mom ordering me never to speak in public without her permission, which didn’t work, because…. well, there’s a reason I ended up here, you know?

Then there was the illusionist who made a woman float in air. Only he didn’t. She was laying down on this little stand, with a top made of glass, and a thin metal rod. Oh, and wheels. I’d seen them set up the stage, you see, and the shape of the thing had interested me, so I’d kept an eye on it. And I kept telling everyone what I’d seen. And they thought I was crazy. I was about six, and I hated the illusionist for creating such a stupid trick, the people around me for not seeing it, and everyone for trying to convince me I was crazy.

…. Which now I think about it is how I felt about the covidiocy. Only I’m not as young or stupid as I was. And I know people are…. people. I’ve fallen for some whoppers myself and made friendships with people who turned out to be scum. So I understand people falling for it, kind of, though with this as with the scamlection I’m ASTOUNDED at SOME of the people who fall for it. And then I have to remind myself that although never diagnosed, I have some autistic characteristics. Weaponized autism, to be fair.

You see, because I don’t read PEOPLE very well, because I grew up in the village and know that people lie, because my parents — both of them — were certified (certifiable, really) pranksters who loved nothing better than to make me (or my brother) fall for an elaborate story, and then would never stop talking about it (and even if you didn’t fall for it, they assumed you had, which is annoying), I have a “weaponized autism” of falling down rabbit holes to verify facts.

This was why I started screaming from the rooftops that Winnie the flu was a paper tiger and people kept telling me I was crazy, stupid, deluded, which still pissed me off MORE.

In retrospect, a ton of people I’d never heard of (and a ton more who should have known better) came to my Facebook to yell at me about how evil I was not to want lockdowns. About half of them have since disappeared. And, well, we’ve found China did put a massive effort of their trolls and bots into spurring us towards lockdown.

But they couldn’t really make any difference in how I felt, you know, because I HAD done my dive down the rabbit hole and looked at the numbers from the Diamond Princess, and no, I wasn’t at home for anyone telling me that was because “cruise ships have the best medical care” because, meh, floating petri dishes. And a lot of the “care” they got involved things like extremely rationed water and food, because countries wouldn’t let them land and they had limited resources. Bah.

I’ve continued to look at numbers, btw, instead of listening to the talking heads who try to induce panic, talking about the extremely young who die of Wu Flu. And it’s bullshit. It’s all still bullshit. Every young person (which for this thing is under 55 or 60) “in perfect health” who dies of this turns out to have had a rare genetic disorder, or have been extremely sick since birth, or–

But even if this had been real, and a real danger for all ages the lockdown is f*cking stupid. Not just because lockdowns don’t work for respiratory illnesses, but also because you CAN’T lock down. Not long enough for the virus to go away. You HAVE to allow for people getting food and water, and emergency care. And people are social creatures, so whatever you allow to be open is going to be packed, even if it normally wouldn’t be.
But even if you want to believe lockdowns would work, the way they’re implemented tells you that we’re under psychological warfare that might be on the excuse of a virus, but have nothing really to do with it. No sane human being can say that more than 10 people in a CATHEDRAL designed for 2000 is a danger, but while you at the same time keep dispensaries open for pot? Yeah, no. In the same way, no sane human being can think wearing a mask at the zoo or botanic gardens, outside and in a sparsely “peopled” environment is going to make any difference, even if masks made a difference. (And before you say they make a marginal difference, no. Not really. The difference was “in the margin of error”, and that was before you take in account the masks involved had SEVENTEEN layers of fabric, relying on the “complicated pathway” to stop the virus. And no, I don’t have a link to that study, but trust me on this, it was one of the deep dives. Frankly, with four layers I can’t BREATHE, much less seventeen.)

If I had had any remaining doubts, traveling across several states this summer would have blown them to smitherins. You see, every state — heck every municipality — enforces the ridiculous and inane rules differently. And as we went we checked death stats and population density stats. Let’s say if there was ANY rationality behind the rules? The places that don’t enforce them at all would be worse off. They’re not.

But we still get people — people who know CHINA wanted us to lock down (and it makes me wonder how much of what “leaked” out of China, information btw still in the system and hurting us, like the idea restaurants are dangerous (no one has caught WuFlu at any restaurant in the US) was purposefully “fake leaked” by China in order to get us to lock down) to destroy us and save THEIR economic butts, repeating how “dangerous” this is and how we must stay locked up forever or until we all starve hiding under our beds. Granted a lot of those are democrat politicians and crazy moguls who are in the pay of China, but you’d think more sane people would be pushing back.

Except they can’t. The left is running in possession of cancel culture, trying to destroy anyone who even says boo. And a lot of people can’t speak, because of employment, etc. Add that in with the half dozen very social people who seem to believe everything that’s “in the air” and therefore must be consensus opinion, and there you have it. The impression that everyone is a moron who believes the Wu Flu will kill us all. (Well, everyone but me. I was born contrary, okay?)

Yesterday night I went by Powerline for the first time in weeks. They’ve been getting astonishingly wobbly.
And yes, RES Trump lawyers might have filed some wrong lawsuits. I wish I could believe it was a diversion, and it MIGHT be, but seriously? You know what cases like this take to file? I imagine these law firms — while under threats, etc — having to file in weeks lawsuits that normally would take a year to prepare, are working like I did the week I got ten years worth of Brazilian tax documents to translate for a major corporation being audited by the IRS. I worked through save when I crashed for a couple of hours a night. I ate at my desk and all the work was given to Dan to proof and “make it real English” because at that point I was speaking some weird personal version of the language. And I imagine this involves just about everyone in the firm, which means all it takes is the receptionist having a bad day for things to be miss-filed. Yes, slips will happen, which in the long run will mean bloody nothing. Because most of the lawsuits won’t be. And I suspect there’s more than enough stones to sink the dems even if some go amiss.

BUT what you have to ask yourself is: who does it profit to publish this stuff? And why all the hands on head running around? Just like who did it profit to come and yell in a medium size blog (small, but medium for a writer’s blog) that the Wuflu was going to kill us aaaallllll. Yeah, sure, it’s news, but …. really?

And then I realized the Powerline comments (I’m not allowed to comment there anymore, since I told a troll to GF. Yes, that way. I guess they are proper, polite gentlemen which is why they have some nasty regular trolls.) had blown up to twice normal. And I went to look.

I’ve in the past read enough Powerline comments to know the names/look of regulars. Now? Dear Lord. They have an infestation of trolls, ranging from outright “I’m going to celebrate when Biden gets sworn in” to concern trolls “You guys know there’s no way to win this.” I was disgusted (though I now understand why they’re waffling. It’s hard not to be influenced) but this morning I woke up feeling both pretty cheered and furious. More furious than I remember being in a long time.

Why cheered? Because people who are as confident as the dems and the left (BIRM) try to project don’t go around invading the comments of any blog stupid enough to let them (Gentlemen — spits.) Even relatively medium to small blogs. People who are confident of winning don’t deplatform Conservative Treehouse, or shut down Dan Bongino’s ads. And they don’t infect every possible conservative who is stupid enough to listen to them with some form of “We’ll always have 2024” (We won’t. Not if we allow ourselves to be robbed this time and this blatantly. Let me quote Bob the Registered:
BobtheRegisterredFool4 hours ago
Please help me understand how I have erred below:
Any Republican who does not fight this to the end, at all costs, owes an apology to Lincoln.
Nixon conceded the election that JFK stole, but a) soviets b) JFK was at least reasonably anti-communist, and was not clearly working himself up to commit mass murder.
The combination of the riots, the gun control, the outright proposals to commit mass murder, and the determination to punish all Trump voters is concerning.
If Trump voters are in fact a majority, then some of the people trying to get into a Biden administration are proposing to use state power to punish an actual majority of the adult population.
Harris does not have a personal character that lays these fears to rest.
Then consider that black and Hispanic votes for Trump increased in this cycle. What consequences can you expect to result from meekly conceding at the first opportunity without doing everything possible to cripple in every way Democrat power and influence?
The calculation of a Republican establishment sociopath is “Haw, haw, we’ll just run in 2024 with a swamp creature.”
As soon as they can’t give Trump an opportunity to start a civil war over it, they are going to torture and murder minority Trump supporters in blue areas. With the goal of ensuring that no minority in a blue area ever dares vote Trump or GOP ever again.
Abandoning people to that is something I have a hard time finding just tactful words for. How is it different from abandoning the Hmong and the Republic of Vietnam? How is it better than, during WWII, having complete indifference to the fate of the many victims of the Axis? From Nanking to the Holocaust to Ethiopia.
Okay, I woke up early from the night’s sleep, so there may be an obvious reason why these seeming parallels don’t hold. So it might not be that “2024” is the 2020 version of Chamberlain’s “Peace in our time”.
Bob is not wrong. And conceding now because “2022” or “2024” would be bizarre folly. To paraphrase something someone put in the comments, and which was originally about Israel and which was originally attributed to Golda Meir: “America isn’t obligated to commit suicide because it would make you feel better.”

However even if it all goes wrong, Bob might be a bit of a pessimist.

I’ve said before this is no longer about Trump. In a way it never was. Our magnificent bastard of a president is merely the champion we chose and shoved into play to battle assholes on our behalf. (It is also why the other side wants to kill us.)

But we — we the people — are also magnificent bastards.

Look, guys, the left has controlled the media and the schools for how long? And how many stops did they pull out in 2020 to break us, including but not limited to putting the entire f*cking country under house arrest, crashing the economy, and ramping up psychological warfare to eleven.

Between cancel culture and vicious “revenge” on any dissenters, they’ve made anything not utter liberal a sin in the public sphere. They organized the most comprehensive and inclusive fraud machine in the history of mankind.

And they thought they had us. Honestly, it would have worked on ANY OTHER COUNTRY. It worked in Europe by echo, mostly. (Though there’s definitely a world-plan at work, or as Gore put it “a great opportunity. But the main push was in the US)

They thought they had us so much that they ran a potemkin campaign. I mean, they didn’t need REAL voters, right? (I suspect they got about 25% of the votes attributed to Biden from real people.)

And in the face of all this at least 78 million (and I bet you really 100 million!) of us hunched our shoulders and went “I don’t care. I’m voting for Trump. If you guys hate him, he can’t be all bad.” And “I hate defending Orangemanbad, but he’s better than you bastards. At least he likes America.” And they voted. They voted desperately, thinking all was doomed, knowing people would try to cancel them and destroyed.

They voted to spite the self-proclaimed elites. Because they’re Americans.

The attempt to gaslight us after the attempted steal was caught? Yeah, it pisses me off like you can’t even imagine.

On the other hand, since Trump is fighting against greater odds (in terms of time, corruption, infiltration of law firms and courts, etc) than — to quote 1776 — a just G-d would allow, it cheers me to know that even if the left “wins” and thinks they’ll have it all their way, they are facing…. us. Us, magnificent bastards. Us Americans.

“I was having dinner…in London…when eventually he got, as the Europeans always do, to the part about “Your country’s never been invaded.” And so I said, “Let me tell you who those bad guys are. They’re us. WE BE BAD. We’re the baddest-assed sons of bitches that ever jogged in Reeboks. We’re three-quarters grizzly bear and two-thirds car wreck and descended from a stock market crash on our mother’s side. You take your Germany, France, and Spain, roll them all together and it wouldn’t give us room to park our cars. We’re the big boys, Jack, the original, giant, economy-sized, new and improved butt kickers of all time. When we snort coke in Houston, people lose their hats in Cap d’Antibes. And we’ve got an American Express card credit limit higher than your piss-ant metric numbers go. You say our country’s never been invaded? You’re right, little buddy. Because I’d like to see the needle-dicked foreigners who’d have the guts to try. We drink napalm to get our hearts started in the morning. A rape and a mugging is our way of saying ‘Cheerio.’ Hell can’t hold our sock-hops.
We walk taller, talk louder, spit further, **** longer and buy more things than you know the names of. I’d rather be a junkie in a New York City jail than king, queen, and jack of all Europeans. We eat little countries like this for breakfast and shit them out before lunch.”
(P.J. O’Rourke.)

Ultimately, the left is like a dog chasing a car. It probably won’t catch us, but if they do, they’re going to break their teeth on us, and then be dragged to their deaths, as we continue on our way.

And that, my friends, is worth cheering up for.


Dot Collector
Republicanism is no longer a political problem; Republicanism is a social problem.

It must be treated in the same way corona virus is treated: it has to be isolated and snuffed-out by repressing it in about 70% of the general population.

View: https://twitter.com/PostTweetism/status/1330288088376111106

This sounds almost exactly like what the NSDAP said about the “Jewish problem”.

Herzliche Gluckwunsche, mein Herr.

View: https://twitter.com/StephScolaro/status/1330292045764816896


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Republicanism is no longer a political problem; Republicanism is a social problem.

It must be treated in the same way corona virus is treated: it has to be isolated and snuffed-out by repressing it in about 70% of the general population.

View: https://twitter.com/PostTweetism/status/1330288088376111106

This sounds almost exactly like what the NSDAP said about the “Jewish problem”.

Herzliche Gluckwunsche, mein Herr.

View: https://twitter.com/StephScolaro/status/1330292045764816896

There aren't going to be any easy or cheap solutions to this problem.


Neither here nor there.
This sounds almost exactly like what the NSDAP said about the “Jewish problem”.

This^^^ I've been saying this all along to anyone who would listen. Now the turd has back tracked, yeah right we all knew what he meant the first time.


Jerry Saltz



Republicanism is no longer a political problem; Republicanism is a social problem. It must be treated in the same way coronavirus is treated: it has to be isolated and snuffed-out by repressing it in about 70% of the general population.

Jerry Saltz


The “ism” not the people, obviously.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
You have to understand what they are going to do - and it's not sending ANTIFA squads to your door off the bat - that comes later.

First - you get deplatformed FROM EVERYTHING based on their charges. No Social Media accounts, No Internet Accounts. You lose your job. You lose your bank account. You lose your credit cards. You lose access to a phone and internet accounts.

Then you lose your drivers license. Insurance. Everything.
People with nothing left to lose and a lot of righteous anger might be more of a problem then someone posting funny AOC memes.

I wonder if she mistakes conservative's respect for freedom of speech, thought and expression for surrender? Dose she and those like her mistake conservative's discipline, willingness not to physically retaliate in kind and respect of the Rule of Law for apathy?
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Are you sure about that?
Republicanism is no longer a political problem; Republicanism is a social problem.

It must be treated in the same way corona virus is treated: it has to be isolated and snuffed-out by repressing it in about 70% of the general population.

View: https://twitter.com/PostTweetism/status/1330288088376111106

This sounds almost exactly like what the NSDAP said about the “Jewish problem”.

Herzliche Gluckwunsche, mein Herr.

View: https://twitter.com/StephScolaro/status/1330292045764816896

Hence my tagline graphic.


Sword At-The-Ready
People with nothing left to lose and a lot of righteous anger might be more of a problem then someone posting funny AOC memes.

If that were really true - places like Venezuela, Cuba, Rwanda etc., would not have happened.

Making people desperate with nothing left to lose is seen as a benefit and a necessity - not a risk to Communists. Destroying the entirety of the existing system is the goal. Impoverishing the population and making them all desperate is all part of the plan. They know blood must flow and that they must sacrifice their useful idiots in order to implement the next phase of total control.

I wonder if she mistakes conservative's respect for freedom of speech, thought and expression for surrender?

No, she asserts those as justified reasons for punishment, re-education or extermination.

Dose she and those like her mistake conservative's discipline, willingness not to physically retaliate in kind and respect of the Rule of Law for apathy?

Worse, they see it as evidence of guilt. They see it as Opportunity to exploit and subjugate because we are unwilling to see her as an enemy needing to be put down until the risk and cost will be more than we can bear.
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I was an Un-person when I was Homeless. Funny thing about being an Un-Person is you have Mobility, Freedom of Movement and no one Sees you. That leaves a lot of Opportunities someone with a home, pets' family that ties them down does not have.

A bicycle or motorcycle and a roadmap. There are homeless shelters, food banks and other resources to take advantage of where you remain an Un-Person as you do what needs be done.
I once knew a hippie throwback who lived in his moms attic. He made beautiful jewelry and sold it on the street. He slept out a lot in the summer. He told me he would find large bushes and crawl into the middle of them to sleep and no one ever found or saw him.