ALERT If you don't have one already, GET A DEBIT CARD ASAP


Contributing Member
Banks are obligated to investigate and reverse fraudulent charges to your debit card account. You may be responsible for the first $50 of charges, but most banks wave that. However, they may take a week or two to complete their investigation. While they are investigating the money is still gone from your account. If you only have one checking account and some crook cleans it out that could cause a real problem for the week or so it takes for the bank to complete their investigation and return your money. The advantage of using a credit card is you can dispute the charges and its the bank's money instead of your money tied up during the investigation.


Veteran Member
Please be careful with debit cards. ( The ones with MasterCard and Visa logos) I once had 24k taken out of my checking account fraudulently by someone and it took my bank 90 days to put the money back after they did an investigation. And... I was lucky, they didn't have to return the money at all.. A reloadable is a good idea that way your losses are limited to just what you load onto it.

Grouchy Granny

My point in this thread was to get a "card" which you can use for purchases while the virus insanity rules the country. Since I never advocate for getting credit, the answer seemed clear. Lots of folks have credit cards. Lots of folks can't qualify for them.

Thanks for the clarification Dennis - mine gets paid off every month and I scrutinize all purchases as soon as I get the bill - been hacked one time too many.


I havent used cash in years....everything goes on my debit card....and I get a notice on my smart phone the instant a charge occurs. I wouldn't have it any other way!!!

Kathy in FL

I understand the desire to have a debit card due to the coin / cash shortage.

Just remember that debit cards DO NOT share the same protections as a credit card. If someone steals the money from a debit card, there is no obligation on the part of the bank to do anything. They are not even required to restore your account.

If you instead use a credit card, there are protections against theft.


There are a few exceptions to this, for example if the card is backed by Visa or MC. My parents just had some jerk make a $100 purchase with their debit number and it is taking 10 days to get a new one and restore their account. The only way I was able to "prove" that it was a fraudulent purchase was the item was sent to an address not connected to my parents in any way. So ... you have a card/account ... keep an eye on it daily.


Neither here nor there.
I just wanted to post this up as a public service announcement. It looks like cash buys are going away for an indeterminate period. I know that many of you eschew the use of plastic. I felt motivated to "nudge" you to get one as quickly as you can. When all this is over, you can burn it. Until then, you may not be able to buy food or other supplies without one.

Hate to break it to you but cash is going away permanently! If you don't have digital currency you need to get it and now, while you can still afford to do so. OC keeps bugging me to break into my moldy ones... aka my bitcoin but that small still voice keeps saying Not Yet, Child. I bought when it was 0.39 a coin, and today it's sitting at $9,239.26 a coin. There are other cryptocurrencies out there, and there's a thread here on TB on how to acquire some.


Veteran Member
A few days ago at walmart, the self serve kiosks were card only. They had a few cashiers still taking cash.
Wal Mart may go to almost all "card only- self checkout" in the near future. It's being tested now and if successful will replace almost all the cashiers at all US stores.


Veteran Member
You can also buy gift cards at Wally world and most grocery stores. Buy many small $ ones.
Just another way to carry money.

.DH gets a grocery gift card every year at Thanksgiving.
They never expire..I save them for hard times.or to hand a friend who has hit a bad patch.

I think the visa and mc gift cards check on them.

We have atm cards that never leave home..
They are for emergency use only.
We carry cash will have to a little change purse for coins set up.
We use cash back credit cards for what we in full every month.


Veteran Member
This falls right in line with the Biblical warnings about a cashless society. The PTB cannot control cash like they can digital 'currency'. This will be enacted everywhere in time. Now consider that the CCP virus will have a mandated vaccination for everyone. How hard would it be to place a microscopic tracker in everyone?

I carry cash and have recently had a similar experience with cash and was told no-go. Credit or Debit only. I made a stink about it and was forced to use a card or walk.

It's here people.


Veteran Member
My US bank card sends me a notification on my phone everytime it’s used to purchase something. :) In real time, like immediately. Before I even leave the cashier!


Finally not a lurker!
I understand the desire to have a debit card due to the coin / cash shortage.

Just remember that debit cards DO NOT share the same protections as a credit card. If someone steals the money from a debit card, there is no obligation on the part of the bank to do anything. They are not even required to restore your account.

If you instead use a credit card, there are protections against theft.

Had somebody hack my debit card. The account had been unused for ages with only a few cents in it. Suddenly I saw hundreds of dollars of charges from online games. I called the bank and they fixed it, sent me a new card, AND THAT GOT HACKED! So idk wtf...


Thinking that since the dispensaries can only take cash, they might as start selling groceries and everything else.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Individuals and small businesses will probably keep taking cash. But the large stores and chains will probably stop (or have already stopped.) They have to follow their corporate edicts.

Me and the corporations have already split the blanket. My small town purchases will be enough until this crazy gets fixed. There is nothing those commies have that I need.


Res ipsa loquitur
Do whatever you feel safest doing.

As for me, I prefer to use a credit card to get the reward points on everything I can. About the only time I can't charge it is at Winco but I rarely shop there anyway.

that is US as well - I refuse to have debit kard - I will use the credit kard as long as it exists.

as for the question "what about the KASH I have at home? If you have several THOUSAND stuffed in the mattress I'd suggest that you slowly start easing it back into the system - buy what you NEED with it - pay local help tradesmen lawn peeps etc etc. when this COVID bullshit began it was stated at the outset - right here in living color - that a move AWAY from KASH and INTO cryptos/plastic was forthcoming.

Green Co.

We have a couple of debit/atm cards, only used if we need to get $ from an atm. The rest of the time, we use a credit card or cash.

Too many Mexicans in this part of the state to go to debit only. Mexicans don't trust banks, carried over from their knowledge of Mexican Banks. Cash is king.

So far, I've not been anywhere that does not take cash.


God has a plan, Trust it!
This scenario sounds all too familiar to me...Hmmm...Enter the mark of the beast soon - no man shall buy or sell without the mark of the beast.

What better way to condition people to be ready for it, huh? If YOU can track your transactions, someone else is surely tracking them too.

Are YOU ready?


Veteran Member
Just saw where Kroger is not giving change, either you have exact amount or it gets rounded up and extra is suppose to be donated to a local food bank or whatever. Western KY


Veteran Member
I understand the desire to have a debit card due to the coin / cash shortage.

Just remember that debit cards DO NOT share the same protections as a credit card. If someone steals the money from a debit card, there is no obligation on the part of the bank to do anything. They are not even required to restore your account.

If you instead use a credit card, there are protections against theft.

I've had my Debit card number compromised at least three times, and every time the bank has restored what was stolen. It may take a day or two. As much as I don't like my bank, they have always come through on this.

FWIW, I use Chase. I figured that with their relationship with the Federal Reserve they'd be one of the last banks standing when things go kablooey.


TB Fanatic
My point in this thread was to get a "card" which you can use for purchases while the virus insanity rules the country. Since I never advocate for getting credit, the answer seemed clear. Lots of folks have credit cards. Lots of folks can't qualify for them.

Good points. Gotta have some way to pay...

There is, however, one situation where I can recommend a credit card - that is if you have the income and discipline to use the card, and pay it off every month in full. IN FULL.

If you are able to do that, a CC is a good idea, especially since you can end up getting points or cash back which lowers your net cost or gets you some free products, depending on your card. Plus, you get to use somebody else's money for a period of time at no cost.

But if you can't do that then probably best to not use a CC.

I have seen people run into problems with a Debit Card when they unknowingly run too low a balance, or their paycheck direct deposit is delayed for some reason; they may even know they have enough to cover a tank of gas, but don't realize the Station holds a larger amount for a period of time and then they overdraft their account when other checks start bouncing.

Had a young couple send out a number of payments (checks), few days later husband went got gas and the standard transaction hold was for $75 (iirc) and didn't realize his $10 worth of gas was going to do that... several checks bounced, each a $50 bank fee, several companies charged a bounced check fee, interest rates on their cards went up.... etc. Big problems.

Some banks have even been excoriated for sorting transactions in order from largest to smallest, and running deposits to the account after. Wonder why they do that? To run up fees.

So you always need to be cognizant, even with a Debit Card.

As always, YMMV, and hope you all have a great day.


Veteran Member
Wal Mart may go to almost all "card only- self checkout" in the near future. It's being tested now and if successful will replace almost all the cashiers at all US stores.

They're trying that here. Half of the lanes are self-checkout. I refuse to use them. I will stand behind someone with two full carts with me only having one or two items. I've had several interesting conversations with others in my line of the same bent: "I don't work here." If you want to give me a discount for using your self-checkout, then I might consider it. Otherwise, you can go pound sand. I WILL use a self-checkout, however, if its what I deem necessary (sick child, etc.). Otherwise, nope.


Veteran Member
I don't sign the back of my card. I have written in permanent marker "check I.D." ( @Millwright taught me that trick). I can count on one hand the number of people I've handed that card to who even bothered to look. Completely stumped one poor kid (she was in training). She had to call a supervisor over to find out what to do. The supervisor said, "Well, check her DL!" :lol:


Veteran Member
I have had problems using a credit card at two places recently. They only will take debit cards as credit cards companys charge them 3% merchant service fees


TB Fanatic
I am impressed with the silence with which this monumental transformation is being executed.
I am impressed that the usual suspects that have a reputation for going round with their hair on fire and calm . . . maybe just burnt out from the last 4 months. . .
(psst . . . this is when your hair is supposed to be on fire)


Veteran Member
I have a card that’s called easy pay I think all banks have something similar. It will only let you use what money is in there. when I use it I transfer x amount under that account if a purchase goes over it won’t go through. I use that for any internet purchase.


Veteran Member
parsonswife I get charged the % no matter what I take, credit or debit.

I guess I'm the only one still writing checks. I've had no issues but I'm sure they are on the endangered list too. I've never owned a debit card and around here, they are still taking everything as far as I know.

I've never used self check out and will not until it's forced on me.


I still right checks. Also reconcile the statements/register and save every receipt/bill along with a copy of the cashed checks.

All of our regular bills wants us to do the electronic auto pay. We do the auto pay for the cell phones.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
It's good to have cash and some coins in the event the card machines at the grocery store go down, which they do around here about every 3 months or so.

I try to have cash, checks, and a debit card on hand when I go to the grocery so that I don't come away empty-handed. In 2020, it's wise not to count on anything.