[hlth/gvt] Ebola like virus hits Pakistan/Afghanistan Border - Drudge


Voice on the Prairie
Good Job, C.Sue!

Nice post, Canada Sue! I'm glad to see you posting again.

I know that you "have a life" now, but don't be a stranger. Your insights about biomeanies are useful and provide an anchor for the speculation that sometimes goes on.

data junkie

Membership Revoked
CeeBee, sheesh, if anyone here thinks the gov think tanks are composed of anything less than incompetent pinko commies with globalist agendas, then they haven't been paying attention. There is no air of credibility to the term. If anyone feels a hint of compulsion to allow testimony sourced from a media-proclaimed think tank to bypass their centers of logic and instead allow the media to spoon-feed it into their subconscious as a factual consensus of true experts, then they need to turn off their mind-control box for a few months and let the cobwebs fall out of their ears imho. Clearly I do not hold the label "think tank" with the media-inspired reverence that you suggest, so to refer to my use of the term as self-aggrandizing is nauseating.:(


Veteran Member

Reviewing files on Ebola/CCHF etc now – finding numerous articles state that EBOLA/CCHF & other rapidly acting agents are considered ideal for mil ops in making a region safe to occupy by invading forces. (hmmmm?)

Preparing for Biological and Chemical Terrorism: A Practical Guide to Antibiotics and Their Usage for Survival -- By Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H.

Following article is especially relevant as it goes into well-documented details about covert origins of Bios used, Terrorist tactics, Ethnicity & Religious factors in Global conflicts, etc: EBOLA: IT'S SPREADING [AND IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!] By: S.R. Shearer http://www.endtimesnetwork.com/oldnews/vol10no3.html

Please - our time of INTERNET availability may be very VERY limited as things are heating up so quickly and many wild cards are surfacing by the hour it seems. Let us work together - we can all be our own self-proclaimed research team here as on other web sites. Let your presence here be of positive benefit to help others: research - communicate - educate in every way possible. PRINT AND SAVE EVERYTHING THAT COULD BE USEFUL! Watch media, foreign press, gov’t statements/actions very closely for clues of cover-ups, deception, disinfo, etc… AND remember to question every motive – contemplate the unthinkable. There is no question that the US G'vt has been infiltrated on the highest levels – and the true extent could be mindblowing as documented on links below:
Fed Of American Scientists – Intelligence Programs & Links : http://www.fas.org/irp/
The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies: http://cicentre.com/
Center for Security Policy: http://www.security-policy.org/index.html

SNIPS from EBOLA: IT'S SPREADING... (fair used cited for Edu Purpose) *Much info on Ebola + origin of virus is quoted from work of Dr. Len Horowitz: Emerging Viruses; AIDS & Ebola; Nature, Accident, or Intentional? - http://www.tetrahedron.org/

“…mysterious Russian l999outbreak of Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever(CCHF) … symptoms never before seen by Russian medical community, and what appeared to be a "laboratory quality" about the virus [that led many scientists to suspect covert CIA-DoD origin] and so much so that the acting director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Virology, Dr. Pyotr Deryabin, told Izvestiya [a leading Russian newspaper] that he had never before encountered such a form of CCHF. In other words, there
--“The truth of the matter is, the only place that such testing ever took place (i.e., testing that was specific to hemorrhagic fevers) was at the CIA facilities that OTRAG ran (in conjunction with Merck and Litton Bionetics) in Zaire.

“…Ebola, on the other hand, (compared to the extremely long incubation period of AIDS) would have been considered a wonderful success. Its incubation period was only three to eleven days - and death or incapacity after that period was all but certain. In addition, the disease acted so quickly (and thoroughly) that it would quickly "burn itself out" in the targeted area - leaving the area free of enemy soldiers (or populations) with no long-lasting "side-effects," thus making the region safe to occupy.

What should be of interest to us, however, is the fact that the "cat is now out of the bag" insofar as these biological warfare agents are concerned. As a result, we are forced to confront the question, What does this mean to all of us as the ethnic conflict of the "end of days" picks up and begins engulfing the world?
As we indicated at the beginning of this article, and as Samuel P. Huntington of Harvard University says, the world is inexorably moving towards an era of intense and vicious civilization conflict - and if that is so, we may be confronting the use of biological warfare on a mass scale in the not too distant future. As we have suggested:

"Find those areas where ethnic and religious turmoil are raging, and one is most likely to find those people who are willing to resort to the use of biological warfare. Biological warfare is the poor man's answer to globalization; it is the weak's answer to the strong; it is the guerrilla's answer to the high-tech warfare of the rich. And it doesn't take massed armies to wield this weapon - only small numbers of dedicated partisans." This kind of conflict is rarely resolved - except through the use of overwhelming brute force exercised by a pitiless, all-powerful hegemon.

Biological warfare is the poor man's atom bomb; and in this contest, it is a well-suited weapon, indeed. For example, it has been estimated that to conduct "conventional" warfare in a 1 square kilometer of land mass, it takes $2,000.00; it takes $800.00 to conduct nuclear warfare in the same square kilometer; $600.00 to conduct chemical warfare - but only $1.00 to conduct biological warfare - well within the budget on any "radicalized" fundamentalist - whether he be Islamic, Christian, Hindu, Orthodox or whatever.

This is the great "convenience" and practicality of biological warfare! Add to this the utility of using a biological agent like Ebola which has the advantage of "burning itself out" after use, and you have a wonderfully serviceable weapon of "mass destruction" - a weapon that any "radicalized" group (or even an individual) can deploy against a perceived hegemon.

"...If in fact, the introduction of that "mystery" form of CCHF into Oblivskaya is the result of the Chechens (who, as we have already indicated, are battling the Russians in that area for "civilization control" of the region), then there is certainly much for all of us to be concerned about - especially in the West. What it means is that extremely "radicalized" Islamic fundamentalists (who bear no love and probably much hatred toward the West) have somehow or other "got a hold" of these extremely hazardous pathogens.

Now, one must remember, it wouldn't have been that hard to do. Once the virus has been created (which is the hard part, and which could have probably only been done in the West - specifically, by the Americans), the pathogen can be replicated ad nauseam; and there were plenty of opportunities in the recent past to have done so. There would have been no need for anyone to have broken into OTRAG or Fort Detrick. All that would have been necessary is for someone to have "cultured" the pathogen from the tissue of a person who had already been infected - and that could have been done in Zaire, in the Sudan, in Egypt and in innumerable other places and at innumerable other times.

Moreover, if these radicals were willing (and "crazy" enough) to deploy these pathogens against Russia - still a nuclear power and not quite as "defanged" as some in the West would like to believe - it's not much of a jump of logic to conclude that they would be willing to deploy them against the West - even the United States! It's just a matter of time. IT WILL HAPPEN!!

And what could the U.S. response be if that were to happen? First of all, it is very difficult to trace those who would have been responsible. And even if that could be done, U.S. authorities would still find themselves "boxed in." Why? - because to admit that Ebola had been deployed against the United States (or Europe, for that matter) would be tantamount to admitting that Ebola is a "biological weapon" - and a "manufactured" one at that! - not something which appeared spontaneously from bat "droppings" in a cave near Lake Victoria in East Africa - as the ridiculously absurd (and almost comical) "Kitum Cave Thesis" (which the CDC promotes) postulates.

To admit such a thing (i.e., that Ebola was a "manufactured" disease designed specifically as a biological warfare agent by American scientists working for the CIA) could be as dangerous to the elites which govern this country as "riding the epidemic out." It would confirm everything that the "nutty, radical right" has been saying about elite-control of the country all along. It would confirm the worst fears of everyone who watches the X-Files and subscribes to the conspiracy theories that whirl and swirl around the JFK assassination, the assassination of RFK, Waco, Flight 800, Mena, Vince Foster, the FBI files, etc., etc. Suddenly, and out of nowhere, the so-called "Clinton Chronicles" would not seem to be quite as "nutty" as they had been painted by the mainline, corporate-controlled media; and Jerry Falwell and his ilk would not appear as "far out" as liberals have said they are."
Praying & humbly asking for DIVINE intervention, TRUTH & JUSTICE

Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon

I went ahead and deleted your separate post on this same topic as I had not heard back from you in 15 minutes acknowledging that I was going to delete it.



Kinda thought so when I just now tried to reply....and there was no thread.. . :D

Below is a copy of what I wrote

Thank you Kris especially for the courtesy.

I was afraid it had been posted....I just got so excited about it when I read the thing....sorry about that.

I have been offline for more than a week.....moved and was waiting for ATT Broadband to come hook me up.

The first thing I did was go read drudgereport and went eeek!.

Scrolled downed our page to see if I saw the thing posted but my eyes failed me. Certainly wouldn't intentionally impinge on another posters good post.

That's what being offline will do to ya!!! :lol: :D :p :)


Veteran Member
First, WHO says we cannot aspire to be our own "think-tank"?

Personally I despise the Rand Corp. and their globalist agendas.

I'd like to believe that all of us who gathered here under the tent
since the rubric of Y2K, have a "square foot of commonality" as Canada Sue so eloquently put it. Bravo to that analogy! :>)

We ALL here at TB2K have a stake in the fellowship of humanity and SURVIVAL of mankind. Whether we approach it from Scripture based, neo- Pagan or Native American adjuncts. Above all, I am concerned about our loss of freedom of speech. It is tantamount to tyranny by silence. This board is for speculation. BY DOOMERS.

If we were Polly's, we'd all be over at Unk's laughing at some $@!porn joke. The more sensitive amongst us may appear to be "fear mongering" but let us at least "hear" their fears out. Many have an inate sense of direction. i.e. their "internal compass" points for them. We need to listen, read for discernment, and analyze etc.

This board is a GOD-SEND in that regard. No co-incidence either that we've all "found" each other and have managed to hang on.

With that disclaimer said, let me get this straight now....

In the last 72 hours, a Greyhound Bus was hijacked by a Croat
(Muslim?) with a knife and crashed with loss of life...but there is no connection to the events of 9/11 nor any attempt to limit travel

Another Greyhound Bus in the Carolinas also had an incident as well as a school bus in Tennessee. But none of this should thus CREATE an outcry for increased command/control/surveillance of our schools or interstate commerce/transportation. Right....

We have an airliner "presumably hijacked" in India which turned out to be a "commando training mission" which noone bothered to inform the Indian Premier about... But that should not frighten the public into DEMANDING iris-scans, bio-metric id's, whatsoever.

We have an Ebola outbreak on the Paki-Afghan border area thats
sweeping thru a genocidally starved, famine pop., decimating in
its rampage. But this will not hopscotch across a border nor ever infect our brave troops and should not be a cause for alarm. Ok..

We have a Siber airliner, loaded with Russian born Israelis, either exploded or shot down out of the sky by the Ukrainian military on "maneuvers' but this should not be interpreted as a "hostile"
action. Nor construed as a prelude to a Gog-Magog Clog Dance.

You got that?

I sure do. Loud and CLEAR, boss. :>(

SH yer "It'll all go wrong at once" looks more and more probable.

Time to "Let go" and "Let God"....