;^) Hillary too ill to become POTUS / Commander In Chief?


<~Knights of Malta
While attending Saturday's 911 commemorations "Hillary Clinton abruptly left a 9/11 memorial service in New York City after apparently feeling ill Sunday morning — "


and 6 days earlier on Monday she had a 5 minute coughing fit during her stump speech besides on the flight back home.


Even CNN and NBC had to report these health issues. Something we can't afford to do is elect a president who is unfit for office.


If ANYone can't stand at a public ceremony with weather in the high 70's and humidity@40% without collapsing in a seizure or faint, they clearly can't even handle the ceremonial aspects of the job! When the nutcase in North Korea launches a nuke, she *can't* say "oh, wait... I feel tired. Can we make a decision on this tomorrow- or next week?"



Res ipsa loquitur
as the hILLary meme develops, just consider for a moment the sheer arrogance of this criminal demon possessed BITCH who would continue to hold herself out as a viable presidential candidate despite progressively more obvious evidence that her health PRECLUDES her holding that post without putting the entire country in a seriously compromised position . . .