Here's calling it like it is...on Washington's Totalitarian Terrorist State


Veteran Member
January 27, 2012
Ten Red Lines Washington's Totalitarian Terrorist State Has Crossed

The government in Washington is a failed terrorist state. It can no longer manage American public opinion, its violations of international law are resented by many nations, and it has failed to psychologically dominate the world by unleashing terror at home and abroad.

To put it simply, nations are not afraid of America because it has military strength combined with political vision, rather, they are afraid because America's leaders are insane and self-destructive. In other words, they are afraid of a failed terrorist state, not a global superpower.

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta likes to speak about "red lines." An example he gives is Iran closing the Straits of Hormuz. That's a red line in the eyes of the managers of Washington's failed terrorist state.

In an alternative universe, one in which America was not the global bully, red lines in relation with foreign enemies would be reasonable and necessary. Red lines are needed in international relations. They establish boundaries and help antagonistic nations to keep the peace.

In history, aggressive nations led by despots and thugs have not recognized red lines, whether political or moral, artificial or natural. Nazi Germany crossed many red lines before it was finally pushed back and defeated. Israel has crossed one red line after another vis-à-vis the Palestinians and the Arabs.

Israel's failed terrorist state crossed the ultimate red line along with Washington's failed terrorist state on September 11, 2001. By murdering three thousand Americans in an act of cold blood, both terrorist states erased all red lines and proceeded to spread terror and tyranny across the Middle East and the West.

Below, I list ten red lines that Washington's failed totalitarian terrorist state has crossed vis-à-vis the American people.

1. Killing three thousand American citizens on September 11, 2001 in one of the biggest acts of state terror and mass murder by any state in the history of mankind.

2. Assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Nobel Peace Prize winner Martin Luther King Jr by the shadow CIA, shadow FBI, and other tentacles of the illegitimate National Security State.

3. Political parties stealing elections and mainstream media outlets engaging in election fraud by using perception management techniques to dismiss the popularity of anti-Establishment candidates like Ron Paul.

4. Destruction of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights by the NWO traitors, who are full of hate and venom towards the American people and the human race.

5. Destruction of the U.S. economy by the private Federal Reserve System, multinational corporations, and government regulations designed by NWO traitors. The Federal Reserve's financial crimes and cover-ups from 1913 to 2012 reveals a legacy of fraud, deception, and high treason.

6. The cover-up of Barack Obama's CIA background by U.S. government authorities and the establishment media.

7. The CIA shipping in drugs from Latin America and Afghanistan into America, and creating in the process a drug economy, a parapolitical structure in Washington, a prison-industrial complex, and many other evils.

8. Making indefinite detention of American citizens legal in the 2012 NDAA Act without giving any justification or explanation other than pointing to the invented boogeyman "Al-Qaeda" as the impetus for the law.

9. Turning North America into a military battlefield and threatening to use brute force against dissidents and activists who have been branded as "domestic terrorists" and "anti-government extremists."

10. Waging war against the rights, security, and happiness of the American people, as well as the people of many other nations, including Canada.

Washington's failed totalitarian terrorist state has crossed many other red lines. It does not recognize basic human morality, human rights, or international law. As a result of its arrogance and decadence, it shares the fate of all naked emperors in the history of civilization, which is political death and collapse.


Membership Revoked
Israel's failed terrorist state crossed the ultimate red line

I stopped reading when I got here.


I give up.
The truth hurts? It's nothing we haven't seen in many different articles over the recent years, only distilled down into precision points of clarity.

I don't hate Israel, but I hate what this whole mess has become.



Israel's failed terrorist state crossed the ultimate red line

I stopped reading when I got here.

Obviously the writer has a bit of an agenda. Some of his allegations may be correct. Others are way out there, without any supporting material. JMHO


Veteran Member
The people of Israel are like the people of the United States, Mz. Kitty...under the boot of thugs.


I give up.
If this is true, it goes with your article, Moggy. It's a little long so I'll post part and you all can click on the link to finish it and also check out the one lone comment underneath it.


poorrichard's blog

Saturday, January 28, 2012
Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America
We Weren’t Going to Stay Stupid Forever

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Of those who work in Special Operations and such things, I am one of the very few with a background in international finance. This is not written for public consumption but I will publish it anyway, do with it as you will. I am writing to our “community.” You know who you are.
Over the past few years, amounts of money and practices none of us had imagined have been hitting the news. We hear one day that the Federal Reserve secretly lends out trillions of dollars. It doesn’t say whose dollars or where they went or what America got in return.

America got screwed.

Years ago, I had been asked to look after a former Reagan official named Lee Wanta. Some of you will understand this sentence, who does the asking and what “look after”means. I knew he had been kidnapped in Switzerland and, though a diplomat, sent to the US and imprisoned on criminal charges we knew to be a total invention.

His personal attorney was Chief Legal Council for the Central Intelligence Agency.

My retiree job is as an intelligence contractor working with pro-US clients. I “brief,” not interview. I am not a journalist by trade. I am one of the thousands of Americans that middle age has turned from a “knock in the back of the head” guy to someone who can talk his way out of a dozen foreign jails. I am simply one of many Americans that few know exist, a Marine, a Vietnam veteran and someone who spent much of his life with his head upside down.

The deal.

Wanta has court documentation that he is owed $7.2 trillion dollars. Initially, $4.5 trillion was transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank while issues of law and taxes were negotiated. This is the remainder of a larger fund, transferred into the US while litigation was to determine tax liability and little else.

Secretly, a group of individuals has been using and diverting these funds.

Why does the fund exist? Wanta worked for Reagan, National Intelligence Coordinator and then was nominated by Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa at Reagan’s request to take over as Inspector General of the Department of Defense. Instead, Reagan assigned Wanta to a project to raise huge amounts of money trading currency. Much of this is on the internet and much of it is correct. The total amount raised, based on collateral supplied by the US Department of Treasury in a secret intelligence operation was 27 trillion USD.

Over the years, all but $4.5 trillion was stolen, much of it by a previous US president, some by the CIA, much by banks. Years ago, I was sent account numbers on some of the money and tried to locate it in concert with foreign intelligence agencies. I would have returned the funds to the US government. Included is 2000 tons of gold, and dozens of bank accounts around the world. I have the account numbers, talked to the bankers and even, in one case, went directly to a chief of state.

Stolen cash is impossible to recover when half of it is paid out in bribes.

As most of what I am writing is probably classified, let’s pretend I am making this all up.

Anyway, back to Wanta. During this time, Wanta had gone to court to recover his funds, which had grown to over $7 trillion. The rest of the money, much of which came from currency trading at the largest scale in world history, we will never find.

Now a court has ordered Wanta to receive his money.

The company to receive the money is Ameritrust. The board members of Ameritrust are well known public people, a former Vice President, senators, generals and admirals and, of course, me.

The money is, officially, in the Federal Bank of Richmond and the order to return the funds was signed by the President of the United States based on an agreement with the Federal Courts. Involved, over a period of years, is a group of people every American will know, from presidents and vice presidents to the heads of the Federal Reserve, Secretaries of Treasury, names like Bush and Cheney, Paulson, Bernake, Gore, some names working for America and too many trying to steal part of the money for themselves.

Some tried to steal all of it.

When you heard news stories about the Federal Reserve making secret loans to the crooked ”bail out banks” that weren’t authorized by congress, they were lending out the $7.2 trillion “Wanta dollars” ordered paid by President Obama and the Federal Courts.

If you wondered how the Federal Reserve, that couldn’t print a few billion dollars without authorization from congress, lent out trillions that technically didn’t exist with no permission at all and there was no investigation, no questions asked and the story forgotten a day later, you will begin to understand by the end of this. You will be extremely upset and angry also.

Thus far, here is part of that settlement I can tell you of but first, I had Wanta check out. To do that, I went to a top army intelligence officer from the Pentagon, one who had been Defense Attache to Israel and who had worked in Special Operations, war plans, clandestine operations and such since he was an A Team leader in Vietnam.

I put him on with Wanta for hours and had Wanta interrogated. Wanta knew dozens of the highest classified operations in US history, knew every Pentagon official including much highly detailed personal information and to what was our top Army intelligence officer, that he was, unquestioningly, working for years at the highest levels of US intelligence.

The man who grilled him still hangs up the phone whenever I mention 9/11, a close personal friend of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

This is the deal:

American Rage

The truth hurts? It's nothing we haven't seen in many different articles over the recent years, only distilled down into precision points of clarity.

I don't hate Israel, but I hate what this whole mess has become.


You clearly know nothing of Israel or her trials and tribulations.


TB Fanatic
Obviously the writer has a bit of an agenda. Some of his allegations may be correct. Others are way out there, without any supporting material. JMHO

Typical tactic of BS artists like the author of that ignorant and inflammatory article.
They put a couple of items in the list that most people will sympatize with in the hope that stupid people will believe all the other crap in rest of it.
It sometimes works because some people are that gullible or stupid.


I give up.
Ever been there???

I swear when you end your posts with that little devil with the goatee icon it means you may be temporarily possessed.
This guy may be able to help :)

If I post the little devil thingie it's because there's something that I don't like. I said I don't like the whole mess, and I don't. Everything is a mess. And no, I have not been to Israel in this life physically. But I understand more about them than you may believe right now.


TB Fanatic
If I post the little devil thingie it's because there's something that I don't like. I said I don't like the whole mess, and I don't. Everything is a mess. And no, I have not been to Israel in this life physically. But I understand more about them than you may believe right now.

What,from other articles like the OP??



OMG!!! Someone mentioned Israel!!! OMG!!!!

(We need a hair-on-fire smiley right here.)




Veteran Member
and #11,

Intimidated against freely posting opinions to a chat forum, ostensibly, in the "Land of the Free"


I give up.
You know, with all the points brought up in the article, how is it that only the subject of Israel seems to get people so upset? Israel wasn't even why I posted it. And I'm pretty sure that isn't why Moggy posted hers either.



Veteran Member
Thanks for the link, Mz. Kitty...
I haven't read about Wanta in a long time and wondered about the latest information about those trillions of dollars.

I, too, wonder why people get upset when Israel is mentioned. Their government is as evil as ours and if people can speak up about the evil of the USA, they should be allowed to point out similarities with Israel.

We all have our opinions, folks, at least try to be polite about it.

Thanks, Mz. Kitty, for all you do.


Contributing Member
The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.

You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.

So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this, every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews.

The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9, states the following which would appear to be about these Ashkenazi Jews:

"I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."


TB Fanatic
Where do I start???
mzkitty: Yeah right, special ops guy, contractor, with financial info no one else has, willing to post it all on a web blog. Yeah right.
One individual owed trillions of dollars, Yeah right. All on poor richards blogspot. Jeesh.

Israel and US are failed terrorist states. No mention of any real terrorist states :(
9-11 was an inside job :(
both Kennedys and MLK are CIA hit jobs :(
Obama has a CIA background before he became president :(
And lastly, US waging war on Canada eh hoser :D

Silly stuff like this sullies the reputation and decreases the effectiveness of people who try to take action against real infringement of our rights.

And then there is the inevitable post of how all Jews aren't really Jews.

Thats always seems to be buried somewhere ready to surface at a moments notice.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.

You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.

So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this, every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews.

The Book of Revelation, Chapter 2, Verse 9, states the following which would appear to be about these Ashkenazi Jews:

"I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Thanks for posting that. I was going to say something about those other Jews but that article does a better job. Those people go back to the Huns, iirc. They are not descendants of the Jews of Moses time.


Contributing Member
Where do I start???

Silly stuff like this sullies the reputation and decreases the effectiveness of people who try to take action against real infringement of our rights.

And then there is the inevitable post of how all Jews aren't really Jews.

Thats always seems to be buried somewhere ready to surface at a moments notice.

Did you read the article? I doubt you even clicked the link. If you did, maybe you would understand that the Jews of the Bible have been conscripted, tricked by the Satanic forces that are controlling most of this Earth today. This is not an attack on the Biblical Jews - it is exposing the Satanic controllers. The Ashkanazi Jews are the man behind the curtain and they must be exposed in order to free all of us.... including the Biblical Jews that have no say in their own country!! Wake up.... stop attacking the messengers and start educating yourself on what is really going on behind the scenes - or just stay ignorant of known historical facts and let the abuse of humanity continue. IOW, read the article before making remarks that only highlight your ignorance of the facts.


Veteran Member

OMG!!! Someone mentioned Israel!!! OMG!!!!

(We need a hair-on-fire smiley right here.)




So likewise, a passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained, and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld. And it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation), facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country, without odium, sometimes even with popularity; gilding, with the appearances of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption, or infatuation.

George Washington. September 17, 1796

Those two bolded sentences are eerily prophetic, and totally accurate. How many Americans are willing to sacrifice American blood and treasure to defend a country half a world away, with which we share little or no common history or heritage?


Would Israel jump to our defense if the tables were turned?

Somehow I don't think so. Unwarranted attachment to and loyalty to foreign country is not patriotic IMO. In fact I would say it betrays the interests of this country and has damaged this country, perhaps permanently.

Where did Americans get this idea that some other country is equally as important as this one, that that country is somehow equivalent to a 51st state?

Any loyalty we get from Israel is directly proportional to how much money we're giving them, not unlike a lot of other countries that receive foreign aid from the US.

Stop the money, stop the 'friendship'. That's not what makes a friend. That's more like a user/use-ee relationship. Us being the ones who are getting used for political motives and things which have absolutely no benefit to the average taxpaying American.

I have never understood the fixation with this one country, even since I was old enough to start reading history books. Never.

And I don't think I ever will. Nor will I ever support the flow of US taxpayer funds to any foreign country. Nor will I ever be loyal to any country but this one.

I'm American. Not Israeli. I'm Christian. Not Jewish. My kin came from Germany and Scotland mostly. Not the middle east.

As I said, for most Americans, there is little or no connection or shared heritage with Israel. They're not England. Most of us aren't descended from Jews or Semites in this country.

The majority of Americans are descended from Christian Europeans.

Unconditional support of Israel makes no sense from any objective or rational point of view. All the reasoning used to justify this one sided relationship is based on emotion and interpretations (not universal either) of scripture.

I have no problem with others' beliefs as long as they're not trying to use force, government or otherwise, to make me comply with their beliefs.

You know, like Jesus once said "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or something like that.


American Rage

But I most certainly do.

You're pretty arrogant.


It's easy to be arrogant around people like you. You gobble of the left's BS and b/c they sprinkle a little salt on it you think it's edible. But the truth is that there has been an ongoing propaganda campaign of nothing but lies against Israel since its inception. Truth is that the Israelis have treated the Palestinians with kid gloves, despite the Palestinians willingness to die for Allah. Otherwise, the Israelis would have pushed them into the sea generations ago.

So yeah, when it comes to your ignorance, I'm pretty damned arrogant.

American Rage

You know, with all the points brought up in the article, how is it that only the subject of Israel seems to get people so upset? Israel wasn't even why I posted it. And I'm pretty sure that isn't why Moggy posted hers either.


B/c that was our cue that the author had a leftwing agenda, which rarely if ever has anything to do with the truth. We could break down the author's piss poor argument and destroy it wholesale, but the useful idiots of the world, such as yourself, still wouldn't comprehend it. Thus we merely point out the fact that the author is a liar and leave well enough alone.

seeking one

The Op Ed did not "mention" Israel; it stated as a fact that Israel was responsible for the attack on the twin towers. Wrong! The attackers were from Saudi Arabia, our ally, you know. The Saudis love us, you know. They gave us Obama because of their great love for us by paying for his Harvard education.

Unsubstantiated in any way whatever; just more of the jew bashing that has gone on continually for centuries. Why? Because they loaned money and charged interest when the Catholic Church forbade Christians to charge interest. That way, European Monarchs could borrow money when they needed it, refuse to pay it back when due and burned those EVEL JOOS at the stake or deported them to avoid repayment.


I give up.
I don't have any left wing agenda. And I do know Israel's history. Do you want people to be afraid to post anything that mentions anything at all possibly negative about Israel? ALL the truth will come out in the end, of that I am sure.



Veteran Member
To those who appear outraged at the subject matter of the essay, if such do not resonate with you personally can you not simply agree to disagree? There is no need for vile personal attacks as all you accomplish is to cause communications to cease. Civil discourse is a thing of beauty, some of you need to try it.

American Rage

I don't have any left wing agenda. And I do know Israel's history. Do you want people to be afraid to post anything that mentions anything at all possibly negative about Israel? ALL the truth will come out in the end, of that I am sure.


I never said you did. I said the author did. And again your lack of reading comprehension fails you. And it wasn't just Israel, everything the author said was based half-truths, lies, and damned lies. That says "agenda" written all over it. The fact that you bit into his BS speaks volumes in and of itself.

Now, why don't you tell us what you know about the history of Israel? Then, we can either admit our own foolishness, or even more likely point out your own.


Sage691 said:
You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.
"Hey, all you Khazar people, this is your king. Here's my royal decree; we're not going to be Khazars anymore! That's right, we're going to become Jews! Yes, those landless, persecuted, despised Jews, the ones the Romans tossed out of their homeland; we're going to join them! Oh, all the history and traditions of the Khazar people that we have practiced for generations and hold sacred; we're going to forget all that. We're going to learn Jewish history and tradition so well that we'll fool everyone into thinking we're real Jews. We're also going to give up our land and become rootless wanderers so that thousands of years from now we can make a false claim to a patch of worthless desert a bunch of religions want to fight over."

See what I mean? See how stupid it is? On it's face it can't be true. But it keeps getting repeated over and over. Why? Because those who repeat it are either idiots, mind-controlled robots or agents of the House of Saud, which funds all this garbage.
Moggy said:
To those who appear outraged at the subject matter of the essay, if such do not resonate with you personally can you not simply agree to disagree? There is no need for vile personal attacks as all you accomplish is to cause communications to cease.
If it resonates with you and yet is wrong then your resonance is defective and on a degenerating path.

American Rage

To those who appear outraged at the subject matter of the essay, if such do not resonate with you personally can you not simply agree to disagree? There is no need for vile personal attacks as all you accomplish is to cause communications to cease. Civil discourse is a thing of beauty, some of you need to try it.

NO! When you post obvious crap, I and others have a moral duty to point out that it is in fact "crap."

The fact that it embarrasses you to be proven wrong is of no consequence to me or others who attempt to enlighten you as to the error of your BS.


One Day Closer
Sage691 said:
"Hey, all you Khazar people, this is your king. Here's my royal decree; we're not going to be Khazars anymore! That's right, we're going to become Jews! Yes, those landless, persecuted, despised Jews, the ones the Romans tossed out of their homeland; we're going to join them! Oh, all the history and traditions of the Khazar people that we have practiced for generations and hold sacred; we're going to forget all that. We're going to learn Jewish history and tradition so well that we'll fool everyone into thinking we're real Jews. We're also going to give up our land and become rootless wanderers so that thousands of years from now we can make a false claim to a patch of worthless desert a bunch of religions want to fight over."

See what I mean? See how stupid it is? On it's face it can't be true. But it keeps getting repeated over and over. Why? Because those who repeat it are either idiots, mind-controlled robots or agents of the House of Saud, which funds all this garbage.
Moggy said:
If it resonates with you and yet is wrong then your resonance is defective and on a degenerating path.

I was thinking the same thing. Thank you for pointing out the obvious. I cannot believe the length people go to in order to eliminate the Jews and justify dissolving Israel.

If they can't kill them into extinction or bully them away then I guess rewriting history is another attempt to claim they really don't exist at all.


Why is this not done to any other people? Why the Jews? To me it just further confirms scripture.

American Rage

Well, this guy isn't full of crap. He posted it yesterday. AJ on just about everything, including the upcoming gun and ammo bans; short 9 minutes.

Yes, Alex Jones is often full of crap. Remember, even a broken clock is right twice a day. As for ammo bans and such, it was pointed out over 20 years ago that America had a 100 year supply of guns, and a 30 day supply of ammo. Also, anybody who's been into firearms has known what the communist plans for our 2nd Amendment Rights have been since at least the 1968 firearms act. Hell, the marxist have repeated it over and over that "no citizen should have a firearm." this is why they routinely introduce legislation and will continue to do so until they are succussful or have been permanently defeated.

Finally, Alex Jones is not the author of the hit piece that was posted on this board. The fact that you reach out of nowhere to pull him into the debate that he has nothing to do with simply shows me that you are in fact reaching for straws in order to extricate yourself from your own failed attempts at debate.

American Rage

Why is this not done to any other people? Why the Jews? To me it just further confirms scripture.

Because the globalist in the UN have done the math, and they'd rather have the support of 1.2 billion + muslimes over the support of a few million jews. Ironically, when islam is finished with the jews, the globalist will find that they are next in line.


TB Fanatic
Some of AJs stuff might be ok but he comes out with a lot of garbage.
Everything that happens is a conspiracy according to him.
He dropped out of community college and tried to make a career in broadcasting.
He found that the only thing that boosted his local ratings were controversial subjects.

He believes that 9-11 Oklahoma were both acts done by the US.
He got kicked off one radio station in his earlier days for a diatribe against the US Marines.

He is also anti semitic. Has he ever had anything but negative comments about jews or Israel??

Even the best country has bad points and even the worst country has good points. When a person cannot find some of both about any country, religion or ethnicity then I would say they are prejudice and bigoted.

By the way, my original response was primarily about the OP and had nothing to do with Israel, but then I noticed the "me to" people who always try to add a little anti semitic propaganda to the discussion in the belief that if they keep at it long enough people will accept it as true.

People, if you want to fight against loss of your freedom and rights, fight the battle openly, here, out in the open, as it really is. There is plenty to fight against.
Instead some of you prefer to invent imagined conspiracies to fight against. They prefer to live in the matrix of their mind instead of reality. Must be real comfy in there. No need for logic. When reality doesn't quite fit your theories, just change your version of reality to fit your theory instead of the other way around.