Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


Veteran Member

What ever was taking place in the universe; Ben didn't show. If Tess and Clora were concerned, they made no mention and after supper and a session of polite talking, Breezy retired for the night.

Gary and Donny were out on guard duty when they smelled cigarette smoke and in hushed whispers finally pinpointed the source. Gary was grinning evilly in the dark; anxious to exercise a little meanness out of his system.

"Stay here," Gary whispered in Donny's ear, "I'm going around behind our visitors and do a little reconnoitering. I've got an itchy trigger finger that needs scratched."

As close as he was to the young man, Gary could feel Donny's head move up and down in agreement. A quiet pat on the shoulder and the older man was gone.

Donny hunkered down, listening in the black as coal tar night, for where Gary might be. The crickets slowed and then stopped chirping several times, but always re-started in their noisy advertising for a mate.

It wasn't hard to keep track of the men Gary was stalking, they were oblivious to the need to be silent. The one voice whined more than a little girl with a torn dress. The other voice continually tried to shush the bellyaching, until there was a loud popping noise and a muted gurgle.

"I said shut up, I've listened to you all I'm gonna, now die you lilly livered SOB."

There was a thrashing sound in the grass and bushes, and then the darkness went silent.

"That ought to show you where the cow et the cabbage," the disembodied voice said fiercely, as there was another quieter popping noise. There was no more talking, and Donny settled back to wait.

It was difficult to gauge time in the darkness, but Donny felt it must have been at least an hour, before there was a soft whistle sound that said Gary was near.

"Two men, they had been there a long spell, both dead; we'll check them out in the daylight." Gary whispered to his fellow guardsman.

Donny couldn't help the shiver that ran up and down his back. Actually. he felt awful inadequate to the job. Gary was many leagues above him, on par with Mark.

Donny was thinking that he actually enjoyed life more, when they were stuck in the 1800's. He didn't think like a killing machine, at least he didn't think like Gary. Mark and Gary simply eliminated problems, not asking any questions, just removing the source before they reached the family. It was done quietly and efficiently without talk or bragging.

Donny could feel the bile rising in his throat, and it caused him to cough a little. He leaned over and spit the acid from his mouth.

"Better to spit it out, it'll burn your esophagus if you try to re-swallow," Gary's voice was low and slightly amused.

Donny decided right then and there that he didn't like Gary at all.

The funny part of the situtation was that Gary knew what the younger man was feeling and he didn't care. Warrior's have to do deeds that make people gag, in order to keep the people detesting them safe.


Veteran Member

Two months went by, faster than they should have.

The estimable Mz Breezy escaped the retreat as soon as decently possible the next morning and went back to hibernate and sulk in her law office in the corner of her living room.

Her law assistant seemed somewhat surprised to see her, but covered his shock nicely. Several times he tried to maneuver himself into observing what combination Breezy used to open the old safe squatting in all it's hulking glory in the corner.

He had already tried all his safecracking methods on the two ton monster, and nothing worked.

Her assistant more than mildly irritated Breezy with his furtive nosiness, and she abruptly sent him home for the day. Loathe to go. the man had to act pleased for the time off, eventually leaving his highly unsettled and perturbed boss to her own prickly attitude.

Breezy locked the door behind the retreating man and kicked the rug in a fit of anger, when she turned and it got twisted between her feet.

Stomping into the kitchen, Breezy yanked open the refrigerator door and stared into the pristine emptiness. Slamming the door, she stomped back to her desk and opened the drawer that contained several menus from local deli's and settled back into her chair and dialed the phone.

It was very unsatisfactory food when it was finally delivered, tasting nothing like the simple food she had eaten at that strange place. And that infernal man, the one that had to be the most irritating lout to ever walk the face of the earth, HE had to be the cause of her discomfort.

Breezy was a self made woman, she owned her own piece of the pie and had no intention of ever sharing her slice of the good life.

But still, the lout had the most gorgeous eyes that crinkled when he smiled. He didn't smile much and that made the smile he did smile, all that more the interesting.

Breezy felt like slapping herself for mooning around like a silly schoolgirl. So for the next two months, she was moody, short and irritable beyond belief to everyone around her.

The law assistant was the same, as he searched for his two stooges that bungled the carefully planned robbery. He intended to dispose of them as they couldn't even follow simple directions.


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It was a good three months before Clora got the fleeting notion that Ben was coming. He was walking in from somewhere, old and slow but still afire with hatred for Mark and now, Clora could feel Ben had turned his anger against her.

"Ma," Tess questioned Clora, "Are you getting the same information I am?"

"Yes, unfortunately," Clora had a deep sigh, as she picked at the pocket in her skirt in an unusual nervous habit. "It's not good, won't end well, and there doesn't seem to be any way to stop the train wreck. If there was, I would do anything possible to derail it."

"You know he's going to try to kill both you and Dad." Tess had to look out the window as she fought to contain the dread she was feeling.

"Yes, Dad is aware and putting together a plan. Right now, he is occupied with getting Bruce to his new job, but he has our safety in mind, all the time."

"When is the old goat leaving? I volunteer to help him pack." Tess gave a dry chuckle, as she turned to fill her coffee cup.

"Get in line behind Milo. He and Honey are going to drive Bruce down into Georgia and 'dump him out' when they get close to the clinic that has hired him." Clora sighed again. " He procrastinated as long as possible, almost refusing to honor his acceptance; but I assured him that he would do well. It's time that Bruce stood on his own two feet."

"Yes, it certainly is," Tess strongly emphasized, "The boys don't care for him and his spooky way of skulking around. He scares them."

"Bruce left a couple of hours ago, and I feel relief like hasn't happened in a long time. Say, if you see Gary, would you tell him I need a moment of his time, I have an errand I need him to do." Clora smiled hard at the ceiling, hoping to get her amusement under control.

"Ma, that's scandalous," Tess laughed aloud as she walked down the hall toward the playroom. "Perfectly devious."

"Well, I do try," Clora laughed herself.

Tilly smiled and shook her head, there was never a dull time in this household. She and Big were so lucky to have fallen into this job, it was easy work and the people were non-demanding; especially now that the weird old doctor had left.

Tilly had taken it upon herself to be especially vigilant when Bruce was around the triplets, she and Big didn't trust the old duffer, doctor or not, she didn't care for him one bit. Now that he was gone, Tilly was busy crafting a huge carrot cake as a celebration dessert, not that she was going to call it that.

The only one out of step, was Donny. He was out of sorts, unsure of his future and to bolster his spirits, he and Gary were going to attend a rodeo Saturday night. Maybe that would improve his attitude. He hoped so.


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Ben looked like a typical hobo, one that went somewhat North during the summer to get out of the deep South's heat and humidity. Always drifting South before winter set in; he resembled a walking scarecrow, and was studiously avoided by all.

Somewhere deep inside, Ben was aware this would be his last trip. All the old favorite and regular places to snitch or beg food and a safe place to sleep, were dissapearing.

He had plenty of time to think about the last time he had seen Clora. She and Mark had insisted that he go with them to the hospital where Ted was dying. It was very obvious they didn't trust him to be alone in their house, and while they were busy at the bedside, he Ben, had simply walked away.

His scum of a father had been cosmetically altered to look like Ben, but Pete had died with a heart attack during the fire that razed Henderson. That was good riddance, Ben congratulated himself, but it rankled that Mark had been the one to haul the sorry bum's carcass to the authorities.

How Clora could have fallen for one of the spy agencies most ruthless killer, was beyond his understanding. The man simply had his influence everywhere, and it peeved Ben to be the odd man out.

There was a small pistol tucked inside the waist band of his pants, the means to kill Mark and depending how nicely Clora begged, maybe her also.

All the heavy duty thinking he was doing, was flashed to Clora, as Ben seemingly forgot she was much better at reading thoughts than he was at concealing them.

Clora had let him go, back then, without one time trying to contact him, and it had been what;...close to seven years, since he had been near the family. So many thoughts jumbled in his loose mind; a mind consumed by hate and diseases that he could not control without strong medicine.

Ben was aware he tainted everything and everyone he came close to, but Mark. He had never been able to change or control Mark and that's why the hatred urged him along toward the retreat.

"Yeah Ma, did you need something?" Gary popped his head around the corner to take a deep wiff of something smelling real good cooking in the oven.

"Are you headed to town anytime soon? I have a message I'd like you to deliver for me please." Clora was washing the cake making dishes, only listening half-heartedly to Tilly's scolding. "Tilly, Bruce is gone. He was the only one that thought I should sit and be a vegetable. I promise you, I am not over-extending myself by washing a few dishes. I appreciate your concern, but I have to do something!"

"Hey Ma, you know what they say about not riling the cook; whatever she's got cooking smells mighty good, I'd hate to not get a taste."

Clora gave Gary a steely eyed stare, fussed by his easy acceptance that Tilly, not her, was the head cook for the family. Pursing her lips slightly, Gary finally got the non verbal message, and gave a small shudder.

Only Ma could do that, make case hardened grown men tremble in their boots. Gary gave her a smile and a lazy wink, hoping to get back in her good graces.

It took a bit for Clora to relent and give him a brief nod. "When are you headed for town?" Clora never let up her impailing gaze.

"Ah, Saturday afternoon. Donny and I are going to the rodeo for something to do. It's across town on the other side."

"Good, then this won't be out of your way," Clora dried her hands and went to her pocket for a addressed envelope.

Gary took the paper and tucked it in his shirt pocket without looking at it. "The address is on it?" he inquired, and accepted Clora's nod.

"Ok, I'll getter done on Saturday," he promised, and looked down the hall where Tess was laughing at something funny.

"She sure is a weird sister," he complained out loud.


Veteran Member

Saturday morning rolled around and Gary finally decided to change his shirt. The used one was smelling slightly stinky, but not bad, so he hung it on the back of the chair. A little airing out, ..he told himself.. and it would be good for a while longer.

Later in the day, there was a shower and a fresh shave. He had to drop in on Mark and beg a little Bay Rum aftershave, and had to promise to get his own.

"I'm sure you understand," Mark stressed, "when you find a smell that makes your lady go weak in the knees, you don't misuse the power."

"Dad!" Gary pretended to be scandalized by the revelation. "please, my tender ears and psyche," he protested, laughing.

"Tender, my boot in your rear," Mark growled, but was smiling. "Get out of here, you need to deliver the letter in town before 5. You do remember the letter? Right?."

"Oh yeah, it's in my other shirt, I'll get it right away." Gary hot footed it down the hall and grabbed up the letter.

There was a bellow of rage that would have done a wounded water buffalo proud. The sounds of boots stomping for the kitchen was loud and purposeful.

"I think he finally looked at the name and address," Clora snickered with Tess. "Don't you dare leave," she instructed her highly amused daughter, "I may need protection."

"I doubt that," Tess managed to say, "I've seen you raise that eyebrow and bring strong men to their knees." She was still laughing when Gary came charging through the hall doorway.

"Absolutely not, put a stamp on it, you can't pay me enough to voluntarily look her up. She's a snotty piece of work, and I'm not sure what sneaky situation you have thought up, but absolutely not, I'm not taking this to her." Gary was 6'2" inches of righteous rage, and when Clora finished telling her boy what she needed done, he meekly said "yes Ma, I'm leaving right away."

Gary's jeep was old and rusty with a cloth top and rolled up side curtains. It had a noisy muffler and padded roll bars. The CJ5 had once been red, but now had a distinctive sun faded patchwork mange.

Donny pulled his cowboy hat low and held on for dear life, and gave puzzled looks to Gary. "What's the deal, you're driving like a crazy person."

"It's Ma, she wants me to give that snotty lawyer woman this message. I'll tell ya what, when we get there, you hop out and give it to her. Ok?"

"Nothing doing, if Ma said you need to do it, then you need to do it." Donny was enjoying himself a little too much, laughing at Gary's discomfort and scowling attitude.

Gary's dark and thunderous glare, had him whipping through traffic and arriving at the address inscribed on the envelope in record time.

Unfolding himself from the Jeep, Gary bounded up the stairs to a nice looking but older home in a citified subdivision of a staid Southern town.

Rapping on the door loud enough to wake the neighbors, Gary looked around with exaggerated patience; but tapping his foot on the painted porch boards.

Breezy answered the door, lifting her chin in defiance when she realized who was all but splintering her wooden door. "Yes," she said curtly, staring at Gary like a hungry lionness.

It was a standoff. He was looking and she was looking; and then Breezy delicately sniffed and her eyes widened and she gave Gary a small smile.

"You sure smell good," the words flew out of Breezy's mouth before she could clamp her teeth shut on the damming admission.

"Ah, thank you," Gary stood there, not sure what he should do next.

If Donny hadn't hollered impatiently from the Jeep, Gary wasn't sure he would have moved at all.

"Ah, I gotta go, we don't want to be late." and Gary didn't move, felt like he was rooted to the porch. "See ya."


Ms PAC I’ve been away from home working since May. I have deliberately not read any of your sweeping epic during that time, just so I could enjoy the heck out of binge reading it when I got home! If memory serves, I have been one of your fans since 2012. Once I found you, I joined TB2000 just to be eligible to read your “Members Only” story. I can’t imagine the months and years you must have spent creating this work for us, but I’ll bet you have no concept of the pleasure you have given so many unseen readers like me. From my heart, thank you. David


Veteran Member

"Ah, yeah, see ya." Breezy stammered, all the while thinking she sure was acting the fool.

But then, so was that lout from the retreat. "Ah, here." Gary thrust the letter toward that consarned woman. "Ma said that her brother Ben would be here Monday or Tuesday. We'll let you know the exact time when he comes, as who knows if he will stay long. He's pretty much a free spirit."

"So, she's been in touch with him," Breezy mentioned.

"Ah yeah, you might say that," Gary wasn't trying to be mysterious, but Breezy cut him a sharp look. She was thinking quick, and started to say something equally as sharp as her look.

"Bye," Gary bid her goodbye, turned around and headed for the stairs, lifted his hand in a farewell gesture and started to get his feet tangled together and fall off the stairs.

To save his dignity and prevent himself from looking like a complete fool, Gary jogged forward and kept going until he reached his Jeep.

Jumping in the Jeep, Gary listened to Donny snicker and fan his hand in front of his face. Donny opened his mouth to begin a teasing barb; and Gary cut him off.

"Say one word and you're walking." the older man growled. "You ain't so big and tough that I can't throw yer ass to the curb."

"Yes Sir," Donny mocked, but managed to look completely innocent. He could have sat and listened to those two fools all evening. He was sure they were more entertaining than any rodeo could ever be.

When Gary made his indecent haste leave, Breezy whirled around and escaped back into the safety of her house, almost slamming and locking the door.

Wherever that dude was heading to on a fine Saturday night, he smelled good enough to attract a legion of women. Too bad she didn't want to be included. Or, so she told herself.


Veteran Member
thank you Sir for your kind words.The story is completely the inspiration of my heavenly father. I have said many times that I sit down in my recliner, roll up the footrest and tell God I'm ready.

Notions come to mind and that's how I get started. Whenever I try to take the story down a path of my own choosing, things happen. I lose chapters, or can't post. Such happened last night. Another five paragraphs dropped off what was posted, so that's my clue not to go that way.

THE STORY,(LOL) is and has been way more than I ever intended. It amazes me to no end, that you'all have stuck with me for so long. So I say thank you for egging me on. This has been a blessing to me, one of many that my Lord has blessed me with.

I have gotten to know you dear readers, by your comments and count you all as friends. Friends that make me so rich, the value is uncalculatable. Thank you for reading. Pac & Mr. KC.