Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


Veteran Member
Mr. KC would have a prime conniption fit, if I invited shooters to come 'help with the problem'.

I get so tickled at him. The strong, dignified church deacon whooping like a little kid when he puts one down. The creek that runs through our place is heavily treed, good cover for yotes, bobcats and I suspect a few cougar.

Now, we are not supposed to have cougar here, but I know a cougar scream when I hear one. You might say it is one of the more unforgettable sounds you will ever hear. Our creek is the only one for miles that still contains water (drought) so we are getting a concentration of wildlife. (Like the 20 head of turkeys that roost here.)

Good cover, food and water, brings in ALL the wildlife. I am under strict orders to take a pistol with me, when I go walking. He would prefer I take a rifle, but it's too hard on my back to sling one. I keep protesting that I'm a delicate old lady, and Mr. KC just snorts. LOL.

We do have a 2" snow cover, and I delight in walking and discovering all the different animal and bird tracks. I was looking forward to walking around the ranch in Wyoming, with luck there will be snow if and when they get the funeral planned.

Old Auntie wanted so very badly to go with us, this is her deceased brother's line of the family and she grew up at this ranch. But she has a very bad cold and I'm assuming will be in the hospital shortly. Mr. KC is getting reluctant to haul her around at her age, (93 or 94) so he wouldn't promise to take her visiting this coming summer, and she is quite put out with him.

Ya just gotta love family!! I guess if ya didn't, a person would like to give them away.

Thanks for reading, Pac. & Mr. KC.


Veteran Member
I live in Kansas City in town, next to an Interstate highway with a good bit of woods nearby. Around a dozen years ago, a cougar was hit on the Interstate highway almost directly behind my house. It made the national news. Not long afterward, a police office said that he was pretty sure there was another one in the nearby woods. A couple of years later, my wife and I both saw it moving along the treeline at the edge of a small meadow. It was a HUGE tawny cat with a really long tail. No doubt whatsoever as to what kind. It hasn't been spotted in about five years now so it has likely moved on.

If we can have a couple of cougars in Kansas City, I sure wouldn't rule it out in the country to the west of here.


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Mark was heavily invested in getting the messy eaters in the back seat ... HOME!

The boys went flying in the house, all three talking at once, telling Grandma about eating in the van and what good things they had, like french fries and milkshakes.

Clora rightly surmised that accounted for the grumpy look on Mark's face. Biting the inside of her lip to keep from laughing, she smiled at the backside of her husband making tracks down the hall to his study.

"It was really terrible Ma," Tess sighed as she sat down for a quick rest. She had a van to clean, and the three messy's were going to help. "The roof is caving in, the porch already has, and there's grass three feet high everywhere. I was so hoping that it might be a good swap; I sure don't know what Woody was thinking."

"Obviously he wasn't thinking about real estate," Clora teased, bringing a rosy flush to Tesse's cheeks.

"Yeah well." Tess tried defending herself; "I'm not sure I'm able to handle a man like Woody. He's so much different from Ben and Wyatt. It's like night and day." It almost sounded like a complaint, and Tess was shaking her head.

"Ben was forever a boy and Wyatt was basically disinterested, but thought you were handy to the cause." Clora was very candid, Tess might as well figure out where she was in this new life.

"Yes on Ben, but ouch on Wyatt. that kinda stings Ma." Tess threw her head back and rotated her shoulders. "Oh, I feel old, and those boys, they make me older every day."

"They need socialized Tess; they are like puppies, they need to understand the world they are in now. Have you shown them an airplane? how about phones and computers? A department store, a roller coaster? They are enrolled in kindergarten in two months and they will be lost. Kindergarteners today are way more sophisticated than 4th graders, it's up to you to stuff them with the situations that you can control. That's going to be a crash course, are you up for it?" Clora looked at Tess, and her daughter looked very concerned.

"Yeah, there's a lot I have forgotten they don't know. But, all that knowledge costs money and I'm real broke."

"I believe we can fix that, let me talk to Dad and get the ball rolling."


Veteran Member

A word of caution, just because they haven't been spotted in a while, DOESN'T mean they aren't there. Cougars are some of the most adaptable animals in the woods, urban settings or just plain anywhere. They lay high in trees, people seldom look up, so they are not discovered.

They are very fond of dogs and cats, yummy little morsels that walk right into their habitat without fear.

Anyhow, please be very aware when you are out and about. I need all the readers I can get. Pac.


Veteran Member
Yes, they are very reclusive. The deer population has rebounded significantly, but even that is not a guarantee. I don't go into the woods without carrying, more due to concerns about two legged varmints than four legged. This area has changed a lot in the 23 years we have lived in this house, and mostly not for the better.


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"Ma, before you get Dad started on something, let me tell you about warning that has been crowding in my mind. When we were looking at that property this morning, I had a very heavy and oppressive feeling about the property in Iowa. Like Dad needs get in contact with the county right away and check on the status of the ground. I have the feeling that we still own the land, and it has something to do with the caves that were on the northern most part of the land I traded for."

Clora rubbed her temple. "Now that you mention it, I can feel the same warning coming in. Yes, I will talk to Dad right away." and Clora got up and went hurrying down the hall.

Clora didn't even knock, she sailed right into Mark's study and sat in the chair by his desk. "Mark, I have a urgent request for you. Please check on the status of the land we homesteaded in Iowa. There is something happening there that needs taking care of right away. Very urgent," she stressed.

Mark stared at his wife, noting the troubled look on her face. "OK, I can do that, do you have a particular reason?"

"Both Tess and myself have a feeling that we still own that land, and there is a strange vibration connected with our thoughts. I remember that you paid the taxes for a couple of years to help us get established. So, perhaps that is the reason for the unusual feeling we are getting."

Mark frowned, "How can that be, we thought we were back in the 1800's. How does that carry over to today?" He was busy tapping the computer keys, heading into the tax records of Brookville county.

"You;re right, the land is still in our name and scheduled to be public auctioned off today from the courthouse steps. Let me see if I can pay online with a credit card or bank transfer."

Clora nodded, paused long enough to pat Mark on the arm, and left him to figure out the problem.

Tess was just getting up from the table when Clora got back into the kitchen. "Don't forget you have your Marshal's check, and I have some money for you to get a car, so you're independent. Find one you like and ask Dad to vet it." Mom told daughter, noting that Tess's face brightened at the thought of having a little money.

Tess went to her suite, especially to check on her boys who were suspiciously quiet.

Clora was humming as she gathered the used coffee cups, causing Tilly to smile at the good mood the lady of the house was showing.

Breezy dialed the pizza joint, ordered and they sat back to wait. Gary settled in the chair with his back to the room wall.

"Why do you sit like that?" Breezy questioned, twisting around in her chair to look at Gary.

"Protection, from someone sneaking up behind me." Gary was patient, waiting for the next question.

"Oh, in that case, I'm going to do the same thing." Breezy scooted her office chair on wheels to park herself beside Gary. "You're right, this does feel safer, how do you know these things?"

Gary smiled, "I'll be happy to tell you, but first, we need to get all the files up off the floor and re-arrange the furniture in here. That way, if Ernie does happen to get in here, he will be stymied by the different items in his way, especially in the dark."


Veteran Member

The pizza showed up and Breezy paid with an impish smile. "Do you feel like a kept man," she teased Gary.

"Yup," he said with a mouthful, "not bad." and he smiled, leaving Breezy to wonder if he meant the pizza, or the fun of being a kept man.

It was a good meal for the two of them, eating and talking companionably. There was nothing contentious, just gentle teasing and meandering topics. It was Gary that had to interrupt the good time..

"We need to get to work, I've been considering the what and how of creating a maize to get through, if he comes through the door." Gary waved the last piece of apple dessert pizza around and Breezy shot up her hand and stopped the sweet long enough to take a bite. The two of them stared at each other and then there was a kiss.


Veteran Member

The tension was as thick as good homemade chili. Gary's brown eyes held Breezy's bluebonnet blue ones in a trance. Breezy made a small noise, and Gary never broke his stare as he said "shut up," and kissed Breezy again.

"I don't remember giving you permission to kiss me," Breezy said with a whispered, ragged breath.

"I don't remember asking." Gary shot back. "Now we need to talk about tonight. Show me your safe room, so I know where it's at. We need to move whatever you need in there to be comfortable. Now Breezy, this is very important. I can't stress enough that you need to listen and comply."

Breezy fussed up, like she was going to deny Gary's request. Only his steady stare prevented her acid reply. To be sure she was primed and ready to give that insufferable man a good piece of her mind, and her intent fizzled.

"I have to know where you are in the dark. You have to stay in that room, if you come out and ghost around, I will sense a person coming toward me and shoot. I can't make it any clearer than that Breezy." Gary was as serious as Breezy had ever seen him.

"I don't want shot," Breezy was working hard to accept the gravity of the situation. It was very clear that Gary was totally in control, knew what he was doing and protecting her in the best way he knew how.

"I understand," she assured Gary. "This is so scary, but I'll never feel safe until Ernie is caught and jailed."

"Gary was thinking that it would be best if Ernie's body was never found. The scene he was projecting in his mind, was a tricky one to keep Breezy in the dark for the deed he needed to do.

"There is a list of do's and don'ts," Gary folded two comforters to fit in the bottom of the enormous claw footed bathtub. "You will need to keep the light off, be as quiet as possible and don't flush."

"Eww, isn't that just a little too personal?" Breezy put a pillow and another comforter in the cast iron mini swimming pool. Standing with her hands on her hips, her eyes were snapping mad.

"Well, it might be personal, but so is dying if Ernie finds out where you are. This is no joke Breezy, it's Danger with a capital D. Ernie is a thwarted man, needing something from you or this house. He will be back here every night until he gets in and takes what he has decided is either his, or due him. You heard him verbally threaten you, don't forget the terror you felt, that fright will keep you alive if you use it to your advantage. Manage your thoughts and responses, don't panic, hold your noise. If I know you are safe, then I can do my job without worrying about your safety.

"Ok, I think I understand, are you sure you will be alright out here. Will you have to shoot him?" Breezy asked with morbid curiosity.

"I imagine so, will that change your opinion of me? Are you a liberal that believes that no gun should ever be used.? If so, we had better leave the house now and just let Ernie come in and take what he wants."

"No, well I mean I used to feel that way, but not anymore," she hastened to add. "I have nightmares about that slime ball and want him in jail for a hundred years. How are you going to guard all three doors?"

"With a shot gun Breezy, loaded with shot and slugs." Gary discovered that if he took the time to explain what he was doing, she was more agreeable to listen and comply. "I'm going to sit in a chair at the beginning of the hallway. It's the best position to monitor the doors, but we need to check the rooms behind me. Come show me through the remaining rooms please."


Veteran Member

Right away Gary found they had a insurmountable problem. The hall way was at such an angle that he couldn't see the makeshift door. He wasn't willing to leave the pseudo door unguarded, so there was no clearing the rooms in the hallway, and he didn't want Breezy to investigate and run into possible trouble.

A few seconds of furious thinking, Gary landed on the idea of calling Tom to come give him a hand. Reaching for his phone, Gary had to smile at the lightening quick adaption to the modern world. 1800's be dammed, he needed a brothers help and he needed it now.

Tom answered, drawling, "Yes Sir Mr. Gary, what can I do you for?" then he chuckled and waited for Gary to reply.

"I need a hard headed, short tempered man with a large handgun that's short on sleep with an ornery streak a mile wide." Gary whipped out his reply.

"Why Gary, you say the sweetest things to me." Tom's interest was piqued. "Whatcha got going, problems at the retreat?"

"I need your help at 1414 Magnolia here in town. It;s almost a mile from Toby's, but we are exposed and could be under attack at any moment. Due to certain actions I had to take at the retreat, a man is threating Ms. Breezy's life."

"Ms. Breezy, you mean that snooty, stuck up hunk of baggage in a black suit that pulled that little pop gun on the family?" Tom was incredulous that Gary would even think of associating with the woman.

"The very same," Gary replied with a very meaningful chuckle, "you know how it is with the power."

That made Tom laugh long and loud. "I'll be there in 30," he promised, and ended the call.

"I've called a brother, he'll be here in a half hour or so. Until then, please get a chair and sit here in the hall with me". The house was lit approximately lit the same way Breezy would have it lit in the evening. The atmosphere looked normal.

"Since I can't watch the door and check the rooms, tell me about the rooms and the basement. What's down there?" Gary asked in a low voice.

"I haven't been down there in a month of Sunday's. Ernie set up our old files alphabetically according to the year, in wooden shelves he built. I appreciated the fact that he was so organized and handy as a carpenter. Of course I paid him. I wonder why he never said anything about the front office door. He always came and went through that door, so he had to know that it wasn't strong and secure. That seems very irresponsible of him." Breezy was busy thinking about all the little, seemingly unrelated strange things she was recalling that Ernie did.


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Breezy listened to Gary talk, as he was asking questions about the age of the house, any repairs that had been done and those that were needed. She discovered that she enjoyed listening to his voice, it was low and rich sounding; almost mesmerizing.

Breezy was busy thinking about Gary. The kiss had been like liquid fire, and then suddenly he was a 90 degree turn around talking about house security. It was baffling that he was so changeable, acting like he wasn't the least bit affected by the kisses that almost tipped her over.

Breezy wasn't sure she like that sort of casualness, she didn't go around kissing men for sport and fun, and that's what this was beginning to feel like. But then, Breezy looked at Gary once again, thinking that he was a real stinker for looking so good. She was contemplating what he would feel like if she got close enough to touch him, and her daydreams were rudely interrupted by a rather harsh voice, demanding she answer him.

Breezy shivered and turned to sharpen her gaze on the man that was worried that the woman might be going into shock, from the way she was acting.

"Was that necessary?" she snapped, "you are rude. I was getting ready to answer you, and there's no need to use that tone of voice on me." There was definite anger to her voice.

Gary had to blink several times, that blamed woman was so gosh darn changeable, there didn't seem to be any way to please her. Well, maybe kissing. She didn't seem to object to strongly to that. Gary scratched his chin, actually that wasn't a bad way to communicate, but right now she didn't look to approachable; so, he shelved the thought for later.

Both had a moment that they listened to the knocking at the door, before they reacted. Gary pointed for Breezy to stay in the shadows, as he took his handgun from the holster at his back.

"Identify yourself!" Gary growled through the front door, and he heard Tom laugh.

"Easy there big guy, you really must be spooked; what's a-goin on here anyway?"

"Come through the door, real easy, until I'm certain you're alone, be loose and easy." Gary warned. Once Tom opened the door slow and steady, walking through the opening and shutting it quickly behind himself.

"Whoo wee, what's happening!" Tom was staring at the bore of the Super Black Hawk. "Yo so mean business."

Breezy came stomping out of the hallway and turned furiously on Gary. "What kind of a liar are you, you said your brother was coming."

Tom smiled at her, "He is my brother," both men said at the same time.

"You get the hell back in the shadows and stay there," Gary thundered at the indignant Ms. Breezy; "if you can't be nice, shut up."