Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


Veteran Member
I have to admit that I was getting a little worried that something had happened to you. And am really happy to hear that though you've been sick, you are getting better. At least better enough to know that you are sick of being sick!! LOL! I say when I'm getting better that "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired." LOL!!

Take your time and get well on the way to healthy again. We'll wait. We just want you and your mister to have a healthy and happy New Year's Eve and coming new year!


Veteran Member
Glad Mark and his black helicopters and the Saudis in flapping robes got you away from there! Now you can rest and heal and get on with life....and when you finally get bored with catching up, please PLEASE only then think about jumping back into the Linderman saga! Our addiction to it (and yeah, after ten years it IS an addiction!) is purely psychological. Doesn't make it less real but it's not gonna hurt us---it'd hurt us more if you pushed and hurt your own recovery.

Know we're thinking about you and yours, and you're well-loved everywhere your writing reaches!


Veteran Member
Oh, my! I didn't know you were THAT bad!! Prayers were going up for you, but I should have double-tripled them!! I'm really glad you are home and getting better. It's always better to heal in your own home and sleep in your own bed. We'll keep the prayers going.

I say the same as RememberGoliad, Mrs. Pac!! Take your time and get well before you continue on. We'll wait, and we'd rather have you back to healthy than another chapter. YOU are the important one!! (Your hubby, too!)


Veteran Member

Seeing people coming and going from the house, Bruce, Big and Tilly wandered over to pick up on their interrupted duties. Big, Mark and Gary settled in the brick warmed patio for a discussion on security.

Clora went to their bedroom to make the bed, Her side finished, she went to Mark's side and reaching to turn and plump his pillow, she felt the curtain flutter on the top of her head.

There in the allotted two inches that the window could open, a long, bony finger with a dirty fingernail was trying to twitch the curtain aside.

Clora softly stepped back toward the wall and withdrew Marks bed side gun. The S&W 41 Magnum was heavy and only wobbled a little, as the finger was followed by a red, hairy looking eyeball.

"Freeze!" Clora commanded, and the sight of the big bore squared up with his eye, caused the man to obey.

Clora whistled her famous two blast danger whistle and waited patiently.

At the sound of the first whistle, Mark was up, through the door, along the living room and through the dining room and down the hall before the sound of the blast had quieted.


"Bedroom," she answered.

"I'm behind you, what's happening?" Mark reached around Clora to grab the lower butt handle of his gun. "Duck down and let go, I've got it."

Clora did and Mark took her place.

The long bony dirty finger trembled and left a smudge against Clora's crisp white curtain.

By then, Big and Gary had sized up the situation, gone around the back of the house and grabbed a scarecrow, character of a man.

"Got him Dad," Gary called out.

"Bring him to the patio, but be careful;" Mark had to tack on the warning, not able to see anything of the intruder except a finger and an eye.

Big grabbed the man's right arm and twisted it behind his back, using the skin and bones appendage to control the man's direction.

Big was tall, this man was taller but so thin he was easily controlled.

Sitting in a patio chair with drawn guns all around him, the man trembled like a leaf in the wind. Scared almost out of his wits, he was incoherently babbling.

Mark assessed the intruder, thinking the man looked like a walking scarecrow; and then the resemblance came to him. The man looked exactly like crazy old Dan Tucker that had run from Sadie Hawkins.

A brief question and answer period confirmed his suspicions. "We need Toby and Milo here, please go get them," Mark requested of Big. "Ah, Wyatt too, I suppose," he added at the last minute.

It didn't take long for the entire clan to assemble to stare at the astonishing intruder.


Veteran Member

Mark waited until the clan assembled. "What are you doing here, and why shouldn't we shoot you for being a window peeker?"

"I was tryin to speak with the Missy first," the man tried to say out loud. "It's real important to the lady that Missy listen to her."

"Missy will listen, but not with all this hoo-do voo-do crap. Now, who is the lady?" Mark was dark and thunderous looking, having to pace up and down to relieve his tension.

"Dad, be still; you're stomping around so loudly we can't hear him. He said who the lady was, and you didn't hear him." Toby barked and used his foot to shove a chair in Mark's direction.

That definitely didn't please Mark, but one glance at Clora told him that she had heard. So, now, was he the only grumpy old man that didn't know the woman's identity. Another look around, and the glances from the clan were almost censuring.

Mark moved the chair to sit close to Clora, and sat down not so quietly.

"Sylvia Suzzane?" he guessed under his breath to Clora, and she nodded slightly.

Toby took over as the skilled question and answer man; finding out that the 'lady' was waiting with two companions. Ernie Crane was to go and stand by the gate as the, all clear signal to appear.

"Who is with her?"

"I dunno their names, two ladies."

"Why are you here?"

"I dunno, these ladies picked me up a couple of days ago and fed me. I been powerful hungry, and they said all I had to do was contact the Missy here and tell her that her mother wanted to talk with her. So that's what I'm doin." The man's scratchy, raspy voice was very unpleasant to listen to.

"Could I get a drink of water? Please" the man asked, and Big kept his hand on Tilly's shoulder until Mark looked at him with a curt nod.

"I'll be gettin it Tilly," he admonished quietly, "You stay with Miss Clora." Tilly nodded. There was no way Big was going to let Tilly get close enough to that man to hand him a glass of water, he wasn't wired that way.

Big, when he returned with the water, stood just outside of the man's reach. "Do you have any weapons on you?" he asked, and that caused a scraping of chair legs as the circle of people moved back in haste.

"I do, a pen knife in my right pocket and a small fixed blade in my belt." the scarecrow replied.

"Present the fixed blade, handle first," Big ordered, and took the small four inch knife. "You may have this back when you leave," he concluded with a look at Toby and Milo for their agreement.

Big gave the man the water and went to stand behind Tilly, not looking at Mark.

"All right," Toby continued, "how long does this woman need to speak with our mother?"

The man shrugged his shoulders, not knowing and not caring; as long as he could be let up from this hot seat.

"Go do your signal," Toby commanded, "let's get her in here and get this over with."

"There's the other two ladies thats got to come with her."

"All right."

The scarecrow man went to stand by the gate, and soon three shapes came from the woods to stand on the other side. Dramatic black hooded capes concealing their identities.

Clora spoke up. "I don't think this will be fit for children's eyes and ears. Mother's, please take your children home," she ordered firmly. A different talking Clora than they had heard before.

Clora was expressly looking at Tess, and Tess's chin came up in defiance.

"Now!" Clora ordered again, and Wyatt was smart enough to steer Tess and her boys toward the barn. Rennie and Honey skittered away with their children, most thankful to be let loose from the strangling tension.

The three ladies made swooping and swishing noises with their over the top super dramatic entrance, sitting against the curve of the patio wall. The center woman pushed her hood back, and out popped the white hair and wrinkled face of Sylvia Suzzane Kemp, or what ever name she chose alter Hall.

"Hello my dears," she spoke sweetly. "I imagine you have a lot of questions," she addressed Clora. "I am here to tell you that every unexplained happening in your lives has been because of me. Starting with the missing suitcase of money that Pete dropped on Evie's floor. I simply walked in and took it. Evie was in such a snit to get you babies and that doddering old Hap to the basement, she didn't notice."

Sylvia turned to look at Mark. "You found the suitcase in the cave, but had no idea what it was." She snickered at her own cleverness.

"Speaking of that old fool Evie, she never did know my children. I had three baby triplets, Lena, Lura and Lulu. Lena and Lura, show yourselves."

More dramatics as the cape hoods were swept aside, revealing two women the spitting images of Clora.

There was deep and total silence.

"Well, don't you want to know who Lulu is?" Sylvia was enjoying the stark moment. "That's you," she almost spit at Clora, but restrained herself at the last minute.

"Evie was such a busybody, she wouldn't let your name Lulu stand; so she renamed you Clora. Where she got such a God awful name, I'll never understand, or why.
So, go ahead and ask me any questions you please."

Everyone deferred to Clora.

"Was Pete my father?"

Sylvia shrugged, "who knows?"

To give Clora time to deal with the answers; Toby, Milo and Mark started asking questions. Two hours later, most of the answers were the same.

"I traded my soul to meddle in your life for as long as I please." was repeated so often.

Finally, Sylvia had angered Mark so greatly, when she reached in her sleeve, he drew his Glock and shot the woman point blank in the heart.

"Help me," he shouted to the stunned clan, "Toby, grab her arm, we need to pull her out into the gravel area." By the time they got the body to the open space, it was beginning to smoke and curl, writhe under the cover of the voluminous cape.

Big sent Tilly to the house with Clora; all the while keeping his gun trained on the two sisters; the one sister made a move to throw something from her sleeve and was shot for her actions. The second sister extended her hands into claws and started for Big.

He shot her and then drug both bodies out to the smoldering heap of their mother.

There was a deep silence over the compound.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
My word .....even off sick, you find time to craft a bit of business together which lets the light in on a couple of long-standing issues but dtill lrave lots to be sorted out/explained.

Amazing Ma'am, really amazing ....
Thank you seems so little to say but it's all I have.


Veteran Member
Wow! It's super great to have you back, Mrs. Pac!! So very glad you are feeling better!!

And right off the bat, you hit us with a mystery, a big surprise, and Cliff!! That's all right - we're always happy to take whatever you have. Just really really happy to have you back and healthy.


Veteran Member

Milo considered the writhing heap of black capes and smoke. "I believe we should make that the hottest fire we can, stay out of the smoke, Lord knows what that might have in it."

A red ember jumped and bounced toward him. Milo agilely sidestepped the vibrating coal, and then had to hustle to keep the smoke away. Maybe if they had been listening, they might have heard a chilling laugh. If any heard, it was not mentioned.

It was a glorious funeral pyre. Flames leaping high seemed to ebb and flow to some unseen music, but members stayed well away.

"YOU!" Big snarled at Ernie, "SIT DOWN, DON'T MOVE."

"Yes Sir," Ernie stammered out. He was happy that the huge man had allowed him to sit. What he had seen and heard had Ernie saying his prayers on knees too weak to hold him up. He sure needed to find a priest as soon as possible.

That whole confounded family seemed to think the devil was involved in all of this, and so far, Ernie hadn't found any reason to doubt what they were saying.

The Missy he was supposed to talk to, seemed stricken by the questions and answers she listened too, and he wondered what she thought of her husband killing her mother. Certainly, a strange outfit, all the way around.

Mark walked over to Big, almost surprised that Ernie was still there on the patio. He frowned, and then said, "we'll fix you a sandwich and a canteen of water and then you get gone from here, pronto."

"Yes Sir, I sure will." Ernie promised as forcefully as he could, to show his good intentions.

"I need some time," Mark said to Big, and walked off in the direction of the horses.


Veteran Member
If I had just gone through that and seen and heard all of that, I would need a LOT of time and a LOT of therapy!!!

Thanks for the chapter, Pac! Glad to have you back!


Veteran Member

Tilly made Ernie two big sandwiches, wrapped them in an old tea towel and filled a canteen of water and Toby let the man out the gate.

"Thankee, I hope and pray I never see this place again." Ernie said heartfully as he hit the path at a trot. He had contemplated contacting some authority to complain about the killings, but as there was no evidence, he was stymied as how to explain a shooting that wouldn't land himself in some loony jail.

He jogged about a mile toward the coast, sat down and ate both sandwiches. That was the safest way to carry the precious food, in case someone bigger and meaner wanted it.

"Yer Pa, does he need help?" Big asked Toby as they watched Mark walk to the pasture.

"Not from us," Toby was serious. "Ma will go get him after a while, it's severe PTSD; but they both have learned to handle it in their own way."

"Yer Ma, what will this do to her? I mean, ..... I'm assuming she understands this whole show wasn't natural."

"She prays, a lot." Toby replied with a small smile. "I've seen that woman hold this family together with a cup of dry rice and a pound of beans. I don't mean to sound flippant, but God put those two people together, and they have gone through more storms than Job."

The two men sat on the patio with Coffee that Tilly brought out. The waning late afternoon light, showed Clora with a coat, package of sandwiches, a pail of coffee a lantern and her shouldered rifle.

"After a while," she said to the three and left for the pasture.

Donny showed up, "Toby, do you want me to shadow her. There are wild hogs out there."

"No," Toby smiled, "the hogs should be afraid of her. You guys should probably know that Dad is a designated sniper, and Ma is only slightly less accurate than he. They have been the most amazing parents, I can tell you stories of raids against us, evidently planned by her mother, that both Ma and Dad kept us safe with their accurate shooting. These simple appearing people are the most talented, complex people that you will ever meet."

"I suspected as much. Toby can you confirm to me that your mother has some , lets call them, unusual abilities." Big was looking for information to help him understand the layers of unusualness in the people.

Toby did laugh at that. "Yes, she does, and so does Tess. That's all I'm going to say."

Tilly came to the door to say supper was ready, and Donny was up in a flash. He clearly muttered, "Gotta get there before that hog Dr. Bruce and Gary eat everything."

Grown men chuckled, it hadn't been that long ago for them, that they couldn't remembering needing to eat constantly.