Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


Veteran Member

"Seamus, will you help me bring Don in," Milo asked as he carefully scanned out the front window for lingering attackers. "You may have to just pick him up like a sack of potatoes and haul him over here on the run"

"Aye laddie, I can do that. When do ye want to go?"

"Right now, we need to bring Chuck back here, and he may want to head out to check on the fighting, so he may not be all that inclined to cooperate." Milo gave his opinion.

"Aye, got yer meaning," Seamus hefted his rifle, "any time boyo, lead the way."

The two men burst out the front door, swooped to the corner and Seamus grabbed Don by the collar of his shirt. "Come on Chuck," and Milo tugged on Chuck's hand.

Chuck seemed dazed, but when Seamus pulled on his hair, he shook his head to rid himself of the pain and seemed to snap back to the present. "Okay," he mumbled.

Back in the clinic, Don was checked over by Bruce, pronounced dead and covered with a sheet.

Chuck was quiet, sitting in a chair and perhaps, watching and listening to Mark when Mark spelled out the next line of business.

"Never before have I let another man fight my battles." he soberly told the assembled men. "However, I have it on good authority that we need to stay put and be ready for a surprise attack when the attackers think our men are busy fighting over in the woods. When that will be, I don't know, but we need to stay at the ready. This will be a highly trained and extremely dangerous group of depraved men and I have no intention of surrendering any of my loved ones and friends to them."

Toby looked around and asked for guard duty, "one front and one back. The rest of us need to eat, rest and take our turn in a rotation."

"I will," Andy volunteered, and Gary pointed to himself as the next volunteer. "Till noon?" he asked, and accepted Toby's nod.

Downstairs, the ladies and children were slowly awakening. "I'm going up to start coffee and something for breakfast." Clora said to the ladies that were awake. "Not without me," Dory and Reva both said at the same time. "We need to help. I'm going crazy down here." Dory tried to sound kind, but she meant it.

Blinking, as they emerged from the dim cellar, the women went to wash their hands and get food started.

Tess went to speak with Mark, asking him to talk in private in the now vacant exam room. "I'm ready to leave here, after all this, I have no desire to stay. Abby has left the Inn, Jerry has moved on, and the Inn is available if we want to get into that sort of business. For me, I'd just as soon move on somewhere else."


Veteran Member
Well, it as a nice stop in their travels...Houses for the winter and stocked with food and clothing plus other life needs.

Thank you.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Would not be surprised if those red heads who just appeared are Wayne's boys from "Clora's House of Gathered Up Children".
Ahh ha! So I'm not the only one who keeps notes to refer back to! Hard to believe we've come that far since 'Gathered Up Children'


Veteran Member

Corbin's men were so angry at the wave of attackers, that when they routed the fighters, they finished the rout with a blood bath. There wasn't a man standing from the evil forces, when the fighting stopped.

"We were supposed to look for the leader and save him for the head guy over there," one of Corbin's men commented.

"Not if I'm leading the charge," the temporary commander grinned and spit blood on the ground. He had a smashed mouth from hand to hand fighting. "I'm supposing that the man over there is the head honcho. He's the only dude with stars on him, but it's such a shame that he's so good and dead. I made such a terrible mistake cause he was ready to come gunning for me and got off a shot, before I nailed him."

All the men agreed, it was such a shame that the honcho died, tongue in cheek, they smirked and chuckled as they looked over the pasture and woods red with blood and bodies.

"I really needed this," one man said in the back rank. "It's been fun here, but I'm ready for action. I've got to talk to Corbin about getting back to Missouri."

"How many did we loose?"

"Five, five damn good men." another man spoke up, "Corbin won't be happy, but the good thing is, there's not a scummy attacker left alive to get their hands slapped and sent out to live and attack another day."

"Dead men don't give information," Corbin came up from behind. "Thank you men," and Corbin along with Mark, shook hands with the victorious squad.

"Is that the leader?" Mark was on the hunt for answers, and he used his foot to tap against the dead man with the stars on his shirt.

"Yeah, we believe so, he was the one screaming orders. He came out of that tent over there." the commander grinned as he relayed the information.

Mark went over to the camouflaged material, single man tent and dropped to one knee to look inside. There was a treasure of notebooks inside, so Mark took his knife and cut the cord holding the tent upright. Flipping the material out into a square, he grabbed the far corner and pulled the material into a hobo sack.

Throwing the sack over his shoulder, Mark headed back to the clinic. Suddenly there was a rapid firing of several rifles and with a loud whooshing sound, Seamus's house went up in flame.

Instantly, the squad behind Mark went into a crouch and ran toward the back side of the clinic.
The back door of the clinic opened and men with women and children ran for George's store,

There was more gunfire off to the side and front, and Milo and Toby came out the door with Donny on a stretcher. Running in cadence, they went into the back door of the store with their burden.

There was confusion as those wanting out of the clinic clogged the door in frightened panic as the group of men wanting in, tried to alternate themselves.

"Let them out," Corbin called, "we need the people out." More shots were heard from inside the clinic. The men halted, several went to the corners of the clinic and prepared to do battle.

The heat from the fire had the men staying back from the corner, and when they were able, the main group rushed into the clinic, only to be blocked by Trish and Bruce pushing the gurney loaded with supplies.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
That pile of books has my attention; the Nazi's were done in at Nuremberg by their propensity for documentation. Hopefully this collection will shine some light on the current situation; maybe even on some history ...


Veteran Member

Gary and Chuck were busy firing and Andy was reloading for them. Dory came hustling in the back door and motioned to Andy that she would reload, and for him to grab a rifle and help the two.

Mark and Corbin came to stand behind the two crouched men, gathering information.

"How many?" Corbin asked, as he stepped back behind the shutters. A bullet smacked the wall not far from where his nose had been.

"Oh, somebody has a good scope, either that, or good eyesight." Corbin joked.

"I know for sure three, maybe four," Gary spit out from gritted teeth. "They sure got the jump on us, nearly parted my hair with the first shot. The b------- fired Seamus's house, and I think they retreated up behind the wagons. That's about the only thing left that hasn't been burned."

Corbin grinned and sent several shots toward the wagons. "Do ya suppose we dare hope that the bagpipes will burn? That would be such a shame," he drawled facetiously, "my constitutions not strong enough to listen to that wailing on a regular basis."

"As long as it burns both of them," Gary replied as he kept a hawk eye on a movement around the furthest wagon. He raised his rifle and patiently waited, squeezing off a shot when he felt ready.

Gary watched a body fall forward, "got that one," he announced quietly. "Seamus has two sets of pipes. The big one and a small one that sounds even more nasty than you have ever imagined. That's the one I want to make sure is gone."

Gary handed his rifle back behind himself and reached for the next one offered. His hand closed around Dory's hand and he barked out in surprise. "What the hell?"

"Shut up and pay attention to your targets," Dory snapped, "that one guy is getting ready to run."

Gary snapped his attention around, and leveled his rifle once again. "C'mon guy, inch out a little further, that's it, just a little more," he coaxed and then shot twice. "There, that ones a goner." he finished with a nod to himself.

"The winds picking up, we may be in danger here if it blows fire in our direction. Say Dory, would you look through the doc's cabinets and see if there's anything more that we should be saving." Chuck asked.

"Sure thing," Dory agreed pleasantly, "I need to ask guys, are we gonna leave Don in the back room?" she sighed deeply. "I think we need to get his boots and side arm."

Mark looked up from the notebooks he was trying to organize; "I'll go," he offered, and drug the tent material full of paper over to the side of the room. "What room is he in?"

"The back room to the right," Dory flashed Mark a grateful smile. "Thanks for doing this for me, I didn't care for Don in life, and even less in death.."

"No problem," Mark said smoothly, and went to do the task.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
A little more texture, a nuance here & there wonder I check in here 2-3 times a day.

Thank you, Ma'am.


Veteran Member

"Of all the fuddle-pated, goofy, low down egg sucking tricks," Gary was thundering, trying to blister the paint on the faded and chipped window surround. "Those no good two bit bandits are trying to shoot flaming arrows at the clinic."

"Yeah, well, I smell something burning," Chuck lifted his head to sniff the air, pointing to the arrow with it's flaming rag just outside the front door. "These nasty critters are playing for keeps."

Mark appeared and dropped a pair of boots and hat on the floor. Assessing the situtation in an instant, he ran to the kitchen and grabbed an old aluminum pitcher, a couple of quick pumps and he splashed water into the vessel, then ran to the door. Opening the door a short ways, he threw the water at the makeshift Molotov. It flamed higher.

"Well, I'll be a snot nosed monkey," Gary's very descriptive swear word sounded so funny that the men smiled. "What do you think they are using?"

"What they are doing," Mark said mildly, "is creating a red herring, so our attention is on the fire as they advance behind the scenes. One of the oldest tricks in the books. How about you men get back to picking off the remainder of the attackers?"

"The roof is on fire," Dory came running in the room. "It looks like there are three men up behind the wagons, can't you guys shoot well enough to stop them?"

Gary muttered a reply under his breath.

"If you just called me, what I think you said, I'm gonna come over there and smash you in the nose. The only way I won't haunt you day and night, is if you will shoot those three men." Dory made a rude noise with her mouth towards Gary, grabbed his battle rifle and went to the window. Adjusting the scope sight, before he reacted, Dory sent bullets towards the wagons. She connected with one live body, as evidenced by the scream.

"Give me that rifle," Gary was deceptively calm.

"No, if I have to do your work, I need this to get the job done." Dory shouldered the weapon once again, preparing to fire again. Gary stationed himself behind her and reached around to grab the
rifle. Dory felt his movements, and fired.

Gary got a handful of hot, spent cartridge.

"Get out of my way," Dory hissed, jerking herself away from Gary. "Get your clammy hands off me."

Over in the corner window, Chuck was having a severe coughing fit. Andy was looking at Chuck as the man sputtered and finally let out a loud guffaw.

"Ok, you can breathe now?" Andy was trying to control his mirth. "Good grief, here we are laughing like hyenas, and we still have men to kill and the place is burning. Are we weird or what?"

"Cover me," Mark ordered, "I've got to move these notebooks over to the store. You men get those attackers killed, this whole block of houses is likely to burn."

Gary removed the rifle from Dory's hands, perhaps a bit forcibly, but then, who was paying attention.

"You pond scum," Dory swore back at Gary, "you oxygen waster," and she spit at him.

"Listen lady, go peddle your trike somewhere else. We men have work to do." Gary's attention was riveted on the wagon that was moving slowly toward the building they were in. "Incoming," he growled, and went to the floor to get a better angle on the feet and legs that were inching the wagon along.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
There she goes, turning up the heat on all concerned, even the readers ...
Thank you, ma'am.


Veteran Member
Dory and Gary are like unstoppable force meeting immovable object. LOL.
Thanks so much Pac. I surely do appreciate the time you take to entertain us.


Veteran Member

"You spavined boned, cross-eyed baboon, give me that rifle," Dory was snarling as she advanced with full blown anger. So mad, that she wasn't paying attention, Dory ran full steam into Corbin who kicked her feet out from under her.

"Sit down and stay out of the way," Corbin threatened with a deceptive calm. "There are five rifles stacked along the wall, if your so desperate to have one to shoot. I won't repeat again, leave Gary alone. If we hear one more peep out of you, I will personally escort you to the next building. This is getting to be a last stand situtation, and when I tell you to run, you run; and if I hear one little word of protest, I'm gonna hit you in the mouth, tie you up, and then you will go next door. Is that clear?"

Dory swallowed hard, but all the men looked as if they were in agreement, so she nodded.

Mark, Corbin and Gary used their own special rifles and laid down a barrage of shots, eventually connecting with the two remaining attackers hidden behind the wagon they were pushing toward the clinic.

Mark looked at the smoke rolling down the stairs, "we need to get out, … now!" he commanded, "move out."

Dory stopped long enough to pickup two rifles and sprinted out the door for the grocery store refuge. Corbin and Andy each grabbed an extra rifle, and Chuck followed with the last extra. Gary provided security as the men left the clinic. Checking to make certain that all had reached cover, he shouted at Mark who was trying to gather all the notebooks.

"Now Dad, they're not worth your life," then he ruined his shout by grabbing a corner of the tarp and yanked it toward the door. They got out, just as the ceiling broke and burning lumber tumbled down from the second story.

The clinic burned.

Only three buildings were left. The unoccupied building between the grocery and the clinic, the grocery and the bunkhouse building.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
"You spavined boned, cross-eyed baboon, give me that rifle," Dory was snarling as she advanced with full-blown anger. So mad, that she wasn't paying attention, Dory ran full steam into Corbin who kicked her feet out from under her.
OK, these two will kill each other or wind up together; either way, it should be an epic resolution .....:sh1:
Of course, they could always get banished together ,,,, possibilities abound.



Veteran Member

The grocery was a tightly crowded, mass of hysterical babies screaming their heads off; young boys that were wide eyed with wonder at the food and candy selections and most generally in everyone's way. The adults were trying to settle Phoebe and Honey and babies in a protected corner, only there weren't any unoccupied spaces.

As the last men in the store, Mark and Gary opened the back door and were hit with a solid wall of noise.

"I ain't goin in there, I'll take my chances out here," Gary was flat disgusted with the disorganization he could see and hear. "I'll go stand watch over at the bunkhouse, the guys are all over in the woods, and what are we gonna do with that milk sop pup that's tied up?"

"Leave him there, until we get an idea of what's happening," Mark replied. He was half listening to the scattered shots happening out towards the woods. Pistol shots of administered mercy, he hoped, but wasn't going to call anyone's attention to the fact.

"Yes Sir," Gary replied, falling into military mode. He raised an eyebrow and jerked his head toward the woods. "Good for them, our lives will be safer for sure. Let me know when and what, if you need anything."

"Maybe you ought to take Dory with you," Mark cracked a joke that fell like a ton of bricks.

"I don't think so," Gary snarled and stomped off, without looking back.

Mark finally located Clora and Tess in the press of people and asked Clora to do one of her famous whistles. The piercing shrill, stopped the noise and milling around.

"Everyone, stop and listen please. We need a prayer for our safe delivery from the attack. God has been on our side and we need to thank Him for the blessings." Mark started out with a strong voice, the praise words seeping into tired, upset hearts and calming the turmoil that all were feeling. As the parents calmed, so did the babies and young children.

As was their custom, when Mark finished, other voices gave their thanks and praises. It was Calvin who said loudly, "Hey God, it's me Calvin, thanks a lot for keeping us safe and all this candy too."