Story Grace, Mercy and Blessings


Contributing Member
I *liked* it. But I didn’t LIKE the direction it seemed to go. Of course rereading. My initial assumption hopefully was wrong. Sad I am hoping death, destruction over someone else. Movies, stories, sometimes real life. Giving evil a chance might not be the smartest action.
Just had discussion on Kyle R. His dropping his guard when Glock guy surrendered. Who then tried to murder Kyle. That Kyle almost dis-armed. Legally right move, IMO amazing control of emotions “he is trying to kill me, shoot him first, he gives up, don’t shoot, he is trying to kill me shoot, he is armed, but no threat, don’r shoot more”. In my opinion he did it 100% legal. I doubt I could do as well in that situation.


Veteran Member

In the car, Tess stiffened and gasped aloud in pain and shock.

"That man returned with a bomb and blew up the house. Everyone was killed." she sobbed.

"We can turn around and go right back," Woody put his work aside and collected Tess in his arms. Speaking quietly so as to not disturb the sleeping boys, he asked Tess what had happened.

"That guy was so strange. I couldn't get a reading on him. He disturbed Ma greatly as she was hollering that he was going to kill us all, and the rest of the family kinda shook it off as Ma being tired." Tess turned to blow her nose.

"No, I don't want to go back right now, I want to tell the boys in the morning. Woody, when I felt the bomb blast, I knew instantly what had happened. It's a long story, do you want to hear it?"

"Yes I do," Woody said firmly, and snuggled Tess closer.

"A lot of the background happened when I was a child, but the retelling of the story has been the same over the years, Gene Goodman was the sheriff in the county in Oregon when we lived at Big Springs Farm. When we were warned about the impending West Coast disaster, we went East to North Carolina. Gene and his wife followed us." Tess had to stop and sob.

"Gene became the sheriff in Hendersonville where we lived. Dad didn't want to be sheriff and became a deputy instead. Dad had triplet brothers he knew nothing about. In a very long story short, the two bad brothers bombed the courthouse hoping to kill Dad and our grandfather. The blast severely damaged Gene physically, right as the bad brothers revealed that Gene had a love child that was the result of an affair. No one is positive if Gene committed suicide or his wife shot him."

Woody nodded and cleared his throat. "So this guy was the love child, blaming Mark for his father's death. What a story."

"Tess, I do have a couple of quwstions, if you can help me figure something out."

The Limo went speeding through the dark, cold and silent night.


Veteran Member

"Tess, how did your family know about the West Coast earthquake?" Woody gently probed.

"From the prince, he told Dad in an attempt to make Dad beholden to him and work as a hired assassin"

"Then how dud your Dad know the prince?"

"From either the urns or the metal, or maybe both." Tess wasn't paying a lot of attention to Woody's questions. She hurt so much she felt frozen inside,.

"What urns?" Woody felt confused at the new revelations.

"Over the years, someone sends urns full of royal Saudi ashes, Dad always thought someone wanted him to try to extort money from the royal family. He never did. Ma spooked the various princes by telling them of problems in their lives. They are very superstitious you know."

"And the metal?"

"Complicated black market scheme by my father, when they were all stationed in Viet Nahm. Everyone knew the players, all tangled up in past historys."

"Tess, I am astonished at what you're telling me. Someday, couls we talk about this in more detail?" Tess nodded against his chest and went silent.

Woody sat quietly for a long time, his mind racing with what he had just learned. He was going to have to be truthful with Tess and confess that he had been ordered to discover all the information she had so trustingly just given him/


Veteran Member

It took two weeks to sort out and plan a memorial service for the deceased family, Tess was composed and strangely in charge. The community church was not a small building, but it was crammed with people in standing room only on the left side.

That was because the first seven rows on the right side were taken up by a prince and his staff and body guards. Even the most brash and strongly opinionated of the men in the community understood and respected the guns in plain view;

Tess opened the service with Clora's favorite song, the Doxology. When the song was finished, she nodded to the prince that he or his secretary might get up to speak.

To her surprise, it was the prince himself that came to the pulpit and spoke in a heavy British accent.

"I honor Mark Linderman as a most worthy opponent. A rare man that was fair and honest in his dealings and true to his word. Over the years, many in my family have delt with him, and we express our interest in continuing the same level of communication/" With those words he turned and gave Tess an envelope and with a flick of his hand, the entire delegation exited the church in silence.

Tess looked out over the sea of faces now filling the empty pews. The first person to catch her eye was the volatile and audibly sniffing French Giselle. Tess nodded in her direction.

The next to catch her eye was a short, stooped over very Italian looking woman and a suave looking young man that was assisting her. Tess surmised that the woman was her Grandfather Warren's wife. Tess gave her an acknowledgement.

In the very back row sat several men she didn't recognize, but her intuition told her that they were from some alphabet agency, there to make sure no secrets were spilled.

Tess started. "Several people have sent condolences for losing both of my parents at the same time. They wouldn't have had it any other way. For more than 60 years they shared love, life, respect and hard work over insurmountable odds. Ma and Dad gathered up more than 22 children. Ma gathered and Dad smiled and provided. The only issue he ever complained about were the goats."

Tess had to stop and swallow hard. "We lived by the motto that family was first and foremost, second only to God. That has not changed and I ask you to pray and extend forgiveness to Eugene Goodman Jr, His hate consumed him for all of his life ."

The cub reporter on his first assignment was busy writing information unknown to the police. He slipped out of the service to beg the use of the pastor;s phone .

The sirens added to the unusual atmosphere, and the officers with drawn weapons were an additional surprise. When all got settled, the service continued.


Veteran Member
"Friends and neighbors, let me start this service over, we got sidetracked with unexpected interruptions. My name is Tessee Evangaline Linderman Branch. my parents were Marcus Linderman and Clora Hanson Linderman."

Tess swept her eyes over the assembled group. "A broken down soldier with severe PTSD and an old maid with a 'fix-it attitude'. Is it any wonder we are so unique. I had four living brothers and their families that perished in the blast. I am saddened beyond belief at their deaths."

Gilelle interrupted at this point, muttering under her breath that this fat cow was not providing a dignified and respectful enough service to benefit Mark and his prominence in the world.

Giselle spoke in French, forgetting Tes was the same person who spoke and understood flawless French, courtesy of Grandpa Warren.

"Better to be a fat cow than a dried up wrinkled old hag dripping bitterness over what could have never been." Tess snapped back, in French, as Giselle got up and rushed out of the room.

"Pardon," Tess returned to her remarks, telling the world of the love between her parents and their children. The organist played the Doxology softly as the service concluded. Many people were left unsatisfied, as they had hoped to hear salacious details of Mark's younger years and Clora's unusual abilities. A prince being there, caused all sorts of twittering among the ladies of the church as they put out fellowship coffee and cookies in the basement fellowship hall.

It was a sobering drive away from the church, as the people had to pass the blown out remains of the Linderman house, all roped off with yellow police tape and a deputy on duty to prevent looters.

Six hours later, the day had been concluded and the limo was taking the Branch family home to D.C. Woody felt in his suit coat pocket for the letter Tess had given him for safekeeping.
The letter simply asked that Tess call the prince's private secretary's number if they received any urns, that the problem had not been solved. Tess sighed hard and stuck the letter in her purse.

The team of lawyers had been busy, sorting out the different families' wills, probates, properties and lack of wills. The Linderman name kept popping up on land deeds all over the country. The only land that Tess wouldn't authorize to be sold was the valley with the caves in Washington.

That valley had meant so much to Mark, she couldn't part with it. The valley held powerful, emotional memories for Tess, and she smiled sadly as she recalled her life there.


Veteran Member

Tess spent nine years in school to become a pediatric Nero-surgeon. Woody had four years before he retired, and the boys excelled in school, sports and displayed every bit of their grandparents best traits.

I need to leave the Linderman saga here.

I understand this was a very Uns factory ending, but I am almost completely blind, and have completed this much through the generosity of a friend that volunteered to finish the few last chapters.

I left a small opening in the story in case I get the miracle I have been praying for., and if it happens, it is through the glory of God.

I thank God for giving me the words and ideas to put on paper. Everybit of this story is due to his influence.

Thank you readers who have stuck by me through the ins and outs of my personal life. This has been a labor of love and the Linderman's have been like family.

May God bless everyone. Love PacNorWest and Mr. KC.


Veteran Member
PAC, I hope that 'someone' is still helping you (if needed) with following the replies. I hope you are exposed to all the love and appreciation you so richly deserve for your dozen years' worth of storytelling.

Maybe it's not the ending you had in mind, and maybe it's not complete closure, but it IS an ending. Thank you for the ending; there have been authors who have just--well, vanished, without a trace and left us to wonder. I thank you, and your helper, for allowing some sort of closure to the saga.

May you find another outlet for your creativity and imagination, or not, as your desires go.... I'm just grateful to you for the entertainment, lessons, and laughs over the years. Please know that every time I open this forum, you will come to mind and I'll say a little 'thank-you' for having been given the gift of reading your writings!


Veteran Member
Dearest pac, I can’t thank you enough for sharing so much of yourself with us. It has been an incredible ride, one I’ll cherish. And as long as TB2K is here I can visit with the Linderman clan whenever I want.

Prayers for your health and healing, and that God grants you your miracle. We love you Pac.