CHAT Got the J&J vax today, and it’s ENTIRELY AlfaMan’s fault!


TB Fanatic
Two of the best videos of how J&J vaccine works and the Pfizer and Moderna work.
J&J works almost the same way with Astrozenica and also the Russia Sputnik vaccine and the Chinese vaccines. They just use a slightly different virus vector to carry the spike coded DNA
Dr. Jonathan Genzen, COO of ARUP Laboratories and an Associate Professor at the University of Utah School of Medicine.

Run time 11 and a half minutes.

One of the best videos of how Pfizer and Moderna vaccines work.
Runtime 12:47
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TB Fanatic
Never took a flu shot until 3 years back ... I was always healthy and hardly ever sick. Doctor encouraged it during a physical due to aging. Ever since that dang shot ( for fighting Corona viruses ) I’ve been sick as a dog multiple times ... after that shot.

I was listening to the radio today. Its starting up already .... well ... the vaccine might need a yearly update as the virus mutates. Understanding the nature of MRNA really raises my eyebrows. At what point will they destroy your bodies natural immune system producing proteins they want. Virtually making one dependent on the shots. They will practically hold your body ransom at some point.


TB Fanatic
Never took a flu shot until 3 years back ... I was always healthy and hardly ever sick. Doctor encouraged it during a physical due to aging. Ever since that dang shot ( for fighting Corona viruses ) I’ve been sick as a dog multiple times ... after that shot.

I was listening to the radio today. Its starting up already .... well ... the vaccine might need a yearly update as the virus mutates. Understanding the nature of MRNA really raises my eyebrows. At what point will they destroy your bodies natural immune system producing proteins they want. Virtually making one dependent on the shots. They will practically hold your body ransom at some point.
ET2 I'm not going to try and change your mind or say you are wrong.
We each have to decide for ourselves and live with the decision.
And so far, all the vaccines for Covid whether mRNA or DNA from a virus, whether made in China, Russia, the US or UK, all work using DNA or RNA. None work like the old style conventional vaccines that used killed or weakened virus injected into you. So yes, it is all new, and something to consider when you decide.

Also as I said earlier, If I had any problems with allergic reactions of other issues they ask you about I probably would hold off on the shot.

Oh and I sure as hell know what you mean about the flu shot. I get it sometimes and every time I do decide to get it, it turns out to not be effective at all that year and I mostly come down with the flu anyway.

I respect your opinion and we can agree to disagree on Covid. :)


TB Fanatic
What makes me say that? Because on another thread, he said that the doc who saved his life, and who he’d known for years recommended the J&J vax. Additionally, all the material I’ve read on it says that’s it’s not mRNA, but uses the “standard vaccine development practices.” Lastly, it’s a single jab.

Now, what made me do it? I’m high-risk for getting very sick or dead if I get the ‘Rona. But until I read AlphaMan’s post, nothing was going to convince me to get it. But I respect @AlfaMan a great deal (as do many here) and he respects and believes in his doc.

I had to drive 90 minutes each way. There were at least 500-1000 people lined up, but my handicapped placard got me into the front of the line. From the time I arrived to the time I drove away was about 30 minutes. When I got to the booth, the actual procedure lasted less than 30 seconds from sit-down to stand-up. My arm is a touch stiff and I'm a bit tired, but that tiredness could just be from the long drive (with dogs).

So - if I kak from the jab or grow 4 more arms, IT’S ALL ALFAMAN’S FAULT. BURN THE WITCH! :D

Oh, you may now flame me to a crisp. I’ve got it coming... :lol:

ETA: There’s no such thing as a “walk-in” for this thing. You have to make an appointment through a portal run by the CDC. You pick your area, which vax you want, and the number of miles away you prefer to stay within. Then a list of providers and locations is displayed, which refreshes every 5 seconds. The appointments disappear in a blink. You have to be fast when you see some available that meet your criteria. It appears that the locations “rotate”, as the same locations will disappear and then reappear in a few minutes. It’s a strange experience. But it only took me about 15 minutes to “grab” an appointment. I’ve read about some folks spending hours trying. After using the portal, I can see why. Note that you’ll need JavaScript enabled in your browser to click through to an appointment.

ETA2: Portal link in post 15

ETA3: Many more facilities will appear than just within the mileage range you selected. Also the other vax types will appear. It’s best to set the “auto-open” switch. Mine didn’t actually auto-open, but the TEXT “Auto-opened” let me know that that facility was one I wanted. Their filtering is kinda primitive. Be very watchful.

Yikes! Don't burn me I singe easily:)

I felt the same way about the vaccines you did Dennis. But I trust my doctor-if it weren't for him I'd be pushing up daisies. And he explained the J&J vaccine is one shot and done, and it's not some whipped up weird recombinant RNA vaccine. I do trust him; he's a hard hard hard hardcore Trump supporter and when I have an appointment it's 2 guys hanging out BS'ing and making sure I'll live another 6 months. He's sharp-very sharp. Never ever steered me wrong over the past 20+ years I've been seeing him (wife goes to him too) and he ripped me a new A hole for not getting the colonoscopy he's been harping at me to get. He's a straight shooter and if I trust him, then he's worth trusting.
Agree on the arm soreness and tiredness, but no sickness here. Usually when I get a flu shot I feel like death warmed over for a few days; but I took the day off today and haven't felt yucky in any way. A pleasant surprise.

Dennis, realize you do have a support system. Us. Should you ever need any thing; there are thousands of people here that love (dearly, not queerly:) you and would bust butt to help you out. We are a family here, and families help each other out.

I think the decision to take the J&J vaccine was a good one.


TB Fanatic
TerryK's understanding of how and where the DNA and/or RNA goes and does mirrors mine.

Just some random thoughts:

I haven't gotten any vax. I'm not sure I will, I'm taking lots of vitamin D, I'm prophylactically using hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and bromehexine, along with supplments that include vitamin C, Zinc, magnesium and others.

(I am concerned that using ivermectin chronically is a new application - typically it's given in a few doses, until the parasites it normally treats are gone. However, lots of people around the wolrd are using it prophylactically now.)

It's known that there is pre-existing immunity is some/many people. There are 4 "non-novel" human coronaviruses that have been circulating for a long time. They are one of many things that cause the "common cold". I *never* get colds. Does that mean anything? Maybe.

Balanced against that, I am >65 yo, type 2 diabetes, hypertension.

I actually like the idea that there is no virus of any sort in the mRNA vaxes.

The J&J virus vector vaccine is relatevely new, though still older than the the Pfizer and Moderna. The mRNA vaxes seem to have better efficacy numbers, even in just the US. But the J&J testing was (I think) more recent and may have had to deal with more variants.

Inertia is a big thing with me - taking a wait and see attitude seems reasonable and also comes naturally.

Also, I'm suspicious. I've never seen a push for a vaccine, with discussion of vaccine passports!, for any vaccine, leave alone one for a disease that has such a high survival rate for almost everybody.

I *do* want to thank all those who are participating in the "Phase 3a" studies. :D

You mention something I'm curious about-when the polio vaccines first came out, was there a media push to promote them? It's a bit before my time, but I have seen some TV/kinescope reports on the distribution of the vaccine during that time.


TB Fanatic
I trust my dr too but we have to agree to disagree on any covid vaccines.

I completely understand. Like Dennis I have some health issues-2 heart attacks (first one literally ended my life) diabetes (with an 8.6 A1C-uncontrolled and I'm swallowing every med given to me) and rheumatoid arthritis that's really beginning to slow me down. And asthma which I've never had before until a few years ago. I have to take the hep shot, shingles shot and TB testing yearly.
I'd rather be safe than sorry-I had legionnaire's disease and pneumonia 2 or 3 years ago. It was a scary experience, particularly not being able to breathe. I'd rather not go through that type of hell again; Corona virus tends to work pretty hard on the lungs.


TB Fanatic
You mention something I'm curious about-when the polio vaccines first came out, was there a media push to promote them? It's a bit before my time, but I have seen some TV/kinescope reports on the distribution of the vaccine during that time.
I remember the polio vaccine. I was born in 1950.
I remember standing in a blocks long line with my mother to get the vaccine in downtown Toledo Ohio.
My uncle had Polio and used crutches until he died. It didn't stop him from getting around on his Harley with sidecar.


TB Fanatic
I remember the polio vaccine. I was born in 1950.
I remember standing in a blocks long line with my mother to get the vaccine in downtown Toledo Ohio.
My uncle had Polio and used crutches until he died. It didn't stop him from getting around on his Harley with sidecar.

So, was there a lot of media regarding the vaccine, like there is today on the coronavirus vaccines? I would think something to protect against polio must have been a huge story. Had an aunt that had it, she was crutch and wheelchair bound too.


Veteran Member
When polio vaccine started I can’t remember but they lined us up at school and everybody got a shot about six months later lined is up again and got oral vaccine on a sugar cube. The best I can remember they said the first one was made wrong, all I can remember I was really pissed the second time though it was a shot.


TB Fanatic
Still watching “the weather” here (number of cases in my AO). HOWEVER, there IS a strategic component someone mentioned about getting vax now and having a choice as to which you receive.

I have good source that says that J&J will be available just down the street from me in maybe a week. That’s what I choose even though in the end it appears that all vaxes work the same in the end. Not so sure about that, but I personally don’t like the other options. That’s just my opinion.

BUT I’m still having a VERY difficult time with inserting something into my body when risks are so much lower now than I suspect them to be in fall/winter. Really up in the air on this one.
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Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I’m still having a VERY difficult time with inserting something into my body when risks are so much lower now than I suspect them to be in fall/winter. Really up in the air on this one.
As was I. Had I not had comorbidity issues, I wouldn’t have taken it. Again, AlfaMan’s story on what his doc said reassured me just enough. The person who was my project lead got a two-shot vax. The second shot laid her out for three days. Hard. Not for me thanks.


When polio vaccine started I can’t remember but they lined us up at school and everybody got a shot about six months later lined is up again and got oral vaccine on a sugar cube. The best I can remember they said the first one was made wrong, all I can remember I was really pissed the second time though it was a shot.
I got a polio shot in 1955 followed by sugar cubes in 1956.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
You know folks, sometimes I have to wonder about reading comprehension by many here. The actual question, wasn’t “Did you get a polio vaccine?” The question was:


Some of you need to seriously slow the hell down and actually read this stuff...



You know folks, sometimes I have to wonder about reading comprehension by many here. The actual question, wasn’t “Did you get a polio vaccine?” The question was:


Some of you need to seriously slow the hell down and actually read this stuff...

I provided a date in response to rbt not remembering the date he/she received the shot.

Regarding push... I recall my parents saying it was mandatory for students in our county school system.

I don't know anyone in my age group that did not receive the polio vaccine.


Veteran Member
I think it was mandatory to get polio vaccine there was no TV, or any other media except newspapers I was to young to read.


Veteran Member
I also remember taking an oral polio vaccine on a sugar cube - likely in the mid 50's. Too young to recall if there was much of a push to get it - but unlike C19 0 - polio was real!


Hoosier Gardener
I was born in 54 and remember taking an oral polio vaccine on a sugar cube. I didn't pay much attention to tv but I would bet the evening news was full of news of the polio virus.
I was born in 1952. I don't remember getting an injection, but I do remember getting the polio medicine on a sugar cube at school. There was a girl, older than me, in our neighborhood who caught polio and she wore a leg brace thereafter. The neighborhood parents all used her as the example and reason we needed to get the vaccine. As far as media push to take the vaccine, I don't remember. I am guessing there was but I doubt if it was as bad as it has been for COVID. Also, parents had just gone through several years with FDR as president - a very visible reminder of what polio can do to you.
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TB Fanatic
As was I. Had I not had comorbidity issues, I wouldn’t have taken it. Again, AlfaMan’s story on what his doc said reassured me just enough. The person who was my project lead got a two-shot vax. The second shot laid her out for three days. Hard. Not for me thanks.
Yes, we have had one person so far who had Moderna and it thwacked him right down. Two other people I know took first part this week and now I am watching to see what happens. One male; one female. And I have a personal betting pool that the female will get KO’d with it.

But, that’s simply because I heard some doc on medscape talking about how women seem to have a bigger reaction due to hormones and having had children and what your body does with that mechanism. In other words, it’s another theory.

It made sense for women of childbearing age, but not sure about our cohort. Lol. The only hormones we have are the ones no one wanted to begin with. (That of course is not precisely true, but close enough.)


Contributing Member
When polio vaccine started I can’t remember but they lined us up at school and everybody got a shot about six months later lined is up again and got oral vaccine on a sugar cube. The best I can remember they said the first one was made wrong, all I can remember I was really pissed the second time though it was a shot.

In 1955 they made a polio vaccine with the live virus in it and some people contracted Polio from it I was one of those people. I do not trust any jab nor will I get one the government can shove them. I have a strong immune system i do not get sick nor do I have any health problems except from the polio. I get a physical once a year with complete blood workup.