GOP hardliners told Romney is the best you are going to get. Get ready to support him.


On TB every waking moment

Some influential conservative thinkers have concluded that Mitt Romney’s struggle to ignite voter enthusiasm reflects a more serious problem for Republicans in setting unrealistic expectations for their presidential nominee.

Calling their alliance Project Liberty, the newly formed group says the former Massachusetts governor cannot beat President Obama unless tea party members and the GOP’s activists — including conservatives on the Republican National Committee — adjust their mindset about insisting on a fully formed, ideologically reliable candidate as their standard-bearer.

“The mission of the Project Liberty is to figure out how to stop this nation’s march toward socialism,” said Oregon RNC member Solomon Yue, one of the driving forces behind Project Liberty.

Mr. Yue, who escaped Chinese communist rule in 1980, compared this year’s battle for the White House to the D-Day landing on Normandy Beach during Word War II.

“The task is to explain to Romney and to the conservative activists suspicious about him that taking the beach is like winning the presidency,” Mr. Yue said. “It is not the end but a means to the end — liberating Europe from Axis occupiers or, in Romney’s case, returning America to the freedom-first principles of the founding fathers.”

Russ Walker, vice president of FreedomWorks, which organized the first major tea party event with the 2009 March on Washington, said Project Liberty’s organizers are looking to give activists a plausible reason for enthusiasm about electing a nominee now viewed with varying degrees of skepticism.

Hoover Institution scholar Jeremy Carl, another Project Liberty founder, said the problem is that GOP activists are, more than ever, searching for the impossible: a single political savior capable of leading America back to its founding principles of limited government and unlimited opportunity.

But even many of the country’s greatest political leaders — Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan — weren’t elected as saviors, and only came to be regarded as such by admirers later.

Project Liberty backers have concluded that Mr. Romney will not win the White House on the basis of something he is not — a 21st century American philosopher-king. Nor will he win the presidency unless the right’s various interest groups, from tea party activists to RNC conservatives, unite.

The right’s unrealistic search for the knight in shining armor helps explain the rise and fall of a string of challengers to Mr. Romney in the nomination merry-go-round this year. Project Liberty’s founders also say that longing explains why tea partyers split their vote about evenly between Mr. Romney and Rick Santorum in the Illinois primary, late in the primary season.

Project Liberty organizers say the GOP should not be a kind of social club whose members gain power and wealth by beating rivals inside their own coalition. Instead, they see the GOP as a vehicle of mass influence more congenial to maximizing individual responsibility and the freedom to take risks than the Democratic Party, with what they say is its emphasis on minimizing risks and maximizing the welfare of all.

One aim of the new effort is to ensure that if Mr. Romney wins the presidency, “He will resist pressures from powerful interest groups, including some within the GOP, to expand government, something previous GOP presidents failed to do,” said Mr. Carl, also a scholar at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

Another Project Liberty aim is to help willing tea party members join forces with like-minded GOP activists to win majority representation at all levels of the party, from local precincts to county and state organizations to the RNC.

“Ultimately, our goal, when the GOP finally has the White House and both houses of Congress again, is to return to founding principles,” Mr. Yue said.


Veteran Member
They can stick Romney where the sun don't shine! I won't be voting for him! Stupid Reps. never intended to win anyway!!

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Romney is absolute scum. I will never vote for him.

“The task is to explain to Romney and to the conservative activists suspicious about him that taking the beach is like winning the presidency,” Mr. Yue said.

That's easy. Just shake the Etch-A-Sketch....


TB Fanatic
We have way better [Ron Paul] but they keep rigging the elections and shooting themselves in the foot ,its like the 2008 elections all over again.


Veteran Member
I'm still waiting for a Republican to tell me where Romney is different than Obama other than the same result will be slower. Romeny's not really pro life, not really pro guns, not against ObamaCare. Where is the difference?


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
The difference to the sheep is that he's "our scum" rather than "their scum", and that fact is enough for fools and partisans. See my SIG...

Shacknasty Shagrat

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I will be voting for a conservative in the next Presidential election. That rules out Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney.
The Liberal wing of the GOP has its work cut out for them.
The Liberal wing of the GOP should consider dropping Mr. Romney and supporting a conservative. They would have a lot more success doing that than trying to pound Mr. Romney into the GOP nomination.


It does seem that Americans in general are no longer able to understand the uniqueness of our Constitution, or the principles that resulted in the unprecedented freedom and progress our nation enjoyed for nearly 200 years. Until the people doing the voting become enlightened (which would mean probably less dancing with stars and reality shows, and video games) there will be no climbing out of the pit we are in. It will take an act of God to straighten out this mess.


TB Fanatic
I'm not so sure that for TPTB Bam Bam is their number 1 candidate, Romney their number two!

and in reality, it's all number two,isn't it.


I give up.
I'm getting a FEELING that they will drag out Sarah Palin for VP. They might think she can carry it off. But with all the crooked shenanigans as far as voting goes, it's possible everything could already be loaded up for another Bams "win."

I'm totally jaded on the political system in our country, as you can tell.



Veteran Member
Just like last election. The dem party has picked their opponent! How can anyone say anything against obamacare which was modeled after romneycare.

Rex Jackson

Has No Life - Lives on TB
'IF' there is an election, Im sure the 50,000,000 awaken will demand Paul in the seat. If not, the cartels will have their hands full.


Heart of Dixie
The Republican party continues to drift farther and farther to the left, and has not represented conservatism for decades.

My baseline has never changed.

It does not get my respect or vote.


Heart of Dixie
Besides, what kind of campaign will Romney run against Obama anyway????

Vote for me because I'm White. Other than that, I'm not really sure how to attract your vote away from Obama.