CRIME Fung Advisory: Minneapolis police tell residents to obey criminals and prepare to be robbed


TB Fanatic
If the police have issues with this perhaps they should be rubber stamping gun permits to anyone that ask for one and can pass a quick background check and I do mean quick not a six month or more delay.


Veteran Member
This is so pathetic. I have a call into my sister, who is a die-hard dem. They used to live in Mpls, now are east of St.Paul. Very curious as to what she will say about this. I know she will defend it in some way... :rolleyes:


Senior Member
I believe Mpls Chief Best has her hands tied, and her whole dep't hamstrung by the ludicrous restraints placed by the Mayor. She gave fair warning to the populace.
The former lesbian chief is long gone. The current male Black chief is trying to hang on, but obviously is in deep shit due to the City Council wanting to eliminate the whole department.


Veteran Member
And just in case anyone doubts the legitimacy of the OP, it was reported that the email was shared with local Minneapolis media outlets. Well, I found one. It's on the KTSP news website, just like the article stated.



Veteran Member
This is so pathetic. I have a call into my sister, who is a die-hard dem. They used to live in Mpls, now are east of St.Paul. Very curious as to what she will say about this. I know she will defend it in some way... :rolleyes:

I swear they put something in the water in the cities....


Veteran Member
I swear they put something in the water in the cities....
When my partner and I had our home in the woods we had a huge pantry. (I wish I still had it. :( ). Anyway, her hubby was the one who went snooping in our pantry, then came to me and said that if they ever had to escape the cities, they would be coming to our house. lol


Veteran Member
Minneapolis police tell residents to obey criminals and ‘be prepared’ to be robbed
Police say that Minneapolis residents should obey criminals and "be prepared" to be robbed amid a wave of violent crime in the city.

By Kyle Hooten - August 1, 2020

Image source: Facebook/Minneapolis Police Department
The Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) told residents they should “be prepared” to hand over their phones, wallets, and purses to robbers.

The MPD has reported a 46 percent increase in carjackings and a 36 percent increase in robberies compared to this same time last year, according to WCCO.

Police in the city’s Third Precinct alone have received more than 100 reports of robberies and 20 reports of carjackings in just the last month.

Officials are now telling residents to be ready and willing to comply with the demands of criminals in an email sent to Third Precinct residents.

“Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet,” the police said in their email, a copy of which was obtained by Alpha News. The email said citizens should listen to criminals and “do as they say.”

The message warned that “some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted, and some threatened with a gun.”

Image source: email/screengrab
In addition to emailing Minneapolis residents, the police have circulated the directions via local media. KTSP, Bring Me The News, and other outlets have all reposted the MPD’s directives word for word.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said his department has “redeployed internal resources and intelligence gathering” to combat what he calls an “uptick” in crime, Bring Me The News reported.

Despite this, innocent people have been affected by the recent rash of crime. After several men tried to rob a woman in broad daylight, police said a Good Samaritan rushed to intervene and was shot in the process.

A 99-year-old woman was also assaulted in her home by a man who broke in and wrapped her head in a blanket. Despite her age and the directions to comply with the criminal’s demands, Evelyn Johnson boldly warded off her attacker.

“He thought he was just going to cover my mouth and smother me, but that didn’t happen. I fought him. We wrestled for quite a while, according to all my bruises,” she told KTSP.

Johnson said the suspect eventually shoved her into her bathroom, stealing her iPad and $40.
Tell the Police, you will defend yourself an your family at all cost.
The only judge that can judge you, is ALL MIGHTY GOD HIMSELF.


Talk is cheap
Well, the stupid city officials are stripping them of their power, resources, and some weaponry. They could be charged just by doing what they need to do, to do their job or if they feel their safety or life is threatened. They probably have been told that they need to pander to the perps, or else. They have lost credibility and recourse, mainly because of a bunch of propaganda and lies, an evil agenda that is spreading like a cancer.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Many decades ago when I was a student at the state university, there was a discussion on rape prevention, sponsored by the school and which included officers from the local PD.
One of these gentlemen got up and explained to the women in the audience all the standard information on avoiding problems, but then said that if in an unavoidable attack, NOT to fight back (better raped and alive than raped and dead seemed to be his perspective).
During the Q&A, I pointed out that a woman who didn't fight back would be taken to be "not resisting" if not "consenting" and there goes any chance of a rape conviction.
The gentleman was NOT happy but the women in the audience were pleased.


Veteran Member
This is so pathetic. I have a call into my sister, who is a die-hard dem. They used to live in Mpls, now are east of St.Paul. Very curious as to what she will say about this. I know she will defend it in some way... :rolleyes:

Hey, give her a call soon, I would like to hear her response. See if she would be okay with letting her address be listed on a website for criminals to come and visit her. Tell her that socialism is just redistributing wealth and it should begin with her.

Fenwick Babbitt

Veteran Member
Doz, you're my hero, Sam Elliot is incredible playing Sgt. Major Bail L. Plumley in the fantastic movie " we were soldiers" about the battle of la drang.

Best quote of the movie is as they're getting overrun, Lt. Hal Moore looks at the Sgt, Major, and says "Now I know how Custer felt" The Sgt. Major immediately responds with "Sir....Custer was a ain't no pussy"

One of the greatest alpha male lines ever, damn I love it, gets ya pumped I'm ready to go out and thump some beta male antifa types.


Veteran Member
I believe Mpls Chief Best has her hands tied, and her whole dep't hamstrung by the ludicrous restraints placed by the Mayor. She gave fair warning to the populace.
Finally, somebody understands the real issue here.
Don't forget that the Minneapolis city council unanimously voted to bring a ballot initiative forward to completely disband the police force. This is the police commissioner giving them a small taste of what is in store if they vote to affirm disbanding the police force.


Carrying the mantle of doubt
I can see many examples of Minneapolis in my yard. They're these lush green circles of grass about a foot in diameter, with a dead spot in the middle where the dog crapped last winter. In that little burned out center, the only thing that grows is weeds.


And what is NOT making news ...

Friday, July 31, 2020
Neighborhood security, resident style

I note that, as predicted in these pages some time ago, Minneapolis residents are being forced to provide their own security, now that their police force is being demoralized, demonized and downsized.

Police say crime has surged in the months since Mr. Floyd's May 25 killing, in which a now-fired officer was captured on video with his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck for an extended time. Shootings more than tripled in June to 75 from 24 a year earlier. In the first half of July, there were 43 shootings, compared with 29 in all of July 2019.

Police say the increase in crime follows a pattern seen in Ferguson, Mo., and other places where there have been high-profile officer-involved deaths and protests.

. . .

In late June, residents near a commercial strip that had been looted, and the 3rd Precinct station that was abandoned and burned, were seeing a surge of shooting and drug-related crime on their block.

"It got to the point where crime had no consequences," said Tania Rivera, 30, who runs a day-care service with her mother. "It was being done deliberately out in the open. Drive-through drug dealing, drive-through prostitution, everything from gunshots to assaults to sex out in the public. Everything you didn't want your neighborhood to look like."

So after a number of community meetings, neighbors began constructing a barrier to close off two blocks of their street, first with trash cans, then debris. For a while, a boat on a trailer protected one intersection. Eventually, a nearby iron maker constructed a permanent gate. Police gave their approval as long as emergency responders could get through if requested by the neighborhood.

Neighborhood men also began an armed patrol, kicking out anyone who didn't belong on the block after dark.

"We're not proud of that, but it needed to be done," Ms. Rivera said, adding that the patrols are continuing today.

"Most of the time it has been peaceful, other times not really," said Maria Gali, 56, Tania's mother, in an email. "Neighbors are armed, and some of them are veterans. They are very determined to defend their families, properties and the street."
There's more at the link.

I'm afraid that's going to become more and more the norm in many larger US cities. It's not so much of a problem in smaller towns, where residents know the cops personally, and everyone helps each other. (I almost feel sorry for any rioters and thugs who show their faces in any of the towns in my area. The cops and the citizens are all primed and ready for action, and won't hesitate to deal with them at once, if not sooner. Criminals know that, and know that they'll be dealt with just as summarily if necessary - so there's a lot less neighborhood crime.)

Generally, and even more so when police are under siege by the politically correct, the old saying is still true: "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away". Each of us needs to be ready, willing and able to provide our own security in their absence. That applies not only to individuals, but to neighborhoods too. If you haven't already established contact with your neighbors, now would be a very good time to do so. Make sure they know about that news report, and start planning to protect your own homes and families. It'll be too late to do so when trouble arrives.


Posted by Peter at 7/31/2020 09:05:00 AM


Fringe Ranger
I just pulled out my .22 mag revolver. (It's all I've got, being a widow on my own. I cry to think of all the armaments I left behind in AR when I moved to MI!

.22 mag is at least equivalent to a .38, and you can practice with shorts or subsonic longs without bothering people. A .22 mag derringer is a common cop backup gun, or it was last I checked.


Veteran Member
Never heard of using anything but 22 magnum in 22magnum, commonly called wmr. Do shorts and longs from lr fit in 22wmr stuff?

I don't recall ever seeing 22wmr shorts or longs.

I am not discounting 22 magnum at all, it is a heck of a thing. Youtube will show you what you got. Watch barrel length and some ammo does better than others out of handgun barrel lengths.

As my grandma got up there in age all she could operate was a semi auto 22lr handgun. And at the same time, she knew what she could and could not do.


Veteran Member
They elect them, and they support them so they get to be betrayed and abandoned.
And will turn around and re-elect them. Or perhaps they get pissed off enough to elect a different bunch of Democraps that will do the same thing. It won't change either way.


Fringe Ranger
Never heard of using anything but 22 magnum in 22magnum, commonly called wmr. Do shorts and longs from lr fit in 22wmr stuff?

Shorts and longs won't cycle an action, and may not feed well in a repeater, but the round fires fine.

David Nettleton

Veteran Member
This is the Bolshevik plan for left leaning states and cities. Enable the anarchists and punish the patriots via the court system. Arrest the city government and governor now, and any judge that rules against the patriots. Patriots aren't organized well enough to do this now but I believe you will need this kind of push back.