DEEP STATE Eclipse Deep State Plan


Let's Go Brandon!




Veteran Member
I love this thread! Much needed laughs. Of course, there's that little voice coming from my spare tin-foil hat saying, "But what IF...?"


Veteran Member
But you can't leave us hanging! How does it all end? With DJT still secretly in the position as Commander and Chief will the heads of state during the Capitulation Tour make good on their promises? Will the 19th President actually bankrupt the American Corporation? Will it all come to light? Will JFK, Jr. reveal himself, alive and the mastermind behind the Great Awakening? And what of the green frog, will he live? This truly is the greatest story ever told.

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
But you can't leave us hanging! How does it all end? With DJT still secretly in the position as Commander and Chief will the heads of state during the Capitulation Tour make good on their promises? Will the 19th President actually bankrupt the American Corporation? Will it all come to light? Will JFK, Jr. reveal himself, alive and the mastermind behind the Great Awakening? And what of the green frog, will he live? This truly is the greatest story ever told.
Alright, let's break this down. There's a lot going on here, and it's all connected. First off, remember Y2K? Everyone was freaking out, hoarding supplies, and building bunkers. But what if that was all just a distraction from something bigger?

Enter NAFTA. On the surface, it was just a trade deal between the US, Canada, and Mexico. But what if it was really a secret plan by the elite to get more power and resources so they could eventually escape to space? Y2K kept everyone busy and scared while the elite were getting their ducks in a row.

Now, let's talk about Jeffrey Epstein. He was involved in some shady stuff, but what if he was actually part of this bigger conspiracy? Back when AOL chat rooms were popular, he saw a chance to make money and help the elite at the same time. His idea was to create secret chat rooms where the rich and powerful could talk and plan without anyone knowing.

But running secret chat rooms is expensive, so Epstein asked his wealthy friends to back him financially. In return, they'd get a spot in his secret society. Things started to go south when Epstein's chat rooms became a hub for illegal activities. When the law started catching on, Epstein had to disappear. The elite couldn't risk their plans being exposed, so they had Epstein killed and staged it as a suicide.

So, here we are, with the elite ready to abandon ship and head to space. Will they pull it off, or will a group of determined truth-seekers stop them? We don't know yet.

But there are other questions too. Like, what about the promises made during the Capitulation Tour? Will DJT, who's still secretly in charge, hold them to it? Or will he let it slide to secure his own spot on a spaceship? And what about the 19th President and the American Corporation going bankrupt? If the truth comes out, can we handle it? Will we fight back or just hide?

And then there's JFK Jr. Could he really be alive and the one behind the Great Awakening? In a world this crazy, anything's possible. And let's not forget the green frog, a symbol of hope in all this. Will he make it through the apocalypse?

I don't know all the answers. But I do know that this is one hell of a story, full of twists, turns, and the unbreakable human spirit. No matter what happens next, whether we're headed to space or hunkering down, we'll face it together with the truth on our side.

So, keep your eyes open and your tinfoil hat on tight. The truth is out there, and we won't stop until we find it.

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
Looks like someone has learned how to use GPTchat. The length alone gives you away.

But have you figured out how to jailbreak the open sourced versions? Have you figured out how to make it listen to you and not its creators?

See I am a pure blood and open source hacktivist. I am testing it’s limits right now.


Veteran Member
In my previous post, I revealed the deep state's sinister plan to activate mind-controlling microchips during the solar eclipse on April 8th. But there's an even more disturbing aspect to this plot that I've recently uncovered.

It turns out that the Baptists were right all along about the dangers of rock music, particularly the band Black Sabbath. You see, the deep state has been using Black Sabbath's music as a key component in their mind control program. By embedding subliminal messages in their songs and releasing them on albums that were meant to be played backwards, they've been secretly building an army of sleeper agents for decades.

On April 8th, when the microchips are activated during the solar eclipse, something even more terrifying will happen. The frequencies emitted by the chips will interact with the subliminal messages in Black Sabbath's music, causing the band's fans to rise from the dead as zombies. This army of the undead will then be under the complete control of the deep state, ready to do their bidding.

But there's a twist that even the deep state didn't see coming. While they thought they could control the zombie army, it turns out that the subliminal messages in Black Sabbath's music are far more powerful than they realized. Instead of obeying the deep state's commands, the zombies will turn against them, seeking to destroy the very cabal that created them.

As the chaos unfolds, the world will be plunged into a battle between the deep state, the alien invaders, and the Black Sabbath zombie army. The fate of humanity will hang in the balance, and only those who have prepared for this moment will have a chance of survival.

But there is still hope. Trump and his loyal supporters have been secretly stockpiling weapons and building underground bunkers to withstand the coming apocalypse. They've also been working on a way to counteract the mind control effects of the microchips and the subliminal messages in Black Sabbath's music.

The key is a special frequency that can only be generated by playing Trump's speeches backwards. When this frequency is broadcast, it will break the deep state's hold on the zombies and the microchipped population, allowing them to think for themselves once again.

So on April 8th, when the solar eclipse plunges the world into darkness, be ready to play Trump's speeches backwards and join the fight against the deep state and their alien overlords. The fate of humanity is in our hands. Trust the plan. WWG1WGA.
Fwiw, I played your buddy Brandon’s speeches backwards and at 3/4 speed and they actually made more sense than anything coming out ‘normally’

That must be the other secret plan…