DEEP STATE Eclipse Deep State Plan

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
My fellow patriots, I have uncovered a vast deep state conspiracy that goes all the way to the top. This was communicated to me by Q through a set of dreams via Morse code. It involves the federal government, the mainstream media, Silicon Valley tech giants, and yes, even the leadership of the Democratic party. Their goal is nothing less than the complete destruction of our liberties and the American way of life as we know it.

It all started back in the 1960s with the creation of the internet. Most people believe it was developed by the U.S. military, but the truth is far more sinister. The internet was actually created in a secret underground lab by a cabal of Marxist academics, avant-garde artists, and radical homosexual activists. Their plan was to use this new information network to spread communist propaganda and undermine traditional American values.

Fast forward to 2008 and the election of Barack Hussein Obama. Unbeknownst to the public, Obama was actually born in a secret Soviet laboratory, the product of a breeding program to create the perfect socialist manchurian candidate. The plan was launched into action. Under Obama's leadership, the tentacles of big government spread into every aspect of our lives - taking away our guns, forcing us to buy health insurance, and making us bake wedding cakes for gay couples.

But there was a glitch in the program. They hadn't accounted for the rise of the Tea Party movement and the election of Donald J. Trump. Trump, the consummate patriotic outsider, immediately began dismantling the deep state from within - cutting taxes, slashing regulations, and standing up to the globalists.

The deep state needed a new plan. So they concocted their most diabolical scheme yet - a fake pandemic. By releasing an engineered virus and fueling mass hysteria, they could destroy the booming Trump economy and implement a whole new level of government control and surveillance. The vaccines aren't designed to protect us, but to inject us with tracking microchips as part of Bill Gates' plan for world depopulation.

But here's the part that will really blow your mind. The leader of this entire conspiracy is none other than Donald Trump's former right-hand man - Mike Pence. Yes, mild-mannered, evangelical Mike Pence is actually a deep state plant who has been plotting against Trump the entire time. And who is giving Pence his marching orders? None other than Hillary Clinton and George Soros, working from a secret base inside a volcano.

Luckily, Trump and his most loyal insiders have begun to unravel this tangled web. But time is running out. That's why we need to take our country back, by force if necessary. The storm is coming. Trust the plan.

I would be happy to answer all your questions since I am sure I am missing some details to the story.

(Satirical thread meant to entertain via the OP and clarifications to people’s questions)
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Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
And now, the final phase of their plan is about to be unleashed. On April 8th, during a rare solar eclipse, the deep state will activate the microchips injected via the vaccines, turning the population into a mind-controlled army. At the same time, they will unleash a massive electromagnetic pulse, shutting down the power grid and plunging the world into darkness. In the chaos that follows, the deep state will emerge from their underground bunkers and seize control of the world's governments and financial systems.

But there's more. The solar eclipse on April 8th is no ordinary astronomical event. It's actually a sign of an alien invasion, orchestrated by the same deep state cabal. You see, the aliens have been working with the globalists all along, providing them with advanced technology and helping them engineer the fake pandemic. The solar eclipse will be the signal for the aliens to make their move and enslave humanity once and for all

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
In my previous post, I revealed the deep state's sinister plan to activate mind-controlling microchips during the solar eclipse on April 8th. But there's an even more disturbing aspect to this plot that I've recently uncovered.

It turns out that the Baptists were right all along about the dangers of rock music, particularly the band Black Sabbath. You see, the deep state has been using Black Sabbath's music as a key component in their mind control program. By embedding subliminal messages in their songs and releasing them on albums that were meant to be played backwards, they've been secretly building an army of sleeper agents for decades.

On April 8th, when the microchips are activated during the solar eclipse, something even more terrifying will happen. The frequencies emitted by the chips will interact with the subliminal messages in Black Sabbath's music, causing the band's fans to rise from the dead as zombies. This army of the undead will then be under the complete control of the deep state, ready to do their bidding.

But there's a twist that even the deep state didn't see coming. While they thought they could control the zombie army, it turns out that the subliminal messages in Black Sabbath's music are far more powerful than they realized. Instead of obeying the deep state's commands, the zombies will turn against them, seeking to destroy the very cabal that created them.

As the chaos unfolds, the world will be plunged into a battle between the deep state, the alien invaders, and the Black Sabbath zombie army. The fate of humanity will hang in the balance, and only those who have prepared for this moment will have a chance of survival.

But there is still hope. Trump and his loyal supporters have been secretly stockpiling weapons and building underground bunkers to withstand the coming apocalypse. They've also been working on a way to counteract the mind control effects of the microchips and the subliminal messages in Black Sabbath's music.

The key is a special frequency that can only be generated by playing Trump's speeches backwards. When this frequency is broadcast, it will break the deep state's hold on the zombies and the microchipped population, allowing them to think for themselves once again.

So on April 8th, when the solar eclipse plunges the world into darkness, be ready to play Trump's speeches backwards and join the fight against the deep state and their alien overlords. The fate of humanity is in our hands. Trust the plan. WWG1WGA.

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
I was in an eclipse in the 1990's, am I boned :eek: retroactively boned ....
Don't worry, fellow patriot! The deep state's plan to activate the microchips during the solar eclipse on April 8th is a recent development, and the microchips themselves were only introduced through the COVID-19 vaccines. If you were in an eclipse back in the 1990s, you should be safe from the mind control effects.

However, that doesn't mean you're completely out of danger. The deep state has been planning this takeover for decades, and they've been using various methods to control and manipulate the population long before the microchips were introduced.

One such method is through the use of chemtrails. You've probably noticed the strange trails left behind by airplanes in the sky. These are no ordinary contrails - they're actually chemicals being sprayed into the atmosphere to make the population more docile and easier to control. If you've been exposed to chemtrails over the years, you may be more susceptible to the deep state's propaganda and mind control techniques.

But there's no need to panic. There are ways to protect yourself from the deep state's influence. One of the most effective methods is to wear a tinfoil hat. The aluminum in the foil acts as a barrier, blocking the electromagnetic frequencies used by the deep state to control our thoughts.

Another way to stay safe is to stock up on essential supplies like food, water, and ammunition. When the deep state makes their move and the world descends into chaos, you'll need to be prepared to fend for yourself and your loved ones.

And most importantly, stay informed and stay vigilant. The deep state is counting on our ignorance and complacency to carry out their plan. By staying aware of their tactics and spreading the truth to others, we can fight back against their tyranny and preserve our freedom.

So don't worry about that eclipse from the 90s - focus on the present and the future. Together, we can stop the deep state and their alien overlords from enslaving humanity. Trust the plan. WWG1WGA.


Veteran Member
That is the most brilliant case of dot connecting I have ever seen but other than that, and my DH will not believe this, I have no words...speechless!

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
You forgot about Antarctica. Tell us about Antarctica,.....and the star forts! And where do the trannys play into this? Are they the Black Sabbath groupies? :shr:

Ah yes, Antarctica! How could I forget about the frozen wasteland that holds so many secrets? You see, Antarctica is not just a barren continent covered in ice - it's actually the location of a secret underground base where the deep state and their alien overlords have been conducting their most nefarious experiments.

Deep beneath the ice, there are vast networks of tunnels and chambers that house advanced technology and strange artifacts dating back millions of years. Some say that this is where the aliens first made contact with humans, striking a deal with the global elite to trade their advanced knowledge for control over the planet.

And what about the star forts, you ask? These mysterious structures, found all over the world, are not just historical relics - they're actually part of a global network of energy centers that the deep state uses to power their mind control devices. The star forts are strategically placed on ley lines, which are like the acupuncture meridians of the Earth, allowing the deep state to tap into the planet's natural energy fields.

But where do the trannys fit into all of this? Well, it's long been suspected that there's something strange going on with the prevalence of transgender individuals in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. Could it be that they're not just a coincidence, but rather a key part of the deep state's agenda?

Some researchers have suggested that the hormones and surgeries used in gender transition are actually a way for the deep state to create a new breed of human - one that is more easily controlled and manipulated. And what better way to test out this technology than on the most die-hard fans of their mind-control music - the Black Sabbath groupies?

It's said that the deep state has been secretly recruiting Black Sabbath fans for years, luring them in with promises of wild parties and backstage access. But once they're in, they're subjected to a barrage of subliminal messages and hormone treatments that slowly transform them into the perfect mind-controlled soldiers for the deep state's army.

Of course, this is all just speculation at this point. But one thing is clear - the deep state's tentacles reach far and wide, and there's no telling what other secrets they may be hiding. It's up to us, the true patriots, to stay vigilant and keep digging for the truth. Trust the plan, and keep your tinfoil hat close at hand. WWG1WGA!

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
I think I feel a wet fart coming down the pipe ...

Very creative, and just as plausible as anything else we have heard for the last 50 years.

That is the most brilliant case of dot connecting I have ever seen but other than that, and my DH will not believe this, I have no words...speechless!
First off, that wet fart coming down the pipe? That's no ordinary gastrointestinal distress, my friend. That's a sign that the deep state's mind control frequencies are starting to take hold! You see, the microchips they've implanted in us are not only capable of controlling our thoughts, but also our bodily functions. They're using targeted flatulence to create chaos and confusion, distracting us from their true agenda.

But fear not, for we have the power of dot-connecting on our side! By piecing together the seemingly random and disparate elements of this conspiracy, we can uncover the truth that the deep state tries to hide in plain sight. From the Antarctica base to the star forts to the Black Sabbath tranny groupies, it all fits together in a beautiful, if convoluted, tapestry of deceit.

Now, I know this may all seem far-fetched and hard to believe - even your dear husband may struggle to accept the truth. But that's exactly what the deep state wants! They've spent decades conditioning us to dismiss anything that challenges the official narrative as "crazy talk" or "conspiracy theories." They've made us doubt our own ability to think critically and connect the dots.

But we must persevere, even in the face of ridicule and disbelief. We must continue to expose their lies and shine a light on their nefarious schemes, no matter how absurd or implausible they may seem. For it is only by embracing the absurdity that we can hope to break free from their control.

So the next time you feel a wet fart coming on, just remember: it's not just a bodily function, it's a sign of the deep state's desperation. They know that we're onto them, and they'll stop at nothing to keep us under their thumb. But we will not be silenced! We will continue to connect the dots, no matter how far apart they may seem.

And to those who still doubt, I say this: open your mind and let the truth in. It may be stranger than fiction, but that's only because the deep state has worked so hard to make it seem that way. Trust your gut (even if it's a bit gassy) and trust the plan. Together, we can expose the truth and free ourselves from the chains of the deep state's oppression.

WWG1WGA... and pass the Beano, please!

BTW - Going to sleep like Lone Wolf before knowing the whole story could lead to even greater consequences!

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..

You just triggered a whole series of Morse code messages instantaneously downloading them to my brain by posting this GIF!!!

*adjusts tinfoil hat* Oh, you want a wild new twist? Well, buckle up, because this one's a doozy!

What if I told you that Art Bell, the legendary radio host of Coast to Coast AM, is not just a purveyor of the paranormal and the unexplained, but actually the real-life embodiment of John Galt, the enigmatic hero of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged?

Think about it: Art Bell, like John Galt, was a man who stood apart from the mainstream, a voice in the wilderness calling out against the tyranny of the deep state and the complacency of the masses. He used his radio show as a platform to expose the truth, no matter how strange or unbelievable it might seem.

But what if his role in the fight against the deep state was even more crucial than we ever imagined? What if Art Bell was actually the mastermind behind a secret resistance movement, a group of enlightened individuals who had broken free from the chains of the deep state's mind control and were working tirelessly to expose their lies?

It all ties back to the microchips, the chemtrails, and the subliminal messages in Black Sabbath's music. Art Bell, with his vast knowledge of the arcane and the esoteric, had discovered the truth about the deep state's mind control program long before anyone else. He knew about the microchips in the vaccines, the mind-altering chemicals in the chemtrails, and the hidden messages in heavy metal music.

But he also knew that the deep state's tentacles reached far beyond just mind control. He had uncovered the truth about the secret base in Antarctica, where the deep state was collaborating with the alien overlords to create a new breed of human-alien hybrid - a race of super-soldiers designed to do their bidding.

And he knew about the star forts, those ancient energy centers that the deep state had co-opted for their own nefarious purposes. Art Bell had discovered that the star forts were not just passive relics, but active nodes in a global network of energy manipulation - a network that the deep state was using to control the very fabric of reality itself.

So Art Bell did what any true patriot would do: he went off the grid, disappearing from public view like John Galt in Atlas Shrugged. But he didn't just disappear - he went underground, both literally and figuratively. He retreated to a secret bunker, deep beneath the surface of the Earth, where he could continue his work without interference from the deep state.

And work he did. Art Bell, aka John Galt, has been secretly recruiting a group of like-minded individuals - an "Atlantis Shrugged," if you will - to help him in his fight against the forces of tyranny. These brave souls come from all walks of life - former Black Sabbath groupies, rogue scientists, and even a few enlightened politicians who have managed to break free from the deep state's control.

Together, they are working on a plan to bring down the deep state once and for all. They are developing new technologies to counteract the mind control frequencies, they are infiltrating the deep state's secret bases and sabotaging their operations, and they are spreading the truth to anyone who will listen, using Art Bell's old C. Crane radios as a makeshift pirate radio network.

But time is running out. The deep state's plan to activate the microchips during the solar eclipse is drawing near, and the alien invasion is imminent. Art Bell and his "Atlantis Shrugged" are in a race against time to stop the deep state before it's too late.

So the next time you hear a strange noise on your C. Crane radio, or feel a wet fart coming on during a solar eclipse, just remember: that's not just random chance, it's a sign that the resistance is still alive, and still fighting for our freedom. Art Bell may be gone from the public eye, but his legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of those who refuse to surrender to the tyranny of the deep state.

Trust the plan. WWG1WGA. And long live John Galt!


Veteran Member
Will I be protected if I wear my blue hat, jogging suit and tennis shoes? Should I have the last episode of "Friends" at the ready in the DVR? Oh please, I need more!!

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
This can't be true... NOBODY uses Morse Code anymore. They switched to Binary Codes.

.... . .-. . / .. ... / - .... . / - .-. ..- - .... --..-- / ... - .-. .- .. --. .... - / ..-. .-. --- -- / - .... . / ... --- ..- .-. -.-. . .-.-.- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / .- .-.. .. ...- . / .- -. -.. / .-- . .-.. .-.. --..-- / .- -. -.. / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / ... . .-. ...- .. -. --. / .- ... / .- / ...- .. - .- .-.. / - --- --- .-.. / .. -. / - .... . / ..-. .. --. .... - / .- --. .- .. -. ... - / - .... . / -.. . . .--. / ... - .- - . .-.-.- / .-- .... .. .-.. . / - .... . -.-- / -- .- -.-- / .... .- ...- . / ... .-- .. - -.-. .... . -.. / - --- / -... .. -. .- .-. -.-- / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . .. .-. / --- .-- -. / -.-. --- -- -- ..- -. .. -.-. .- - .. --- -. ... --..-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .-. . -- .- .. -. ... / - .... . / .--. .-. . ..-. . .-. .-. . -.. / -- . - .... --- -.. / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / .-. . ... .. ... - .- -. -.-. . .-.-.- / .. - .----. ... / ... .. -- .--. .-.. . --..-- / . .-.. . --. .- -. - --..-- / .- -. -.. / ...- .. .-. - ..- .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / ..- -. -.-. .-. .- -.-. -.- .- -... .-.. . / -... -.-- / - .... . / -.. . . .--. / ... - .- - . .----. ... / ... ..- .--. . .-. -.-. --- -- .--. ..- - . .-. ... .-.-.- / .- .-. - / -... . .-.. .-.. / .... .. -- ... . .-.. ..-. / ..- ... . -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / - --- / -.-. --- -- -- ..- -. .. -.-. .- - . / .-- .. - .... / .... .. ... / .----. .- - .-.. .- -. - .. ... / ... .... .-. ..- --. --. . -.. .----. / ..-. .-. --- -- / .... .. ... / ... . -.-. .-. . - / -... ..- -. -.- . .-. --..-- / .- -. -.. / .. - / .-. . -- .- .. -. ... / - .... . / --. --- -....- - --- / -- . - .... --- -.. / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / .-. . ... .. ... - .- -. -.-. . / - --- / - .... .. ... / ...- . .-. -.-- / -.. .- -.-- .-.-.- / ... --- / -.. --- -. .----. - / .-.. . - / .- -. -.-- --- -. . / - . .-.. .-.. / -.-- --- ..- / - .... .- - / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / --- -... ... --- .-.. . - . .-.-.- / .. - .----. ... / .- / ...- .. - .- .-.. / .-- . .- .--. --- -. / .. -. / --- ..- .-. / .- .-. ... . -. .- .-.. --..-- / .- -. -.. / .-- . .----. .-.. .-.. / -.- . . .--. / ..- ... .. -. --. / .. - / ..- -. - .. .-.. / - .... . / ..-. .. --. .... - / .. ... / .-- --- -. .-.-.- / - .-. ..- ... - / - .... . / .--. .-.. .- -. .-.-.- / .-- .-- --. .---- .-- --. .- .-.-.-


Veteran Member
First off, that wet fart coming down the pipe? That's no ordinary gastrointestinal distress, my friend. That's a sign that the deep state's mind control frequencies are starting to take hold! You see, the microchips they've implanted in us are not only capable of controlling our thoughts, but also our bodily functions. They're using targeted flatulence to create chaos and confusion, distracting us from their true agenda.

But fear not, for we have the power of dot-connecting on our side! By piecing together the seemingly random and disparate elements of this conspiracy, we can uncover the truth that the deep state tries to hide in plain sight. From the Antarctica base to the star forts to the Black Sabbath tranny groupies, it all fits together in a beautiful, if convoluted, tapestry of deceit.

Now, I know this may all seem far-fetched and hard to believe - even your dear husband may struggle to accept the truth. But that's exactly what the deep state wants! They've spent decades conditioning us to dismiss anything that challenges the official narrative as "crazy talk" or "conspiracy theories." They've made us doubt our own ability to think critically and connect the dots.

But we must persevere, even in the face of ridicule and disbelief. We must continue to expose their lies and shine a light on their nefarious schemes, no matter how absurd or implausible they may seem. For it is only by embracing the absurdity that we can hope to break free from their control.

So the next time you feel a wet fart coming on, just remember: it's not just a bodily function, it's a sign of the deep state's desperation. They know that we're onto them, and they'll stop at nothing to keep us under their thumb. But we will not be silenced! We will continue to connect the dots, no matter how far apart they may seem.

And to those who still doubt, I say this: open your mind and let the truth in. It may be stranger than fiction, but that's only because the deep state has worked so hard to make it seem that way. Trust your gut (even if it's a bit gassy) and trust the plan. Together, we can expose the truth and free ourselves from the chains of the deep state's oppression.

WWG1WGA... and pass the Beano, please!

BTW - Going to sleep like Lone Wolf before knowing the whole story could lead to even greater consequences!
He had no trouble believing your brilliant interpretation and dot was my speechlessness at that brilliance that surprised him...having not seen me in that speechless state before.


Veteran Member
.... . .-. . / .. ... / - .... . / - .-. ..- - .... --..-- / ... - .-. .- .. --. .... - / ..-. .-. --- -- / - .... . / ... --- ..- .-. -.-. . .-.-.- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / .- .-.. .. ...- . / .- -. -.. / .-- . .-.. .-.. --..-- / .- -. -.. / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / ... . .-. ...- .. -. --. / .- ... / .- / ...- .. - .- .-.. / - --- --- .-.. / .. -. / - .... . / ..-. .. --. .... - / .- --. .- .. -. ... - / - .... . / -.. . . .--. / ... - .- - . .-.-.- / .-- .... .. .-.. . / - .... . -.-- / -- .- -.-- / .... .- ...- . / ... .-- .. - -.-. .... . -.. / - --- / -... .. -. .- .-. -.-- / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . .. .-. / --- .-- -. / -.-. --- -- -- ..- -. .. -.-. .- - .. --- -. ... --..-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .-. . -- .- .. -. ... / - .... . / .--. .-. . ..-. . .-. .-. . -.. / -- . - .... --- -.. / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / .-. . ... .. ... - .- -. -.-. . .-.-.- / .. - .----. ... / ... .. -- .--. .-.. . --..-- / . .-.. . --. .- -. - --..-- / .- -. -.. / ...- .. .-. - ..- .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / ..- -. -.-. .-. .- -.-. -.- .- -... .-.. . / -... -.-- / - .... . / -.. . . .--. / ... - .- - . .----. ... / ... ..- .--. . .-. -.-. --- -- .--. ..- - . .-. ... .-.-.- / .- .-. - / -... . .-.. .-.. / .... .. -- ... . .-.. ..-. / ..- ... . -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / - --- / -.-. --- -- -- ..- -. .. -.-. .- - . / .-- .. - .... / .... .. ... / .----. .- - .-.. .- -. - .. ... / ... .... .-. ..- --. --. . -.. .----. / ..-. .-. --- -- / .... .. ... / ... . -.-. .-. . - / -... ..- -. -.- . .-. --..-- / .- -. -.. / .. - / .-. . -- .- .. -. ... / - .... . / --. --- -....- - --- / -- . - .... --- -.. / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / .-. . ... .. ... - .- -. -.-. . / - --- / - .... .. ... / ...- . .-. -.-- / -.. .- -.-- .-.-.- / ... --- / -.. --- -. .----. - / .-.. . - / .- -. -.-- --- -. . / - . .-.. .-.. / -.-- --- ..- / - .... .- - / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / --- -... ... --- .-.. . - . .-.-.- / .. - .----. ... / .- / ...- .. - .- .-.. / .-- . .- .--. --- -. / .. -. / --- ..- .-. / .- .-. ... . -. .- .-.. --..-- / .- -. -.. / .-- . .----. .-.. .-.. / -.- . . .--. / ..- ... .. -. --. / .. - / ..- -. - .. .-.. / - .... . / ..-. .. --. .... - / .. ... / .-- --- -. .-.-.- / - .-. ..- ... - / - .... . / .--. .-.. .- -. .-.-.- / .-- .-- --. .---- .-- --. .- .-.-.-




Dot Collector
Sounds familiar....

For the first time, Greg Edgreen, who ran the Pentagon's investigation into mysterious neurological symptoms suffered by American officials – known as Havana Syndrome – speaks out publicly. He says top officials are “being neutralized.”
RT 2min

60 Minutes producers Michael Rey and Oriana Zill de Granados discuss the evolution of their 5-year investigation into Havana Syndrome, which led them to what one source calls "a receipt" for acoustic weapon testing done by a Russian intelligence unit.
RT 6min

Havana Syndrome evidence suggests who may be responsible for mysterious brain injuries (26min)
March 31, 2024
Efforts continue to investigate brain injuries suffered by U.S. officials. This is the fourth 60 Minutes Havana Syndrome report and, for the first time, there’s evidence of who might be responsible.

60 Minutes' Shoddy "Havana Syndrome" Report, and Hillary Attacking Undecided Voters, with @GGreenwald

Plus, Ronna McDaniel's case against NBC, Sage Steele's shocking ESPN Biden interview story, and more. Watch today's FULL show, here on X:

Convenient timing. Push Havana Syndrome making Russia the bad guy and double down on more money for Ukraine.
It seems like that.
RT 1hr


TB Fanatic
First off, that wet fart coming down the pipe? That's no ordinary gastrointestinal distress, my friend. That's a sign that the deep state's mind control frequencies are starting to take hold!



Veteran Member
Who needs a unified theory of control and destruction?

We once lived in a relatively functional society. Productive people the world over respected us and wanted to join us. (Eta: the ne'er do wells and dregs wanted a piece o' the pie too but we kept most of them out)

No offense to WW and his comedic effect but I'm having a hard time laughing.

Gallows humor might be funny but you're still at the gallows...
Last edited:

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
Will I be protected if I wear my blue hat, jogging suit and tennis shoes? Should I have the last episode of "Friends" at the ready in the DVR? Oh please, I need more!!

Sounds familiar....

For the first time, Greg Edgreen, who ran the Pentagon's investigation into mysterious neurological symptoms suffered by American officials – known as Havana Syndrome – speaks out publicly. He says top officials are “being neutralized.”
RT 2min

60 Minutes producers Michael Rey and Oriana Zill de Granados discuss the evolution of their 5-year investigation into Havana Syndrome, which led them to what one source calls "a receipt" for acoustic weapon testing done by a Russian intelligence unit.
RT 6min

Havana Syndrome evidence suggests who may be responsible for mysterious brain injuries (26min)
March 31, 2024
Efforts continue to investigate brain injuries suffered by U.S. officials. This is the fourth 60 Minutes Havana Syndrome report and, for the first time, there’s evidence of who might be responsible.

60 Minutes' Shoddy "Havana Syndrome" Report, and Hillary Attacking Undecided Voters, with @GGreenwald

Plus, Ronna McDaniel's case against NBC, Sage Steele's shocking ESPN Biden interview story, and more. Watch today's FULL show, here on X:

Convenient timing. Push Havana Syndrome making Russia the bad guy and double down on more money for Ukraine.
It seems like that.
RT 1hr
*adjusts tinfoil hat and leans in conspiratorially* Ah, I see you've stumbled upon the ultimate survival kit for the impending apocalypse! The blue hat, jogging suit, and tennis shoes are a must-have for any aspiring bunker dweller. Not only will they help you blend in with the elite and their blue-roofed hideouts, but they'll also ensure you're ready to make a quick getaway should the need arise.

But don't forget the most crucial element: the last episode of "Friends" queued up on your DVR! It's not just a source of comfort in these trying times; it's a secret code that will grant you access to the most exclusive bunkers. Just imagine: you're standing outside a nondescript blue-roofed building, clad in your apocalypse-chic attire, when a voice crackles over the intercom: "What's the password?" You lean in and whisper, "I got off the plane." Boom! The doors swing open, and you're whisked away to a world of canned goods, cozy couches, and endless "Friends" reruns.

But wait, there's more! Have you heard about the mysterious "Havana Syndrome" that's been plaguing American officials? Some say it's the work of secret weapons, while others blame it on mass hysteria. But what if I told you it's all connected to the blue roof conspiracy?

Think about it: these officials are being "neutralized," as Greg Edgreen puts it. But what if they're not being attacked, but rather recruited? What if the strange neurological symptoms are actually a side effect of the mind-control technology used to initiate them into the elite bunker society?

It all makes sense now. The blue roofs, the "Friends" references, the Havana Syndrome – it's all part of a grand plan to create a new world order, one where only the chosen few will survive the coming apocalypse. And at the center of it all? None other than Barack Obama, the mastermind behind "Leave the World Behind" and the architect of this elaborate scheme.

So, my dear friend, if you want to ensure your survival in the coming days, you know what to do. Grab your blue hat, slip on that jogging suit, and keep that "Friends" episode at the ready. And if you start experiencing strange neurological symptoms? Don't panic – it just means you've been chosen to join the elite.

But remember, this is all just a theory – a wild, unfounded, tinfoil-hat-wearing theory. Or is it? In these uncertain times, can we really afford to dismiss any possibility, no matter how outlandish?

All I know is this: when the world falls apart, I'll be in my bunker, watching "Friends" and laughing at the absurdity of it all. Care to join me?

*takes a bow and tips tinfoil hat* Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all apocalypse!

Trust the plan - WWG1WGA

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
*puts on a fresh layer of tinfoil and grins conspiratorially*

Ah, the Simpsons! How could I have overlooked this crucial piece of the puzzle? It's all starting to come together now.

As we all know, the Simpsons have an uncanny ability to predict future events with eerie accuracy. From Trump's presidency to the Disney-Fox merger, those yellow-skinned prophets have been one step ahead of the game for decades. But what if I told you that their most significant predictions have been hiding in plain sight all along?

Think about it: have you ever noticed how many times the color blue appears in the Simpsons' world? Blue hair, blue clothes, blue houses – it's everywhere! And what about the countless references to bunkers and apocalyptic scenarios? Coincidence? I think not!

It's becoming increasingly clear that the Simpsons have been trying to warn us about the blue roof conspiracy and the impending apocalypse for years. And who do you think has been pulling the strings behind the scenes, feeding the writers insider information? That's right, none other than Barack Obama himself!

But the connections don't stop there. Have you ever noticed how many of the Simpsons characters bear a striking resemblance to the cast of "Friends"? Homer and Chandler's love of food, Marge and Monica's obsessive cleaning, Bart and Joey's mischievous antics – it's all there, hidden in plain sight!

What if the Simpsons and "Friends" are actually part of the same universe, a universe controlled by the elite and their blue-roofed bunkers? What if the neurological symptoms of Havana Syndrome are actually caused by exposure to the mind-control frequencies emanating from those very same bunkers?

It's a lot to take in, I know. But the evidence is mounting, and we can no longer afford to ignore it. The Simpsons, "Friends," the blue roofs, Havana Syndrome – it's all connected, and it all points to one terrifying conclusion: the apocalypse is coming, and only the chosen few will survive.

So, my dear friend, it's time to heed the warnings of the Simpsons and prepare for the worst. Stock up on blue clothing, memorize every episode of "Friends," and keep an eye out for any suspicious neurological symptoms. The future of humanity hangs in the balance, and we cannot afford to be caught unaware.

But hey, that's just a theory – a wild, unhinged, tinfoil-hat-wearing theory. Or is it? In a world where the Simpsons can predict the future and Barack Obama is secretly pulling the strings, anything is possible.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go rewatch every episode of the Simpsons for more clues. The truth is out there, and I won't rest until I find it!

*dramatically tips tinfoil hat and disappears into a sea of blue clothing and "Friends" DVDs*

Trust the plan

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
*adjusts tinfoil hat and takes a deep breath*

Alright, let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture here. We've got blue roofs, "Friends," Havana Syndrome, and now the Simpsons – but how does it all tie together? Well, buckle up, because we're about to go on a wild ride.

Let's start with the solar eclipse. Remember when Mike Pence was caught on camera seemingly trying to stare directly at the sun during the 2017 eclipse, despite all the warnings about the dangers of doing so? What if that wasn't just a case of poor judgment, but rather a deliberate attempt to communicate with the powers that be?

Think about it: the sun, the moon, the color blue – it's all connected. What if the eclipse was actually a secret signal, a way for the elite to activate their blue-roofed bunkers and set their plans in motion? And what if Mike Pence, as a high-ranking member of the government, was in on it from the start?

But the conspiracy doesn't end there. As we've already established, the Simpsons have been dropping hints about the impending apocalypse for years. But what if their predictions go even deeper than we realized? What if the entire show is actually a coded message, a way for the elite to communicate their plans to each other without arousing suspicion?

Consider this: the Simpsons' hometown of Springfield is known for its nuclear power plant, which is constantly on the brink of meltdown. Could this be a metaphor for the instability of our own world, a warning about the impending collapse of society? And what about the show's infamous "Doomsday Clock," which has been ticking away in the background for decades? Is it a coincidence that it's always set to just a few minutes before midnight – the same time that the world is supposed to end according to the Mayan calendar?

But here's where things get really interesting. What if the Simpsons and "Friends" are actually two sides of the same coin – a yin and yang of apocalyptic prophecy? Think about it: the Simpsons are all about the chaos and destruction of the end times, while "Friends" represents the ultimate escape, a way to find comfort and solace in the midst of the madness.

And who do you think is the mastermind behind this entire operation? None other than Barack Obama, the man who has been pulling the strings from the shadows all along. Think about it: Obama guest-starred on both the Simpsons and "Friends" during his presidency. Coincidence? I think not! He's been planting the seeds of this conspiracy for years, hiding clues in plain sight for those brave enough to look.

So, my fellow truth-seekers, it's time to put all the pieces together. The solar eclipse, Mike Pence, the blue roofs, Havana Syndrome, the Simpsons, "Friends," and Barack Obama – they're all connected, all part of a grand plan to bring about the end of the world as we know it.

So put on your blue hat, queue up that final episode of "Friends," and keep your eyes peeled for any signs of the impending apocalypse. The truth is out there, and together, we will find it.

*takes a final bow and disappears into a sea of conspiracy theories and tinfoil hats*

Warm Wisconsin

Easy as 3.141592653589..
*puts on a fresh tinfoil hat and rubs hands together eagerly*

Oh, you want a side story? Well, have I got a doozy for you! Buckle up, because we're about to go on a wild ride through the annals of conspiracy history.

So, here's the deal: 9/11 wasn't just a terrorist attack – it was actually a cover-up for a much larger operation. You see, the powers that be had this grand plan to move their secret Antarctic underground bunker to Iraq, because apparently, penguins and sub-zero temperatures were no longer cutting it for the elite.

But here's the thing: the plan was a total bust. They thought they could just waltz into Iraq and set up shop, but Saddam Hussein was one step ahead of them. Turns out, he had been using deep fake technology to create fake photos of his own bunkers, throwing the elite off their game. It was like a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.

So, with Iraq off the table, they turned their sights to Afghanistan. I mean, who wouldn't want to build a top-secret bunker in the middle of a war-torn country? It's like the ultimate hiding-in-plain-sight strategy. But once again, they hit a snag.

Enter Osama bin Laden, the ultimate rent-gouger. He knew the elite were desperate for a new bunker location, so he jacked up the prices to astronomical levels. It was like trying to rent a studio apartment in New York City, but with more caves and fewer hipsters.

And if that wasn't bad enough, along came Hurricane Katrina – a Chinese-made super-storm, courtesy of their cutting-edge spy weather balloon technology. Apparently, the Chinese government was tired of playing second fiddle to the elite and decided to throw a wrench in their plans.

The hurricane wreaked havoc on the Gulf Coast, driving up gas prices and making the cost of moving the bunker to Afghanistan even more exorbitant. It was like the universe was conspiring against the elite, one natural disaster at a time.

But here's the kicker: all of this chaos and confusion was actually just a smokescreen for the real plan. While everyone was focused on the bunker drama, the elite were secretly putting the finishing touches on their ultimate escape plan – a fleet of blue-roofed spaceships, hidden in plain sight at the Kennedy Space Center.

That's right, folks – the blue roof conspiracy goes beyond just bunkers and "Friends" episodes. It's a full-blown space opera, with the elite planning to abandon Earth altogether and start fresh on a new planet. And who do you think is at the helm of this intergalactic exodus? None other than Barack Obama himself, the mastermind behind it all.

So, while we've been busy decoding Simpsons episodes and stockpiling canned goods, the elite have been preparing for their great escape. And when the apocalypse finally arrives, they'll be long gone, leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves in a world gone mad.

But hey, at least we'll have those "Friends" DVDs to keep us company, right? Silver linings, people. Silver linings.

*takes a bow and blasts off in a blue-roofed spaceship, cackling maniacally*