Do you get it yet? It’s revenge against you. Memo to White Male Republicans


keep your eye on the ball
Waking Up from the American Dream

A White Nationalist Memo to White Male Republicans
Gregory Hood

2,973 words

Do you get it yet?

Look, I know you probably despise us. You’ve been told your entire life – by your schools, your churches, and your heroes of sport, screen, and stage – that there is no greater sin than racism. You wanted to be a good person. Heck, you are a good person.

So you treated everyone with respect, no matter where they came from. You figured everyone should have an opportunity. You believed in playing by the rules. You believed in freedom. You believed in America. You thought that what makes this country great is that everyone, from whatever background, can make it together. You may have even voted for Obama that first time, despite some policy disagreements, because you really wanted to believe that race is irrelevant, that skin tone doesn’t matter, that the only colors we need are Red, White, and Blue.

You’re a conservative, maybe even a libertarian. But you don’t want to make “arbitrary” distinctions between people. After all, we’re all children of our Creator. So you gave Obama a chance.

Unfortunately, instead of hope and change, you got a national health care program that frightened you and would increase your health care costs. You got more racial division, not less. The economy didn’t improve – in some places, it got worse. There was a huge stimulus program – but you can’t say what all that money was spent on. And because you care about your country, you worry about the debt, and federal spending, and fiscal responsibility.

So you supported Mitt Romney. Perhaps you even participated in a Tea Party rally or two a few years ago, careful to stick to fiscal issues rather than divisive social concerns. You were embarrassed by how white the rallies were and did your best to bring in racial minorities. You liked Herman Cain. You liked Allen West. You wanted to get blacks off the Democratic Plantation.

The economy was collapsing so you supported a campaign focused on growing the pot for everyone. You said a rising tide lifts all boats. You talked about jobs, about growth, about making America proud again. You talked about how blacks are hit more than anyone else from the bad economy, how Hispanics in Nevada have been devastated by crushing unemployment, how a culture of dependency is taking root in entire communities. And you believed the conservative pundits that told you that America was rising, as one, to bring about real change.

And because you’re a patriot, you felt justified in being angry. You felt your blood boil when you read how Americans begging for help as terrorists stormed into our embassy were contemptuously ignored for hours. Your heart broke when you read about the mother of the Navy SEAL crying out in anguish that “Obama murdered my son” and a grieving father at his son’s funeral treated to our buffoon of a Vice President joking about testicles. Your jaw dropped when Bill Clinton gloated that the military is “less racist, less sexist, less homophobic” now that Barack is in charge. You watched in disbelief as the President of the United States palled around with interviewers on hip hop shows like the “Pimp With a Limp” on the anniversary of 9/11 and used former crack dealers turned rappers on the campaign. You knew something was wrong, but come Election Day, we’d “Remember in November” and America would be America again.

And then this.

So you’re probably in a state of shock. They all lied to you. It wasn’t even close. Ohio, Pennsylvania, even Virginia – Virginia! – the great Southern state of Washington, Jefferson, and Lee. All went to Barack Obama. And as you watched the gloating on MSNBC, the victory parties in the major cities, the undisguised loathing for you at the likes of the Huffington Post, or Gawker, or Slate, you felt a sick feeling in your gut that something was deeply wrong,

Mitt Romney won the same share of the white vote as Ronald Reagan. It didn’t matter. You worked your butt off at your church, your charity group, your neighbors. It was undone by some Somalis who can’t speak English that the Democrats bussed in and told to vote “Brown all the way down,” and they weren’t just referring to the Democratic candidate’s name.

Take a good, hard look at those Obama victory rallies. They are celebrating your dispossession, your displacement from the country your ancestors built. They don’t even disguise their hatred. And even though you don’t think in terms of race, they do.

Michael Moore called it a victory over hate. Howard Fineman gloated that America was turning it’s back on tradition, and thank God. Twitter erupted with black voters screeching in triumph, bragging that America belongs to them now.

Even the President of the United States said “voting is the best revenge.” Revenge for what? Aren’t we all in this together? Doesn’t this country belong to all of us?

Do you get it yet? It’s revenge against you – for existing. It’s revenge for “racism,” for conservatism, for success, for being strong, and proud and accomplished. It’s vengeance against the America that once was. They have their revenge for the fact that your country existed. Barack Obama is President of these states united, and was re-elected because, not in spite of the fact that he despises everything America was.

Look, I was like you. I was a patriotic, normal Republican. I knocked on doors for city council. I wanted Colin Powell to be President, because “a black Republican will help everyone get beyond race!” I was there too.

And then I started looking around.

It doesn’t matter if black unemployment is skyrocketing and their communities are devastated – they vote black. It doesn’t matter if Nevada has the worst economy in the country – they vote Hispanic. It doesn’t matter if candidates are running for re-election from the Mayo Clinic, or Congressmen think islands tip over if too many people are on them, or if blacks are worse off, by every measure, when African-Americans on in charge. It simply doesn’t matter.

There are vast swaths of the country where elections, policies, and good government simply no longer matter. Camden, NJ, Detroit, MI, Birmingham, AL, and other once proud metropolis are shattered wastelands, and they are lost – forever – regardless of how bad they get. Let’s make it perfectly clear – George W. Bush was probably the last Republican President this country will ever see. Once you go black, the country doesn’t come back.

Perhaps you think it will all be OK if the GOP just wins the Hispanic vote. After all, Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove tell you they are socially conservative and patriotic. Unfortunately, they favor Obamacare even more than they favor unrestricted immigration. They have their problems with President Obama – because he doesn’t support immigration enough. If you want to win the minority vote, you have to become more liberal on economic issues. Even the Beltway conservatives know it. And despite what your ministers and priests tell you about “Christian Hispanics,” they have higher rates of illegitimate births and abortions too.

Well, c’est la vie. America is still America. Government isn’t everything right? You can still have a decent life in this country, right?


You probably have a kid or two. Do you have any illusions about what he is learning in school? He is being taught that white people are uniquely evil, that he is the recipient of unearned “privilege” because he was born, and that to be a moral person, he has to turn his back on his ancestors – i.e. you. If you’re a Christian, you’re faithfully taking your child to church once a week – and five days a week he’s being taught about the glories of homosexuality, or the wonders of Islam, or how black people single-handedly built Western Civilization. None of it makes sense – except that it is all targeted against you.

Let’s say you send him to college. Well, you can look forward to paying off student loan debt for the rest of your life. It would be great if you could get free money for college on account of your race, but you’re white, so no one cares about you. This assumes your child can even get into a decent school, as every major school in the country fiercely defends anti-white racial preferences.

What will he learn there? Well, he will be carefully taught to despise you, that your religion is nonsense, and that his heritage is evil. Professors admit this is their job. But the fiscal crunch will cut the fat, right? Actually, schools are cutting mathematics and serious programs, while shoveling more money to anti-white programs. The school will pay tens of thousands of dollars of your tuition money to bring in guys like Tim Wise, who will gloat that “CONSERVATIVE WHITE PEOPLE, yr nation has left the building.” And all these professors, and anti-racist guest lecturers, and professional “activists” for causes you’ve never heard of will make more money than you ever will – and you’re paying their salaries.

Now that you’ve bankrupted yourself and burdened your child with student loans, it’s time to get a job. Unfortunately, there are few to be had. The government is still hiring, but unfortunately, your “white privilege” doesn’t extend to having a job.

You know who else defends them? Corporate America. The 1% is actually pushing anti-white racial preferences more than the universities. Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, Microsoft, and all the great “job producers” that you’ve been defending? They despise you, give money to your enemies, and discriminate against you because you’re white. When your right to be treated equally went before the Supreme Court, sixty-eight Fortune 500 companies filed amicus briefs to make sure you and your children can’t get jobs. Those are the people you want to give tax cuts.

Want to have a small business? Better not try to do anything with the government or from federal funds – those are set aside for minorities. Also, any of your nonwhite competitors get special financial benefits for operating so good luck competing. Incidentally, Barack Obama is going to dump some more regulations and taxes on you, especially through Obamacare. The Secretary of the Treasury doesn’t have to pay taxes, but, well, you do.

Well, maybe you want to be a cop or a fireman then. You can’t. Those jobs are set aside for minorities, even those who can’t pass the test. Especially those who can’t pass the test. Remember those heroic NYC firefighters on 9/11? Well, your government sued them for being too white and racist. Even dying for your masters doesn’t get you anything.

Let’s say against all odds, you manage to get a job. Well, better keep your head down. You never know when a co-worker will accuse you of racism or sexism. There doesn’t need to be a reason – it could just be out of spite. Or because you’re Republican. Or because you reported them for stealing or incompetence. If anything, count yourself lucky they don’t shoot you – the media will report that you, as a racist, had it coming. Every moment, of every day, you are on the brink of professional and personal destruction, because you are white.

At least you can come home to a loving family right? Well, if your children watch television, they are being carefully instructed to disregard anything you teach them. Even children’s programming executives laugh about how what they do is a “**** you to the right wing.” When they grow up, they’ll worship celebrities of dubious talent who mock and despise you. You’re surrounded by filth – you can’t go to a restaurant or a store without background music from some bimbo relying on autotune to “sing” about S&M or threesomes.

Of course, that’s assuming your kids aren’t another victim of “random” crime by “youths.”

As a father, sitcoms portray you as an idiot. As a husband, commercials mock you as sexually undesirable because of your race. As a white man, movies openly call for you to be killed. And if by chance you do something admirable, why, Hollywood simply changes the race.

And what about your wife? Of course you love her. But what is the culture telling her? If she leaves you, she gets your kids, your money, and any future earnings. The culture tells her she has no obligation to you or your children. The law rewards her if she abandons you. The media tells you the real problem is a “war on women.” Maybe you’ve got a great girl, but just take a glance around the broken families and shattered men around this country, and ask yourself if the United States is a fit place for decent men and decent families.

Starting to get it yet? Every moment of every day, you have to bend the knee. Then, maybe, they’ll let you have your job so you can pay taxes to sustain people who hate you. Maybe, you’ll have the privilege of working long hours to pay the mortgage, which costs you more, because you’re white. Maybe, you can spend a few years with the children that the entire society is trying to turn against you. Maybe you can have a dinner with the woman you love and hope that she can ignore the culture telling her she’s a traitor to her sex by staying with you. Maybe you can avoid the doom that hangs over your head every second.

And then, you can die. In fact, hurry up and do it. The Democrats are more becoming bolder in just telling you these things.

The worst part is you had it easy compared to your kids.

Then, when it’s all over, your life wasn’t nothing. It was less than nothing. You actively contributed to your own destruction. Despite your surrender and respectability, you’ll be remembered as a racist, a relic of an evil society.

Want to change this? Well, you will never have the possibility of Republicans fixing the problem for you. Ever again.

This isn’t Network. I’m not going to tell you I don’t know how to make things better. I’m not going to tell you to get angry. I know you’re angry and it hasn’t done a damn bit of good for you or anyone else.

I’m going tell you what the solution is.

Everything you loved about what used to be your country came from one group of people. It’s the group you belong to. It’s the white race. And it’s not an accident that the same people who hate your country, your religion, and your family hate your race more than anything.

You’re a white man. “American” doesn’t mean anything anymore. If anything, citizenship is actually a burden. As a white American, you are a second-class citizen in jobs, education, and government benefits. No one cares about you and no one ever will. Those in power will deny that your suffering even exists. So why are you fighting for these people?

The nation you loved is still there. But it’s not in the flag of a government that hates you or in the guns that serve people who don’t care about you. It’s in the faces of the white people that built this country and that sustain it today. That’s what you have to fight for.

You need to fight for a country of your own. We need revolution if ordinary people anytime, anywhere are to have anything even close to a moral and pleasurable life. And it makes more sense than spending your rapidly diminishing days shuffling through this horrifying nightmare that used to be your country.

You aren’t alone. We’re fighting for it right now. I can’t force you to join us. I don’t know where you are in your life.

But I want you to know one thing. You can’t pretend you don’t know anymore.

You can’t kid around with talk about “taking back the country,” or “freedom,” or “liberty,” or the “Real America.” This is the Real America now. This is freedom. This is what it led to. This is the only thing it could have led to. What happened to the American Dream? It came true. “Equality” is being taken to its logical conclusion – and all you can ever hope for is serving the people who hate you.

You can’t pretend this is still your country or that you are a free man. You aren’t.

You can’t pretend that you can keep playing by the rules and somehow win. You won’t.

I’m not saying you need to drop everything. I’m not pretending I know exactly what to do. But I’m saying you need to remind yourself each morning that you are a slave and people who hate you rule you. I’m saying you need to recognize that America today is a filthy lie, the most vile and despicable fiction ever foisted upon decent people. I’m saying everything good and generous about you is being used to kill you. I’m saying there are people out there like us who really care about you and want to help you. Your government and your society does not.

You can ignore me. Wave the American flag and pretend everything is going to be OK. But it won’t be. Turn on the TV. Listen to the radio. Look – really look *– at the culture that surrounds you. I think you know it too.

Do you get it yet? America, your America, is finished. But you don’t have to be. It’s time to fight for what comes next. It’s time to fight for a country of our own.

It’s time to stop being Americans. It’s time to start being White Men again.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
You could substitute "Christian" for "white male" all through this article and it would hold up.

BTW, I am of European ancestry---the people who brought you Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Brahms, and constitutional government.


Veteran Member
Well put, but MOST importantly, we have to "RE-brainwash" (???) our brethren out of this massive guilt trip they're on.

White folks are the guiltiest bunch of people I've ever met, and they've been taught to hate their own kind. In fact, to hate their own tribe somehow - in some screwed up way - makes them an "enlightened one."

It's very, very sad.

Mrs Smith

Membership Revoked
You could substitute "Christian" for "white male" all through this article and it would hold up.

BTW, I am of European ancestry---the people who brought you Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Brahms, and constitutional government.

And that is relevant, how? Apparently that somehow makes you immune? We're all descendents of somebody. You're a plain 'ol white American nobody like the rest of us. Get over yourself.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
No Betty-Rose, it's "deprogramming." That's what intervention is. But there will be no intervention. TPTB will kill you and me before they allow that....
The America we knew, as children of the 50s, is gone and will never reappear. America is a different place now. But our vision of America is not 0bama's vision of America. There is still part of our heritage that is worth fighting for. Giving up is easier and certainly safer, but it is also the coward's way. We need to be present to make sure that this fundamentally transformed America is one in which we have a say.

The gibsmedats will, and soon by my reckoning, find out that there is no more to gib. Hyperinflation will negate whatever they get from "0bama's stash". They have never had to provide for themselves, and so they will starve. It will be ugly and brutal, but we can't stop that now. Personally, I will hold tight to my Bible and my guns and work with those who are close to me to protect what is ours. On the other side, maybe we all will be wiser.

Sorry for the lucid dreaming here, but scenarios play in my mind endlessly. I don't know exactly what is going to happen, but I know that I will stand firm on my principles and probably die for them. Thanks for giving me a place to think out loud.

Easy G

Senior Member
A good idea doomed to be a non starter. The "awakening" will never occur in sufficient numbers to matter. 1/2 the white population sides with their enemies and votes against their interests. They are proud to do so. They will never ever vote their race until it is far too late. If they ever did, even once, the media would be sure to guilt them back to the white liberal plantation. White liberals are fully enslaved to an ideology dedicated to diminish them to the point of irrelevance. The fools actually think subscribing to such makes them superior.

There was an excellent article on freep and possibly here written by a white grandmother in Africa on the loss of their culture/history and country. It was a fantastic summary of how white africa was divided, marginalized and lost. It is clarion call written directly to America and white American's. The exact same playbook is being employed in America and the exact same end result WILL occur. You cannot save your country when half of it is determined to commit suicide. The only possible solution is succession. The lib's love the idea of a two state solution for Israel so they should be fine with it for America right? /s


Well, I hope they have fun when people who have done the right thing all their lives get tired of getting raped of the fruits of their labor and find something else to do. And it's happening to a small degree already. More and more people can answer the question "Who is John Galt?"


Veteran Member
Right now, after reading this article, I can't help but think about what has happened in the past in African countries which were once ruled by Europeans. The blacks took over successful economies in these countries and ran everything into the ground. I heard on public radio a couple of weeks ago that there is an organization from Africa that rewards "elected presidents" of African countries who step down after their term is over with almost a million dollars. In the last 4 years, they haven't made a SINGLE award! Look at S. Africa. It was once the shining jewel of the "Dark Continent". Now? Just like the rest.

Don't even accuse me of being racist, tho. My wife and step son are both full blooded Native Americans. Some of my best friends........nope, I won't EVEN go there! LOLOL


Altura Ct.

Veteran Member
Do you get it yet?

imaginative - glad you posted this I was about to.

Don't even accuse me of being racist, tho

'Racist' ... That word needs to be deep sixed from our vernacular. It is a word used almost 100% exclusively to demean, defang and demoralize white people.


keep your eye on the ball
New Marine ad pitch: Think diversity, not white male


By Tony Perry

November 10, 2012, 3:11 p.m.

The Marine Corps has launched a multimedia advertising campaign aimed at encouraging more women and minorities to join as officers, and ending a decades-old stereotype that the Corps is the domain of white men.

The Marines' “Fighting With Purpose” campaign tracks with the lesson that many pundits have drawn from last week’s election results: The nation’s demographics have dramatically changed.

The campaign, created by the advertising and marketing firms UniWorld Group and JWT, features 1st Lt. Drexel King, an African American based at Camp Pendleton, and Capt. Monica Meese, a Latina raised in Irvine and based at Joint Base Andrews, Md.

King, an infantry officer, and Meese, a KC-130J pilot, served in Afghanistan. Meese also deployed in support of relief efforts after the tsunami ravaged Japan.

“Often when people think of Marines, they think of males,” Meese said. “I hope the campaign helps shape the Marine Corps to represent our diverse nation.”

King, 26, is featured in 30-second commercials that, beginning Thursday, are airing on BET, Nick at Night, MTV, Spike, ESPN, NBA on TNT, and NFL broadcasts. He will also be shown in print ads in Vibe, ESPN Magazine, Diversity Careers, and Sports Illustrated.

Meese, 28, will be featured in print ads in the same publications and in a video on the “Community Impact” page.

The campaign picks up some of the themes of the “Towards the Sounds of Chaos” advertising campaign that made its debut in March and will continue to be the major recruiting pitch. That campaign reinforces the Marines' image as a fighting force ready to confront America's enemies “at a moment's notice.”

Polling and market research had shown that men and women in the 17 to 24 age group are attracted by the Marine Corps’ tradition of being “first to fight,” but also its involvement in humanitarian missions. Also, minorities and women are interested in being leaders and role models in their communities, according to the polling and research.

“It’s always been a part of me to fight for those who couldn’t fight for themselves, whether on my block or around the world,” King says in the television commercial.

In the last fiscal year, 4.7% of those joining as Marine Corps officers were African American and 8.4% were Hispanic. In the overall force, enlisted and officer, the Marine Corps has 10% African American and 12.9% Hispanic.

Women make up about 7% of the Marine Corps, in part because the Marine Corps’ main mission is ground combat, where most billets remain off-limits to women. That is changing, with women being encouraged to transfer into some jobs that would put them close to ground combat.

The percentages of women and African Americans in the Marine Corps remain below those of the Army — although the percentages of minorities have been increasing for the Marines in recent years.

“The commandant’s view is that it’s not enough,” said Maj. Gen. Joseph Osterman, commanding general of recruiting command, which oversees a $100-million-a-year advertising budget.

“We want a depth of strength in the organization that we won’t have without diversity.”

Commandant Gen. James Amos has made diversity a priority of his tenure as the top Marine, along with recognizing the service of African American Marines during World War II, who were trained separately from whites and often relegated to lesser billets.

“I hope [the ad campaign] successfully portrays a different side of the Corps to the many concerned parents and potential candidates,” King said.,0,5965989.story