COMMUNISM Deep down we all know this is a farce, so why do we wear masks


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The covid19 virus escaped for a level 4 biolab facility. In that facility, researches wore total body suits that were similar to what the Apollo astronauts wore on the moon. Yet the virus escaped anyways. Then we are told to wear cloth masks and social distance. Do you honestly belief a fracking piece of cloth is going to protect you?

The worst thing you can do while wearing a mask is to touch it and your face. Yet I have seen the great Dr Fauci touch his mask and face on numerous occasions. On top of that he admitted "lying that masks were not beneficial because of shortages" early on and later changed his toon.

Simply put wearing masks is a form of social cohersion, an enforced group think and a means to increase psychological tension. Literally stirring the pot under high heat with the intention that it boil over and maximize chaos.

Simply put, do you know a better way to bring a democratic republic that to institute a state of fear and chaos. The only thing missing is that the progressives message of how they will solve the fear and chaos is way off the mark. That is still Trump's ace in the hole and why he will win. The enemies only other weapons left is stealing the elections in November. Even so they will pay a terrible price on the state and local level for the over the top antics. California is all but in open rebellion against Governor Newson over his fireworks ban. California is all but alight with millions of illegal fireworks.


The Mountain

Here since the beginning
The only reason I'm wearing one at all is that my local municipality set a city ordinance that imposes a fine of up to $1000 for not wearing a face covering. So I wear a bandanna. Otherwise, I avoid wearing one at every opportunity. I've been in a position to be exposed to people who are Positive for Wuhan Flu on numerous occasions, and am pretty sure I've already had it months ago.

At this point, it's just another way to be gray. I've got far more critical issues to concentrate on.


It doesn't seem worth it to make a fuss over it. This too shall pass.

Some stores [Costco] you can't enter without the mask. Ok....choose. For me, it is a short visit, get what I want and get out. There are more important things to fight over.

Yes, I know, it seems like an acceptance of something superfluous, unnecessary and downright disgusting.

I feel like yelling, "I can't breath."

For the most part people seem to be wearing them less and less. For our little household, we just stay home!


I’m just here for the gasoline...
Wearing masks is definitely an Asian thing. I get that. But this is America and not korea.
Again...who cares? I hate old biddies on both sides that just want to have everyone live life the way THEY think everyone should.

Why should you care what other people do?

I agree that governments have lost their mind on mask mandates...but when has a government ever done anything right?

Argue ordinances and policies all you want, but let people live they way they CHOOSE to...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Again...who cares? I hate old biddies on both sides that just want to have everyone live life the way THEY think THEY everyone should.

Why should you care what other people do?

I agree that governments have lost their mind on mask mandates...but when has a government ever done anything right?

Argue ordinances and policies all you want, but let people live they way they CHOOSE to...
I am not sure if I should like the snarkiness or not.


On The Level
I agree with the first 6 posts here.

Especially this part:

Simply put wearing masks is a form of social cohersion, an enforced group think and a means to increase psychological tension. Literally stirring the pot under high heat with the intention that it boil over and maximize chaos.

I was getting looks driving through the Vt countryside yesterday by single drivers wearing masks. It's a compliance thing with them. It also may have been my very visible American flag patch on my hat too!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I will be honest, I have stopped wearing mine while in public. I walk through Kroger like a lord without a mask. Just about the only people wearing masks are the employees who are forced too. I even see some of them with it partially off. In restaurants, nobody is social distancing or wearing those stupid masks.

I will admit, Indiana, outside of Indianapolis, has a low population density. Social distancing is natural. I am surrounded by corn and soybean fields!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
walking into a stop and rob in the wee hours in the morning wearing a sky mask and concealed carry. What could possibly go wrong?


Veteran Member
thankfully not mandatory in Indiana. I am ashamed for Texas though.

As I said, its going to be a long hot summer and I expect to see more and more civil disobedience.
Even before Texas made it mandatory, almost every local business required you to wear a mask to go inside. Most of the grocery stores here recommended or required you to wear a mask before it became mandatory, now all do. Business owners I know, made it mandatory for employees to wear a mask. Why, because homeowner customers would not allow entry into their homes without one on. Do I agree with the mask mandate, no. But, if I have to wear one in order to keep a job going into someone's home or business, then I will have to wear a mask.


I’m just here for the gasoline...
I will be honest, I have stopped wearing mine while in public. I walk through Kroger like a lord without a mask. Just about the only people wearing masks are the employees who are forced too. I even see some of them with it partially off. In restaurants, nobody is social distancing or wearing those stupid masks.

I will admit, Indiana, outside of Indianapolis, has a low population density. Social distancing is natural. I am surrounded by corn and soybean fields!
It's the same thing here...I don't typically wear a mask, but I intentionally do all of my running around during off hours. I keep one in the car in the event a business owner asks me to don one. If I'm heading out and it's packed where I'm going I'll wear one if I choose to. After 20 years in the military and extensive CBWT training I can safely say I can work a mask, and a suit, and a shuffle-pit :cool:

We have a family friend who owns a construction company and one of his employees (otherwise healthy - hispanic in his 50s) died after contracting it. Was of normal weight and did not smoke. Our mail carrier (hispanic in his 50s - similar to the one that had passed) had it for three weeks and said he only had headaches and loss of smell. One was was not...

While the over-reaction politically is subject to debate, the virus itself isn't something to be taken lightly. If you are one of the unlucky ones with the wrong genetic makeup or co-morbidities it can be one hell of a thing to shake.


Let's Go Brandon!
The covid19 virus escaped for a level 4 biolab facility. In that facility, researches wore total body suits that were similar to what the Apollo astronauts wore on the moon. Yet the virus escaped anyways. Then we are told to wear cloth masks and social distance. Do you honestly belief a fracking piece of cloth is going to protect you?


Despite the incredible precautions taken in its development, it somehow only has sufficient power to make about 90 percent of the people that get it mildly ill, if anything. YES THERE ARE OUTLIERS. There always will be. But for most people, this is somehow a fat lot of nothing.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Despite the incredible precautions taken in its development, it somehow only has sufficient power to make about 90 percent of the people that get it mildly ill, if anything. YES THERE ARE OUTLIERS. There always will be. But for most people, this is somehow a fat lot of nothing.
It does kill people, but so did the 1969 Hong Kong flu which killed over a 120,000 people in a population of 203 million. Far more deadly and the economy sailed along unhindered without restraints. Shoots they even had a get together called Woodstock!


No, it's not a farce but I'm not going to argue with people about it as way too many want to turn everything into a political thing. It's not a farce for me personally any more than it's a farce for doctors and nurses to wear PPE.

I look at it a bit differently because of my military training in contamination avoidance and mitigation. From a biological standpoint the purpose of the masks is mitigation. A N95 or greater mask reduces the viral load you might breath in. This class of mask has multiple layers and has an electrostatic charge to hold particulate matter in stasis. The multiple layers and charge reduce but do not eliminate viral inhalation.

So the strategy is that PPE is only one part of dealing with a potential virus like this. The other parts are to avoid or minimize exposure to areas that people may visit such as going to the grocery store early with fewer people being around as well as washing of the hands, avoid touching the eyes and other things we are all familiar with. And of course getting exercise, enough sleep and building a good immune system are important as well.

A decent fitted mask will lower the viral load breathed in and with a lower inoculum it gives your immune system more time to develop the antibodies to fight the virus. People with the comorbidities as well as apparently young and healthy people that get a bad case of this usually are infected with a large inoculum with overwhelms their immune system and they can't fight it off.

So no, the science behind the masking is not hype. There is much hype and political maneuvering around all of this as we have seen with the media and leftists squawking about Trump holding a rally about how dangerous it is but have no problem at all with massive demonstrations of 'wokeness'. Just separate the emotions from the science behind it and make your decision in that vein. Masking and other PPE might not prevent infection but it lowers the potential viral load which may make a big difference in individual outcome.


Senior Something
Actually the folks yelling, throwing stuff, setting fires, breaking into stores, stealing sneakers, creating deliberate mayhem
worry me more than those wearing masks. Their reasons to wear masks is nothing I want to judge. But then I myself am at risk by many factors. I think the initial games our gov played with mask wearing reasons were appaling.


Senior Member
Thought it was pretty spot on... and I’ve spent a bit of time in proper PPE
“So Masks?
I am OSHA certified. I know some of you are too. I don’t really know WHY OSHA hasn’t come forward and stopped the nonsense BUT I want to cover 3 things
• N95 masks and masks with exhale ports
• surgical masks
• filter or cloth masks

Okay, so upon further inspection, OSHA says some masks are okay and not okay in certain situations.
If you’re working with fumes and aerosol chemicals and you give your employees the wrong masks and they get sick, you can be sued.

• N95 masks: are designed for CONTAMINATED environments. That means when you exhale through N95 the design is that you are exhaling into contamination. The exhale from N95 masks are vented to breath straight out without filtration. They don’t filter the air on the way out. They don’t need to.
Conclusion: if you’re in Target and the guy with Covid has a N95 mask, his covid breath is unfiltered being exhaled into Target (because it was designed for already contaminated environments, it’s not filtering your air on the way out).

• Surgical Mask: these masks were designed and approved for STERILE environments. The amount of particles and contaminants in the outside and indoor environments where people are CLOGGING these masks very, VERY quickly. The moisture from your breath combined with the clogged mask will render it “useless” IF you come in contact with Covid and your mask traps it, YOU become a walking virus dispenser. Everytime you put your mask on you are breathing the germs from EVERYWHERE you went. They should be changed or thrown out every “20-30 minutes in a non sterile environment.”

• Cloth masks: I can’t even believe I’m having to explain this, but here it goes. Today, three people pointed to their masks as they walked by me entering Lowe’s. They said “ya gotta wear your mask BRO” I said very clearly “those masks don’t work bro, in fact they MAKE you sicker” they “pshh’d” me. By now hopefully you all know CLOTH masks do not filter anything. You mean the American flag one my aunt made? Yes. The one with sunflowers that looks so cute? Yes. The bandanna, the cut up t-shirt, the scarf ALL of them offer NO FILTERING whatsoever. As you exhale, you are ridding your lungs of contaminants and carbon dioxide. Cloth masks trap this carbon dioxide the best. It actually risks your health, rather than protect it. The moisture caught in these masks can become mildew ridden over night. Dry coughing, enhanced allergies, sore throat are all symptoms of a micro-mold in your mask.

-Ultimate Answer:

*N95 blows the virus into the air from a contaminated person.

*The surgical mask is not designed for the outside world and will not filter the virus upon inhaling through it. It’s filtration works on the exhale, (Like a vacuum bag, it only works one way) but likely stops after 20 minutes, rendering it useless outside of a STERILE ENVIRONMENT (correct Becky, they don’t work in a bar, not even a little bit).

*Cloth masks are WORSE than none. It’s equivalent to using a chain link fence to stop mosquitos.

The CDC wants us to keep wearing masks. The masks don’t work. They’re being used to provide false comfort and push forward a specific agenda. For the love of God, research each mask’s designed use and purpose, I bet you will find NONE are used in the way of “viral defense.”

Just like EVERY Flu season kids, wash your hands. Sanitize your hands. Don’t touch stuff. Sanitize your phone. Don’t touch people. And keep your distance. Why? Because your breath stinks, your deodorant is failing, your shoes are old and stink, that shirts not clean, & I like my space. Trust me I can hear you from here. Lots of reasons to keep your distance and work on body hygiene. But trust me, the masks do not work.

*Occupational Safety & Hazard Association sited.
The top American organization for safety.
They regulate and educate asbestos workers, surgical rooms, you name it.

I know, facts suck. They throw a wrench into the perfectly (seeming) packaged pill you are willingly swallowing. Facts make you have to form your OWN OPINION, instead of regurgitating someone else’s, and I know how uncomfortable that makes a lot of you. If your mask gives you security, by all means wear it. Just know it is a false sense of security and you shouldn’t shame anyone into partaking in such “conspiracies.”

If select politicians stopped enforcing it, no one would continue this nonsense. Don’t drink the kool-aid. This is from a friend who is a registered nurse.


The Executor
A dirty damp mask spreads germs whenever it's wearer touches it.
If this were about public health, stores would be greeting shoppers at the door with a dab of hand sanitizer.
It's not about public health.
This! Telling people NOT to wear N95 masks that have marginal efficacy at best and encouraging them to wear ridiculous cloth masks with no efficacy whatsoever is a purely political ploy.